Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives, whose President is the wife of the Prime Minister Russian Federation Svetlana Vladimirovna Medvedeva, since November 2013, has been conducting the All-Russian public and state initiative "Hot Heart", the main purpose of which is to honor and express gratitude to children and young people under the age of 23 who have shown indifference and an active life position, who have committed heroic and courageous deeds, who selflessly came to help people who have overcome difficult life situations.

The initiative is organized jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense, the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, the Russian Paralympic Committee, as well as public organizations and funds. Approval and support received from the Federation Council and the State Duma Federal Assembly Russian Federation, Plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federal Districts.

1236 applications were submitted to the All-Russian Organizing Committee of the Initiative for the awarding of the Badge "Hot Heart" in 2015, of which 11 teenagers were representatives of the Samara region. On the proposal of the award commission, the organizing committee decided to award 127 people and 8 public organizations with the Badge "Hot Heart" in 2015, including representatives of the Samara region: ANNENKOVA EKATERINA, a student of MBOU secondary school No. Samara, BUGROV ALEXANDER, student of MBOU secondary school No. 72, o. Samara.

On October 25, 2014, Samarskaya Gazeta published only a few lines about Alexander: “Sasha Bugrov, a student of Samara school No. 72, protected teenagers from extortionists and helped the police detain them.” What is behind these mean words?

Sasha - good man, faithful friend. He treats his elders with great respect, with love - to his parents and, especially, to his grandfather Oleg Petrovich, with whom he takes great pleasure in resting at the dacha in the summer, during the holidays. The dacha is located in the village of Starosemeykino, which is located on a small but very beautiful river Sok, a left-bank tributary of the Volga. Sasha also has many friends here, just like at school.

At the end of July, the neighboring groves and shores are already traversed - both the neighboring groves and the coast are crossed. Favorite places for swimming, sunbathing, walking were determined. Sasha walked from one beach to another. On the main road, two unfamiliar teenagers approached him, who began to ask for help. It turned out that two adult guys beat them and took away their things. It was a pity to look at the guys: confused, frightened, broken noses, bewilderment in their eyes, and most importantly - how to tell their parents that a brand new phone was gone ...

Sasha immediately realized that he had to act quickly, and better not alone. He called his friend, and on the way he informed the guards of the holiday village about what had happened. Having detained the offenders, Sasha and his friends did not let them leave until the police arrived.

He is such a person: he cannot stand injustice, lies, he will never pass by someone's misfortune, he will always help and will not remain indifferent. Sasha's striving for perfection manifested itself in childhood. Apparently, that's why he enjoys authority among friends. In his studies, he is more successful in the humanities, he is especially interested in economics. He devotes his free time to sports. As a child, he played football, now he successfully plays basketball in the school team.

All these qualities determined the character of Sasha Bugrov, who, at the age of 16, was able to protect the younger ones and bring the criminals to justice - an adult act of a mature person.

Seventh-grader Katya Annenkova from Samara School No. 74 has a constructive approach to solving any problems. Moreover, it can not only offer an interesting solution, but also organize its implementation. So, in the fall of 2013, when all of Russia helped the residents of the Far East affected by the flood great strength, Katya offered to organize a charity concert “Let's help Far East together". She convinced her classmates that “you can't just sit and lament and do nothing. We will not take money from our parents. We will earn them ourselves.”

Katya turned to school associations of additional education with a request to take part in the concert, drew up a program, posted invitations to this event, turned to the funds mass media. The charity concert was attended by grandparents, fathers and mothers of schoolchildren, for whom the word "mercy" is not an empty phrase. The concert was an unforgettable event for everyone.

The project "Holiday for All", the author of which was Katya, received recognition from the Department of Education of the city of Samara and a grant in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. New Year is a holiday of fulfillment of desires, a holiday of miracles, and therefore it is important that it come to every home: to disabled children, children from low-income and large families, to war and labor veterans who find it difficult to leave their homes for health reasons.

Ekaterina Annenkova is trusted by children and adults, representatives of public organizations and government agencies. They know that everything that is planned will be done: soft toys will be sewn for gifts, the Snow Maiden and Father Frost will congratulate war veterans, disabled children, children from low-income families, New Year holidays will be held in the courtyards of the Kuibyshev district of Samara.

Katya is a sympathetic person, ready to support anyone. With her enthusiasm, she kindles the hearts of others. She leads the school creative team volunteer squad. Katya is sure that it is good deeds that will make our world a better place, help single people find friends and make sure that there are no “forgotten” people not only in Samara, but also in the country.

Ekaterina Annenkova has been awarded numerous diplomas for her volunteer work, but the main reward for her is joy in the eyes of people.

Thanks to the Warm Heart project, it is obvious what a worthy successor is growing up for the current generation. These are children who, at a very young age, think not only about themselves, but also about those around them. Courage and heroism for them are not just definitions from dictionaries and textbooks, but integral qualities of character.

Your heroic deeds are invariably exemplary and worthy of emulation.

Good luck, success and good deeds!

The lesson tells about the All-Russian public-state initiative "Hot Heart" The main purpose of which is to honor and express gratitude to children and young people under the age of 23 who have shown indifference and an active life position, committed heroic and courageous deeds, selflessly came to the aid of people, as well as overcoming difficult life situations.



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“Hot Heart” A Lesson of Courage Prepared by: teacher-librarian of the Novomoskovsk boarding school for orphans Bychkova K.A. 2015

Many will immediately have a question: “What is this” or “who is this” hot heart ?! A warm heart is an example of heroic and courageous deeds, a willingness to selflessly help those in need, an example of overcoming courageous and difficult life situations, an example of socially significant volunteer and voluntary initiatives and projects.

Good deed It is difficult to imagine a society in which people are not ready, at least occasionally, to do good deeds - to help others, including strangers, strangers. Of course, in different times and in different countries the concept of "good deed" was filled with different content. But one thing, perhaps, always remains unchanged: a “good deed” is a deed that no one is obliged to do, but which, according to public morality, must be done correctly.

What actions are recognized as a "good deed" in our country today? an act dictated by care, concern for others (When someone gets better from these deeds), when people respect each other, behave with dignity - this is a good heart, the main thing is to love people. Good deeds are deeds done "in conscience ". helping the poor, the sick, the hungry, the elderly, caring for children, helping those in trouble

If you look around and carefully look around, it is hard not to notice that among us there are people who are ready to selflessly help, who have such qualities as: human attention, kindness, responsiveness, mercy, the ability to communicate with others.

All-Russian public-state initiative "Hot Heart" The main goal of the initiative is to honor and express gratitude to children and young people under the age of 23 who have shown indifference and an active life position, committed heroic and courageous deeds, selflessly came to the aid of people, and also overcame difficult life situations .

