Responsible law enforcement agencies, designed to understand the causes of the protracted conflict and give them a legal assessment, unfortunately, carelessly wash their hands, which aggravates the confrontation even more. In search of justice, disabled people appealed en masse to the Kremlin, and to the Administration of the President of Russia, and to the Prosecutor General's Office, and to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but "VOS is still there." It is clear that the important people who are on Olympus of power are concerned about elections and other state affairs, but blind Russians did not fall from the moon either. And they also require attention. The most desperate of them intend to organize a string of protests in the cities of Russia in search of the truth.

The presented publication is an attempt, based on figures and facts, to open the eyes of officials and politicians to the grievances that the visually impaired have faced. And thereby initiate investigations by the competent structures of the activities of the VOS, created for the comprehensive rehabilitation, employment and social protection and integration of the visually handicapped. A professional audit of an organization founded 92 years ago will help not only to improve the atmosphere in it, removing the centers of abuse, but also to significantly modernize it, taking into account the requirements of the new time.

One - tops, the other - roots

The bone of contention, first of all, was the colossal (tens of times, and in some cases almost a hundredfold) gap in the salaries of managers and ordinary blind workers of the All-Russian Society of the Blind. The editors have at their disposal a certificate of income of a number of leaders of this organization. For example, total amount WOC president income Alexandra Neumyvakina in 2014 amounted to 4,583,777.87 rubles, vice president Lydia Abramova- 3 474 298.06, Vice President Vladimir Sipkin- 3 209 474.34, head of personnel department Vladimir Ruzlyaev- 1,679,451.41. In 2015, total income, say, Alexandra Neumyvakina increased to 4,948,896.1 rubles.

At the same time, the blind, who work at many VOS enterprises, receive 2,500 - 5,000 rubles a month. The salary of 7,000-9,000 rubles from the chairmen of local organizations is also a mockery of common sense. Yes, and salaries of 20,000 - 30,000 rubles for chairmen of regional organizations are also absurd, the chairman of the Moscow city organization of the All-Russian Society of the Blind said in an interview with our correspondent Alexander Moshkovsky; Member of the Council of Veterans at the Moscow City Organization of the VOS Viktor Donskikh;VOS veteran, candidate of economic sciences, disabled person of the 1st group Veniamin Kuznetsov; chairman of a local organization, deputy of the Duma of the city of Ermolino, Kaluga region Alexander Rakovic.

According to them, the total amount of funding for the apparatus of the Central Board of the WOC is at least 170,000,000 rubles a year, which is about 50 percent of the total budget of the regional organizations of the WOC. At the same time, the statutory goals of the EGM are not being implemented. Visually impaired people are often, in fact, just a front for tax breaks and government subsidies.

“It is very important to understand that it is we who are directly working on the ground with the visually impaired, but we are not allocated a penny from the budget to work with them,” says Alexander Rakovich. “We work only on what we receive from sponsors, and the money that is allocated by the state authorities goes to some unknown places, we are not told about them.” “VOC receives up to 700 million rubles a year from the state treasury to its centralized budget,” adds Alexander Moshkovsky. “Now the state partially returns the taxes paid to us, but again, we don’t know where exactly they go.”

Performance review conducted by the Accounts Chamber state support VOS for 2012-2014 showed that more than half (of the received 1.5 billion rubles) of money allocated by the state, VOS management spent on the maintenance of premises, buildings and a car fleet, one might say, on their comfortable service. And "0" rubles to create work places for the disabled and for social assistance, judging by the report of the department on the results of the control measure "Verification and analysis of the effectiveness of state financial support for socially oriented non-profit organizations in terms of providing them with subsidies from the federal budget in 2012-2014." Is it necessary to prove that in this way the basic principle of social justice was grossly violated?

Of course, information about the multiple gap in the incomes of the leaders and ordinary employees of the BOC became public on the Internet and caused outrage among many members of the BOC.

“At first, the leaders of the VOC denied this information, but then, under the pressure of facts, they were forced to admit it, arguing that everything was being done within the framework of the law. So, Alexander Yakovlevich Neumyvakin, speaking on Radio VOS on July 8, 2016, admitted the fact of fabulous payments in December 2014, but tried to justify their legitimacy. He stated that he received a 30 percent salary increase for combining the position of chief civil defense WOS. Why, one wonders, for combining only this post?! With the same success, he could appoint himself also as his assistant or anyone else. All this is very doubtful from the point of view of legality, ”says Alexander Moshkovsky.

“He also claims that such high amounts were formed due to bonuses received for efficient work, including for the profitable work of VOC enterprises,” echoes him Veniamin Kuznetsov. - However, this does not match. real facts. According to the results of work for 2014, for example, VOS enterprises received about 100,000,000 rubles of losses, and the number of visually impaired people working at VOS enterprises decreased significantly. And this is despite the fact that enterprises annually receive hundreds of millions of rubles of subsidies from the federal and regional state budgets to maintain and create new jobs for the visually impaired. And can it even be considered employment that many people, working at enterprises, receive a salary of 2,500 to 5,000 rubles!

How not to please your own little man!

Despite the huge costs for the Central Office of the All-Russian Society of the Blind, there are currently practically no competent specialists in it who are able to develop and carry out an examination of modern business projects, as well as organize a modern system of employment for the visually impaired. The situation is aggravated by the dominance of the closest relatives of A. Ya. Neumyvakin in the leading positions of the BOC. Of course, with very high official salaries.

“Today, in the VOS system, when hiring specialists (and especially for senior positions), absolute preference is given to relatives and friends of the President of the VOS. At the same time, a frank conflict of interest is completely ignored, ”writes the visually impaired in his appeal to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yu. Ya. Chaika dated 04.10.2017 Alexey Cheremush, General Director of the Music and Variety Rehabilitation Center of the MGO VOS, with a request to conduct an objective check of the legality of the actions of the President of the VOS A. Ya. the rights of the blind to employment in the All-Russian Public Organization of the Disabled "All-Russian Order of the Red Banner of Labor Society of the Blind" (VOS).

Given the official nature of the letter, it makes sense, without further ado, to quote it. “Under the direct supervision of the President of the BOC, A. Ya. Neumyvakin, about a dozen of his closest relatives work in senior positions,” the document says. - For example, daughter of the President of the WOC,Skrebets Svetlana Alexandrovna, is the General Director of the NU "Sports and Rehabilitation Hotel Complex VOS", and other daughter,Nikonorova Ludmila Alexandrovna, is the administrator of the same hotel. At the same time, the hotel systematically receives funding from the WOC budget.

Granddaughter of the President of the WOC,Skrebets Marina Valerievna, is the head of the nursery " Russian school training guide dogs VOS", and her husband,Semenisty Sergey Vladimirovich, works as the head physician at the same school. This structure also receives funding from both the state and the WOC budget.

Son-in-law of the President of the WOC,Skrebets Valery Igorevich, is Deputy Director of the Department of Property and Property of Regional Organizations and Non-Commercial Institutions of the VOS. This is the key real estate management body of the WOC, where arbitrariness reigns.

Second son-in-lawNikonorov Eduard Nikolaevich, is an assistant to the general director for general issues of LLC Building Maintenance Administration (VOS is the sole founder).

President's nephewKovalev Sergey Egorovich, is the head of the Department social development WOS control apparatus, and daughter-in-lawKovaleva Oksana Alekseevna, is directly subordinate to him as the deputy head for sports of the same department.

Another nephewPrimakov Alexander Alekseevich, is the Deputy Head of the Department for the Development of Cooperative Relations and Exhibitions of the VOS Management Office.

A practice has been established in the VOC, according to which the closest circle of A. Ya. Neumyvakin passes on their positions by inheritance to their closest relatives. For example, WOC Vice PresidentSipkin Vladimir Vasilievich handed over his previous position General Director of KrasTEM LLCto my brotherSipkin Petr Vasilyevich who is now under his direct control.

Former director OOO NPO Avtopromagregat Donskikh Valentin Kuzmich handed over the post to my son Donskikh Igor Valentinovich. Deceased's position Director General of Bankon LLC Perezhylin Alexander Nikolaevich inherited his son Perezhylin Vadim Aleksandrovich, who also (by inheritance) replaced his father in the positions member of the central board of the WOC .

The peculiarity of these inheritances is that they are observed, as a rule, at large enterprises (annual revenue from 500,000,000 to 1,000,000,000 rubles), which are controlled directly by the president of the BOC, A. Ya. Neumyvakin.

From all of the above, it is clear why in October 2016 hundreds of visually impaired people turned to the President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin with a request to intervene and save the All-Russian Society of the Blind from complete plunder.

We, the visually impaired, really hope that the state authorities will hear our prayers and come to our aid.».

Judging by the situation, they have not yet heard. It is known that in Russia nepotism, nepotism, protectionism in the appointment of public service practiced at all times. About 200 years ago Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov ridiculed this tradition very caustically in the satirical comedy of manners “Woe from Wit”: / One Molchalin is not my own, / And then, that is businesslike. / How will you begin to introduce to the christening, to the town, / Well, how not to please your dear little man! .. "

These words belong to Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, a middle-class nobleman who acts in the play as the main preacher of the ideas of the "past century", the opponent of enlightenment and everything new, since all this poses a threat to his well-being. Appointments based on the kinship principle are quite acceptable even in the "current century" of Russia, it is enough to look at the career and family ties of the ruling elite of the Fatherland. However, with such a scope of nepotism and disregard for the norms of morality and law in the conduct of personnel policy, as implemented in the VOS, judging by official letter in the name of the Prosecutor General of Russia, I encounter for the first time. It seems that the competent authorities will nevertheless check the stated facts and give them a proper assessment, otherwise there is a suspicion of encouraging or patronizing some kind of mafia corruption.

What lies behind Neumyvakin's commerce?

Little impunity eventually breeds boundless permissiveness. Something like this happened in the All-Russian Society of the Blind with the sale of property.

“The lack of control of the authorities of A. Ya. Neumyvakin resulted in scams with the sale of real estate by the BOC. In 2011, a criminal case was initiated against him on the fact of the sale of industrial premises in Moscow through a “one-day” company at a lower price (at least one hundred million rubles). By a court decision, A. Ya. Neumyvakin was removed from his duties as president of the BOC. In the future, he managed to achieve the termination of the criminal case, but the fact that the VOS property was sold through a “one-day” company with enormous damage to the Company did not disappear anywhere. The visually handicapped would like to know who stole the huge VOS funds? It can't be like that when the fact huge damage exists, but no one is guilty. The members of the BOC really hope that the law enforcement agencies will nevertheless clarify this situation, about which I wrote to both the Prosecutor General's Office and the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. This criminal case, in essence, saved the VOS Moscow real estate from a total sale. However, after a few years, Neumyvakin's desire to sell the common property at his own discretion again prevailed, ”says Veniamin Kuznetsov.

