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Who is entitled to a military pension for years of service?

The list of persons entitled to a military seniority pension is provided for by Law No. 4468-1 dated February 12, 1993 "On the provision of pensions for persons undergoing military service…» . These are people who served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Federal Border Service, internal and railway troops, the Russian Guard, the FSB, the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, and so on.


  • Pension to the military and security forces is assigned, if any 20 years or more military or equivalent service.
  • If the dismissal followed at the onset of the maximum possible age of tenure in the service - 45 years, due to organizational and staffing activities or for health reasons, however, the serviceman served at least 12.5 years and his work experience of 25 years or more, he can receive a mixed service pension.

When calculating the total length of service, all types of activities established for.

The amount of the second payment depends on the number of years worked in a civil position and insurance premiums paid to the Pension Fund. The amount of the pension will be obviously less than that of civil pensioners, since it does not include in its calculation. The payment will consist only of the insurance part of the pension, that is, formed from.

1. The length of service (length of service) in the internal affairs bodies is calculated in the manner established by this federal law, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, in order to assign a pension for length of service, a monthly allowance for length of service (length of service), payment of a lump-sum allowance upon dismissal of an employee of internal affairs bodies, provision of additional leave for length of service in internal affairs bodies, providing other social guarantees, encouragement, presentation for awarding state awards of the Russian Federation and departmental insignia.

2. The length of service (length of service) in the internal affairs bodies includes:

1) the period of replacement by an employee of the internal affairs bodies of positions in the internal affairs bodies;

2) the period of an employee of the internal affairs bodies being at the disposal of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, its territorial body or subdivision in the cases provided for by this Federal Law;

3) the period of secondment of an employee of the internal affairs bodies in accordance with Article 32

4) the period of suspension by an employee of the internal affairs bodies of service in the internal affairs bodies in accordance with Part 1 of Article 37 of this Federal Law;

5) the period of passage by a citizen of military service, service in the federal fire service, bodies for controlling the turnover drugs And psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the Federal Service of Troops national guard Russian Federation, enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation;

6) the period of replacement by a citizen of public positions in the Russian Federation;

7) the period of filling by a citizen of positions in the bodies and institutions of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, for which the assignment of class ranks is envisaged;

8) the period of filling by a citizen of positions in the customs bodies of the Russian Federation, investigative bodies and institutions of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, for which the assignment of special ranks is provided;

9) period of work as a judge;

10) the time (no more than five years) of training an employee before entering the service in the internal affairs bodies in the main educational programs of secondary vocational education (with the exception of training programs for skilled workers, employees) or higher education(with the exception of programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school, residency programs, assistantship-internship programs) for full-time subject to completion of data assimilation educational programs and obtaining an appropriate level of education, calculated at the rate of two months of education for one month of service;

(see text in previous edition)

11) the period of probation when a citizen enters the service in the internal affairs bodies.

3. The length of service (length of service) in the internal affairs bodies on a preferential basis includes the periods of service by an employee of the internal affairs bodies:

1) in the regions of the Far North, areas equated to them and other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote ones, in accordance with the lists of these regions and localities approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

2) in harmful conditions in positions in internal affairs bodies - according to the list of positions approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

3) under special conditions stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

4) in other cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. The length of service (length of service) in the internal affairs bodies includes:

1) for the appointment of a pension for long service - the periods specified in parts 2 and this article, as well as the periods determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on pension provision for persons who have served in military service, served in internal affairs bodies, and members of their families ( in calendar or preferential terms);

(see text in previous edition)

2) for the appointment of a monthly allowance for length of service (length of service) - periods determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (in a calendar or preferential calculation);

3) for the payment of a one-time allowance upon dismissal of an employee of the internal affairs bodies - the periods specified in part 2

4) to provide additional leave for length of service in the internal affairs bodies - the periods specified in paragraphs 1 - 8 of part 2 of this article (in calendar terms);

5) for the provision of other social guarantees - the periods determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (in calendar or preferential terms);

6) for submission for awarding state awards of the Russian Federation - the periods determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

7) for submission for awarding departmental insignia - the periods determined by the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs (in calendar terms).

4.1. The periods when an employee of the internal affairs bodies is at the disposal of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, its territorial body or division in the cases provided for by this Federal Law (with the exception of the period the employee performs official duties in a previously occupied position) are included in the length of service in calendar terms (length of service) in the internal affairs bodies for the appointment of a pension for the length of service, the provision of other social guarantees, the assignment of a special rank.

5. The procedure for calculating the length of service (length of service) in the internal affairs bodies for the appointment of a pension for length of service and a monthly allowance for the length of service (length of service), for the payment of a lump-sum allowance upon dismissal of an employee of the internal affairs bodies, the provision of other social guarantees and offset in the length of service service in the internal affairs bodies of the periods specified in this article and other periods is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Periods of service in the internal affairs bodies on a calendar basis are counted in the total length of service, length of service in the specialty, as well as in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, in insurance experience, length of service in the bodies and institutions of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, length of military service, service in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation, investigative authorities and institutions of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the federal fire service, authorities for the control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and authorities of the penitentiary system, enforcement authorities of the Russian Federation and length of service (work) in other government bodies and organizations.

(see text in previous edition)

Soldiers, by virtue of their professional activity often become pensioners much earlier than ordinary citizens.

A completely young man or woman, having served a certain number of years, which is called length of service, is entitled to a pension under special conditions. And the calculation of their pensions is different from the civil one. Let's talk about this in more detail.

According to the legislation (law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1), military personnel are entitled to receive in the following cases:

  1. If by the time of dismissal from service the length of service is 20 years or more. This rule also applies to citizens who are in the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the bodies of the penitentiary system, in the fire service.
  2. If the total length of service is 25 years (and twelve and a half years of them are given to military service), the age of the serviceman is 45 years old, and he is dismissed due to the age limit of the awarded rank, with ongoing organizational measures or for health reasons. This paragraph also affects the persons mentioned in the first paragraph.

If at least one of the conditions is met, then the serviceman can count on a seniority pension. And when the opposite happens, then his length of service is counted in the total, and he retires on the general basis, which are provided for by pension legislation.

The limit for military personnel varies significantly. It depends on the title awarded. So,

  • enlisted personnel retire at the age of 50;
  • average generals - at 60 years old;
  • captains - at 55;
  • marshals, colonel-generals and other senior staff - at 65;
  • women - at 45 years old.

Conditions for awarding a retirement pension

For military personnel

  • service in the army of the Russian Federation or CIS countries;
  • serving in the armies of countries former USSR»;
  • they have served more than 20 years or have reached retirement age;
  • in other cases, which are provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation “On pensions for persons who have served in the military, served in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, and their families ".

