Prevention of drug addiction among children and adolescents

Drug addiction has now reached epidemic proportions. Its distribution goes much faster than measures are being taken to combat it terrible phenomenon. Therefore, it is of great importance in modern society acquires the prevention of drug addiction.It implies a set of measures that prevent the emergence of drug addiction.

Drug addiction is a state of a person when he constantly thinks about drugs, seeks to get them for certain pleasant sensations or getting rid of mental discomfort. In order to get a feeling of euphoria, the addict goes to any lengths. The personality of the addicted person becomes egocentric, and the body is depleted, as a result of which the addict "rolls" towards his death with incredible speed.

How does a teenager become a drug addict? Why does he decide to try this or that substance? One of the reasons is interest, the desire to experience unknown sensations, the other is the desire to be accepted into a certain group. Often, dissatisfaction with life, the desire to "forget" lead a teenager to drug addiction. It is usually people who take this "potion" who offer to try a toxic substance or drug, and they teach the method of use, the behavior when taking drugs. Parents often notice rather late and unexpectedly that their child is using drugs or toxic substances, although changes, primarily in his behavior, could be seen before. The child becomes secretive, avoids parents, conducts some kind of secret negotiations on the phone; old friends and activities, including school, are no longer interesting to him. His clothes

sloppy, among the things in the pockets you can find jars, bags, syringes, needles, pills. The teenager's financial expenses are increasing, things often disappear from the house.

Prevention of drug addiction should become an integral part of education. To this end, lectures and classes on the prevention of drug addiction are held in schools, documentaries and feature films are shown. Good preventive work among adolescents produces tangible results, and it should be carried out constantly and on a large scale. Properly carried out preventive measures among adolescents will certainly become a deterrent and reduce the number of young people who “sit down” on drugs.

Distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of drug addiction.

1.To the task primary prevention put a warning on drug use. There are four main areas in primary prevention:

    active educational work among youth and teenagers;

    sanitary and hygienic education of the population;

    public struggle against the distribution and use of drugs;

    administrative and legislative measures.

2. Secondary prevention of drug addiction is the early detection of people who use psychoactive substances and their treatment, as well as the prevention of relapse and maintenance therapy.

3. The task of tertiary prevention includes social, labor and medical rehabilitation of drug addicts.

The predisposition to drug addiction is determined by certain pathocharacterological features of the personality. Adolescents with an unstable, hysterical character, tolerant of any deviations from social and mental norms, prone to depression, negatively tuned to basic social requirements, have a tendency to use drugs. Prevention of drug addiction also involves the active identification of points of anesthesia. Young people have a strong sense of solidarity, so they use drugs in a group. So it is unlikely that it will be possible to obtain information about his “comrades” in drugs from the teenager being examined. To do this, you should use the method of frontal examination of the immediate environment of the newly identified drug user.

Important in the prevention of drug addiction is sanitary-educational work among children and adolescents. But there is no consensus on this issue today. Some experts recommend that health promotion be carried out at school throughout school year. Others consider it necessary to introduce a drug prevention course into the curriculum. We need stories about real cases of serious consequences of drug addiction - medical and social. Particularly convincing are reports of severe poisoning, wounds, deaths from drug overdoses, etc. It is also necessary to focus the attention of adolescents on the harmful effects of drugs on physical development, intelligence and offspring. Very important in preventive measures is the interaction of the juvenile narcological service and the relevant departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as commissions on juvenile affairs. Police officers should help attract young people to the examination and treatment of drug addiction. If a teenager avoids visiting a narcological dispensary, does not give in to psychotherapeutic influence and is the leader of a group of drug addicts, then administrative measures must be taken.

If you suspect something, you should not "attack" the teenager with reproaches and take "tough" measures. Talk to him confidentially, in any case, try to do it. Take him to a drug specialist. Try to convince him that the consultation of a narcologist is not a punishment, it is a real chance to help a person who uses drugs. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the hope for success.

Everyone knows perfectly well how serious the problem of today's society is drug addiction. According to the Ministry of Health, at least 550,000 drug addicts live in Russia today. In fact, experts say that this number is four to five times higher. At least 20% of the total number are schoolchildren. Young people aged 16 to 30 make up the majority - 60% of drug addicts. The remaining 20% ​​are for people over 30 years old. Therefore, today is more important than ever.

Prevention of drug addiction among teenagers

As mentioned above, most drug addicts were recorded in the age group from 16 to 30 years. Of course, most of these people became addicted to drugs right out of school, in the army or at university. Therefore, it has great value. Indeed, today about 2% of the population of Russia are people who regularly use drugs. Consequently, these 2-2.5 million people can be considered completely lost to society. Some narcologists claim that about 5% of drug addicts find the strength to give up poison and return to ordinary life. Alas, in practice such forces are found in themselves at best by one person in a thousand. Yes, and until the end of his life he cannot completely get rid of psychological dependence, even having managed to overcome the physical one.

Prevention of drug addiction at school

As you know, the character of a person is laid in preschool and primary school age. And it is at this age that it is especially important to have the right impact on the child. The rules that he absorbs between the ages of 5 and 9 become the most important for him for the rest of his life. It is simply impossible to force a person to abandon these rules. Even making minor adjustments is very problematic. Therefore, it should capture these years first of all. It is useless to tell teenagers aged 14-17 about the dangers of drugs. If the basic postulates have not been introduced into the mind of the child in time, such lectures will have a very weak effect. Separately, it is necessary to consider the issue of modern prevention in high school. At best, this is an annual visit to the school by a narcologist. Assembly Hall is filled with high school students and during one lesson (or more) the specialist talks about the consequences of drug addiction. This approach is insufficient initially and has minimal effect. That is, the role of prevention performs an annual lecture that brings practically no benefit.