Badge "Hot Heart"

Stories that touch the soul, here they are kind hearts.

brittle ice In early spring first-grader Artyom and his 5-year-old friend Arsen, having slipped out from under the supervision of their parents, went to the ravine for adventure. On this day, the surface of the water was covered with thin ice, which caused a special delight of the children. Not understanding the danger, the children decided to go ice skating. Fidget Arsene jumped out onto the ice first. The fragile ice crust immediately cracked under his feet, and the boy instantly went under the water with his head. As soon as he emerged, he screamed in fear. Frightened no less than a friend, Artyom, calling for help, ran towards the houses. The cries of children were heard by Fadis Akhmetov, a student of the 11th grade high school Tukaevo village. At this time, he helped his parents with the housework. Hearing screams, Fadis ran towards the ravine and saw the drowning baby. The young man dived into the water without hesitation. The icy cold scalded the body like boiling water. His heart pounded in alarm, his lungs seemed to shrink, not allowing him to breathe. The high school student with a couple of strong strokes got to the kid and, having put him on his shoulder, got to the shore. Hugging the boy tighter to warm him up a little, he hurried to the warm dwelling.

Not everyone is given the opportunity to commit an act worthy of respect at the age of 7. But Nikita Baranov, a small resident of the Bashkir village of Tashkinovo, at the age of 7, managed to show unchildish courage and heroism! For the second year in the village of Tashkinovo, builders have been carrying out endless work on gasification. Because of this, all the streets were dug up, there was no street lighting in the village. Residents eagerly awaited when, finally, the builders would complete their work. In early April 2012, while walking along one of the streets, 7-year-old Nikita Baranov heard cries for help coming from somewhere. He listened: it was clearly a child who was screaming. He screamed terribly, it seems, choking ...

There were no adults around, and Nikita, without a moment's hesitation, rushed to the trench, which looked more like a one and a half meter pit filled with water. At the bottom, he saw a neighbor's boy, Dima Toyguzin. A three-year-old kid tried in vain to get to the surface. It was evident that he was tired and his strength was running out, besides cold water dragged her heavy clothes to the bottom. From failed attempts to get out the boy began to choke ... Nikita understood that there was nowhere to wait for help. Straining all his strength, he began to pull Dima out of the pit. It was very hard, but he still managed to pull the baby to the surface. Both were glad - both the rescuer and the rescued. Little Dima was very lucky that Nikita was next to the ill-fated pit, who, with his courage and determination, prevented terrible tragedy.

on the proposal of the award commission, the organizing committee decided to award the badge "Hot Heart 215" to 127 people and 8 public organizations. So, 17-year-old Maxim Reshetnev from Krasnoyarsk, with his courageous and competent actions, saved five people from a fire in an apartment. Maxim managed to "delay" the fire until the arrival of the federal fire service. 12-year-old Boris Bushkov from Kirov saved a drowning boy from a river, risking his life in the process. 19-year-old Ilya Ilyashenko from Kursk rescued two boys who fell through the ice. 16-year-old Ostapov Vadim from the Krasnodar Territory saved his godmother and her two children in a fire.

This year, the badge "Hot Heart" was also awarded to five people who gave their lives helping the victims. "This is an irreparable loss for parents and all of us. However, these guys showed an example of true courage and courage, fortitude, moral and spiritual core. They will forever remain in our memory and in the hearts of the rescued people," the Russian Emergencies Ministry said in a statement. The names of those awarded with a badge are included in the Honorary Book "Hot Heart" in 2015, which has already been published in in electronic format on the website of the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives.

Artyom Govorunov Born in 1996 Artyom Govorunov's childhood in Novy Urengoy began quite well. When Artyom was 4 years old, his brother Sasha was born - a child with disabilities. Sasha grew up smart and inquisitive, but he could not move independently. After 4 years, the children lost their mother. father before exemplary family man, could not cope with grief, became addicted to alcohol and was soon deprived of parental rights. The grandmother, an elderly person with poor health, took custody of the children. Artyom had to grow up quickly. He became for Sasha both a nurse, and the closest friend, and an interlocutor, and even "legs". If not for Artyom, the whole world for Sasha would be limited only to his room. It would seem that the daily care of a child deprived of the ability to move is an unbearable burden for a young person. But Artyom does not understand how it could be otherwise, although, unlike his peers, he is forced to limit himself in many ways.

Tatarinova Ekaterina Born in 2000, 13-year-old Katya Tatarinova from the village of Leninskoye, Shabalinsky District, Kirov Region, may not have dreamed of long-distance northern travels, but she was just the one who, as the poet Nikolai Nekrasov wrote, “will stop a galloping horse, in a burning hut will enter. And fires in the Shabalinsky district, especially at the height of summer, unfortunately, happen often and sometimes do not do without human casualties. On July 9, 2013, outbuildings in a semi-detached house caught fire in the village of Leninskoye. Investigators later determined that the cause of the fire was faulty electrical wiring. A fiery emergency gathered all the neighbors. However, only Katya, who was among them, noticed a frightened 5-year-old boy, the son of the mistress of this house, standing almost in the fiery inferno. Not thinking about the mortal danger, the schoolgirl rushed to save him. Running up to the baby, she grabbed him in her arms and carried him out of the fire.

EOR http://www.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The present regulation on the All-Russian Public and State Initiative "Hot Heart" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) approves the procedure for organizing and holding the All-Russian Public state initiative"Hot Heart" (hereinafter - the Initiative).

1.2. The founder of the Initiative is the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives.

The initiative is supported by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Agencies), the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation on the rights of the child, as well as public organizations and foundations.

1.3. The overall management of the Initiative and its organizational support is carried out by the organizing committee (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee).

1.4. The initiative is annual and is carried out in accordance with the goals and objectives defined by the Regulations.

1.5. The result of the annual holding of the Initiative is the solemn presentation of the Badge "Hot Heart" (hereinafter referred to as the Badge) and the Symbol "Hot Heart" (hereinafter referred to as the Symbol) for the willingness to unselfishly come to the rescue and overcome difficult life situations. Awarding is carried out in accordance with the procedure and requirements established by the Regulations.

1.6. The founder of the Badge and Symbol is the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives.

2. Goals and objectives of the Initiative

2. Goals and objectives of the Initiative

2.1. Objectives of the Initiative:

2.1.1. Consolidation of efforts of bodies state power and public organizations for the purpose of civil, moral and patriotic education of the younger generation.

2.1.2. Formation in society of models of responsible civil behavior on the examples of: indifferent attitude to people in need of help; committed courageous deeds; situations of courageous overcoming of difficult life situations.

2.1.3. Creation of conditions for the manifestation of socially significant social activity youth.

2.2. Objectives of the Initiative.

2.2.1. Identification in the subjects of the Russian Federation and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS):

  • examples of heroic and courageous deeds;
  • examples of caring attitude towards people in need of help and support;
  • examples of courageous overcoming of difficult life situations;
  • examples of the ability and readiness to selflessly come to the aid of people;
  • examples of successful implementation of socially significant initiatives and projects.
2.2.2. An expression of public recognition and gratitude to children and youth, youth and children's public associations that have shown examples of indifferent attitude, disinterested help to people and courageous overcoming of difficult life situations.

2.2.3. Formation of an information and educational environment to support the Initiative through the creation of an Internet portal, social networks, attracting the media, publishing printed and electronic products.

2.2.4. Organization of interaction with youth and children's public associations, non-profit organizations, civil society institutions, business partners on the promotion of the goals and objectives of the Initiative.

2.2.5. Assistance to teachers, parents in carrying out educational work with students educational organizations.

2.2.6. Creation of an all-Russian social movement"Hot Heart" to address issues of civil, moral and patriotic education of the younger generation.

