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This species of pine occupies large areas in North America, growing at an altitude of approximately 3500 m above sea level. A low-growing form of lodgepole pine grows in swamps, on sand dunes. Due to its decorative effect, this type of pine is often found in parks on the coast of the Caucasus, where it has taken root due to the humid and mild climate.

Pine is photophilous, therefore it develops and grows better in open places. In addition, pine is a drought-resistant plant that does not require additional watering. Dwarf pines are characterized by good resistance to diseases and pests, but with adverse conditions may suffer from them. If the plant turns pale and the needles fall off, the top dries up, then it may be affected by a subcortical bug or scale insects.

The variety is distinguished by very modest growths, after ten in height and width the plant does not exceed 0.5 m. The shape of the crown is a ball. The needles are green with a blue tint. A very unpretentious variety, suitable for growing in containers. In general, the genus of pine trees is different rapid development and growth. The exceptions are those species that have to survive in difficult climatic conditions: high in the mountains, in swamps, on mean stony soil, in the North. In these cases, mighty trees are reborn into stunted and dwarf varieties. However, they are of great interest for decorating landscape plantings.

Differs in a multi-stemmed structure, imported from North America. The light green needles are quite short and twisted, the cones are curved. Grows up to 25 meters in height. Frost-resistant, unpretentious species suitable for any soil. Bred only in botanical gardens. Pine wood is widely used in the manufacture of furniture. It is also used in the construction of ships and wagons. Port facilities, dams and moorings are being built from it today. The pine forest was even called "ship grove" or "mast forest". And the ships are “floating pines”. Pine resin was intensively used by shipbuilders to process ropes, ships and boats. All this speaks of the high characteristics of pine wood.​

Pine - conifer tree, which is peculiarly preparing for the winter period. After all, evaporation at a "minus" temperature is detrimental to the plant, at the same time, the needles remained on the branches. The plant copes with this quite simply: with the onset of cold weather, a thin layer of wax falls on the needles, the stomata close, therefore, breathing stops. Botanical name:

Almost all types of pine do not need additional watering, it is an exceptionally drought-resistant plant, and the fallen needles under the tree help to retain moisture. The exception is the Rumelian pine. This is a moisture-loving tree, it must be watered 2-3 times during the season (about 15-20 liters per plant). Strong and light yellowish wood of this type is used in construction.

Grows in the mountains of southeastern Europe. Whitebark pine is not demanding on growing conditions, resistant to dust and smoke, so it is common in many countries, as well as in Russia. A tree about 8-10 m high, with a crown diameter of 7 m. The cones are ovoid, brown-black. to be removed in April. Adult pines are quite winter-hardy.

Description of Scots pine

Spring treatment with Akarin and Aktellik is effective against these pests.

Among the dwarf forms of mountain pine, there are varieties with needles that change their color depending on the season like Winter Gold. All summer the needles are bright green, and by winter all the needles become golden yellow. In height, the Winter Gold pine does not exceed 0.5 m - 0.8 m, the crown is up to one meter in diameter.​

In many gardens, coniferous trees have a lot of space, they are convenient to use in landscape design because they are quite decorative in any season.​

coniferous plant pine

This species is common in the Balkans and southern Italy. It is characterized by spectacular long needles of pale green color. Like many other types of pines, the photos of which are presented in the material, it is very unpretentious, moreover, it easily tolerates urban conditions. Weakness - insufficiently winter-hardy for middle lane, therefore ideal for southern regions.​

However, pine plantations are also used for other purposes. So, a kind of pine root system helps prevent soil erosion, provides an optimal level of moisture, protects cliffs and ravines from sprinkling.

Characteristics of Scots pine

Scotch pine forms a number of forms that differ in crown structure, color and shape of cones. There are varieties with a weeping and pyramidal crown. The color of the needles in young shoots can be golden, whitish or silver. The bark is found scaly or lamellar.

Scotch pine (Pinus silvestris)

You will also need additional autumn watering (after the end of leaf fall) for newly planted seedlings. Wet soil freezes less, so the risk of burning the needles in spring (and this is possible, the crown of the pines wakes up early, and because of the frozen soil, the roots of the plant do not provide enough moisture) will be much less.

In nature, black pine grows in Central and Southern Europe, and in the west of the Balkan Peninsula. The height of the tree is from 20-40 meters, in youth the crown is pyramidal, in maturity it is umbrella-shaped. The needles are long, dark green, the cones are yellow-brown.

The tree looks impressive in group and single plantings and is suitable for small areas due to its slow growth. Lives about 300-350 years.

A large number of pine species are undemanding to the soil, but prefer to grow on sandy or sandy soils. If there is a lot of sand in the soil, then you need to add clay.

How is a pine tree different?

Preventive spraying of plants with Bordeaux liquid will help to avoid many diseases of coniferous trees.

All dwarf pines are quite unpretentious and can become an ornament to any garden, but you still need to follow some rules when planting them.

When there are no leaves or flowers on deciduous bushes and trees, conifers delight the eye with green, gray or blue needles. Among firs, junipers, yews, pine occupies a worthy place.

Very attractive and mountain pine. Pine species are scattered throughout the Northern Hemisphere. This type grows in the mountains of Central and Southern Europe. It is a large branched tree or a prostrate dwarf. Of particular interest for landscape design are a variety of compact decorative trees, from which they create beautiful compositions along the banks of reservoirs, in rocky gardens, etc. The maximum height is 10 meters, and the minimum is 40 centimeters.​

Scotch pine range

It is rarely used as an ornamental crop. It is more often used in landscaping country estates, dispensaries, sanatoriums. It is planted in mixed stands, singly, in masses or in groups. They can be used in landscaping forest parks and landscape gardening areas, for planting a country road, especially on poor sandy soil. In culture, it grows in a group or singly in large parks, gardens and squares. The decorativeness of the young planting is inexpressive. Trees become highly decorative by the age of one hundred, when the trunk in its upper part begins to be covered with a thin orange bark, which gives elegance and attractiveness to the tree. The aesthetic characteristics of individual pines are enhanced as the stand thins out. Old pines, attracting glances from afar, have a special originality. In the absence of air pollution, Scots pine has high sanitary and hygienic characteristics.​

The pine plant has a wide range, which extends to different, from an ecological point of view, areas, so the species is characterized big amount ecotypes. To date, more than 30 such ecotypes have been identified by ecologists. For example, the Angarsk pine growing in the river basin. Angara is an ecotype of Scots pine. Study and observation of Scotch pine seedlings grown under the same conditions different origin shows the difference in plants in the ability to drought and cold resistance, to growth, resistance to diseases. Also, these plants may differ morphological features, such as: the shape of the crown, the length of the needles, the structure of the trunk, etc. However, all these features are prone to change and are not used to distinguish the species.

Scotch pine: application


Top dressing

Black pine wood has a high resin content; it is elastic, durable and hard. Often used to create underwater structures and in shipbuilding.​

Weymouth pine grows in northeastern North America. In those places, its height reaches about 30-40 m, but in our latitudes it is worth counting only 15, maximum 20 m. It lives for about 300 years. The crown of the Weymouth pine is pyramidal, the branches are horizontal, the needles are soft, blue-green, 10 cm long.

The soil for planting pines should be in the following proportions - soddy land, clay or sand (2: 1). If the soils are heavy, drainage is required, which is suitable for gravel or sand, with a layer about 20 cm thick.

If desired, dwarf pines can be grown not only in open ground, containers, but also as bonsai. It remains only to purchase the desired plant and provide it with comfortable conditions for growth.

Photo gallery: Scotch pine (click on the picture to enlarge):


Pine species and varieties. Types of pine cones

Most pines are lovers sunlight and dwarf forms are no exception. A well-lit part of the garden is suitable for planting them. Given their short stature, dwarf pines are not afraid strong winds, tolerate sea air well.

You can find a young pine tree in the forest and transplant it into the garden, however, it is impossible to predict how it will grow.

General description of the genus pine

One of the winter-hardy species grown in central Russia is the so-called red Japanese pine. The main condition for its good growth is not too long freezing of the soil. The needles are long and crowded at the end of the branch; during dusting, the tree exudes aroma. Does not accept urban conditions, grows on poor sandy soils.

More than a hundred names of trees that make up the genus of pine are distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere. In addition, some types of pine can be found in the mountains a little south and even in tropical zone. These are evergreen monoecious coniferous trees with needle leaves.

Growing in adverse conditions, such as in a swamp, Scotch pine can remain a dwarf. Moreover, even century-old specimens may not exceed 1 m in height. Pine is a light-loving plant, frost- and heat-resistant. Of all the representatives of tree species growing on sandy soils, Scotch pine is the most resistant to lack of moisture. Under such conditions, the roots are able to penetrate the soil to a depth of 6 m. Therefore, even in drought conditions, they can supply the tree with water. This ability of plants determined the different root system of different populations. In arid areas, the tap root develops well at the tree, and in conditions of close occurrence of groundwater, the root system is formed mainly by lateral roots branching in all directions.

Scotch pine

Siberia, Ural, Europe

Feeding is necessary for young seedlings in the first two years after they are planted. To do this, mineral fertilizers (about 40 g / sq. M) are applied to the under-barrel circle of the tree at least once a year. In the future, for normal development, the pine tree will have enough organic fertilizers accumulated in the coniferous litter under it.

