Municipal preschool institution " Kindergarten No. 1 r.p. Tatishchevo

Tatishchevsky municipal district Saratov region»

Pedagogical project:

"Introducing preschoolers to the origins of national culture through Russian folk outdoor games"

Educator:I qualification category

Soldatova O. A.

r.p. Tatishchevo

2014 - 2015

Explanatory note

The need to familiarize the younger generation with the national culture is interpreted folk wisdom: our today, more than ever our past, also creates the traditions of the future. What will our descendants say about them? Our children should know well not only the history of the Russian state, but also the traditions of national culture, realize, understand and actively participate in the revival of national culture; self-realization as a person who loves his homeland, his people and everything related to folk culture: Russian folk dances, in which children draw Russian customs, customs and the Russian spirit of freedom of creativity in Russian dance, or oral folklore: counting rhymes, poems, nursery rhymes, jokes, let it be folk games which kids love to play with.

The joy of movement is combined with the spiritual enrichment of children. Forming in them a sustainable attitude towards culture home country, creating an emotionally positive basis for the development of patriotic feelings. Folk games contribute to the education of conscious discipline, will, perseverance in overcoming difficulties, teach children to be honest and truthful.

Games are an integral part of the international, artistic and physical education of children of all ages.

The game is a school of education. It has its own "learning subjects". Some of them develop dexterity, accuracy, speed and strength in children; others teach the wisdom of life, goodness and justice, honor and decency, love and duty. The game forms high morality.

invaluable national wealth are calendar folk games. They are of interest not only as a genre of oral folk art. They contain information that gives an idea of ​​the daily life of our ancestors - their way of life, work, worldview. Games were an indispensable element of folk ritual holidays.

The main condition for the successful introduction of folk games into the lives of children has always been and remains a deep knowledge and fluency in an extensive game repertoire, rich and diverse in content.

K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “Just as there is no person without pride, so there is no person without love for the fatherland, and this love gives upbringing the right key to a person’s heart ...” that is why our interests turned to moral values, to the national culture of our people.


Experience in kindergarten in introducing children to Russian folk culture is the result of many years of observation, practical developments, which are based on the theory of the development of the child as a person, his socialization. Properly organized upbringing and the process of assimilation of experience by the child public life, the formed condition for the active cognition of the social reality surrounding him by a preschooler is of decisive importance in the formation of the foundations of personality.

From the first years of a child's life, introducing him to culture, universal values ​​helps to lay the foundation of morality, patriotism in him, forms the foundations of self-awareness and individuality.

Moral and ethical feelings are not sufficiently formed in children, love for the Motherland is brought up. These studies helped to develop a methodological project based on introducing children to the national culture in accordance with the best traditions of pedagogy.

The project was drawn up in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of the programs "Program of education and training in kindergarten", "Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture".

The project focuses on four age levels up to school age:

younger age - from 3-4 years;

average age- from 4-5 years;

older age - from 5-6 years;

preparatory school group from 6 - 7 years.

The project is built on the basis of the main methodological principles: taking into account the age characteristics of children, the availability of the material, the gradual complication of it

The main goals and objectives of the project:

Create a system of work to introduce children to the origins of Russian folk culture, through Russian folk outdoor games.

Involve parents in educational educational process through the holding of Russian folk outdoor games, acquaintance with the calendar holidays, their customs and traditions.

To create conditions for independent reflection of the acquired knowledge and skills by children.

Raise interest and love for Russian national culture, folk art, customs, traditions, rituals, folk calendar, folk games, etc.

Use all types of folklore (fairy tales, songs, nursery rhymes, chants, proverbs, sayings, riddles, round dances), since folklore is the richest source of cognitive and moral development of children. Acquaintance of children with folk holidays and traditions, folk games.

The methodological project at a level accessible to children introduces children to folk games, the folk calendar, the basics of Orthodox culture, traditions, life, customs of the Russian people, peasant labor, contributes to the development of cognitive abilities in children, the formation of high morality, fosters love for the Fatherland, respect for ancestors, interest in original Russian culture. “The deeds of bygone days, the legends of the deep antiquity ...” become closer, more understandable to the child.

A special environment has been created in the groups in order to familiarize children with folk culture and folk art.

"Shelf of folk arts and crafts",

Mini-Museum of Folk Antiquities "Russian Hut"

Long-term plans have been developed for familiarizing with the origins of Russian folk culture, for folk outdoor games.

A card index was compiled: Russian folk, round dance, sedentary, outdoor games.

In the corners for parents, material is constantly placed on the folk calendar, on Russian cuisine, on the folk holidays "Easter", "Christmas", " New Year”, “Maslenitsa” and others.

The project provides for the development of interest in the history of life and activities of people, natural phenomena, education of love for the native land, city, Russia.

The main form of work remains classes that are conducted both frontally and in subgroups, and individually. Complex, plot, thematic and other types of classes are used.

Along with classes new form organizations are holidays: calendar, folklore, ritual, name days, etc. children of all ages take part in folklore holidays, only their share of participation changes from age to age.

Folk holidays are regularly held in the kindergarten: Autumn gatherings, Maslenitsa, Winter Christmas time, in which both adults and children are active participants.

When developing a scenario for a national holiday, special attention is paid to the selection of verbal-musical, dramatic, playful and choreographic works of ritual-calendar folklore. The work corresponds to the content of the holiday, highly artistic, interesting and accessible to children.

The main indicator of the success of the holiday is the emotional coloring of the atmosphere. This atmosphere is determined by the natural behavior of children, interest, joyful emotions generated by the actions of the character. The more surprises there are on the holiday, the more the holiday corresponds to the main purpose - to please children.

The saturation of the national holiday with creative improvisations, surprise moments stimulates the interest of children, enhances their impressions and experiences, enriches artistic and aesthetic perception. And most importantly, it ensures the natural familiarization of children with national traditions, affirms fundamental, spiritual and aesthetic values ​​in their minds.

