The Red Book is an annotated list of rare and endangered animals, plants and fungi. Red Books are of various levels - international, national and regional.

The first organizational task for the protection of rare and endangered species is their inventory and accounting both on a global scale and in individual countries.

Without this, you can't start theoretical development problems, no practical recommendations for salvation certain types. The task is not easy, and even 30-35 years ago the first attempts were made to compile first regional and then world reports of rare and endangered species of animals and birds. However, the information was either too concise and contained only a list rare species, or, on the contrary, are very cumbersome, since they included all the available data on biology and presented a historical picture of the reduction in their ranges.

IUCN Red List

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) united and led in 1948 the work on the protection of wildlife of state, scientific and public organizations most countries of the world. Among his first decisions in 1949 was the creation of a permanent Species Survival Commission, or, as it is commonly called in Russian-language literature, the Commission on Rare Species.

The tasks of the Commission included studying the status of rare endangered species of animals and plants, developing and preparing draft international and interethnic conventions and treaties, compiling a cadastre of such species and developing appropriate recommendations for their protection.

The Commission started its work from scratch. had to be worked out general principles approach to the protection of rare species, to identify those species that were in real danger of extinction or extermination, to develop a system for their classification, to collect information on the biology of such species in order to identify the main limiting factors. At the beginning of the work, there was not even the concept of a “rare species”.

The main goal of the Commission was to create a world annotated list (cadastre) of animals that are threatened with extinction for one reason or another. Sir Peter Scott, chairman of the Commission, suggested that the list be called the Red Data Book to give it a defiant and capacious meaning, since red symbolizes a danger signal.

IUCN Red Book editions

The first edition of the IUCN Red List was published in 1963. It was a "pilot" edition with a small circulation. Its two volumes include information on 211 species and subspecies of mammals and 312 species and subspecies of birds. The Red Book was sent according to the list to prominent statesmen and scientists. As new information was accumulated, as planned, additional sheets were sent to the addressees to replace the outdated ones.

Three volumes of the second edition of the book appeared in 1966-1971. Now she had a "book" format (21.0 × 14.5 cm), but, like the first edition, she looked like a loose-leaf thick calendar, any sheet of which could be replaced by a new one. The book was still not designed for general sale, it was sent to the list of environmental institutions, organizations and individual scientists. The number of species listed in the second edition of the IUCN Red List has increased significantly, as Additional Information. The first volume of the book includes information about 236 species (292 subspecies) of mammals, the second - about 287 species (341 subspecies) of birds, and the third - about 119 species and subspecies of reptiles and 34 species and subspecies of amphibians.

Gradually, the IUCN Red List was improved and replenished. The third edition, whose volumes began to appear in 1972, already included information on 528 species and subspecies of mammals, 619 species of birds, and 153 species and subspecies of reptiles and amphibians. The heading of individual sheets was also changed. The first section is devoted to the characteristics of the status and current state of the species, the next - to the geographical distribution, population structure and abundance, characteristics of habitats, current and proposed conservation measures, characteristics of animals kept in zoos, sources of information (literature). The book went on sale, and in connection with this, its circulation was sharply increased.

The last, fourth "type" edition, published in 1978-1980, includes 226 species and 79 subspecies of mammals, 181 species and 77 subspecies of birds, 77 species and 21 subspecies of reptiles, 35 species and 5 subspecies of amphibians, 168 species and 25 subspecies of fish . Among them, 7 restored species and subspecies of mammals, 4 - birds, 2 species of reptiles. The reduction in the number of forms in the latest edition of the Red Book was not only due to successful protection, but also as a result of more accurate information received in recent years.

Work on the IUCN Red List continues. This is a permanent document, as the living conditions of animals change and more and more new species can be in a catastrophic situation. However, human effort good fruit, as evidenced by its green sheets.

33. International environmental law (IEP) or international law environment- an integral part (branch) of the system of international law, which is a set of norms and principles international law governing the activities of its subjects to prevent and eliminate damage to the environment from various sources, as well as the rational use of natural resources. The object of the MEP is the relationship of the subjects of international law regarding the protection and reasonable exploitation of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations of people. The process of formation of the MEP branch proceeds from 19th century and went through several stages in its development. Yes, prof. Bekyashev K.A. identifies three stages in the formation and development of the MEP: 1839–1948; 1948–1972; 1972–present. The first stage is linked with the first attempts of "civilized" states to solve regional and local environmental problems, the second stage - with the beginning of the UN activities, the third stage marks the holding of global international conferences on this issue. The sources of the MEP industry are the norms of international environmental agreements, as well as international customs. The MEP sector is not codified. The system of sources is dominated by the norms of regional international agreements. The most important sources are such acts as the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity, the 1992 Framework Convention on Climate Change, the 1985 Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, the 1970 Convention on the Protection of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, etc.

