All more people in our time, numerology is beginning to interest, which is the key to knowing both ourselves and the world around us. With the help of this area of ​​\u200b\u200bsecret knowledge, which studies the connection between the hidden esoteric meaning of numbers and their manifestation in the world in which we live, one can predict fate, find out the strengths and weak sides character, to discover the gifts we have, and to choose the right life path. Numerology will help build favorable relationships between people by analyzing them personal qualities, which will bring great benefits not only in marriage, but also in society and business. Paired numbers caught the eye of many, for example, on the clock. Someone does not believe in coincidences, but there are those who attach great importance to such symbols.

It is believed that Angels speak to people using signs, which include numbers. The first person who established a connection with the Angels is the English scientist John Dee, who, among other things, was fond of mysticism and esotericism. It was he who began to look for the connection of figures and numbers with the daily life of a person. At first, his search was chaotic, but after numerous studies, when it already seemed to the mystic that he was at a dead end, he received a sign that made it clear to the scientist that he was very close to answering the numerous questions that tormented him. The closer John Dee came into contact with the mystery, the further he moved away from scientific points of view. And about a miracle! He was visited by a real Angel, who said that he would teach the scientist the angelic language so that people could receive messages from the beautiful world of Angels. The first method of learning did not bear fruit, since for people the ancient Enochian language in which the Angels spoke turned out to be too complicated, then the Angel came to the scientist again and offered another option - numerical clues. The mystic had to work hard to systematize what was told to him by the Higher Forces, and thus angelic numerology was born.

Matching numbers on the clock

How often have you looked at your watch and seen paired numbers, such as 11:11, 12:12, 12:21, etc.? Not every person will focus on this fact, but in vain. Thus, our Guardian Angels are trying to warn us about certain events that are coming in our lives. This is especially important if such matches are logged into the system.

Frequently repeated numbers are nothing more than messages from the Angels, who thus want to tell us when we should expect good luck and when trouble. Never ignore such signs. Most likely, they carry a certain meaning, by unraveling which, you can make circumstances work to your advantage.

Here, numerology will come to the rescue, which will help to form an opinion about a person’s character traits, his inclinations, and even unravel his fate. By turning to numbers for help, you can attract success, luck, love, and, of course, wealth.

Meaning of the same numbers

Every number in numerology has a specific meaning. What person does not want his life to be as successful as possible, so that it has more pleasant moments and fewer troubles?

To do this, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the individual numbers and their pair combinations mean:

  1. Units warn us that obsession with our own opinions prevents us from objectively assessing what is happening and paying attention to those events that take place in our lives.
  2. The numbers two urge us to focus on our relationships with others, including personal ones. By understanding and accepting any situation, you can maintain mutual understanding and harmony.
  3. Threes indicate that our life and its goals need to be rethought, otherwise success may slip out of our hands.
  4. The combination of fours means that our health is at risk. Also, when these numbers appear in a pair, we should analyze whether we pay attention to those values ​​or whether it is worth reconsidering the life path we follow.
  5. Two fives are a warning that risky actions should be avoided, and we ourselves need to become more calm and reasonable.
  6. Paired sixes encourage us to look deep into ourselves, otherwise self-deception can lead to sad consequences.
  7. The number seven is beautiful in every way. If sevens accompany a person constantly, this means that he is on the right way and success will be his reward. Also, these figures broadcast that he is destined for good prospects in self-knowledge and spiritual development.
  8. Eights are also a warning. They mean that in some urgent matter, an urgent and important decision must be made, otherwise luck will bypass us.
  9. The combination of nines speaks of the current negative situation, and if you do not intervene in time, then it can bring a series of troubles into life.

People familiar with esotericism are always of great interest to the question of what the same numbers on the clock mean. They scrupulously assess the current situation, weighing all their possibilities, and try to set in motion what is happening so that it works for their benefit.

Paired numbers on the clock, according to angelic numerology

The value of time on the clock often gives us clues on how to act in certain situations. Is it worth paying attention to the advice that the Angels give us in this way? Sometimes they do it so insistently that such clues are simply impossible not to notice.

Many people have electronic clocks at home. So, they show not only time. If you see paired numbers on them multiple times, then you should think about what the Angels want to tell us? What are they warning us about?

