Already in the middle of the XX century. it became obvious that problems arose in the development of society, which, if they are not resolved with the participation of all countries of the world, threaten the death of civilization on Earth. They were called the global problems of our time. At the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. new threats to humanity have been added to the previously known problems. They are connected with the process of globalization. Scientists, statesmen looking for ways to solve all these problems. However, the 21st century challenges not only intellectuals and politicians, but everyone living on Earth. It is necessary to unite the efforts of all states, all peoples, public organizations and movements, of all people, in order to jointly avert the existing threats to human society. What problems need to be addressed? What are the possibilities for this?

Ecological problems. Over the years of study, you have already met them in the lessons of geography, biology, history, and social science. Remember: what are these problems? What are the ways to solve them? We hope that you have enough knowledge to independently assess the significance of these problems and determine how to overcome them.

The threat of thermonuclear war. Although the military confrontation between the two world systems, which you know about from the course of history, is a thing of the past and measures have been taken to limit stocks nuclear weapons, the remaining arsenals of such weapons are sufficient to destroy all life on Earth. Especially dangerous is the possibility of creating nuclear weapons in countries where aggressive forces are in power, prone to adventurism in foreign policy. Even a local nuclear conflict threatens with dire consequences for vast territories. Therefore, the most important problem is the creation of a non-nuclear non-violent world, the solution of international conflicts not by military, but by political means. This necessary condition preservation of life on our planet.

International terrorism. At the end of XX - beginning of XXI century. the danger of terrorist activity has increased significantly. It is no longer limited to stocks. individual groups terrorists, but is carried out systematically by large organizations of an international scale, covers entire countries, vast regions. The severity of the consequences of terrorist acts has increased. If previously the victims of terror were individuals, for some reason hated by terrorists, now there are thousands and tens of thousands of innocent people. Of particular danger is the possibility of terrorist organizations weapons of mass destruction - nuclear munitions, chemical agents, biological agents of infection fatal diseases. Such weapons would allow them to terrorize entire states and their governments.

The fight against terrorism requires the unification of the efforts of the world community, the elimination of the causes that give rise to terrorist activity, and the activation of the protective function of states.

Overcoming economic backwardness, poverty and poverty of the countries of the "third world". Hundreds of millions of people in these countries live in conditions that are remote from those of developed countries centuries of economic and social progress. (Recall the information you learned about this in your geography course.) The population of highly developed countries (the "golden billion") consumes 88% of the total world product, while the fifth part of the inhabitants of the Earth living in the poorest countries consumes only 1.5% of this product. Elimination of the gap in economic and cultural development between developed countries and the developing world, hunger, poverty and illiteracy, in which hundreds of millions of people live, is one of the difficult problems inherited from the 20th century.

Socio-demographic problems. They are associated primarily with an increase in the growth rate of the world's population (" population explosion”) at the expense of developing countries. This is one of the causes of mass disasters, famine, disease, lack of normal housing, illiteracy, unemployment in this zone of the world. At the same time there is demographic crisis in economically developed countries due to a drop in their birth rate below the level necessary for a change of generations and the preservation of the population. Different birth rates in different areas of the world give rise to migration from economically underdeveloped countries to more prosperous countries, where there are problems of assimilation of visitors who do not speak the languages ​​of these countries and do not observe local customs.

According to the UN in 2000, the number of inhabitants of our planet was 6 billion, and 10-12 billion are predicted for 2050. Further growth of the Earth's population, according to many scientists, will cause an acute shortage of resources necessary for human life. Before humanity in the XXI century. there is the problem of population regulation, the implementation of a well-thought-out demographic policy in various regions of the world.

Drug addiction and drug business. The consequences of drug use are detrimental both for the individual and for society: the degradation of the individual and, as a result, her failure as a parent, worker, member of society; the negative impact of drug addiction on the gene pool of the nation; crimes committed to raise funds for the purchase of drugs. However, the drug business is one of the most lucrative forms of criminal activity. The drug trade, which international character, paves the way for the transportation of sinister goods across the borders and territories of many states. All this threatens the security of countries and peoples and therefore requires their significant efforts, coordinated actions of the legal, forceful, social and educational plan.