The development and functioning of the IEP, as well as any branch of international law, is based on certain fundamental provisions, which are a kind of legal axioms in the relatively mobile matter of international law - the principles of the IEP. MEP has the main principles of 2 types: the basic principles of international law; specific principles of the MEP. The main principles of international law include the principles set forth in the UN Charter, the 1970 UN Declaration of Principles, the Final List of the 1975 Helsinki Summit and developed by international legal practice. First of all, these are the fundamental principles of international law: sovereign equality, non-use of force and threat of force, inviolability of state borders, territorial integrity of states, peaceful settlement of disputes, non-interference in internal affairs, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, self-determination of peoples, cooperation, conscientious implementation of international legal obligations. The specific principles of international environmental law are a developing category. These principles have not yet been reflected in any complete codified form; they are scattered across a multitude of international legal acts that are both mandatory and recommendatory in nature. This diversity introduces some uncertainty in the position of international lawyers on the issue of the number of MEP principles. The following principles are usually distinguished: the environment is the common concern of mankind; the environment outside state borders is the common property of mankind; freedom to explore and use the environment and its components; rational use environment; promotion of international legal cooperation in the study and use of the environment; interdependence of environmental protection, peace, development, ensuring human rights and fundamental freedoms; precautionary approach to the environment; the right to development; harm prevention; prevention of environmental pollution; state responsibility; waiver of immunity, from the jurisdiction of international or foreign judicial bodies.

International legal regulation of environmental protection is differentiated by environmental components: protection of water, air, soil, forests, flora, fauna, etc. Accordingly, within the framework of the IEP, international legal institutions are distinguished: international legal protection of the air, international legal protection of animals, etc.

Environmental and legal liability is a kind of general legal liability, but at the same time differs from other types of legal liability.

Environmental and legal responsibility is considered in three interrelated aspects:

as state coercion to fulfill the requirements prescribed by law;

as a legal relationship between the state (represented by its bodies) and offenders (who are subject to sanctions);

· as a legal institution, i.е. a set of legal norms, various branches of law (land, mining, water, forest, environmental, etc.). Environmental offenses are punished in accordance with the requirements of the law Russian Federation. The ultimate goal of environmental legislation and each of its individual articles is to protect against pollution, to ensure the lawful use of the environment and its elements protected by law. The scope of environmental legislation is the environment and its individual elements. The object of the offense is an element of the environment. The requirements of the law require the establishment of a clear causal relationship between the violation and the deterioration of the environment.

The subject of environmental offenses is a person who has reached the age of 16, to whom the relevant official duties are assigned by regulatory legal acts (compliance with the rules of environmental protection, control over compliance with the rules), or any person who has reached the age of 16 who has violated the requirements of environmental legislation.

An environmental offense is characterized by the presence of three elements:

unlawful conduct;

Causing environmental harm (or real threat) or violation of other legal rights and interests of the subject of environmental law;

· a causal relationship between unlawful behavior and environmental damage or a real threat of causing such harm or violation of other legal rights and interests of subjects of environmental law.

Responsibility for environmental offenses serves as one of the main means of ensuring compliance with the requirements of legislation on environmental protection and the use of natural resources. The effectiveness of this tool largely depends, first of all, on state bodies authorized to apply legal liability measures to violators of environmental legislation. In accordance with Russian legislation in the field of environmental protection, officials and citizens for environmental offenses bear disciplinary, administrative, criminal, civil and material liability, and enterprises - administrative and civil liability.

Disciplinary liability arises for failure to comply with plans and measures for the protection of nature and the rational use of natural resources, for violation of environmental standards and other requirements of environmental legislation arising from a labor function or official position. Disciplinary responsibility is borne by officials and other guilty employees of enterprises and organizations in accordance with the regulations, charters, internal regulations and other regulations (Article 82 of the Law "On Environmental Protection"). In accordance with the Code of Labor Laws (as amended and supplemented on September 25, 1992), the following disciplinary sanctions may be applied to violators: reprimand, reprimand, severe reprimand, dismissal from work, other punishments (Article 135).

Liability is also regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 118-126). Such liability is borne by officials and other employees of the enterprise, through whose fault the enterprise incurred the costs of compensation for damage caused by an environmental offense.

The application of administrative responsibility is regulated by both environmental legislation and the RSFSR Code of Administrative Offenses of 1984 (with amendments and additions). The Law "On the Protection of the Environment" expanded the list of elements of environmental offenses, in the commission of which the guilty officials, physical and legal entities bear administrative responsibility. Such liability arises for exceeding the maximum permissible emissions and discharges of harmful substances into the environment, failure to fulfill the obligations to conduct a state environmental review and the requirements contained in the conclusion of an environmental review, providing knowingly incorrect and unreasonable conclusions, untimely provision of information and provision of distorted information, refusal to provide timely, complete, reliable information about the state of the natural environment and the radiation situation, etc.

The specific amount of the fine is determined by the body imposing the fine, depending on the nature and type of the offense, the degree of guilt of the offender and the harm caused. Administrative fines are imposed by authorized state bodies in the field of environmental protection, sanitary and epidemiological supervision of the Russian Federation. In this case, the decision to impose a fine may be appealed to a court or arbitration court. The imposition of a fine does not release the perpetrators from the obligation to compensate for the harm caused (Article 84 of the Law “On Environmental Protection”).