The time values ​​on the clock can be interpreted as follows:

  • 00:00 - this combination is unique. Seeing her, you need to make a wish. A wish made at this particular time is believed to come true if it is made with pure thoughts. Also, paired zeros indicate the beginning of a new period of life. One has only to discard everything that has become obsolete, and new, wonderful, wonderful times will begin;
  • 01:01 means that he who sees such numbers will receive good advice in time;
  • 01:10 - whoever sees this combination must postpone the execution of the plan for a while. Nothing good will come of it anyway;
  • 02:02 - a very pleasant meeting awaits a person who has observed such a time on the clock;
  • 02:20 says that your enemies and envious people are plotting intrigues. Care is needed;
  • 03:03 is preparing a very pleasant surprise. The love of your life is already there. One has only to lend a hand;
  • 03:30 - and this combination, on the contrary, warns that the person you fell in love with is not the one you need;
  • 04:04 - to solve a problem, you need to look at it from the other side. Then the answer will come immediately;
  • 04:44 portends problems at work;
  • 05:05 - your enemies became aware of your weakness through which they can strike;
  • 05:50 - you should be wary of water and fire;
  • 05:55 - soon you will meet a person who will turn your mind around;
  • 06:06 - do not share with a friend about your personal life;
  • 07:07 - in the situation that worries you now, you need to rely only on yourself;
  • 08:08 - an unexpected profit will fall on the one who sees these numbers;
  • 09:09 - and these figures, on the contrary, speak of a monetary loss;
  • 10:10 - global life changes await you;
  • 13:13 - these numbers, as always, do not bode well. One who sees them must be very careful;
  • 14:14 - risk is a noble deed. The combination suggests that you can take risks in order to succeed;
  • 15:15 - a way out of the impasse is possible. You will be helped by unexpected people from whom you do not expect help at all;
  • 16:16 - caution is needed in the upcoming journey;
  • 17:17 - the possibility of robbery is great;
  • 18:18 - today it is better to change personal transport to public;
  • 19:19 - simple good combination for all deeds and undertakings;
  • 20:20 - family troubles;
  • 22:22 - the end of the old relationship and the beginning of a new one;
  • 23:23 - an acquaintance that has recently taken place can become dangerous;
  • 23:32 - an early deterioration in health is possible.

What does the combination 11:11 mean

The number 11 has special meaning in numerology. It symbolizes pure spiritual perception. This time is favorable for introspection, putting things in order in feelings, thoughts, emotions, desires, thinking about new ideas. 11 is the number of power, in numerology symbolizing intuition, an imaginary world, Creative skills To various arts, sophistication, purification.

If you often see the 11:11 combination, then life will be filled with wonderful opportunities. Balance and order will reign in it. Also, these numbers are the awakening code, the key to unlocking the subconscious. They remind us that we are not human beings, but spiritual beings in human bodies and having a spiritual experience.

Numbers 12; 21; 12:12 on the clock, what do they mean

12 is a sacred number that carries a secret meaning. You can recall the 12 exploits of Hercules, there are 12 signs in the zodiac, and 12 months in a year, Jesus Christ had 12 apostles. The length of the day is also 12 hours. More deep meaning the number 12 is the Divine circle along which the Universe moves. What does this mysterious number mean in human destiny?

If you parse this number by numbers, you can find out the following: a unit, in addition to courage, leadership and idealism, means greed, arrogance, a thirst for pleasure, the ability to betray.

Two is romanticism, kindness and intelligence. If you add two and one, you get a three, that is, a three times reinforced unit, which several times increases all the negative qualities of a person. Thus, the number two in the number 12 is the regulator negative traits human character, preventing the individual from becoming a despot and tyrant.

The number 21 in numerology is the exact opposite of 12. That is, people born on this number have only positive traits character, as well as luck is always on their side. 21 is a good number in every way.

If you constantly see a combination of 12:12 on the clock, this can portend both positive and negative events. Different sources interpret this sign in different ways. Someone believes that if a person saw 12:12 on the clock, then he needs to immediately make a wish that will surely come true. Others say that whoever sees this combination will face a difficult choice: either succumb to temptation and fall in the eyes of others, or show an example of nobility and endurance.

According to angelic numerology, a person who constantly catches the eye of the 12:12 combination will meet the love of his life. In this case, 12:12 is a code of love, which indicates that soon those who repeatedly observe this combination of numbers will meet their soul mate, with whom they will find great happiness.

In any case, you should not go in cycles when you see this combination. If you set yourself up for positive, then no troubles will touch you. Faith in a beautiful future is the most The best way to avoid negative impact all sorts of superstitions.