3. Timing and organization of the Initiative:

3.1. The following activities are carried out within the framework of the Initiative:

  • informing the constituent entities of the Russian Federation about the preparatory activities of the Initiative - until October 01 annually;
  • collection of information about candidates for awarding the Badge - until December 01, annually;
  • preparation and holding of the solemn ceremony of awarding and honoring the laureates of the Initiative in Moscow - February, annually;
  • holding solemn ceremonies and awarding laureates in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - until June 01, annually;
  • conducting creative competitions and activities among children and youth on the theme of the Initiative - throughout the year;
  • holding thematic shifts in all-Russian children's and youth centers - August, annually;
  • implementation of a set of measures, together with regional authorities, of possible / necessary assistance to the holders of the Badge and / or their families - during the year;
  • preparation and publication of the honorary book "Hot Heart" - February, annually;
  • organization of advanced training of pedagogical workers of educational organizations on the issues of education and promotion of modern models of responsible civil behavior of children and youth.

3.2. Specific dates and terms of events are approved annually by the decision of the Organizing Committee.

4. Leadership of the Initiative

4.1. The Initiative is managed by the Organizing Committee.

4.1.1. The Organizing Committee is the main collegiate executive body Initiative, which is formed from representatives of the Founder of the Initiative and the Departments, with the support of which the Initiative is carried out, with the invitation of interested public organizations and public institutions(organizations) on the terms of their active participation in the organization and implementation of the Initiative with a total number of no more than 21 people.

4.1.2. The Organizing Committee carries out its activities on a voluntary basis.

4.1.3. The Organizing Committee is managed by the Chairman, who is elected from among its members by a simple majority of votes. The powers of the Chairman include convening members and holding meetings of the Organizing Committee. In the absence of the Chairman, his functions are performed by one of the two Vice-Chairmen elected from the members of the Organizing Committee.

4.1.4. The exclusive competence of the Organizing Committee includes:

  • creation of working groups that carry out coordination and organizational and technical work, including:
    • carrying out organizational activities;
    • providing information and creative support;
    • organization of meeting, accommodation and support of laureates;
    • accepting nominations for awards;
    • documentation of the participation of laureates in the award ceremonies.
  • formation and approval of the composition of the Commission for awarding the Breastplate and the “Hot Heart” Symbol (hereinafter referred to as the Award Commission)
  • holding a solemn ceremony of awarding and honoring the winners of the Initiative.

4.1.5. The award commission is formed from among the members of the Organizing Committee of no more than 11 people.

4.1.6. The award commission carries out its activities on a voluntary basis.

4.1.7. The decision of the award commission is made by a simple majority of votes of its members.

5. Conditions of participation and requirements for candidates for the award

5.1. Requirements for candidates for awarding the Breastplate and the Warm Heart Symbol for their willingness to selflessly come to the rescue and overcome difficult life situations.

5.1.1. Children and youth (students of general educational organizations, professional educational organizations, educational organizations of higher vocational education and those not in conflict with the law) under the age of 23 inclusive, as well as children's and youth organizations and associations that have shown examples related to:

  • overcoming an emergency and / or mortal danger to others (saving lives in case of fire and on water bodies; providing assistance to victims of floods, forest fires, car accidents and man-made disasters; protecting lives from criminal encroachments);
  • overcoming difficult life situations, including those related to health limitations;
  • With successful implementation socially significant projects and initiatives, including those aimed at providing support to people in need of assistance.

5.2. Collection of information.

5.2.1. Collecting information about candidates for awarding the Badge and Symbol, verifying the authenticity and quality of the information provided, filling out submissions for awarding in electronic form on the website of the initiative, is carried out by:

  • agencies that support the Initiative;
  • interested public and state organizations of the Russian Federation and CIS countries;
  • children's, youth organizations and associations in the Russian Federation and CIS countries;
  • Department for ensuring the activities of the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for the rights of the child;
  • Fund for Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations;
  • Offices of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts;
  • executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The collection of information is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data and the Policy of the Fund for Social and Cultural Initiatives regarding the processing of personal data for the purposes of the All-Russian Public and State Initiative "Hot Heart", approved by Order of the General Director of the Fund for Social and Cultural Initiatives dated 01.09.2017 year number 14.

These persons notify the subjects of personal data and, if necessary, their legal representatives of the processing of their personal data by the relevant organizations and obtain the consent of the subjects of personal data (their representatives) to process personal data and provide access to personal data of an indefinite number of persons in accordance with the Federal Law "About personal data".

In the case of the processing of personal data of minors, as well as other incapacitated persons, these persons obtain consent to the processing of personal data from the legal representative of the subject of personal data.

In the event of the death of the subject of personal data, these persons receive consent to the processing of personal data from the heirs of the subject of personal data, if such consent was not given by the subject of personal data during his lifetime.

5.2.2. Nominations for awarding the Breastplate and the Warm Heart Symbol containing personal data made public by the subject of personal data (clause 10, part 1, article 6 of the Federal Law "On Personal Data") are entered electronically on the website: Registration of views in the database is carried out automatically with the assignment of a unique number to the view.

6. Awarding with the Badge and the Symbol "Hot Heart"

6.1. The badge and the “Hot Heart” symbol for selfless readiness to help and overcome difficult life situations are a public award. Badge "Hot Heart" is awarded to individuals. Public associations and organizations are awarded the “Hot Heart” Symbol.

6.2. The decision to award the Badge and the Symbol is made by the Award Commission and approved by the Organizing Committee.

6.3. The Badge and Symbol are awarded on behalf of the Organizing Committee of the Initiative, the Fund for Social and Cultural Initiatives, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for the Rights of the Child at specially organized solemn ceremonies.

6.4. Together with the Breastplate or Symbol, a Diploma of the established sample is awarded. The diploma is signed by the President of the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives.

6.5. By decision of the Organizing Committee, students of educational organizations awarded with a badge can be encouraged to participate in a specialized shift on the basis of one of the All-Russian Children's Centers, in the manner and under the conditions determined by applicable law.

6.6. The names of those awarded with the Badge and the names of children's and youth public organizations and associations awarded with the Symbol are entered in the annually published Honorary Book "Hot Heart"

7. Organizational and financial support of the Initiative

7.1. The initiative is an official event supported by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Commissioner for President of the Russian Federation on the Rights of the Child and is included in their annual action plan.

7.2. The Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives ensures the production of Badges and Symbols, diplomas of the established form.

7.3. The Founder of the Initiative, with the support of the Institutions, provides:

  • holding an annual solemn ceremony of awarding and honoring the winners of the Initiative;
  • participation of laureates in the award ceremony, including holding a cultural program for them;
  • production of printed and video products;
  • the work of the Organizing Committee;
  • organization of specialized shifts for the laureates of the Initiative;
  • information support of the initiative, promotion of its goals and objectives.

7.4. By decision of the Organizing Committee, it is allowed to attract charitable funds and donations from individuals and legal entities for the purposes and activities provided for by these Regulations.

8. Documentation

8.1. Appendix 1 "Information about the candidate for the award of the Hot Heart Badge for the readiness to selflessly come to the rescue and overcome difficult life situations" to the Regulations on the All-Russian public-state initiative "Hot Heart".

8.2. Annex 2 "Information about the candidate for awarding the Warm Heart Symbol for the willingness to selflessly come to the rescue" to the Regulations on the All-Russian public-state initiative "Hot Heart".