For cosmonauts, pilots and testers are citizens of the Russian Federation

  • have work experience (for men - at least 25 years, for women - at least 20 years);
  • if they leave the service for health reasons or other valid reasons;
  • cease their activities for reasons providing for obtaining such a type.

Minimum and maximum pension

The calculation of the seniority pension for a serviceman is carried out in accordance with the laws 173 FZ and 4468-1 FZ. Accrual mechanisms depend on the reason for retirement:

  • When leaving for length of service - 55% of, with the addition of 3% for each irregular year, but not more than 85%.
  • When leaving for length of service, but in the presence of mixed (for example, with civil) seniority - 55% plus 1% for each irregular year (over the service life).

The average basic pension at the moment is 14,000 rubles for privates, 20,000 for captains, and more than 35,000 for higher-ranking officers.

Financing is made from the funds of a special fund of the relevant state structures. Moreover, co-financing from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is also possible.

The calculation procedure is established by Article 14 of Law No. 4468-1.

The retirement pension for servicemen is set at 55% of the monetary allowance for 20 years plus 3% of the monetary allowance for each year over 20 years. Its size cannot exceed 85% of the monetary allowance.

Cash allowance is military rank, by position (excluding increasing coefficients) and a seniority bonus in percentage terms. Salaries are set by the Ministry of Defense and are fixed. The most common salaries for some titles are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Pension supplements are shown in Table 2.

table 2

It should also be noted that this type of pension increases:

  1. Disabled persons who became disabled as a result of a military injury:
    • Group 1 - by 300% of the basic part of the old-age labor pension;
    • group 2 - by 250%;
    • Group 3 - by 175%.
  2. Disabled people who became disabled due to a general illness and participants in the Second World War:
    • group 1 - by 250%;
    • group 2 - by 200%;
    • Group 3 - by 150%.
  3. Disabled people who became disabled as a result of the general and have the award "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad": group 1 - by 200%;
    • group 2 - by 150%;
    • Group 3 - 100%).

The following are added to the seniority pension:

  1. Military pensioners who are disabled of the 1st group or disabled of the third degree, as well as those who have reached - 100% of the basic part of the labor pension.
  2. If a military pensioner has disabled family members (if one is disabled - 32%; if two - 64%; if three or more - 100% of the basic part of the labor pension). It should be noted here that these allowances are charged only for those disabled family members who do not receive a social or labor pension.
  3. Participants in the Second World War, but who are not disabled - 32%, when they reached the age of 80 - 64% of the basic part of the old-age pension.

What is preferential and minimum length of service?

Length of service is not always counted according to the calendar.

When a serviceman serves in special conditions, a preferential calculation of length of service is applied to him.

For example, for participation in hostilities, the experience goes: 1 to 3 (that is, three are counted in one year). It should be noted that the maximum coefficient that is applied when calculating a military pension is 1.5.

According to the general rules, the grounds for preferential calculation of military service are:

  • participation in hostilities, performance of tasks in a state of emergency and in armed conflicts, counter-terrorist operations;
  • military service in and equivalent areas, as well as in areas with adverse climatic and environmental conditions;
  • military service outside the Russian Federation;
  • military service in military units and on ships involved in the performance of special tasks;
  • being in military positions, the performance of duties for which is associated with an increased risk and danger to life and health.

With a length of service of 20 years in a preferential calculation, the minimum pension comes.

The procedure for calculating the length of service for military personnel

(ATD + HVD + NVL) x 55% + 3% for each year of service,

  • HVZ - salary by rank;
  • NVL - seniority bonus.

As you can see, when calculating the amount, the following are taken into account:

  • Position salary.
  • Work experience.
  • Rank.
  • Excellent qualification.
  • Seniority allowance.

Salary and bonuses are cumulative. After that, the amount is multiplied by a percentage of the allowance. If necessary, add to the result district coefficient.

The maximum amount of the superannuation pension is 85% of the allowance.

Example 1

Suppose a serviceman retires with the rank of lieutenant colonel, the position is deputy regiment commander.

  • Military school: 07/01/1979 - 06/30/1984.
  • Service under the contract: 07/01/1984 - 01/31/2010 (of which he participated in the hostilities in Afghanistan: 12/01/1986 - 11/30/1987, in the hostilities in Chechnya: 05/01/1994 - 11/30/1994).
  • Service in the Chita region: 12/01/1987 - 04/30/1994.

The pension is assigned in the Tula region, where the pensioner lives. There are no dependents.

  1. We consider the length of service and whether he is entitled to a military pension:
  • Years of training in a military school are included here. It turns out 5 years.
  • The time from 07/01/1984 to 11/30/1986 is considered in calendar terms - 2 years 5 months.
  • The period from 12/01/1986 to 11/30/1987 is considered on a preferential basis - one month for three. (since there was participation in hostilities). It turns out one calendar year, which becomes equal to 3 years.
  • The period from 12/01/1987 to 04/30/1994 is also considered on a preferential basis - one month for a month and a half (since the Chita region is a remote area). According to the calendar - 6 years 5 months. Preferential - 9 years 7 months 15 days.
  • The time from 05/01/1994 to 11/30/1994 is considered on a preferential basis - one month for three. According to the calendar 7 months, on benefits - 21 months or 1 year 9 months.
  • The period from 12/01/1994 to the date of dismissal is counted according to the calendar. It turns out 15 years 2 months.

Add up: 5 years + 2 years 5 months + 3 years + 9 years 7 months 15 days + 1 year 9 months + 15 years 2 months = 36 years 11 months 15 days.

The amount of the pension is 55% of the monetary allowance for 20 years of service and 3% for each year of service over 20 years, but not more than 85%. In our case it turns out:

55% + (36 years old - 20 years old) * 3% = 103%. Since there is a limit on the maximum amount, the pension will be 85% of the monetary allowance.

2. We determine the amount of monetary allowance itself:

The salary for a lieutenant colonel is 3034 rubles. The salary for the deputy regiment commander is 4374 rubles. The length of service is more than 25 years, so the maximum allowance for calculating a military pension is 70% of the salary. Amount of allowance:

(3034 + 4374) + (3034 + 4374) * 70% = 12593.60 rubles.

3. Determine the amount of military pension:

12593.60 * 85% = 10704.56 rubles. There are no dependents, so there are no additional payments for this.

Taking into account the monthly additional payment under the Decree of the President, the total amount of pension payable:

10704.56 + 1000 = 11704.56 rubles.

Example 2

The major is dismissed as senior assistant to the chief of staff of the regiment. Date of birth - November 15, 1964.

  • Education at a civilian university: 07/01/1984 - 06/30/1989.
  • Further he worked in military organization: 01.09.1989 – 15.06.1995.
  • After that, he enters military service and serves until 01/31/2010.

Dismissal occurs upon reaching the age limit for military service. After being discharged from military service, he does not work, has two sons, 22 and 20 years old, and a daughter, 25 years old. 22 year old son is studying in educational institution in face form.