Drug Prevention Program

Of course, when reading such lines, many readers have a question - how to be and what to do in order to adolescent drug prevention would be really effective. It should be said right away that most of the methods used today have a minimal or no effect. Therefore, for the purpose of prevention, more radical methods should be used, which may seem inhumane to some.
So, what methods of prevention can have an effect and make the program really capable of changing the worldview of an entire nation? First of all, all examples should be illustrative. Children of primary school age should be shown photographs of people who have been taking drugs for a long time. Often they look more like scenery from horror films than real people. The demonstration of such photographs should be part of a program that affects junior groups children aged 5 to 10 years. It is then that the desired effect can be achieved. The immature children's minds will create a surprisingly negative image of the addict. And here the children's fright will play best role. In the future, the subconscious of children will form an image that should be avoided by any means. This will most reliably eliminate even the thought of trying any kind of drug. This is precisely the goal that should be set drug prevention at school. If, however, we form groups of middle school students (14-18 years old) who, under the supervision of specialists, would visit drug treatment clinics, in which they would be shown illustrative examples what drugs turn healthy, beautiful and physically strong people, all prevention goals will be 100% achieved. Yes, it is very cruel to children. Fear is possible, but if there is an experienced psychologist nearby who will explain everything, then side effects will not be and the main effect will be achieved. No child raised in such a program, becoming a teenager and then an adult, will ever be able to use drugs. It will be unnatural for him psychologically. And he will perceive the offer “try it and see if you like it” in the same way as the offer to jump down from a high-rise building with the motivation “what if you like it?”.
A similar experience took place in France in the late 1940s. Then, in the post-war years, a sharp jump in alcoholism was recorded. About 40 percent of babies born had physical or mental disabilities. The authorities of the country were in a panic and decided to take a desperate step. Girls between the ages of 12 and 16 were regularly sent to orphanages and maternity hospitals, where they could look at the effects of a harmless glass of wine before conceiving a child. The effect was more than dramatic - when these girls entered their childbearing age, the number of births of sick children decreased thousands of times. The same experience can be adopted by specialists who compile drug prevention program in our country.

Reasons for addiction

However talking about drug prevention, do not forget about its causes. After all, it is stupid to fight with something, not knowing why this “something” appeared. So, first of all, it is worth understanding - what pushes children on this path, which will give them a few moments of unnatural pleasure and a stub of life in a few years, during which it will slowly rot? When the reason is understood, it will be clear what should be drug prevention among teenagers what it should focus on first.
Surprisingly, but in the first place, the cause of drug addiction among adolescents is the usual boredom and idleness. Indeed, what is the average 10-14 year old boy in the city to do if parents cannot afford to pay for sports sections or art circles? However, the main role here is played not even by the financial well-being of the family. Quite often, parents could pay for a circle for a dozen children. Just with early age the child was not described in detail all the advantages of sports, art, intelligence and other constructive, creative activities. Well, if you do not teach a child good things, he will turn out to be an empty vessel. And he, in turn, will be filled with what it is easiest to fill with - evil, or rather, with everything destructive, destructive. It is much more difficult to accustom a child to reading, creating pictures or writing poetry than to drinking beer or petty hooliganism. And there is a very high chance that today's beer will turn into cocaine, LSD or heroin tomorrow.

Ways to eradicate drug addiction

And, finally, how can we definitely protect a child from drug addiction in general and save the whole society from this vice? Prescription medicine in our past.
Why has the number of drug addicts in Russia increased by about twenty times over the past two decades? Suffice it to recall what kind of leisure was provided in the USSR. A teenager could spend whole days completely free of charge in various hobby groups - sports, art, needlework and much more. Football, skydiving, shooting, fencing, boxing, chess, drawing, playing musical instruments, tourism and much more were completely free or cost mere pennies, so anyone with an average salary could afford to pay for such leisure for their children.
It is enough to return the availability of such a pastime to significantly reduce the number of drug addicts among teenagers. Of course, one should not forget about the role of prevention, and for a sharper effect, it is quite possible to apply the methods described above.
It is a set of such actions that could, in a matter of years, reduce the number of adolescents who decide to try drugs many times over.

Svishcheva Elena Viktorovna

Study of drug prevention methods among young people.



More-Lomovisskaya school

Pichaevsky district Tambov region


"Prevention of drug addiction among young people"

Svishcheva Elena Viktorovna

10th grade student

Perova Elena Timofeevna

biology teacher

year 2012

1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………p. 3

2. Problems of drug addiction…………………………………………..……………………p. 4

2.1. History of drug addiction………………………………….…………………………..p. 4

2.2. Reasons why young people are interested in drug use

In Russia…………………………………………………………………………….p. 5

3. Drug addiction prevention…………………………………………………………..p. 6

3.1. The public in the prevention of drug addiction………………………………..p. 6

3.2. The level of awareness of school students about the dangers of drug addiction ……...…p. 7

4. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………..…p. eleven

5. Resources used.……………………………………………………...……..p. 12

6. Applications……………………………………………………………………...…..p. 12

1. Introduction

With drugs you can survive anything

but you won't understand anything.

Eric Bern

The relevance of research.Drug abuse, known since ancient times, has now spread to a level that alarms the entire world community. Even with the narrowing, from the point of view of narcologists, the boundaries of drug addiction to legally acceptable in many countries, drug addiction is recognized as a social disaster. Drug mafias rule states (Latin America), have their own armies (Southeast Asia). The incomes of underground corporations from the drug trade exceed the known income from the oil trade and approach the world's income from the arms trade. Abuse among young people is especially disastrous - both the present and the future of society are affected. From the point of view of narcologists, the full picture of the spread of abuse, including forms of substance abuse, is even more tragic. Substances and preparations not included in the list of drugs, as a rule, are even more malignant, leading to even more damage to the individual.

The International Anti-Drug Center in New York has a document indicating the number of drug addicts in the world - 1,000,000,000 people.

Drug addiction, as experts of the World Health Organization emphasize, is a big threat to public health on a global scale.

Each state takes measures to prevent abuse among the population, and Russia is no exception.

Research problem.To prevent drug addiction, it is necessary to acquaint young people with the consequences of drug use.

Research topic:

Object of study:Prevention of drug addiction among young people.

Purpose of the study:Study of drug prevention methods.


  1. study the literature on this issue;
  2. explore the reasons why young people are interested in drug use;
  3. identify the level of awareness of school students about the dangers of drug addiction;
  4. to get acquainted with the measures of prevention of drug addiction among young people;
  5. to form a negative attitude towards drugs among schoolchildren;
  6. develop recommendations “How to protect yourself from drug dealers”;
  7. develop a memo "Where to go for help?".

Hypothesis. Qualitative and reliable information about the dangers of drug addiction contributes to the prevention of this disease.

Research methods:collection and analysis of information on the topic using various sources, collection and analysis of statistical data, questioning, forecasting.

2. Addiction problems

2.1 History of addiction

Drugs have been known to people for thousands of years. They were consumed by people of different cultures, for different purposes: during religious rites, to restore strength, to change consciousness, to relieve pain and discomfort.

Already in the pre-literate period, we have evidence that people knew and used psychoactive drugs. chemical substances: alcohol and plants, the consumption of which affects consciousness. Archaeological studies have shown that already in 6400 BC. people knew beer and some other alcoholic drinks.