Backlog in the development of methods for the treatment and prevention of the most dangerous diseases. AIDS poses many questions for humanity. This disease, according to scientists, threatens to take away more lives than the plague in medieval Europe. She knows no boundaries and no one can stop her. States must take measures to protect against contracting the disease from other people who are already infected. It is necessary to look for funds to pay for expensive drugs that are needed to treat AIDS patients.

New types of microorganisms are emerging that can cause epidemics of dangerous diseases, such as, for example, SARS, bird flu etc. Often it is not possible to establish the causes of their occurrence. Assumptions are made about the possibility of unpredictable mutations of existing pathogens, which result in their previously unknown dangerous properties. Concerted action by the world community is required to counter these dangers.

Prevention problem dangerous consequences scientific and technological progress, the use of its results to the detriment of humanity. Experts speak of ominous possibilities genetic engineering. The probable consequences of cloning animals, especially people, have not been calculated. There are concerns about the possible use of scientific and technological achievements to establish total control and management of people's behavior. Crimes involving the use of information technologies. Computer viruses launched in global network, can inflict huge damage, threaten economic, military, information security. It is necessary to foresee the negative consequences of scientific and technological progress, to direct it for the benefit of society and man.

The danger of large-scale accidents in industry, energy, transport. Chernobyl disaster showed that the consequences of accidents at nuclear facilities can go far beyond national boundaries. The number of victims reaches high level. The importance of measures to ensure the safety of nuclear facilities is growing. It is necessary to control the safety of chemical production, main power lines, oil pipelines.

Threats to culture, spiritual development of man. modern science notes the menacing scales of crime, drug addiction, alienation from culture. He also draws attention to the excessive spread of the spirit of material consumerism. Development modern technologies makes it virtually impossible to prevent the appearance in the press and on television screens of anti-social information that promotes violence, pornography, offends religious feelings, and satisfies aggressive groups. High art, masterpieces of world culture are often forced out of magazine pages, television screens by fakes mass culture designed for primitive taste.

Modern ideologies, like world religions, have not been able to provide adequate responses to the challenges of the 21st century. Preachers of extremist views, religious sects that deform the consciousness and behavior of a person seek to take advantage of this.

The volume of available information exceeds the human ability to perceive and use it. People do not have time to adapt to the fundamental changes in the conditions of existence that occur during the life of one generation, which gives rise to stress, disorientation, discomfort, anxiety and anxiety.

All this raises questions about how to preserve and protect the values ​​of national and world culture from destruction, about modernizing the entire system of education and upbringing, about the need for tireless work to strengthen the moral foundations of society. Much depends on each person, on his spiritual wealth, ability to follow the principles of morality in the face of the increasing complexity of the spiritual life of society, readiness to independently respond to the challenges of a changing world.

So, on the threshold of the 21st century, there have been threatening trends in society. But there is the possibility of choosing a path in which it will be possible to avoid their dangerous development.

The role of Russia in modern world politics. Concept foreign policy RF

Russia's return to the world stage as a full-fledged player, as well as changes in the world, have required the country's leadership to rethink the priorities of our foreign policy. July 12, 2008 President D.A. Medvedev approved a new Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation. The document states that it was adopted taking into account the increased role of the country in international affairs and the opportunities that have opened up in connection with this to participate in shaping the international agenda, as well as taking into account the negative trends in international arena.

The Foreign Policy Concept outlines the content, principles and main directions of Russia's foreign policy activities. The priorities in solving global problems are determined. Among them - rule of law in international relations , strengthening security in the world, economic, environmental, humanitarian cooperation and respect for human rights and freedoms. The document supplements and develops the provisions of the Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation, approved by the President of Russia on June 28, 2000.

The modern world and the foreign policy of the Russian Federation.

Russia has a significant influence on the formation of s/n relations.

The economic interdependence of states is a key factor in maintaining international stability.

New challenges and threats are of a global nature. The role of the environmental factor, the problem of prevention and control infectious diseases. religious factor. The UN is called upon to play a fundamental role in establishing a full-fledged dialogue between civilizations (to reach agreement between representatives different religions, denominations and cultures).

Distinctive feature Russian foreign policy- its balance and multi-vector nature. This is due to the geopolitical position of Russia as the largest Eurasian power, its status as one of the leading states in the world and a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

Priorities of the Russian Federation in solving global problems

Formation of a new world order.

A) Russia is interested in a stable system of Defense based on the principles of equality, mutual respect and mutually beneficial cooperation between states and based on international law. The main tool is multilateral diplomacy.