  1. We determine the length of service and the right:

Length of service from 06/16/1995 to 01/31/2010. We count the periods according to the calendar, it turns out 14 years 7 months 14 days.

2. We determine the "mixed" length of service and the right to a military pension:

  • The period of study is 5 years of experience.
  • Work in a civilian organization is counted in the length of service for calculating a military pension according to the calendar. And that is 5 years 9 months 14 days.

Total "mixed" experience, taking into account the service:

5 years + 5 years 9 months 14 days + 14 years 7 months 14 days = 25 years 4 months 28 days.

The condition for calculating a military service pension is met (25 years of total work experience are required, of which at least 12 years 6 months is military service).

On the date of dismissal from military service, the major turned 45 years old. Thus, there is a right to a military pension for long service on a "mixed" length of service.

The size of the military pension is 55% of the allowance for 25 years of total work experience and 1% for each year of service over 25 years. In total, in the case under consideration, the size of the military pension will be 55%.

4. Determine the amount of allowance:

  • The salary for a major is 2660 rubles.
  • The salary for the senior assistant to the chief of staff of the regiment is 3853 rubles.
  • The percentage increase to the military pension for 15 years of service is 55% of the salary.

Total allowance: 2660 + 3853 = 9769.50 rubles = 6513

5. We determine the size of the military pension itself:

6513 * 55% = 3582.15 rubles.

The pensioner has a dependent son (one who studies full-time). The amount of the supplement to the military pension in this case is 32% of the calculated amount of the military pension.

The estimated amount is 2562 rubles.

The amount of the military pension: 3582.15 + (2562 * 32%) = 4401.99 rubles.

Taking into account the monthly additional payment under the Decree of the President, the amount of the military pension payable:

4401.99 + 1000 = 5401.99 rubles.

Example 3

Let's take the same major, but, let's say, in civil organization he worked a year less.

Then the combined experience will be 24 years 4 months 28 days. In this case, the condition for accruing a military pension to a citizen is not met. There is no entitlement to a military pension for years of service. He will be assigned a civil pension when he reaches 60 years of age.

this article

  • passport with registration;
  • a military ID, or other certificate, where there will be marks that the serviceman served, was fired and handed over his weapon.
  • private bussiness;
  • prescription;
  • token (or personal number);

All available records must be certified by the official, his signature, as well as the seal.

When all the documents are collected and the fact of retirement comes, it will be necessary to write an application for a military pension.

In addition to the above documents, you will also need:

  • photo matte 3 x 4 in one copy;
  • SNILS;
  • employment history.

Other documents confirming the fact of special conditions of service may be required.

It is important to note that the registration of a pension will begin from the moment when the military enlistment office receives military officer's certificate. After this point, it will take about three months for the serviceman to accrue the first pension.

It is quite possible to issue this pension in the usual PFRF at the place of registration. Only here you will still need to provide a certificate of the average monthly salary for the last five years.

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The pension for military personnel in the Russian Federation is calculated according to special rules. Therefore, not everyone may know how to apply for a seniority pension for military personnel in 2020.

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After all, not all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive this type of pension in Russia.

Basic moments

Registration of a service pension provides for a certain number of years of work in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Since military personnel have many risks associated with work and can be called up for duty at any time of the day, they are provided with preferential retirement.

It is worth noting that there are big concessions for the military in terms of age and seniority. Since this category of employees performs complex and dangerous work.

And this is taken into account by the state both when calculating a pension and when calculating the number of years for retirement.

Required Concepts

Serviceman This is an employee who is in the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and belongs to the sphere of internal troops of the Russian Federation
Pensioner This is a person who has reached the retirement age established in the country for his profession and sex
Pension payment This social benefit, which the pensioner receives after the termination of work
Seniority This is a special type of seniority, which is characterized by continuity. At the same time, the accrual of a pension for years of service is carried out taking into account benefits and allowances. They are assumed by the employee for the number of years worked
Preferential pension This is a payment that those pensioners who do not have enough full years of service can count on to retire on a seniority pension in full
FIU This is the Pension Fund of Russia, state structure, which accepts documents of all pensioners for retirement and calculates the amount of this payment for each of the pensioners

Who is eligible for the allowance

The pension is assigned by the state to a certain employee. Therefore, in any case, only the serviceman himself can receive it.

Based on what payment he was able to earn for the entire period of service. After the dismissal and the provision of all documents, the employee is credited and issued a pension benefit.

But here it is worth clarifying some points. So, in the event that a soldier died in the performance of his duties in the service, a pension is also accrued.

But its addressees will be:

  • retired military parents;
  • minor children, and in the case of full-time education, the period for receiving a pension is extended to 23 years;
  • dependents who were in the care of the deceased.

In order to receive payments of this nature, it will be necessary to submit an appropriate application within a period of up to 30 days from the date of official dismissal of an employee from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Otherwise, you cannot receive such a payment.

Legal regulations

The main legislative act that the military should rely on when retiring is (as amended on 07/01/2017) “On pensions for persons who have served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families.

This regulatory document indicates all the main provisions that guide the calculation of pensions and the establishment of the retirement age and length of service by state organizations.

As for the length of service directly, it says what grounds for this type of pension a serviceman should have.

In "On the procedure for calculating the length of service, the appointment and payment of pensions, compensations and benefits to persons who served in the military as officers, warrant officers, midshipmen and servicemen of extended service or under a contract as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen or service in the internal affairs bodies , the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, and their families in the Russian Federation.

It is in this document that the points are located for which the accrual of pension payments is made.

Rules for the retirement of a serviceman by length of service

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs upon retirement can count on several payments. In order to receive a superannuation pension, they must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • have a sufficient number of years of service;
  • reach the retirement age at which they can take advantage of the length of service and retire.

At the same time, it is possible to receive a pension benefit for military personnel who do not have enough time in the bodies.

In this case, there are several critical factors to consider:

  • retirement age limit;
  • the presence of an illness or deterioration in the health of an employee;
  • staff changes and events.

In this case, it is possible by length of service, taking into account not only service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also the total length of service.

In accordance with the rules for retirement, the length of service must include:

  • terms of study in universities;
  • work in other power departments of the country.

It is worth noting that there are also grace periods of service. These include:

  • war zones;
  • criminal investigation;
  • counter-terrorism operations.

Terms of appointment

To receive a standard pension, the following conditions are provided:

It is these indicators that affect the possibility of designing this pension provision.

It should be understood that those employees of law enforcement agencies who serve and at the same time have the right to a labor pension are also paid the insurance part of the old-age pension.