Obviously, fermentation processes were discovered by chance (grape wine, by the way, appeared only in the 4th-3rd centuries BC). The first written evidence of the use of intoxicants is the story of Noah's drunkenness from the Book of Genesis. Various plants that cause physiological and mental changes were also used, usually in religious ceremonies or in medical procedures. An example is the use in the Middle East in 5000 BC. "cereal of joy" (apparently, the opium poppy).

Until the beginning of the 20th century, there were practically no restrictions on the production and consumption of drugs. Attempts have sometimes been made to reduce or even ban the use of certain substances, but these have been short-lived and generally unsuccessful. For example, tobacco, coffee and tea were initially met with hostility by Europe. The first European who smoked tobacco - Columbus' companion Rodrigo de Jerez - upon arrival in Spain was imprisoned, as the authorities decided that he was possessed by the devil. There have been several attempts to outlaw coffee and tea.

There are also cases when the state did not prohibit drugs, but, on the contrary, contributed to the prosperity of their trade. best example- armed conflicts between Great Britain and China in the middle of the 19th century. They are called the Opium Wars because English merchants brought opium into China. By the middle of the 19th century, several million Chinese were addicted to opium. At this time, China certainly came out on top in the world in the consumption of opium, most of which was grown in India and smuggled into the country by the British. The Chinese government passed many laws to control the import of opium, but none of them (including outright prohibition) had the desired effect.

America was suffering from a wave of drugs. Drug addiction took over the black market as early as the 20s of this century. This wheel of death also swept through Europe in the 1950s and ran into Comrade Stalin's Iron Curtain. He saved Russia from drugs, but not for long. And in the 90s - perestroika, a new fun, along with everything Western, came into the ranks of the youth, spreading through the basements and dark streets of the city! But at one point it accumulated so much that our government was not able to contain the flow of drug importation, and death poured out with great pressure on teenagers. After all, the main part of drug addicts are teenagers, who are much weaker psychologically than adults, and are not able to refuse to try.

2.2. Reasons why young people are interested in drinking

drugs in Russia

Annually, the proceeds from drug trafficking in the world in last years exceed 400 billion US dollars. The total number of Russian citizens who use drugs exceeds 2 million people. There are 10-11 thousand drug addicts and drug users in the Tambov region, that is, one drug addict for every 100 people, including the elderly and infants. Drug traffickers, in the interests of profit, "prey" primarily on children from wealthy families. The average life expectancy of a drug addict is 21 years. 50% of drug addicts die six months after the start of regular drug use. Drugs affect primarily internal organs, destroy the psyche, cause impotence, genetic disorders in offspring. 90% of drug addicts are infected with HIV and viral hepatitis. Only 13% of drug addicts live to be 30 years old, and only 1% - to 40. Today in Russia there is not a single region left where cases of drug use or distribution have not been recorded.

Drug addiction continues to "get younger". According to the latest data, more than 60% of drug addicts are people aged 18 to 30 years. And almost 20% are schoolchildren. Information from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation shows that the average age of initiation to drugs in Russia is 15-17 years, but cases of primary drug use by children aged 11-13 have become more frequent. Drug addiction is causing an increase in HIV infections. It has an extremely negative impact on the development of the criminal situation in the country.

Over the past 10 years, the number of deaths from drug use has increased 12 times, and among children - 42 times.

1. Drug addiction leads to personality degradation.

2. There is a mental and physical dependence on drugs;

3. Drug addiction pushes to commit various crimes, such as theft, extortion, hooliganism and even murder.

4. Finally, drug addiction is fatal.

Reasons why young people are interested in drug use

All this has led to the fact that young people, and it is they who are the most easily shaken part of society, begin to use drugs. The problem of child and adolescent drug addiction in Russia has reached catastrophic proportions: today every second student has tried drugs.

3. Prevention of drug addiction

3.1 The public in drug prevention

The best method of dealing with drug addiction is prevention. After all, as it shows world practice, no more than 2-3 percent of patients can be cured of drug addiction.

Big load on executive bodies the authorities of each region falls due to the urgent need for propaganda healthy lifestyle life. For this, all means should be used. mass media, to expand the social base of health care to the maximum, involving associations of citizens, clubs, charitable foundations of patients and their relatives, and religious organizations in working with doctors on the basis of partnerships.

IN Lately the problem of combating drug addiction, which has already become a social disaster, has become especially acute. And here the cooperation of the authorities with public organizations and physicians can make a decisive contribution to the localization of the centers of the drug epidemic. The mass media can also play a huge role, which to a large extent form public opinion. Obviously, the power and ingenuity that the press demonstrates in promoting the goods of large foreign companies can also be used in the fight against drug addiction. Unfortunately, social advertising in our country - unlike Western countries - is still a curiosity. Only recently in Russia, the authorities and the media have begun to use new forms and methods of anti-drug propaganda.

The main drugs that exist in Russia are of plant origin, they are grown by peasants in Central Asia, the Far East, Siberia and other regions. And in Russia today about 1 million people are under drugs. hectares. And this is not the fault of these people - this is their misfortune, because they are mostly elderly people, disabled people, pensioners, they have no other way to feed their families. The state should show patronage over this industry and introduce it into its agrarian programs. Then, it will be possible to hope that the routes for the supply of drugs from Russia itself will be blocked, and then only imported drugs will remain, which are easier to deal with by blocking delivery channels.

3.2 The level of awareness of school students about the dangers of drug addiction

As you know, the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Efficiency preventive work with students depends on the forms of organization of classes, the competence of persons carrying out preventive measures, the ability to convey high-quality and reliable information to children. We analyzed the subjective assessment by students of our school of the quality of preventive work and the level of their knowledge, studied the forms and methods of preventive work, the degree of involvement of various specialists in it, and conducted an objective assessment of the level of knowledge of students. To do this, a survey was conducted(Annex 4) . 32 students of grades 8-11 of the Bolshe-Lomovisskaya school of the Pichaevsky district of the Tambov region took part in the survey.