What do combinations of three numbers mean

It happens that we see the same numbers not only on the clock. Numbers of cars, buses, apartments or telephone numbers - all this often worries us and makes us wonder why and why such numbers come across our eyes? Esotericists claim that it is the Angels who are trying to get through to us, warning about this or that upcoming event.

So what do the combinations of three identical numbers mean:

  1. Three units broadcast about the changes that will soon come in our lives. There will be ups and downs, so be patient and boldly move forward.
  2. A combination of three deuces means that you should not make any attempts to change something, but rather calmly go with the flow, enjoying what is available at the moment.
  3. 333 encourages us to take a breather in the race of life and rest, calmly watching what is happening.
  4. Three fours mean stability and regularity. You should not change the situation, it is better to postpone the changes until better times.
  5. 555 - a good combination, portending success in all matters and undertakings.
  6. Many are frightened when they see a combination of three sixes, because this number is considered devilish. But, fear is not appropriate here - 666 calls for spiritual growth and self-improvement.
  7. Three sevens is a combination that is favorable in all respects, but you should be careful, since ups and downs are often replaced by downs.
  8. 888 say that the work of your whole life will soon come to a happy ending, so you need not give up, but be patient.
  9. 999 is a sacred number that portends the person who sees it to complete an important mission for all mankind.

The above values ​​are common to all. Each person can individually interpret the clues that are suitable for him alone. In order to accurately feel what the Angels want to say, you need to completely clear your mind of everything superfluous, free yourself from negativity in the form of negative emotions and actions. It is in the purity and emptiness of the mind that truth can be seen.

Name Numerology

Each name has its own number. It reveals the qualities of a person's personality, traits of his character, life goals and values. Having learned your number, you can understand your character, identifying its strengths and weaknesses, and also choose the right path in life. If the number of a person’s name harmonizes with the date of birth, and his name completely coincides with his character, then everything will work out for such an individual in life the best way and luck will always be on his side. You can find out the number of the name online in the relevant sources.

Angelic numerology combines and Scientific research, and mystical conjectures. Attention to detail plus faith in numbers will help us learn not only about our destiny, but also direct our lives in the direction we need, avoid critical situations that complicate our existence in this world. In addition to faith in numbers, absolute faith in everything supernatural is necessary, only then can we establish a connection with our guardian angels. A person who has set up a channel to communicate with these bright helpers will always be protected and warned. Even from the most difficult situations there will always be the only correct way out, which, perhaps, will save someone's life.

Happiness to you and Love!

It happens that on the clock we see the same time: 10:10, 12:12, 20:20... If you notice these numbers over and over again, it must mean something! And what - says the expert Astro7.

If you are haunted by the same numbers on the clock day after day, you definitely need to remember their meaning and decipher their meaning as soon as possible. The fact is that through these coinciding numbers Higher power trying to give us some kind of sign. Therefore, it is important to understand what they want from us, and what exactly signals thin world. I will briefly review the meaning of the symbols of time so that you can further develop your intuitive skills and learn how to read the signs of the magic of numbers.

What do the same numbers on the clock mean

The numbers 00:00 on the clock mean that you are one with the energy of the Universe. One important life cycle completed, and new opportunities open up before you and new way. Give up false beliefs and stereotypes, start from scratch.

The numbers 01:01 on the clock: pay attention to your thoughts and emotional experiences. At this moment, the Universe embodies everything that you think about. By force of will, control your emotional condition and thoughts, concentrating on the positive.

The numbers 02:02 on the clock: the period of the appearance of allies and helpers in your life. Try to look closely at new acquaintances, chance meetings and be responsive to someone else's misfortune.

The numbers 03:03 on the clock mean that you are being guided by the Higher Forces, you need to trust your intuition, go with the flow, not be afraid of change, responding to any innovations. Feel free to move in space and do not be afraid of losses.

Numbers 04:04 on the clock: a sign that you are on the right track. Whatever your problems, all obstacles can be overcome. You can not despair and fall into despondency, learn to endure and wait, believing in a successful outcome.

Numbers 05:05 on the clock: a sign of cardinal fateful changes. Do not rush, fuss and doubt. Be confident in your own abilities and be calm - then everything will be decided by itself.

Numbers 06:06 on the clock: think about spiritual values ​​​​and evaluate your own actions. Good luck will smile at you and good prospects will open if you act according to your conscience, giving priority to the spiritual, not the material.