Particular attention is paid to strengthening ties with parents. Joint participation in creative activities helps to unite the family and fill its leisure time with new content. Creation of conditions for joint creative activity, the combination of individual and collective creativity of children and parents contributes to the unity of teachers, parents and children. That forms a positive relationship with each other. Parents have become active participants in the pedagogical process: they take part in holding Russian folk holidays, in making attributes in the mini-museum of the Russian Hut, in decorating the group for the Russian folk holidays Easter, Christmas, New Year, Maslenitsa, participate in games, are actively discussing the issues of education in parent meetings and seminars.

The results of the work carried out are:

The use by children in active speech of nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, riddles.

They know how to play Russian folk outdoor games. Using counters.

Knowledge of fairy tales fairytale heroes, the ability to recognize them in works of fine art.

Meaningful and active participation of children in Russian folk holidays (they know the name of the holiday, sing songs, perform ditties, read poetry).

Knowledge of the history of Russian folk costume, headdresses.

Use the attributes of Russian folk culture in independent activities.

Carefully treat household items, works of folk art.


1. M. F. Litvinova. Russian folk outdoor games for children of preschool and primary school age: A practical guide. – M.: Iris-press, 2003. 2. O. L. Knyazeva, M. D. Makhaneva. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture: Program. Teaching aid. - SP.: Detstvo-Press, 2004.

3. Acquaintance of children with Russian folk art: Abstracts of classes and scenarios of calendar and ritual holidays: Toolkit for teachers of preschool educational institutions / Ed. comp. L. S. Kuprina, T. A. Budarina, O. A. Makhaneva, O. N. Korepanova and others. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2004. 4. folk calendar- the basis for planning work with preschoolers according to the state educational standard: Plan-program. Abstracts of classes. Holiday scenarios: Methodological guide for teachers of preschool educational institutions / Nikolaeva S. R., Katysheva I. B., Kombarova G. N., etc. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2004. 5. Tikhonova M. V. , Smirnova N. S. a red hut ... Acquaintance of children with Russian folk art, crafts, life in the kindergarten museum. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2004.

long term plan work in the preparatory group for school No. 2


Topic of the lesson


Events with parents

Contests. Exhibitions


"You are welcome, dear guests"

Children's first visit to the "hut". Acquaintance with her mistress, with the folk etiquette of receiving guests and behavior at a party.


"There is a dream near the windows"

Introduction to the cradle and lullaby songs

Participation in gatherings


Acquaintance of children with the traditions of building a "hut", its external and internal


"There is a hut made of bricks, then cold, then hot"

Acquaintance of children with the stove, cast iron, fork.

Making the folder "Russian Folk Instruments"


folk musical instruments

« Magic pipes»

Acquaintance of children with Russian folk musical culture (drums, strings, spiritual)

"Bread is the head of everything"

Conversation with children "Where did the bread come from?". Proverbs and sayings about bread.


"Funny Spoons"

Acquaintance with household items - wooden spoons

Game Library "Folk Games"

Exhibition of wooden spoons

"Who came to visit us"

Acquaintance with the brownie Kuzey. Game "Ayushki".

"And Things Come to Life"

To attach to Russian folk culture. Acquaintance with new items: a kerosene lamp and an iron.


"Hello winter winter"

Riddles about winter. Learning the song "Like thin ice"

Participation of grandmothers in gatherings.

Exhibition of whistles

"The carol has come - open the gate"

A story about Christmas holidays and caroling.

"Russian whistle"

The story of the clay whistle. Sculpting a whistle


"Sew Masha a sundress"

Acquaintance with Russian women's clothing. learning nursery rhymes

"A tari, tari, tari"

Storytelling with children

Exhibition of illustrations from Russian folk tales

"Tales for Kuzi"

Self-telling of fairy tales by children

"Magic wand "

Recognition of familiar fairy tales by excerpts from them, illustrations, objects


Where does the feather live


Acquaintance with Khokhloma painting

Gatherings "We will sing ditties to you"

Exhibition of items from Khokhloma painting and nesting dolls

"Miracle - wonderful, marvelous - marvelous, golden Khokhloma"

A story about the traditions of Khokhloma painting

"Russian doll "

A story about a matryoshka. Learning ditties.


"There is no sweeter friend than a dear mother"

Talk about mom. Making crafts for mom (embroidery).

Gatherings "Maslenitsa" has come

Exhibition of crafts from embroidery.

"Shrovetide dear - annual guest"

The story of the carnival. Singing ritual songs.

"Native land, forever beloved"

Excursion. Russian outdoor games.


"Russian bogatyrs"

A conversation about the heroes of the Russian land (drawing of heroes).

Show jumping Russian folk outfit

Exhibition of one painting "Three Heroes" by V. Vasnetsov

"Vasilisa Fashion Magazine"

Drawing kokoshnik and sundresses.


"Farewell to the hut"

Show performance based on fairy tales. The final conversation about the Russian hut and nat. cuisine

Making the folder "Russian National cuisine»

OLGA Bagapova
Pedagogical project "Folk outdoor games of the Urals"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten of the combined type" Rodnichok ".

Pedagogical project

"Folk outdoor games of the Urals".

Compiled by: teacher Bagapova Olga Yurievna

Name of the project: "Folk outdoor games of the Urals".

Relevance of the topic: The world of childhood cannot be without a game. The game in the life of a child is a moment of joy, fun, competition, it leads the child through life. Children's games are diverse, these are games with toys, games with movements, competition games, games with a ball and other sports equipment. At preschool age, children play all the time - this is their natural need, this is a way of knowing the environment.

Funny outdoor games are our childhood. Who does not remember the constant hide-and-seek, salochek, traps! When did they arise? Who came up with these games? There is only one answer to this question: they are created by the people in the same way as fairy tales and songs. Both we and our children love to play Russian folk games. Russian folk outdoor games have a long history, they have been preserved and have come down to our days from ancient times, passed down from generation to generation, observing the national tradition.