B) The center of regulation - the UN (compliance with all the goals and principles, BUT! + reforming the UN, as the world is changing, + increasing the effectiveness of the UN Security Council).

C) Russia will increase interaction in the G8, the Troika (Russia, India and China), the BRIC Quartet, as well as using other informal structures and dialogue platforms.

Rule of law in international relations

Russia is for strengthening the legal foundations in international relations (to promote the development of international relations in every possible way). the UN Security Council - a mechanism for ensuring international legality;

Strengthening international security

Russia against the force in MO , for non-proliferation of weapons, prevention of an arms race, pays attention to information security, peacekeeping is an effective tool in conflict resolution, for a global anti-terrorist coalition under the auspices of the UN, counters drug trafficking, crime, participates in international cooperation to regulate migration processes, promotes dialogue and partnership between cultures, religions and civilizations.

International economic and environmental cooperation

top priority- promotion of development national economy in the context of globalization, creates favorable conditions in world markets (expands the range of exports and geography of ties), promotes Russian enterprises and companies (especially science-intensive products and goods with a high degree processing), attracting foreign investment, building up and modernizing the fuel and energy complex, strengthening partnerships with leading energy producers, strengthening integration processes in the CIS,

behind environmental safety(development and interaction with all state-mi), health cooperation(WHO), strengthening maritime spaces(safe navigation regime, responsible fisheries, protection of the marine environment).

International humanitarian cooperation and human rights

Russia for respect human rights and freedoms(based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights), for the rights and interests of Russian citizens and compatriots abroad, for the study and dissemination Russian language, against racial discrimination , aggressive nationalism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia, trying to rewrite history , behind international cultural And humanitarian cooperation(a means of establishing an intercivilizational dialogue) + interreligious dialogue;

Information support of foreign policy activities

An important direction is to bring information about the actions of the Russian Federation, about the processes and plans for its internal socio-economic development, about the achievements of Russian culture and science.

+ [from answers like for Muntean]

- ensuring the security and sovereignty of the country, strengthening its authoritative positions in the world community;

- creation of favorable external conditions For:

a) modernization of Russia, raising the standard of living of us., consolidation of society;

b) strengthening the rule of law and democratic institutions;

c) realization of human rights and freedoms;

d) and, as a result, ensuring the competitiveness of the country in a globalizing world;

- impact on global processes in order to establish a fair and democratic world order based on:

1) collective principles in the decision international problems;

2) the rule of international law;

3) equal relations between states with the coordinating role of the UN;

- search for agreement and concurring interests with other states and interstate associations in the process of solving problems determined by Russia's national priorities;

Promoting an objective perception of the Russian Federation in the world as democratic state with a socially oriented market economy and independent foreign policy;

Russia is fully aware of its responsibility for maintaining security in the world and is ready for joint actions with all other interested states.

The concept emphasizes that Russia will not allow itself to be drawn into a costly confrontation, including a new arms race that is destructive to the economy and detrimental to the country's internal development.

Russian Federation and the CIS: the foreign policy aspect of relations

Two factors of Russia's interest in cooperation:

1) Historical (language, mentality, population, economy of the USSR)

2) Geographic (border region - security)

The interests of the Russian Federation in the CIS can be divided into three groups:

· Economic interests

o Sales market for uncompetitive Russian engineering products

o The market is a source of mineral resources (uranium, zirconium, copper, titanium, lead, manganese)

o Transport corridors to European and Asian markets

Geopolitical and military-strategic

o Control over the CIS space ensures the security of its borders and territories, the world level of the Russian Federation

o The air defense system on the borders of the CIS increases the flight time of missiles

· Humanitarian interests

o Protection of the Russian-speaking population (their education, law in their native language)

The conflict is that for the CIS countries - economic interests, and for the Russian Federation geopolitical.

CIS education

"nothing is predetermined, there is always an alternative" - ​​an example of China's reforms by Den Xiao Ping in the 80s.