Numbers 07:07 on the clock: successful sign, which symbolizes achievements, fulfillment of desires, well-being and joy. If you are single, then soon you will meet with your soulmate.

The numbers 08:08 on the clock symbolize successful material opportunities, good financial prospects or a profitable acquaintance with a patron who will help you realize your ideas and plans.

The numbers 09:09 on the clock: a symbol of completion, you need to sacrifice something, get rid of everything superfluous. Your life is full of useless things and actions, it is worth thinking and prioritizing.

The numbers 10:10 on the clock warn of useless fuss and minor troubles. You should be careful and not take risks.

Numbers 11:11 on the clock: a sign of success, fame, getting the desired result and enjoying your own achievements.

The numbers 12:12 on the clock: soon you will find a fruitful union that will change your worldview and improve your financial situation.

Numbers 13:13 on the clock: know how to restrain your emotions, especially anger. If you manage to cope with them, victory and triumph awaits you.

Numbers 14:14 on the clock: travel and a change of scenery are essential for you. Only in this way you can get answers to your questions and get rid of problems.

Numbers 15:15 on the clock: learn to be part of the whole, pay more attention to loved ones and family. This is a sign that a loved one needs your support.

Numbers 16:16 on the clock: restrain your own selfish impulses, learn to give, then you will get the desired result.

Numbers 17:17 on the clock: Material benefits await you, be active and use new acquaintances for good.

Numbers 18:18 on the clock: there is a person in your environment who wants to break off relations. Don't be afraid to let go of people who don't appreciate you.

Numbers 19:19 on the clock: feelings can take over and divert attention from more important things, be rational.

Numbers 20:20 on the clock: friends will give you support that you do not count on. Learn to trust people.

Numbers 21:21 on the clock: time to make serious decisions. Do not be afraid to change your life, believe in yourself and act intuitively.

Numbers 22:22 on the clock: do not overestimate your strength. Be consistent and take your time in making big decisions.

Numbers 23:23 on the clock: time to stop, think about the consequences of your actions and correct mistakes by asking for forgiveness from those who were unjustly offended.

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The meaning of the numbers on the clock in the life of every person is, first of all, the time by which he builds his day. And even those for whom the day is only a program guide on TV, check the chronometer from time to time. At least in order not to miss the selected movie or sports broadcast.

But for people who are more active and active, the value of the numbers on the clock indicates how successfully they adhere to their own schedule. However, and not only about this, if along with activity there is also curiosity.

In principle, we can say that the meaning of matching numbers is directly related to how much a person knows about the properties of numbers, and how seriously they take it. And although the interpretation of the meanings of the same numbers on the clock in most numerological sources is standard, the conclusions, and even more so the reaction to the information received, depend only on the person to whom it is intended.

And information is present wherever there is a numerical code. Any, regardless of the type of digital combination. It can be a repetition of numbers whose meaning is the same, it can be a pair of numbers that mirror each other, and finally, it can just be four identical digits.

The whole question is exactly what sequence of which specific numbers caught your eye at the moment when you looked at the dial to find out what time it is.

The meaning of the main numbers of hours

However, before examining the meaning of the matching digits, let's consider situations where the meaning of the digits of the time corresponds exactly to a certain whole hour. That is, when the time on the clock is without minutes, for example, 08.00. This is also a symbolic combination that occurs no more (and no less) than any other.

In this case, the meaning of the main figure and, accordingly, its interpretation are taken into account.

  • "Unit". You have trouble concentrating your energy on the main target. Perhaps you are wasting your potential on satisfying momentary desires.
  • "Double". The inconsistency of one's own nature can be smoothed out, focusing on the reaction of others. From manifestations that cause the most negative emotions, it is better to refuse.
  • "Troika". You need to better navigate life. Try to impartially evaluate past achievements and failures. Then the goals in the future will become more visible.
  • "Four".
  • "Five". A signal that there is much more unjustified risk in your life than is acceptable from the point of view of common sense. Figuratively speaking, you climb up the drainpipe to where you can take the elevator.
  • "Four". Perhaps you are not practical enough, although you yourself have a different opinion. First, try to assess how your occupation and lifestyle matches your health and physical abilities.
  • "Five". A signal that there is much more unjustified risk in your life than is acceptable from the point of view of common sense. Figuratively speaking, you too often climb the drainpipe to where you can take the elevator.
  • "Six". Perhaps your non-conflict is explained not so much by the desire for peace as by the fear of war. Try not to deceive yourself, otherwise you risk losing the main reference points.
  • "Seven". A mystical message saying that in the very near future - hours, days - you will be given a chance to make a discovery for yourself, which can radically change your understanding of reality, your outlook on life.
  • "Eight". It is possible that today you will have the opportunity to make a decision that will have a formative impact on your entire life. further fate. Be especially thoughtful, even if we are talking about a dumb question.
  • "Nine". A situation will arise similar to the one in which you once made the wrong choice. This is your second chance. Use it to get a different result. Otherwise, you will go in circles.

