other presentations on the topic “The liberation of the city of Kalinin from the German– fascist invaders»

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The date of December 5, 1941 is considered significant for the entire history of the Great Patriotic War. It was on this day that the counteroffensive of the Red Army near Moscow began along a wide front - from Kalinin to Yelets.

During the counteroffensive near the capital, the left wing of the front under the command of Marshal of the USSR Ivan Konev dealt a powerful blow to the army of Field Marshal Bock in the Kalinin direction. The Nazis did not expect such a decisive offensive from the Soviet army. As a result heavy fighting, which lasted more than 10 days, Kalinin was released.

- The battles for Kalinin were on the flanks - in the west and in the east. The outskirts of the city were ours, the center was in the hands of the Nazis, - says the chief Researcher Tver State United Museum Svetlana Gerasimova.

Fierce battles were fought in the suburbs of the regional center in the areas of Emmaus, Gorohovo, Chupriyanovka, Kuzminsky, in Small and Big Peremerki. Rifle and cavalry divisions, two tank battalions, two artillery regiments and two divisions fought for the liberation of the city. rocket artillery, three ski battalions. “The German garrison began to leave the city on December 15 along the Staritsky Highway,” adds Svetlana Gerasimova. “But before leaving, the Germans blew up all the bridges and a lot of buildings.”

Vladimir Mitrofanov, head of the club of veterans of the Russian Armed Forces, says that he saw the enemy retreat with his own eyes.

- I witnessed how the Germans galloped to the Staritskoye Highway, which could be blocked for them at any moment. They harnessed all the horses. On our street ( Borikhino Field. - Red. ) a German iron wagon drove into a ditch. In order not to linger even for a minute, the soldiers chopped off the harness, and took away the horses. The cart remained and with it almost a dozen sacks of good wheat flour, which were quickly taken apart by the locals. Our family also got a little, about half a bag, - Mitrofanov admits.

The Soviet Information Bureau reported that during the liberation of Kalinin, the Germans captured: 190 guns of various calibers, 31 tanks, 9 aircraft, about 1,000 vehicles, and 4 battle banners. Enemy manpower losses are estimated at more than 10,000 soldiers and officers.

The symbol of the liberation of Kalinin was the banner, which the Red Army soldiers hoisted on the roof of the current House of Officers. This happened in the afternoon of December 16, 1941.

The next day, Konstantin Simonov visited Kalinin with an editorial assignment. He described those impressions in his front-line diaries: “I went down the street and started talking to people. Many women were crying. Some kind of joyful confusion reigned in the hearts. Until yesterday, people did not fully believe that the Germans could be defeated, driven out of here ... Having poured out into the street, they talked to each other, women sobbed, boys hung on military vehicles.

According to Simonov's memoirs, in Kalinin "a decent number of houses were burned, many houses were damaged and burned down from the bombing." After the flight of the Nazis, not a single intact stone building remained in the city center.

- Old buildings on Sovetskaya Square, Lenin Square, quarters along the Volga in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmodern Studenchesky Lane, Radishchev Boulevard, Svobodny Lane burned down. The quarters in the nearby Zavlozhye were almost completely destroyed, - Pavel Ivanov, coordinator of the Tver vaults hail protection project, lists the damage inflicted to Kalinin. “The Imperial Palace was seriously damaged. The bomb hit right in the center, broke through the upper ceiling and damaged the lobby. As a result, two-thirds of the palace burned down.

Historians agree that main task the Germans during the retreat was the destruction of the Old Bridge. That is why the territories located a little away from the city center were practically not affected.

“The Meshchanskaya Sloboda, which included Mednikovskaya, Serebryannaya and neighboring streets, remained completely intact,” Pavel Ivanov clarifies. - The same situation has developed in Zatmachye. Small losses were observed mainly in the area of ​​​​the modern Victory obelisk and on the Krasnoflotskaya embankment. Almost not hurt Train Station. True, its main attraction - the famous dome, which served as an exhaust pipe - was destroyed.

Industrial buildings suffered serious losses. The Germans burned and destroyed more than 70 enterprises: a car building plant, a cotton mill, a mechanical plant, flour mills and many others. Communal infrastructure facilities were damaged: water supply, sewerage, telegraph and telephone networks did not work. According to the Kalinin Regional Commission for Establishing and Investigating the Atrocities of the Nazi Invaders, the total damage caused to the city's national economy exceeded 1.5 billion rubles.

But, despite all these destructions, the main thing was done - December 16, 1941 Soviet troops released Kalinin. Already on the morning of December 17, the townspeople saw a completely peaceful announcement - they were invited to the cinema.

Life began to improve. Into ruins hometown residents who had fled from the occupation began to return. According to historical evidence, already on December 18, two bakeries began to work in the city. A week later, bakery No. 1 was restored, on December 26, the HPP-3 turbine was launched, which gave Kalinin electricity. On the first day of the new year, 1942, the post office began to work, then on January 7, the water supply was restored. The tram went through the streets of the liberated city on February 5th.