Candidate information ( individual) to be awarded with the Badge "Hot Heart" for willingness to unselfishly come to the rescue and overcome difficult life situations (filled in electronically on the website of the initiative)


Date of Birth

federal district

The subject of the Russian Federation

Postal address of the place of registration and actual place of residence

Candidate submission is related to:

overcoming an emergency and / or a mortal danger to others

overcoming difficult life situations

with the implementation of projects aimed at helping people in need

Detailed description of an event, act, life situation, project

Coverage of an event, act, project in the media. It is necessary to attach valid Internet links, newspaper articles, Internet articles, videos, Internet videos, TV reports, etc.

Phone number and e-mail address of the candidate or family members for prompt communication of the organizers with them

A portrait photo of the candidate in jpeg format, with a resolution of at least 600x800 pixels.

Phone number and email address of the submitting person and organization

Information about the candidate (non-governmental organization, association)* for awarding the “Hot Heart” Symbol for the willingness to selflessly help (filled in electronically on the website of the initiative)

Full name of the organization or association

Full name of the head

federal district

The subject of the Russian Federation

Legal and actual postal address

Detailed description of the project or initiative, its results, social significance

Media coverage of a project or initiative. It is necessary to attach internet links, newspaper articles, internet articles, videos, internet videos, TV reports, etc.

Candidate's awards. You must specify which and their registration data

Phone number and e-mail address of the candidate for prompt communication with the organizers

  • Archive
  • Class hour development

    "Hot Hearts"

    Goals: the formation of ideas about the responsible civil behavior of children on the examples of the courageous deeds of their peers, as well as an indifferent attitude towards people in need of help, participation in the activities of public associations aimed at caring for representatives of the older and younger generations.


      Increasing the cognitive interest of students in the issues of patriotism, healthy lifestyle life, respect for relatives and friends, participation in solving problems affecting the interests and needs of the immediate environment.

      Motivation of students to the manifestation of an indifferent, responsible attitude to various life situations.

      Inclusion of students in socially useful activities, using the examples of "hot hearts" of Russia.

    Equipment: computer, projector, statements about heroism, nobility, presentation " Modern Heroes– who are they?”, paper, felt-tip pens.

    The course of the classroom.

    1. Brainstorm.

    On the screen is an image of the badge "Hot heart" and the second part of the title of the theme "... hearts".

    “Guys, think and tell me, what is this sign? (Answers of children). Who do you think might be awarded this badge? (Answers of children). This is a sign - a reward. Pay attention to the central element of the sign. What is shown there? (Answers of children). That's right, "Hot Heart"

    What qualities of character do you think a person who deserves such an award should have? what kind of people are said to have a warm heart? (Answers of children).

    Each student writes his named quality on a piece of paper and attaches it to the board.

    2. Introduction to the topic.

    The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, together with the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, the Russian Paralympic initiatives of the All-Russian Public and State Initiative "Hot Heart". The initiative is aimed at expressing public recognition and gratitude to children and youth under the age of 23, children's and youth organizations that selflessly come to the aid of people in need, being an example of courage and courage.

    The general idea of ​​the initiative is heroism, honor, willpower, indifference - those qualities that receive public recognition in modern Russia.

    In 2014 and 2015, at solemn ceremonies in Moscow, the awards were made in 5 categories:

    1. Rescue on the waters

    2. Rescue in case of fires.

    3. Rescue in emergency situations.

    4.Active citizenship.

    5. Overcoming.

    During the preparation for the second Initiative, the Organizing Committee announced and held the acceptance of applications for the awarding of the “Hot Heart” badge in 2015. As a result, the Organizing Committee received 1236 submissions. On the proposal of the award commission, the organizing committee of the Initiative decided to award 127 people and 8 public organizations with the Badge "Hot Heart" in 2015. Some of them, namely 25 people and 3 public organizations, were invited to the Solemn Award Ceremony in Moscow on February 20, 2015 at the Central Theater of the Russian Army.

      Viewing the presentation "Modern heroes - who are they?"

    Slide 2. Discussing the name of the presentation, who will be discussed in the presentation? Children's answers.

    Slide 3.“We got acquainted with the appeal of Medvedeva Svetlana Vladimirovna, President of the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives. How do you understand the phrase "Hot hearts are always there?" (Answers of children).

    slide 4.“The meaning of the Initiative is explained to us by the anthem “Hot Hearts”. Let's get acquainted with the anthem "Hot Hearts". Listening to the anthem.

    Slide 5. This badge is awarded to people , who showed indifference and an active life position, committed heroic and courageous deeds, selflessly came to the aid of people, and also overcame difficult life situations.

    The badge "Hot Heart" is a diamond-shaped four-pointed star, decorated with a radiance from the center. Shtrals between the rays of the star are made in the form of a bouquet of lily of the valley - a symbol of new life, the power of love and fidelity. According to legend, lilies of the valley grew on the site of fallen drops of St. George's blood shed in the battle with the dragon. The stamens of the inflorescences are cut with a diamond facet.

    In the middle of the base of the sign there is an overlay depicting a stylized heart in which a fiery flower sprouts. Sign size 34 x 32 mm. The color of the badge is silver. The overlay is made using blue and red enamels, creating an association with the colors of the Russian flag.

    On the reverse side of the sign in the center is the name of the Breastplate - "Hot Heart", in a circle - the name of the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives and its logo.

    The sign is attached to a rectangular block with a figured bar with the help of an eyelet and a ring. The block is covered with a red silk moire ribbon.

    slide 6. Badge certificate.

    Slide 7. The book of honor "Hot Heart" 2015 includes 110 stories of children, children's and youth public associations and organizations that selflessly came to the aid of people in need; overcoming difficult life situations; committed courageous and heroic deeds. All children and organizations included in the Honor Book "Hot Heart" 2015, by the decision of the Organizing Committee of the Initiative, were awarded the "Hot Heart" badge.

    In 2015, 135 participants received the award, including eight public organizations and associations.

    “We cannot now get to know all the heroes of the Hot Heart Book of Honor and find out their stories about how they received their award. But here are just a few of them...

    slide 8. Who do we call a courageous person? Of course, persistent, energetic, brave. But even the bravest person is afraid of something. Probably, many of us had and still have to temper our character in order to learn how to overcome fear. This task is difficult and not every adult can do it. Can a boy who is just going to school show courage? Arseniy Begunov lives in the village of Ostrovnoye, in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. He is seven years old, but even now he can be called a very courageous person with full responsibility. Why? On a spring day on May 24, 2015, the children of the village of Ostrovnoye, taking advantage of the first sunny days, ran and played with pleasure on the street. So, near the house where Arseniy lived, brother and sister, Dima and Inga Khodyalo, were walking. The children are still very young: Dima was not even five years old, and Inge was a little over three. They were so carried away by the game that they did not notice how they ended up next to the old foundation, where, due to heavy rains, pits filled with water formed. Having played too much, Dima accidentally pushed his sister. She could not stand upright and fell into the water. Seeing this, the brother was very frightened and, desperately screaming, ran away. Fortunately, Dima's cries were heard by seven-year-old Arseniy Begunov, who was nearby. Despite his young age, he realized that it was urgent to save Inga. The boy didn't hesitate. He carefully went downstairs, stood on a board lying across the pit, grabbed the baby by the hood of her jacket and, gathering all his strength, pulled her out of the water. Then he took the frightened children home, where they were reassured and given needed help Inge. This story has a happy ending. The parents of Dima and Inga are infinitely grateful to Arseniy for saving their daughter and always set him as an example to their and neighbor's children. Courage is one of the best human qualities, which is also characterized by spiritual and moral maturity. It was these qualities that the courageous and courageous Arseniy Begunov showed at a crucial moment.