In the new Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, environmental crimes are singled out in a separate chapter (Chapter 26). It provides for criminal liability for violation of environmental safety rules in the course of work, violation of the rules for storage, disposal of environmentally hazardous substances and waste, violation of safety rules when handling microbiological or other biological agents or toxins, pollution of water, atmosphere and sea, violation of legislation on continental shelf, damage to land, illegal harvesting of aquatic animals and plants, violation of the rules for the protection of fish stocks, illegal hunting, illegal felling of trees and shrubs, destruction or damage to forests.

The application of measures of disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability for environmental offenses does not release the perpetrators from the obligation to compensate for the harm caused by an environmental offense. The Law "On Environmental Protection" takes the position that enterprises, organizations and citizens that cause harm to the environment, health or property of citizens, the national economy by environmental pollution, damage, destruction, damage, irrational use of natural resources, destruction of natural environmental systems and other environmental offenses are obliged to compensate it in full in accordance with applicable law (Article 86).

Civil liability in the sphere of interaction between society and nature consists mainly in imposing on the offender the obligation to compensate the injured party for property or moral damage as a result of violation of legal environmental requirements.

Responsibility for environmental offenses performs a number of main functions:

· Encouraging compliance with environmental law;

compensatory, aimed at compensating for losses in natural environment compensation for harm to human health;

Preventive, which consists in punishing the person guilty of committing an environmental offense.

Environmental legislation provides for three levels of punishment: for violation; violation that caused significant damage; a violation resulting in the death of a person (serious consequences). The death of a person as a result of an environmental crime is assessed by law as negligence (committed through negligence or frivolity). The types of punishments for environmental violations can be a fine, deprivation of the right to hold certain positions, deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities, correctional labor, restriction of liberty, imprisonment.

One of the most serious environmental crimes is ecocide - the mass destruction of the plant world ( plant communities lands of Russia or its individual regions) or the animal world (the totality of living organisms of all kinds of wild animals inhabiting the territory of Russia or a certain region of it), poisoning the atmosphere and water resources(surface and ground waters that are used or can be used), as well as the commission of other actions that can cause an environmental disaster. The social danger of ecocide consists in the threat or causing great harm to the natural environment, the preservation of the gene pool of the people, flora and fauna.

An ecological catastrophe manifests itself in a serious violation of the ecological balance in nature, the destruction of sustainable species composition living organisms, a complete or significant reduction in their numbers, in violation of the cycles of seasonal changes in the biotic circulation of substances and biological processes. Ecocide may be motivated by misunderstood military or state interests, the commission of actions with direct or indirect intent.

Success in establishing environmental law and order is achieved by a gradual increase in public and state influence on persistent offenders, by an optimal combination of educational, economic and legal measures.

34. Ecological terrorism (ecoterrorism, ecotage) is a term that has (according to the head of the Department of Political Science of the South Ural State University V.E. Khvoshchev) two different meanings:

Radical actions by "greens" (environmentalists), groups and individuals fighting for animal rights, as well as advocating for the liberation of animals; The US FBI defines environmental terrorism in this context as the use or threat of use of criminal violence against innocent victims or property of citizens by environmentally oriented, transnational groups for environmental-political reasons, or directed to attract attention. This distinguishes it from traditional terrorism when people die. However, according to the FBI, beginning of XXI century, the activities and tactics of a number of such groups of activists have undergone significant changes and acquired a dangerous character for society.

Intentional large-scale pollution of the environment.

IUCN Red List This article is about the Red Book - a list of rare and endangered species. This term has other meanings, see Red Book (meanings)

Red Book- an annotated list of rare and endangered animals, plants and fungi. Red Books are of various levels - international, national and regional.

The first organizational task for the protection of rare and endangered species is their inventory and accounting both on a global scale and in individual countries. Without this, it is impossible to proceed either to the theoretical development of the problem, or to practical recommendations for saving individual species. The task is not easy, and even 30-35 years ago the first attempts were made to compile first regional and then world reports of rare and endangered species of animals and birds. However, the information was either too laconic and contained only a list of rare species, or, on the contrary, very cumbersome, since it included all available data on biology and presented a historical picture of the reduction in their ranges.

IUCN Red List

Editions of the Red Book of the WSOP

The first edition of the WSOP Red Data Book was published in 2009. It was a "pilot" edition with a small circulation. Its two volumes include information on 211 species and subspecies of mammals and 312 species and subspecies of birds. The Red Book was sent out according to a list of prominent statesmen and scientists. As new information was accumulated, as planned, additional sheets were sent to the addressees to replace the outdated ones.