To the question “During your studies at school, were any measures aimed at the prevention of drug addiction carried out?” 78% of students answered “yes”, and 81% noted that the events were carried out by teachers, 37.5% by high school students, 12.5% ​​by police officers and 9% each by narcologists and doctors of other specialties. 45% found these events boring, but they learned something new, 31% found the events interesting and informative, 12% are sure that the information can be trusted. 62.5% are confident that the information they receive will help them get out of drug testing if they are asked to do so. 69% of respondents consider drug addiction a disease, addiction to mind-altering substances, 28% consider drug addiction to be a waste, the lot of narrow-minded and illiterate people, 25% consider drug addiction a bad habit. Among the typical consequences of drug use (multiple answers could be selected), 87.5% named death, 59% named psychological dependence, 44% named changes in consciousness and crimes against the person, 41% - physical dependence, 28% - crimes against property. To the question about physical addiction- 56% defined it as "physical suffering when it is impossible to use a certain substance", 34% - "uncontrollable desire to use a certain substance", 28% - "pleasure from the use of addictive substances". 56% of the respondents correctly ranked the drugs according to the strength of their action and the speed of addiction formation. 67% believe that you can get rid of drugs by willpower, 55% are sure that you will have to be treated for a long time and more than once, very often - without results, 18% "for a lot of money in good drug treatment clinics", 3% - believe that get rid of quickly and easily. 44% do not know if they can become addicted, 41% are sure that it can happen to anyone, but not to them, 12.5% ​​believe that they can become addicted. 59% of respondents consider drug use a criminal offense, 22% are sure that “this is my personal business until I commit a crime while high”, 19% consider drug use an administrative offense. 87.5% know for sure that the distribution of drugs is a criminal offense, the rest are sure that this is an administrative offense, not punishable or depends on the size of the party. 44% of respondents believe that drug addiction treatment in Russia depends on the availability of funds for a person and his family, 28% believe that all opportunities have been created for treatment, and the other 28% are sure that there are very few opportunities for drug addiction treatment. As acceptable methods of combating drug addiction (multiple answers could be selected) 75% propose to put distributors in jail, 56% propose compulsory treatment of drug addicts, 52% recommend medical testing of young people, 45.5% for effective informing young people, 28% propose to legalize drugs , 19% believe that it is impossible to fight drug addiction.


  1. 78% of the students surveyed reported that during their studies at schools, activities aimed at preventing drug addiction were carried out.
  2. In the conditions of a small number of specialists who are able and willing to carry out anti-drug work with children, the heads of educational institutions are forced to use the professional resource of subject teachers. 81% of students indicated that preventive activities in their schools were carried out by a teacher.
  3. The scale of preventive work is insufficient to provide students with the amount of information necessary to form or change attitudes to the problem and behavior.
  4. 45% of schoolchildren are not sure about the usefulness of the knowledge they receive in a situation of choice related to drug consumption. 13% of respondents believe that the information received can be trusted.
  5. Students show a low degree of awareness of the consequences of drug use. It is possible that the attitude of 25% of students to drug addiction as a bad habit (similar to smoking) or a harmless hobby is not due to the fact that such information is provided to them by specialists, but to the fact that they are not provided with reliable information about the difference in the consequences of consuming "lungs" and hard drugs.
  6. When carrying out preventive work, specialists habitually exploit the feeling of fear among students, try to build prevention on intimidation (the inevitable death of a drug addict, the criminal liability of a drug user, treating a drug addict as a person who is always ready to commit a crime against a person, etc.), without providing schoolchildren with reliable information.
  7. Of undoubted preventive importance is the provision of objective information to young people about the possibilities of drug addiction treatment. The notion that drug addiction is easily and quickly treated, or that it takes willpower or money to do so, can lead young people who hold this attitude to become easy prey for drug traffickers.
  8. The preventive work carried out instills in young people superficial knowledge, unhealthy optimism and confidence that the problem of drug addiction "personally" does not affect a person, that anyone can become a drug addict, but not the person being interviewed ("third person effect"). They believe that the knowledge gained will help them refuse to take a drug test if it is offered to them, that anyone can become addicted, but not themselves.
  9. High student self-esteem would be welcome if it were based on a sufficient level of awareness of the dangers associated with drug use. But this, as can be seen from the above data, was not noted during the study.
  10. Knowledge of anti-drug legislation can be an effective measure to prevent drug addiction, to keep young people from rash and punishable actions. The study showed that students have an extremely low level of knowledge in the field of current legislation. 22% of students demonstrated legal negligence and complete ignorance of the current legislation, arguing that drug use remains their own business until they commit crimes "high".
  11. 28% of the students surveyed are in a state of unjustified optimism and believe that Russia has all the opportunities for successful treatment of drug addiction. 44% believe that the provision and availability of treatment options depends on the availability of funds for the patient or his parents. The data of recent studies conducted in Russia show that the presence of large financial resources (most often from parents) does not guarantee the acquisition of sobriety by a sick person. Confidence to the contrary, supported by unscrupulous or incompetent specialists and scientists, can serve as a reason for unjustified hopes that if drug testing leads to some problems, then they can be solved with the help of money.
  12. The results of the study show that professionals engaged in preventive work most often use their personal beliefs, which are undoubtedly influenced by their professional status and type of activity. Therefore, the information offered to students by various specialists is often not conclusive and substantiated by scientific data, and sometimes it is very contradictory. This cannot but affect the level of awareness of students. Probably, based on personal impressions, only 45.5% of students consider effective informing young people about drug addiction problems a priority in anti-drug work. And if among such areas of anti-drug policy students quite rightly consider measures of a repressive nature in relation to drug distributors (75%), then the opinion of 56% of respondents that drug addicts should be treated forcibly is the result of disinformation and contradicts common sense if only because even voluntary treatment of drug addicts is ineffective. This, in turn, depends on the discrepancy between Russian standards for the treatment of drug addiction and international standards for the quality of treatment of drug addicts.
  13. Unscrupulous information about the possibilities of drug addiction treatment is accompanied by the suggestion to students that the result of treatment depends on the willpower of the patient or on the amount of money and forms a hidden superman complex in some students.


Drug use is one of the most serious youth problems in our country. The number of drug addicts is constantly growing, and their average age is decreasing. The problem is exacerbated by the criminal situation, the risk of contracting various infections, including AIDS.

Drug addiction treatment and recovery whole complex medical and social events. Their implementation is associated with large material and moral costs, and a positive outcome is far from always possible, since today there is no adequate system for helping drug addicts in Russia.

Based on this, it is impossible to consider treatment at the stage of formed dependence as the only means of combating the spread of drug addiction. This approach does not and cannot give a positive result. Of course, it is impossible to save and save everyone from drugs, but it is possible to arm our teenagers with important information; teach them how to refuse the first trial; develop in each adequate self-esteem; develop a sense of self-confidence. The main emphasis should be placed on preventive, preventive measures.(Appendices 1, 2, 3, 5, 6).