According to one ancient Greek legend, pine trees originated from the nymph of the morning dawn - Pitis, who turned into a pine tree to hide from the claims of the north wind god Boreas. Well, her descendants are clearly successful. Like other coniferous trees, pine emits phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, respiratory tract, and also purify the surrounding air from harmful bacteria and fungi. And the enchanting aroma and bewitching energy of pines simply defy description.

Siberian cedar pine

The cones of this pine are long, light brown-yellow. Having a vast area, this pine practically does not form pure plantations, it grows together with maples, oaks and hemlock.

Siberian cedar pine

Reproduction of pine is possible by seeds: they need to be sown in the spring. You should know that pine seeds ripen only 2 years after pollination. Ornamental species propagate by grafting. Propagating pines by cuttings usually does not work.

Weymouth pine

Useful video about pine:

The following requirements are the composition, density and acidity of the soil on the site. In terms of density, loamy and sandy soils are preferred, if the land is heavy on the site, then when planting, you will need to pour a drainage layer into the planting pit.

Weymouth mountain pine

Perhaps in a few years in a small area there will be a tall tree out of place, with a bare trunk and an asymmetrical crown at the top. Dwarf pine will avoid such surprises.

Pine Pallas (Crimean pine)

Japanese species of ornamental pines are represented by small-flowered (white) pine, which received its second name for the spectacular white or bluish stripes on the needles, pronounced due to twisting. It is not winter-hardy, only a short dwarf variety grows in central Russia. Since the tree loves warmth and good lighting, the climate is excellent for it. Black Sea coast.​

Pine Armand

The division is mainly based on the territorial affiliation of the range, although many types of pine plants are artificially bred and, as a rule, are named after the breeder.

Banks Pine

The average life expectancy of pines is about 200 years. Individual specimens, under favorable conditions, live up to 400 years.

Geldreich's pine


mountain pine

Shelter for the winter

Pine densely flowered

Pines are winter-hardy plants that tolerate low air humidity. Most types of wood are resistant to environmental pollution (unfortunately, Scots pine cannot boast of this). Unlike other conifers, pine grows best in constantly lit areas, it is an extremely photophilous plant.

Small-flowered pine, or white pine

On the southern slopes of Annapurna, in the Himalayas, at altitudes of about 1800-3760 m above sea level, graceful trees grow, about 50 m high, with a pyramidal crown and green-gray short needles, collected in bunches of 5 pieces.

Pine yellow

The most common pine disease - seryanka (blister rust, resin cancer) - is caused by a rust fungus. A pollen-like coating of orange appears on the tips of the needles. Control measures: removal of infected trees, destruction intermediate hosts(gooseberry and currant).

European cedar pine

Pine belongs to the genus of coniferous evergreen trees, the Pine family, which is characterized by needle needles growing in bunches of 2-5 pieces each and woody female cones that ripen in two growing seasons.

Korean cedar pine

Strongly acidic and strongly alkaline soils are not suitable for pine, the optimal reaction is neutral, and for black pine, Weymouth - slightly alkaline. If the soils are acidic, then adding chalk or lime will solve this problem.​

Pine of Montezuma

Many varieties of pines in the wild reach enormous sizes up to 50-80 m in height with a crown span of up to 12 meters, while dwarf forms sometimes grow from 0.5 m to 2 m.

Luxurious species with a narrow, pyramidal, openwork crown grows naturally in North America. It has long needles and a beautiful thick bark. It takes root in the southern regions and central Russia, but freezes in especially cold winters. The height of the tree reaches 10 meters. Prefers places protected from the winds, so it is best to plant in groups. Pine yellow is not susceptible to urban harmful conditions.

spiny pine

The appearance of a pine can be different: most often these are trees, and sometimes creeping shrubs. The shape of the crown changes with age from pyramidal to spherical or umbrella-shaped. This is due to the death of the lower branches and the rapid growth of the branches in breadth.

Rumelian pine

They grow quickly, especially a significant increase from a year to 100 years - 50-70 cm. According to this indicator, this representative of conifers is second only to larch. Begins to bear fruit at the age of 15. In conditions of dense planting - from 40 years. Abundant harvests, as a rule, can be repeated after 4-7 years.​

Pine twisted (broad coniferous)


Thunberg pine

Mature trees are winter-hardy, but young pines (and some ornamental species) should be covered for the winter to avoid sunburn. For this purpose, spruce branches are used. They cover the crowns of seedlings in late autumn and do not remove it until mid-August. Still, as an option, you can use rare burlap or special covers. It is impossible to wrap trees with thick material or polyethylene - such “protection” will lead to the seedlings aging.

Himalayan pine (Wallycha or Wallich)

For planting, it is best to choose sandy and sandy loamy soil, but if you plant a plant on heavy soils (such as loam and clay), you will need additional drainage of the site. Expanded clay, sand and broken brick fragments are suitable for this purpose. It is desirable that the drainage layer in the planting hole be at least 20 cm. For black pine and weymouth, an alkaline or acid-neutral soil is required. You can get rid of excess acidity with lime - just add about 300 g of lime to the planting hole, and then mix it with the soil.

Black pine

Himalayan pine is very decorative due to its wonderful, long hanging cones.

What are pine cones?

Before preparing a planting hole for a dwarf pine seedling, the site must be freed from weeds and dug up.


Dwarf pine in garden design: types, planting, care

Almost all types of pines have miniature and dwarf varieties and forms, this applies to:

The European type of cedar pine is similar to the Siberian "relative". The difference lies in the smaller size, denser spreading crown and long thin needles. In addition, the cones and seeds of the tree are not so large. Grows slower but lives longer. It will look perfect in single and group landscape gardening plantings.​

The shoots on which the needles are collected are normal, shortened or elongated. The needles, collected in bunches, are flat or triangular, narrow and long, do not fall off within 3-6 years. Small scales are located around the base. The fruits are cones, inside which seeds develop (with and without wings).

Grows well in sandy and sandy soils. It is extremely rare in the steppe southern regions. Therefore, in Lately Scotch pine is often planted in shelterbelts along the slopes of ravines, on sands, in steppe ravines.

Dwarf and undersized pines for the garden


The variety of pine species and their varieties used for decorative purposes is very extensive. We don’t have the opportunity to describe everything, so we will try to show you the most interesting and attractive types of this tree.​

  • For planting, it is best to choose seedlings aged 3 to 5 years. We would not recommend grabbing a shovel and running to dig up any pine tree that caught your eye in the nearest forest - with such transplants, plants very rarely take root and usually die the next year after planting. It is better to buy a ready-made seedling in specialized nurseries. There are several advantages to such a purchase: in addition to the seedling itself, you can get additional advice on planting and caring for it, and leave the tree that was not dug in the forest alive :)​
  • Mountain pine can be a tree about 10 m high or a multi-stemmed shrub. Its range is Southern and Central Europe.​
  • The main pests of pine are butterflies and some aphids. Butterflies and their caterpillars feed on buds and needles, gnaw on shoots. To combat butterflies, trees are sprayed with the Lepidocide biological product.
  • Pine
  • The size of the pit depends on the size of the root system, on average it is 60 - 80 cm deep and the same in diameter.

Scotch pine

A rather rare decorative species growing in the Far East, East Asia, Korea, Japan. In beauty, this coniferous tree can be compared with the Siberian cedar pine, although the crown of the “Korean woman” is less dense, pubescent with bluish-green needles and decorated with decorative cones. The nut seeds are also edible. The culture tolerates frosts in central Russia relatively normally, grows as a stunted tree, although in the wild its height can reach 40-50 meters.

In general, various types of pine are not too whimsical, drought-resistant, frost-resistant and do not require fertile soil. Plants prefer dry sandy and rocky soils, although in this matter the Weymouth, Wallich, resinous and cedar pines are exceptions, which readily grow with moderate moisture. Limestone soil is suitable for mountain pine. Now let's take a closer look at some varieties of this culture.

Very often you can find information that pine is a dioecious plant. This is a mistake, in fact, this is a monoecious plant, that is, with a predominance of flowers, either male or female. Thus, on one tree, female flowers are predominantly contained, and on the other, male inflorescences predominate. Female flowers are located at the ends of the shoots and have the shape of a small cone. And the male ones are near the base of the shoot. It is believed that the predominance of inflorescences of a certain sex is a hereditary factor. But it turns out that depending on the conditions in which the tree grows, its “sex” can change.​

sandy, sandy

Such pine seedlings are planted in late April or early autumn. Before planting, it is necessary to prepare a hole up to 1 m deep. A mixture consisting of soddy soil, topsoil, river sand or clay (in a ratio of 2:2:1) is added to the planting hole. We also add a little nitrogen fertilizer, about 30-40 g.

Turning and joinery are made from the wood of this pine, and its resin is used in cosmetics and medicine. In Crimea, it is used to strengthen slopes with poor soil.

Some pine diseases are caused by aphids. You can fight it by treating it with karbofosom or insecticides (pine moth, common pine scale insect, pine scoop).

Lives on average for about 350 years, growing in height from 35-75 m, but there are also centenarians. For example, bristlecone pine, which grows in the USA, lives for about 6,000 years and is a long-lived tree species throughout the world.​

How to plant a dwarf pine

If the soil is clayey, then to eliminate stagnant moisture, you need to pour a layer of 20 cm of expanded clay or other drainage material at the bottom of the planting pit.

cedar pine

The owner of very long needles, under natural conditions, is found in the west of North America and Guatemala.