Criticism of socialism, which did not exist in practice, despite the fact that the leadership stated its construction (1936 Stalin, 1959 Khrushchev)

Stagnation of the economy in the 60s (not rebuilt after the war) - disappointment


Perestroika - the law of glasnost (criticism of socialism, ideological vacuum, growth of nationalism)

resulted in Novoogarevsky process, which began in April 1991, got its name from the name of Mikhail Gorbachev's residence near Moscow in Novo-Ogaryovo. 9 republics for a new union. Winter 1991 Belovezhskaya agreement(Yeltsin, Kravchuk, Shishkevich) + Ashgabat (Turk, Uzbek, Kirg, Taj) + Alma-Ata (Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia). Violated: the Constitution of 1977, the Law on Secession from the USSR of 1990, contrary to the referendum of 1991

Agreement on the creation of the CIS: 14 articles. Functions:

1. Social and humanitarian issues (return to their historical homeland, citizenship, recognition of all documents of the USSR)

2. State demarcation of the republics (issues of borders, property of citizens - the zero option, everything that is on the territory remains there)

3. Debts and assets (all taken by the USSR)

4. Mechanisms for economic cooperation

5. External security

6. Development of cooperation in other areas

Successes of the CIS in the 90s:

· Nuclear weapon: Ukr, Bel, Kz transferred it to the Russian Federation, even Ukr. was against it, but Western pressure played a role.

· United army transformed into national armed forces. The experience of Yugoslavia is taken into account. The zero option was adopted: everything on the territory belongs to that state. Attempts to maintain a common air defense command. Large stockpiles of weapons in conflict regions: Moldova, Taj. Determination of the number of weapons, deployment of personnel. paratrooper units were saved.

· Social mechanisms: Pensions, benefits, seniority.

· Communications, transport, energy

· Maintaining a visa-free regime– mega main point!

· Security peacekeeping in conflict zones. May 1993 - summit in Tashkent, collective security treaty. The mechanism of peacekeeping activity has been launched: Taj, Transnistria, Abkh, South Ossetia. Until now - in Transnistria. Peacekeepers received a UN mandate - blue helmets, but funding - the Russian Federation.

The policy of the Russian Federation in the 90s. Two periods:

1) 1991 -1995 Westerners

· The first concept of the RF VP is cooperation with the whole world.

Recognition of the republics of the SFRY - undermining the confidence of the Serbs

Poland - Yeltsin take as much sovereignty as you need

Kozyrev for NATO expansion

2) 1996-2000

Primakov - creation of four departments of the CIS Ministry of Foreign Affairs: general, Central Asia + Ukraine, Belorussia, Moldova + Transcaucasia

· Created a ministry for cooperation with the CIS

· 1997 – Chisinau summit as the quintessence of the turn towards the CIS. Creation instead of the secretariat of the Executive Committee with representatives of 12 state.

· 2000 Putin - pragmatism, priority of national security, emphasis on bilateral relations, differentiated approach to partners.


1) Moldova - Transnistria

2) Nagorno-Karabakh - Azerbaijan vs Armenia

3) Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan = Ferghana Valley

4) Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan = leadership in the region

5) Uzbekistan - Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan = Amur-Darya

6) Georgia - Abkhazia, South Ossetia

7) Search for older brothers in the West

8) "Dairy War" with Belarus

9) "Gas wars" with Ukraine

10) GUUAM 1999

11) The concept of multi-speed integration (the presence of numerous blocs within the CIS)

Risks, challenges, threats. An important methodological clarification should be made here. We consider risks, challenges and threats as different degrees of danger. In this terminological series, risks are the most low level hazards, and threats are the highest level. At the same time, the most important component of national security policy is the development and skillful application of technologies for translating threats into challenges, and challenges into risks. If risks develop into challenges, and challenges into threats, then this is an undoubted sign of serious failures in the national security system of a particular country. Hence the conclusion: the analysis of any problem of national and international security must begin with an analysis of risks, challenges and threats and the possibilities of translating threats into challenges, and challenges into risks.

Beginning XXI V. characterized by a progressive worldwide increase in the number of social, economic, man-made and environmental threats different levels. Modern challenges are characterized by ever-increasing complexity, due to the complication of technological, financial and political interconnections in socio-economic systems - they determine increasingly difficult to predict new combinations of threat risk parameters and the scale of their consequences. Moreover, challenges and threats are increasingly turning into a self-sustaining process, resembling a vicious circle due to the uncertainty of causes and causal relationships, and their ineffective management. The difference in the types of security threats, their sources and scale requires, accordingly, differences in the organization of the system to counter them.