“In 2015, it was sold for 50 million rubles at a cadastral value of about 75 million, a land plot of about 2 hectares with buildings of 3,000 square meters V Krasnodar Territory in the city of Gelendzhik at the address Gogol street, 7, "- joins the conversation Alexander Moshkovsky. “This site was located 600 meters from the sea,” clarifies Veniamin Kuznetsov. “It would be possible to create a much-needed summer recreation center for the visually impaired at a small and quickly recouped cost.”

And this, according to them, is not the only piece of maritime territory sold for next to nothing. Many dubious sales in Moscow. They sold, for example, the Rassvet store, where disabled people could receive rehabilitation products at cost. They also reminded about the sold two-three times lower than the market value in 2016 land plot in the city of Stupino near Moscow on Kalinina street, possession 1.

“You probably guess that Neumyvakin sold cheap at all because of his naivety or ignorance of prices,” emphasizes Veniamin Kuznetsov. - This deal clearly showed not only the arbitrariness he created, but also his personal essence. He ordered the sale of the land, allegedly on the basis of a decision of the central board of the VOC dated September 24, 2016. However, the central government not only did not make such a decision, but did not even discuss it. Thus, we are talking about outright falsification of documents. And how many other similar facts of illegal sale of real estate that we do not know about? This can only be determined by a thorough check by law enforcement agencies.”

According to Veniamin Kuznetsov, real estate owned by VOS is a powerful "financial instrument", the competent use of which - a pledge for obtaining loans, for attracting investors, for creating joint ventures, organizing a large dealer network - can become the basis for the development of the Company. At the present time, he noted indignantly, “stupid” sales and “plugging holes” are taking place, but real estate is finite, what will the next generations of visually impaired people be left with?

According to my interlocutors, visually impaired people are especially indignant and bewildered by the construction of a new building in the Solnechny Bereg sanatorium in Gelendzhik. “The huge expenses for this construction, and more than 500 million rubles have already been spent, have neither commercial nor social meaning,” notes Alexander Moshkovsky. “It just gives a good reason to cast a shadow over the wattle fence in the use of financial resources of the WOC, including those allocated by the state.”

“From a social point of view, the huge costs of building a new building are absolutely absurd, since even the existing facilities of the sanatorium for the improvement of the blind are used by a maximum of 30 percent,” he develops his idea. Veniamin Kuznetsov. - I'm talking about social vouchers at the expense of the state. At the expense of the BOC, vouchers are allocated only to members of the central board of the BOC. Ordinary members of the BOC, even when buying vouchers at their own expense, are forced to pay the market price, like any random passer-by. At the same time, it is worth emphasizing that the sanatorium receives subsidies from the budget of the VOC.”

If we judge the construction from a commercial point of view, then its payback, according to the calculations of the Deputy of the State Duma, Vice President of the VOS Oleg Smolin, is 120 years, which he announced at the XXII Congress of the WOC on November 15, 2016. Veniamin Kuznetsov sure: construction costs are absolutely not recouped. “If we take into account the fact that the Sunny Beach sanatorium receives tens of millions of rubles of subsidies annually from the VOC budget,” he argues, “then there can be no talk of any payback at all. The commissioning of the new building will only lead to an increase in budget subsidies. All this is beyond elementary logic and common sense. Right now, Neumyvakin signed an agreement on the construction of a cable car over a sanatorium for the blind. This is either absolute stupidity or outright theft.”

In a written statement, again addressed to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yu. Ya. Seagulls he indignantly asks questions: “What kind of “unfortunate managers” are leading this project? What has the WOC got (or will get in the near future) from the colossal (compared to its budget) funds already invested? Maybe the audit commission has already considered this problem or a professional audit of the implementation of the project called "construction of the century" in Gelendzhik was carried out on a land plot that belongs to VOS on the right of ownership? The secret behind seven seals. And he reminds: in state structures, for such “efficiency”, at best, they are fired for inconsistency with the position held, and most often criminal cases are initiated. In commercial ones, where the economic efficiency of invested funds is at the forefront, such people are kicked out in disgrace.

"Construction" in Gelendzhik - calls Veniamin Kuznetsov head of the main supervisory authority of the country - requires particularly careful professional verification- too often contracts were concluded with various contracting construction organizations, and those, in turn, with subcontractors, and the latter safely disappeared. How much financial resources have been lost and irrationally used as a result of negligent, and sometimes even criminal management of those responsible from the VOS, can only be revealed by an inspection by the relevant competent authorities!”

Who is who?

We have highlighted only three aspects of the problems faced by the visually handicapped. And there are sanatoriums subsidized by the state for them, where for the most part they can get only by buying vouchers at a commercial price. There is also the problem of full-fledged employment, education, which is not available to all disabled people. There are grievances and sufferings invisible to the world caused by the indifference of the sighted state power. If it were otherwise, the Kremlin administration would not have received replies from the disabled, saying, figure it out yourself - this is your internal affair, we have no right to interfere, and from law enforcement agencies that the letter has been submitted to the district police officer for consideration. And there is also the humiliation received from their own, the same brothers in misfortune, who, it would seem, have fully experienced the whole tragedy of blindness and sympathize according to the law of mutual assistance. The Russians, who have not been affected by the fate of visual disability, do not even suspect the harshness of the helplessness that injustice in all its manifestations that reigns in the VOS gives rise to.

“I have been a member of the VOS for more than half a century, since 1963,” says a member of the Council of Veterans at the Moscow City Organization Viktor Donskikh. - During this time he was both a worker of the enterprise, and a director, and deputy chairman of the Moscow city organization, that is, he went through all the stages of the Company's activities. At that time, its primary structures, which were both in enterprises and outside enterprises, always enjoyed authority among people. In solving many issues, they were stronger than the trade unions, because they could influence the actions of the administration if it made decisions that infringe on the interests of workers or the disabled. Today, with the prevailing authoritarian order of management in the WOC, the primary organizations are not put in anything, since their opinions mean nothing to the leadership. For example, I don't feel that the WOC is protecting my interests as a disabled person. One has only to express one's opinion openly about this or that problem, one immediately becomes an enemy of the Society and will be crushed. So it turns out that I, a formal member of the BOC, by myself, and the top leadership of our Society, for whom I, in the language of Dostoevsky, "a trembling creature", by itself. I have never experienced such humiliating disdain for myself as I do now.”

“Alexander Yakovlevich Neumyvakin has been in charge of the Company for more than 30 years, since 1985. During his permanent leadership, the VOC turned into private property. Disabled people are just a screen covering the exceptional enrichment of the president of the WOC, his relatives and friends,” states Veniamin Kuznetsov. His position is shared Alexander Moshkovsky, a member of the Society since 1967: “All decisions on the board of the BOC are made by people dependent on Neumyvakin who are afraid to ruin relations with him and lose their salary, and therefore do not want any changes at all.” Alexander Rakovic sees the root of evil in the uncontrolled arbitrariness of A. Ya. Neumyvakin, who is already 78 years old with all the personal consequences arising from his age. "If on the horizon current president An active person appears who tries to resist all this, raises uncomfortable questions, - he emphasizes, - then they immediately begin to force him out, frighten him with various consequences, up to the initiation of criminal cases for libel. By the way, Alexander Rakovich,Veniamin Kuznetsov And Alexey Cheremush already dealt with directly.

Any dissent, and even more so an objection to the decisions of the president of the EOC, my interlocutors assure in solidarity, are declared betrayal and slander. The most active and principled members of the VOS are excluded from the Society.

To facilitate and simplify reprisals, the latest edition of the Statute of the BOC included a provision giving the right to the central board to expel any member of the BOC from the Society for any reason. Thus, for example, the legal requirement to publish the salaries of the top management of the BOC is declared incompatible with membership in the BOC. A vivid example of this is the reaction to the appeal of the Moscow Disabled Youth Forum.

“In 2016, the Moscow Forum of Young Visually Impaired appealed to the central board of the VOC with a call to make a decision on the mandatory publication of the income of the president and vice-presidents of the VOC. In response to this, young people were declared blackmailers, and insults and threats were addressed to us, ”reminds Alexander Moshkovsky.

To give the appearance of legitimacy to outright repressions, a special “ethics commission” was created, consisting mainly of employees of the apparatus of the central board of the VOS (judging by the list of relatives and friends of A. Ya. Neumyvakin). This commission is vested with the right to monitor the implementation of the WOC Charter. Can you guess who will control whom and for what purpose? It has already been called the "Inquisition".

The complete failure of the current leadership of the WOC was demonstrated by the next reporting and election Congress of the XXII WOC, which took place on November 15, 2016. The vast majority of delegates to the congress were heads of regional organizations and enterprises of the WOC who were absolutely dependent on the president of the WOC. At the congress, the updated Charter of the WOC was adopted, which turns the Society of the Blind, in essence, into totalitarian sect. The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation not only refused to register a new charter, but also questioned the legality of the congress itself. Thus, the current leadership of the VOS is, in essence, illegal, the opponents of A. Ya. Neumyvakin conclude, and has no right to lead the All-Russian Society of the Blind.

And what will the state power say, observing the invisible civil strife of the VOC? Member of the State Duma, Vice President of the VOC Oleg Smolin, speaking at the same XXII Congress, noted that the current situation in the Society is clearly unfavorable and requires fundamental changes. Actually, his speech developed the positions that he outlined back on February 25, 2016 in an open letter to the president of the All-Russian Society of the Blind, members of the central board of the VOS, heads of regional and local organizations of the VOS, delegates to regional conferences of the VOS, members of the All-Russian Society of the Blind: “The situation in our organization extremely complex. Of the 150 enterprises, more than half are unprofitable, and only about a third are profitable (excluding income from renting premises). The organization's budget is clearly not sufficient, and salaries in regional organizations are unacceptably low. What is needed is a program of action in the new conditions and urgent measures to ensure the viability of the WOS.”

Isn't it time to dot the "i" in the protracted "who is who" dispute?

Pavel Anokhin

Our reference

About 200,000 people are members of the WOC. About 5 thousand people work at his enterprises (at the beginning of the reign of A. Ya. Neumyvakin - more than 52 thousand). 15,000 disabled people work at enterprises outside the VOS.

Bureaucracy is evident: the question of the disabled and the replies of officials

Marina Katys: Today we will talk about the quality of life of people with disabilities.

There are 11 million people with disabilities living in the Russian Federation, which is 8 percent of the total population. Every year, nearly 1.5 million people are recognized as disabled for the first time. Subsequently, a little more than 5 percent of them fully restore their ability to work and do not have life restrictions, while the remaining 95 percent remain disabled for life.

So why do we so rarely see people in wheelchairs in educational institutions, public organizations, theaters and just on the street?

The answer is simple: the world completely unsuitable for the normal life of people with disabilities. And sometimes a few insurmountable steps in the entrance prevent a person from living a full life: working, walking, traveling.

Next to me in the Moscow studio of Radio Liberty is the chairman of the Moscow city organization of the All-Russian Society of the Blind Alexander Nikolaevich Moshkovsky and the head of the Snezhok children's ski school for disabled children with cerebral palsy, invalid of the 2nd group Boris Vasilyevich Minenkov.