This is perhaps the most common coniferous tree in Eurasia, which can be called a symbol of the Russian forest. The common pine species is photophilous, it feels normal both in the harsh northern climate and in the steppe heat. It hardly tolerates urban conditions, but it is the main crop for creating forests on sandy soil. In landscape design, ordinary pine is in demand for a variety of decorative forms and rapid growth.

Scotch pine blooms at the end of May, when the air temperature is already high. Pollination occurs due to the wind. Fertilization itself will come only next year. During the pollination period, a yellow coating can be seen on the trees. This is pine pollen. By and large, the pine plant is distinguished by good pollination. This is possible due to the air sacs that pine pollen has, with the help of which it is carried by the wind over long distances. Pollination time varies depending on the weather. In clear sunny weather, pollen can scatter in 3-4 days. In the rain, this process is delayed.

​Max Height:​

The most common type of tree, unpretentious to soil fertility. This pine grows quickly, loves well-lit places. Winter-hardy. The biggest disadvantage is that Scots pine is sensitive to air pollution.​

When planting a seedling in a prepared hole, it is necessary that the root neck of the tree is at ground level. If not one, but several trees will be planted, they should be left as much as possible more space: planting trees of low-growing species is carried out at a distance of 1.5 m from each other, it is desirable to observe at least a 4-meter interval between large trees.​

Mountain pine is very popular as an ornamental species that adorns personal plots and gardens and is often used to form low-growing groups.​

The use of pine in landscape design

In addition, the pine is distinguished by its powerful root system with a vertical tap root going deep down, as well as flaky bark. Thanks to this structure of pine roots, it can be called a pioneer of forests, since it can grow in a variety of places: on sands, on rocks, over ravines, in a forest. Some types of pines are not afraid of drought, snow, frost, or winds.

Dwarf pine in the garden: care

Pour a layer of forest earth on top. Organic fertilizers should not be applied, pine trees do not really like organic matter. But mineral fertilizers will be needed, universal Kemira or any nitrogen fertilizers will do.

mountain pine

The tree grows up to 30 meters tall and has a spreading spherical crown. Huge conical cones can reach a length of 25 cm. It prefers a warm and humid climate, so it takes root well in the Crimea. Not susceptible to diseases and pests.

The tree can grow up to 40 meters. The bark is cracked, red-brown, in a young plant it is thin, slightly orange. The needles are bluish in color, double, hard, even or curved, 4-6 centimeters long. The maximum age of a tree under favorable conditions is 400-600 years.​

The wood of ordinary pine is dense, sound, containing a lot of tree resin. Young plantings are characterized by straight-grained wood, which over the years becomes oblique. The density of wood and its mechanical properties, which are important in construction, depend on a number of factors, in particular: soil moisture. So, pine growing on dry soil has a denser and more resistant to damage wood. Conversely, a plant that has grown in well-moistened soil has wood with low mechanical characteristics.

Pine breeding

Grows at an altitude of 900 to 1700 and above sea level, forming mixed with larch and spruce and small pure stands. This type of pine is especially valued for its delicious seeds - pine nuts, they are very nutritious and healthy, because they contain up to 50% oil, protein and starch.

Pine is traditionally used in garden design. Recommended for group and single landings and alpine slides. Some decorative forms of pine may be used for borders and free-growing hedges.​


Pine: care, types and varieties, photo.

But pine is sensitive to air pollution with gases and dust, which limits its use in urban landscaping. As a rule, pine is common in the temperate and cold climate of the northern hemisphere, where it forms forests on rocky slopes and on drained soils.

Dwarf pines can be planted in spring, after the soil has completely thawed, and in autumn, from about mid-September to mid-October. in summer and late autumn it is better not to plant seedlings with an open root system, since the roots of conifers are sensitive to drying out. Weymouth pines Many ornamental pine species, including spiny pine, grow well and bear fruit in the conditions of central Russia. This North American species is quite rare and is a small tree or bush with raised branches that form a lush spreading crown. The needles are thick, and the cones have long spines. All varieties are unpretentious and winter-hardy.

There are many artificially bred undersized and dwarf varieties of Scots pine. Under natural conditions on the territory of the range, it is found in the most different forms and crosses easily with species such as black and mountain pines. Depending on the area of ​​growth, about 30 ecological forms are also distinguished - ecotypes.

This representative of conifers reproduces well by seeds. This requires good soil and plenty of sun. It is best to transplant seedlings at the age of 3-7 years.

​Average life expectancy:​

The tree grows up to 40 m high, the crown is narrow pyramidal and dense. The bark is initially smooth, gray-brown in color, becoming scaly and rough with growth. The needles are dense, the needles are dark green.

Usually pine seedlings are obtained by propagation by seeds. Other methods, such as propagation by cuttings or grafting, are not effective enough.

Cedar pine wood is used as a material for carpentry and construction work, as well as for the production of pencils. However, cedar pine is listed in the Red Book, so its economic use is limited.​

This pine tree is native to North America. It is a small bushy tree, no more than 15 m high. The oldest of all specimens of this species is a pine tree that grows in the mountains of Arizona. She is over 1500 years old. But in general, the life expectancy of a pine tree depends on the place of growth.

In total there are approximately 100 species of pine in the forests temperate zone and more than 20 species - in tropical and subtropical zones. Some types of pine are valued for their variety of shapes and nice shape crowns, and others for beautiful cones and needle color. It is important to purchase varietal planting material in proven garden centers and nurseries so that a miniature pine tree does not turn into a multi-meter giant.

Features of pine care

A variety of Balkan pine has a low pyramidal crown, dense green needles 5-10 centimeters long and cylindrical hanging cones on legs. Young shoots are bare. The bark is brown, flaky. Rumelian pine is fast growing and has no special requirements to lighting and soils. Used in the decoration of parks.​

Other types of pines are also popular. In Russia, one of the most valuable forest tree species is Siberian cedar pine - a powerful tree with a rich multi-peaked ovoid crown. The needles are short (6-13 cm), rough. It is frost-resistant, grows near the permafrost zone, in the taiga zone. The seeds of the large cones are edible and rich in fatty oils. It reaches a height of 3 meters.

Pine does not react well to polluted city air, although it grows there quite often. For 2 years of living in the city, the resinous surface of the needles is covered with dust and soot, which interferes with the photosynthesis of the plant.

200 years

Pine breeding

Diseases and pests of pine

Reproduction of pine seeds

This type of pine forms pure stands and can grow along with birch, spruce, aspen, oak. Tree height from 20 to 40 m, crown in young age cone-shaped, in mature - umbrella-shaped.

In culture, a very beautiful type of pine, however, dead needles remain on the tree for a long time, thereby spoiling its appearance, so it is recommended to remove it manually. A tree about 15 m high. It blooms in early spring. Anther cones numerous, yellow or reddish. Pine aristata looks great as a bonsai or rock garden.

The most popular in ornamental gardening are Siberian pine, Weymouth pine, Rumelian pine, Banks pine and elfin pine from the Alps, it forms low shrub thickets.

When planting, carefully place the seedling in the pit, trying to keep the earth lump as much as possible and not damage the root system.

Dwarf pines differ from tall relatives not only in size, but also in the shape of the crown, the color of the needles.

Aristate pine (Bristol)

It grows in North America and, due to its good winter hardiness, is bred in central Russia. The culture extends over large areas along the Pacific coast. The name is given for the twin twisted needles. It can be a shrub or a tall (up to 50 meters) tree, the lower branches of which are lowered, and the upper ones are either sprawling or directed upwards. The culture grows quite slowly, but it is unpretentious to the living conditions not only in nature, but even in the city.

Distributed in Western Siberia and the Far East. Cedar dwarf pine has a bushy shape, grows densely and has the ability to take root with branches lowered to the ground. It is an ornamental variety due to the beautiful bluish-green needles, bright red male spikelets and spectacular red-violet buds.

Pine Armandi

​Fast-growing conifers, including Scotch pine, outstrip surrounding trees without pruning and successfully dominate them in growth. Conifer pruning is performed to form and maintain the structure of the tree and increase its lifespan. Competent pruning reduces the likelihood of defects, structural deviations of the tree. In addition, the formed crown prevents the pine from falling as a result of negative impact weather conditions. Broken, dried or diseased branches are immediately removed, which prevents the spread of fungal diseases. The live branch can also be deleted. This happens in exceptional cases and is necessary to ensure sunlight and air circulation inside the crown.

Banks Pine


A small creeping plant, the branches are very scattered. The crowns of trees may differ in appearance - there are creeping, tree-like and bowl-shaped. With a tree-like crown, elfin grows up to 5-7 m in height.

If you want to go all the way from A to Z when planting, you can try growing a pine tree from seed. You can plant pine seeds in open ground or in specially prepared boxes. Of course, the second option is better: seeds planted in open ground can be destroyed by rodents.

White pine (Japanese)

The color of the needles is bluish-green, the cones are ovoid, reddish-brown, solitary, their length is about 3-6 cm. Scotch pine grows quickly.