The capture of Kalinin is of great importance for the German command. The struggle for Kalinin in October December 1941 is one of the clearest examples of the courage and steadfastness of our soldiers, the faithful sons of the Soviet people. The city of Kalinin, a regional center with a richly developed industry, a road junction, then acquired a special importance. He closed the way for the Nazis to the rear of our troops, the way to Moscow. The German command attached great importance to the capture of Kalinin. It threw here the best parts. The 3rd tank group of the fascist General Gott operated here as part of the 1st, 6th and 17th tank divisions. In addition, twelve enemy infantry divisions and special SS units under the formidable name "Skull" were located in the Kalinin direction. The struggle for Kalinin in October December 1941 is one of the clearest examples of the courage and steadfastness of our soldiers, the faithful sons of the Soviet people. The city of Kalinin, a regional center with a richly developed industry, a road junction, then acquired particular importance. He closed the way for the Nazis to the rear of our troops, the way to Moscow. The German command attached great importance to the capture of Kalinin. It threw here the best parts. The 3rd tank group of the fascist General Gott operated here as part of the 1st, 6th and 17th tank divisions. In addition, twelve enemy infantry divisions and special SS units under the formidable name "Skull" were located in the Kalinin direction.

Formation of the Kalinin Front Formation of the Kalinin Front Kalinin became front-line in early autumn Kalinin became front-line in early autumn 1941. During the Kalinin defensive 1941. During the Kalinin defensive operation of 1941, the Soviet troops of the right operation of 1941, the Soviet troops of the right wing of the Western Front (22nd, 29th and 31st wings of the Western Front (22nd, 29th and 31st armies) after the fiercest On October 14, they left the regional center from the battle, and by October 16, they left the regional center from the battle, and retreated behind the Volga with battles by October 16. With the capture of Kalinin, the enemy got the opportunity to strike around Moscow from the north and northeast, as well as to the rear of the North-Western Front.The Headquarters of the Supreme High Command reinforced the troops in the Kalinin direction and, by the Directive of October 17, formed the Kalinin Front as part of the 22nd, 29th, 30th (until November 17) and the 31st armies, which he commanded Colonel General Ivan Konev.

Beginning of the liberation of Kalinin Despite the superiority of the enemy in manpower and equipment, Despite the superiority of the enemy in manpower and equipment, the troops of the front defeated the enemy grouping that had broken through from Kalinin in the direction of Torzhok, and forced the Nazi troops in the Kalinin area to move to defense. In addition, the Soviet troops, leading an active defense, thwarted. In addition, the Soviet troops, leading an active defense, thwarted an attempt made by the enemy on October 24 to break through from Rzhev to Torzhok. Army troops received combat mission thwart enemy attempts to break through to the rear of the troops of the North-Western Front. Fighting continued for four days near the village of Mednoe. The enemy left on the battlefield about a thousand corpses of soldiers and officers, 30 tanks and 15 guns. On October 18, units of the 133rd rifle division broke into the northern outskirts of Kalinin and captured several blocks of the city occupied by the Germans, but they could not completely clear it from the enemy.

By the beginning of November 1941, the fascist troops By the beginning of November 1941, the fascist troops were finally stopped in the Kalinin region. The troops of the 31st Army made a significant contribution to the solution of this important strategic task. The army was in the direction of the main one The army was in the direction of the main attack of the front Kalinin, Sudimirki (band width 30 km). Main blow she struck in the direction of Stary Pogost, Kozlovo with the task of reaching the line of the river. Shosha to the rear of the Klin grouping of the enemy and, together with the troops of the Western Front, encircle and destroy it.

Liberation of Kalinin 29 The army was supposed to liberate the city of Kalinin. The main blow in the center across the Volga was delivered by 256, 119 and 5 SDs, the artillery density was only 45 guns per 1 km of the breakthrough front. The offensive began at 3 am on December 5, 1941. During the day, the Army troops advanced 4-5 km forward. On December 7, they managed to transfer 7 tanks across the Volga. On December 8, Army troops cut the railway. Kalinin-Klin and the Kalinin-Turginovo highway, breaking through the entire tactical defense zone of the enemy. During the offensive, the fighters and commanders of the 31st Army accomplished hundreds of heroic deeds. The troops of the 29th Army were unable to break through the enemy defenses and liberate Kalinin. In this regard, I.S. Konev turned part of the forces of the 31st Army 256th, 247th SD and 54th KavD to the northwest with the task of encircling the enemy grouping in Kalinin and, in cooperation with the 29th Army, capturing the city. The battles for Kalinin began on December 15, 1941. By 11 o'clock, the 256th SD captured the southeastern part of Kalinin, on December 16, by 13 o'clock, the troops of the 31st Army united with the troops of the 29th Army and liberated the city. The liberation of Kalinin was a major success for our troops.