And I have a question for our listeners: is society ready to make life easier for people with disabilities?

In order to immediately set a topic for conversation, I bring to your attention the material prepared by our correspondent in Samara, Sergey Khazov. He asked the townspeople: “Can Samara be considered a city convenient for the life of the disabled?”

No, you can’t, because, probably, after all, few funds are allocated. Recently, a person close to me, a disabled person of the second group, died. A cancer patient, she just fell ill - and died two weeks later. And all medicines - at your own expense, and medical care did not provide.

The city today is inconvenient for the disabled. Transport is not adapted so that a disabled person can easily enter or exit transport. Houses are not equipped, entrances, especially for wheelchair users. I look at my entrance - there are no conditions at all, there is no lift-lift. Crossings (especially for people with visual impairments or even visual loss) are not equipped with traffic lights to signal. So far, no attention has been paid to this.

No, of course not at all. There is no passage, no progress, you can’t approach the bus stop, there is mud all around, snow all around. You can't even walk on the sidewalk. I even walk with difficulty. This is very bad! I haven't waived any benefits, but I can't get my medicine.

No, I don't. Bad conditions, and do not pay attention to the elderly people at all. Transport is also inconvenient. Although I walk on foot, I can speak for the rest.

No, because even normal people cannot be in the city. In transport, everything is also inconvenient.

It seems to me that the city is not very convenient. Here I am, a veteran, I tested the atomic bomb, they gave us vouchers every year, but we are all irradiated. Since last year, I have also submitted documents - and nothing. How many traveled - it's useless, they don't give anything. I am a disabled person of the second group. They probably forgot about the people.

No, definitely, of course. In this case, the city - no for the life of the disabled. And the inactivity of the authorities and the public.

No, of course not. Local authorities only do it when you write a letter to them. No transport, no lifts - nothing. The only thing the Duma does for veterans and disabled people is Kirov Avenue, the only house, and the rest is abandoned. Just poor pensioners and poor disabled people.

I think not quite yet. Not everywhere there are ramps in the entrances, it is difficult for them to enter the transport. Well, in general, the attitude, it seems to me, of the people themselves. For example, a disabled person is sitting nearby - everyone passes by, callous people.

Basically, it can be. We seem to have everything - health-improving medical institutions. In transport - yes, there are difficulties, of course, for the disabled. Populated city.

Marina Katys: And your comments, Boris Vasilyevich Minenkov, are modern Russian cities adapted for people with disabilities?

Boris Minenkov: I don't know about other cities, but I can say about Moscow - something is already appearing. In any case, ramps appear, railings appear. I can convey personal impressions, because I walk on crutches (on the verge of moving around in a wheelchair), because at home I move around in a chair on rollers. Appeared, appeared, but - not enough. The most the main problem not only for the disabled, but also for healthy people - in winter: slippery, sidewalks are poorly cleaned. This is no longer specific to facilitating the lives of disabled people, but this is the general culture of our city and public utilities workers.

Marina Katys: Thanks, Boris Vasilyevich. Alexander Nikolaevich Moshkovsky, you are visually impaired. From your point of view, for people who can't see well, are Russian cities adapted so that they can walk around them?

Alexander Moshkovsky: Indeed, the life of a disabled person in big cities very complicated. A disabled person has to face numerous obstacles, they need to be overcome. Today, when you go out into the street, it is difficult to find a bus stop, it is difficult to understand what type of transport came up, what bus number. The sidewalks are lined with cars. If earlier the sidewalk was a safety island, today vehicles and cars can move along it. Today we listened to how difficult it is to live in Samara, but in Moscow today they have made it even more difficult for the disabled to use transport - they installed turnstiles. And it is very difficult for disabled people to enter the transport. It is very difficult to understand where to attach the card, how it should work, whether the turnstile will open for passage. And people spend their health, their energy, which they could spend on other things, just to overcome, just to get to their workplace, to the institute, to the organization where they are registered.

Marina Katys: By the way, the Moscow authorities introduced these turnstiles in public transport in order to somehow control the flow of passengers and avoid ticketless travel. But by doing so, they actually closed the doors of urban transport for people with disabilities, because both a visually impaired person and a person on crutches (I'm not talking about people with disabilities in a wheelchair), in principle, cannot enter this type of transport.

Alexander Moshkovsky: They do, but with great difficulty. I would like the authorities, before innovating in transport or in some other places, to first think that disabled people live here in the city, that they use transport, use shops, use various institutions.

Yes, in Moscow today there is a program “Ensuring unhindered access of disabled people to city infrastructure facilities”, it was adopted in 2001, but many of the provisions of this program are still declarative. So far, only ramps and lifts are being made, but not all of this is still working, not everyone is still interested in seeing disabled people appear in institutions, theaters, and public places. It is very bitter to realize today, but we face it.

Marina Katys: Thank you. March 12, 2000 in Beijing at the International Summit of Non-Governmental Organizations on Disability Issues was adopted Declaration of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the New Millennium. The summit participants identified the following priorities: a general improvement in the quality of life of people with disabilities; raising their social level; education; well-paid job; elimination of discriminatory attitudes and discrimination, as well as informational and legal barriers, and an increase in allocated resources to ensure the equal participation of persons with disabilities in society.

And I have a question for our guests. Are people with disabilities today full members of society? And what, from your point of view, needs to be done to create conditions for these people to live normally in an urban or rural environment?

Boris Minenkov: It all depends on the person. He may have various life circumstances that turned him into a disabled person, and it all depends on the general mood and, of course, on the conditions that the state creates for such people. I can talk about people who have limited mobility. Previously, there were social systems through which disabled people could buy a car at a big discount. Last ruling deprived the disabled of buying cars at a discount. Is it good? I don't think it's very good. We have to see people who move on crutches, and they work in different conditions in accordance with their professional opportunities.

Marina Katys: Thanks, Boris Vasilyevich. Alexander Nikolaevich Moshkovsky, in order for people with visual impairments (and many of them work and many study) to be able to confidently get to their place of study and place of work, what should the city authorities do so that all these circumstances do not become an insurmountable obstacle on their way?

Alexander Moshkovsky: Most likely, the city authorities need to think through everything clearly - every innovation that is used in transport, on the roads, must be agreed or tested on our disabled people. Indeed, today there are more than 120 sound traffic lights in the city, and about 60 more are planned. You can cross the street using them, but it is also unsafe, because the culture of our drivers leaves much to be desired. Cars do not respond to traffic lights and knock down people, inflict injuries. And this is today not only in Moscow, but throughout the country.

It is necessary to carefully think through the conditions in the institutes where people study, in the underground transport that people use, so that it is convenient not only for healthy people, but also for the disabled. People should live normally, work normally.

And I would also like to add that today our disabled people cannot be full-fledged citizens of their state, because we are limited in many rights. Today we cannot take out a loan for housing construction, because you are disabled. If we want to insure our life, then we need to pay several times more to the insurance company, because you are disabled. And so - at every step. We cannot use supermarkets today, because they are not adapted for the visually impaired - everything is so complicated there, no one is waiting for us there, and we practically cannot buy goods there, we use small shops where sellers are still preserved. We face this every day. We are trying to fight, we are trying to appeal to the authorities, to the deputies, to the city duma, the State Duma, we manage to solve something in Moscow, because it is the capital, but many things are still not solved.

Marina Katys: Thank you, Alexander Mikhailovich. Boris Vasilievich, you have been the head of the Snezhok children's ski school for disabled children for 15 years.

How does the quality of life of these children change when they come to your school from the closed space of their apartments (and these are, as a rule, children with movement restrictions, that is, they do not actually go out with their peers, do not go to ordinary schools)?

Let's say the child was 12 years old when he came to you 15 years ago, and now this person is already 27 years old. After all, you track the fate of your pupils - how does their life change after they come to your school?

Boris Minenkov: Undoubtedly! Our help gives about 50 percent improvement in their quality of life, mainly due to their parents, with their conditions.

We started this business in 1991, when we made our first ad in Arguments and Facts, and 30 people came to us - the kids hobbled, some were led by the arms, some were taken on a sled. And as you said, 15 years have already passed, and now one of my first wards, the girl Katya Znamenskaya graduated from a normal school, graduated from the university, the faculty of journalism, got married, gave birth to a child and works in the editorial office of the Russian Disabled newspaper. Two guys graduated from the Railway Institute. Another girl I have graduated from a commercial college, a computer specialist, has the first sports category in chess. Here are the facts of the long time of our existence.

But we always take small children to us. IN Lately we give information in the Okrug newspaper, which is published in Moscow, they find us via the Internet, we have e-mail, we have been doing this for quite a long time.

Three years ago I had an autistic boy, he moved normally, but uncertainly. And his parents said that after the first two visits, he already perceived our classes as a holiday: White snow, blue sky, bright flags, around the kids. And most of my children are not isolated in apartments - they are in our team.

But we don’t breed special sentiments with them - we show what needs to be done, how to do it, parents are necessarily involved in this matter, and those parents who have the strength and intelligence to understand and have the opportunity to visit us, the results are happening most satisfactory. The most important thing is that we work not so much for children as for their parents. Because these children have been disabled since childhood, they have such a life, and as their parents guide them, so they perceive it. They perceive it even better than the so-called healthy children.

We are currently training in Krylatskoe. Alpine skiing is now fashionable, and smartly dressed little children arrive in luxury cars, who squeal, scream, do not want to ride. And our kids ride and do everything right with the help of their parents.

And we invite new kids all the time. I can tell our phone -

131-43-02. The Snezhok Center is located in Krylatskoye, on Krylatsky Hills Street. Minenkov Boris Vasilievich.

Marina Katys: Thanks, Boris Vasilyevich. You, Alexander Nikolayevich, spoke about the need to teach healthy members of society the right attitude towards people with disabilities from childhood. In Japan, for example, there is such a training for high school students, when - to give teenagers an understanding of what it means to be a person with disabilities - the guys are blindfolded for a day, or one hand is bandaged to the body for a day, or they put a teenager in a wheelchair , from which he has no right to get up until the end of the experiment. And during the day, these children experience what a person with disabilities experiences every day, living in this world. I must say that I saw the TV footage of this experiment, and when the guys got out of these wheelchairs or their eyes were untied, their faces were completely shocked, and they said that they understood so much during those days that they would never understand in ordinary life and that their attitude towards people with disabilities has completely changed.

Alexander Nikolaevich, maybe it would be worth it in the Russian educational system introduce such trainings? Because society can be changed only by changing the younger generation.

Alexander Moshkovsky: I think that for the younger generation - yes, it is possible. But I would conduct this experiment with our officials, because in my work I very often visit various authorities and encounter callousness, misunderstanding. And sometimes I myself suggest: "Close your eyes, even walk around your office with your eyes closed - and imagine how hard it is for people."