These games reflect the love of the people for fun, movement, and daring. There are fun games with inventing absurdities, with funny movements, gestures, "ransom forfeits" Jokes and humor are characteristic of these games. Russian folk games are valuable for children in a pedagogical sense: they provide great attention to educate the mind, character, will, strengthen the child.

The educational value of folk outdoor games is enormous. K. D. Ushinsky wrote that education, created by the people themselves and based on folk principles, has that educational power, which is not in the most best systems based on abstract ideas or borrowed from another people.

He also considered it necessary to pay attention to folk games, work out this rich source, organize them and create from them an excellent and powerful educational tool.

In Russia, they have always liked to play games, both mobile and not.

Russian games are very diverse, they contain the spirit and history of the Russian people. The Urals is no exception.

Thematic field: What are folk outdoor games of the Urals?

Expected results:

the use by children in active speech of nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, riddles.

children know how to play Russian folk outdoor games, use counting rhymes.

create a system of work to familiarize children with the origins of Russian folk culture, through Russian folk outdoor games of the Urals.

to involve parents in the educational process through holding Russian folk outdoor games.

Creation of card indexes of games, counting rhymes.

Target: The upbringing and development of children on the ideas of folk pedagogy, physical education children 4-5 years old, formation healthy lifestyle children's lives through outdoor games.

Project objectives:

Teaching folk outdoor games and joint actions.

Development physical qualities: dexterity, balance, speed of movements through folk outdoor games.

Consolidation of the basic movements: running, jumping, throwing during the folk outdoor games.

Education of love for the native land, independence in decision-making.

Use all kinds of folklore (fairy tales, songs, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, riddles, round dances, as folklore is the richest source of cognitive and moral development of children.

Project type:

According to the composition of participants: group (children, parents, teachers);

By target setting: informational, gaming,

In terms of implementation: medium-term (April-September 2014)

List of participants: children, parents, group teachers, FC instructor.

Presentation form: demonstration of the presentation of the project "Folk outdoor games of the Urals".

Material and technical resources required to complete the project: balls, pencils, plasticine, flags, tambourine, bell, scarf, animal masks, jump rope, tape recorder, projector, camera.

Scenario joint activities for problem solving:

Stages Forms of interaction Content of activity Terms Responsible

preparatory Teachers - children Conversation: "What outdoor games do you know?",

Conversation: “Where did games come from?” 1.04 -14.04.2014 Teachers of the group

Teachers - parents Discussion with parents of issues related to the implementation of the project. Group teachers

Activities - educators - Discussion of the goals and objectives of the project.

Preparation of attributes for games.

Drawing up a long-term plan.

Selection of visual material. Group teachers

Main Teachers - children - Making attributes for games,

Memorizing nursery rhymes, counting rhymes,

Solving riddles about animals and birds,

Learning folk outdoor games,

NOD molding: "Blind your favorite character of the folk game"

Conversation about the benefits of outdoor games

Examining the illustrations

group teachers.

FC instructor

Teachers - parents - Consultations for parents.

Folder "Folk Games of the Urals"

Questioning of parents "Introducing children to the origins of folk culture"

Group teachers

Activities - teachers

Consultation for teachers: "Classification of folk games"

Consultation for teachers: "Organization of outdoor games for a walk";

Development of a card file: outdoor games of the Urals, sedentary, round dance.

Equipment of the material and technical base.

FC instructor

Group teachers

Parents - children - making attributes

Organization of outdoor games

Making drawings "my favorite folk outdoor game"

Final Teachers - children - parents - design of an album of drawings: "My favorite folk outdoor game"

Summing up the design of project materials,

Sports festival "My favorite folk outdoor game"

Group teachers

FC instructor

presentation Activities of teachers Presentation of the project Group teacher

Technological map of the project:

Educational area

Type of activity Content of activity

Cognitive development Cognitive, cognitive-research, productive. - Conversations: “What outdoor games do you know?”, “Where did the games come from?”,

Watching the games of children of the senior and preparatory groups,

Examination of illustrations, albums of folk outdoor games in the old days.

Speech development Communication - Learning nursery rhymes, counting rhymes,

Drawing up a story from a picture (about an outdoor game, what kind of game.)

D / and "Guess the outdoor game from the picture"

Solving riddles about animals and birds

Physical Physical - Learning and conducting outdoor games.

Sports festival "My favorite folk outdoor game"

Social and communicative development Game, cognitive, communicative Conversation about the rules of the game.

Conversation: "Introducing children to the culture of the Urals"

Artistic and aesthetic development Creative, musical and artistic - production of attributes for outdoor games,

Making an album: "My favorite mobile folk game",

Modeling: "Characters of folk outdoor games"

Description of achieved educational results:

Children use nursery rhymes, counting rhymes in active speech. They know and know how to play folk games, use counting rhymes. Created file cabinets for outdoor games of the Urals; card file of counting rhymes; file cabinet sedentary games; Card file of round dance games. Parents actively participated in the project.


1. M. F. Litvinova. Russian folk outdoor games. M. : Iris-press, 2003.

2. O. L. Knyazeva, M. D. Makhaneva. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture: Program. Teaching aid. - St. Petersburg. : Detstvo-Press, 2010

3. Card index of "Russian folk outdoor games";

4. Card file "Sedentary games";

5. Card file "Counting";

6. Card file "Poteshek";

7. Card index of "Round dance games".

Kindergarten №16 Tuymazy

Republic of Bashkortostan

Project on:

"Folk outdoor games"


Khakimova Z.R.

Work experience: 19 years

Tuymazy 2018

“Peoples are like one family,

Although their language is different.

All are daughters and sons

Your beautiful country."