Losses during the liberation of the city For the courage and heroism shown in the battles for the city, by order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, the 128th battalion, commanded by Major Grigory Chuchev, was awarded the title of Kalininsky. The total losses of the Red Army during the defensive and offensive battles in the Kalinin region amounted to about 85 thousand people. Meanwhile, in Kalinin itself, the Germans established a cruel occupation regime, over 2 thousand inhabitants were shot. For courage and heroism shown in the battles for the city, by order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, the 128th battalion, commanded by Major Grigory Chuchev, was awarded the title of Kalininsky. The total losses of the Red Army during the defensive and offensive battles in the Kalinin region amounted to about 85 thousand people. Meanwhile, in Kalinin itself, the Germans established a cruel occupation regime, over 2 thousand inhabitants were shot. Lenin Square in December 1941 and today

The devastation of the liberated city The devastation of the liberated city A terrible picture of ruin appeared before the eyes of the Soviet soldiers. The Nazis Before the eyes of the Soviet soldiers appeared a terrible picture of ruin. The Nazis destroyed buildings in Kalinin, 70 industrial enterprises, burned and destroyed buildings in Kalinin, 70 industrial enterprises, burned the regional library (over 500 thousand volumes). But the city recovered in the first post-war years. Moreover, already in 1943 in Kalinin (along with 10 other cities) the Suvorov military school. The first set consisted of 500 people, including children of servicemen who died on the fronts, children of fighting soldiers, 19 children of war invalids, 13 children of party and Soviet workers, 67 children of workers and employees (including 29 orphans). The Old Volga Bridge destroyed by the Nazis

Meeting Soviet soldiers in the liberated city The entry of the Red Army into Kalinin turned into an unforgettable holiday. Women, children, old people took to the streets. They hugged the fighters and commanders, thanked them for getting rid of the fascist yoke. Joyful exclamations were heard: Ours have come! .. Ours have come! .. Hurray for the Red Army! .. Hurray for the Red Army! .. With tears in their eyes, the inhabitants who escaped from captivity spoke about the atrocities of the invaders, about the destruction of the suffering of Soviet people.

Significance of the liberation of the city of Kalinin during the Great Patriotic War In the "History of the Great Patriotic War" our victory is characterized as follows: “The defeat of the German grouping in the Kalinin region and the liberation of this major administrative and industrial center of the country not only had a great political significance, but also had an impact on improving the operational position of the Soviet troops on this sector of the front, which defended Moscow with itself ”The Imperial Travel Palace in December 1941 and today

Obelisk of Victory In honor of the victory in the Great Patriotic War in 1970 near the mouth of the Tmaka was erected Memorial Complex, the center of which was the obelisk of Victory. The column is 48 meters high and topped with a torch bowl. Three times a year (on Victory Day, Kalinin Liberation Day and City Day) a flame burns in it. In memory of the victims of fascism, the Eternal Flame burns near the obelisk. Next to the Eternal Flame is a granite wall, in which a capsule with a letter addressed to descendants is hidden. It should be opened in 2045, on the 100th anniversary of the Victory.

Victory Park Victory Park is located in Central region city ​​of Tver. On the stone installed at the entrance to the Victory Park, it is written: “Here on May 8, 1975, a park named after the 30th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany was founded.” Victory Park in Tver arose on the territory of a former apple orchard and covers an area of ​​11 hectares. In the park there is an alley of memory to the soldiers-internationalists who died in the war in Afghanistan. In September 2005, the Volunteer Alley was planted by the participants of the International Volunteer Festival in Victory Park, which is reminiscent of a memorial stone with a memorial plaque.

November 4, 2010 to the city of Tver "for the courage, resilience and mass heroism shown by the defenders of the city in the struggle for the freedom and independence of the Fatherland" by Presidential Decree Russian Federation Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev was awarded honorary title Russian Federation "City of Military Glory"

Archival documents testify to the courage and steadfastness of the workers of the city of Kalinin and the Kalinin (now Tver) region in the fight against the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

Already in July 1941, more than 225 thousand residents of Kalinin and the region went to the front, and in total during the Great Patriotic War, over 600 thousand of our fellow countrymen defended their homeland with weapons in their hands as part of units and subunits of the Red Army and the Navy. Only on the fronts of the war and in partisan detachments, 27,8423 natives of our region died

Residents of Kalinin, other cities and towns were evacuated to Siberia, the Urals, and also to eastern regions areas. In July-December 1941, 58 industrial enterprises, equipment and rolling stock of 12 railway junctions and stations were evacuated from the Kalinin region; valuables of banks, equipment of a number of hospitals, archives were taken out. However, all valuables could not be saved.

In July-August 1941, about 150 thousand workers from the city of Kalinin and the region worked on the construction of defensive structures on the line Rzhev - Olenino - Selizharovo - Ostashkov. 12 thousand Kalinin residents participated in the construction of defensive lines in Leningrad region.

The actions of the Red Army troops in the Kalinin direction took place in two stages. At first, the Kalinin defensive operation of the troops of the Western and Kalinin fronts took place from October 10 to December 4, 1941 during the Battle of Moscow. The second stage - Kalininskaya offensive 1941-1942, operation of the troops of the Kalinin Front, carried out from December 5, 1941 to April 7, 1942


In late September - early October 1941, the Germans launched Operation Typhoon, the ultimate goal of which was to capture Moscow. A difficult situation has developed in the Kalinin direction. By October 7-8, the cities of Bely, Andreapol, Nelidovo of the Kalinin region fell. Our armies continued to retreat. By October 10, the 31st Army was forced to retreat to Rzhev, where its headquarters was located, which did not have a clear idea of ​​​​the situation. Given this, the Military Council of the Western Front (commander Georgy Zhukov and his deputy Ivan Konev) ordered the retreating units of the 31st Army to be transferred to the operational control of the command of the 29th Army (commanded by I.I. Maslennikov). By the evening of October 12, 1941, the Germans took Olenino and Staritsa, and our troops of the 29th Army and the 31st Army were almost surrounded.

