If the failure to comply with some of the rules of behavior in nature can be “explained” to some extent by the prevailing circumstances, then the garbage left by vacationers in the forest, on the river or sea coast - entirely on conscience person. There are not and cannot be any “objective” reasons that can justify the pollution of our environment with household waste.

Suburban Magadan forests, public recreation areas for citizens on Staraya Veselaya, Gornyak, and Snezhnaya Dolina have long turned into garbage and food waste dumps. Now there are a lot of products in special, easily destroyed packages. However, these packages (not destroyed!) make up a large part of the garbage in the suburban forests, which indicates a completely disregarding attitude of Magadan residents - both adults and children - to the state of their habitats.

This is especially true for the numerous car owners who, leaving the city “for a barbecue” (in warm days last March - April, a string of cars of barbecue lovers stretched from the ski resort on Solnechny to the 17th kilometer of the Arman highway), they throw all the garbage on the spot, although it is much easier for them to take all the cans - bottles to a landfill by car than to do it to "horseless" tourists .

Participants of the Magadan tourist-ecological expedition of schoolchildren under the guidance of the author conducted a unique experiment in 1990-95 to identify debris accumulation dynamics in a recreational area near a popular recreation area - Lake Jack London The purpose of the experiment is to determine the rate and characteristics of the accumulation of household waste in places most frequently visited by unorganized tourists and fishermen.

For this purpose, a trial site measuring 60x60 meters was laid, from which perennial garbage was carefully collected (27 bags of cans and glass cullet).

In 5 years area has been re-introduced complete cleaning. Garbage was divided into fractions, weighed and calculated. This allowed (for the first time in the region) to get a picture of the accumulation of garbage in the recreational area. Total collected:

  • fireproof metal cans 200 pieces weight 14.7 kg
  • cans metal combustible 47 pieces weight 1.6 kg
  • glass bottles 25 pieces weight 8.0 kg
  • broken glass- weight 10.6 kg
  • metal (wire, fragments, etc.) - weight 3.6 kg
  • other garbage (plastic, rags, paper, etc.) weight 17.6 kg

The total weight of the garbage collected from the platform measuring 60 x 60 m was 56.1 kg!

Garbage left in nature can remain in sight for years and at the same time, decomposing, poison the soil and water, spoil the beauty of the forest. Ordinary tin tin cans have a special plastic coating on the inside, which protects them from oxidation (rust) and destruction. In order to speed up the process of decomposition of the can, it must be carefully burn, destroying the protective layer. If this is not done, the process of destroying the can will drag on for many years (10 years on average). Fortunately, now there are cans made of a “combustible” metal alloy, which burn almost completely in a fire.

glass jars and bottles are almost eternal. If they are not broken into small fragments, they remain for hundreds of years, which is confirmed by archaeological excavations.

Polyethylene- a relatively recent invention, so it is difficult to determine the actual rate of its spontaneous decomposition in nature. However, chemists suggest that the period of destruction of polyethylene under the influence of natural factors- 200 years. At the same time, it must be remembered that, like most plastics, polyethylene is afraid of ultraviolet radiation, therefore a piece of polyethylene film lying on the surface (illuminated by the sun) is destroyed much faster than buried in the ground.

Paper, at first glance, does not pose a threat to nature, since it is made from recycled wood. However, there are poisonous substances in printing ink; for example, newsprint is lead-poisoned because printing presses use a lead-containing low-melting alloy to cast printing sets. During the printing process, lead passes along with the ink to paper - for this reason, by the way, you should not wrap food in newsprint (or use newspaper as toilet paper). However, of course, scraps of paper thrown in a forest clearing, first of all, spoil the view, violate the beauty of the forest.

Decomposition rate of paper thrown in the forest depends on many factors (humidity, soil acidity, light, temperature) and is 1-3 years. Candy wrappers last the longest, as they are covered with a layer of wax (to protect candies from dampness). Therefore, students need to be constantly reminded: candy wrappers - either in the fire or in your pocket!

The main rule of all who are resting in nature should be:

  • All garbage that can be safely destroyed for the environment at the place of rest must be destroyed;
  • all rubbish that cannot be destroyed must be brought back to the locality!