Today it is necessary (considering all these problems) to have a clear public policy towards the disabled. It is probably necessary to have a ministry for the disabled, where we could raise our problems. Because people with disabilities are taken care of in Moscow, for example, by the Department of Social Protection, the Committee public relations(and we find understanding with him, we solve many issues with them), but on a state scale we cannot control the solution of our problems - our proposals and letters remain somewhere in the offices, in waste paper.

Marina Katys: That is, it is more possible to resolve some issues on municipal level than federal, right?

Alexander Moshkovsky: Yes, many issues can be resolved in the capital. There is a quota system for our enterprises, we receive money to create new jobs, money is allocated, the Moscow government allocated 20 million to us last year to create new jobs, we purchased over 120 computers.

Marina Katys: Thank you, Alexander Nikolaevich. We talked about how people with disabilities live in Russia. How do people with disabilities live in other European countries? For example, in Germany there is a solid legal framework that supports the equality of persons with disabilities, and an extensive system of assistance to persons with disabilities through governmental and non-governmental organizations. Our Berlin correspondent Yuri Veksler asked 85-year-old Yakov Iosifovich Flid, who has been living in Germany for 10 years, to talk about the situation of the disabled. Yakov Flid - veteran and invalid of the Great Patriotic War, he lost his leg during the hostilities. Here's what he said.

Jacob Flid: I can say that all disabled people receive either a pension or an allowance on which they can live decently. In addition, if a disabled person needs additional care, he receives additional money, with which he can hire a person who will take care of him. If a disabled person's health deteriorates or they do not have enough money to pay for more complex care, they can live in a nursing home, which provides treatment and full care for the disabled. If an ambulance is called for a disabled person, then the ambulance arrives quickly, regardless of the age of the patient. I emphasize this because from conversations with my acquaintances in Moscow I know that there " ambulance It is almost impossible to call a disabled person over 70 years old or you have to call a paid ambulance, for which not everyone can pay. The medicines you need to take are covered. But recently, due to the economic situation in Germany, not all medicines are paid in full.

Yuri Veksler: To what extent are the German institutions that you visit - theaters, concert halls, public transport - adapted so that a disabled person can use them?

Jacob Flid: Much has been done here for the convenience of the disabled. In almost all houses (with the exception of some very old ones), except for stairs, there are gentle slopes, and you can enter any house in a wheelchair. In any transport there is an entrance for the disabled - if necessary, part of the floor is lowered, the disabled person can enter the bus or tram and go. If you come to the theater or somewhere else, then you also have the opportunity to enter, to pass. Some benefits are even available for visiting theaters.

Hospitals provide payment for all procedures - treatment, stay in the hospital. The only exception is for those who receive benefits. They are also fully paid for their hospital stay, but money is deducted from the allowance for the time they were in the hospital. Care in the hospital is different in that there is excellent care of junior medical staff.

Marina Katys: The veteran and invalid of the Great Patriotic War, 85-year-old Yakov Iosifovich Flid, who now lives in the city of Nuremberg, in Germany, told.

And we already have calls from listeners. First we will give the floor to Vadim from Moscow. Please, Vadim, we are listening to you.

Listener: Good evening. I work at the University on the Lenin Hills, and it amazes me (it was built, we know, in 1953) - this building is not intended at all for disabled people to study there. Several thousand students! It seems to me that it is simply impossible to climb there, I hardly see wheelchair users there, or that something would be provided for the blind. There are so many transitions inside the building, even student mothers can hardly cope with wheelchairs. This is the attitude of the communist regime, which is now said to have defended the interests of the disadvantaged! This is an example of the fact that even then no one defended, and now they defend the interests of the disabled very poorly. And they also educate students in such a spirit that they do not help if they see that a disabled person is coming. Here are two blind men - no one will lead them, no one will offer to lead them or help them down the stairs. So our country cannot give a moral, moral example to other countries that we accuse. The same Balts, the same "orange" Ukrainians with Georgians and the like.

It seems to me that the main reason for this situation is that the disabled themselves do not demand anything for themselves, they are all submissive and even too submissive.

Marina Katys: Thanks Vadim. Alexander Nikolaevich, are Russian disabled people really so submissive and do not demand anything for themselves?

Alexander Moshkovsky: I wouldn't say so. There are people who are trying to protest, and there are many speeches in the press, on television, there are appeals to the president, there are appeals to Zurabov, the “best friend” of the disabled, who did a lot last year, in particular, the so-called 122nd law .

But, unfortunately, there is no consolidation of the disabled, so that we can say in an organized manner. All societies are divided, each society has its own problems, its own interests, and we have not been able to consolidate yet. Although life will probably put such questions before us in the near future, and our disabled people will probably have to move to more active actions.

Marina Katys: Thanks Alexander Nikolaevich. And we are listening to Sergei from Moscow, please.

Listener: Hello. A very hot topic, by the way. And if we start a little with prehistory, it should be noted that back in 1273 in England, the first law among all countries was adopted, which directly indicated the protection of the environment and the health of citizens in English cities. Including - it was forbidden to heat coal in houses, because it caused suffocation in some citizens, especially in old age. Since then, of course, the struggle for ecology and health has improved, and in developed countries, a lot of work is being done to help the disabled.

I recently saw a foreign magazine, and all these carriages are shown there. Of course, we have not dreamed of such people here.

We have a huge Glavk, where doctors work, a special commission to help the disabled. All these people are intellectual humanitarian profession, but the saying is very suitable for them - "the well-fed does not understand the hungry." Still, we need to think about people who have work injuries and remain disabled, and there are a lot of such people in our country. Thank you.

Marina Katys: Thanks, Sergey. Indeed, you touched on a very serious topic about wheelchairs. In Russia, more than two million wheelchair users and more than 300 thousand people become disabled every year, and a third of them are under 40 years old. And one of their main problems is the quality of these strollers. In Western countries, there are many models adapted to the very different cases. For example, an Israeli company has developed a new model of a wheelchair that will give the disabled more freedom of movement. This chair will allow people suffering from various diseases that do not allow them to move freely, take country walks, get in and out of the car on their own, climb stairs, reach high shelves and even sink to the floor to play with children. This is a model with four driving wheels, and the main know-how is a new type of wheels, which, thanks to a unique design and special rubber, can be converted into a device for climbing stairs.

And I have a question for Boris Vasilyevich Minenkov. As a person related to technology, an associate professor at Bauman Moscow State Technical University, who works with children with limited mobility, what can you say about the quality of Russian wheelchairs for the disabled?

Boris Minenkov: You know, I am mostly familiar with the wheelchair from the people who use these wheelchairs. I myself am on the verge, however, I am, I move along the street on crutches, and I drive around the apartment in an office chair on wheels, but, of course, the best thing is the German company Mira, whose wheelchairs are electric, all systems. Now there are 3-4 types of Russian carriages for 20 types, which are sold, for example, in a wheelchair equipment store in Amsterdam. Well, it all depends on the cost, because a good Maira stroller costs about the same as a Zhiguli car.

Marina Katys: That is, it is not available to everyone.

Boris Minenkov: Not everyone. And now, according to the 122nd law, the possibility of obtaining these wheelchairs for free has sharply decreased.

Marina Katys: Thanks, Boris Vasilyevich. And we are listening to Alexander Vasilyevich from Moscow.

Listener: Hello. For the second year I have not been able to call a doctor from the polyclinic to my mother, she is 84 years old, to prescribe glasses for her. She has coxarthrosis of the knees, she is disabled, she cannot walk at all, she can barely move around the apartment. So, for the second year, I cannot call a doctor to her so that she can be prescribed glasses. What can be said about this? I called the head doctor of the polyclinic - it's useless.

Marina Katys: Why are you being denied?

Listener: I myself wanted to go to the clinic, I called at the end of last month, and they told me that an appointment with an ophthalmologist from the 13th of this month is at the end of the month. To be honest, my hip hurts, I also have coxarthrosis of the femoral joint, and people begin to gather there by 6 in the morning, and until 8 o’clock, when the clinic opens, you have to stand on the street for 2 hours. So I consider myself not yet disabled, although, to be honest, I'm already retired and it's very hard for me. And it is impossible to get to the optometrist in such a state.

Marina Katys: Thank you, Alexander Vasilyevich, for your call. And we are listening to Zinaida Nikolaevna from Moscow.

Listener: I am the wife of a war veteran, very elderly, he will soon be 94 years old, he is paralyzed, but he is fully conscious, lying and watching TV. He has a problem now. We need a functional bed, the money has been allocated, and since June our Sokolniki Administration has simply not filed this case and that's it. I think it's just bullying!

Marina Katys: And what are the reasons?

Listener: You see, he needs a special bed. We don’t have anyone, I can’t lift him, my hands already hurt, and I just can’t get through this business. They remain silent and only, although I know that the money has been allocated, everything is fine there, but let's, as they say, make fun of you a little.

Marina Katys: Zinaida Nikolaevna, we sympathize with you very much, but, unfortunately, we cannot help you in any way. Maybe the fact that your words sounded on the air will somehow affect the fate of this receiving a bed.

As for the situation in foreign countries - in the USA, in the city of Oakland, California, there is a world Institute for Disability Issues, it was established in 1983. This institution is funded primarily by government and private grants, as well as donations from individuals and businesses. And one of the goals of the institute is to collect and disseminate truthful information about the situation of people with disabilities in the United States. The information is brought to the attention of the authorities and the public. Thus, the institute contributes to the creation of new jobs, housing architecture for the needs of the disabled, and so on. One of the most prestigious programs is the creation of an Internet network that provides disabled people with full access to information services and computer data banks.

And I have a question for our guests. Is there something similar in Russia? Alexander Nikolaevich, is there any institution that would deal with the problems of disabled people in Russia?

Alexander Moshkovsky: There is no such institution. There are departments in several universities that deal with these problems, defend candidate's and write doctoral dissertations.

Marina Katys: But it's all work - for yourself. And for the disabled, so that the authorities hear about the problems, so that the disabled themselves can exchange information?

Alexander Moshkovsky: It is very difficult for the authorities to hear these problems. The authorities today are busy with other problems, and it is difficult for them to hear the disabled.

Marina Katys: But this is still 8 percent of the country's population.

Alexander Moshkovsky: Yes, that's a lot. In Moscow, there are more than 1 million 200 people with disabilities today, and this is a very large figure for the capital.

Marina Katys: But the authorities are not listening.

Alexander Moshkovsky: You have to regret it.

Marina Katys: Boris Vasilievich, if we talk about creating an Internet network that would help people with disabilities communicate with each other, exchange information, and receive information about existing government and non-government programs, who, in your opinion, could do this? Maybe students of the Bauman Institute?

Boris Minenkov: Maybe the students of the Bauman Institute. Our Moscow Higher Technical School is characterized by the fact that we have a training program for students who are hard of hearing or speak poorly. I have been working with them for several years, I teach them strength of materials. And there are very smart kids with whom we talk about this topic.