Ukrainian poetess Natalya Lvovna Zabila


At present, the task of preserving national traditions, the formation of a person's national self-consciousness.Work on the formation of the moral qualities of the individual, love and respect for people living nearby must begin from preschool childhood. At preschool age, the basic qualities of a person are formed. Therefore, it is worth enriching the child with human values, generating interest in the history, customs and culture of their homeland.

The accessibility and expressiveness of folk games activates the mental activity of the child, contributes to the expansion of ideas about cultural heritage, the development of mental processes. Therefore, the problem of introducing preschoolers to folk games is relevant and meets the needs of the time and kindergarten.

An outdoor game is a natural companion of a child's life, a source of joyful emotions, which has great educational power. From time immemorial, they have clearly reflected the way of life of people, their way of life, work, national foundations, ideas of honor, courage, the desire to possess strength, dexterity, endurance, speed and beauty of movements, to show ingenuity, endurance, creative invention, resourcefulness, will and desire. to victory.

Plunging into the historical past of the people, one can single out a number of games and entertainments that our great-grandparents played and that our children can play now. Outdoor games are simple in content, do not require complex attributes (wooden stick, ball, rope, scarf, etc.).

  1. Project structure

Project type: educational and playful

Project type: short-term

Project participants:

Educator - interacts with parents and children within the framework of social partnership;

Parents - increase pedagogical competence, participate in joint events, exchange experience in family education;

Children of the senior speech therapy group - participate in joint activities.

Target :

Creation of conditions for the formation in children of elementary ideas about the culture and traditions of the Russian, Bashkir and Tatar peoples through an outdoor game.

Tasks :

  • to form in children a holistic attitude towards the national culture, traditions and games of the Russian, Bashkir and Tatar peoples;
  • to help strengthen family ties, through interest in the content of the project topic, not only for children, but also for their parents;
  • to promote the development of children's creative abilities, the desire to learn more about their native land;
  • to form an idea of ​​the diversity of folk outdoor games;
  • to teach to use folk outdoor games in independent activities, to act according to the rules;
  • expand the horizons of children;
  • to develop motor activity, physical qualities, the ability to negotiate, to reckon with the opinion of their peers, to follow the rules of games;
  • to cultivate patriotic feelings, mutual assistance, friendship, respect for people of other nationalities.

Expected result:

  • familiarization of preschoolers with folk outdoor games;
  • the ability of pupils to interact in the conditions of interethnic relations;
  • development of a system of productive interaction between participants in the educational process (children involve parents in the project, communicate with each other and with the teacher);
  • raising the educational level of parents by introducing them to the fascinating world of folk games;
  • generalization and dissemination of experience in preschool institutions cities.

Project plan:

The project includes three main stages:

1st - preparatory: setting the goal and objectives of the project; collection of material necessary for the implementation of the project goal; preliminary work with children; choice of equipment and materials; predicting the result; drawing up a plan of joint activity with children and parents.

2nd - main: joint activities with children and parents.

3rd - generalizing (final): generalization of the results of work in

most different form, their analysis, consolidation of acquired knowledge, formulation of conclusions.

Forms and methods of project implementation:

Mobile and didactic games;

Reading poems;

Review of the album;

Watching videos;



productive activity.

Implementation of project taskscarried out in the OOD, as well as in various joint activities of the educator and children.

Logistics support of project activities:

bat, ball, yurt, scarves, chairs, audio recording of national music, skullcap.

  1. Rationale for the choice of topic:

Since the task of preserving national traditions, the formation of a person's national identity is currently relevant, I conceived a series of projects called "Nationalism is not a hindrance to friendship." In our senior speech therapy group"Stars" 13 children, including 12 boys and 1 girl. Karina is not embarrassed by the fact that she is the only girl in the group, she enjoys playing with the boys, moreover, she is one of the leaders. Perhaps this was facilitated by the fact that Karina is growing up in a family with two older brothers and, as it turned out, she is the only girl among her cousins. What can certainly interest a group of children in which the majority are boys? Of course, mobile games!

As a result of monitoring, which is carried out at the beginning school year, found out that our group is visited by children of three nationalities: Russians 2 children (15%), Tatars 9 children (70%), Bashkirs 2 children (15%). Exactly on

outdoor games of these peoples, we and the children made our choice.

Based on the capabilities and age of the children, I chose the three most interesting, in my opinion, folk outdoor games: the Russian folk game "Lapta", the Bashkir folk game "Yurta" and the Tatar folk game


Description of games

Russian folk outdoor game "Lapta"

Lapta - Russian folk team game with ball and bat. As Kuprin wrote: “Kindness, resourcefulness, fast running, a sharp eye, hardness of a hand strike and eternal confidence that you will not be defeated are needed in a bast shoe. There is no place for cowards and lazy people in this game. I zealously recommend this native Russian game.” The game takes place on a flat rectangular area - both open and closed. It can be earth or grass sports grounds, arenas, gyms. Two lines are drawn on the playing field at a distance of 40/55 meters. The width of the lanes is 25…40 meters. One of the parties is taken away under the city, the other - under the stake.

Players are divided into 2 teams with the same number of participants. One team takes a position on the site of the city, and the other one drives. The game starts with a team that is in the city. The server beats the ball as far as possible with a bast (bat), running across the playing field beyond the line of the horse, and immediately returns. At this time, the team that drives catches the ball sent into the field and, having caught it, tries to touch (stain) the running opponent. At the same time, they are allowed to throw the ball to one another in order to more accurately hit the opponent from a more convenient distance.

For successful runs, the team is awarded points. The team with the most points in the set time wins.

Bashkir outdoor game "Yurt"

Development task:develop the ability to navigate in space


Game organization.The game involves four subgroups of children, each

of which forms a circle at the corners of the site. In the center of each circle there is a chair on which a scarf with a national pattern is hung. Hand in hand, everyone walks in four circles with alternating steps and sings:

“We, funny guys, will all gather in a circle. Let's play, and dance, and rush to the meadow.