    slide 9. September 2015 was fine, and the village boys did not miss the opportunity to play football. When Daniil Golubev, a tenth-grader of school No. 12 in the village of Kavkazskaya, with a ball in his hands, approached his comrades who were waiting for him, he saw an eerie picture. The guys stood in a daze around the transformer box (it was next to the football field). Dima Dmitriev, a ninth grader from the same school, was convulsing inside her fence. Daniel's actions became quick and clear. Without a moment's hesitation, he broke the gate in the fence of the transformer box and dragged Dima to a safe distance. And he was no longer breathing. By themselves, the knowledge gained in the lessons of life safety emerged in Daniel's head. He tried to feel for a pulse and, although there was none, he began to give Dima artificial respiration and chest compressions, at the same time instructing his friends what else to do. As it turned out, while waiting for the soccer ball, Dima crawled under the fence of the transformer box and, despite the warnings of his comrades, climbed onto it. Whether by negligence, or because of carelessness, he grabbed one of the wires with his hand. Sparks flew, and the teenager fell to the ground unconscious. By the time the ambulance arrived, called by one of the boys at the direction of Daniil, Dima had already begun to breathe. While the doctor was giving a life-saving injection, Daniil continued to give his friend artificial respiration to the rhythmic count of the medical worker. When Dima's parents arrived, the ambulance was already taking him to the district hospital. As the doctors later explained, they would not have been able to save Dima without Daniil's correct and timely first aid: he survived clinical death from a strong electric shock. He was sent by helicopter to Krasnodar, three weeks later Dima returned home, but for another three months he could not attend school. And Daniel does not see any heroism in his actions. He believes that anyone in his place would have done the same. But is everyone? After all, Daniel not only did not lose his head, he competently provided first aid to the victim and kept his friends from panic, clearly organizing their actions in a difficult situation. Whatever Daniil Golubev decides to do in the future, he has already made the main choice in his life - to come to the rescue when there is a vital need for it.

    slide 10. This simple story took place in a city located 90 kilometers northwest of Irkutsk, on the left bank of the Angara. Usolie-Sibirskoye is one of the oldest cities in Siberia, founded at the end of the 17th century by the Yenisei Cossacks. Today the population of the city is about 80 thousand people, and among them are two young heroes of our history. It all happened on March 28, 2015. Evening twilight was already standing on the street, when the duty unit of the Usolsky police station received a message from citizen Voitenko that an unknown man snatched a handbag from her hands. Witnesses of the crime were Nikita Sadilov and Vladimir Kermaliev. One at that time was 12 years old, the second was supposed to turn 14 in a month. Like many boys, in free time friends liked to ride bicycles, despite the rather cold weather and still snow in places. Hearing women's cries for help, the guys quickly realized what had happened and chased the fleeing kidnapper. Bicycles turned out good help and did good service. Unable to withstand the chase, the man on the move threw out the stolen bag with money. One of my friends picked her up, she was safe and sound, and returned to her rightful owner. The second young cyclist continued the pursuit. Finally, the police arrived. 30 minutes after a phone call to the police, the attacker was arrested and taken to the police station. It turned out to be a 28-year-old resident of Usol, who was repeatedly tried for such crimes. A new criminal case has been initiated against him for attempted robbery. Sanctions under the relevant article provide for punishment of up to four years in prison. And Nikita Sadilov and Vladimir Kermaliev received gratitude from the police for their help in catching the criminal. In response, the brave boys said that they would come to the rescue again if needed. This is how the young residents of Usolye-Sibirsky Nikita Sadilov and Vladimir Kermaliev showed courage in protecting public order and assisted the police. Or they could just stay on the sidelines and indifferently drive past on their two-wheeled cars. But their warm hearts did not allow them ...

    Slide 11. October 19, 2012 in administration Chelyabinsk region the courageous teenager was rewarded. The medal "For Courage in a Fire" was awarded to 16-year-old Richard Bochkarev. The general of the Ural Regional Center of the EMERCOM of Russia shook hands with the hero, admonishing him with the words: “Study well! And welcome to our ranks. You a real man and we really need such people!” In the middle of winter, a teenager committed a truly heroic deed - he carried two sisters and a brother out of a burning house. Then, for a long time, Richard, who received 50 percent of body burns, was treated at the Chelyabinsk Regional Burn Center. The youngest of the sisters also ended up in the hospital, the rest of the children, fortunately, were not injured. The fire broke out on January 22nd. The private house of the Bochkarev family in the village of Kolotovka, in the Chebarkulsky district, broke out due to a short circuit in the electrical wiring. My parents were at work at the time. “I woke up that night to the fact that the house was very hot,” recalls Richard. - As soon as the door was opened, the flames spread to me, my hair caught fire, I quickly put out the fire. After that, everything happened instinctively, the main thing was to save the children.” And in the house, besides Richard, there were three more children. Richard is the oldest. He quickly woke up the younger children and, without delay, carried the smallest four-month-old sister out of the burning house. “Screamed for help and ran back to the house. There was a three-year-old brother and an eight-year-old sister. They began to take them out of the house, which was already blazing with might and main, ”says the brave hero. The body burned with flames. Everything he did was like a nightmare. Unfortunately, the firefighters failed to defend the Bochkarevs' house. But the district authorities helped a large family with housing. Courageous and courageous Richard does not consider himself a hero and says that everyone in his place would have done the same. Now the young man is seriously thinking about working in the rescue service. One thing is clear: no matter who Richard Bochkarev becomes in the future, the main thing is that his brave heart was not afraid of fire, thanks to which three children remained alive.

    slide 12. Saturday evening in the city of Odintsovo near Moscow on the 9th floor high-rise building the window opened. Thick clouds of smoke immediately poured out from there. Through them, the figure of a boy who called for help was barely visible. It was Roman Plotnikov. He stood facing the open window, holding his little brother in his arms so that he would not suffocate in thick clouds of black smoke. In the apartment where they lived, the fire raged with might and main. The greedy tongues of flame burned the boy's back intolerably, the hair on his head crackled and burned. Roman screamed in pain, but stubbornly covered his 3-year-old brother from fire and smoke with his clothes taken off. From the high temperature, the skin on Roman's back burst and burned. There were no adults in the apartment - the mother went away, locking the apartment from the outside. Hearing cries for help, the neighbors began to burst at the door. They tried to open the door with whatever came to hand. Someone brought a crowbar, someone brought a grinder. Someone suggested raising the children to top floor on the sheets. In the meantime, fire brigades could not get through to the entrance - the entire yard was full of cars. Children were shouted from the street to wait for help on the balcony, but the way there was already blocked by fire. A few more minutes and the children would have perished in the fire. Fortunately, the door was opened before the rescuers arrived. Little Sasha was carried out in his arms, and the burnt Roman left the apartment himself. 10-year-old Roman, who shielded his brother from the fire with his back, had 60% of the body surface burned. He says that he thought then only about how to save Sasha. The children were immediately sent to the hospital. One of the neighbors was also seriously injured: while pulling children out of the fire, he inhaled carbon monoxide. Roman was in intensive care for a long time, then he had to undergo several operations. After a month in the clinic, he went through a long rehabilitation period. The boy was temporarily transferred to home schooling, and he only dreamed of returning to school as soon as possible and forgetting about the horror that he had to endure.