From other cities in Russia, I am quite often asked for help - how to establish the same sports society for children with cerebral palsy. We are engaged in mountain skiing, but in order for the kids to develop, it is not necessary to go in for mountain skiing. Recently, we have switched to year-round work, our kids go rollerblading, which is very conducive to skiing equipment, but our main idea is not to teach skiing equipment, but to improve the health of children. We are engaged in the physical and mental rehabilitation of children with damage to the musculoskeletal system due to cerebral palsy. And we are connected to the Internet network, we have our own information on the Internet, we have created a site through very long work, and we are being contacted about this.

I would also like to emphasize that we are a charity ski center for disabled children "Snezhok". We are a charitable organization, we give skiing for free, we train for free. In the summer, we take children who study regularly with us to a health camp, where we have our own health program. According to the vouchers that we win in a competition in the Committee for Family and Youth Affairs.

Marina Katys: Thanks, Boris Vasilyevich. Matvey Naumovich from Moscow, please.

Listener: I am disabled of the second group. In order for us to get to the doctor, we have to come at 15 minutes past seven and stand on the street, wait for the clinic to open. Understand what's going on! And give coupons on Monday for the whole week. If you didn't get a coupon on Monday - stop again, get in line for the next week - to donate blood, get to an endocrinologist, get to an eye doctor. And such disgrace is everywhere. There are only elderly people in the queue, most of them are disabled, and we stand on the street for an hour and a half in frost!

Marina Katys: Matvey Naumovich, your mood and your feelings about this are completely understandable. Alexander Nikolayevich, perhaps, in order to solve all these problems related to healthcare for people with disabilities, it would be worthwhile to go, in particular, to the Moscow government with a proposal to create some kind of separate office for people with such specifics of health, so that people did not stand for two hours in line for a ticket to the doctor?

Alexander Moshkovsky: Health care is one of weaknesses in the lives of people with disabilities. You know that the reform of the healthcare system is underway - Zurabov is conducting it. It does more harm to people. I share the concern of people who talk about how difficult it is to get to the clinic today. Yes, it's hard to find a specialist. Yes, it's hard to get to the local doctor. For our part, we are raising this issue before the Department of Health, it is planned to hold a meeting this year on the issues of servicing the disabled in our medical institutions, because many visually impaired people experience a lot of negativity in these clinics.

I would also like to add about computers. Indeed, in our society today a computer network is well developed, we have very advanced disabled people who use computers. The government allocated money to us, and over these 5 years we have installed more than 200 computers for specialists - these are lawyers, programmers, and teachers. Disabled people use the Internet - although, of course, there is practically no free Internet, this is also an expensive pleasure for disabled people. But there is an exchange of information, there is an "Integration" club, where our disabled people communicate as computer users. There are special programs for voicing program access to computers.

Marina Katys: For visually impaired people.

Alexander Moshkovsky: And for the totally blind, there are special stitches made in Germany. So we are working in this direction, and we, the disabled people of Moscow, have success.

Marina Katys: Thank you, Alexander Nikolaevich. And Alexander from St. Petersburg, please, have the floor.

Listener: When I see a disabled person or an elderly person who finds it difficult to cross the road, I will never pass by, I will definitely help. I just feel my responsibility to him as a member of society. And I want to tell the disabled that there are people on the street who will definitely help you. Maybe they'll be pleased to hear that. Thank you.

Marina Katys: Thank you, Alexander. At least, I am very pleased to hear this, because, indeed, a kind attitude towards people who already live hard is very important in modern society.

And we are listening to Alla Yakovlevna from Moscow.

Listener: Hello. I am a disabled person of the first group, a wheelchair user, I am 70 years old, I am a doctor. There is no one to take me to the polyclinic twice a month, and I have to travel two stops for medicines. And I wanted to ask Boris Vasilievich, maybe he will share how he enters the transport. I can’t get through the turnstile, I ask you to open the middle door for me, and often the driver doesn’t open it, and I stay at the bus stop. And in the same way - in the subway, it happens that the attendants are simply bullied: the card didn’t work - “I won’t open the bars for you, go to another one - put on the turnstile and go through.” Is there any ruling on this subject?

Boris Minenkov: Unfortunately (or - fortunately) I don't use a stroller yet. It is very difficult for me to walk, it is difficult for me to walk more than 100 meters, I walk on crutches, but mostly I move around the city by car, thanks to him I completely lead the same lifestyle as I did when I was a healthy person. And I can only sympathize with you. I, too, will soon be 80 years old, we have lived our lives, and we just need to find strength in ourselves.

Marina Katys: Thanks, Boris Vasilyevich. Alla Yakovlevna walks around the city on crutches, and how to solve these problems (what you talked about, Alexander Nikolayevich), when modern transport does not at all provide that people with disabilities can use it? Maybe it really is worth it for you, the head of the Moscow organization of the All-Russian Society of the Blind, to send a letter from your organization to the Moscow government? Because these turnstiles interfere not only with people who are on crutches, but also with people who see poorly or cannot see at all.

Alexander Moshkovsky: We are doing a lot in this direction. We had a big meeting at the Moscow Transport Department, at last week there was a meeting at the Met with the chief engineer, and we outlined all these problems. The Metropolitan asked us for two weeks, and practically all issues of passage in the metro for the disabled will be resolved. We had difficulties in the Metropolitan with the passage of escorts. There is a decision of the Moscow City Duma that the accompanying person has the right to walk with a visually impaired person of the first group and any disabled person of the first group for free, but the mechanism was not thought out, and we had to pass by these attendants, who for some reason are always very excited and greet us very unfriendly. So the work is underway, and I think that in the near future measures will also be taken on land transport, as we are assured.

We are now waiting for a big meeting on land transport, we have prepared our proposals. But it is practically difficult to talk about abolishing the turnstiles. They simply do not know how to deal with the so-called "hares", and came up with such a method of struggle. It is beneficial for transport workers, they more money collect.

Marina Katys: Thank you.

The Holy Trinity, represented by the President of the BOC Alexander Yakovlevich Neumyvakin, the Vice-President of the BOC Vladimir Sergeevich Vshivtsev, the Chairman of the Moscow City Organization Alexander Nikolaevich Moshkovsky, publicly dealt with the leader of the organization "OUR RIGHT", Sergey Anatolyevich Novikov. Obviously, this trinity was not affected by the text of the resolution itself, but by the publication of the text on the Internet.

"Alexander Yakovlevich:

Sergei Anatolyevich, here are those who took part in that conference. And they will confirm: there was no such decision. The text you submitted for discussion was not supported by the conference. Whether the level of leadership of the WOC corresponds or does not correspond to the situation will be determined by the delegates of the congress from all over the country. Do not consider stupid those people who are elected delegates. These are serious, working people who have their feet firmly on the ground. There is also a commission to amend the charter of the All-Russian Society of the Blind. There are different proposals. Last time, more than 150 amendments were adopted by the congress. Please, if you have any suggestions - send. No one has ever thrown these proposals in the wastebasket, all have been considered"

Vshivtsev is right about one thing - the delegates to the EOC congress are not so stupid as to argue with the president and discuss anything publicly. Including amendments to the Charter.
For some reason, I was able to participate in the discussion of the law "On Social Services in the Russian Federation", but as a member of the VOS, I was deprived of the opportunity to participate in the discussion of the draft Charter of the VOS. Hypocrites, and nothing more.

In order to make it completely clear how sincere the trinity was, I will give a couple more paragraphs as an example.

"- I will answer this question as follows. Firstly, the president does not set his own salary, the congress sets the salary for the president. The procedure for setting the president's salary is as follows: the average is taken wage directors of all educational and production enterprises of the All-Russian Society of the Blind, and this figure increases by 15 hundredths. All. This is the President's salary.

This means that some director general of UPP has a higher salary than the president of the BOC. Consequently, Mavzilya Akhmadeevna Yudina, the chairman of the SOO VOS, a member of the Central Committee of the VOS and the chairman of all the supervisory boards of economic companies, receives even less.

Did A.Ya. lie? Neumyvakin?

Perhaps not. You ask me how much I earn at RZSI LLC.
My answer according to Neumyvakinsky is the first-class tariff of 3,500 rubles. And this is true, but not all.

What prevented Neumyvakin VOS from simply voicing his income for the year, as president of the VOS?

Vshivtsev told the whole world that the chairmen of the RO VOS have their own percentage of the money raised from donors. IN Sverdlovsk region this percentage reaches 25 of the amount. Whether Yudina M.A. receives her percentage, I don’t know.

Who gets more?

After all, donors or sponsors naively believe that all the money is spent on the statutory needs of the organization.
The Government of the Russian Federation returns 300 million rubles to the VOC. If this is the merit of A.Ya. Neumyvakin, then calculate what his possible bonus is.

Vshivtsev publicly stated that last year sponsorship funds were collected in the amount of 800 million rubles. What is the increase to the "small" salaries of the leaders of the VOS.

You object. Of course, ordinary members of the BOC also receive bonuses. Yes, they do.
So in 2009, a member of the Revda MO VOS received a bonus of 7,000 rubles for being able to raise 30 thousand rubles for the celebration of the "elderly person". Moreover, the bonus was paid from other sources, and all 30 thousand were spent on the above holiday.

Despite the fact that the decision was made unanimously by all the bureau, for bonuses, the regional board decided to dismiss the chairman of the Revda MO VOS, Noskova N.Yu.

“Today we can proudly report that enterprises have got on their feet. Yes, our wages, of course, lag behind the level of Gazprom, Khimprom, and so on. But we have only a few enterprises operating on a three-day basis. And the rest are working A full working week. Workers receive twelve thousand and more. Even disabled people. But there are, of course, eight thousand salaries, and there are enterprises where they receive only three thousand - for an incomplete week. The average salary of a disabled person is seven and a half thousand. And in Moscow - 8600. Here is the data for you, please"

For ten years, every year RZSI LLC has switched to part-time work for half a year. So this year the two-day period was supposed to last from January 11 to July 11. I am absolutely sure that next year will be no exception. Because getting into the pocket of a worker without paying downtime due to the fault of the employer is considered good manners at VOS enterprises.

“Now about what salaries are assigned in the All-Russian Society of the Blind to specialists. Since the apparatus of government is reproached for this. One of our employees has a daughter working as a leading specialist in the Russian Railways company, her salary is 45,000 rubles. The chief specialist receives 76,000 rubles "Now ask the question: how to attract specialists who work in the administration and in the regions. So keep this in mind. There are real numbers, there is a budget, everything is written in the reports. Nobody hides this."

Almost a year ago, a commission from the AU VOS conducted an audit of the activities of the Sverdlovsk regional government. I made a request to the WOC AU through the reception of the WOC website. Of course, I didn't get any help. Go to the official website and see for yourself what is published for public consumption.