Resources used:

  1. questioning
  2. information
  3. how to protect yourself from drug dealers
  4. statistical information
  5. http://website/ap/drugoe/library/sotsialnyi-proekt-narkomaniya drug addiction project
  6. hotlines


  1. If you were approached within the walls of an educational institution:Abruptly interrupt the speaker and leave.
  2. If they try to keep yousay that you will tell the director of the educational institution, the teacher, your parents and the parents of the speaker about this conversation. Do not listen, but immediately interrupt and threaten exposure!
  3. If a neighbor approached you,interrupt the conversation and promise to inform the police, his relatives.
  4. If you were contacted stranger, you have the right to be impolite and ill-mannered - abruptly cut off the speaker in mid-sentence and leave. Do not listen! Don't let yourself be drawn into the conversation!

Application 2:

Liability for illicit trafficking and non-medical

Drug consumption.

  1. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

Article 228 "Illegal acquisition, storage, transportation, manufacture, processing, production, sale, shipment, violation of the circulation of narcotic drugs or their analogues." Punishment - up to 20 years in prison.

Article 229 “Theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances". Punishment - up to 15 years in prison.

Article 230 . "inclination to the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances." Punishment - up to 12 years in prison.

Article 231 "Illegal cultivation of plants containing narcotic substances prohibited from cultivation." Punishment - up to 8 years in prison.

Article 232 "Organization or maintenance of dens for the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances." Punishment - up to 7 years in prison.

  1. Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses:

Article 6.8. "Illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues". Punishment - a fine of 5 to 10 minimum wages or administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

Article 6.9. "Consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription." Punishment - a fine of 5 to 10 minimum wages or administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

Article 6.13. "Propaganda of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their precursors". Punishment - a fine of 20 to 25 minimum wages, for officials - from 40 to 50 minimum wages, for legal entities - from 400 to 500 minimum wages.

Article 10.5. "Failure to take measures to destroy wild-growing drug-containing plants." Punishment - a fine of 5 to 20 minimum wages, for officials - from 30 to 40 minimum wages, for legal entities - from 300 to 400 minimum wages.

Article 20.30. "Consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances in public places". Punishment - a fine from 10 to 15 minimum wages.

Appendix 3:

Memo "Where to go for help?"

Hotlines of law enforcement and medical authorities:

8-475-2-57-56-15 – Office of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for drug control in the Tambov region

8-475-2-57-51-87 – Department of Internal Affairs for the Tambov region

8-475-2-71-06-41 – department of narcology of the regional psychiatric hospital in Tambov

8-475-2-53-82-27 - office of medical and social assistance to adolescents in Tambov

Application 4:


  1. Were there any activities aimed at the prevention of drug addiction during your studies in grades 9-11?

a) Yes b) No c) I don't remember

  1. Who hosted these events?

a) narcologist

b) a doctor of another specialty

c) teacher

d) a police officer

e) students

g) high school students

  1. How do you rate these events?

a) interesting and informative

b) bored, but learned something new

c) boring, nothing new

d) information can be trusted

d) did not trust what was said

g) treated as an inevitable formality

  1. Are you sure that the information you receive will help you to refuse a drug test if you are asked to do so?

a) Yes b) No c) I don’t know d) What is the relationship between them?

  1. Addiction is:

a) illness, addiction to mind-altering substances

b) bad habit

c) temporary hobby, common for young people

d) sucks, the lot of narrow-minded and illiterate people

  1. Please name the most typical consequences of drug use:

a) changes in consciousness

b) psychological dependence

c) physical dependence

d) crimes against the person

e) crimes against property

g) death

  1. Physical addiction is:

a) physical suffering when it is impossible to use a certain substance

b) an uncontrollable desire to use a certain substance

c) the pleasure of using addictive substances

  1. Rank by strength(write in column in descending order) addictive substances: coffee; alcohol; heroin; club drugs; cannabis preparations.
  2. Rank by speed of addiction formation(write in a column in descending order) the following drugs: coffee; alcohol; heroin; club drugs; cannabis preparations.
  3. You can get rid of addiction:

a) easy and fast

b) you have to be treated for a long time and more than once, very often - without results

c) will power

d) for a lot of money in good drug treatment clinics

  1. Can you become an addict?

a) yes

b) no, it can happen to anyone, but not to me

c) don't know

  1. Drug use is:

a) my own business, until I commit a crime while "high"

  1. Drugs spreading:

a) not punishable

b) administrative offense

c) a criminal offense

d) depends on the batch size

  1. For drug addiction treatment in Russia:

a) all possibilities are created

b) very few opportunities

c) it all depends on the availability of funds for a person and his family

  1. Underline the most acceptable methods of dealing with drug addiction in your opinion:

a) effectively informing young people

b) medical testing of youth

c) drug addicts to be treated forcibly

d) arrest drug dealers

e) legalize drugs

g) it is impossible to fight drug addiction

Appendix 5:

Simple rules for parents of teenagers

1. Talk to each other: if there is no communication, you move away from each other.

2. Know how to listen - carefully, with understanding, without interrupting or insisting on your own.

4. Be there: It is important that children understand that the door is open to you, and there is always an opportunity to stay and talk with you.

5. Be firm and consistent: do not set conditions that you cannot fulfill. The child needs to know what to expect from you.

6. Try to do everything together, plan common interesting things: you need to develop the interests of the child as actively as possible in order to give him an alternative if he suddenly has to make a choice, where one of the proposed options will be a drug.

7. Communicate with his friends, a teenager often behaves in one way or another, being influenced by the environment.

8. Remember that the child needs your support: help him to believe in himself.

9. Set an example: alcohol, tobacco, medicines - their use is habitual, although it can cause problems (for example, alcoholism). All these substances are legal, but how you use them, what place they occupy in your life, is an example for your children. Don't be intimidated, they might stop believing you.

Appendix 6:

Program of action for the prevention of drug addiction in our school:

1. Identification of pedagogically neglected children. Compilation of lists of children who are on intra-school records.

2. Information and legal assistance to students and their parents.

3. Organization of leisure activities for adolescents of the "risk group" during the school year and during the holidays.

4. Organization summer holiday and student employment.

5. Organization of conversations with health workers, with the police.

6. Sanitary and hygienic education of students.

7. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

8. Involving children in general useful work.

9. Prohibition of smoking and drinking alcohol for students, teachers, visitors in the institution and in the surrounding area.