To a melody without words, the guys in variable steps move into a common circle. At the end of the music, they quickly run to their chairs, take a scarf and pull it over their heads in the form of a tent (roof), resulting in a yurt.The first group of children to build a yurt wins.

Tatar outdoor game "Tubeteika"

Children become in a circle. To the national music, they take turns passing the skullcap on the head next to standing child. The music stops, on whom the skullcap remains, he completes the task.

Tasks for players:

1. Choose a partner and ride the "horse" (game "Riders").

2. Choose a partner and carry eggs in spoons without dropping them (who is faster and more accurate).

3. Play the role of Timerbay in the game "Timerbay".

4. Choose a pair for yourself and race the distance on two legs. (game "Tangled horses").

5. General Tatar folk dance.

3. Stages of the project

1. Preparatory stage.

At the beginning of the work on the project, I conducted a conversation with children in the form of an interview in order to identify children's ideas about folk outdoor games,arouse children's interest in the theme of folk games and involve them in the theme of the project.

Do you like to play?

What games do you like to play?

Do you know what folk games are?

What folk outdoor games do you know?

Which of them do you like to play?

Who do you like to play outdoor games with?

During the conversation, I found out that, despite the fact that children love to play outdoor games with their peers and friends, they have little idea of ​​folk outdoor games.

Parents together with their children made a genealogical tree of their families, in which it is clearly seen that in almost every family there are different nationalities. Parents with their children according to their pedigrees

told us about the nationalities of their families.

We read poems"Russian family" V. Stepanova, "Best Wealth"O. Alexandrova,"Where you're from"A. Kopylova, which speak of our multinational country.

With the help of parents, we collected attributes for folk outdoor games.

When organizing work with parents, it was proposed to fill out the questionnaire "Folk children's outdoor games" in order toarouse interest in parents in the topic of folk games and conduct joint games with children.

10 parents took part in the survey. 90% (9 parents) answered that they often take walks on weekends and 10% (1 parent) - infrequently. Mostly walk in the yard or on sports grounds. All children prefer outdoor games, some of them also board games. 90% have sports equipment at home, 10% do not. Parents quite correctly understand what folk games are - this is a vivid expression of the people, games with fun, mass games are passed down from generation to generation. 80% (8 parents) listed Russian folk games, 10% (1 parent) also knows 1 Tatar game and 10% (1 parent) does not know folk games. And all parents know that outdoor games are of great importance for physical development and health of children.

2. The main stage.

The tasks of this stage include the implementation of the main activities

along the lines of the project.

Technological map of the project

Educational area

Social and communicative development

Didactic game "Guess the outdoor game from the picture."

Speech development

Conversation "Yurt - the dwelling of the Bashkir people."

Conversation "Tubeteika - the headdress of the Tatars."

cognitive development

The introduction of dolls in Russian, Bashkir and Tatar national costumes.

Watching videos “Russian folk outdoor game “Lapta”, “Bashkir folk game “Yurt”, “Tatar outdoor game “Tubeteika”.

Examination of the album "Folk Outdoor Games".

Physical development

Learning and conducting outdoor folk games.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Plasticineography "Tyubeteika".

Drawing "Yurt".

Listening to national music.

Cooperation with parents:

Consultation for parents “We play outdoor games - we strengthen our health”;

Making a folder-movement on the topic of the project;

Organization of an exhibition of children's works.

3. The final stage.

At this stage, a summary of the results of the work is carried out: the final entertainment of children together with their parents "Folk outdoor games" and a tea party with a friendship pie.


While working on the project, I saw the children's interest. Children looked at the album with pleasure, watched videos, sculpted, drew, got acquainted and learned the outdoor games of the three nationalities of our region. We came to the conclusion that folk games are no less exciting. The games of each nation have national attributes, accompanied by a national melody.

Parents were involved in the project and also gladly took part in it. The result of the work was the joint entertainment of children and parents. Thank you and give your positive feedback.

The work was organized in such a way that every child and parent actively participated.

The educational value of folk outdoor games is enormous. K. D. Ushinsky wrote that education, created by the people themselves and based on folk principles, has that educational power that is not found in the best systems based on abstract ideas or borrowed from another people.

He also considered it necessary to pay attention to folk games, work out this rich source, organize them and create from them an excellent and powerful educational tool.

Summing up the results of the project, it was decided by all its participants to continue studying folk games, apply them in joint games, both in families and during the stay in kindergarten.

In the future, continue work on a series of projects "Nationalism is not a hindrance to friendship."


  • Bashkir folk children's games (in Russian and Bashkir languages). Book One.- Ed. 2nd, as amended - Ufa: Kitap, 2002.
  • Ivanchikova R. Folk games with children / / Preschool education 2005 No. 4.
  • Litvinova M.F. Russian folk outdoor games. Moscow: Iris-press, 2003.
  • Card file "Bashkir outdoor games"


Russian family

Different people live in Russia
Peoples for a long time
One likes the taiga
Other steppe expanse.
Every people
Your own language and attire,
One wears a Circassian
The other put on a robe.
One fisherman from birth
Another reindeer herder
One koumiss is preparing
Another prepares honey.
One sweeter autumn
Another miles of spring
And Motherland - Russia
We all have one!


best wealth

Different people in our country lived,

But they served the Fatherland faithfully.

More than any other wealth

We have always valued modesty and brotherhood.

There is a good word"our" .

And let you be a Tatar, Yakut or Chuvash,

Was he born Russian, Mordovian, Ossetian,

Be a kind and loving son to the Motherland.

O. Alexandrova

Questionnaire for parents on the topic "Folk children's outdoor games"

Dear parents! We ask you to answer the proposed questions. Thank you in advance for your participation!