The command of the Western Front decided to withdraw the 29th Army to the northern bank of the Volga. It was not possible to organize a serious defense near Rzhev, and the troops of the 29th Army left Rzhev without a fight, retreating north, beyond the Volga. The next day, October 14, the Germans captured Rzhev and Kalinin. By October 16, the Soviet troops with battles withdrew beyond the Volga and entrenched themselves at the line of Selizharovo - Staritsa. With the capture of Kalinin, the enemy got the opportunity to strike around Moscow from the north and northeast, as well as to the rear of the North-Western Front.

On October 17, 1941, the Headquarters withdrew three right-flank armies from the Western Front - the 22nd, 29th, 30th, forming the Kalinin Front under the command of Colonel General Ivan Stepanovich Konev. Ivan Konev took command of the front in hard days. Kalinin was taken by the Germans. The German 3rd Panzer Group of General Reinhard tried to take Torzhok with one throw, reached Medny, took the crossing through Logovezh, but was soon driven back by Vatutin's group to the northern outskirts of Kalinin.

Despite the superiority of the enemy in forces and means, the troops of the Kalinin Front, in cooperation with the group of troops of the North-Western Front under the command of General N.F. Vatutin defeated an enemy grouping that had broken through from Kalinin in the direction of Torzhok, and forced the Nazi troops in the Kalinin area to go on the defensive. Leading an active defense, the Soviet troops thwarted an attempt made by the enemy on October 24 to break through from Rzhev to Torzhok, and by December 4 they firmly entrenched themselves on the line east of Selizharov.

As a result of the Kalinin defensive operation, Soviet troops destroyed about 35 thousand enemy soldiers and officers, knocked out and captured 150 tanks, 150 guns, shot down dogfights 50 enemy aircraft. By active defense and offensive actions at the end of November 1941, they pinned down 13 Nazi divisions, preventing them from being transferred to Moscow, where a decisive battle was unfolding at that time.


The Kalinin Front under the command of Konev occupied an advantageous operational position, deeply enveloping the German fascist troops advancing on Moscow from the north. The troops of the front were opposed by the 9th army of the Nazi troops of the Center group, which outnumbered our troops in artillery and tanks.

On December 5, 1941, the 29th and 31st Armies went on the offensive. Troops of the 31st Army of General V.A. Yushkevich occupied the defense along the left bank of the rivers Darkness and Volga from Tukhan to Kalinin. On December 5, the battalions of the 31st Army crossed the Volga and started fighting with the enemy. The Germans transferred reinforcements, and our troops were forced to leave Emmaus, Myatlevo, Oshurkovo. On December 7, our troops again liberated Emmaus, on December 8 they reached the railway near Chupriyanovka, on December 9 they took Koltsovo, Kuzminskoye, and cut the Turginovskoye highway. By December 14, units of the 31st Army took Burashevo, Stary Pogost, and entered the Volokolamsk highway.

At this time, northwest of Kalinin, active fighting led the 243rd rifle division under the command of Major General V.S. Polenov. On December 5, during intense battles, units of the 243rd division reached Ogorodny and Isaevsky lanes, cleared Zatverechye, then on the morning of December 16 they reached Artillery lane, captured Nogin Boulevard on the other side of the Volga, captured the Tveretsky bridge, broke into the Stepan Razin embankment and Kooperativny lane ( now Tverskoy Prospekt), cleared the station and took up defense south of the station.

By 11 a.m. on December 16, 1941, fighting in the city of Kalinin no longer took place. The city was basically cleared of the invaders, and the units of the 31st army of General V.A. Yushkevich by 13 o'clock fully ensured the release of Kalinin. On the afternoon of December 17, 1941, the commander of the division, Major General V.S. public organizations Kalinin The Red Banner is a sign of the transfer of power in the city by units of the Red Army to the local Council. This banner was hoisted over the building of the House of the Soviet Army (now the House of Officers).

Waging intense battles, the troops of the Kalinin Front advanced 60-120 km to the south and south-west and by January 7, 1942 reached the line northwest of Rzhev, where they were stopped by the enemy. "Rzhevsky ledge" failed to break through until March 3, 1943 ...

Release price

The victory near Kalinin came at a high price. More than 20 thousand soldiers of the Red Army died. In Kalinin, 7714 buildings were destroyed, 56% of the housing stock.

The Nazis blew up, burned, disabled 78 industrial enterprises, destroyed schools, hospitals, burned the regional library with funds of half a million volumes. During the occupation during the war years, the population of the Kalinin region decreased by 25% (in 1939 there were 2 million 170 thousand people, in 1946 there were 1 million 611 thousand people). During the occupation of the region, 40,846 civilians were killed.