Russia is going through a difficult period: a split in society, protracted socio-economic and political transformations, the destruction of former stereotypes of behavior, the loss of ideals and values. This is one of the reasons why people are uncertain about the future.

Children and adolescents, with sensitivity characteristic of this age. They turn out to be the most unprotected, vulnerable, lonely and psychologically helpless in the face of life's difficulties. Often they are not ready for the new strict requirements of society, they are not able to make an independent choice and take responsibility for their behavior, for their future, and therefore find themselves in stressful situations. Lacking life skills, unable to choose effective ways stress relief, which would give them the opportunity to maintain their individuality and form a healthy and effective lifestyle, they fail to cope with numerous problems. This leads to maladaptive and self-destructive behavior, including the abuse of drugs and other psychoactive substances. Over the past five years in Russia, the number of schoolchildren and students who use drugs has increased by more than 8 times. The number of deaths from drug use over the past ten years among the Russian population has increased by 12 times, and among children by 42 times. (2.4). More than 80% of HIV-infected people are drug addicts. According to the narcological dispensary in Ryazan, over the past three years, the average annual increase in drug addicts has amounted to more than 100%. In 2000, the incidence of drug addiction increased almost 2 times compared to 1999. A survey of students from schools and vocational schools conducted by the regional narcological dispensary and RIRO shows that more than 17% of them have already tried drugs: every fourth young man and every eighth girl. About 4% of adolescents use drugs systematically. There are such statistics that every drug addict on average introduces drugs to 10 people from his environment per year. The study revealed that the first drug use occurred at a fairly young age: on average, it is 15-17 years old, however, there are many who have tried drugs before the age of 14, in general, in Russia, the age of those who first tried drugs has already decreased to 11 years. More than 40% of students indicated that they have drug users (friends, relatives or neighbors) in their environment. This cannot but cause concern. These children are at risk: sooner or later familiar drug addicts will offer them to try drugs.

Attitudes towards drug addicts are changing, if in 1999 60% of teenagers were condemning drug addicts, then in 2001 - 39%. To the question: “What would you do if you were offered to smoke weed?”, the students of the Pronskaya school answered: Positively - 11%, Doubted - 10% and Refused - 79%. (2.54).

The most popular drugs are cannabis preparations - 55.7%, hallucinogens - 14%, amphetamine-type psychostimulants - 10.8%, opium preparations - 5.4%, cocaine - 2.4%. In recent years, the drug market has been replenished mainly with heroin, displacing lighter drugs.

Teenagers are characterized by three personal and psychological sources of initiation to drugs: stress (32%); suggestibility, i.e. influenced by others (28%) and curiosity (39.5%).

There are two main types of drug addicts:

Experimenters are people who like to experiment with different drugs and their effects, they use drugs occasionally, analyze the impressions they experience. Their interest, as a rule, after leaving school and leaving adolescence fades and may disappear completely.

People with serious personality deviations (but within the psychological norm). Due to unresolved internal conflicts, the constant presence of uncertainty and depression, they use drugs more often and in large quantities. They are distinguished from normal peers by:

The constant presence of mild depression;


Suspicion that no one takes them seriously;


Frequent reflection on one's own individuality, independence and freedom;

Constant return to drugs;

Difficulties in communicating with others.

There are 5 ways to use drugs:

experimental use;

Use in the company during the holidays;

situational circumstantial use;

Intensive use;

Forced use.

There is the following classification of the stages of development of drug addiction, based on the analysis of manifestations various forms dependencies:

Social dependence manifests itself when a person has not yet begun to use drugs, but rotates in the environment of users, accepts their style of behavior, attitude towards drugs and the external attributes of the group. Internally, he is ready to use drugs. The only way prevention of further development of the disease - identification and destruction of the group.

Psychological dependence begins to form after the start of drug use. It manifests itself in the fact that a person seeks to return the state of experience again. vivid emotions with drug intoxication. At this stage, he already needs the help of specialists - psychologists, doctors, family support.

Physical dependence occurs with prolonged use of drugs. The drug is included in the metabolic process, when the drug is stopped, a state of physical discomfort of varying severity (withdrawal syndrome) is observed. Such a patient needs serious honey. help.

Danger signals - personality changes, changes in habits and lifestyle, changes in physical condition:

1. Sudden mood swings in a short period of time;

2. Irritability, secrecy, hostility, isolation, gloom, depression, anxiety;

3. The need for immediate satisfaction of their desires;

4. Refusal to discuss their problems with parents;

5. Reluctance to introduce their new friends to their parents;

6. Increasing cooling towards old friends;

7. Indifference to study, sports, former hobbies;

8. The appearance in adolescents of a sense of inferiority, an inferiority complex;

9. Denial that drugs can be harmful;

10. Deceit;

11. Loss of sense of time;

12. Increasing impulsiveness.

13. Ignoring family holidays;

14. Sudden increase in appetite, as well as its loss;

15. Craving for sweets;

16. Changes in the mode of sleep and wakefulness: a person sleeps during the day and stays awake at night;

17. Theft and sale of household goods;

18. Extortion of money;

19. Frequent airing of your room;

20. Using incense, fresheners, perfumes, deodorants (for cleaning

No narcotic smell)

21. Deterioration in academic performance;

22. Drowsiness at lessons;

23. Weight loss;

24. Fatigue;

25. Frequent colds, flu, stomach pains and cramps;

26. Morning weakness on the background of evening activity;

27. Incoherent, slurred or quick, hurried speech;

28. Fainting, loss of consciousness;

29. Inflamed, bloodshot. Puffy or "glassy" eyes;

30. Dilated or constricted pupils;

31. Insufficient mobility of the eyes;

32. Sores and sores around the nostrils;

33. Sneezing;

34. Dry mouth;

35. Cough;

36. Traces of injections;

37. Increased sweating;

38. Colorless fingers;

39. Cold clammy skin;

40. Increased nervousness, hyperactivity;

41. Vertigo.


Prevention of drug addiction comes to the fore because of the low effectiveness of treatment and the absence of reliable social barriers. Experience shows that prohibitive. It is impossible to solve this problem by medical and legal methods; "external" anti-drug barriers are not enough; it is necessary to form "internal" barriers, i. nurture personal drug resistance.

The organization of preventive work at the school or microdistrict level will not give tangible results. Prevention will be effective if it is carried out on the scale of the city, region, and preferably the whole country.