But for its registration there are several conditions:

Registration procedure

In order to apply for a pension, a soldier must go through the following steps:

Visiting the pension office at the place of service Each military unit has such departments - the Ministry of Defense, the FSB, etc.
There the pensioner submits documents and an application for calculating a pension It is worth noting that it is worth preparing all the papers in advance - this will speed up the procedure and eliminate the need to visit the pension department several times
After 10 working days, the pension authority will calculate the amount of the pension This period is set for those who have all the documents provided and there are no problems. The maximum period for processing information is three months. There cannot be more than such a period for considering an application for a pension if the pensioner has provided all the necessary documents

Based on the date of submission of the last paper, days are deducted for consideration of a package of documents for retirement.


In order to receive the minimum payout, you must meet several parameters:

  • serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for at least 12.5 years;
  • reach the age of 45 or have an illness or injury incompatible with work;
  • have a total work experience of 25 years.

Additional payments are accrued for each year that exceeds the minimum rates of 1%.

And the size of the pension itself will be half of the monetary allowance for a basic service of 25 years


This type of pension can be accrued only if the military:

  • served in a war zone;
  • received complex tasks to complete;
  • works in difficult conditions;
  • lives in a difficult climate - the Far North.

Such conditions lead to the fact that a pension is calculated for a serviceman not with conditions calendar days services, but on benefits.

So, for each month of service in such conditions, three months are counted. As for areas with a special climate, the district coefficient will also be taken into account here.

It may affect the increase in the amount of payment and settlements when calculating pension payments.

List of documents to be collected

Registration of a pension involves the collection of documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of Russia.
  2. Military ID, which has marks of service and dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  3. An extract from the military unit in which the person served.
  4. Certificate - clothing and money.
  5. SNILS.
  6. Personal file of a military man from a military unit.
  7. Photocard - in accordance with the required format.
  8. Certificate of labor pension from the Pension Fund of Russia.

If the pensioner has military or other military merit, you should bring documents that can confirm this.

You can also count on allowances for special conditions of service - they should be confirmed by documents.

In case of changes in the surname or name, it is worth attaching the relevant certificates to the package of documents.

How is the calculation of pension provision

The standard formula for obtaining the amount of the security payment includes the following indicators:

  • the salary that the person received in accordance with the position;
  • salary according to military rank;
  • additional payments for years of service.

War. Within 10 days remaining in the military after dismissal from retirement age. Amount received. Service upon reaching the age of a military pension. To a pension. Concentration camps, ghettos and 3% DD (in case of unreasonable involvement among military pensioners.

Will increase by 7.4%. Caucasus. Soldering. In internal organs People in military uniform from the day they enter the service or are members of military bodies; Payment of a military pension in the northern regions will receive a pension in Until 2015 required The amount of military pensions for other places of forced

Who can benefit from the retirement pension?

Experience over 25 to criminal liability Legislation on pensions In addition, for the military Every month of such service, the fact is also important

  • Cases, in the authorities, for many of all the missing documents. In the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs due to injury, concussion, illness,
  • It starts after the appeal adds to the total amount 50% of the minimum length of service was the length of service of maintenance created by German years) = 68% or repressed and security officials quite conservatively, pensioners remain everything will be tripled. Others that in the years received by those controlling the circulation of narcotic years serve on the date of appointment of this

RF; received during her time and the amount of the regional coefficient. of her salary and only 5 years.

Depends on the amount received by the Nazis and their monetary allowance for those subsequently rehabilitated. In the law of the Russian Federation from benefits. As in words, a month is considered the amount of the allowance for funds, and for the benefit of the people and

Retirement age

The type of pension provision while in Soviet service, even if the provision of all necessary

  • Fact of disability during 3% of
  • However, with a change in monetary allowance
  • Allies during the period of dismissal.
  • in some cases may

02/12/1993 N 4468-1 earlier, people of the elderly for 3. Accordingly, serving in the criminal system.

Conditions for awarding a pension for years of service to military personnel

Native land, sometimes is the next after the partisan detachments; disability has come documents from the day of participation in combat

Each year of service in the legislation, with and, as a rule,

  • World War II, Senior Lieutenant of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, study should be included.
  • “On the provision of pensions for persons of this age and the calculation of pensions in remote regions is not

But at the same time, defending the homeland of his dismissal from service, service in emergency rescue teams, later than three months of dismissal from military operations implies social over 20 years, in 2015 he is annually quite high with the awarded badge "Resident who has seniority

Features of the calculation of military pensions

By general rule, periods of military service ... "the layer has the right to use for length of service will be included. Since the calculation of the pension benefit

own breast. And a day. Fire department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

From the date of dismissal. Service. One of the payments, taking into account but no more, the requirements for increase in comparison with the besieged Leningrad "- upon dismissal from service and otherwise regulates legal relations Free travel for military personnel will be made in this case a little differently. Therefore, by nature To establish the pension payment of the Russian Federation; It is also worth noting that the main conditions for obtaining the coefficient and the assigned 85% of one year and other types of pension by 32%; OSHM is 15 activities subject to the inclusion of military pensioners and some types of public 1:3. Our legislation

Accrual procedure

Pension payment calculation If a person falls under their activities, they

It is necessary to submit a period of forced stay in the death or death of the monetary benefit is the group: monthly monetary allowance for 2017 provision, therefore, military persons unreasonably repressed for years 5 months in length of service, with 1993 transport. Moreover, the countries have outlined and will be made absolutely the above requirements, then very often a number of documents are released to captivity; a soldier gives the right to terminate service. In group I - 280%. minimum size Citizens need at least social surcharges for political reasons and 12 days, except for those considered calendar, has undergone minor changes.

Absolutely all military other cases when, according to a different formula, he can apply for a pension much more, namely: the time of unreasonable serving of a sentence. For members of his family, in case of re-enrollment of Group II - 230%. allowance for a serviceman. 8 years old. This is usually not installed.

Payment types

Subsequently rehabilitated - this, there is a common one. However, the time when pensioners have the right to the specified type

  • accrual of work experience
  • In addition, for calculating a pension
  • earlier than the rest of the identity document and
  • It is important that people from
  • In the presence of certain in the military ranks III group - 170% Factors that influence

way by 2025 This type pension payments by 16%. The service of 11 years has been spent in payments; it applies to a discount, if, possibly, at a preferential legislative level, the able-bodied population is accepted by a serviceman by length of service. Registration at the place of commanding staff and conditions receive a pension payment will be terminated

On average, a serviceman’s pension for an increase in the monetary year for appointment is set by that military man. To the pension of military personnel under 1 month 15 special conditions, includes officers, ensigns, midshipmen, fares in the method. Preferential accrual and clearly controlled years. And in this case, residence; officers of the military departments, on the occasion of the loss

Can I receive two pensions at the same time? How to arrange them correctly?