Three volumes of the second edition of the book appeared in - years. Now she had a "book" format (21.0 x 14.5 cm), but, like the first edition, she looked like a loose-leaf thick calendar, any sheet of which could be replaced by a new one. The book was still not designed for general sale, it was sent to the list of environmental institutions, organizations and individual scientists. The number of species listed in the second edition of the WUCN Red List has increased significantly as additional information has been collected since then. The first volume of the book includes information about 236 species (292 subspecies) of mammals, the second - about 287 species (341 subspecies) of birds, and the third - about 119 species and subspecies of reptiles and 34 species and subspecies of amphibians.

Gradually, the Red Book of the VSOP was improved and replenished. The third edition, whose volumes began to appear in the year, already included information on 528 species and subspecies of mammals, 619 species of birds and 153 species and subspecies of reptiles and amphibians. The heading of individual sheets was also changed. The first section is devoted to characterizing the status and state of the art species, followed by geographical distribution, population structure and abundance, characteristics of habitats, current and proposed protection measures, characteristics of animals kept in zoos, sources of information (literature). The book went on sale, and in connection with this, its circulation was sharply increased.

The last, fourth "type" edition, published in - years, includes 226 species and 79 subspecies of mammals, 181 species and 77 subspecies of birds, 77 species and 21 subspecies of reptiles, 35 species and 5 subspecies of amphibians, 168 species and 25 subspecies of fish. Among them, 7 restored species and subspecies of mammals, 4 - birds, 2 species of reptiles. The reduction in the number of forms in the latest edition of the Red Book was not only due to successful protection, but also as a result of more accurate information received in recent years.

Work on the Red Data Book of the WSOP continues. This is a document of permanent action, since the living conditions of animals are constantly changing and more and more new species can be in a catastrophic situation. At the same time, the efforts made by a person give good results, as evidenced by its green sheets.

Red List of Threatened Species

The second branch of the “bifurcation” of the idea of ​​the Red Book is the appearance of a completely new form information about rare animals in the form of a publication " Red Lists of Threatened Species" (eng. IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals ). They also come out under the auspices of the IUCN, but officially and practically they are not a version of the Red Book, they are not similar to it, although they are close to it. Such lists were published in , , , and years. The publication is carried out world center environmental monitoring in Cambridge (UK) with the participation of more than a thousand members of the IUCN Rare Species Commission.

Structural basis new system form two main blocks: a) endangered taxa and b) low risk taxa (LC).

The first block is divided into three categories:

  • taxa in critical condition (CR)
  • endangered taxa (EN)
  • taxa in vulnerability (VU)

In fact, these three categories are the main ones, warning about the seriousness of the loss of representatives of the taxon in the near future. It is they who make up the main array of taxa listed in the red books of various ranks.

The second block includes representatives who do not belong to any of the categories of the first group, and consists of the following categories:

  • taxa depending on the degree and measures of protection (CD)
  • taxa close to threatened (NT)
  • taxa of minimum risk (LC)

Two more categories that are not directly related to protection problems stand somewhat apart:

  • taxa completely extinct (EX)
  • taxa surviving only in captivity (EW)

The IUCN Red Book, like the Red Lists, is not a legal (legal) document, but is exclusively advisory in nature. She covers animal world on a global scale and contains protection recommendations addressed to countries and governments in whose territories a threatening situation has developed for animals. These recommendations are inevitably, precisely because of the global scope, are of the most general, approximate nature.

  • See also IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria

Red Book of the USSR

Red Book of the USSR came out in August. Its release was timed to coincide with the opening of the XIV IUCN General Assembly, held in the USSR (Ashgabat).

The Red Book of the USSR is divided into two parts. The first is devoted to animals, the second - to plants. The plan for heading sheets devoted to animals and plants is different.

For animals, the following headings are accepted:

  • title and systematic position kind
  • status category
  • geographical distribution
  • characteristics of habitats and their current state
  • abundance in nature
  • characteristics of the reproduction process
  • competitors, enemies and diseases
  • reasons for the change in numbers
  • number in captivity
  • captive breeding characteristics
  • protection measures taken
  • necessary security measures
  • information sources

All these rubrics are filled in for each species of rare animals. Thus, information on each species is more diverse than in the IUCN Red List. But in the first edition of the Red Book of the USSR, a more simplified scale of status categories was adopted. Only two categories are considered:

  • endangered species ( Category A)
  • rare species ( Category B)

Category A included, first of all, the species included in the IUCN Red List (third edition) and living on the territory of the USSR (this principle was preserved later). In total, 62 species and subspecies of mammals were listed in the Red Book of the USSR (25 forms were classified in category A and 37 in category B), 63 species of birds (26 species in category A and 37 in category B), 8 species of amphibians and 21 type of reptile. For each species, there is a drawing and distribution map on the corresponding sheet.

By itself, the Red Book of the USSR did not have the force of a state legal act. At the same time, in accordance with the Regulations on the Red Book of the USSR, the inclusion of any species in it meant the establishment of a ban on its extraction, imposed on the relevant government bodies obligations to protect both the species itself and its habitats. In this aspect, the Red Book of the USSR was the basis for the legislative protection of rare species. At the same time, it should be considered as a scientifically substantiated program of practical measures to save rare species.