"Alexander Yakovlevich Neumyvakin added:

Over the past six months, six people have left us due to the fact that the salary is low"

At our enterprise the situation is no better. It got to the point where visually impaired people of the first group work as helpers, transporters, loaders, technicians, elevator operators, controllers and even fitters.
All remaining specialists are of retirement age. Standing specialists have been working outside the enterprise for a long time, and even they themselves are our competitors. Only blind workers have nowhere to go.
Including because people like Neumyvakin say that only VOS enterprises can provide jobs for the blind. Give us money and we will create 50 jobs at each SPP.

And finally, a couple of figures that are not customary to talk about publicly, while they are on the official websites of the BOC.

Sverdlovsk regional organization
In total, registered in the SOO VOS as of 1.01.1999. consists of 10006 visually impaired.

Sverdlovsk regional organization of VOS.
Total registered in the organization as of 01.09.2010. consists of 6907 members of the BOC.

A very interesting statistic. Really in 10 years more than 3,000 registered disabled people have seen the light or died out. Or maybe our medicine has reached such a level that citizens in the Sverdlovsk region have ceased to go blind. Or maybe those who were taken into account simply did not want to deal with the VOS. The fact that society is aging is clear to everyone and does not require proof. The VOS is dying out, and the number of the blind in the country is increasing.


On March 25, in the auditoriums of the REAKOMP institute, a meeting was held between the leaders of the society and blind specialists and students, members of a local organization called RIT in the old fashioned way. This meeting was attended by: President of the VOS Alexander Yakovlevich Neumyvakin, Vice-President of the VOS Vladimir Sergeevich Vshivtsev, Chairman of the Moscow City Organization Alexander Nikolaevich Moshkovsky. The meeting was also attended by the bureau and a large group of members of the organization. The meeting was chaired by the chairman of the bureau of the organization, Natalya Aleksandrovna Lavrova:

Agenda. The first question: the text presented by Sergei Anatolyevich Novikov at the reporting and election meeting of our organization on February 4, 2011. I think that most of those present have already read this text. Then we decided at the meeting that this text would be discussed at an extended meeting, to which we would definitely invite Alexander Yakovlevich Neumyvakin. We have kept this promise.

There are certainly enough problems in the life of society, but it is surprising that Sergei Novikov in his letter focuses exclusively on accusations and searches for malicious intent in the actions of the leadership of the VOS. Of course, in arithmetic, which we have known since elementary school, twice two is always four, but Sergey Novikov has long been an adult, moreover, a historian by education, and it is hard to believe that he still has not figured out for himself that in life circumstances twice two is not always four. In his text, Sergei appears before us as a kind of idealist, and the question arises: is this idealism of his malicious?..

The presenter gave the floor to the President of the WOC Alexander Yakovlevich Neumyvakin:

The statement made by Sergei Anatolyevich, we will discuss collectively. Questions were asked and they must be answered so that there is no doubt. I am a supporter of the fact that it is necessary to answer all questions clearly and specifically, so that there are no doubts and no misunderstandings.

(From the text of Sergei Novikov): “Resolution on the work of the Central Executive Committee of the VOC and the President of the VOC, Alexander Yakovlevich Neumyvakin. Project of Novikov Sergey Anatolyevich. This conference of the Local Organization of Knowledge Workers and Students gives us an occasion to express before the XXI Congress of the WOC our assessment of the work of the Central Committee of the WOC and the President of the WOC. We express our deep concern that, despite the resolutions adopted earlier, the sale of funds belonging to the Society, in which the work of several generations of blind people materializes, continues steadily.

Funds are the property of the Society, which we defended during the perestroika period. They wanted to divide and distribute this property since 1992. We have kept this property. Not a single public organization or even a state structure has succeeded in doing this. I set the task: the property should belong to one person. And this person is the All-Russian Society of the Blind. And we have fulfilled this task, we have privatized everything exclusively for the All-Russian Society of the Blind. Until now, this property does not have a single shareholder. And this is documented. We have achieved through the State Duma the transfer of land to our property. This is also the capital, the property of the Society.

As for the implementation. My comrades-in-arms are sitting here: the chairman of the Moscow organization, and Vladimir Sergeevich, and the employees of the institute - they will not let me lie. Our property is different. It was built from the 50s to the 80s. This property needs to be taken care of. Some buildings and premises had to either be demolished, or sold, or reconstructed. We didn't have any other choice then.

As a leader, I clearly and specifically outlined the task: to clear all territories of rubbish, to put each structure in proper order so that each enterprise is aesthetically beautiful both outside and inside. They created a property list, privatized it, and issued a document called "Regulations on the property of the All-Russian Society of the Blind." It spells out how to maintain property, how to lease it, sublease it, how to sell it, if necessary.

Our implementation process is as follows. Chairmen of local and regional organizations, together with the directors on the supervisory board, discuss each object: whether it is needed or not. This property is being independently assessed. The supervisory board considers property that, in the opinion of local structures, is subject to sale. Then a request is made to consider this issue to the owner - that is, the All-Russian Society of the Blind. I sign the resolution and send it to the specialists of the property department of the Administrative Apparatus, and they, together with the Supervisory Board, prepare documents. Thus, this property is sold. Funds are transferred to the account of the All-Russian Society of the Blind, from these funds money is already issued centrally for the development of enterprises.

My surname is Kushtov, I am a visually impaired group I. I have a question about the Rassvet store.

The store was located near the Studencheskaya metro station, at the address: Kyiv street, house 20. We rented this room. I give you my word that the store will continue to operate and will sell typhlotechnical equipment.

(From the text of Sergei Novikov): “In order to provide themselves with inflated wages that do not correspond to the general state of affairs of the All-Russian Society of the Blind, the president of the All-Russian Society of the Blind, Alexander Yakovlevich Neumyvakin, and many employees of the central board, downplay the role and importance of the chairmen of the primary organizations of the Society, forcing them to work practically on a voluntary basis ".

I will answer this question in this way. First, the president does not set his own salary, the congress sets the salary for the president. The procedure for setting the president's remuneration is as follows: the average salary of the directors of all educational and production enterprises of the All-Russian Society of the Blind is taken and this figure increases by 15 hundredths. All. This is the President's salary.

Secondly, with regard to local organizations. Dear colleagues, name at least one other public organization in Russia that pays salaries to specialists from local organizations. There are no such. In VOS, the salary of specialists from local organizations is on average 7,000 rubles. The salary is assigned in accordance with the average level of salary in the regions. We take this into account every year. We never get down to business if we don't have the means.

VOC Vice-President Vladimir Sergeevich Vshivtsev continued:

- Today, out of the total number of local organizations, 692 are supported by the budget of the All-Russian Society of the Blind, 32 organizations - by local budgets, 121 organizations - by enterprises, and 38 work on a voluntary basis. The latter are those organizations, the number of which is up to 50 people. That is at the group level.

Now about what salaries are assigned in the All-Russian Society of the Blind to specialists. Once the apparatus of government is blamed for this. One of our employees has a daughter who works as a leading specialist in the Russian Railways company, her salary is 45,000 rubles. The chief specialist receives 76,000 rubles. And now ask the question: how to attract specialists who work in the administration and in the regions. So keep that in mind. There are real figures, there is a budget, everything is written in the reports. Nobody hides it.

Alexander Yakovlevich Neumyvakin added:

- Over the past six months, six people have left us due to the fact that the salary is low.

Sergei said that he had specific documents that could confirm all this. It seems to me that in absentia you can say a lot of things and discuss a lot ....

“Let him bring these documents to me. Do you understand that a public organization is being poured with mud?!

(From the text of Sergei Novikov): “With the blessing of the president of the VOS Alexander Yakovlevich Neumyvakin and other members of the Central Executive Committee, an unhealthy climate has developed in the organization, criticism is persecuted, and progressing stagnation in work.”

We have a charter. The Charter provides for by-laws. I think that the lawyers present here understand this system very well. In our charter there is a provision for a local organization, a regulation on elections.

As for the persecution. Tell me, who exactly is the president prosecuting for criticism?

Sergey Novikov:

You say that my statements are unfounded. I can present a letter from our comrades from the All-Russian Society of the Blind about the chairman of one of the regional organizations. Namely, about Skorobogatov. They took the position regional organization VOS and, relying on this provision, showed the depth of stagnation in the work of the structure.

As for the persecution. I'm not saying that the President personally persecutes. We were approached by a friend from the Penza organization, who was expelled from the All-Russian Society of the Blind. He repeatedly applied to the Central Board. There are also a number of cases of exclusion for criticism and persecution for criticism. For example, Sergei Baryshnikov in the Ryazan organization, who even filed a lawsuit. There are a number of other examples. And this is just the tip of the iceberg that we know about. We received an appeal from members of the All-Russian Society of the Blind from the Nizhny Novgorod region, where, as they believe, due to critical remarks addressed to the leadership of this organization, an amateur choir was disbanded. And this practice, unfortunately, is observed in many organizations. But when people turn to the Central Board of the WOC with a desire to sort things out, they look for some kind of intercession in the Central Board, they don’t find it there…

I do not leave a single appeal that comes to us without an answer ...

And further. Sergei Anatolyevich, you say: "We were approached." What does "to you" mean? Who is this for?

Sergei Novikov replied:

Messages came to my email address or to my postal address, as to one of the coordinators of the Social Movement of the Disabled "Our Right".

Vladimir Sergeevich Vshivtsev explained:

As for Baryshnikov. A criminal case has been opened against him now, he beat the secretary. It is important. There are also two more criminal cases, which are currently being investigated, regarding the falsification of financial documents. This is also a very interesting situation. Further. There were violations in the work of the regional organization, the person did not submit reports to the Central Board. We received two appeals from Altai. The first concerns violations that were committed at the group level during the event. The second relates directly to the work of the regional organization. Local organizations approached both the president and the head of the regional organization directly. We have these letters in the Office. Sometimes they write to us about Kemerovo, there are also questions there. Representatives of the Central Control and Auditing Commission came there, they confirmed the correctness of the decision to expel a number of comrades from the members of the BOC.

I have a request: if you are going to support someone, you must first carefully understand the situation!

(From Novikov’s text): “The WOC, prioritizing tax refunds and other forms of state aid, completely insufficiently advocates for the rights and interests of the blind against such anti-social initiatives of the ruling party as the draft law on education, the reduction of compensation for self-acquired technical means of rehabilitation, the deterioration of recreation conditions and some others. Moreover, instead of actively protesting against these initiatives, the Central Board, headed by Alexander Yakovlevich Neumyvakin, dragged through the decision on the political cooperation of the EOC with the United Russia party.

Alexander Yakovlevich Neumyvakin:

And with whom would you advise us to conclude an agreement?

Sergey Novikov:

And what did this agreement give in general?

The State Duma positively resolved issues related to the financing of the rehabilitation center, the return of funds - we are receiving 300 million today. Providing Braille and other literature…

Cooperation is and will be! As for the rallies. As long as I am at the head of the WOC, I will not send a single blind person to rallies! After all, a person may not return from this rally. We have to work in dialogue.