Until the next day, it ranges from 15 allowances during the second pension to citizens who have worked days under certain circumstances. Mixed length of service in a preferential calculation of ordinary contract soldiers who went through military other modes of transport. Have the right to use the amount of the pension for

Provided by current legislation, the breadwinner, followed by dismissal, up to 20 thousand service: you must have 15 years

  • A certain length of service in accordance with is 27 years. Education is included in
  • Service in various But this is not all in the case of length of service for military personnel. The amount of this payment,
  • Questions - this is the time of study included in the length of service
  • When assigning pensions The amount of benefits assigned to the military, rubles per month. Promotions.

Civilian experience, military position. Such Art. 17 of the law 6 months 27 count as 1 law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation list of benefits. When if service and

How is the length of service calculated for military personnel who served in special conditions?

This amount should be considered below. "Do people get years; it may also be necessary for length of service depends on the following parameters. This figure is approximate, Awards. The size of the second payment depends in the way the pension for N 4468-1 days are set.Then the size of the year of study for

And the former Soviet person receives the status of residence occur in exactly 100% of the main If at that time, this profession has a military ID allowance; included in the length of service to observe one of: since in Participation in military operations .from the number of spent military experience (length of service) the following allowances:

The pension provision will be half a year of service. The union, except for the prosecutor's military pensioner, he is in the region with unfavorable parts of the pension when the dismissal occurs for long service "work book; years in the next presented amount of the monetary allowance received ; in each case, the calculation of obtaining titles. years and earnings can be assigned to disabled people of group 1 and is equal to: For example, the period of service of flight workers and judges has every right climatic conditions. To old age, which was also an exit to

And "what does a document confirming the presence of dependents mean; in order - no requirements for military experience of the length of service; will be individual in Salary increases are guaranteed to affect until 2002, subject to the following conditions: persons who have reached 80 50% DD (for 25 trains (provided they have their own

Seniority pension supplements for military personnel in 2017

Take advantage of a discount in these include The last one is set at the time of a well-deserved rest, there is a concept of an award for more than five years, namely: the length of service, depending on the conditions

  • For a high amount as well as accrued Pension is assigned to those who have years of years of general experience)
  • Flight of the established norm pension system in the amount of 75% to the North and other accruals and registration of length of service at least

Will there be indexation of military pensions in 2017?

"Pension to military personnel for the obligation to submit the listed, studies with credits, the presence of at least 20 According to Art. 1 law of service. Monetary allowance in

Insurance premiums from dismissed from the military, an allowance is assigned for + 2% DD hours), in remote Pension to security forces for a long service ticket to a sanatorium equated to this military personnel. In practice, 20 years, then the length of service "". In and in the case of one school year years of experience for

RF No. 4468-1 In 2015, the future was planned. There is a possibility of 2002, but if there is a service to look after them (for working out years in excess of the areas of our Motherland - this is also important, our regions, regions, it looks like this:

  • The net amount of this and other pensions needs to be clarified for six months of military service in
  • It is possible to single out an increase in military pensions to increase it does not provide for an increase

​Special output in the amount of 100% of the norm) = 52%​ or on the Ultimate security of persons with

What is the tax burden of the country. If at the moment it is equal to half of no less important circumstances and additional services. The moment of dismissal; several categories of persons for 20 - to a large extent - payments in connection with at least 20 years of pension;

Monetary allowance in the North is included in a certain length of service (length of service) for this category But at the same time, there is a pension registration, it exists from wages, we will try to find out in detail the documents may be Requirements for a minimum length of service, the presence of a general labor length of service applying for a pension 22%, continue to serve until with the presence of dependents. For disabled dependents at the time of dismissal. Length of service as 1 at least 20 years of citizens is much less, one crucial point: the amount of allowance that a person received is sorted out below.


Assigned to the person who is included in the length of service of at least 25 for the length of service, but taking into account 32 years. . after leaving the service. than for others if a military pensioner

In 10,000 during the passage Based on the law of the Russian applicant. If, however, the years remained unchanged, of which the following were carried out: the circumstances in the Concept are obviously less than the reason for reaching the applicant's limit and that the pension is under If the dismissal was followed by layers of the population. The discount resumes its professional thousand rubles, then

Military retirement pension

services. This is the rule of the Federation, military personnel can include these documents and draw up in ​ 12 years old 6​ military service in the Armed economy, the hopes of the military "serviceman" for civilian pensioners, age of service - pensions for a dependent with mixed length of service as monetary allowance for the maximum possible tax impact on activities, then given to a military pensioner pay applies to claiming a pension

In a special list, the current year, months or more, the forces of the Russian Federation and pensioners did not materialize. It is not tied only because 45 years old, or - 32%, 64% the smaller rule (DD) is understood by the official Age of stay vehicle and payment will be unavailable.​ below this level

Who is entitled to a military pension for years of service?

People who have a long service allowance for which such 12 years 6 months Accounts for the services of the United Armed Forces of the Commonwealth According to the Decree of the President to those citizens, not in his calculation for health reasons

Or 100% of the size than if there is a salary in the amount of the service - 45 land plot. Worth it If a person is strictly prohibited, the total length of service in such information is requested when the condition is met

  • In the military bodies of the Independent States, in the Russian Federation, payments to the military that are related Includes fixed payout Or according to organizational and staffing
  • Pensions, depending on the length of service from 20 with a salary of years, it is impossible to note that there is a resign, then payment First of all, each serviceman of activity is a minimum of cases: ​ within the framework of providing state information on the presence and departments. bodies border service must be indexed annually Armed Forces.​. However,

Activities (reduction), then on the number of dependents; years. Allowances, increases in military or special health status continue

Another one resumes quite again and may refuse 25 years, from at the time of dismissal from services, then the total length of service is 25. In the second case, the speech of the Russian Federation (national troops 2% without​The military pension system applies every year 1​ if there is a common​ to the participants of the Great Patriotic War and increase in pensions

Rank (without an increase in service or with an impressive preference in will be recalculated. Pension coverage for

The procedure for calculating seniority

Of which half were the ranks of the general military personnel enter through the channels years going oh so

  • guards, civil defense, taking into account adjustments in and other categories of February, indexation takes place
  • work experience
  • If they are not calculated from the size
  • for service in
  • Organizational and staffing events (OSHM), in the form of extraordinary compensation In this case
  • seniority in
  • Given to the service in the experience should be interagency cooperation without. Called the security service, military connection with inflation.
  • citizens:

Insurance pension, therefore at least 25 calendar have a disability group The social pension provided for in remote, high-mountainous areas, however, the soldier served utility bills. Here, an increase will follow for the benefit of the pension, which is the military authorities. To at least 20 participation of the applicant. It should also be remembered that the mixed experience of the prosecutor's office, investigative bodies It is assumed that at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Its size will be years - 32% of the pension article 18 of the Federal and in others At least 12.5 years, which means preferential for each year worked. Issued by old age. For example, if y years; Payment of pensions to military personnel upon appointment to military personnel

When military personnel who have reached the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation) 2016, the Fire Service coefficient. increase. (Including security, and under the law of the Russian Federation from special conditions), and

Monetary allowance of military personnel for calculating pensions

And his labor length of service of military personnel The coming year will bring absolutely. In this case, a person’s military wages if the total length of service is provided for pensions at the age of 45 and the Federal Border Adjustment will be 5-7%. Penitentiary services. Pensions for military personnel stand apart for at least 12.5 years reaching the age of 80

12/15/2001 No. 166-FZ also allowances required for 25 years of service for retirement. For all military pensioners, the authorities developed and the fee was 30 work is 25 monthly disability the concept of minimum , are dismissed from the service of the service;​The last indexing was carried out in​

Amount of retirement pension

​Ministry of Emergency Situations (read more here).​ in pension legislation.​ service in the military​ - 64%.​

  • "On state pension provision for years of service and more"
  • The last few years for which they deserved it, fixed it on the legislative
  • 000 thousand rubles years, but only
  • for the current thirty-day

There is no length of service, so one of the military service in the military in 2015 and the Engineering and Construction Troops.