    slide 13. In the hot summer of 2014, most of the inhabitants of the village of Novomikhailovka fled from the sweltering heat on the banks of the old reservoir. Especially a lot of people gathered on the reservoir on weekends. Vadim Dikikh's mother once went there with her family and friends. Vadim, who moved to the 4th grade, just recently turned 10 years old, and a friendly company gathered to celebrate his birthday. Vadim went into the river to cool off in the cool water and suddenly noticed that fifty meters away from him someone was floundering in the water, uttering unintelligible cries. Realizing that something terrible had happened, he bravely rushed to help. Swimming closer, Vadim saw that a young woman and a little girl were drowning. As it turned out later, the young mother imprudently decided to ride her little daughter on an air mattress. When they sailed from the shore, the mattress turned over, and both were in the water. The mattress was quickly blown away by the wind and current. Since the woman knew how to swim, but poorly, she began to drown with a small child in her arms. Having reached the ill-fated place, Vadim resolutely took away the two-year-old baby from his mother and went with her to the shore, where he handed her over to adults. Then he turned and swam towards the waning woman. A brave swimmer helped the woman to reach the shore. Soon, already in shallow water, she was pulled out of the water by adults who were waiting on the shore for a boy who saved people he did not know from a big disaster. Ten-year-old Vadim Dikikh became the 16th Russian to receive a rare award - the medal "For Courage in Rescue". This unique insignia for Vadim Dikikh was cast on special order - for a real feat he had accomplished. Vadim does not think of himself as a hero. But he is haunted by the thought, why on that terrible day, adult men did not rush to the aid of a drowning woman with a small child, but remained on the shore? A ten-year-old boy still has a lot to learn. But how a real man should behave, he already knows.

    Slide 14. In the yard of the Isakhanyans lived a guard dog, large and serious. She usually lay inside the enclosure, looking menacingly at the passers-by, and they shunned her, because a watchdog is not a teddy bear for you. One day in May, Artyom, a first-grader, and his two sisters were playing near the house. It was hot, but the children were enthusiastically running around the yard, looking forward to the imminent summer holidays. Badminton, fast shuttlecock, screaming, noise, din. Dog - and what just came over him? - somehow jumped out of the enclosure and rushed towards the children. He jumped on the little sister and crushed her. The body of a one and a half year old girl disappeared under a shaggy carcass. Artyom reacted first. He rushed on top of the dog, although he usually bypassed her, sat on her, grabbed her by the muzzle to take her mouth away from her sister. In response, the enraged dog rushed at the boy, gnawed and scratched his face, bit through his nasal sinuses. Later the adults arrived and pulled away the bloody ball. The girl was fine, only very scared. And Artyom clearly needed medical help. An ambulance, sirens, doctors in white coats, hospitalization, an operating room… Artyom remembers everything with difficulty and without much desire. He received numerous facial and head injuries. Subsequently, the boy underwent several operations. Until now, Artyom sometimes has to skip school and dance classes, which he is very passionate about, since various examinations and examinations are still needed. plastic surgery. But he is only 8 years old ... Doctors, parents, friends and relatives - everyone hopes that Artyom will return to normal and continue to dance. His sisters are madly in love with him, and the youngest holds his hand with special pride, going for a walk. At the school where Artyom always studied well and actively participated in public life are also proud of it. Did he think at that terrible moment that, protecting his sister, he was putting his face under the jaws of a huge dog? Probably not. He probably didn't believe that his own dog could react like that. But most importantly, my sister is alive and well. And the scars ... will heal before the wedding!

    slide 15. First grader Ivan Makarov lives in foster family. When he was still very young, his parents left Vanya with his older sister Nadia. Luckily the boy was adopted. good people who were able to warm his soul and instill the foundations of morality. And now in his still small, but such difficult life found a place for a real feat. In October 2013, Vanya and his classmate, an eight-year-old restless Zhenya, decided to take a walk after school, and at the same time check how the ice on the local Ivdel river froze. The girl quickly descended onto the thin ice, began to jump through the fishing holes and suddenly slipped. The ice broke, and Zhenya instantly found herself in icy water. She was breathless from fright, so much so that she could not even call for help. The down jacket that Zhenya was wearing swelled up and caught on an ice floe, preventing her from immediately sinking into the water. But at the same time, it was he who did not let her get out of the hole on her own. The girl was in a real trap, and clothes, quickly getting wet and heavy, began to pull her down. Seeing what was happening, the seven-year-old Vanya was not at a loss, did not get scared and did not panic. He carefully descended onto the ice so that it would not crack further, grabbed the girl's briefcase - and she was already almost hidden under water - and began to pull her to the shore. With great difficulty, the schoolboy pulled out his girlfriend. All wet himself, Vanya brought the chilled and frightened Zhenya to the post office, which was located nearby, and told the adults about what had happened. The girl was warmed up and her parents were called. And Vanya went home. According to his foster mother, the whole chilled boy did not say a word about his heroic deed, he was silent, like a partisan. And only when Zhenya's mother called and began to thank Vanya through tears for saving her daughter's life, everything was revealed. Ivan Makarov's act was noted at the regional level. The governor, together with the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the region, awarded him the medal "For saving those who perish on the waters."

    slide 16. This incredible incident happened in the village of Ust-Ordynsky, Irkutsk region. 10-grader Petya Morgorov came here with his mother to visit relatives. Approaching the house in which his older sister lived, Peter saw ... a little girl hanging on the frame of the balcony of the 5th floor! Four-year-old Christina was left without adult supervision for only a few minutes. This time the baby was enough to get bored. She decided to go outside through the balcony. Christina climbed over the railing and hung on the ledge. Meanwhile, people gathered below and looked with horror at the child who could die before their eyes. What to do, no one knew. Peter was also afraid for the girl, and the first thought that came to his mind was to try to catch the child if he fell. Peter stood on a slate visor, which, just under Christina's balcony, blocked the entrance to the basement. The boy Kirill, who was next to Petya, tried to climb up the railings of the balconies, but nothing came of it. Another second, and Christina fell off the ledge with a cry. A muffled groan went through the crowd of witnesses. According to Peter, he saw the fall of the girl, as if in slow motion. Christina hit the balcony of the 4th floor, then caught on the clothesline on the 3rd floor and slid down, no longer encountering obstacles. Only a few meters remained before hitting the ground. If the schoolboy was confused, then the girl would have crashed to death. But Peter's strong hands caught the baby. He did his best to soften the blow and, holding the child in his arms, did not even fall. Cyril helped him to stand on his feet. The crowd breathed a sigh of relief, someone clapped their hands. Christina didn't even cry. The women immediately took the girl from the hands of Peter, called " ambulance' Called the parents. The doctor who arrived examined the girl and was surprised to find that she was completely intact, with only a few bruises and abrasions. Many consider this case a miracle. And in fact, it is a miracle when reliable strong hands are nearby. Pyotr Morgorov was awarded the medal "For Saving the Perishing". This state award of the Russian Federation is awarded to citizens for rescuing people in extreme circumstances involving a risk to life.