The Red Book of the USSR, like the Red Book of the IUCN, had to be replenished and improved, in accordance with changes in the ecological situation in the country, the emergence of new knowledge about animals, and the improvement of methods for their protection. Therefore, immediately after the publication of the Red Book of the USSR (and possibly even earlier), the collection of materials for its second edition began. Thanks to the extremely intensive work of a group of highly qualified specialists, the second edition was published six years after the first, in the year. It fundamentally differed from the first one both in structure and in the volume of material.

The difference was primarily in the fact that the range of large taxa of animals included in the new edition has significantly expanded. In particular, it included, in addition to the four classes of ground vertebrate fish, arthropods , mollusks and annelids . The Red Book of Plants was published as a separate volume. In addition, instead of two categories of status, five were singled out, as in the third edition of the IUCN Red Book, and the wording of the categories was practically borrowed from it:

  • Category I - endangered species, the salvation of which is impossible without the implementation of special measures.
  • Category II - species whose numbers are still relatively high, but declining catastrophically fast, which in the near future may put them under the threat of extinction (that is, candidates for category I).
  • Category III - rare species that are currently not yet threatened with extinction, but they are found in such small numbers or in such limited areas that they can disappear if the habitat is adversely changed under the influence of natural or anthropogenic factors.
  • Category IV - species whose biology has not been studied enough, the number and condition are alarming, but the lack of information does not allow them to be attributed to any of the first categories.
  • Category V - restored species, the state of which, thanks to the conservation measures taken, no longer causes concern, but they are not yet subject to commercial use and their populations require constant monitoring.

In total, 223 taxa were listed in this edition, including species, subspecies and populations of terrestrial vertebrates (the inclusion of subspecies and populations in this edition was also an innovation). According to the coverage of the species composition of the fauna, these taxa were distributed as follows: mammals - 96 taxa, birds - 80, reptiles - 37 and amphibians - 9 taxa. In terms of status categories, the distribution was in principle fairly even: of the mammals, 21 taxa were assigned to the first category, 20 to the second, 40 to the third, 11 to the fourth and 4 to the fifth category; from the class of birds, respectively, 21, 24, 17, 14, and 4 taxa; from reptiles - 7, 7, 16, 6 and 1; from amphibians - 1, 6, and 2 (there were no taxa belonging to the fourth and fifth categories among amphibians).

This edition collected significant material on the biology of rare species, which is still used today. The same material largely formed the basis of the republican red books, and later in the Red book of the Russian Federation. This edition of the Red Book of the USSR was published after the adoption of the Law "On the Protection and Use of Wildlife", which meant the introduction of special measures for the protection of rare species.

Red Book of the Russian Federation

As a result of the collapse Soviet Union many normative legal acts have lost their legitimacy. After the formation of Russia as an independent state and the reform of the entire system government controlled in the field of environmental protection, the question arose of preparing the publication of the Red Book of the Russian Federation on a new political and administrative basis. The Red Book of the RSFSR was taken as the scientific basis for the Red Book of Russia, although it was a fundamentally new edition. The work of creating the Red Book of Russia was entrusted to the newly created Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. In 1999, a Commission on Rare and Endangered Species of Animals and Plants was established under the ministry, to which leading experts in the field of protection of rare species from various institutions in Moscow and other cities were involved.

Despite the fact that in 1992-1995 the name, structure and personnel of the ministry changed many times, the Commission on Rare Species did a lot of work. For example, it was decided to propose six categories of status:

  • 0 - probably disappeared. Taxa and populations previously known from the territory (or water area) of the Russian Federation and whose presence in nature has not been confirmed (for invertebrates - in the last 100 years, for vertebrates - in the last 50 years).
  • 1 - endangered. Taxa and populations whose numbers of individuals have decreased to a critical level in such a way that they may soon become extinct.
  • 2 - declining in numbers. Taxa and populations in steadily declining numbers that, if further impacted by declining factors, may short time fall into the endangered category.
  • 3 - rare. Taxa and populations that have small numbers and distributed over a limited area (or water area) or sporadically distributed over large areas (water areas).
  • 4 - undetermined by status. Taxa and populations that probably belong to one of the previous categories, but there is currently no sufficient information about their state in nature, or they do not fully meet the criteria of all other categories.
  • 5 - recoverable and recoverable. Taxa and populations, the abundance and distribution of which are influenced by natural causes or as a result of measures taken the guards have begun to recover and are approaching a state where they will not need urgent conservation and restoration measures.

Standard rules for compiling essays (lists) by species (subspecies, populations) were developed, illustrative materials were regulated, and the lists of species recommended for inclusion in the Red Book of Russia were revised and supplemented. In total, according to the first option, 407 species (subspecies, populations) of animals were recommended, including 155 species of invertebrates (including insects), 43 species of cyclostomes and fish, 8 species of amphibians, 20 species of reptiles, 118 species of birds and 63 species of mammals. 9 taxa were categorized as extinct and 42 taxa were proposed for exclusion in comparison with the list of the Red Book of the RSFSR. In addition, a list of taxa in need of special control in nature was created. Essays (sheets) on individual taxa have been collected and edited. In general, the preparation of the manuscript by 1995 was almost completed.