How often do you go for walks on weekends?__________________

Going out with your child for a walk, you go ...

a) into the forest

b) in the yard

c) To the store

d) on a sports playground

What kind of games does your child prefer?

a) Outdoor games

b) Board games

c) role-playing games

d) Others (What?) _______________________________________________


What sports equipment do you have at home?______________


What outdoor games did you play as a child? ___________________


How do you understand what folk games are?____________________

List what folk games you know ____________________________


How often do you and your child play outdoor games? ______

What do you think, what is the importance of outdoor games for the physical development and health of children?

Conversation "Yurt - the dwelling of the Bashkir people"

Yurt made from living materials : wool, wood and leather. Bottom part- a lattice, slightly fastened at the crossroads with straps so that it is convenient to fold when you need to lead the yurt; and move apart when the yurt is set up. A wooden circle serves as an opening in the yurt for the passage of smoke and light and was thrown over with a separate upper cashmere. The most important elementthe Bashkir yurt was a new(sharshau, which shareddwelling into 2 unequal parts.To the right of the door, the smaller one was for women (a bedroom, household items, clothes, supplies were stored there. The large left one was intended for men as a guest room. Bashkir people used to decorate theirdwellings embroidered carpets,embroidered towels, festive clothes, jewelry, hunting accessories,horse harness and weapons.

Conversation "Tubeteika - the headdress of the Tatars"

Everyone has it people their national costume, we will later find out what the parts of the costume are called, and we will talk in detail. Today for you I brought to the group,Tatar headdress for men, it is called, skullcap.

caregiver : We repeat with me - skullcap.

caregiver : you know it happens different color, in the figure it is presented in black and green, but in my hands, what color?

Children: White.

Educator: That's right, white.

caregiver : What do we see if we look closely?

Children: Patterns.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten №16 Tuymazy

municipal district Tuymazinsky district

Republic of Bashkortostan


Section: "Modeling"

Topic: "Decoration of the Tatar skullcap"



Khakimova Z.R.

Work experience: 19 years

Tuymazy 2018

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Artistic creativity".


Consolidate knowledge of previously received material: the main components of the national costume.

Introduce children to the Tatar ornament.

Learn to paint over a decorative pattern using the plasticine method.

Develop Creative skills children, eye, artistic taste.

Cultivate a love for folk art.

Preliminary work:reading Tatar fairy tale"Shurape", examination of the Tatar ornament, conversations.

Materials and equipment: puppets in national costumes (boy Rinat and Shurale), tape recorder, disks with Tatar national music, skullcaps made of paper with a painted ornament.

I. Organizational moment.

Good afternoon guys! Today we have guests again - Rinat doll. Let's greet our guest with a smile. Smile at each other, smile at our guest. May this smile make you all feel better.

(Knock on the door.)

  • Hello guys! (Shurale enters).
  • Guys, who came to visit us?
  • Shurale.
  • That's right, it's Shurale!
  • Where did we meet him?
  • In a fairy tale
  • In what fairy tale?
  • In the Tatar fairy tale "Shurale".

Shurale: Strange, but maybe not. I have been living in the forest for a thousand years, I have been protecting my house and guarding the forest. I am Shurale! I like my name very much! Although my appearance is formidable, I do not grieve about who will come into the forest with evil, I will not let those into the forest.

11. Didactic game "Know the costume"

  • Look what Shurale has in his hands. (two envelopes)
  • Show us, Shurale, we beg you!

I see a lot of pictures here that show beautiful things.

What is this?

Shirt, camisole, bloomers.

What do you know about them?

For women - a velvet camisole, a brocade shirt. All clothes are made of bright, expensive fabrics.

What is this?

These are ichigi shoes.

It was sewn from leather, and the patterns were embroidered with colored threads, men's ichigi

sewn from black leather. And women's shoes were multi-colored and patterned.

What is this?

A skullcap is a male headdress, it was embroidered with gold threads and beads.

What is this?

Kalfak - women's headdress, it was decorated with gold threads and beads.

Guys, you named the elements of the costume of what nationality? These are elements of the Tatar national costume.

III. Acquaintance with the Tatar folk ornament

  • Show us, Shurale, what's in the other envelope?
  • Guys, these are skullcaps! And they have patterns.

Want to know what these patterns are? And Shurale will answer this question for us, because he painted these elements. Tell us, please, we are very interested!

Shurale's story:

  • Guys, since I am the hero of a Tatar fairy tale, and therefore I really love the art of the Tatars. These are drawings in which patterns are drawn, precisely from the Tatar ornament.
  • Today I will tell you about the Tatar ornament. The Tatar people
    There are three types of ornament:
  1. Floral and vegetable. It contains motifs of undulating
    shoots (in the form of a vine) of flowers of tulips, peony, chamomile, violet, trefoil. Curtains, bedspreads, dresses, shoes, aprons, kalfaks, skullcaps were decorated with this type of ornament.
  2. The second type of ornament - "geometric" - was used to decorate rural dwellings, jewelry, tombstones.
  3. The third type - "zoomorphic" - among the patterns have become widespread
    images of falcons, pigeons, ducks.

Thank you, Shurale! You told us a lot of interesting things.

Guys, it's time for me to go home to the forest. Goodbye.

IV. Examination of the ornament on skullcaps

Guys, let's take a look at these beautiful patterns. (Two round bases of the skullcap are hung out)

Look at these two drawings. What is the difference?

One drawing shows a pattern called a ram's horn, and the second shows a dog's tail. Why do you think these patterns are called so?

Tell me, what colors are used in the Tatar ornament?

The Tatar ornament uses bright colors (red, blue, green, light blue, pink, orange, yellow).

V. Physical education.

If everything in the world was

Same color (shake your head)

It would make you angry

Or did it make you happy? (shake head)

People are used to seeing the world

White, yellow, blue, red, (tilts)

Let everything in the world be

Amazing and different! (jumping on one leg)

VI. Painting over the ornament on the skullcap with the technique of plasticineography.

(Children's work to the sounds of Tatar national music.)