  • 1). Never be lazy or ashamed to clean up the rubbish left by your irresponsible predecessors before you arrived!
  • 2). The place where you rested should be cleaner after you leave than before you arrived!
  • 3). All combustible waste must be burned in compliance with all fire safety regulations (see below).
  • 4). When burning plastic packaging and polyethylene, it should be remembered that they emit harmful combustion products, so they need to be destroyed in small portions.
  • 5). It is unacceptable to leave plastic bags with leftover food in the forest - forest dwellers can eat them; in this case, there is a great danger to their lives.
  • 6). It is unacceptable to leave on the sea coast even clean plastic bags or bottles - the wind will blow them into the sea and they will be swallowed by seagulls, guillemots, etc. seabirds or seals.
  • 7). Metal combustible cans should be burned.
  • 8). Metal fireproof cans must certainly be carefully burned in a fire, and then flattened to reduce volume, and then:
    • A). if you are on a short trip or not far from the city - bring all the flattened cans to the city and throw them into the trash;
    • b). if you are on a long hike and it is physically difficult for you to carry the garbage back - all flattened cans should be carefully buried away from the water to a depth of at least 60 cm (and not rolled, as is often the case, with the first pebble that comes across);
    • V). if you have transport, all fireproof garbage, regardless of the time of your stay in nature, must be taken out to the settlement.
  • 9). It is better not to take food and drinks in glass packaging with you into the forest.
  • 10). Glass packaging should be treated in the same way as with cans - see paragraph 8. a and 8. c.
  • eleven). If it is not possible to take glass jars and bottles with you, they must (observing safety measures!) be broken into small fragments, which are then melted in a fire.
    • There is another way, a safer way - to heat a glass jar or bottle in a fire, then lightly sprinkle water on it; the glass will shatter. In a sufficiently long and hot fire, cans and bottles can melt to such an extent that preliminary breaking is not required.
    • It is not worth burying melted fragments - you can scatter them among stones, on screes, or throw them into a river with fast current, where over time the glass will turn into ordinary sand.
    • Unburned fragments must be buried, as they can injure both people and animals.
  • 12). Food waste is also subject to destruction. Combustible waste must be incinerated; fireproof - bury at least 50 meters from the water to a depth of at least 60 cm and trample the soil tightly.

Remember: you should not take with you products in packages that are difficult to destroy on the spot!

Garbage thrown into the forest can cause a direct danger to humans. In particular, food waste thrown near the bivouac attracts bears.

About fifteen years ago, tourists from Magadan, traveling in the region of the Olsky plateau, met a severely emaciated bear, on whose head was put on ... a large aluminum milk can. The bear, apparently, had long ago stopped unsuccessful attempts to get rid of the terrible object and now just wandered at random with the last of his strength, staggering and bumping into tree trunks. The reason for this misfortune was the field base left by geologists, on which, among the mountains of other debris (which, alas, is very typical for “adult” field expeditions), there was also an ill-fated can, in which geologists used to “cook” mash. Attracted by the smell, the bear stuck its head into the can - the rest is clear. It is also clear that if the starving and embittered bear eventually managed to get rid of the can, it would be quite logical for him to attack the easiest and most accessible prey - a person.

To the poll: "Incinerate or recycle?" V modern Russia can be heard as often as it used to sound in Rus': execute or pardon. However, it is very relevant not only in Russia, but throughout the world. At present, the whole civilization is approaching this issue with great seriousness. This problem is considered classically from two sides, namely, primarily from the side environmental safety and, no less important, from the point of view of the economic feasibility of waste processing or destruction.

From the world history of waste disposal

Greatest success in the safest and most profitable disposal industrial waste reached Japan. The best personification of this statement is artificial island port island located in a bay in the south of Kobe city. On this moment the area of ​​the island is 436 hectares. On the territory of the island there are hotels, parks, entertainment clubs and even the House of Friendship of Peoples. The Japanese began to fill up the island in 1966, and it has its present form since 1981.

The saddest and at the same time comical illustration of how to get rid of garbage can be considered the story of the Munroe barge, which left New Jersey in order to attach an excess of accumulated waste somewhere. As a result, the barge sailed exactly a year from port to port, and was forced to return home without unloading a single ton of garbage from its board.

According to experts advocating this direction, if waste incineration plants are built directly near the thermal power plant, then capital and operating costs will be reduced by two to three times compared to processing industries.