Writer A. Fadeev in the article " Fiends-destroyers and people-creators“Told about the crimes of the invaders in Kalinin: “Twelve corpses of young people were found in one of the cellars of the city, two of them were no more than sixteen years old. All were killed with a blunt object, some had their eyes gouged out, some were tortured by hanging by their legs…”

Everything for the front

Despite the difficult situation, the workers of the Kalinin region contributed to the construction of tank columns "Kalinin Front", " Kalinin Komsomolets"and a squadron of aircraft named after the Hero Soviet Union E. I. Chaikina 215 million 165 thousand rubles. The main burden of work in agriculture during the war fell on the shoulders of women, the elderly and teenagers. Replacing the men who went to war, in 1942, 463 women got behind the wheel of a tractor in the region. In 1943, 894 tractor drivers worked in 128 women's tractor brigades.

Seemed to be required long years in order to recover from such heavy damage that was inflicted on our region by the Nazi invaders. But already in 1950, the industry of the Kalinin region reached the pre-war level of production and began to gain momentum. forward movement forward. From October 1943, an excavator plant began to work, in 1947 the Tver plant of electrical equipment came into operation, in 1949 CHPP-4 was built. In 1950, the first chemical fiber production plants and a sand-lime brick plant were launched in Zaverechye.

For the courage and steadfastness shown by the working people in the struggle against the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War, and for the successes achieved in restoration and development National economy The Kalinin region was awarded the Order of Lenin (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 3, 1966). The Order of the Red Banner of Labor was awarded to the city of Kalinin.

Memory on the city map

In June 2005, the Tver City Duma, by its decision No. 67, satisfied the petition of veterans of the Great Patriotic War to assign names to two Tver streets in the new development of the Isaevsky residential area in honor of Generals Yushkevich and Polenov. In 2010, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Tver was awarded the high title of "City of Military Glory".

In July 2011, a memorial sign was unveiled in the Kalininsky district at the Khvastovskaya ferry across the Volga in honor of the soldiers who showed fortitude, courage and heroism in the battles for the liberation of Kalinin in October 1941. Here, in October 1941, Soviet troops, which included and Siberian divisions, created a bridgehead on the right bank of the Volga River and cut the Staritsa-Kalinin highway, thereby violating one of the important communications of the German troops.

Under constant shelling and bombing by German aircraft from October 23 to 25, the Red Army crossed from the left to the right bank of the Volga. Many soldiers drowned in the freezing water. About 3 thousand soldiers died at the Khvastovskaya crossing. The feat of the Russian soldier will now be reminded of the wall of memory at the Khvastovskaya ferry. The obelisk of Victory and the Smolensk military burial were reconstructed, and other memorable places were put in order. A large-scale renovation of the Victory Park has been carried out.

Expositions dedicated to the Great Patriotic War have been created in the city's schools, meetings with war veterans are organized, big job to collect memories of living veterans.

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For several months the regional center lived under the control of the Germans.

In December last year, we celebrated a solemn date - 75 years since the liberation of Kalinin from the Nazi invaders. It was in the first year of the war, in many respects difficult for our army, the enemy then stood on the outskirts of the capital, and on the way he had a strategically important regional center.

Many good historical books and articles have been written about how the German offensive went, how the townspeople lived under the occupiers, and how the Red Army returned Kalinin under its control. In our material, we tried to tell you about the most key points, as well as about some, not very pleasant, events.

The enemy is rushing to Moscow!

In October 1941 the situation on Western front did not develop in the best way. The superior forces of the Germans broke through the Soviet defenses, and the conditions for an attack on the capital of the USSR became more favorable than ever. The enemy occupied Zubtsov and Pogoreloe Gorodishche, Lotoshino and Staritsa, and the advanced units of the German troops were confidently advancing towards Kalinin.

The command of the enemy paid our city great importance, and this is not surprising: the capture of a large industrial and transport hub would create a powerful springboard for a rapid attack on the capital. Judge for yourself - October Railway, connected with Leningrad and Moscow, a highway leading to main city countries, as well as access to the Moscow-Volga canal. In addition, Kalinin was a major center for the training of chemical troops. From a strategic point of view, it was very, very important. Having captured our city, the Germans planned to continue the offensive not only on the capital of the USSR, but also on large industrial centers - Yaroslavl, Rybinsk, Ivanovo.

The situation was complicated by the fact that there were no Soviet troops in the direction from Rzhev to Kalinin, and from that side the enemy approached our city almost without hindrance. The regional center faced a real threat of capture and subsequent occupation. Kalinin was defended by the forces of the 142nd and 336th regiments of the 5th rifle division. To help them, a marching company and a detachment of students from the Higher Military Pedagogical Institute, as well as several detachments of militia armed with Canadian rifles, were allocated. The forces were clearly not enough, therefore, instead of a single line of defense, only defensive centers were created.

It is difficult for us, living in the 21st century, to imagine what our grandparents felt when they realized that foreign troops were about to enter the city. On October 13, the Germans approached the village of Danilovskoye, 20 kilometers from the regional center, and aircraft began bombarding city blocks. The western part of Kalinin was subjected to intensive shelling. Fires started.

Enemy tanks and motorized infantry units approached Kalinin along the Staritsky highway. On the same day, October 13, the village of Migalovo (now a microdistrict within Tver) was captured. Panic reigned in Kalinin itself. Those who did not have time to escape were seriously afraid of hunger and therefore stocked up with everything they could. Not without looting, unfortunately. What is most unpleasant, before the arrival of enemy troops, our city found itself ... without police and fire protection. There was no one to catch marauders, and there was no one to put out the fires. How did it happen?