VII. Summary of the lesson

What did we talk about in class today?

About Tatar costume and Tatar ornament, Tatar ornament uses bright colors, people use ornament for decoration.

What did we do in class?

They decorated the Tatar skullcap.

Let's see if everyone got the job?

Rinat really liked your skullcaps, and now he can often change

outfits and always be beautiful.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten №16 Tuymazy

municipal district Tuymazinsky district

Republic of Bashkortostan


organized educational activities

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Section: "Drawing"

Topic: "Decoration of the yurt with Bashkir ornaments"

Age group: senior speech therapy



Khakimova Z.R.

Work experience: 19 years

Tuymazy 2018


1. Introduce children to the artistic exterior of the yurt (color

solution - gray or white felt, skin; ornamental elements: straight lines, kuskar).

2. Introduce children to the device of the yurt (frame, dome).

3. To acquaint children with the features of the interior (two halves: male and female, the specifics of their design).

4. Consolidation of drawing skills with paints.

The teacher in the Bashkir folk costume meets the children:

Hello dear guests! To meet you, I put on a festive costume. This is a Bashkir costume. Do you know how the Bashkirs settled in the Urals?(Children tell the story).

That's right guys. I will give you riddles, and you think and guess:

"I set up a stack of blue grass, the top is open

left", "Across the stick and along the stick, you will collect a whole armful"

What is this? (Yurt). And why did the Bashkirs need it?(So ​​that in it

live). And in Bashkir, a yurt is called tirme. Let's take a closer look at the Bashkir dwelling. The walls of the yurt consisted of rectangular lattices. They were fastened to each other with straps in a circle.

In the upper part, the thin poles of the Bashkirs were pulled together with a rope. The roof of the yurt

was pointed or round. There was a round hole in the center of the roof. Why do you think the Bashkirs left a hole in the upper part of the dome of the yurt. (For the light to be).Right. The wooden frame of the yurt was covered with felt or skin.

And now I invite you to enter the yurt. The most important place was the hearth. The hearth is a fire. And what was he needed for? (For heat, light, cooking). Right. About the hearth, the people put together proverbs:

"What is the hearth, such is the fire." Where does the smoke from the fire go? Certainly

same, in the door and a round hole on the top of the yurt.

Guys, look, a curtain separates the yurt. In Bashkir it is called

sharshau. It divides the yurt into two halves: male and female. On the men's side, there was a special place for guests. This is the most colorful and honorable place. There they put a high mountain of multi-colored pillows on which the guests sat. A carpet was laid on the ground. Weapons were hung to the left of the door. What do you think was in the women's part of the yurt? There were: dishes, food supplies, clothes.

Guys, look, the yurt is decorated with Bashkir patterns.

Do you know what they mean?

Sit down, guests, on pillows, and listen to the legend "A letter from a son who could not write."

“It was a long time ago, people didn’t know how to write then. The Bashkirs lived in the Urals. wanted to wish her health, but did not know how to do it. And then he came up with the idea of ​​drawing everything he wanted to say. He took a birch bark and cut a drawing on it and sent it to his mother with pigeons. Mother received such a message, looked for a long time, thought and guessed She sees the first sign and thinks it looks like the horns of animals Sees the second sign means her son says that he is tending two flocks Sees the third sign and thinks his pasture is near the forest because it looks like a tree that bent by the wind. Looks at the fourth sign - it looks like a hedge, which means that the pasture is fenced off from predators. And the fifth sign looks like the rays of the sun, which means the weather is fine. What does the sixth sign look like? (On the heart). That's right, the son wishes mother's health, loves her, his heart takes care of her. And the seventh sign says that a yurt-tirme has been set up in the middle of the pasture."

Did you like the legend? And now I propose to play the Bashkir folk game. It's called Yurt.

Purpose of the game: to develop dexterity, patience, resourcefulness, active interest in folk games.


children stand at their Yurt (3 folded scarves) for 4 people. Further, to the cheerful Bashkir music, the children dance around all three scarves. The facilitator says: "One, two, three - come to your yurt."

Children of 4 stand around a folded scarf and lead a small round dance.

The host again counts: “One, two, three – collect your yurt!”

The guys take the scarf by 4 edges and lift it up - the yurt is ready.

Guys, are you rested? And now I suggest you decorate with Bashkir

yurt ornament. (Kuskar). The teacher shows an example of drawing a kuskar. (Soothing Bashkir music sounds. The guys draw ornaments on the elements of the yurt and stick them on the prepared template of the yurt).

Guys, you got very bright ornaments.

You have worked hard, and I want to treat you, dear guests, with Bashkir sweets - I invite you to try chak-chak in the yurt.

Bashkir music sounds, children treat themselves to chak-chak.

Advice for parents

“We play outdoor games - we strengthen our health”

“I am not afraid to repeat once again: taking care of health is the most important work of an educator. From the cheerfulness, cheerfulness of children, their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, the strength of knowledge, faith in one's own strength. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Preschool age is the period when the child grows and develops intensively, the period of formation human personality when the foundation of health is laid. It is an undeniable fact that good health, acquired in the preschool period of childhood, serves as the foundation for general development and retains its value in subsequent years of life. Currently, children experience a motor deficit, which leads to pronounced functional disorders in their body. The strength and efficiency of the skeletal muscles decrease, which leads to a violation of posture, a delay in age development. mobile games have great importance in improving the health of preschool children. Outdoor games include basic movements: walking, running, climbing, jumping. The movements included in the game develop and strengthen the body, improve metabolism, the functional activity of all organs and systems. Outdoor games bring joy to a child's life and help strengthen the body, teach discipline, concentration and systematic actions. In outdoor games, favorable conditions are created for the manifestation of creativity, fiction, and fantasy. Outdoor games contribute to the development of motor qualities: speed, agility, strength, endurance, flexibility, and, importantly, these physical qualities are developed in a complex. Restriction of actions by the rules adopted in an outdoor game, while at the same time being enthusiastic about the game, perfectly disciplines children. At present, care for the health, emotional well-being and comprehensive development of children has become a priority. And it's clear: modern society we need active, healthy and harmoniously developed personalities. Outdoor games are the best medicine for children from motor hunger - hypodynamia. Many of them have existed since time immemorial and are passed down from generation to generation. Time makes changes to the plots of some games, fills them with new content, reflecting modern life. Games are enriched, improved, a lot of complicated options are created, but their motor base remains unchanged. Strengthening and improving the body, the formation necessary skills, the development of friendly relations, the development of speech and the enrichment of the vocabulary are the main educational tasks that we carry out with the help of a variety of outdoor games.