Harmful and very harmful production waste

Environmentalists have always been a "thorn in the eye" liquid and gaseous production waste, which were considered the first environmental pollutants. They have always been the object of control and regulation. Much less attention was paid to solid waste, which were simply buried or taken away to hell. For example, in coastal cities, such waste was quite often simply dumped into the sea. However, the environmental consequences of such a way out of the situation often turned out to be no less, and even more problematic. Groundwater and soil pollution sometimes appear not immediately, but after several decades. Gradually, in the public mind, the idea was formed that burying waste in the ground, or direct discharge into water bodies, is nothing more than shifting problems onto the shoulders of descendants. Along with this, another trend has emerged: the more the legislation on the control of water and air became more stringent, the more the production of solid toxic waste increased. This was due to the fact that all methods of purification of gaseous and liquid media invariably lead to the concentration of these pollutants in solids such as sludge, sediments, ash.

Burn or recycle

The fact that it is necessary to dispose of production waste in compliance with the environmental qualification, and also preferably with economic benefits, is obvious. The answer to the question of exactly how this should be done is unclear and controversial for scientists and economists.

Some scholars claim that incineration of industrial waste most environmentally safe method- recycling of industrial waste is not always a worthy and profitable alternative. Supporters of the "incineration" method conducted experiments, during which it was found that emissions of carbon monoxide and chlorine, even when processing waste paper, significantly exceed emissions from power plants and boiler houses. In addition, they also managed to find in the destruction of waste a direct economic benefit. According to experts advocating this direction, if waste incineration plants are built directly near the thermal power plant, then capital and operating costs will be reduced by two to three times compared to processing industries.

According to Professor Kofman, talking about the environmental inadmissibility of burning garbage is simply absurd, since thermal power plants, along with flue gases, emit 13 million tons of various toxins into the atmosphere every year. For comparison, data are given that vehicles emit 6 million tons of toxins into the atmosphere, while waste incineration plants really look very harmless against the background of all this - only 0.33 million tons of toxins per year.

The destruction of industrial waste requires the development of special installations, in which the waste must initially be selected by category depending on its origin, epidemiological hazard and toxicity. Russian scientists have already designed a similar complex for thermal destruction oil sludge, medical and chemical production wastes. This complex operates on the basis of a serial waste incineration plant, which in 2008 was even recognized as the best environmental project.

However, in October of this year, the decision of the Russian government to abandon the construction of waste incineration plants was announced. This decision was made against the backdrop of an earlier scandal that occurred over the fact that Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov claimed that Greenpeace fully approves waste incineration, considers it safe and does not even have any claims against Moscow waste incineration plants due to their high environmental friendliness. Greenpeace zealously denied this statement by the mayor of the capital and even collected, together with initiative groups, 112,000 signatures of Russians opposing the construction waste incineration plant on the territory of Moscow.

From now on, the government plans to build waste processing plants that will use garbage hydroseparation method. The hydroseparation method also involves the separation of all garbage into various fractions, which in the future will have to be processed, respectively, into recyclable materials, fertilizers or into energy.

The first plant for hydroseparation should appear in Moscow in three years, it will be built in Lyubertsy. The government assures the residents of Moscow that only wastewater will be used in the hydroseparation method of processing, and in no case will resources be used. drinking water. But even with such a plant, 28% of the garbage will still have to be burned, it is assumed that only organic waste, which will reduce the likelihood of harm to the city's ecosystem. After the successful launch of the first plant in Lyubertsy, it is planned to build eight such plants. They will be located both in industrial and communal areas.

The need for destruction or recycling of garbage

Today it is not difficult to calculate how much garbage creates modern man. First of all, he throws out about one garbage bag every day, which is filled with household waste. Then periodically he does general cleaning or renovations to your home. Each of these processes also creates mountains of debris. In some countries, especially states Western Europe and the United States, they know how to deal with this problem. However, in our country there is a certain unresolved problem. In particular, garbage hides a huge potential, which is to obtain raw materials for future production after its processing. But instead in our country useful waste rot in a landfill, or worse, get burned. The population breathes poisonous substances. It is proved that if you burn plastic, then a person can get poisoned if he is nearby. This is because synthetic substances emit carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in terrifying amounts.