It is obvious that the remaining divisions of the dial fall on double figures. Their values ​​correspond to the sum of the digits. Let's say 17.00 is the "eight".

Interpretations of match values

Now let's move on to our main topic - repeating numbers on the clock and their meaning.

There is one point here that needs to be mentioned first. When it comes to learning how to evaluate the meaning of the same numbers on an electronic watch, many are perplexed. In the sense that a watch with an electronic scoreboard is last century, and no one wears them for a long time.

Maybe. But everyone carries cell phones. And most of them show the time with numbers, not arrows.

But the most important thing is elsewhere. Modern life changed the attitude of a person to timekeeping. The fact is that we look at the display of a mobile phone much more often than representatives of the “pre-mobile” era looked at the dials of their watches. This means that we are much more likely to see the same numbers, the meaning of which, as a rule, passes by our consciousness.

It's a pity! After all, it is possible that mobile phones with an inconspicuous timer in the corner of the screen appeared precisely because someone there, “upstairs”, decided: it's time to sound the alarm! Humanity is lost. It is time for people to learn to correct their actions, bringing them in line with unified system. And the best way to do this is the same numbers on the clock, exact value which everyone must understand.

However, this is only a hypothesis. However, the fact remains: SMS mailings, messages from friends on social networks, incoming calls make us glance at the display almost every minute. This means that we are more likely to notice the repetition of numbers on the clock, and try to understand the meaning of these coincidences.

And finally, it doesn't take much imagination to figure out that fifteen minutes after four in the afternoon is 3:15 pm. That is, a match of numbers that has a certain value. Which? Well, let's check the file. It contains all the answers.


  • 00:00 - the value of paired numbers on the clock in this case should be understood as a warning: the day will not work out, there will be no serious achievements.
  • 01:01 - a promise of a good day. If there are new plans, try to start today.
  • 02:02 – Injuries and more serious health problems are possible. Take care of yourself.
  • 03:03 What has been started will end well. But before that, no new initiatives.
  • 04:04 – coincidence should indicate a period of increased vulnerability. Don't take risky actions.
  • 05:05 - in this case, the meaning of the repetition of numbers concerns personal relationships. Positive sign. It is understandable if you do not sleep at the beginning of the sixth morning.
  • 06:06 - the meaning of repeating numbers promises a day of total success. Defer to today the solution of the most difficult problems.
  • 07:07 - the value of the same numbers indicates that you will attract the increased attention of others. You may not like it.
  • 08:08 - these identical numbers on the clock have an alarm value. Watch out for trouble during the day.
  • 09:09 - You are lucky if you are not married, and today is Friday. The weekend will be filled with love.
  • 10:10 is the most promising combination. Relax! Everything will be just great.
  • 11:11 - these double numbers on the clock mean the key to Aladdin's cave. Wait for profit.
  • 12:12 - the coincidence of numbers on the clock, the meaning of which comes down to the promise of heaven to take care of your earthly needs. You may be very lucky.
  • 13:13 Don't be embarrassed, 13 doesn't necessarily mean failure. Just don't let yourself be confused.
  • 14:14 - an interesting combination, which means that you will take a fresh look at the person who was always in front of your eyes.
  • 15:15 - not the best combination. Change your pace - you may encounter an obstacle.
  • 16:16 - when you see this combination, remember what you promised your loved ones for today. And be sure to keep your promises.
  • 17:17 - a signal that the risk in financial matters will be justified. But - "everything is good in moderation."
  • 18:18 - if at this moment you need money - lend it. Most likely, you will not be refused.
  • 19:19 - this combination should be perceived as a signal from the ground controller to the reckless pilot. Whatever you do, stop immediately. You are one step away from disaster.
  • 20:20 - more than likely complications in personal relationships. Keep yourself in control, do not lose self-control.
  • 21:21 - repeated "blackjack" - this signal will stop. Of course, it all depends on you, but it is better to follow the instructions.
  • 22:22 - this value of the double digits on the clock calls you to extreme caution. The day is not over yet. Be alert.
  • 23:23 37 more minutes and the day will be over. Whatever it is, tomorrow will be better.