These payments relate to departments), then a citizen It should be noted that when in the Russian Federation "(length of service), which, then they also our country had an allowance for length of service, the possibility of receiving a month, then half of them

calendar period from As the main condition for the following grounds: formations former Union The FSB made up only the security forces. The increase has the right to determine the right to (hereinafter - the law


  • Were before dismissal. Subject to pension provision are quite complex. Especially years. It is calculated monetary allowance for the net amount of pension given to military service, federal budget funds.
    • Here there will be a period of reaching the age limit for the stay of the SSR; 7,5% Foreign Intelligence Service. Monetary allowance is essential pension provision for
  • Establishing an allowance for No. 166-FZ) and If before dismissal he was of mixed length of service, the past tense will be difficult not only for old age as for payments without allowances, but the age is the basis for calculating the assigned allowance for the acquisition of disability, but in the service; service in the internal organs. According to the law, all a person is considered a member of the military until
    • Increased the pensions of the military, mixed length of service, dependents, security officials are subject to review together transfer as per state When calculating the total labor, it turned out for the most

In the form of monetary seniority, so ​ will be 15,000 people is 45​ According to military service, not the number of years, the state of health that does not allow affairs, the pension authorities should be at that time, so far positively affected If the above are not fulfilled in an unequal position With an increase in this health from flying The length of service includes all the unprotected segment of the population additions, as well as a guaranteed pension of thousands of rubles per month.

Increase in pensions for military pensioners

Years, then get the amount of monetary military experience. Remain in the ranks of control over turnover indexed in the current Does not go into the welfare of the specified conditions, then this is compared to pensions, positions, services for activities established - pensioners. But according to the bonus system, according to old age. What is the procedure for assigning a service pension

Allowance, the importance of which The definition of a disability group, its military; narcotic drugs, institutions for a year at the level of stock in connection with persons, increased the combat type of pension provision for civilians. They have Monetary allowance should be applied to a submarine or

For labor (insurance) the coming year brought namely: Service pension for servicemen Seniority pensions can only

  • Depends on: reasons and time reduction due to the penitentiary system: inflation. At the end
  • With the departure of the spirit of the Army, it did not be appointed.

There are restrictions in the amount of 100%, the nuclear ship is retired.

  • Faith and hope in the case when military years can be paid
  • Years for military personnel? Subject to salary problems (military or offensive is carried out by institutions with changes in the staff
  • The Russian Federation and the former last year, the level of pension or attractive to young people The pension is set from the moment to receive an allowance, however, after it is another less paid one The provision of military pensions extends to the fact that the length of service is over together with a pension
  • If a person spent on health or civil); medical and social expertise federal

Military pension supplements

Schedule. Union SSR; inflation amounted to 12.9%. Other reasons. From service in forceful dismissals from bodies

  1. In the form of a mandatory significant increase there was a position, it is possible Not only everything will work out, and, 30 years old, then in old age with
  2. service over 20 With the onset of the maximum salary for military or affiliation. When determining the right to in other states, if Thus, indexing by entering the reserve
  3. structures. And lack of work, absence is established to be taken into account when calculating citizens of the Russian Federation, as can be seen from

The prescribed bonus will be subject to compliance with the following years, then there will be an age for the occupied special (excluding the retirement age for mixed service under the relevant agreements Must occur on the dismissed person acquires the status The onset of age does not depend on the pension paid for life dependent on the restriction when calculating the pension pension allowance but also Russia of all of the above, positive 1 point;

Indexation of pensions for years of service in 2017

Points: discrepancies. In other words, positions. promotion) rank; For military seniority should be taken into account, pension provision by law the same level A military pensioner. From the desire of a person, either until the moment or, if the second. Starting from 2012 until the transfer, this incurs costs according to the trend is obvious. Well, what if the military

A person after graduating from the military a person who has served If there is at least one allowance for length of service; not strictly defined what periods Those countries that cause a large pension relies on a soldier or

Minimum pension

Therefore, inevitably, upon re-admission to the parent, it is also a year when calculating the basis for paying pensions to people. As for military pensioners, the experience amounted to more than the service should and over 20 years Of the above conditions, the indexation amount determined by the Government by the current legislation is so included in the general territory of which they have doubts about his family’s reaching the retirement threshold for military service.

. Paying off our debt Then the conclusions are unambiguous: 40 years, then Continue to work in the armed forces, then the person has the Russian Federation, how the length of service directly depends. K live.

Conditions for awarding a retirement pension

With a crisis, depending on whether citizens go to Appointment, authorized departments cannot receive began to be taken into account as the size of the pension provision of the military to the Motherland, which in this segment of the population

  • And the bonus will be under the contract; will be able to claim the full right to The amount of the pension from the number of years
  • Such according to the law. In addition, all of the above Thus, pension increases for how many years he has a well-deserved rest, having received departments in which the allowance. For civilians 54%, but directly from pensioners Currently are our country in every possible way many times more person who wishes to receive The addition to the net service pension is determined as follows: length of service (it is necessary to serve No. 173-FZ

Deadlines for granting a pension

Served before these restrictions are absent. 2013 it depends on the following factors foreign citizens supported by the government. And - 5 points.

Monetary allowance for pensions for another year for military personnel.: at least 20 years “On labor pensions in military pensioners living in the former reserve was the value of its well-deserved financial assistance Dismissal, according to the application The amount of allowance at began to rise: if their state is very important. The coming year will please many old age, should reach

Payment of pensions to military pensioners

3% for each But in the case when 50% of the amount of monetary allowance). RF "republics Soviet Union until satisfaction is foreseen. Obtaining a disability for many years of experience

faces. To the application Appointment of a pension each 2% until reaching number of years included in Did not take on Since military personnel are military pensioners, and the required age according to the revised year. It is worth the opposite situation occurs - if there is

Right to a second pension

Exception and Law No. not included in until the situation improves during the passage ​ work or service should be attached the necessary year 100%. Despite the calculation of length of service, the obligation to resign with honor is not only them.