Armandi pine differs from representatives of other species with beautiful resinous yellow-brown cones that look spectacular against the background of narrow and long blue-green needles. It grows in China and is valued not only for its decorative appearance, but also for its durable, soft wood, which is used in the furniture industry and used to make sleepers. In addition, turpentine is obtained from the resin of this pine - a raw material for the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Tree up to 18 m high. Lives more than 500 years.​

In the mountains of the northern part of the Black Sea coast and the Crimea, Crimean pine (Pinus Pallasiana) or Pallas is often found, a tree about 30 m high, which looks very decorative thanks to its long green needles.

White pine

Cover the hole with soil and lightly compact it. It is important that the root neck is slightly above ground level. Immediately after this, the tree must be watered abundantly. After planting and in subsequent years of life, dwarf pines, like all garden plants, need regular care.

It is worth saying that the main difference between dwarf pines and tall species is the minimum annual growth, which on average does not exceed five cm, while the growth of ordinary-sized pines reaches forty to fifty cm per year.

Weymouth pine

A rare decorative species from Japan, which is also called black pine. The main habitat is alpine forests, about 1000 meters above sea level. This evergreen tree grows up to 40 meters in height. The crown is usually irregular in shape, light green in color, with long stiff needles (8-14 cm x 2 mm). The bark is black and the young shoots are orange and glabrous. The cones of the Thunberg pine are almost flat, and the gray seeds are winged. A heat-loving and moisture-loving culture that grows well in Sochi in our country.​

Very beautiful and tall pine.

Himalayan pine (Wallichiana)

This type of conifer is widespread in Siberia and Europe. Forms pine forests on sandy or sandy loamy soil, can be found on peaty and very rarely on clay soil. This is a widespread tree of Eurasia. It can be found from Spain and Great Britain east to the river. Aldan and R. Cupid in Siberia. In the north, the tree grows to Lapland, and in the south it is found in China and Mongolia. It forms both pure stands and together with other conifers, oak, birch and aspen. The plant is undemanding to soil conditions and very often grows in areas unsuitable for other species: sands, swamps.

seeds, grafting

mountain pine

Pine seeds do not need additional stratification. Although it is possible to speed up seed germination by using a change in ambient temperature. As with most other plants, pine seeds will germinate faster with sudden warming. It is easy to arrange an artificial temperature contrast for seeds: for this, before planting, it is enough to put them in the freezer for a short time, and then rinse in warm water.

Its wood is used in construction and in some industries; is the main source of lumber. Its resin is used in raw materials for the chemical industry, needles are used to produce vitamin flour.

European cedar pine

This pine grows from Bear Lake in Canadade to the states of Vermont in the USA. Banks pine grows on sandy soils of hills and plains. A tree about 25 m high and a trunk 50-80 cm in diameter. The cones are curved and oblique, sessile, conical, about 5 cm, kept on the tree, closed for several years.

In Russia, the widest range is occupied by Scotch pine. The most valuable species of pine are: yellow pine, resinous pine, Weymouth pine.

Scotch pine

In the first two years, the plant needs regular watering and the introduction of mineral fertilizers in the near-trunk zone. Organic fertilizers should not be abused, fallen needles are enough.

The unpretentious Weymouth pine has many dwarf varieties. One of the smallest can be considered the Minima variety. Dwarf pine "Minima" grows in the form of a miniature bush, reaching a height of a little more than half a meter, as it grows older, the crown acquires a pillow-shaped shape with a diameter of up to 1.5 m.

Luxurious long-leaved pine came from the Himalayas and from the Tibetan mountains. It grows quickly, does not tolerate frosts too well, it is moisture-loving. The ideal place for culture with us is the Crimea, where it bears excellent fruit. The tree in nature reaches a height of 30-50 meters. Beautiful 18 cm gray-green needles hang down. Decorative yellow cones are also long - about 32 centimeters. The species is cultivated for group landscape plantings.

Rumelian pine or Balkan

Varieties and species of North American conifers have an important economic importance. Weymouth pine is characterized by thin, soft and long bluish-green needles. The cones have a curved elongated shape. It perfectly withstands severe frosts, but for all its unpretentiousness it is not suitable for landscaping the city.

The Siberian area covers an area of ​​about 5.7 million km2. The largest pine forests are concentrated in the river basin. Angara, in the upper reaches of the Irtysh, Ob, Podkamennaya Tunguska. In the northern part of the range, the distribution of pine rises to a level of 1000 m above sea level, and in the south - up to 1500 m above sea level.​

Thunberg pine

Synonym -

Like Scotch pine, this species is winter-hardy, drought-resistant. It is also undemanding to the composition of the soil; mountain pine is not damaged by diseases and pests. Frosts and snowfalls are also not terrible for her. It goes well when planted with birch, larch, Balkan pine and spruce. Bred a large number of decorative varieties.

pine tree

The boxes in which you want to plant the seeds can be of any material, they must have holes to drain excess moisture. The earth in the box itself should be loose, sprinkled with peat on top. Peat is necessary for the prevention of fungal diseases that young pine seedlings are susceptible to. We sow the seeds shallowly, it would be better to just pour them on the prepared soil, and then loosen it. The interval between the sown seeds should be at least 5 mm: if this is not done, then the germinated seedlings will raise the ground, while the tender roots of the seedlings will dry out.

Grows in the mountains of the Balkan Peninsula. Creates forests at an altitude of about 750-2300 m, pure or with white fir, Scotch pine and European spruce.​

Black pine (Austrian)

The wood of this type of pine is hard and heavy. It is used in construction, sulfate pulp is made from it.

Some species of pines are endangered and are listed in the Red Book. For example, Cretaceous pine, Pitsunda pine, funeral pine and others.


The pines are the descendants of the Pitis. Pine planting, cultivation and care

Weeds should be prevented from growing under the tree and removed regularly. Mature plants are not afraid of frost, but it is better to cover young trees from direct sunlight in winter.

Pine planting

The bright green needles are very dense, the needles are hard, at the end of summer they turn blue.

Many decorative species of pines are wild, including black pine, which came to us from mountainous regions Central Europe. This breed is very resistant to urban conditions. The name was given for the very dark bark and dense green needles that grow profusely. This creates shady areas, unlike Scots pine. In Russia, it is more suitable for the steppe part North Caucasus, although undersized decorative forms can be bred to the north.

​Some famous species pines grow in the Crimea, for example, the Veymutova mountain. This is a very beautiful North American variety, which differs from the previous shortened blue-green needles and large, somewhat curved buds. The height of an adult tree is about 30 meters, the crown is narrow, with characteristic reddish pubescence on young shoots. This is a heat-loving tree, although it is difficult to tolerate drought. Grows predominantly in mountainous areas that are protected from sea winds.​

The branches and trunk of a pine tree are pierced with resin passages that are filled with resin, commonly referred to as "sap". "Zhivitsa" has great importance for the plant: heals inflicted wounds, repels pests. Such resin is obtained by tapping. It is used to obtain rosin, turpentine. The main thing is that you can get it not only from a living tree, but also from a pine stump. The air in the pine forest ("resinous") is rich in ozone and does not contain microbes. Pine forests have long been famous for their human-friendly properties.​

forest pine

Finally, it is worth noting that recently pine has been in demand not only for the New Year holidays :) More and more summer residents are planting pine trees in their suburban area, enjoying their beauty and aroma. Maybe you should get yourself a couple? :)​

After a year, seedlings can be transplanted to permanent place, best time for transplantation - this is April or May.

Shade-tolerant and fast-growing, undemanding to soils. The height of the tree is about 20 meters. The crown of the Balkan pine is cone-shaped, sometimes growing straight from the ground. The Balkan pine needles are long, dense, grayish-green, the cones are light brown, elongated.

The fragrant resin of the Banks pine, acting on the shoots, makes this pine especially desirable in plantings near sanatoriums, with rest houses, where it looks great in group plantings.

You can do this with the help of a spatula. With the onset of spring, do not remove the protective shelter too early. It is safe to open plantings of conifers in the second half of April.​

Dwarf pine Minima looks good when decorating slopes, Japanese gardens, alpine slides.

Pine care

Different types of pine cones differ in their shape, size and color. But all of them are soft, yellow-green at the beginning of life, and as they grow older, they become stiff and change color from dark green to brown.

Another species widespread on the Crimean peninsula. Pine Pallas - tall tree, about 20 meters. The bark is reddish-black, speckled with cracks. The crown is dense, changing shape from ovoid to umbrella-shaped. Differs in horizontally spread branches with the ends bent up and large cones. The Crimean pine is photophilous, undemanding to the soil, easily transfers a lack of moisture. Also grows in the Caucasus, Crete, the Balkans, Asia Minor.

In medicine, buds are widely used, which must be collected in early spring, before they bloom. The kidneys contain essential oils, resins, starch, tannins and bitter substances. Pine needles contain a large amount of carotene and vitamin C. Due to the value of wood, pine forests are considered the main object of forest exploitation.​

The pine tree is one of the most valuable coniferous species in our country. Reaching 35-40 m in height, it belongs to the trees of the first magnitude. The circumference of the trunk reaches 1 m. It is covered with reddish-brown, with grooves, exfoliating bark. At the base of the trunk, the bark is much thicker than the one at the top. Such an "idea" of nature has a protective function, protecting the tree from overheating and ground fire. In pines that grow in closed forest stands, the trunk is more slender with an openwork crown. While the tree is young, the crown has a conical shape. With age, it rounds, becomes wider, and in old age it acquires a flat or umbrella-shaped shape. Pine needles have a bluish-green color. It is quite dense, often sticking out, curved, collected in bunches of 2 needles. Length 4-7 cm. The needles are pointed, slightly flattened, have a thin longitudinal stripe. Needles live 3 years. In autumn, more often in September, part of the needles fall off. Before this, the needles turn yellow, which makes the crown look mottled.