Regional Red Books in Russia

Since the second half of the 1980s, the USSR began compiling regional books on rare species of animals and plants on the scale of republics, territories, regions, autonomous regions. This was due to the need for immediate protection of a number of species and forms of animals and plants, perhaps not rare in the country, but rare in certain regions, as well as the independence of local authorities rapidly growing in these years and the desire to independently solve their environmental problems. It was expedient to give such regional books about rare animals the status of regional Red Books. It strengthened them legal status and increased practical impact on society. Special meaning it meant for national autonomies.

In essence, there is only one non-regional Red Book on Earth: it is the IUCN Red Book - the only one that provides information on rare species within the entire range. Only in this case we are talking about the planetary conservation of rare species. All other national Red Books are regional, only their territorial scope is different. For example, in the Red Book of the USSR (now it is Russia, the CIS countries and the Baltic States), out of 80 bird species, less than 20 are listed in the IUCN Red Book, and the rest are, therefore, regionally rare.

National Red Books, with rare exceptions, provide information only on parts of the ranges of species and subspecies of animals and plants. Only in cases with narrow-range species can we talk about the preservation of the world gene pool on the scale of a particular national or even regional Red Book. For animals, this is a rather rare occurrence (for example, Russian muskrat or endemics of Lake Baikal).

As a rule, the larger the region, the more significant it is for wildlife conservation. The exception is some relatively small territories with exceptional biodiversity, an abundance of endemic species or species that are rare and disappearing on a global scale. These are, for example, the Caucasus, Altai, the south of the Far East, some regions of Central Asia.

In the 1990s-2000s, a number of new regional Red Books of various administrative levels appeared. Moreover, it should be noted that in terms of their scientific, environmental and printing levels, the Red Data Books of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine are significantly superior to their predecessors of the Soviet period.

The following editions were published in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

Kingdom: animals (Animalia). Type: chordates (Chordata). Class: mammals (Mammalia). Order: bats (Chiroptera). Family: horseshoe bats (Rhinolophidae). Genus: horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus). Species: small horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros).

Why is it listed in the Red Book

Despite the fact that the small horseshoe bat is found in a large area, its numbers are declining. Therefore, it has a third protection category - a rare and vulnerable species.

Security: Listed in IUCN-96 Red List. Due to the sporadic distribution on the territory of Russia, the threat of direct destruction of the small horseshoe bat is small, however, if large colonies are found, it is necessary to organize their protection and carry out explanatory work among the population.

How to find out

All horseshoe bats got their name because of the skin-cartilaginous outgrowths around the nostrils, which resemble a horseshoe. Interestingly, these "horseshoes" are not just a fancy decoration, but a complex apparatus for generating echolocation signals. The length of the small horseshoe bat is about 45 mm, the coat color is grayish-brown on the back and whitish on the abdomen. They seem to be wearing light-colored vests.


In Russia, distributed in Ciscaucasia and the North. Caucasus from the Black Sea coast Krasnodar Territory to Dagestan. Known from few finds. Outside of Russia, the range covers Europe from Ireland to Moldova and southern Ukraine, the Mediterranean, North. Africa, Front and Central Asia, reaching Kashmir and north-west. Himalayas.

Lifestyle and biology

Habitat: Inhabits both the foothills and the middle belt of mountains up to a height of 2000 m above sea level, as well as plain regions with a strongly rugged relief, with varying degrees of desertification and the presence of karst caves. It can develop anthropogenic landscapes in the presence of suitable shelters.

Inhabits natural and artificial dungeons, rock cracks, etc., in the anthropogenic landscape - human buildings. In summer, it forms small brood colonies in these shelters (several dozen individuals each). There is usually one cub in a litter; childbirth occurs in late June-early July, the duration of lactation is 4-5 weeks.

Most individuals reach sexual maturity in their second year of life, although a small percentage of females in the population do not breed. The ratio of sexes of newborns is 1:1; among adults, the proportion of males is higher, which is apparently caused by different biotopic confinement of the sexes.

They do not make long-distance seasonal migrations. Average duration life less than 3 years, the maximum is about 18 years. These animals sleep like everyone else the bats, in limbo, clinging with claws to some kind of base and hanging upside down. Animals hibernate in winter

Approximately 20 minutes after sunset, "night snipers" fly out in search of suitable food. Who will be the victim? Nocturnal insects and spiders. Small horseshoe bats can make 16-18 wing beats per second, which allows them to quickly overtake prey.


The population density of the little horseshoe bat in Russia has been estimated at about 2-5 individuals/km2 of habitable area, based on its abundance, relative to other bat species. These data are several times higher than the estimates of its density for a number of places. Central Europe.