With any kind of preventive work, it is necessary to take into account the age of children and adolescents, the first level is the junior school age, by the age of 11-12, the child should be vaccinated healthy habits that will prevent the development of drug addiction. The second level is for middle-aged and older children. As a rule, this is already a correction of behavior and habits. Therefore, the technology of working with children over 11-12 years old includes teaching how to overcome conflicts and crisis situations, helps to consciously choose behavior that does not harm health, and teaches how to cope with emotional problems.

It is also necessary to take into account the level of prevention, which is divided into primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary prevention is work with conditionally healthy people, among whom there is a certain number of people at risk. This population may include young people who have already tried drugs or have friends who use drugs. Secondary prevention is aimed at adolescents in whom risk behavior has already been formed. This group includes people who use drugs, but without a formed physical dependence. Tertiary prevention is the prevention of relapse. It is aimed at a group of people who are addicted to drugs and want to stop using them.

Primary prevention technologies are divided into medical-psychological and socio-pedagogical. The goal of medical and psychological technologies is adaptation to the requirements of the social environment, the formation and development of social and personal competence, personality resources, adaptive behavior strategies, effective lifestyle and behavior. The purpose of socio-pedagogical technologies is to provide objective information, create motivation for a healthy lifestyle, and create social support networks. They are aimed at the formation of a stress-resistant personality capable of choosing rational forms of behavior. The main idea of ​​these technologies is that a person who has developed personal and environmental resources, as well as behavioral problem-solving skills, is more protected in the face of life's difficulties. This reduces the likelihood of drug use.

It is best to do this kind of work in the form of training. The exercises included in the training are aimed at developing and shaping these skills, helping a person learn healthy behaviors, learn how to overcome stress, live life to the fullest and enjoy it without the use of drugs and other psychoactive substances,

Formation of life skills:

1. The ability to refuse risky offers;

2. See the positive and negative aspects of phenomena;

3. Interaction with peers;

4. Correct expression of your feelings;

5. Teaching effective communication;

6. Development of self-confidence;

7. Managing your feelings;

8. Strengthening ties with the family;

9. Development of critical thinking;

10. Formation of decision-making skills;

11. Awareness of negative influences, pressures and manipulations from others.

Drug addiction has long become an epidemic that mercilessly “mows down” thousands of people every year. Enormous funds are allocated to combat it, but even this does not give the desired result. People continue to seek salvation and thrills in drugs, and without noticing it themselves, they become their hostages, slaves. The meaning of the life of a drug addict is to take a dose on time, and the world Family, friends, work, it doesn't matter. For all this, there is simply no place left in a life completely absorbed by drug dope.

Drug addiction is a state of a person in which all his thoughts are focused only on where and how to get the next dose of the drug. Unbearable pain will permeate the body and soul of a drug addict if he does not provide himself with vital doping in time. Under fear of feeling all the "charms" of the state during withdrawal, the drug addict is ready for anything, even for illegal actions. There can be no question of any morality. For a drug addict, the most important thing is his own personal benefit and satisfaction of the main and only goal - drug consumption.

The desire to fully experience the state of euphoria again makes the addict start new life, however, is much darker, more primitive and shorter than the previous one. Society for the most part does not accept and even despise such individuals, but, nevertheless, seeks to direct them on the true path and return to normal life anyone who is tired of depending on the “high” and cannot cope with it on their own.

The most accessible and widely practiced method of drug prevention, invented by society to reduce the number of drug addicts, is the promotion of healthy lifestyles in schools and familiarization of young minds with the cruel realities of drug addiction. The choice of this age category is not accidental, because it is teenagers who are more than others capable of succumbing to harmful influences due to their naivety, curiosity and their protest against social norms.

With the right approach, there is a chance to protect young men and women from the wrong, and perhaps fatal, choice in their lives by presenting real information about the properties of drugs and the consequences of their use.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures to combat drug addiction are a set of measures aimed at preventing the development of such a social phenomenon as drug addiction, as well as reducing the number of people involved in the process of using drugs.

Preventive methods are most effective among boys and young people, since these categories of society constitute a conditional risk group. Besides, when, if not during adolescence, should we carry out information work on the dangers of drug use? In this regard, teachers, psychologists, and social workers are involved in the development of preventive methods, whose task is to provide schoolchildren and students with correctly presented information on drug addiction and its associated risks. Active advertising, print publications and the media, covering the whole range of discussed problems, contribute to the increase in the effectiveness of this technique.

The creation of preventive measures is a rather laborious and carefully thought-out process, the results of which directly depend on the quality of the selected information and the correctness of the way it is presented. One incorrect wording and the indifference of the person responsible for its implementation can nullify a lot of efforts of a huge number of people who developed this or that technique.

The information offered to introduce adolescents to the harmful properties of drugs should meet several basic principles:

For quick and reliable getting rid of alcoholism, our readers advise the drug "Alcobarrier". It is a natural remedy that blocks the craving for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, the Alcobarrier launches regenerative processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The tool has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug is proven clinical research at the Research Institute of Narcology.

  • have a positive message without a touch of gloom and hopelessness;
  • offer a logical and understandable conclusion from all of the above;
  • contain facts of the tragic consequences of drug use;
  • be focused on a particular target audience and be presented in a form that is understandable for this particular audience;
  • the selection of the facts brought to the attention should be carried out exclusively by specialists in this field (narcologists, psychologists, social workers, representatives law enforcement etc.);
  • the information selected for work must undergo a close analysis by a special expert commission.

Not the last role in shaping the desired result of work performed with adolescents is played by the media, which, in turn, are obliged to refrain from showing scenes of drug and alcohol consumption, as well as to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Along with propaganda work, there is also an anonymous help service for drug addicts, including "hot lines" and "helplines". The creation of such services is a completely logical and even necessary step, since drug addicts, due to their fear of being condemned by society for their addiction, are afraid to seek qualified help if they have various kinds of problems. In addition, despite the presence of "bad" habits, any person has the right to receive the necessary help and support. These are the basic principles of the life of a humane society.

To date, alcoholism and drug addiction have ceased to be a personal matter for everyone, since the consequences of these phenomena have a detrimental effect on the entire society: an increase in crime, the spread of serious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases, neglect of moral principles, a decline in morality, licentiousness, etc. This can also include a decrease in the level of education of the population, since young people who are passionate about drug use will be the last to think about their education, personal growth and self-realization.

An excellent help in the fight against drug addiction and alcoholism would be an appropriate legislative framework, which would provide for severe punishment for everyone, without exception, for the distribution, sale and promotion of the use of narcotic substances.