The threat to national security is becoming more and more diverse and is no longer exclusively military. Such problems of a planetary scale as the growth of stocks of weapons of mass destruction, international terrorism, organized violence and armed conflicts, mass poverty in developing countries, degradation environment, refugee flows, drugs, crime, carry with them global threats which can only be countered by collective efforts. These problems cannot be solved with just military force or by the means of a single nation-state. A global mechanism for coordination and cooperation between countries is needed.

The second fact that confirms the trend towards global interconnectedness is that in many regions there is a gradual shift towards joint defense or multilateral security measures. At present, military globalization, global threats and challenges force us to seriously rethink the idea of ​​national security and its practical implementation. The doctrine of national security remains one of the most important principles of modern statehood.

Geopolitical threats are those phenomena that destabilize the geopolitical situation in the world, and if they are not resisted, not controlled, they can lead to world chaos. Geopolitical threats include regional and local wars, violation of the nuclear non-proliferation regime, modern production and trade in weapons, international terrorism, contemporary conflicts, environmental degradation, the problem of demography and global migration.

IN modern world security is provided by:

The United Nations, which can be called an intergovernmental organization of the global level.

In the main regions of the world, along with the already existing intergovernmental organizations, new ones are emerging. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) remains the main operating international military and infrastructure in the Euro-Atlantic space

In addition to NATO, the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) is an influential structure in the field of European security. There are “three baskets” in the OSCE system.

The first is questions of political security proper and arms control;

The second is the development of cooperation in the field of economy, science and technology, and the environment;

The third is cooperation in the humanitarian and other fields (public contacts, information, culture, education), as well as human rights.

This organization, mainly focuses on solving humanitarian problems and, above all, the problems of human rights.

The international regional security structure in the post-Soviet space is the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

2. Major modern international conflicts: their causes, features and prospects. (Guys, here I think everyone should take their own example of an international conflict, we discussed them in lectures)

From the point of view of the theory of international relations, an international conflict is considered as a special political attitude of two or more parties - peoples, states or a group of states - which concentratedly reproduces in the form of an indirect or direct collision economic, social class, political, territorial, national, religious or other interests in nature and character. International conflicts, therefore, are a kind of international relations in which various states based on conflicts of interest.

Scientists name the causes of international conflicts:

» competition among states;

» mismatch national interests;

» territorial claims;

» social injustice on a global scale;

» uneven distribution in the world natural resources;

» negative perception of each other by the parties;

» personal incompatibility of leaders, etc.

Various terminologies are used to characterize international conflicts: “hostility”, “struggle”, “crisis”, “armed confrontation”, etc. A generally accepted definition of an international conflict does not yet exist due to the variety of its features and properties of political, economic, social, ideological diplomatic, military and international legal character. One of the definitions of international conflict recognized in Western political science was given by K. Wright in the mid-60s: “Conflict is a certain relationship between states that can exist at all levels, to various degrees. Broadly speaking, conflict can be divided into four stages:

1. awareness of incompatibility;

2. increasing tension;

3. pressure without the use of military force to resolve the incompatibility;

4. military intervention or war to impose a solution.

Researchers distinguish between positive and negative functions of international conflicts. The positives include:

♦prevention of stagnation in international relations;

♦ stimulation of creative principles in search of ways out of difficult situations;

♦ determination of the degree of mismatch between the interests of the states' goals;

♦ preventing larger conflicts and ensuring stability by institutionalizing low-intensity conflicts.

The destructive functions of international conflicts are seen in the fact that they:

Cause disorder, instability and violence;

Increase the stressful state of the psyche of the population in the participating countries;

They give rise to the possibility of ineffective political decisions.

The specifics of interstate conflicts are determined by the following:

Their subjects are states or coalitions;

Interstate conflicts are based on the clash of national-state interests of the conflicting parties;

Interstate conflict is a continuation of the policy of the participating states;

Modern interstate conflicts both locally and globally affect international relations;

Interstate conflict today carries a danger mass death people in participating countries and around the world.

The classifications of interstate conflicts can be based on: the number of participants, the scale, the means used, the strategic goals of the participants, the nature of the conflict.

Under international security we understand the characteristics of international relations, which include such indicators as development stability, protection from external threats, ensuring the sovereignty and independence of all states recognized by the world community. The main ways to ensure international security are: bilateral agreements on ensuring mutual security between interested countries; association of states into multilateral unions; world international organizations, regional structures and institutions for the maintenance of international security; demilitarization, democratization and humanization of the international political order, establishment of the rule of law in international relations.