When calculating the area potentially available for the habitation of the small horseshoe bat, its number in Russia was estimated at 80-100 thousand individuals. However, given the sporadic occurrence of this species and the poor knowledge of its population in Russia, these figures can hardly be considered reliable.

Less than other species of the genus, the lesser horseshoe bat is at risk of direct extermination due to the low density of accommodation in shelters. Apparently, the greatest danger to the small horseshoe bat is indirect anthropogenic impact, however, specific mechanisms of its influence on the state of populations of this species have not been identified.

At the beginning of 2010, two commemorative coins with the image of a small horseshoe bat were issued in Poland in denominations of 2 and 20 zlotys. The first shows two horseshoe bats hovering over the setting sun, the second shows horseshoe bats in flight. IN Western countries bats evoked the most unpleasant associations associated with night terrors and vampires. By the way, this also has scientific explanation. Lesser horseshoe bats have been found to be similar to vampire bats that can suck the blood of other warm-blooded animals. And in the countries of the East, for example in China, they have long been loved, respected and considered a symbol of happiness. No wonder the Chinese "fu" means both happiness and a bat. The limbs of bats are completely unsuitable for walking; these animals will not even be able to stand upright. Therefore, the position in which the animals hang upside down is best suited for their rest. (Skaldina O.V. Big Red Book)

Sources:. 1. Kazakov and Yarmysh, 1974; 2. Amirkhanov, 1980; 3. Duvarova, 1980; 4. Yarmysh et al., 1980a; 6. Strelkov, 1963; 7. Gaisler, 1969; 8. Panyutin, 1980; 9. Bezem et al., 1960; 10. Panyutin, 1985 Compiled by: K.K. Panyutin, A.V. Borisenko

Skaldina O. V. Big Red Book / Oksana Skaldina - M .: Eksmo, 2014. - 480 p.: ill. - (Red Book).

Image: "Bat(20070605)" by Lylambda ( [email protected]) - own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 from Wikimedia Commons -

international union nature conservation(fr. Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature , IUCN) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to highlighting the problems of preserving the biodiversity of the planet, presents news, congresses held in different countries, lists of species in need of special protection in different regions of the planet. The organization has observer status with the UN General Assembly.

Headquarters in Gland, Switzerland

  • Extinct(disappeared) (EX)
  • Extinct in the Wild (disappeared in wild nature) (E.W.)
  • Critically Endangered(in critical danger) (CR)
  • endangered(in danger) (EN)
  • Vulnerable(in a vulnerable position) (VU)
  • Near Threatened(close to vulnerable) (NT)
  • Least Concern(Least Concern) (LC)
  • Data Deficient(not enough data) (DD)
  • Not Evaluated(threat not assessed) (NE)

Classification of protected areas

Since 1978, the IUCN introduced, and in 1994 improved a system by which all protected areas of the Earth were classified:

  • Category Ia and b: strict natural reserve - a site with untouched nature, full protection;
  • Category II: national park - protection of ecosystems, combined with tourism;
  • Category III: natural monument - protection of natural sights;
  • Category IV: reserve - conservation of habitats and species through active management;
  • Category V: protected land and sea landscapes - protection of land and sea landscapes and recreation;
  • Category VI: protected areas with managed resources - sparing use of ecosystems.


The union includes both governmental and non-governmental organizations. They set the policy of the union, define it global program work and choose the Council on IUCN World Congress. Member organizations are organized into national and regional committees.


  • Species Survival Commission(SSC)
The SSC advises the Union on the technical aspects of species conservation and mobilizes action for those species that are threatened with extinction. The Commission draws up the Red List of Threatened Species.
  • World Commission on Protected Areas(WCPA)
WCPA promotes and manages an international representative network of terrestrial and marine protected areas.
  • Environmental Law Commission(CEL)
CEL promotes environmental laws developing new legal concepts and mechanisms. CEESP provides expertise and policy advice on economic and social factors for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.
  • Education and Communication Commission(CEC)
The CEC advocates the strategic use of communications and education to empower and educate stakeholders for the sustainable use of natural resources.
  • Ecosystem Management Commission(CEM)
CEM gives expert assessment management of natural and modified ecosystems.

see also

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See what the "International Union for Conservation of Nature" is in other dictionaries:

    IUCN Type International organization Company motto Working for a ... Wikipedia

    International Union for Conservation of Nature- IUCN INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR THE CONSERVATION OF NATURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES (IUCN), founded in 1948. Develops general principles and strategies for nature conservation, determines directions international cooperation And national policy states in the area ... ... Illustrated encyclopedic Dictionary

    INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR THE CONSERVATION OF NATURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES- (IUCN) an international non-governmental organization established in 1948, with consultative status with UNESCO, for the protection and rational use of natural resources. Includes 502 institutions (state, scientific, national, etc.) out of 130 ... Ecological dictionary