How much I love pines! Of course, I won’t plant on the site - I like the pine forest, and for it my lands are too small :)) But taking a walk in such a forest is a fantastic pleasure! A little in a good way I envy the inhabitants of those regions where pine trees grow everywhere. I remember from childhood summer rest in a dacha near St. Petersburg, where pine trees surrounded the village, grew right behind the fences of the plots; The Karelian Isthmus, where pine trees, surrounded by mossy boulders, look into endless lakes ... Nostalgia :)​


The decorative forms of this pine tree adorn the landscapes of the United States and Northern Europe. There are also dwarf varieties of this plant that can be grown in the bonsai style.

White pine, sometimes called Japanese, or girlish, grows in Japan, as well as on the Kuril Islands. It is an elegant tree no more than 20 m high with long dark green needles, which has a silver tint on the underside and with a dense cone-shaped crown.


Types and varieties of pine

Many pines need shaping pruning.

The next dwarf variety of Weymutov's pine - this "Makopin" is distinguished not only by its miniature size, it grows a little more than a meter in height, but also by its almost symmetrical spherical crown with an inconspicuous top.

The largest in size are the cones of American Lambert pines - 50 centimeters long, Coulter - reach 40 centimeters, as well as Cilician fir, growing about 30 centimeters long. The smallest cones, barely reaching 3 centimeters, are possessed by Lyell's larch and Japanese pseudo-hemlock.

Ornamental Chinese species with characteristic long and thin needles, edible oil seeds. Grows exclusively in warm southern regions.

Scots pine is one of the oldest medicinal plants. Its needles were part of poultices and compresses 5000 years ago. IN Ancient Egypt pine resin was in embalming compositions. By the way, even now, after 3000 years, these compounds have not lost their bactericidal properties. In Rome and Greece, pine needles were used to treat colds. And in Rus', it was customary to chew pine resin to disinfect the oral cavity, strengthen teeth and gums.

Cones are located singly or 2-3 pieces on the legs lowered down. The immature cone is conical in shape and dark green in color. Sometimes a brownish tinge may be present. Pine cones ripen in the second year. Ripe buds become brown or brown. The length is 3-6 cm, the width is 2-3 cm.​

And in my dacha I have two pine trees 20 years old - they were planted with twigs - one-year-olds, unfortunately, one died at the age of 5 years. and one - she has been waiting for a transplant for 3 years, she did not have time to transplant this fall. I wonder if the lower branches need to be cut - they are at a height of 20 and 50 cm. The answer could not be found.

Pine trees do not need a special haircut. If you need to slow down the growth of a tree and want the crown to be more dense, then it is enough to break off the young branches with your fingers by about a third of their length.

Thunberg pine is a beautiful tree with deeply furrowed bark that becomes coarse and expressive.

In Japan, this pine tree is a symbol of longevity, as well as a symbol of the beginning of the year.

Violetta Shevchenko, Rostov-on-Don

benefits the person. Its homogeneous soft wood is perfectly processed, glued, painted and polished, so it is a sought-after building material.​

The time for her comes at the end of May, and by mid-June this procedure must be completed. The shape of the crown can be given in a very different way, or simply keep the plant in a neat condition and carry out only sanitary pruning.


The needles are long, soft, green-blue in color. Dwarf pine "Makopin" - ideal for small areas. Looks good as a single plant - tapeworm, and in a group of other conifers. It is worth noting the dwarf variety of mountain pine "Pug".

Pinus silvestris L.

Family - Pine - Pinaceae

Parts used - buds, needles.

The popular name is forest pine, borina.

Pharmacy name - purified turpentine (oleum terebinthinae rectificatum), pine essential oil (oleum pini), pine buds (tiriones pini).

Botanical description

Scotch pine is an evergreen coniferous tree up to 45 m high and with a trunk circumference up to 1.2 m, with a straight trunk, covered with reddish brown, exfoliating bark with grooves. A young tree has a cone-shaped, highly raised crown, with age the crown becomes rounded, and in old age it becomes flat or umbrella-shaped.

The bark in the lower part of the trunk is scaly, gray-brown, with deep cracks, much larger than that located at the top. On the trunk, bark scales form plates of irregular shape. The bark in the upper part of the trunk and on older branches is thin, peeling (in the form of flakes), yellow-red. In pines that grow in closed forest stands, the trunk is more slender with an openwork crown.

The shoots are green at first, then turn gray-light brown by the end of the first summer. Pine needles have a gray or bluish-green color, arranged in a bundle of 2 needles, up to 9 cm long and up to 2 mm thick, pointed at the top, slightly flattened, flat-convex in cross section, finely serrated along the edge. In young trees, the needles are longer, in old ones they are shorter, each needle stays on the tree for 2-3 years.

Pollination is carried out by wind, pine dusts in May - June.

The buds are ovoid-cone-shaped, orange-brown, covered with a thin layer of white resin, sometimes with a thick layer.

Female spikelets with fertilized ovules begin to grow rapidly and turn into cones, up to 7.5 cm long, cone-shaped, symmetrical or almost symmetrical, matte from gray-light brown to gray-green when ripe. It blooms in May-June, ripens in November-December, 20 months after pollination, opens from February to April and soon falls off.

Male cones up to 12mm, yellow or pink. Cones are located singly or 2-3 pieces on the legs lowered down. The scales of the cones are almost rhombic, flat or slightly convex with a small navel, rarely hooked, with a pointed apex. Pine cones ripen in the second year. The seeds of Scotch pine are black, up to 5 mm long, with a 12-20 mm membranous wing.

Homeland - Siberia, the Urals, Europe, grows almost throughout Russia, with the exception of Central Asia and the southern steppes. The age limit for Scotch pine is 300-350 years, but trees are known that are over 580 years old.

Collection and preparation

Pine buds are harvested in winter and spring, during the swelling period. The buds are cut along with the base of the shoot 2-3 mm long. Dry in the air on a canopy, or in ventilated areas. The finished raw material is fragrant, has a bitter taste. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.

Active ingredients

Essential oil, tannins, pinipicrin, ascorbic acid, bitterness, flavonoids, coumarin, salts of manganese, iron, copper, boron, zinc, molybdenum, as well as a noticeable amount of carotene (provitamin A), vitamins K and E.

Healing action and application

Scotch pine has expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic and disinfectant properties. IN traditional medicine Scotch pine is used for bronchitis, pneumonia, rheumatism and arthritis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, and pyelonephritis.

Turpentine, obtained from pine wood, has an irritating and antiseptic effect and is widely used externally for sciatica, myoside, joint diseases, bronchiectasis, bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis. Turpentine is added to baths and used for inhalation. In the form of inhalations, turpentine is used for bronchitis.

Pine pollen is useful for rheumatism and gout, as well as after serious illnesses and operations. The dusty male spikelets of pine are dried in the sun, and then the pollen is shaken out of them, which is brewed as a tea or taken with honey.

By dry distillation, tar is obtained from pine wood, which is widely used in the form of 10-30% ointments for the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, scabies and other skin diseases. Pine tar is a part of sulfur-tar soap, Vishnevsky's ointment, etc.

A decoction of pine buds is used as a disinfectant and expectorant for lung diseases accompanied by difficult to expectorate sputum, lung abscesses, dropsy, rheumatism, chronic inflammation of the bronchi, asthma, and an infusion of them for tuberculosis.

Infusion of needles has long been used to treat and prevent scurvy. In the form of inhalation, the infusion is effective for bronchitis and runny nose.

Pine buds are part of the breast fees. As a diuretic and disinfectant, a decoction of pine buds is used for urolithiasis. In addition, the decoction is used for inhalation and rinsing with tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis and acute respiratory diseases.

Pine essential oil is obtained from the needles, which is widely used in aromatherapy. It is used for cuts and ulcers, as well as for the treatment of arthritis, asthenia, gout, muscle pain, rheumatism, asthma and bronchitis, cystitis, urinary tract infections. It relieves fatigue, has a positive effect on nervous exhaustion and neuralgia.

Extract and infusion of needles are used to prepare coniferous baths, which are prescribed for nervous exhaustion, circulatory disorders, slowly healing wounds, skin diseases, as well as for paralysis, gout, arthritis, articular rheumatism, asthma, respiratory diseases.


- Boil 10 g of pine buds in 1 glass of water under the lid and let it brew for 2 hours. Strain and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. (As an expectorant).

- Boil 15 g of pine buds in 0.5 liters of milk, boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain and drink throughout the day. (As an expectorant, diuretic).

- Sort out the dry resin-resin, put it in a glass jar or a bubble with a wide neck. Pour in 90% alcohol (alcohol should cover the resin by 1 cm), after a few days the resin will dissolve. Pour liquid resin-resin on an ulcer or wound, bandage it. Change several times within 2-3 days. (Ulcers, stomach cancer, externally - with furunculosis).

- Pour 0.5–1 kg of needles into 3 liters of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes and let it brew for 6 hours. Strain and pour into a bath at a temperature of 34 ° C. (Neurosis).