    slide 17. IN afternoon it was especially hot on the streets of Krasnoyarsk. In July, this happens quite often, and eighth-grader Polina Bushina habitually hurried across the open courtyard to hide in the saving shade of the entrance. A muffled cry reached the girl. She looked around. There was no one in the sun, but an alarming sound was heard very close by. Looking closely at the foreign car standing nearby, Polina noticed a child in the darkness of the passenger compartment. The kid was lying in the back seat, frantically moving his little hands and crying. The girl remembered a recent bus ride. There was no air conditioning, the passengers fanned themselves with newspapers, and she counted the seconds to a saving stop. Then it seemed to her that she was dying ... Polina looked around. No one was going to approach the car and unlock it. She pulled all the doors - locked. The alarm was silent. The girl kicked the wheel with all her might. Nothing! It was necessary to do something... The message on the telephone of the police officer on duty was received at 16:00. The girl who called said that she had been in a closed car parked on Yakovlev Street in the Zheleznodorozhny District for a long time. Small child. The patrol crew was sent to the scene. When the police arrived, Polina stood tightly pressed against the side window of the car in order to somehow protect the child from the scorching rays, and loudly spoke some kind words. The owner of the car never showed up. The police decided to break the glass. The little involuntary prisoner could no longer scream, only convulsively swallowed air. Then, for several long minutes before the ambulance arrived, Polina held the baby in her arms, gently shaking and fanning her handkerchief. Already in the hospital, the doctors determined that the child had a heat stroke, and Polina simply saved his life. If the one and a half year old boy spent some more time in a hot car, he would never see the sun again ... The baby was sent to the intensive care unit, a criminal case was initiated against the baby's mother, and after a while Polina Bushina received gratitude on behalf of the police officers. So just the indifference of Polina Bushina, passing by, saved a human life.

    slide 18. In the spring of 2015, Mikhail Gudkov, a 17-year-old resident of the city of Ulan-Ude, was at home. Having redone all the cases, he was about to go to bed. But I could not fall asleep: next to me in the apartment, a child was crying loudly and angrily. Misha decided to go to the neighbors, knocked on the door, but no one opened it. Meanwhile, the children's crying did not stop. He pushed the door and it suddenly opened. From what he saw, Misha experienced a real shock: in a cold untidy apartment there was infant There were no adults around. He went up to the baby, touched it and realized that he was very cold and probably very hungry. It immediately became clear to the young man that the baby must be urgently saved. He wrapped the child in a blanket and called an ambulance. While waiting for the doctors to arrive, Mikhail, in order to somehow calm the baby, poured into a bottle warm water and got him drunk. After examining the child, the ambulance doctors decided that the baby needed hospitalization. But the baby did not have a birth certificate or any documents at all. Having quickly packed his things, Mikhail decided to go to the hospital with the baby. As usual, they were placed in the ward, and Misha took care of the little man, fed and rocked him until he calmed down. After spending a day with the child in the hospital, Mikhail learned that he was only a month and a half old, and he had health problems, most likely due to problems with his mother, who during pregnancy and breastfeeding could smoke and abuse alcohol. The baby was helped in the hospital. The next day, making sure that after the medical procedures the baby’s health was no longer in danger, the young man returned home. Misha's greatest desire is for the child to recover as soon as possible, to live in normal human conditions, was fed, warmed up so that he grew up healthy and received a good education. This is the wish of a person with a wide soul and a warm heart. This story of indifference convinces that in the future Misha Gudkov will be able to create a strong family that loves children and give his children simple human happiness - the love of parents.

    While watching the presentation, there is a parallel discussion of situations - “What would you do?”

    The All-Russian Public and State Initiative "Hot Heart" is new project Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives. Implemented since November 2013. The main goal of the initiative is to honor and express gratitude to children and young people under the age of 23 who have shown indifference and an active life position, committed heroic and courageous deeds, selflessly came to the aid of people, and also overcame difficult life situations. The initiative is organized jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense, the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, the Paralympic Committee of Russia, as well as public organizations and funds. Approval and support received from the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federal Districts. The organizing committee of the initiative annually receives more than a thousand submissions for the awarding of the Badge "Hot Heart" from all nine federal districts and more than 70 subjects of the Russian Federation. The awarding is held annually at solemn ceremonies in Moscow, as well as in the regions of the Russian Federation with the support of the Plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federal Districts and the governors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    Anthem of "Hot Hearts" Music by F. Stepanov, lyrics by A. Mikhailichenko If all the young hearts of Russia, Blazing with one hot fire, Suddenly united their efforts, All the ice floes of evil would melt in it! I am a Russian, I am responsible for everything! The Motherland is dearer to me than life! For everything that happens on the planet, I answer with a warm heart! I'm next to those whom the trouble caught, I'm ready to go into fire and into water! Hot hearts should not hesitate, To save the baby from the flame! I am a Russian, I am responsible for everything! The Motherland is dearer to me than life! For everything that happens on the planet, I answer with a warm heart!

    Youth Arctic expedition has reached its goal! The North Pole was conquered by seven Russian teenagers: Ksenia German, Nikolai Zaitsev, Alena Karpenko, Karina Kausova, Ahuramazad Mumindzhanov, Nikita Nekrasov and Alexander Petrov. The team includes Pavel Astakhov, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation.

    Aleksandrov Evgeniy Born in 1996 Saratov region In pursuit of a robber In January 2013 Evgeny Aleksandrov, a first-year student at the Balashov College of Mechanization Agriculture was returning home from work. The path of 17-year-old Zhenya lay past one of the private houses. Zhenya is an avid football fan, recalled last game, scrolling in the head especially sharp moments. On weekends, he usually played amateur matches with friends. From pleasant thoughts he was distracted by a plaintive female cry. It was possible to pass by - and this is probably what the majority would have done - but Yevgeny immediately rushed into the yard, from which they called for help. At the same moment, a frightened woman ran from the door of the house. Grabbing Zhenya by the hands, choking with tears, terrified with fear, she told that a thief had got into her house. Returning from the store and entering the door, she suddenly saw that someone was rummaging through her things, opening cabinets and pulling out drawers. And when she ran out into the street, she saw Zhenya. A man suddenly appeared from the open door. Looking around, he held in his hands a large package with the loot. Probably, he raked everything there that was at hand and had at least some value. Eugene, without hesitation, moved towards the robber. The thief, seeing a tall, athletic-looking guy, threw his prey and rushed to his heels. Frequent football training with the ball did not go in vain. Zhenya easily overtook the 43-year-old intruder and knocked him to the ground. The criminal resisted, lying on the ground, to which his student pressed him. Yevgeny did not let him get up, waiting for the arrival of the police, who had already been called by the neighbors who had heard the noise of the struggle. Soon a police squad arrived, and the thief was arrested. Later, Eugene recalled that he ran after the criminal, not thinking about the danger. If Evgeny had not had good sports training, he could have suffered in this fight. The detainee turned out to be a criminal with experience, moreover, who was on the wanted list. For his civic courage, Yevgeny received a well-deserved award and the respect of the victim and his comrades.