From the report of Brigadier Commissar Abramov, a member of the military council of the 30th Army, and the memorandum of the military prosecutor Berezovsky, a sad picture emerges. The population in a panic left the city in the direction of Klin and Moscow, the arriving units of the 5th Infantry Division immediately went into battle, but could not hold back the enemy. The local authorities, in fact, withdrew themselves, and no specific measures were taken to organize the defense of the city, except for the hastily formed militia. And even then, Abramov notes, for the most part, the militias were not only not prepared for street fighting, but they did not even know how to handle a rifle. After the first shot of the enemy, they fled in a panic ...

Members of the Military Council of the army summoned the secretary of the regional committee, the chairman of the regional executive committee and the head of the NKVD. From these people, vested with power, they demanded to mobilize the population, organize the evacuation of valuables and restore order in the city. But it was too late. Most of the residents fled in panic, there was no transport left in the city, and the leaders of the city, Abramov states, were in the mood to leave Kalinin instead of defending it. As a result of the investigation, it turned out that up to 900 police officers and from one to several hundred NKVD workers left the city on the orders of the deputy head of the regional people's commissariat and the head of the police. Comrade Abramov also suggested that all this happened with the tacit consent of the head of the NKVD Directorate himself. We do not know whether this version of the military commissar, who arrived in the panic-stricken city, was confirmed, and therefore we will not assert anything. But the fact remains: law enforcement officers from Kalinin fled, and firefighters joined them. In fairness, it should also be noted that by the next day the head of the regional NKVD still managed to return about sixty operatives from among the deserters.

The troops defending the city were sorely lacking in shells, the Military Council immediately took measures to provide the soldiers with ammunition, but they were received only in the afternoon of the next day - October 14. The Military Council had to resort to other measures - punitive ones. From political workers and special officers, detachments were organized, which detained one and a half thousand armed Red Army soldiers who fled towards Moscow. Both privates and officers fled. Special officers immediately shot several people, the rest were formed into units, which were immediately thrown to the front. The flow of refugees was redirected from Moscow to the north and northeast. In total, up to two-thirds of the population, which then amounted to 260 thousand people, left Kalinin in one night.

Defense of Kalinin

From the documents of the Commission of the Military Council it follows that the blame for the failure of the defense of the city largely lies with the authorities, who not only did not take effective measures, but also clearly planned to escape. However, not everything depended only on them - for example, the defensive structures built over several months from Rzhev to Kalinin were not occupied by a single soldier. Who is to blame for this miscalculation? And why did only two regiments arrive to defend the city with unsecured rears and an acute shortage of ammunition?

It is not our task to find the culprits. We're just trying to outline difficult situation, formed in the cold days of October 1941. If the military units of the Red Army had arrived in the city a few days earlier, Commissar Abramov believed, the defense of Kalinin could have been more successful. Alas, the army was late, and the government showed exceptional cowardice. The militiamen alone, placed under arms, could have been a serious help to the troops, but, as we know, they deserted along with the firemen.

In reality, everything turned out so that the superior forces of the enemy forced out the fighters of the 5th Infantry Division to the Small Peremerki. The 256th rifle division, consisting of two rifle regiments and one artillery regiment, arrived on the night of October 13-14 to help the defenders of the city, fought the enemy in the Volga region. And the 8th tank brigade, which approached from Likhoslavl, even helped to drive the enemy out of the entire northern part of the city.

The building where the Gestapo was located. Photo: A. Ustinov

Fierce street battles were fought for several days, separate parts of the city repeatedly passed from hand to hand. The documents of that time recorded the most different cases- And heroic deeds, and successful counterattacks by our soldiers, but also command mistakes and supply miscalculations. Unfortunately, the Soviet troops failed to keep the city. Already in the evening of October 14, a huge part of Kalinin was occupied by the German Army Group Center, and the Trans-Volga and Zatereche remained under the control of the Red Army. Some sources indicate this date as the beginning of the occupation of Kalinin, but the city was completely occupied by the Germans on October 17, and this day is taken by official historiography as a starting point.

Of course, despite the fact that our troops were forced to leave the city, due to the special importance of what was happening, the Kalinin Front was formed and the Kalinin defensive operation was organized. Soviet agents and residencies operated in the city, battles in the immediate vicinity of Kalinin and even in the city itself were fought throughout the entire period of occupation, and the command did not stop trying to liberate the regional center from the Germans. However, for two whole months the city lived according to foreign laws.

An occupation

The Soviet troops failed to defend Kalinin, but the enemy's main plan - to use the city on the Volga as a springboard for a quick attack on Moscow - was thwarted. Also, the Red Army managed to significantly strengthen the defensive lines on the Moscow, Bezhetsk and Leningrad highways. In the city itself, a new administration began to operate. True, not immediately - for the first five or six days, chaos reigned in the city. Warehouses, shops and enterprises were robbed, and not only by the occupiers, but also local residents. The Germans did not interfere with this process.

The military branch of government was represented by the so-called Ortskomendatura, headed by Lieutenant Meller, who was subordinate to General Rekka. And the city government became the body of local self-government. The highest official in it was the burgomaster, to whom all employees, as well as subordinate organizations and institutions, were subordinate.