- Pour 50g of pine buds with 2 cups of boiling water and put in a warm place for 2 hours. Strain, add 0.5 kg of sugar and boil the syrup. Give children 2 tablespoons to drink 3 times a day. ( ).

- 50 g of pine buds pour 0.5 liters of milk and boil over low heat for 20 minutes, strain and give to drink in sips - for adults during the day, for children - for 2 days. (Cough).

- Pour one part of pine buds with 10 parts of water and boil for 20 minutes. Strain and use for inhalation with tonsillitis and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

Rub purified turpentine oil mixed with vaseline (1:2) into the skin. (Neuralgia, sciatica, joint pain).

- Mix 1 kg of fresh chopped pine needles with 1 kg of sugar, pour 2 liters of cold boiled water, mix well and put in a warm place for 10 days, shaking occasionally. Strain and take 200 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. (Chronic hepatitis).

- 5 tablespoons of fresh pine needles mixed with 2 tablespoons of rose hips and 2 tablespoons onion peel, all pour 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil, boil over low heat for 10 minutes and let it brew overnight in warmth. Strain and take instead of water from 0.5 to 1 liter per day in a warm form. Prepare daily fresh broth. (Cardiovascular diseases, multiple sclerosis, cerebral vascular dystonia).

- Thoroughly mix 100g pine rosin, 20g beeswax and 20g sunflower oil. Put in a water bath and stir until dissolved. Apply the composition on a linen flap and apply to the sore spot for 2-3 days (for women, apply to the lower abdomen, shaving off the hair). This composition is enough for 4 patches. (Fibromyoma, on the uterus and ovary).

- 5 tablespoons of chopped fresh pine needles pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil over low heat in a sealed container for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally and let it brew in a warm place for 10-12 hours. Strain and drink the whole infusion warm during the day, slightly sweetening the broth. (Oncological diseases of the genital area, multiple sclerosis, with diseases of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system).

- Pour fresh red cones in a loose layer into a jar for 2/3 of its volume, then top up with vodka and put in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain and take from 1 hour to 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. (Heartache).

- Pour 10 g of pine buds with a glass of hot boiled water, close the lid and keep in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes. Cool, strain and add to the resulting broth boiled water to the original volume. Take during the day in small portions. (Dropsy, rheumatism, chronic inflammation of the bronchi, asthma).

- Grind and mix in equal proportions the buds and needles of young pine branches. Pour 5g of the mixture with 1 cup of hot boiled water and boil over low heat for 20 minutes. Strain and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. (Bronchitis).

- Steamed fresh pine sawdust, wrapped in gauze, apply for pain in the lower back and joints, sciatica, sciatica.

- 5 tablespoons of pollen pour 0.5 liters of vodka, put in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain and take 25 ml before meals 3 times a day. (Tuberculosis).

- Mix turpentine with petroleum jelly (1:2), or lard (1:4) and apply for rubbing with - neuralgia, myositis, rheumatism, arthritis.

- With putrefactive bronchitis, inflammatory diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, it is recommended to her as an antimicrobial and deodorant inhalation with turpentine - 15 drops per 1 glass of hot water.


Individual intolerance. Pregnancy.

Pine is perhaps one of the most typical representatives of coniferous plants on our planet. The tree is found in various natural zones from the equator to the Far North. Often forms extensive forests (mainly in temperate latitudes). Where do pine trees grow? What are the specifics of their artificial cultivation? How much do scientists allocate? We will answer these and many other questions in this article.

Coniferous trees: general information

Conifers are one of the divisions of the plant kingdom, represented by trees (most often), as well as shrubs and elfins. They grow almost all over the globe, but dominate only in one natural zone - the taiga. Two main distinctive features of this squad:

  • The leaves are usually presented in the form of long thin needles.
  • Seeds develop in specific shoots - cones.

Conifers are the oldest group of plants on Earth. Their remains are found in different corners planets and date back 60-300 million years ago. Some of them have already died out without a trace, such as Voltian or Cordaite. The features and appearance of these plants can only be judged by the discovered fossil fragments.

Coniferous trees: examples

Typical representatives of the coniferous order:

  • sequoia;
  • pine;
  • cypress;
  • larch;
  • cedar;
  • juniper;
  • fir.

Of all the listed plants on the territory of Russia, spruce, pine and larch are most often found. Where do these trees grow?

  • Spruce is common in Europe, Asia and North America, widely represented in the expanses of Siberia and the Far East.
  • The pine filled temperate latitudes Europe and Asia, it also grows in South-East Asia and North America (from Alaska to Yucatan).
  • Larch occupies vast areas in Russia, in particular, in its Siberian and Far Eastern parts.

So, we found out where pines, spruces and larches grow. Next, we will dwell in more detail on the botanical description of the pine, talk about the distribution and main types of this tree.

Pine tree: botanical description

Pines are a family of conifers with more than 130 species. In Latin, their name sounds like Pinus. It is believed that this name comes from the Celtic word pin, which translates as "resin". Pines really emit a fairly large amount of resin, generously enriched with phytoncides.

Pine wood is quite dense and at the same time soft. In terms of strength, it is second only to larch. It has a pleasant color, which darkens with age of the tree (and unevenly).

Pine shoots are of two types: long and short. Leaves (needles) are thin and elongated (5-9 cm long), usually collected in bunches of 2-5 pieces. The cones are oblong or ovoid in shape and consist of tightly closed scales. During the period of maturity of the plant, these scales open, exposing the seeds.

Distribution and main types of pines

Where do pine trees grow? IN natural environment their distribution area is quite wide (see the map below). Pine forests are found in different parts Eurasia, from equatorial to subpolar latitudes. In the tropics and near the equator, pines are found mainly in the mountains. These trees grow in North America (including the islands of the Caribbean), as well as in northern Africa (in the Atlas Mountains).

What is the name of the forest where the pines grow? The popular name for a pine forest is boron. True, sometimes this word also refers to spruce forests. In a pine forest, as a rule, there is no undergrowth, but mountain ash, juniper and other low shrubs are often found. Aspen or birch is often mixed with pines here.

In the Northern Hemisphere, botanists number over a hundred different types of pines. Approximately half of them are cultivated. Among the most famous and common types:

  • Common pine.
  • Pine Siberian cedar.
  • Black pine.
  • Weymouth pine.
  • Mountain pine (or European).

Pine in culture, literature and folk art

According to ancient Greek legend, the pine tree is the embodiment of the dawn nymph Pitis. Once she turned into this tree in order to hide from the evil god of the north wind Boreas.

Pine is quite common in fine arts, in particular, in Russian. So, the image of a tree can be seen on the canvases of Ivan Shishkin, Fyodor Vasiliev, Paul Cezanne, and other prominent artists. Perhaps the most famous painting depicting pines can be considered the work of I. I. Shishkin “Morning in a Pine Forest”.

The mention of these trees is often found in the literature. Here, for example, is an excerpt from the story Artel peasants"classic of Russian and Soviet prose by Konstantin Paustovsky:

“Varya woke up at dawn, listened. The sky was a little blue beyond the window of the hut. In the yard where an old pine tree grew, someone was sawing: Zhik-zhik, zhik-zhik! Apparently, experienced people sawed: the saw went loudly, did not jam.

There are many folk proverbs and sayings about pines. Here are just a few examples:

"Where the pine has grown, there it is red!"

"Pine trees seem greener in winter."

"Get lost in the three pines."

"From an apple tree - apples, and from a pine - cones!"

In addition, there are many children's riddles with the mention of this tree. Here is the most popular one:

“Where did the old pine grow? Where did the red squirrel live? What did she stock up for the winter? (Answers: in the forest; in a hollow; nuts).

Where do pine trees grow?

Pine - truly unique tree. After all, she knows how to adapt to a wide variety of environmental conditions. You can meet this tree both on the swampy northern plains and on rocky cliffs. Crimean peninsula. However, in mountainous areas, pines, as a rule, rarely rise above the mark of 800 meters.

Where do pine trees grow best? If we talk about the geological aspects of the territory, then this tree successfully settles on both sandy and rocky substrates. Some species of pines have adapted even to pure chalk deposits. However, these trees grow best in well-drained sandy or loamy soils.

Often in those places where pine trees grow, there is a significant excess of moisture. In this regard, they are also quite unpretentious. Pines perfectly adapt even to the conditions of marshland. As a rule, they are the first to "master" those lands that are unsuitable for all other trees, gradually fertilizing them with their own needles.

So, we found out in what natural conditions representatives of the pine family grow. And now it is worth talking in more detail about some types of pines. In particular, about those that can be found on the territory of our country. In addition, it would be useful to find out which pine grows where.

Scotch pine

Pinus sylvestris is the most common species in the pine family. This is a light-loving and fast-growing tree, reaching a height of 30-50 meters. The crown is translucent and highly raised, often with a flat top. Bark color: light brown, reddish. The trunk, as a rule, is straight with a diameter of 0.5 to 1.2 m. The needles are quite long (up to 6-9 cm), bluish-green, slightly curved.

The distribution area of ​​​​the tree extends over a fairly wide belt from Central Europe to the Far East. Where does Scots pine grow? It can be found on the loose sands of Mongolia, and in the swamps of Polissya, and in the mountains of the Caucasus. The tree adapts well to various natural and climatic conditions. However, it feels most comfortable in soils of light mechanical composition.

Scotch pine grows quite quickly. Lives 300-600 years.