Not for you, Sergey, to reproach me! You personally witnessed my speech at a meeting with Mironov, at which I again spoke about typhlotechnical means. If you don't remember, read it... Or do you only read the proclamations of those people who are suing our Society?

Vladimir Sergeevich Vshivtsev in response asked Sergey Novikov:

Sergey Anatolyevich, I have a counter question for you: what do you yourself constantly do in United Russia? Come to meetings?

IN " United Russia“I came at the invitation of Deputy Terentyev to a meeting of his group. As for the social movement of disabled people “Our Right”, it did not enter into any political deals and always directly stated its position on the issues that are noted here. Here, look, a very simple moment. The law, according to which compensation for technical means of rehabilitation is now not in full, but in part. Is there a statement on this issue from the All-Russian Society of the Blind? No…

Alexander Yakovlevich Neumyvakin objected:

Who told you?

Novikov continued:

If so. There must be a resonant appeal from a public organization, otherwise who will pay attention to it? It's not about shaking the air, but about concrete steps. What was done by the All-Russian Society of the Blind to prevent this bill? And after all there was a collection of signatures, a number of public organizations of invalids participated in it. What is the role of the WOS?

Vladimir Sergeevich Vshivtsev replied to this remark by Sergei Novikov:

A whole action was carried out, starting from Karachay-Cherkessia, in all our regional organizations. We raised the question in order to expand the list of technical means of rehabilitation. And these issues were discussed at the level of parliament, there are reviews ...

Sergei Novikov objected:

Vladimir Sergeevich, that's another question...

Vladimir Sergeevich explained:

I disagree. Somehow you separate one from the other ...

(From Novikov's text): “The VOS does not show due interest in the development of domestic production of antifreeze products and the creation of conditions for providing members of the Society with modern domestic and foreign antifreeze products. A big mistake was the refusal of the WOC to master the modern world format of the Desi talking book. And most of the talking books are recorded in the so-called protected lkf format.”

Sergey Novikov explained:

I had to get acquainted with the work of tifloshops in a number of countries, and it was simply embarrassing to look at what is there, and what we have here. For some reason, the Royal National Institute of the Blind in England makes sure that the blind have tactile watches, but in Russia, in the All-Russian Society of the Blind, they don't care. And we don't have a watch. And there are no other items. I believe that the responsibility for this, first of all, lies with the Central Board and, mainly, with the leadership of our Society.

Alexander Yakovlevich objected:

We have hours.

You are in favor of switching to the Desi system. How can you understand? On the one hand, you stand up for doing your own thing, and at the same time for pulling things from the west. I am a member of the European Commission. The last device, which was made on Logos, I brought to the meeting. And I really liked this device.

The European Union of the Blind is pushing the Desi system, or rather, a number of Western companies are pushing it through them, because it is beneficial for them: expanding the market, getting orders.

Sergei Novikov objected:

Two words about the Desi format. Any talking book without the Desi format has certain limitations that do not allow high-quality recording reference books. Such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, and so on. The Desi format allows you to play the recording in fragments. And this fragmentary possibility of playing a record contributed to the spread of this format so much that even the Japanese company Olympus, which has nothing to do with the European Union, uses it today.

I want to speak out for the fact that issues related to the recording of talking books should not be decided by two or three aksakals, but by a competent public council that is aware of world trends. The responsibility for the fact that we missed this format, although the Swedish inventors brought it to us back in 1995, lies with the Central Board.

Vladimir Sergeevich replied:

We have a person responsible for this area, and I believe that the esteemed Vice President Stepanov is far from being more stupid than you and me. And he knows enough what is happening in the world and how these issues are resolved ...

Alexander Yakovlevich added:

We decided this issue not by our narrow circle. We discussed this issue at the “Rit” council, and the council of teachers, and the council of mathematicians, and so on.

(From Novikov’s text): “In the best traditions of the All-Russian Society of the Blind, President Alexander Yakovlevich Neumyvakin and the vice-presidents did not show and do not show due concern for the standardization, regulation and further development of Russian Braille. And not only literary, six-dot, but also computer, eight-dot, which provoked the appearance in the field of Braille book publishing of obvious amateurs and outright hacks.

Vladimir Sergeevich Vshivtsev objected:

We have councils that deal with braille. This problem should be discussed by experts. Just recently, a section of mathematicians met, and we discussed this issue. As of today, offers should come from you first. We are also discussing this issue at the Reacomp Institute. Here is a positive example, when we bring interested people together in the Reacomp building, there is a discussion. To date, there has already been a decision and a resolution of the section of mathematicians to create a separate scholarly owl on Braille issues at Reacomp. We have specialists who could substantiate the problems that have arisen and give them a really serious assessment. Only in this case we can defend our interests at the state level. There should be not only words, there should be reasoned documents.

Sergey Novikov:

But back in 2009, at a conference that was jointly organized by the Reacomp Institute and the Russian State Library for the Blind, the question was raised that it was time to create a Braille council, as has already been done in a number of countries where the need for such standardization and unification was comprehended. But the council has not yet been formed. And the promises continue to this day...

I had to take part in the Tiflo Council, which was assembled by Vladislav Sergeevich Stepanov. I participated there not because I am a member of this council, but because I was sent there by Repro instead of the late Stanislav Ivanovich Klepikov. I raised the question several times that we need to do standardization, we need to do reorganization ... Stepanov replied that the issue was not ripe, and so on.

Vladimir Sergeevich Vshivtsev continued:

In order for there to be reasoned proposals, they must be prepared. And in order to prepare them, you need to gather specialists who understand what it is. Only in this case it is possible to butt heads with the state and discuss something substantively. Everything else is just philosophy and a rally.

(From Novikov's text): “Despite the decent efforts of the apparatus of the Central Board of the All-Russian Society of the Blind, the general situation at VOS enterprises continues to deteriorate. The volume of production, wages, the number of blind people employed in production, many of which are used only as "dead souls", are reduced.

Alexander Yakovlevich Neumyvakin replied:

You are misinformed. Despite the crisis, in 2010 our enterprises showed a 22% increase in production, wages also increased. But the number of employees has really decreased. Only at enterprises working with the automotive industry, one thousand one hundred blind people had to be laid off.

Today, we can proudly report that enterprises are on their feet. Yes, our wages, of course, lag behind the level of Gazprom, Khimprom, and so on. But we still have only a few enterprises operating on a three-day period. The rest work full time. Workers receive from twelve thousand and above. Even the disabled. But there are, of course, eight thousand salaries, and there are enterprises where they receive only three thousand - for an incomplete week. The average salary of a disabled person is seven and a half thousand. And in Moscow - 8600. Here is the data for you, please.

(From Novikov's text): "The leadership of the VOS, due to its departmental, corporate limitations, does not show due concern for the employment of blind and visually impaired members of the Society."

– Where did you get such data from? Ask any chairman of the regional organization, or local organization, who is in charge of employment? This is what our entire system does. But it doesn't always work out. It has always been like this.

Sergey Novikov said:

I'm ready to answer. In the 1990s, an active policy of creating jobs was pursued, and a system for quoting jobs for the disabled was in operation. And jobs were created. But after several jobs that then existed in the help desk of the main civil aviation agency were eliminated as a result of the fact that this service was privatized, and new owner killed her, you gave an interview in which you said that we need to work in the Society. At the VOS enterprises, mainly handicraft work is underway. That is, there is a certain self-isolation, Alexander Yakovlevich.

Vladimir Sergeevich said:

From 2007 to 2010, according to our data, more than 11,000 people were employed with the support of the organization. More than 5,000 people - to our enterprises. This work is underway.

(From Novikov's text): "With the growing number of visually impaired people in Russia, the number of members of the VOS and the authority of this organization continue to decline."

Vladimir Sergeevich Vshivtsev objected:

For your information, on the contrary, the number has increased. Today - 212 359 people. A few years ago there were only 200,000. So you can’t say that everything is falling and everything is falling down ... There are more “local” examples. The Dagestan organization grew by 1200 people, the Krasnodar organization grew by 800 people.

(From Novikov's text): “The All-Russian Society of the Blind has been driven into an obvious dead end by both its past and current leadership. We are increasingly simply ashamed of the level of leaders such as Neumyvakin, Abramova and Vshivtsev, who have repeatedly demonstrated elementary incompetence.

Vladimir Sergeevich Vshivtsev asked a counter question:

Sergei Anatolyevich, who are you? Chairman of the state commission for certification? For your information: I am a state official of the highest category, I was certified by the state. I have been awarded six orders. They were given to me for my professional skills, for my work. So, the state considered my level sufficient. For your information, I also have a difficult life path.

If you criticize someone, you should at least know what the person does in general. You assure me today that production has been launched. That I didn’t see Stepanov’s work, I didn’t see the work of Oleg Nikolaevich Smolin. Although I have never separated myself from the team and never do. There is a Central Board that makes decisions.

You start characterizing people indiscriminately. I can say exactly the same about you. Only I don't want to do it.

Alexander Yakovlevich Neumyvakin continued:

Since my name is at the top of the list, I will also say that I am evaluated by those leaders of the state with whom I have been working for these years. I do my duty honestly.

Alexander Nikolaevich Moshkovsky, chairman of the Moscow city organization, entered the conversation:

Reporting and election conference "RIT" did not support this resolution. We asked to invite Alexander Yakovlevich to an extended meeting of the bureau and answer all questions of interest.

Alexander Yakovlevich:

I answered. The question is, what right did Sergei Novikov have after this issue was discussed at the conference, in general, to publish this text of his own?

Sergei Novikov replied to this:

Alexander Yakovlevich, it was decided to hold an extended discussion using Internet resources.

Vladimir Sergeevich Vshivtsev objected:

Sergei Anatolyevich, here are those who took part in that conference. And they will confirm: there was no such decision. The text you submitted for discussion was not supported by the conference. Whether the level of leadership of the WOC corresponds or does not correspond to the situation will be determined by the delegates of the congress from all over the country. Do not consider stupid those people who are elected delegates. These are serious, working people who have their feet firmly on the ground. There is also a commission to amend the charter of the All-Russian Society of the Blind. There are different proposals. Last time, more than 150 amendments were adopted by the congress. Please, if you have any suggestions - send. No one has ever thrown these proposals in the wastebasket, all have been considered.

Yes, we have problems. Naturally, they need to be dealt with. Unfortunately, there are enough examples when they discussed the problem, and then ultimately there is no one to decide - everyone scatters. And then they say: "It's the fault of the Central Board." Example? The people sitting here probably remember the situation when it was proposed in St. Petersburg to create an Internet cafe. I agreed to be in charge of this project. I went to St. Petersburg, met with the mayor, with the leaders of the districts. Agreed. And the people disappeared. As it comes down to it - there are no people.

Have questions. Certainly. There are problems with tiflo means. Braille. Let's address these specific issues. If we can move the solution of at least one of these problems from dead center, it will be good.