The blown up bridge across the Volga

The occupation authorities changed the administrative-territorial division of the city, dividing Kalinin into eight districts: Central, Proletarsky, Railway Station (aka Station) and Zavokzalny, Pervomaisky, Novopromyshlenny, Zavolzhsky and Zatveretsky. In some of them, their own councils were formed, which were headed by the so-called foremen. Districts, in turn, were divided into sections headed by precincts, and sections into quarters headed by districts. The commandants of apartment buildings were already subordinate to the latter.

The burgomaster was elected on October 25, and six out of eight districts participated in the elections - fighting continued in Zavolzhsky and Zatveretsky. Those wishing to receive the position of foreman put forward their candidacies, accepted with the consent of the rest. The newly-appeared district leaders, in turn, approved a certain Yasinsky, recommended by the Germans, as burgomaster. We will talk about his personality in detail.

Valery Amvrosievich Yasinsky belonged to a noble family. He was born in what is now Kemerovo region in 1895. In Omsk he graduated from the school of ensigns, also received higher education. During civil war joined the army of Admiral Kolchak, then proclaimed the Supreme Ruler of Russia, had the rank of staff captain. After the final establishment of Soviet power, Yasinsky, however, remained in our country - he lived in Leningrad. He was convicted twice for supplying former white officers with false documents, and in 1930 he was arrested on suspicion of serving in Kolchak's counterintelligence. However, there was no evidence against him. Nevertheless, five years later, in 1935, Yasinsky was expelled from the northern capital to Kazakhstan, where he stayed until February 1941. After that, he ended up in our city, having arrived from Kazakhstan's Petropavlovsk.

German anti-aircraft gunners in the area of ​​the Railway bridge

It is known that his wife worked as a doctor at the Vagzhanov weaving factory, he himself was the technical manager at the toy factory of the city industrial complex. Together they raised a neighbor's boy who was left without parents. When the Germans occupied Kalinin, Yasinsky went to cooperate with the enemy. By the way, he lived at number 46 on Tchaikovsky Avenue - this address has already appeared in one of the materials of "VT" ("Gas explosion: a holiday in mourning colors").

The city government headed by the burgomaster was located at number 31 on Novotorzhskaya Street (at that time it was called Krasnoarmeyskaya). It is worth noting that no more than 35 thousand people remained in Kalinin after the withdrawal of Soviet troops. Someone did not have time to evacuate, someone, perhaps, voluntarily decided to stay. In addition to the burgomaster Yasinsky, members of the council and district foremen with district and quarter officers, there were other people who collaborated with the Germans - alas, this is a fact, and it cannot be denied. Thus, the “Russian auxiliary police” created by the Germans (the very notorious “policemen”) consisted of Kalinin residents who agreed to cooperate with the Germans. Vladimir Bibikov headed the police department - also, like Yasinsky, from the "former" (army captain). The main task of the "policemen" was to identify the underground and Soviet agents. For this purpose, a whole network of informants was created - over one and a half thousand people.

It should be noted that cooperation with occupation authorities not only former nobles and white officers were walking. Among them were ordinary Soviet citizens who were dissatisfied with the power of the Bolsheviks and the repressions being carried out in the country. As for the "stratum between workers and peasants" (i.e. Soviet intelligentsia), then some of its representatives went to cooperate with the invaders in an effort to preserve the city's cultural and scientific values. For example, Gnatyuk, head of the Department of Literature at the Kalinin Pedagogical Institute (now Tver State University), and employees of the institute's library hid especially valuable books in the cellars. It was also possible to save the equipment of the physical office. It also turned out that one of the German officers was an assistant professor at the University of Giessen, and Gnatiuk entered into negotiations with him in order to preserve some scientific values.

Another employee of the Pedagogical Institute, a teacher by the name of Yurenev, who remained in the city because of his sick mother, headed the art gallery, to the creation of which he himself was involved, and personally hid the most valuable exhibits from the Germans. His merits include the preservation of the exhibits of the Kalinin Museum, located in the Travel Palace - for a short time under the Germans, he was its director. As you can see, not everything was so clear. We do not defend these people - Gnatyuk and Yurenev, but we believe that we have no right to condemn them.

And at the same time, it was precisely the intelligentsia that the Germans used for propaganda purposes, in particular in compiling leaflets. Agitation distributed among the population spoke of the major defeats of the Red Army and the incredible successes of the German troops. Individual representatives of the intelligentsia actively promoted pro-German ideas to the masses, in Kalinin even the newspaper Tverskoy Vestnik was published with obvious anti-Soviet content. It is noteworthy, by the way, that some sources report the return of the historical name to the city, but there is no confirmation of this.

The Soviet ideology in the occupied Kalinin was eradicated with special care. All books on Marxism-Leninism were withdrawn from libraries and subsequently destroyed. The statues of Lenin and Stalin were thrown down, and the invaders installed a swastika on the square named after the leader of the world proletariat. At present, the only photograph with this symbol on the pedestal has been preserved instead of the usual Lenin.