Well, there is only one small nuance left to talk about. This - mirror numbers on the clock, the value of which is especially appreciated. What are we talking about? About indicators such as 02.20, 12.21, 23.32 and so on. The number and denomination of coinciding digits in these cases is the same as in cases with repeated numbers, but they should be read differently.

So, mirror numbers have a meaning similar to the meaning of repeating numbers with the same digits. However, to achieve a similar result, special tension and increased attention are required. Otherwise, it may be just the opposite.

And finally: do not try, looking at the clock, to deliberately wait for the moment when the digits of the minutes will repeat the digits of the hours. Such a coincidence means nothing.

Each of us, probably, at least once in his life caught himself thinking that he glanced at the clock at the very moment when the same numbers appeared there. But what is it - a hint from fate or just a coincidence? The topic of our today's article will be divination by the hour. You will find out where the tradition of predicting the future came from, and what those very mystical coincidences in numbers mean.

The history of "watch" fortune-telling

The history of divination by the clock is closely connected with the science of numbers - numerology. More ancient Greek philosopher and the mathematician Pythagoras noticed that each number has a certain effect on a person. Many cultures have their own "lucky" and "unlucky" numbers. Even now, in front of some numbers, people experience panic fear, while others, on the contrary, are considered to bring good luck. In many houses in China, there is no fourth floor, since the word "four", pronounced in the language of this country, is consonant with the word "death". The same prejudice is common with the number 13 in the United States: according to studies, about 80% of the buildings in the country do not have a thirteenth floor, and immediately after the twelfth they have a fourteenth. But in Italy, the “damn dozen”, on the contrary, is considered a harbinger of good luck, but at the same time, the number 17 was not held in high esteem by the nation of “pasta”.

But this is not all that connects us with numerology. You have probably at least once found yourself in a situation where the same number literally begins to haunt you: it begins to catch your eye absolutely everywhere - in phone numbers, signs, newspaper ads, on the calendar, on checks from the store, on the clock. It's hard to call such a coincidence random, isn't it?

Time - in general amazing phenomenon. It is invisible, but each of us invariably feels its progress. How often do you look at your watch? Most likely, only in those moments when you are waiting for something or someone, or you are afraid to be late somewhere. Although sometimes we glance at the dial completely by accident - and it is at such moments that we usually notice the same numbers. Someone once noticed these coincidences - this served as the basis for divination by time on the clock.

There is only one fortune-telling rule - you should not think that you are going to find out the prediction and not “adjust” specifically to a certain time, for example, mentally count seconds, knowing that it will soon be 12:12 or 8:08. A look at the clock should be random - only in this case the result will be true. Some esotericists believe that the clock only tells the truth on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but it seems to us that this is a far-fetched restriction. We believe that divination by the same numbers on the clock can be done on any day of the week, and the result will be especially significant if you accidentally notice identical numbers several times a day, for example, 01:01, 01:11, 11:11.

Is it possible to guess by electronic clock?

Today, not every house has an ordinary wall clock with arrows - in most dwellings they are successfully replaced by more modern models with electronic dial. Naturally, this raises the question: will fortune-telling be true? electronic clock? Of course! Time - it is always the same, and it doesn’t matter at all whether you recognize it by your grandmother’s cuckoo clock, wrist or electronic, on mobile phone or computer.

What numbers should be taken into account?

Although we call this method of divination fortune-telling by the clock “Identical Numbers”, when interpreting, in fact, it is possible to take into account not only the same repeating number. There are three types of "secret signs from the Universe" that you should pay attention to.

  • A clear beginning of the hour, i.e. 00:00, 12:00, 20:00, etc. with some exceptions
  • Repeating identical numbers and combinations: 22:22, 3:33, 14:14, 17:17 - and all similar
  • Mirror numbers: 10:01, 12:21, 13:31 and all similar

Since we have divided the time by which it is possible to predict the future into three categories, we will consider each of them separately.