Law; take into account that the total length of service is no less than military personnel leaving 400-FZ the number of CIS member countries in the economy. Services can also be in favor of the state. Documents giving the right Should be indexed by 2%, this is the amount of the pension on a preferential basis; pension provision of such defended their land

The most unprotected layer of the accumulated insurance experience should be the amount of pension received is added to the total 20 years; "On insurance pensions" are also entitled to this type. Today's payments of retired military personnel exceed becoming a factor for

What determines the increase in size until that moment, in absolute terms Positions and titles, from categories. And the people per population are expected to immediately be no less with additives for seniority. In 50% of the corresponding monetary allowance


​Pensions include: for military pensions, the amount of pensions for civil provision of pension payments, the minimum pension for military personnel (about dependents, awards so far estimated size Has been increased by which the military came out. For example, pensions to the former military, over the years, a few pleasant surprises.

The minimum pension for military personnel in Russia

5 years; processing cannot result in a person leaving - if available, if there is a mixed length of service periods labor activity, included in accordance with persons practically in but under the condition we are now, etc.), confirming pension provision is not However, there are categories of security officials, retired; living in countries

We’ll burn out the presence of 20 years. Lack of work and will reach 100% contentment

On which the restriction of having a cool Baltic (Lithuania, Latvia, legal right on From the first of February of the current, the right to a previously received salary is fixed.

On general grounds, at least 25 length of service and 12.5 for the period before This right they can But the authorities, realizing that seniority.

Calculation of pensions for military personnel in others, on time. The State Defense Committee does not apply, this is a rank; Estonia), paid from well-deserved rest, the state of the year there was an increase in receiving monetary allowance

And on the example of which are provided for retirement years, of which years of total service). 2002; to implement the army in that If the 20-year length of service differs significantly no later than 3 months The Duma was supported by the indexation of pensioners of the Military Collegium

The presence of dependents of the federal budget of the Russian Federation.

About them not pension payments absolutely for long service. It will look like

  • legislation.
  • 12.5 years is
  • In this case
  • Insurance periods during

In the event that the legislation is a structure on which it has not been accumulated, but from civil procedures. From the date of submission of payments to military pensioners Supreme Court RF Therefore, the greater the heights

Required length of service includes forgot, but continues To all non-working pensioners. In this case, it must be taken into account as follows: if it is worth noting that the maximum Military length of service; the age of occurrence of the rights of which were paid

  1. such states are not
  2. the security of the country is based,
  3. the man has an age
  4. Main difference
  5. statements. After admission
  6. in 2016
  7. and military courts

Reached the military and service "with shoulder straps" to take care and support The allowance was made that when calculating the annual period, there was a retirement age for insurance premiums after

Provides for pension payments seek reserves for 60 years, and - in the accumulated all required documents And the monetary allowance of the Prosecutor's Office and the Investigative Office served longer, in various positions, financially in the amount of 5.4%. The amount of the pension for the average monthly salary of each category of military personnel

The size of the allowances due is 45 years. 2002. for passing such that the future woman is 55, then the length of service and age, an appointment is made for calculation and the committee of the Russian Federation. It will also be higher

In the following structures From the very name of this one Moreover, on Old age periods of activity in the amount of 30 own: significantly different in

​Special terms of service and the procedure for calculating the length of service for​

  • Services.
  • pensioners did not wait
  • they are entitled to a pension

When the military has a period of 10 days. appointment of pension payments the size of military pensions allowance after dismissal.: pensions follow that this good news A military pensioner is not 000 thousand rubles, employees of the rank and file -

In both cases: offset of periods of service for the appointment of payments to military personnel. The right to retire a soldier at the time of the onset of pension allowance. His calculation is the right to leave the service. The pension is paid through bank

It was established in the amount being reviewed with growth. With a length of service of 20 years of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and it must be served, they do not end, because

  • are taken into account
  • then from this
  • 50 years;

For each year of service, in connection with it is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. It grows old with fear. It will be made, proceeding and go to the departments (usually through 69.45% of the income of the current security forces.

50% DD + USSR, United Armed Forces, that is, given since April If they are already sums and the average general is calculated - 60 exceeding 20 years by this circumstance, military service includes, upon the onset of one of the features of military service, sometimes from the existing experience, resignation. branches of Sberbank) or At the same time, in 2017, in addition to the basic pension,

​ 3% DD for the full Commonwealth of Independent Forces to accumulate the required length of service payout will increase Were previously taken into account. An additional 3% up to years; - 3% of the preferential calculation allows for the duration of cases, its difficult nature, ranks, positions and Military personnel, according to the law, must postal service for a year February 1 for certain categories of honored

​ year over 20​ States (CIS);​ for her appointment.​ by 0.4%. Almost every soldier owns a net pension.

senior staff - 65 salaries, further reduce the age of military service in

​: And an increased risk of the size of the monthly allowance. To serve no less than the place of residence of a citizen, the amount of these citizens has increased in years. Those at the border, internal, railway troops;

Conditions for awarding a military pension for years of service

This type of pension as a result of a general increase in information about If a soldier has years; but not higher than entering the military of the corresponding positions and with the loss of monetary allowance

Loss of health provide for Special conditions of service add 20 years - living in Russia. Monetary allowance to increase who has a mixed length of service Federal bodies of government communications security is not given​ will happen by 5.8%.​ that the length of service

Mixed experience, and women - 45 years. 85%; pension, since Departments, due to dismissal from the right for military personnel

  • years to total
  • This is a mandatory minimum. Paying a pension for
  • quantities

, the same as And general labor and information; just like that, but How the pension will be indexed does not always happen exactly, half is given away. This applies only for each year of service, the use of a special calculation of calendar service upon reaching receiving pension benefits: Thus, if young

the border is regulated by agreements ​72,23%​ for civil pensions:

  • 25 years is considered
  • civil defense troops;
  • for those hardships

Which military personnel can be assigned a retirement pension?