Subjects and objects of prevention

From general concepts It is known that the subjects of something are those who carry out certain measures and manipulations, and the objects are those in relation to which these manipulations are undertaken. In other words, the objects of drug prevention are people who are potentially susceptible to involvement in drug use, as well as people suffering from drug addiction or who are in rehabilitation.

The number of subjects in this issue is much more diverse, since prevention is carried out big amount state and non-state structures, among which are:

  • departmental anti-drug commissions;
  • drug control service;
  • internal affairs bodies;
  • bodies of the education system;
  • health authorities;
  • youth policy bodies;
  • social policy bodies;
  • crisis services (including non-state ones);
  • specialized public organizations.

Surprisingly, with such a number of drug prevention subjects, the number of its subjects, unfortunately, does not decrease, but, on the contrary, only grows every year.

Nevertheless, the ongoing preventive work still has a place to be and work, although not as effectively as we would like. Without the existence of actors involved in the search for new methods and ways to combat drug addiction, the statistics could be much more frightening. Therefore, it makes no sense to deny their necessity.

Looking only at the list of structures and organizations whose actions are aimed at eradicating the problem of addiction, we can already conclude how serious the issue of combating drug addiction is and what the scale of this epidemic is today.

Adolescents are a category of the population between the ages of twelve and seventeen, most of them involved in educational process held in schools and universities. It is customary in society to consider adolescence the most dangerous and difficult in terms of its unpredictability, provoked by the ongoing processes of personality formation, which, in turn, are accompanied by physical, physiological and mental changes. Therefore, it is quite natural that the prevention of drug addiction to a greater extent is aimed specifically at the youthful part of the population of a particular country.

In distant times Soviet Union, especially in the 30s of the twentieth century, drug addiction as a phenomenon was completely absent in society, while no special events were held. This is explained by a certain isolation from other countries by the so-called " iron curtain". It was almost impossible to meet a drug addict on the street, because all the "doubtful" persons fell under repression. Thus, their influence on healthy minds was limited to a minimum and severely condemned by society at large. Total control over people gave its results in the field of eradicating a dissolute lifestyle.

The most common type of drug was morphine (people addicted to it were called morphine addicts). Often morphine addicts became involuntarily, since this drug was widely used for medical purposes as a depressant of the nervous system and dulling pain. Especially a large number of drug addicts were among patients in psychiatric hospitals receiving morphine by prescription.

There were frequent cases of "infection" with drug addiction by family members of a patient who has access to a highly addictive drug.

The only rather dubious prophylactic method of that time can be considered a warning about the side effects of morphine. But, as you know, this did not stop the suffering person from using it.

The situation with drug addiction was so unthreatening that the Criminal Code of the Soviet Union did not even provide for an article and appropriate punishment for the distribution and production of drugs. But, meanwhile, in the southern regions of the country, poppy fields were successfully “blooming”, the products of processing of which were so widely used as medicines that in the 70s it was no longer possible to control the growth in the number of drug addicts.

The traditional policy of silence of that time played a cruel joke and already the 80s became the heyday of drug addiction culture. In addition to classical morphine, drugs such as opium and ephedrine, used intravenously, began to come into use. Among the youth of that era, it even became “cool” to have injection marks and convulsively scratching and clenching their hands. This has led to a large demand for narcotic substances and, consequently, a rapid increase in the supply of the market. Moreover, the cost of drugs was cheap.

When the 90s loomed in the yard, drug addiction reached its peak, especially among teenagers. Mortality from overdose at that time was at the limit. Over time, the indicators have decreased, but drug addiction has already managed to get the status of an epidemic.

In our time, statistics claim a decrease in the number of drug addicts compared to the situation 20-25 years ago, but this is not because interest in drugs has fallen, but because the number of deaths has made this number smaller. Despite this, the numbers are frightening: only in Ukraine there are about 300 thousand registered drug addicts who are registered in drug dispensaries, but this is just a fraction. The real number of addicts is dozens of times greater and no one knows for sure.

Such a historical digression makes one wonder how global this moment is the problem of drug addiction among teenagers. Prevention is becoming not only necessary or recommendatory, but simply an integral part of school upbringing and education in general. Lectures with demonstration of documentary video materials and feature films, as well as conducting psychological conversations "on an equal footing", no doubt, can become the very deterrent that can reduce the growth in the number of drug addicts among adolescents and help avoid the wrong choice.

The essence of prevention, its types

The World Health Organization (WHO) is closely involved in the problem of drug addiction, and therefore identified several types of its prevention:

  • primary (responsible for the prevention of drug use);
  • secondary (work with people who use drugs: their detection, treatment, observation, control over the occurrence of relapses);
  • tertiary (aimed at social and labor therapy and medical rehabilitation of drug addicts).

Directly the prevention of drug addiction, as it is understood and interpreted by society, is concluded, according to the WHO classification, in its primary form. This form includes such forms of influence as:

  • educational work among youth;
  • sanitary and hygienic education of society;
  • public struggle against the consumption and distribution of drugs;
  • administrative and legislative measures.

An important aspect of preventive work among adolescents is the ability to identify individuals potentially prone to drug addiction. As a rule, such a group includes guys and girls with an unstable psyche, a complex rebellious and hysterical character, emotionally unstable, with a sense of disregard for social norms and moral principles, prone to depressive states. Rejection and misunderstanding by society of such individuals leads to their detachment and, as a result, to the search for solace in drugs.

Often, teenagers, like all people in general, are organized into “interest groups” with a similar worldview, foundations, understanding of what is happening, principles and behavior. Thus, it is possible to identify a drug addict by the circle of his communication.

As for the sanitary and hygienic aspect of drug addiction prevention, there is no consensus here: some experts believe that it is necessary to carry out medical propaganda in educational institutions throughout the academic year, while others vote for the introduction of a separate drug prevention course into the curriculum.

Prevention also involves training teaching staff to identify different types of drug intoxication and the formation of a sharply negative perception of addiction among students. Carrying out educational work with real medical and social examples consequences of drug addiction (deaths, illnesses, personality degradation, etc.).

Despite the large amount of work being done and the presence of a huge theoretical base, preventive measures still do not give significant results. At the moment, the biochemical mechanisms of the formation of drug addiction have not been determined, therefore psychology, narcology and sociology have not yet invented a single correct and effective method prevention of various kinds of addictions. Further study of the problem will help answer the question of how to eradicate drug addiction among adolescents and save society from senseless extinction and self-destruction.