Siberian cedar

Siberian cedar pine (most often referred to simply as cedar) is a majestic coniferous tree with a dense crown and a powerful trunk. Its branches are located close to each other and are covered with soft and long needles (up to 12 cm), which are collected in bunches. The shape of the cones is an elongated ovoid, the color is purple at first, and later brown. The cones contain seeds ("nuts"), which are eaten and used to produce cedar oil. One cone can hide from 30 to 150 such nuts.

Where does the cedar pine grow? The tree is widespread in the forest belt of Western Siberia (from 48 to 66 degrees north latitude). Within Eastern Siberia upper bound its range is noticeably shifted to the south. Cedar is also found in the forests of Mongolia and northern China, growing on the slopes Altai mountains(up to 2000 meters). On the territory of the Arkhangelsk region there are artificial plantings of Siberian cedar planted in pre-revolutionary times.

weymouth pine

Slender and unusually beautiful tree with very high quality wood. The branches depart from the trunk strictly horizontally and are covered with thin, soft and long needles. In the 18th century, the wood of the white oriental pine (as it is also called) was actively used for the construction of ships. british navy. It is now widely cultivated in forestry.

The natural range of the Weymouth pine is limited to North America. In particular, the tree is common in the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada. It is also found in Mexico, Guatemala and on the islands of Saint Pierre and Miquelon. In the mountains it rises to a height of 1500 meters.

Perhaps, in the entire pine family, the most exotic appearance boasts the Bunge pine (Pinus Bungeana). It got its name in honor of the Russian botanist Alexander Bunge, who first described it back in 1831.

The tree stands out for its unusual bark. Initially, it has a greenish color. But with age, its scales begin to flake off, and the bark becomes grayish-white. The tree rarely exceeds 30 meters in height. The needles of the pine are hard, dark green, the cones are resinous, brown.

Bunge pine grows in the central and western part of China. The tree is actively planted in parks and gardens, used in landscaping city streets and squares.

Economic use of pine

Scotch pine wood is the most widely used by man. It is distinguished by its special hardness, density and high tensile strength. In particular, the following building materials and substances are obtained from it:

  • construction logs and beams;
  • shipbuilding and deck ridges;
  • railway sleepers;
  • plywood;
  • cellulose;
  • rosin;
  • tar;
  • turpentine, etc.

Pine is also known as a medicinal plant. In folk medicine, almost all parts of this tree are used - buds, needles, bark, resin, seeds. So, the needles contain a number of vitamins and have an excellent bactericidal effect. Turpentine oil is widely used for arthritis, rheumatism and neuralgia. Pine tar successfully treat skin ailments (eg, psoriasis or eczema).

Features of growth and growing conditions of pine

Pine tolerates severe frosts and low humidity. The tree is highly resistant to industrial pollutants. The only thing the pine is in dire need of is natural solar lighting. Therefore, it should be planted in open, unshaded areas. A sandy or sandy loam substrate is best suited for planting. In the case of landing in "heavy" soil (for example, black soil or loam), additional drainage of the site will be required.

Pine seedlings are usually planted in late April or early September. To do this, dig a meter-long hole and pour a mixture of soil, turf and river sand into it. You can also add a little nitrogen fertilizer (about 35-40 g). The optimal age of the seedling is 3-5 years. When planting in the ground, it is extremely important to ensure that the root neck of a young tree is at ground level.

In the first five years of its life, a pine seedling gains at best ten centimeters per year. Thus, a five-year-old tree does not exceed half a meter in height. In the future, the annual growth of pine increases to 25-60 cm per year, and after ten years of the life of the tree, it reaches 80-100 cm per year. In a thirty-year-old pine, growth in height slows down and the process of trunk expansion begins.

  • Weymouth Pine Radiata.
  • Pine Aurea.
  • Pine mountain Gnome.

Where can you find pine in Russia?

Pine is one of the main forest-forming species in Russia. Within the country there are 16 of its species. The most common is Scots pine. In general, pines occupy about 15% of the area of ​​all forests in Russia. In height, they often reach 50-70 meters. Where does pine grow in Russia?

Pure pine forests are widely represented in Siberia (as a rule, on sandy or stony soils). To the south of the conditional line Bryansk - Kazan - Ufa, these trees are extremely rare and dotted, forming only small forests and groves. However, in the mountains of the Caucasus and Crimea, they are ubiquitous.

In addition to Scotch pine, Siberian cedar is common in Russia, and within the Amur Region, the latter is also distinguished by more elongated cones and seeds.

Pine species include various varieties of this mighty tree. Basically, the division goes according to the territorial affiliation of the habitat of the plant. But some species of pine are artificially bred or selected. In this case, the title displays the name of the breeder.

We offer you material in which photos and descriptions of pine species are presented.

To begin with, we offer a general description of pine as a crop. These are mainly trees, less often bushy trees or creeping shrubs. In trees, the shape of the crown often changes with age from pyramidal to spherical or umbrella-shaped due to the drying of the lower branches on great height and expansion in breadth. There are ordinary, elongated shoots and short ones, on which needles are collected. The needles are trihedral or flat in bunches along (1)2-5(8), long, narrow, remain on the shoot for 3-6 years. The base of the bundle is surrounded by several small scales. Cones are woody, variously oriented: from erect to hanging. The seed scale has a thickening at the end - the apophysis, often decorated with a tuberous navel. Seeds with and without wings.

There are about 110 species in the genus, distributed in the Northern Hemisphere - from the tundra to the tropics.

Agricultural technology. Not all types of pines found in our trade assortment are winter-hardy. The ones on the list have been tested in mid-range conditions and can be recommended as practically problem-free. Most of them are light-requiring, only such as Rumelian pine and elfin pine endure partial shade, and Korean cedar even prefers it at a young age. In general, pines are undemanding to soil fertility and are drought-resistant. They prefer dry sandy and rocky soils, with the exception of Weymouth pine, Weymouth mountain pine, resinous pine, Wallich pine, cedar pines, which grow well with moderate moisture. Limestone is suitable for mountain pine. They are highly sensitive to industrial air pollution.

Application. The use of pines in garden design is very diverse: they look good both in groups and in a solitary planting. Mountain pine and dwarf pine are suitable for large rockeries. Very many are suitable for afforestation of areas with poor soils, fixing dunes, in forest belts. In cities, their use is limited by high sensitivity to air pollution.

Weymouth mountain pine

Weymouth mountain pine, or western white Pinus monticola is a tall tree species.

Tree over 30 m tall. Similar to weymouth pine. Has a narrower crown. It is also distinguished by dense reddish pubescence of young shoots and blue-green needles.

From western North America. In culture since 1831

Varieties of Weymouth mountain pine

Several varieties of mountain Weymouth pine are known.

Weymouth pine variety ‘Ammerland’ (Germany). Tree of medium height. At 10 years old, the height is about 3 m. The crown is even, pyramidal. The needles are blue.

Siberian cedar pine and its photo

Siberian cedar pine, Siberian cedar - Pinus sibirica - is a powerful tree up to 30 m. In culture, by the age of 20, growth is about 3 m (Moscow). A species close to the European cedar pine, from which it differs in shorter, 6-13 cm, and rough needles and large cones 6-13 x 5-8 cm. In foreign catalogs, it can be listed as a variety of European cedar. Below you can see the photo Siberian pine cedar:

It grows in the taiga zone of Russia: in Komi, Western Siberia, in the south of Eastern Siberia, and in northern Mongolia.

It grows slowly and is relatively resistant to air pollution. Grows best in moderately moist loam.

Hook pine

Hook pine -Pinus uncinata(P. rostrata) is close to the mountain pine, but has the form of a low single-trunked tree. The needles are more straight and thin, 5-8 cm long, somewhat twisted. Cones 5-7 x 2-3 cm, lopsided. Apophyses are pyramidal-swollen, drawn to the base of the cone, the umbilicus is concave. Winged seeds.

Lives in the Pyrenees and the Alps.

Varieties. There are 10 varieties, although many may also be listed as mountain pine.

Pine ‘Grune Welle’ (P. mugo ‘Grune Welle’, P. mugo ssp. uncinata ‘Grune Welle’)(1989, Germany). Dwarf. Annual growth 2 cm. Height 0.2 m with a width of 0.4 m. The crown is cushion-shaped, very dense, tuberculate. The needles are dark, dense, about 4 cm long. May be offered on a stem.

Pine Pallas or Crimean

Pine Pallas, or Crimean - Pinus pallassiana is a tree up to 20 m tall. The bark is almost black, reddish in the upper part of the trunk, with deep cracks. The crown is broadly ovoid, dense, with age - umbrella-shaped. Crimean pine differs from other species in structure. Its branches are spread horizontally, with ascending ends. It differs from the related black pine in large cones: 8-10 x 4-6 cm, scales with widely rounded apophyses and some other small things.

Homeland - Crimea, Caucasus, Crete, Asia Minor, Balkans. Cultivated since 1790. Very photophilous, drought-resistant, not particularly winter-hardy, undemanding to the soil.

Rumelian pine and its photo

Rumelian pine - Pinus peuce- This is a tree up to 20 m tall with a cone-shaped low crown. In a culture of 10 years - 2.5 m (Moscow). The bark is brown, with peeling plates. Young shoots are bare. The needles are dense, the needles are in bunches of 5, 6-10 cm in length, dense, bluish. Cones on legs, hanging, cylindrical, 8-10 x 2.54 cm, ripen in the third year. The apophyses are convex, with an umbilicus at the apex. Winged seeds.