Used for propaganda purposes and such a side of life as faith. De jure, German military personnel were forbidden to assist in the revival of religion in the occupied eastern territories, but de facto restoration church life supported. For example, in the center of Kalinin, the Ascension Cathedral, closed by the Soviet authorities, resumed its work. From the point of view of propaganda, this was beneficial for the occupiers - the anti-religious policy of the communists was clearly losing in the eyes of individual citizens against the background of the favorable attitude of the Germans towards the church.

German cemetery in Kalinin

And on the square in front of the Traveling Palace is the Cemetery of the Heroes of Kalinin, the largest burial place for soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht in the city. Three more German cemeteries were arranged on Lenin Square, on the territory of the tram park (near the modern Kaposvár Square) and the city hippodrome.

What was it like to live ordinary person in occupied Kalinin? The most severe security measures were taken by the German troops. From four in the afternoon until eight in the morning it lasted curfew, the rest of the time it was possible to appear on the streets only with special passes. It was forbidden to cross rivers on ice, violators were shot on the spot. Partisans were ordered to be executed by hanging, civilians, suspected (not caught, but only suspected!) in connection with them - to shoot. Executions were carried out in public, the bodies were not removed for a long time - for intimidation. By the end of October, all the inhabitants remaining in the city were resettled by the Germans in the central part of the city, which was strictly forbidden to leave.

Males between the ages of 17 and 50 who seemed suspicious to the Germans were sent to POW camps. Women and teenagers under the age of 17 were sent to forced labor. Among other things, it was possible to suffer from the fire of the Soviet troops - the city was often fired upon by the Red Army ...


Battle for Kalinin. Photo: B. Vdovenko

An anti-fascist underground emerged in Kalinin immediately after the occupation, and NKVD agents were active in intelligence activities. So, a group of underground workers led by Nefedov destroyed sentries, disabled equipment and disrupted communications. Another group, led by Eliseev, collected intelligence and posted appeals of the Soviet authorities to the population on the streets of the city. Exploration was also carried out by employees of the KREPZ plant (later - Iskozh).

The number of underground workers in occupied Kalinin reached four hundred people, but these data are considered incomplete. There were probably many more. Many were captured by the Nazis and executed. Died in German dungeons and Soviet intelligence officers who arrived in the city through the front line. Someone broke down under torture, someone endured to the end. And in addition to those residents who went to cooperate with the Germans, there were those who actively helped the Soviet troops without fear of death. An important role in the development of the operation to liberate Kalinin was played by the information received by the doctor Nikolai Petrov. In December, he was sent to the city along with two contacts, Anna Belozerova and Nina Kazakova, and got a job in a field hospital under the legend of a former German prisoner of war.

Many people - scouts, underground workers, ordinary Kalinin residents - risked their lives for the speedy liberation of the city. Moreover, intelligence work continued even after the invaders were driven out of Kalinin - the enemy planned to return to the city, and therefore the Germans built their own intelligence network, regularly dropping new scouts.

The counteroffensive of the Red Army near Moscow began on December 5, 1941. The troops of the Kalinin Front were faced with the task of not only occupying the regional center, but also reaching the enemy rear northwest of the capital. On the very first day, units of the 31st Army broke through the front line of the German defense and cut the Moscow-Leningrad highway east of the city, freeing 15 settlements(many of them are now part of Tver).

It was more difficult on the southern approaches - the German command transferred several divisions to Staritskoye Highway, which prevented units of the 29th Army from completing their task. Ivan Sergeevich Konev, in connection with this, turned part of the 31st Army to the northwest in order to surround the Germans in the city and enter Kalinin in cooperation with the 29th Army.

On December 13, Soviet troops liberated Koltsovo, Small and Bolshoi Peremerki, Bobachevo and Bychkovo, reaching the eastern outskirts of Kalinin by the end of the day on December 15. On the same day, the encirclement almost closed, the Germans were asked to surrender, but they refused. The enemy had only one way to connect him with the rear - the Staritsky highway. All other roads by this time were already under the control of the Red Army.

Soviet tank crossing the Volga

And at 3.30 in the morning the assault on Kalinin began. From different sides, Soviet troops made a breakthrough, meeting fierce resistance from the Germans on their way. The city was completely liberated from the invaders by 13:00.

The regional center was badly damaged - more than half of the housing stock was destroyed, entire neighborhoods in different districts were burned, more than 70 industrial enterprises and the entire energy sector were put out of action. During the liberation of Kalinin, more than 20 thousand people died, two and a half thousand inhabitants of the city were killed during the entire occupation, which lasted two months. Burgomaster Yasinsky left Kalinin with the Germans and subsequently organized detachments to fight the partisans in the Smolensk region. After the end of the war, he lived in Germany, presumably died in Australia in 1958.

Kalinin, on the other hand, was gradually restored - both during the war years and after it. And in 2010, the regional center, already renamed Tver, was awarded the title of "City of Military Glory".


P.S.The theme of the war will not be exhausted for a long time, we see this in the example of one seemingly small but very important episode - the occupation of Kalinin and its subsequent liberation. Unfortunately, the format of a newspaper article does not allow to tell about everything. But someday we will definitely tell you about the people who fought for our city - tankers Mikhail Agibalov, Mikhail Lukin and Stepan Gorobets, marshals Pavel Rotmistrov and Ivan Konev, pilot Evgeny Pichugin and many others.