Destruction of organic materials

That is why the removal of construction waste is so necessary. It needs to be planned and organized, as well as the removal of solid waste at the level of municipal authorities. In order to qualitatively destroy waste, they need to be classified. Organic types of garbage are the most useful. They were originally former products foodstuffs and their remains, animal carcasses, wood and natural building materials. All organic matter can simply be burned. In fact, all this can become part of an effective fertilizer. The world annually acquires tons of food waste. As for the small tree, energy is obtained from it. So sawdust, straw, wood, shavings are burned to further generate heat. Wood is an excellent material for mineral fertilizers.

Destruction of inorganics

The main problem is the destruction of inorganics. This is because plastic and similar materials take a long time to decompose. Their decay period is at least a century. There is no way to fight this. You can only reduce the amount of synthetic materials consumed. It is recommended to burn plastic far from populated areas so that there are no people within a radius of five kilometers. Today it is a luxury for municipal services. Therefore, synthetics slowly and surely decompose, poisoning the soil, water, and air.

IN different countries exist various methods waste disposal. Conventionally, they can be classified into several groups. There are three approaches to waste disposal.

  1. Liquidation - the most common way, when the waste is isolated and gradually destroyed. This method includes the rapid removal of construction waste to landfills, specially allocated places for solid waste, dumping waste into reservoirs, mines, etc.
  2. Partial disposal method involves the pre-treatment of waste with the separation of recyclables for recycling. The remaining waste is incinerated or destroyed in another way.
  3. Utilization. With this method, they try to use the garbage completely. Recyclable materials, combustible components, organic matter. The remaining materials are burned to produce steam or energy.

How garbage is destroyed abroad

IN Lately V foreign countries began to actively introduce new technologies for waste disposal. Emphasis is placed on the mechanization of the recovery of scrap components.

Waste management in Italy - separation of solid waste

For example, in Italy, several local companies have developed a method for separating MSW. So, in Rome, garbage is taken out in plastic bags. First of all, waste is removed from them, and then, using a grate screen, they are divided into three fractions. The largest wastes are sent to magnetic separation, the remains are incinerated. Small waste is processed in a composter. Experts are trying to extract the maximum waste materials. Food waste is taken to animal feed factories. After processing, drying and sterilization, organic materials are mixed with cornmeal, add vitamins and microelements, and then granulate. This creates a product suitable for ruminant nutrition.

Waste recycling in Sweden

In Sweden, in the city of Strömstad, a special waste processing plant was built. All solid waste is removed here. The resulting garbage is crushed and then sorted using a cylindrical screen. Fine waste is mixed in containers with sewage sludge and left for a while on a special site, and then stacked.

Waste management in the Netherlands

Holland also has a recycling plant that produces great amount paper, metal, plastic and organics for composting.

Waste disposal in Germany

German specialists use the technology of separation of non-ferrous metals from waste using Foucault current. Companies use efficient technological equipment that handles waste.

Garbage collection in England and the USA

In these states, an experiment is being carried out: food waste is sent to companies that extract cellulose for the production of ethyl alcohol. This method allows you to better decontaminate garbage and reduce the number of landfills.

The problem of waste disposal

One of global problems of humanity is the production of waste, which is growing all over the world at a pace that outpaces their processing, neutralization and disposal.

Every year in Russian Federation more than 7 billion tons of household, agricultural, industrial and other types of waste are generated. Volume of solids formation household waste(hereinafter referred to as MSW) in settlements Russian Federation is 150 million m3 (30 million tons) per year. The main part of MSW is stored in landfills of various types and numerous landfills. About 85% of the waste ends up in landfills, only 5% of the waste is recycled, and about 10% of the waste is lost during transportation. The accumulation of waste brings enormous environmental, economic and social damage.

The negative effects of waste are also manifested in an increase in the incidence of people, deterioration in their living conditions, and a decrease in productivity. natural resources. Increasingly, situations arise when symptoms of specific pathologies are detected, caused by the chronic action of low concentrations of technogenic pollutants. This action is associated with the transfer of harmful substances from external environment(waste dumps) in internal environment organism, followed by a more or less prolonged retention of some of these substances and their gradual accumulation.