Beginning of a new hour

00:00 - In divination by the same numbers on the clock, four zeros are assigned a mystical meaning. This is the time of the end of the past day and at the same time the beginning of the coming one, which means that it can be interpreted as the end of some milestone. If you saw these numbers - try to do something important in the coming day - fate favors your undertakings. Often four zeros promise fateful meetings, receiving a large amount of money, love at first sight, events that turn life upside down (not necessarily in a bad way).

01:00 - If you looked at the dial at exactly one in the morning, be vigilant with the men around you - most likely, one of them is hostile to you and on the coming day can drag you into an adventure or harm you in some other way.

02:00 - On the coming day, it is better to avoid traveling by transport and long journey- the risk of accidents, losses and other unpleasant situations is high. It is best to walk if possible.

03:00 - To a meeting with an old acquaintance, which will make you plunge into nostalgia for the past.

04:00 - Be careful with money, do not make rash and large purchases.

05:00 - Health problems are coming, the risk of injury is high. Be careful!

06:00 - Your worries are in vain - there are no real reasons for them.

07:00 - Think carefully about your plans for the day so that nothing important is overlooked.

08:00 - To a good day.

09:00 - The secret that will become known to you today should be kept secret.

10:00 - The cherished dream will come true in the very near future, not necessarily today, but very soon.

11:00 - Bring things to their logical conclusion, do not quit halfway.

12:00 - Take a look at your life from the outside, you should reconsider some views, beliefs, attitudes towards something.

Daily exact coincidences from 13:00 to 19:00, as well as from 21:00 and 23:00, are not taken into account in fortune-telling by the hour, such an accidentally noticed beginning does not carry any particular importance.

20:00 - Tomorrow there will be luck in love affairs.

22:00 - Some unpleasant person will make itself felt in the next couple of days.

The meaning of repeated identical digits

01:01 - Good news.

01:11 - This combination is closely related to love triangle. If your partner is cheating on you, today you will receive clear signs confirming the fact of infidelity.

02:02 - A profitable offer from a loved one will come soon.

02:22 - Danger sign. Beware of unreliable, evil and envious people.

03:03 - To a stormy romance.

03:33 - To great luck in all areas.

04:04 - Look at your behavior from the side to see your own mistakes and correct them.

04:44 - Spiritual experience and love luck await you.

05:05 - Detractors are on the alert.

05:55 - Make plans for the day, because today everything will go exactly as you plan.

06:06 - In divination by the numbers on the clock, the combination promises an invitation to a birthday, wedding or other celebration.

07:07 - Danger from outside influential people, police or authorities.

08:08 - To receive money or return an old debt.

09:09 - Do not make empty financial expenses.

10:10 - Obstacles await on the way to victory.

11:11 - A great day for creativity or a favorite hobby.

12:12 - Good luck in personal or social relationships.

13:13 - To the appearance of an opponent or rival.

14:14 - Take the first step towards the one with whom you quarreled.

15:15 - Wise advice from an older person.

16:16 - Do not plan trips and travels, they will not live up to expectations.

17:17 - There are cruel people in your environment - say goodbye to them.

18:18 - Tomorrow is not the best day for travel by transport.

19:19 - In divination by time on the clock, the same numbers 19 predict success in tomorrow's affairs.

20:20 - Avoid family conflicts - they will have long-term consequences.

21:21 - Wait for a love confession.

22:22 - Remember the conflicts, quarrels or words spoken in haste today - the Universe advises you to ask for forgiveness from those whom you intentionally or accidentally offended.

23:23 - There is a very aggressive person in your social circle - try not to cross paths with him.

The meaning of mirror numbers

01:10 - Do not waste time on things that do not bring pleasure. Do something today that brings you sincere joy.

02:20 - Watch your words, today they can hurt or "kill" someone.

03:30 - A quiet and calm day awaits you.

04:40 - Fortune today, alas, is not on your side.

05:50 - Be careful with water, fire and earth - there is a high risk of accidents associated with the elements.

10:01 - To an unusual acquaintance.

12:21 - Do not share details of your personal life with anyone and do not ask for advice.

13:31 - Collective day - do not hesitate to ask for help and help others yourself.

14:41 - In divination by the numbers on the clock, this combination is considered successful - any modest desire will surely come true.

15:51 - A rival or competitor will appear in work or love.

20:02 - Avoid overwork, get more rest in the coming week.

21:12 - Agree to a business proposal.

23:32 - Take care of your health.