In terms of the scale of manifestation, the levels of international security are: 1) national, 2) regional and 3) global. There is still the security of the individual, society, state-va (on the object).

National security - a type of security at the level of individual countries, in which the threat of war and encroachments on the sovereignty of the country, its independence and territorial integrity. This type of security implies an unconditional possibility for the state to conduct independent external and domestic policy, the absence of external interference in its affairs. An important element of the country's security is the protection of human rights, the provision of conditions for the normal functioning of society.

Exacerbation of global problems in the 2nd half. 20th century - a more multifaceted dimension of national security. Environmental, demographic, energy, food and other types of security have become its important components. In this regard, all greater value acquire such factors as the quality of the environment and the effectiveness of environmental policy, the dynamics of population change and its qualitative composition, the stability of the food supply of the population, the provision of industry with raw materials, the stable and sufficient nature of access to energy sources

Regional Security- an integral part of international security, characterizing the state of international relations in a particular region of the world community as free from military threats, economic dangers, etc., as well as from intrusions and outside interventions associated with damage, encroachments on the sovereignty and independence of the states of the region.

Regional security has common features with international security, at the same time it is distinguished by a plurality of forms of manifestation, taking into account the characteristics of specific regions of the modern world, the configuration of the balance of power in them, their historical, cultural, religious traditions, etc. It differs, firstly, in that the process of maintaining regional security can be provided both by organizations specially created for this purpose (in particular, in Europe - the OSCE), and associations of states of a more universal nature (Organization of American States - OAS, Organization of African Unity - UAE, etc.)

Global Security- a kind of security for all mankind, i.e. protection from global dangers that threaten the existence of the human race or can lead to a sharp deterioration in living conditions on the planet. These threats primarily include the global problems of our time.

Important directions strengthening global security are: disarmament and arms control; protecting the environment, promoting the economic and social progress of developing countries; effective demographic policy, the fight against international terrorism and illegal drug trafficking; prevention and settlement of ethno-political conflicts; preservation cultural diversity in modern world; ensuring respect for human rights; space exploration and rational use wealth of the oceans, etc.

security and war. 2 groups: social democrats, marxists; large industrial circles;

20-30s change. 1928 - Briand-Kellogg Pact. Integration issues. Coudenhof-Kamergi.

Security covers the realm of the economy.

Franco-German relations. End of World War II.

International security: military security (hard security), non-military security (soft security).

3 components: protection of the interests of the individual, society and the state.

National security.

The system of international security is a set of institutions of legal norms regulating the sphere of security nation states in the international arena; rules of conduct in armed conflicts, issues related to the limitation and reduction of armaments.

Threats and challenges. Threats are those factors that can directly cause damage. Challenges are trends that, with further development, can evolve into threats.

Non-traditional security challenges (non-conventional): terrorism, non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, the problem of piracy.

Response mechanisms and institutions are emerging, so many of these challenges cannot be called non-traditional.

Expansion of the subject field of security. NATO is starting to take care of energy security issues.

Securitization in international relations refers to the process of calling for urgent and exceptional measures to deal with a threat. If a problem is securitized (included in the orbit of the security discourse), then this means that it is assigned the highest priority, the status of an existential threat that requires emergency countermeasures. All Moe's problems boil down to safety issues,

1. International regional organizations

2. Network structures, TNCs, International institutions and organizations in the field of non-military security.

1. 1991 - 2001 Conflicts of low intensity - a reaction to liquidation.

Gulf War, Yugoslavia, post-Soviet space. Africa: Rwanda, Somalia, Darfur.

2. 2001-2007(8) International terrorism

The Resurgence of Terrorism in the Middle East, 2001 - New York, Washington. 2002- Nord-ost

The world before and after 9/11:

The world has lost the "guarantor" of security, the United States cannot guarantee the security of not only its allies, but also its own

· The vulnerability of modern civilization, which grows with the level of technological development.

· September 11 - a real test of democratic values ​​and traditions in the US and in other countries. However, it is surprising that citizens said they would easily give up some of their rights and freedoms in exchange for personal security.

The appearance of the phenomenon international terrorism, the global expansion of radical Islam, using the methods of terror.