    Baranov Nikita Born in 2004 Tashkinovo village, Republic of Bashkortostan children! .. However, it depends on what kind of children and depending on the situation ... Not everyone is given the opportunity to commit an act worthy of respect at the age of 7. But Nikita Baranov, a small resident of the Bashkir village of Tashkinovo, at the age of 7, managed to show unchildish courage and heroism! For the second year in the village of Tashkinovo, builders have been carrying out endless work on gasification. Because of this, all the streets were dug up, there was no street lighting in the village. Residents eagerly awaited when, finally, the builders would complete their work. In early April 2012, while walking along one of the streets, 7-year-old Nikita Baranov heard cries for help coming from somewhere. He listened: it was clearly a child who was screaming. He screamed terribly, it seemed, choking ... None of the adults were around, and Nikita, without a moment's hesitation, rushed to the trench, which looked more like a one and a half meter pit filled with water. At the bottom, he saw a neighbor's boy, Dima Toyguzin. A three-year-old kid tried in vain to get to the surface. It was evident that he was tired and his strength was running out, besides, the cold water pulled his heavy clothes to the bottom. From unsuccessful attempts to get out, the boy began to choke ... Nikita understood that there was nowhere to wait for help. Straining all his strength, he began to pull Dima out of the pit. It was very hard, but he still managed to pull the baby to the surface. Both were glad - both the rescuer and the rescued. Little Dima was very lucky that Nikita was next to the ill-fated pit, who, with his courage and determination, prevented a terrible tragedy. To the young hero Nikita Baranov was awarded a Diploma for courage, courage, dedication and heroism in rescuing a drowning 3-year-old child.

    Bogdanov Stanislav, b. Mikhail Bezdolny, born in 1998 Delaying death is like saying that we have the best youth in the world, someone will smirk, someone will mutter skeptically: “We know this youth”, but there will also be those who will support: “True, the best”. The boys from the Baranikovskaya school 43 Stanislav Bogdan and Mikhail Bezdolny are exactly one of those about whom they say: "There is no translation for the Cossack family." They grow in their large families real men, Cossacks, knowing the price and work, and real male friendship, and mother's help, and taking their studies seriously. At the same time, they are the most ordinary guys: they love sports, they love to communicate with their peers, they love to swim in the river. On a June evening in 2013, Stanislav and Mikhail walked along the banks of the Protoka River, which flowed through the entire farm. As usual, someone was resting on the shore, someone was grazing geese and ducks right there. There were two people in the water - a father and a son. They had fun, played and, apparently, completely forgot that the Channel, although it has a smooth course, has a swift temper. A moment - and the swimmers suffered. The father tried to cope with the current, but to no avail. The boys looked at each other and immediately understood: "You can't delay." Without saying a word, they jumped into the water, overtook the drowning and began to pull to the shore - first the boy, then the father. The child came to his senses immediately, but the man was dragged ashore already dead. There, in the water, the boys made a masculine decision: “We are saving everyone!”, although they understood that they did not have enough strength and that the man was already dead. About what happened on the river, they learned at school not immediately and by chance, from people living near the site of the tragedy. Stanislav and Mikhail do not consider themselves heroes, they are so brought up by their native land, their families, countrymen, where they know the value of words and deeds.

    On May 4, 2013, a brave fourth-grader, 10-year-old Svetlana Vasilkovskaya, was walking with two girlfriends. One of the girls was carrying her 2-year-old brother in a stroller. The day was hot, and the girls went to the fire pond. There they began to splash water. Then they ran to the sun to dry, but Sveta did not run, she remained next to the stroller. Suddenly she heard a strange noise: the stroller with the child took off and rolled right into the pond! The wheels of the fast-paced carriage bounced over bumps and eventually got stuck in the mud. The baby flew out of the stroller and flopped into the depths of the reservoir. Sveta, frightened for the baby, began to call her friends for help, but they were far away and did not hear her. The boy, floundering, began to dive under the water. The girl was scared, and she, without hesitation, rushed into the pond to save the baby. The water was still cold, the bottom was viscous. Light began to suck. With great difficulty, she entered the water up to her chest and, reaching out to the baby, tried to grab him, but he kept slipping out of her hands. And then Sveta remembered how they were taught at school: a drowning person must be pulled out of the water, standing sideways. Finally, she was able to grab the baby, but the muddy bottom began to suck her in again. Fortunately, Sveta felt something solid under her feet - a brick, on which she stood. Struggling with her last strength, she was able to get out on land with the rescued boy. The girl carried the chilled boy to her house. Seeing on the threshold of her granddaughter in wet clothes with a sobbing neighbor's child in her arms, the grandmother was horrified. Sveta was shaking all over, not so much from the cold as from the fear she had experienced. But the grandmother was especially frightened: after all, her granddaughter did not know how to swim! It turns out that at that terrible moment the girl completely forgot about it and rushed to save the baby. For courageous actions, Svetlana Vasilkovskaya received thank you letter from the Department of Public Protection from emergencies and for ensuring fire safety of the Novgorod region, she was presented with a tablet.

    Petr Morgorov from Buryatia A ninth-grader saved the life of a girl who fell from the balcony of the fifth floor. Having calculated the trajectory of the fall in a few seconds, he caught the child near the ground. In addition to the badge of honor, Peter was awarded for this act the state award of Russia "For the salvation of the perishing".

    To make life easier Anton Mikheev Born in 1992 Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic 22-year-old Anton Mikheev, a student at the Cheboksary Cooperative Institute (branch) of the Russian University of Cooperation, has invented a device that makes life easier for people with disabilities.

    Stories of "Hot Hearts" Brittle ice The small Tatar village of Abdrakhmanovo, lost in the vastness of the Aurgazinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, is unremarkable, except for the fact that people with a wide soul and courageous hearts live there, always ready to help or share the trouble. The village lives like one family. The population barely exceeded 100 people, and everyone knows each other well. Therefore, the courageous act of high school student Fadis Akhmetov was discussed by the whole world ..... Little hero and not to small children!.. However, it depends on what kind of children and depending on the situation... Guardian Angel Zhenya Bevzak, a student of the 6th cadet class of the city of Troitsk, on an April day in 2013, stood at the entrance of a multi-storey building, chatting with a friend. Spring warmth was already felt on the street ... Naval cadets took the fight A. S. Sergeeva (city of Kursk) was waiting for the class teacher N. N. Osetrova at the gates of their school. Ivan Baronin, Alexander Petrenko and Norman Miroshnikov were to perform at the event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of A. A. Kharitanovsky. At that moment, on the balcony of a nearby house, barely standing on her feet, she got out elderly woman, covered in blood ... By thin ice The winter of 2012 in the Stavropol Territory turned out to be frosty. Temperatures dropped so low that water pipes burst in the village of Raguli. Workers of the water utility did not begin to fill up the 2-meter hole formed during the repair, they decided to wait for spring. The surface of the water that filled the pit was covered with ice. A tiny lake was formed, and a makeshift skating rink appeared for the rural children. The children went on the ice with pleasure, despite the prohibitions of their parents…… Today, the Initiative has its own website - where you can find out last news, view photos and videos, and tell your story of courage.