In nature, it grows in the mountains in the Balkans. In culture since 1863

It grows quickly, unpretentious, relatively shade-tolerant.

Resinous pine

Pine resinous, red - Pinus resinosa reaches 30 m in nature, in culture (Moscow) at 10 years old, height is about 3 m.

The crown is wide, the skeletal branches are powerful, prostrate. The bark is red-brown, scaly. Branches are bare. Needles of 2 in bunches, thin, stiff, 12-17 cm long. Cones are almost sessile, usually collected in 2, brown, 4-6 x 3 cm, fall off in the third year. Apophyses are light, with a small keel, shining, with a dark umbilicus and a small cusp. Winged seeds.

Homeland - the eastern regions of North America. In culture since 1736

Suitable for wet sandy and peaty soils.

Pine Sosnowsky, or hooked -Pinus sosnowskyi (P. hamata)

In nature, it is found in the mountains: in the Crimea, the Caucasus, Turkey and Iran. Quite winter hardy.

Schwerin pine

Schwerin's pine - Pinus x schwerinii - is a hybrid of Wallich and Weymouth pines. Outwardly, it looks more like Wallich's pine.

Needles 8-11 cm long, hanging. Cones 8-15 cm long, straight or slightly curved, on legs. Scales like Wallich's pine. Origin unknown. Found in botanical garden near Berlin in 1905. Winter hardiness has not been clarified. Perhaps better than the Wallich Pine. x

Scotch pine is a tree that grows everywhere and is familiar from childhood. Pine forest is a favorite vacation spot for family and friends. This tree has been known to mankind for many millennia, its application is multifaceted, and its benefits cannot be overestimated.

Scots pine, or forest, - Pinus sylvestris L. - a coniferous tree from a large family of the same name. On average, a tree lives up to 200 years (sometimes one and a half times longer) and grows up to almost 50 m in height. At the same time, its trunk can reach a diameter of up to a meter. The yellow-red bark occasionally flakes off and is replaced by a young one.

The shape and depth of the root system depends on the habitat conditions. In dry places, it grows a powerful and deep tap root. And with a shallow location of groundwater, lateral roots close to the surface predominate, occupying a large area.

A paired arrangement of needles several centimeters long is observed. It is located on the branches in a spiral and changes every 2-3 years. Flowering with a lot of pollen is observed in early summer. There are two types of fruits (spikelets) - female and male. Female specimens with wind-pollinated ovules turn into cones with seeds ripening in them. In fact, the cones are young shoots. At first they are green, and after a year and a half they become lignified and brown.

By that time, the seeds found in them ripen. By the end of winter, the cones fully open. And in spring, light seeds, equipped with long wings, disperse. Once on the soil, many of them germinate.

Scotch pine - a tree that grows everywhere and is familiar from childhood

Where does Scots pine grow?

The habitat of the common pine is extensive - it grows in forests, forest-steppes and steppes. Found in mountains, uplands, river valleys, wetlands and sandy plains, and even on rocks.

This unpretentious plant is cultivated in artificial forest belts and city parks. Pine is not demanding on the structure and nutritional value of the soil, tolerates cold and drought well, easily adapts to natural conditions. It grows in separate arrays, it also goes well with other coniferous or deciduous tree species. The only factor she is sensitive to is light. Pine is a photophilous plant.

There are three varieties of Scots pine:

  • P.s. hamata- grows in the Balkans, in Turkey and the Caucasus in the highlands.
  • P.s. lapponika- lives in Scandinavia, in the north of Russia, in Karelia and even in the Arctic. In the conditions of the north, a shrubby and creeping form of the plant is common.
  • P.s. Mongolian(Mongolian) - common in China, Mongolia, Siberia. It is this type of pine that is most often found in the European part of the country.

Gallery: Scotch pine (25 photos)

Medicinal use of pine (video)

Medicinal and beneficial properties of pine

Scotch pine due to the unique complex of its constituent substances - vitamins K, P, C, group B, mineral salts of tannins, essential oils and others - has numerous diverse useful properties which are used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. From various parts of the plant, preparations are made that have vasodilating, diuretic, anti-radiation, disinfectant and other effects. Here a brief listing of some of the possibilities in the use of pine:

  • A decoction is prepared from pine buds used as an expectorant and disinfectant for bronchitis. Pine honey is also obtained from them, which is an excellent tool for boosting immunity. Drugs from the kidneys help get rid of tuberculosis. And the resin extracted from them heals deep wounds and ulcers.
  • Essential oil and pine needle extract- reliable assistants for the treatment of respiratory diseases, used in inhalations and special baths. Vitamin C-rich infusions and tea from pine needles support immunity, fight colds and high temperatures.
  • Gum turpentine also cleans the air of germs, helps with coughs, and as part of balms and ointments is also useful for colds, rheumatism, gout.
  • Tar obtained from medicinal plant, used in ointments for scabies, eczema, lichen.
  • Exactly pine wood activated carbon is produced used for poisoning, swelling and other problems of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Choleretic preparations are prepared from pine used in diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
  • Helps to get rid of excess weight.

The habitat of the common pine is extensive - it grows in forests, forest-steppes and steppes.

Used pine parts and their harvesting

For medicinal purposes, the following parts of Scots pine are used: needles, buds, pollen, resin, sawdust and tar. Collection of kidneys is carried out in the first half of spring when they are already swollen, but have not yet had time to bloom. Medicinal raw materials are dried at a temperature not lower than 20 degrees.

Young needles are harvested along with shoots in winter. It is best to store it under snow or in the cold. Then all the vitamins are saved for several months. At room temperature, even in a container with water, they last only a few days, and even less without it.

Pollen is collected during dry weather in May, when the plant is flowering. It can only be stored in a hermetically sealed container. Resin is extracted during the growing season with the help of complex technology from adults intended for cutting down trees. Cones are harvested while still green, they do it in the summer.

The collection of pine buds is carried out in the first half of spring, when they are already swollen, but have not yet had time to bloom.

The use of Scotch pine in folk medicine

There are hundreds of recipes for using pine for medicinal purposes, here are some of them:

  • With pain in the heart, an infusion of young cones is prepared. Warm water is poured into a glass container filled with green raw materials and left in a warm room for a week. Means drink three times a day on a spoon before meals.
  • For bronchitis, rheumatism, dropsy and problems with the liver and gastrointestinal tract, a decoction of the kidneys is used. A spoonful of dry raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water and kept for a couple of half an hour. Then, water is added to the cooled and filtered substrate until the initial volume is obtained. It should be drunk in equal portions after meals during the day.
  • With beriberi and scurvy, freshly brewed needles are sweetened with sugar or honey and drunk instead of tea.
  • For diseases of the upper respiratory tract, a decoction of pine buds is prepared in milk. This requires two tablespoons of raw materials and half a liter of milk, which is boiled for a couple of tens of minutes, insisted and filtered for ten minutes. A glass of decoction is drunk in equal doses several times during the day. The rest of the drug can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

How to use pine buds (video)

  • For rheumatism, problems and skin lesions, baths with infusion of buds or pine needles are useful. For this, a kilogram of raw materials is kept in four liters of boiling water for three hours. A water procedure with this remedy is done ten times for 15 minutes a day.
  • Cough remedy. Pour green cones into liter jar, add 5 tablespoons of sugar there and keep under the lid for a couple of days until it dissolves. After that, add Cahors to the jar and, after carefully shaking the contents, keep in a dark place for a month. Adults can drink infusion on a spoon before meals. It is contraindicated for babies.
  • For tuberculosis and bronchitis, an infusion is prepared from the kidneys. At the same time, a quarter cup of raw materials is infused in a glass of 70% alcohol for 2 weeks. The maximum allowable dose of the drug is 30 drops three times a day.
  • Cream for oily and problem skin. For him, a spoonful of pine needles is poured with half a glass of boiling water, wrapped and insisted for an hour. 5 grams of glycerin are added to the obtained and filtered substrate, everything is mixed. The following components are also needed: 2-3 tablespoons of melted high-quality butter, olive oils and camphor alcohol, a couple of tablespoons of honey, 2 raw yolks. It is important to mix the mixture well. Then, pour into a glass container and keep it refrigerated.

Pine pollen is collected during dry weather in May when the plant is in bloom.

The use of pine in other areas

Scotch pine is widely used in many areas of the economy:

  • The roots are suitable for weaving baskets, various crafts.
  • Pine resin serves as the basis for obtaining varnish, rosin, turpentine.
  • Young cones and branches are suitable for making red and black paints.
  • Pine needles are used to make preparations for pest control of fruit trees. It is used in veterinary medicine, and also serves as an integral part of winter animal feed.
  • Needles are also used as a raw material for many types of perfumery products, as a stuffing material for furniture, for the manufacture of ropes and ropes.
  • Pine wood is strong, resinous, light and does not bend well. It is an excellent building material (houses, ships, dams, etc.). Furniture and some parts of musical instruments are made from it.
  • Rosin is used in the manufacture of varnishes, sealing wax, plaster, soldering, soap making. Musicians rub their bows with it.
  • Pine is also natural amber. It is used for jewelry and other decorations, applied in optics, electrical insulators and medical instruments.