· All institutions designed to ensure security have failed to do so. The need for new tools and methods.

· No richest and most powerful country can cope with the threat of international. terrorism alone. It is no coincidence that after that Russia became close to the United States, helped with intelligence in Afghanistan. Russia made important choice– in favor of democratic values ​​and international law.

2007-2008 – return of the issue of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, problems missile defense; Iran, North Korea; Exit from the missile defense system that was created in the 70s.

The Problem of Conventional Armed Forces

RF: With the collapse of the USSR, Russia was faced with the need to expand the concept of security - except for the b state-va - b society and the individual.

1993 - the concept of VP (security, protection of the interests of the individual, society, state), military doctrine(rejection of the principle of non-first use of nuclear weapons; use in exceptional cases armed forces in internal conflicts in ter countries)

1997 - NB concept

2000 - knb, military doctrine, kvp, security info doctrine.

USA - national security strategy (almost every year). Based on it, a national military strategy is already being drawn up.

In the concept of the NBS 2010, the main threat is terrorism, the enemy - al-Qaeda.

Traditional and non-traditional When determining threats to individual CIS member states, traditional (old) and non-traditional (new) threats are singled out. The former are most often associated with armed conflicts within or outside states. Traditional threats have relatively clear and easily defined subjects that represent this threat (states, military blocs, political organizations resorting to illegal methods of seizing power, parties in civil wars). New non-traditional threats most often do not have clearly identifiable political actors. Often these threats are not connected with open armed actions. All of them arose in connection with the process of globalization, are international in nature and require, in this regard, global international cooperation in overcoming them.

The concept of "threat". External and internal threats.

Security is the state of being protected from threats to key values, especially those that could endanger the survival of an entity.

Security Threat – A potential breach of security; an act or event that could result in significant damage or loss of a key value.

Ken bus: safety = "survival+"

Threats can be different depending on the types of security: military, political, economic and others (see question 3).

High Level Panel (UN) report, threat categories:

1) Economic and social, including poverty, infections, ecology

2) Interstate conflict,

3) Internal state. conflict, incl. genocide, civil wars

4) Weapons of mass destruction

5) Terrorism

6) Transnational crime.

Akadem.. debate: focus on threats to core values ​​or focus on issues of armed conflict and the use of military force.

According to the source of threats are divided into external and internal.

In international relations, the main subject of security is the state.

External - those that come from outside the subject in question. That is, if we are talking about the security of the state, these are threats that come from abroad: the unfriendly policy of other countries, the activities of international criminal groups, etc.

Internal - those that come from within the subject. Remaining within the category of state security: "internal" extremist groups, economic phenomena that pose a threat to security (poverty, social inequality).

On present stage due to the fact that neo-liberal globalization is taking place (fuck it…), the boundaries are blurring and the line between internal and external threats may also become more blurred. An example - the 9/11 terrorist attack was prepared largely on the territory of the United States itself (training in flight schools, etc.), and in general the activities of persons associated with foreign criminal organizations within this country.

cross-border threats. (flows of refugees from neighboring country where there is internal conflict

Intrastate conflicts pose a threat to neighbors, in some cases the threat of WMD falling into the wrong hands.

Another example is environmental threats. For the nature of the state. borders do not exist, so they can be both internal and external.

Traditional and new threats, ratio

The traditional threats to security are threats of a military-political nature. For example, the concept " international security" has traditionally been understood as the absence of wars between states. Ensuring security boiled down to ensuring that no one attacked us, and if they attacked, they would be defeated. Means - ensuring a balance of power through the conclusion of alliances, strengthening the army and navy.

New threats are those that have become relevant in recent decades. Previously, they were not considered in view of the fact that the relevant areas were not as important as they are now (economics), or there was simply no real basis for these threats (WMD proliferation)

Kulagin classification:

New threats:


WMD proliferation

Internal armed conflicts

These threats are still closely linked to military security. Kulagin also highlights the “second row” threats:

drug trafficking


Illegal migration

Transnational organized crime

Threats to information and cyber security.

These threats differ from the other three new threats in that they are not used by the military, but by the police, anti-drugs and similar services. Although in some cases they are also very serious (Afghan drugs for Russia, US cybersecurity strategy)

There are also non-military threats: the economy, energy, ecology, public safety…

The changed nature of the economic structure makes it pointless to seize political control of the territory.