Chairman of the IGO VOC since 2002

Born in 1948 in Ukraine. He studied at a school for blind children in Zhytomyr and a special school in Lvov. He became interested in professional massage, turned to the leadership of the Ukrainian Society of the Blind and received a referral to Kislovodsk. He worked as a massage therapist in football teams, at resorts, and then moved to Moscow, received a higher legal education.

He worked as a deputy director for educational work of the IPTC "Logos" VOS, went through a good school of survival in a very difficult period for the country of continuous shortage, when it was necessary to be and social worker, and a psychologist, and a manager, and a builder. Alexander Nikolaevich coped with the tasks set so successfully that the leadership of the VOS noticed and sent him in 1992 to the Nizhny Novgorod region, in Lyskovo, as the director of the branch of the Arzamas manufacturing enterprise"Autopipe". This is not only trust, but also an opportunity for complete self-realization. In four years, he managed not only to establish production, but also to build two residential buildings for his disabled workers, a new workshop, and to revive amateur performance.

Then - return to Moscow, until 2002 - management of the VOS hotel. In 2002, at the reporting and election conference of the Moscow city organization of the VOC, Moshkovsky was elected to the board and became its chairman.

Himself visually impaired since childhood, Alexander Nikolayevich understands well that the main thing in the work of the head of such a large organization is the ability not only to listen to a person, sympathize with him and delve into his many everyday questions, but also to provide assistance with concrete deeds in this difficult time, - especially difficult for people who have lost their sight already in adulthood. After all, they are usually confused and depressed, do not know what to do next. And it is very difficult for many to learn how to live anew, to take rehabilitation courses, to acquire new, necessary knowledge. We have to deal with each individually, spend a lot of time, mental strength.

There are many problems for the disabled in Moscow, and who, if not Moshkovsky, knows them. One of the most important is the problem of “hothouse children”: those whom their parents do not leave in boarding schools for a week, but are taken home every day. Children grow up and turn out to be completely unprepared for an independent life, they have no motivation for further study and employment - for example, only a few express a desire to work at VOS enterprises. The boarding school itself, where all the guys “boiled in the same pot” and were equal, Moshkovsky understands this problem well and tries to budge it with the help of the city organization, turn the teaching staff of special schools to face the Society of the Blind. Therefore, the work plans of the IGO VOS today include the mandatory participation of schoolchildren in KIISIS, sports competitions, and cultural events; in addition, Alexander Nikolayevich personally contributes to the development of such sports as football, wrestling, swimming, and chess in boarding schools.

Graduates of boarding schools are the reserve of the Society of the Blind, its future. Moshkovsky is absolutely convinced of this and is fighting for the younger generation, not wanting to lose him.

Of course, it is not always possible to solve all the problems of the blind without the help of the city authorities. And although there are almost one hundred and forty district councils in Moscow, he visited almost every one, and more than once. He is always smart and the highest degree“politically” builds a dialogue with officials, raises specific questions and achieves solutions to the problems of blind people.

And, by the way, he never complains that his life, work is a continuous struggle. On the contrary, he claims that it is interesting and informative. And productive.

The work of Alexander Nikolaevich Moshkovsky for the benefit of the blind was awarded the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree, the medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow", the signs of the All-Russian Society of the Blind "For Merit to the All-Russian Society of the Blind" I, II and III degrees. Alexander Nikolayevich is one of the most active members of the Coordinating Council for the Disabled, which is headed by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, he takes part in the discussion and decision critical issues life of Muscovites with disabilities, their integration into society. In 2013, he received a Letter of Appreciation from the Mayor of Moscow for his active work to improve the quality of life of the visually impaired, as well as the implementation of projects aimed at social support and comprehensive rehabilitation of the disabled. In September 2018, at a solemn event in the Moscow City Hall, Moscow Mayor Sobyanin Sergey Semenovich handed over to Alexander Nikolaevich certificate of honor President of the Russian Federation for the achieved labor successes, active social activities and many years of conscientious work.

Information about IHO VOS

The Moscow city organization of the All-Russian Society of the Blind (MGO VOS) is a structural subdivision of the All-Russian Society of the Blind. MHO VOS was founded in 1924.

The main goal of the Moscow city organization is the comprehensive rehabilitation of the visually impaired and the formation of an adequate public opinion about people with visual impairments in civil society.

As of January 1, 2003, there are 14,768 visually impaired people in the MHO VOS. Most of them are on rehabilitation service in 22 local organizations, in 9 industrial and 3 others: MERTS, RIT, TsP VOS.

Currently, 2,818 visually impaired people work and study in Moscow.

Structure and staff of IHO WOS

Chairman of the IGO VOC Alexander Nikolaevich Moshkovsky

Natalya Ivanovna Serdyukova, assistant to the chairman of the IGO VOS

Accounting department of MGO VOS

Chief Accountant Valentina Sergeevna Gladyshevskaya

Accountant Nadezhda Ivanovna Novozhilova

Cashier Olga Viktorovna Matveeva

Economist Lyudmila Grigoryevna Pisklakova

Personnel Department Zinaida Andreevna Nikitina

Department of Rehabilitation

Specialist Rehabilitologist Tamara Alekseevna Shchanitsyna

Work Specialist

With local organizations Yulia Markovna Guskova


for sports work Anton Viktorovich Fedotov.

Cultural specialist

Organizational work Lyubov Mikhailovna Gorkavaya

Head of the Chancellery Evgenia Valerievna Novoselova

Secretary Natalya Aleksandrovna Linnik

Driver Viktor Aleksandrovich Gusev

Also, the Moscow City Organization, together with the Cultural and Sports Rehabilitation Complex, created a cultural and sports department

Head of Department Anna Vladimirovna Shugrina

Specialist Olga Leonidovna Deryabina

medical rehabilitation

The Moscow city organization VOS closely cooperates with the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise, which conducts a medical examination and determines the ability to work. IHO WOS has prepared a special leaflet containing brief information about the society of the blind. When passing a medical examination, each visually impaired person will receive this memo and join the Society of the Blind.

The MGO VOS issues referrals to eye clinics in Moscow so that visually impaired people can examine their eye disease.

Professional rehabilitation.

The IGO VOS promotes the employment of people with visual impairments within the structure of the IGO and at the Moscow Training and Production Enterprises of the VOS. a candidate for a vacancy at the VOS enterprises must have a certificate from the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise with a work recommendation and an individual rehabilitation program.

Also, employees of the IGO VOS and other partner organizations carry out a set of activities to vocational guidance high school students in boarding schools for blind and visually impaired children.

Household rehabilitation.

When a person has lost his sight, he is faced with enormous difficulties that surround him in his life. Everyday life. He cannot navigate the area, go to the store on his own, cook his own food and repair his clothes. MHO VOS provides an opportunity to take courses in primary household rehabilitation at the Republican Recovery Center ... in Volokolamsk. Also, on the basis of the center, a blind person will be able to undergo professional retraining.

Provision of technical means.

MGO VOS, together with the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow, provides visually impaired people with various typhlotechnical equipment: canes, tape recorders for reading a talking book, voice recorders, etc. to receive this technique, you must join the All-Russian Society of the Blind and register with the local organization of the VOS. After that, you need to write an application for receiving tiflotehniki.

Cultural work

One of the important elements of the comprehensive rehabilitation of the visually impaired is their self-realization through various cultural events held by the IGO VOS. For example, in 2003, various cultural events, variety competitions, poetry festivals, and other competitions were held.

In addition to city competitions, various cultural events are held on the basis of local organizations. Members of the society are engaged in choral circles, participate in poetry festivals and folk song competitions.


The IGO VOS holds various sports city competitions together with the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of Moscow. Competitions are held both in individual and team competitions. The teams participating in the competitions are mainly based at the Moscow enterprises of the Society of the Blind. Competitions are held in the following sports: Goalball, torball, mini-football, checkers, chess, swimming, Athletics, health tourism. The IGO VOS also forms teams in Moscow to participate in the Russian championships in various sports that are included in the Paralympic Games. To date, 4 athletes from Moscow are candidates for the Russian Paralympic team:

Sokolova Olga - swimming

Ibragimov Islam - judo

Potapova Victoria Judo

Savostyanova Tatyana Judo.

Local organizations

To date, there are 22 local primary organizations in Moscow, in which about 13,000 visually impaired people are registered. local organizations are managed by a bureau headed by the chairman of the bureau.

A person who has lost his sight can receive primary rehabilitation at a local organization. He will be taught how to handle household appliances in conditions of blindness, if desired, will be taught the Braille system, and will receive primary skills to navigate using a white cane.

Many local organizations have various cultural circles. Where WOC members can realize their talent and creativity. Also in local organizations are scientific and educational lectures on various topics.

Almost all local organizations interact with local authorities on the issue of social assistance for the visually impaired. WOC members receive various food packages, bedding sets, etc.

Also in the structure of the IGO VOS is the primary organization of knowledge workers (RIW). This organization serves students and professionals who have received higher or special education. RIT activists hold great job on vocational rehabilitation: they carry out activities for vocational guidance in schools for blind and visually impaired children in Moscow, develop various methodological manuals for employment, there is experience in employment of visually impaired people outside the VOS system.

At 9 Moscow enterprises, primary organizations have also been created for additional rehabilitation of the visually impaired, of which there are about 1,500 people. In these organizations, a large cultural, mass, sports work is carried out. The visually impaired receive orientation skills, self-supporting household services, and are provided with typhlotechnics.

The Moscow city organization has various coordinating councils that coordinate and improve work in a particular area.

This council is designed to coordinate and improve the efficiency of the work of the Moscow VOS enterprises. Head of the Council Moshkovsky Alexander Nikolaevich. It is made up of business leaders. The council analyzes economic activity, financial indicators, financial statements, monitors the dynamics of economic indicators, exchanges views and develops concepts for the development of enterprises. The Council functions according to the decision of the central board of the WOC.

This council was created with the aim of developing a set of measures aimed at the rehabilitation of visually impaired people in Moscow. Within the framework of the council, the proposed tiflotechnical devices and various new high technologies are being discussed that can facilitate the life of the visually impaired and help them find employment in market economy, the council consists of employees of the management apparatus of the MHO VOS and highly qualified specialists, members of the society who have knowledge in the field of rehabilitation of the disabled and are guided by the market of tiflo technical means and modern technologies. The Rehabilitation Council is headed by Moshkovsky Alexander Nikolaevich.

This council was created to develop and coordinate various cultural events, thanks to which the visually impaired realize their creative potential. The Cultural Council develops plans for various festivals, competitions, games at the city level, the council also forms teams and delegates individual representatives to participate in All-Russian competitions and festivals, defending the honor of Moscow. Head of the Council for Culture Gorbunova Maria Dmitrievna.

This council was created with the aim of organizing work with women in Moscow who are members of the WOC. The council's tasks are to determine various statistics. their involvement in public activities, social, economic and legal protection, protection of motherhood and childhood, improvement of the family, etc. this council is headed by Yulia Markovna Guskova.