    RESOURCES (IUCN) was founded in 1948. Members (1988) 626 national scientific, government and other institutions from 120 countries, 33 international organizations. Publishes the Red Book, serial issues, for example. List national parks and equivalent ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (IUCN), an international non-governmental organization in consultative status with UNESCO. Founded in 1948, unites 502 organizations from 130 countries (1984). From the USSR (since 1956) the IUCN includes: Department for Nature Protection, Reserves, Forestry and Hunting x you ... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    - (IUCN), founded in 1948. Develops general principles and strategies for nature conservation, determines the direction of international cooperation and national policy of states in the field of environmental protection. With the help of special commissions (according to ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

    International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources- non-governmental international organization for environmental protection; created in 1948 on the initiative of UNESCO; it includes representatives of 58 states, over 500 different institutions from 116 countries (including a number of organizations of the Russian Federation) and 24 ... ... environmental law Russia: a dictionary of legal terms

There are several groups in the world international organizations involved in environmental protection:

  1. organizations of the UN system;
  2. intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations;
  3. systems for monitoring and monitoring the state of the environment;
  4. scientific and educational establishments involved in the study of this problem.

International Union for Conservation of Nature - IUCN(International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN), founded in 1948 at the initiative of UNESCO, is the world's oldest and largest independent international non-profit organization. supreme body- General Assembly. Since 1979 official policy document IUCN - World Conservation Strategy. Union unites 82 sovereign states, 111 government agencies, 800 non-governmental organizations, 35 associate members and approximately 11,000 scientists and experts from 181 countries. The Union consists of six scientific commissions and the Secretariat. The IUCN Secretariat employs approximately 1,000 staff, most of whom are located in 60 regional and country offices located in 45 countries around the world. About 100 people work at the IUCN world headquarters located in Gland (Switzerland).

The mission of IUCN is to lead and promote the global conservation movement to maintain the integrity and diversity of wildlife and to ensure the sustainable and prudent use of natural resources by humans.

In accordance with the mission of the IUCN is ready for constructive cooperation with any organization that seeks to preserve nature and natural resources.

IUCN Goals:

  1. combating the extinction crisis. The extinction crisis and the enormous loss of biodiversity are perceived as a global concern and responsibility leading to action to reduce the loss of intraspecific, interspecific and ecosystem biodiversity;
  2. maintaining the integrity of ecosystems. Maintaining and restoring ecosystems, as needed, and ensuring that natural resources are used in a sustainable and prudent manner.

As part of international conventions IUCN has assisted over 75 countries in the preparation and implementation of national environmental strategies and action plans.

The IUCN has developed a Forest Program aimed at the conservation of forests, which includes the protection, restoration and use of forest resources so that forests provide a wide potential range of goods and services.

One of the main areas of work is the development of a coherent and informed policy for the conservation of forests to translate political decisions into effective actions. IUCN often advises large organizations working on forest issues to ensure that forest conservation priorities are taken into account in their projects and programs. The Forest Program receives financial support from the governments of the Netherlands, Canada, and the USA.

To improve the financing and implementation of environmental projects in Russia and other CIS countries under the European Regional Program to address Director General In 1994, the Moscow Office for the CIS countries was opened in Moscow, and in 1999 - the IUCN Representative Office for the CIS countries. The priority areas of work of the Representative Office were determined:

Conservation of forest biodiversity and rational use of forests;

Creation of an ecological network of Northern Eurasia;

Conservation of rare and endangered species;

Development of sustainable agricultural practices;

Arctic program.

Since 1966, the IUCN Species Survival Commission, in collaboration with others environmental organizations editions of the International Red Book dedicated to various systematic groups animals of the world or regional fauna (Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals of America and Australasia, Invertebrates, Butterflies, sailboats, etc.).

Of great importance were the publications of IUCN in 1988, 1990, 1993 and 1996. Red Lists of Endangered Animals (IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals), as well as the Red List of Threatened Species (2000, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species). The MCOII International Red List is a periodically updated global catalog of species, subspecies and populations of animals, categorized by threat of extinction, indicating the main criteria for assessing their status. An analysis of the process of depletion of the world fauna, given in the international Red List (2000), shows that over the past four centuries, 83 species of mammals, 128 birds, 21 reptiles, 5 amphibians, 81 fish, 291 mollusks have completely disappeared from the face of the planet. , 8 - crustaceans, 72 - insects, 3 - onychophora and 1 species of turbellaria. In addition, 33 species of animals (mainly fish and shellfish) have disappeared in the wild and have survived only in cultivation. This destructive process began to manifest itself with the greatest force at the end of the last century. Under the threat of extinction are the ISO species of mammals, 1183 - birds, 296 - reptiles, 146 - amphibians, 751 - fish, 938 - mollusks, 408 - crustaceans, 10 - arachnids, 555 - insects, about 20 other species of invertebrates.

The release of the first issues of the International Red Book gave a powerful impetus to the creation of national and regional Red Books and lists. Now such publications have many states of Europe, Central and South-East Asia, USA, South America, South Africa and also Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, etc.