In addition to fortune-telling by the time on the clock, you can determine the atmosphere of the home by total these items in the house. Just walk around your apartment and count how many hours you have. We consider only wall-mounted, desktop and electronic, but do not take into account those on a mobile phone, computer, household appliances.

Now let's see how many hours you got:

1 - the atmosphere in the house is calm, peaceful and joyful
2 - there are problems in the house, but they are usually small, insignificant
3 - happy people live here
4 - the energy of the home is bad
5 - prosperity reigns in the house, and in order to maintain it, you cannot reduce the number of hours
6 - if spouses live in the apartment, they are often jealous of each other for no reason - to get rid of baseless suspicions, they are advised to buy another watch
7 - mutual understanding, support, cohesion of family members
8 - most likely, the tenants of the apartment often deceive each other or keep something back
9 - great energy
10 - the energy field of the apartment is very "dirty", "heavy"

It is rare in which house you will meet more large quantity hours, with the exception, perhaps, of huge mansions, but if suddenly you have 11 or more of them, just add up the components of this number and look at the corresponding value. 11 is 1 + 1 = 2, 12 is 1 + 2 = 3 and so on.

As you can see, divination by electronic clocks, ordinary and by their number, is a very exciting activity. Be sure to try!

People have always wanted to know their future, and therefore turned to fortune-tellers, magicians and witches who helped in this for a fee. But it turns out that one can guess at least every day, if you pay attention to the signs and symbols presented to us from above. So, attentive people probably noticed what happens when the clock hand is on certain numbers, or the same numbers pop up on the dial. Thus, divination by time on the clock was born, which is still used today.

You just need to know some of the rules for such a prediction in order to get the right information. Firstly, most often the clock tells the truth to men on men's days - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and to women - on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday - these are women's days. Secondly, never guess the time, fortune telling should be spontaneous, great if you forget about it at all and suddenly see the right numbers on the clock, well, and thirdly, don’t tell anyone what you decided to tell fortunes today.

You can use online divination by the time on the clock or find the numbers you see on the dial in the values ​​\u200b\u200bbelow.

Values ​​​​for divination by the same numbers on the clock

00:00 - Your day will pass under the sign of love. Today you will meet either your ex-lover, or you will meet wonderful person, with which you will start a long and exciting romance.

01:01 - Knowledge Day. You will learn a lot of interesting things for yourself - this can be related both to study or work, and with a hobby, a hobby.

02:02 - Today you need to pay attention to your health, most likely it will let you down. Any ailment can develop into a serious illness.

03:03 - Everything that was planned by you can be implemented today.

04:04 - Do not take risks, as this is fraught with serious consequences.

05:05 - You need to think less about the bad, remembering that all our thoughts are material.

06:06 - You will be ready to burn with shame today. Be careful in your statements.

07:07 - Lying is bad, but sometimes you can embellish events. Today is just the day when you can fantasize.

08:08 - Today you will be irritated and aggressive. Take care of yourself, otherwise it’s not far from a serious quarrel with your loved one.

09:09 - You are waiting for a meeting with friends whom you have not seen for a long time.

10:10 - You need to beware of lies and hypocrisy. All their troubles come from them.

11:11 - Day of surprises and gifts. But, alas, not all of them will be pleasant.

12:12 - It is urgent to solve something with debts. Otherwise, every day you will sink deeper and deeper.

13:13 - You look like a person who is used to hiding his head in the sand. You don't have to do this today. There may be problems.

14:14 - Financial receipts.

15:15 - Quarrel with a loved one.

16:16 - You are tired, which means that today try to arrange an evening of relaxation for yourself - a bath with aromatic oils, delicious tea and a relaxing massage.

17:17 - You spend a lot of time digging in yourself, it will not lead to anything good.

18:18 - Your relatives have already forgotten what you look like, maybe it's time to visit them?

19:19 - Something incomprehensible is happening in your life, it's time to figure out where such problems come from.

20:20 - A loved one will betray you today.

21:21 - You can do something today that you will regret very much.

22:22 - A night of torment of conscience awaits you.

23:23 - Something will happen that you will not be able to sleep. Don't think bad.

Divination for love "Many numbers"

And this fortune-telling is based on numbers that are similar to each other. They can tell fortunes for love. So, think of a guy that you like when you go to bed. When you wake up, look at the clock, suddenly you are lucky right away and you will see the answer to your question: “Does he love me?” If luck is not on your side, then watch the clock during the day.