In this regard, the problem of waste disposal is relevant in order to prevent a negative impact on the environment, the economy and social sphere region.

Waste types

Waste from natural materials :

Food (rotting) waste.

· Waste of medical, medical, research organizations, including surgery, dentistry and medical veterinary institutions.

Industrial waste:

· Metal waste.

· Waste of spent chemical current sources.

Breakage of glass and glassware.

· Waste of polymeric materials of synthetic chemistry, including rubber and rubber products and all wrapping materials and polymeric containers from synthetic chemistry products.

· Radioactive waste.

Garbage disposal methods:

Removal and disposal of waste

Thermal destruction of waste

The first SME designed for the destruction of household waste was built in the UK in 1876.

Collection and disposal of waste

Waste disposal at landfills and landfills is the most used method in our country, but, alas, not the most appropriate to use.

International experience in solving the garbage problem

IN general view pollution is the presence of environment harmful substances that interfere with the functioning ecological systems or their individual elements and reduce the quality of the environment in terms of human habitation or economic activity

Waste management is one of critical issues modern civilization. It is especially difficult to dispose of unorganized garbage. So far, mankind has come up with three fundamentally different ways of waste disposal:

landfill organization

waste recycling

waste incineration

However, none of them can be considered absolutely acceptable.

Recycling of waste is the most resource-saving way, but not always cost-effective, both economically and environmentally. There are a number of problems here.

The first problem is that before the garbage can be used, it must be sorted. Paper, iron, broken glass - should be kept separately. Obviously, it is practically impossible to sort the garbage that has already arrived at the landfill - there are no such machines, and people work very slowly, and this is harmful to their health. Therefore, it is necessary to sort the garbage at the moment when it is thrown away. This means that each person should have separate buckets for food waste, paper, plastic, etc. This approach takes root in the villages, but in cities it is difficult to implement such ideas. Although in many foreign countries there are already separate containers for different types garbage

Separate collection of different categories of waste determines the efficiency and cost of disposal of individual components. The most inconvenient for disposal is mixed waste containing a mixture of biodegradable wet food waste, plastics, metals, glass, etc. Components.

The second problem is the delivery of garbage to the place of processing. If there are a lot of garbage and consumers of the products of its processing, then many plants capable of processing this type of waste can be built. Then, for example, broken glass collected from nearby landfills will be processed at numerous glass factories. And what about electric light bulbs? Each light bulb contains several tens of milligrams of molybdenum and tungsten - rare and valuable metals. The recycling of these metals requires high temperatures. To maintain high temperatures, a large volume reactor is needed. Therefore, in every city a plant producing electric light bulbs, and, accordingly, processing molybdenum and tungsten, cannot be built. Thus, in order to recycle molybdenum and tungsten, it is necessary to go around all the garbage dumps, collect several discarded light bulbs on each and take them to distant lands. This is how it turns out recycling light bulbs, for all its seeming attractiveness, an unprofitable occupation. For the same reason, you should not organize a centralized garbage collection for reuse in villages and villages.

The third problem is that garbage is a fundamentally non-standard raw material. Each new party garbage received for processing will differ markedly from the previous one in a number of ways. Therefore, waste cannot be used as a raw material for the production of high-quality products.

The fourth problem - Waste disposal to a landfill is the cheapest, but at the same time short-sighted way of its disposal. It is short-sighted in the first place because garbage remains garbage. Landfills around cities occupy huge areas. Poisonous substances that end up in landfills penetrate into groundwater, which is often used as a source of drinking water, is blown around by winds, and thus damages the environment. In addition, as a result of decay processes without air access, various gases are formed, which also do not refresh the atmosphere around the landfill. Some decay products can spontaneously ignite, so fires regularly occur in landfills, in which soot, phenol, benzapyrene and other toxic substances are released into the atmosphere.

Recycling - reuse or return to circulation of production waste or garbage. The most common is secondary, tertiary, etc. recycling on one scale or another of materials such as glass, paper, aluminium, iron, textiles and different kinds plastic. Also used since antiquity in agriculture organic agricultural and household waste.

Most metals are expediently recycled. Unnecessary or damaged items, the so-called scrap metal, are handed over to recycling centers for subsequent remelting. The processing of non-ferrous metals, common technical alloys and some ferrous metals is especially beneficial.