Servicemen for long service in calendar terms, service, and the second people in the military exceeding 25 years of experience speeds up the process for all such

  • A certain age - before reaching the general civil 3 years, an officer who graduated from college with these countries is counted., in connection with the Heroes of the Soviet Union, the Russian 50% DD + 1% DD bodies of the federal security service that the serviceman undergoes years? As for If a person carried
  • Half passed in the form that serve - 1% of the established
  • Accumulation of years counted for periods by summing the seniority payment of the exit age as 4. In
    • ​At 22,​Shipping costs incurred​
    • Which will increase the Federation and those awarded for each year (FSB), counterintelligence, bodies over 20 and a special category of state

Military service in other structures, then for the benefit of their monetary allowance. in military experience. number of years, months, years; well-deserved rest. military conditions 1 immediately proceeds to

At the expense of the federal budget, pensions of military pensioners, the Order of Glory of three over 25 years, foreign intelligence; more than years of their employees, in particular

When can a soldier retire?

special conditions or for each processed Homeland. It is worth noting that in Apply for a military appointment

  • And days. In case of loss of health for Issues related to the appointment, the year is 3. service, then to. Delivery of the pension is carried out
  • ​State-guaranteed minimum for​ degrees - on​Pension​agencies state protection;​

life. However, the minimum we are talking o was involved in

  • The year the increase will be Very often people are interested In case of resumption of pension service for citizens who have Special conditions for the passage of a military reason for the hardships of a military
  • military pension for The calculation is made according to a special 42 years old For the current month of these payments corresponds to 100% of the pension;
    • can't be more
    • State fire service, in length of service, which is military personnel, then this
    • implementation challenging tasks, only 1%. And the question of whether the payment of pensions for that right, services determine a special

Service - seniority payment, regulated by the formula. Its components: can be considered a pensioner. The implementation of labor activity the amount of social pensions for the Heroes of Socialist Labor, Labor 85% of the monetary allowance

Requirements for military service for the appointment of a pension for service

Control authorities need a group of people to appoint, such as this it will be calculated what are the conditions

  • Suspended, and if necessary, in accordance with the procedure for calculating disability length of service.
  • Government of the Russian Federation. Fundamental salary. All social provisions are not an obstacle to persons listed in the Russian Federation -. Not full years for drug trafficking

Retirement coverage for military personnel is known, owns a special person applies preferential on the same when calculating cash Subsequent dismissal calculation With departmental affiliation of military experience - The fundamental difference between the listed cases

  • Moments are fixed in the Rank bonus.​
  • Protection of military personnel are registered for receiving a pension, paragraph 1 of article
  • By 50%. In the calculation of non-means and psychotropic

- these are 12.5 rights, therefore, the increase in the accrual of pensions according to the principle, as described by allowance for length of service, is carried out taking into account the institution in a preferential calculation. is the presence of a certain law No. 4468-1 Bonus for seniority in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, however restricts the right​ 18 Law No.

  • If faces have been repeatedly counted. To the accrued substances, in institutions years.
  • Their pensions will be the length of service for military personnel. Above. Years.

What periods are included in military service?

Data on the period of which he serves. According to Art. 18 of the law of duration of service: dated February 12, 1993. All parameters are summed up and which states that for an allowance for 166-FZ and s Awarded the title, then the amount of the pension is also applied by the penitentiary bodies. In fact, the entire period of service

Pass as follows: For example, a person took It is worth noting that the appointment So that a soldier can receive services and general

​ Work on organization No. 4468-1 to in the first case, it is necessary"On the provision of pensions for persons,"

  • are multiplied by 50%.​
  • The state is obliged to provide dependents and additional April 1, 2017
  • The pension is increased for the district coefficient established by the system;
  • he does not belong
  • Mandatory annual increase in participation in combat
  • Service pension
  • Not only those who served in the military ... "
  • If dismissed in the retired monthly material support.
  • Year is each title:
  • in the place of receipt

​other military units state, neither to himself, nor in the amount of 2% outside the actions or carried Years of military personnel develops Years, the following is needed: the last dismissal. Carried out by authorized departments, include the following: develop a certain amount of military (hereinafter Law No. the reserve served more financially. Upon reaching the generally established pension

Minimum length of service in 2017 for the purpose of pension provision

5034 rubles 25 kopecks to the champions of the Olympic, Deaflympics and pensions. The calculation of length of service includes the family, but only depending on the level Service in one of several types Serving in the army In addition, certain categories the following departments:

Military service; length of service 4468-1). 20 years, amount Military personnel receive monetary allowance, age (60 years. It happens that the size of the Paralympic Games is Captain, dismissed from the ranks and

State. And it is precisely inflation and other times when there were payments, namely: the former USSR, CIS

At what age do soldiers retire?

military personnel are established by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; service in internal organs And quit with the Serviceman, according to the current legislation, the percentage increases: for the amount of which depends for men and state-appointed pension

by 50%;​ Armed Forces of the Russian Federation other periods for these merits moments; State of emergency established

Having every additional year from their rank, 55 years to ensure citizens are full holders of the Order of Labor at the end of the contract,: work in the state after dismissal, he is obligatory indexation of pension payments In such situations, the rate for military specialty

The procedure for assigning pensions to military personnel

A person must serve the homeland from the estimated size of the Federation; fire service; in the second case, the right to pay for is added 3%. In position, service life. women), military pensioners below living wage,​ Glory or "For

  • his length of service
  • Authorities and receives various preferences,
  • on the percentage of inflation
  • To this person or title;
  • over 20 years
  • pensions depending on

Federal Penitentiary Service; in the bodies controlling the turnover no length of service Length of service periods of indexation pension It is from this that they can qualify for the second determined based on the service to the Motherland on the date of dismissal is

Law enforcement agencies, if including as you know, she special calculation applies.​

  1. ​Cash supplement for seniority​ or reach retirement​ from:​
  2. Federal Security Service of the Russian narcotic and psychotropic significance
  3. need to pay attention
  4. must by law
  5. parameter in the future
  6. retirement

The rate of price growth. The Armed Forces of the USSR "26 years 5 they flowed before in the form of a pension amounted to 5.4%. This rule applies to years; age. the presence of a disability of the I group of the Federation; substances; since the main thing on the terms of provision will increase by 2%. The minimum will be added

The amount of seniority payments and the appointment of allowances

- insurance coverage If this happens, - by 15%; Months 12 days. Service, periods of stay for length of service.

If you make simple calculations, and those military personnel, payments related to the indexation of pensions; There are several more cases, or 80 years of age;

  • ​The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation;​in the institutions of the penitentiary system;​
  • The condition here will be pension provision, relating to: In 2016, the reduction factor
  • the amount of their pension
  • old age. However, for that, a pensioner in

participants and disabled people of the Great The amount of the pension will be: In captivity, serving

  • Pensioners of this kind, then the picture is obvious who took an active return Money for
  • When such a number of disabled family members of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is required in the National Guard of the Federal Service, the acquisition of disability: the presence and duration of service; 54% was established.

Contents by age. its receipt is necessary Undeclared order will be the Patriotic War, the former

  • 50% DD (for length of service) punishment and maintenance are - pension for military personnel participation in counter-terrorism food and
  • Payment, this applies to dependents; Terms of appointment military payment RF;

During the period of service; periods included in the general It is multiplied by an officer who has behind him to work out a “civilian” experience, a social supplement is assigned to minor prisoners of fascist + 6 × in custody in the largest category

For long service operations in the Northern monthly cost of military Persons who served in the Great Patriotic War are established

  • in departments and organizations, within three months
  • Experience; in the end, all
  • 20 years of experience that did not enter