Dear parents!

I bring to your attention outdoor games that will be interesting not only for your children, but also for you.

Game "Catch the ball".

Purpose: to develop in children dexterity, speed of reaction.

Move: The participants of the game are divided into two teams with an equal number of players. All players stand in a circle. The driver, selected with the help of a rhyme, throws the ball up. If the ball is caught by the players of one team, then they begin to throw it to each other so that the players of the other team cannot capture it. You can only throw the ball with your hands. The team that holds the ball the longest wins.

"Reverse game".

Purpose: to develop dexterity, attention.

Move: In this game, all movements are done in reverse. The leader goes to the middle and stands in front of the players standing in a line. Then he shows some kind of movement, and the players must show it in reverse. For example, if the leader raised his hand, then the players should lower it, if he spread his palms, then everyone should reduce, etc. The one who makes a mistake leaves the game.

The game "Running or flying?".

Purpose: to develop attention, the ability to catch the ball.

Action: The participants of this game stand in a circle. One of the players tosses the ball into the air and names a creature. If the named creature is flying, the players must catch the ball in mid-flight. If the driver called a creature crawling or climbing on the ground, then the players must catch the ball that bounced off the ground. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.

The game "Air, water, earth, wind."

Purpose: to develop attention, speed of reaction.

Move: the players stand in a circle, the leader stands in the middle. Approaching one of the players, the driver says one of the four words and counts to five. The player must during this time name (depending on the word that is given to him) a bird, fish, animal, or circle in place. Who did not have time to give an answer, leaves the circle. Then the driver turns to another, and so on. Suddenly, instead of the four indicated words, the driver says to someone: “Fire!”. At this word, all the players must change places and the driver takes someone else's place in the circle. The last one, who did not have time to stand in a circle, becomes the leader.

The participation of adults in outdoor games brings a double benefit: it gives children a lot of joy, and gives parents the opportunity to get to know their child better, to become his friend.

I wish you success!

At the Museum of Russian Fun open sky, created specifically for the revival of the Russian folk game, local historians have collected games that Vyatka peasants played a century or more ago. We bring to your attention some of them:


Malechina-kalechina is an old folk game. The game consists in placing the stick vertically on the tip of one or two fingers of the hand (you cannot support the stick with the other hand) and, turning to the little one, pronounce the rhyme in recitative:

how many hours till evening?
One two Three..."

They count as long as they manage to keep the stick from falling. When the stick sways, it is picked up with the second hand, preventing it from falling. The winner is determined by the value of the number to which he counted.


In Rus', "Babki" were widespread already in the 6th-8th centuries. and were my favorite game. Grandmas are taken for the game - specially processed bones of the joints of the legs of cows, pigs, sheep. The Russians have the greatest respect for cow pasterns: they are larger and can be hit from a great distance. Each player should have their own bat and 3-10 money. The largest and heaviest headstock is taken as a bit (its inner cavity is often filled with lead or tin). Grandma games themselves are divided into countless types. Here is an example of one of them. Players bet out of the blue on a nest on a cue ball. Then they determine the conditional distance - horses. To whom to start the game first - to beat and to whom after, they draw lots about that. Players, standing on the line, beat with cue balls according to seniority. If the grandmas that are at stake are knocked down, then they are considered their winnings. When they have all struck, then each goes over to his cue ball and beats from the place where his cue ball lies; whoever lies further, he first starts and beats, and the rest finish the game according to the distance of their cue balls.


Rope - an old wedding game, amuses married and family people at conspiracies, at gatherings and young girls, alone, without men. But this has happened before; now all wedding conspirators amuse themselves with a rope indiscriminately. The matchmaker brings a rope into the room, the ends of which the matchmaker or boyfriend are tied in one knot. Players grab this rope with both hands, forming a circle around it. In the middle of the circle becomes a matchmaker or matchmaker for the beginning. Going around everyone, the matchmaker - to whom he says a red word, to whom he sings a saying or envies a fairy tale, trying to express in it the characters of the conspirators. Her words, although sometimes quite offensive, are answered with praise, a smile and good youth. Circular - this is the name of the matchmaker, standing in the middle of the players - among the stories, notices: someone is looking around, and, after watching, immediately beats him on the arm. The blunderer stands in a circle, with general laughter, and starts his tales. Sometimes, instead of fables, the players sing wedding songs.


Fun based on the Russian folk tale "Turnip". All players stand one after another, clasping the previous one around the waist. The first player grabs a small tree trunk or post. "Grandfather" begins to pull the last player, trying to tear him away from the rest. There is another version of the game: Players sit opposite each other, resting their feet on the opponent's legs. Hands hold on to a stick. On command, they begin, without getting up, to pull each other towards themselves. The one who pulls the opponent wins.

Fun "Cherry"

This game is intended for young boys and girls of marriageable age. Everyone becomes shoulder to shoulder in two lines opposite each other at arm's length (or a little closer). Participants put their hands in front of them at a level just above the waist with palms up or clasp their hands in a lock for a stronger connection. It turns out a corridor. Volunteer (cherry), runs up and jumps like a fish on his hands at the beginning of the corridor. The task is to throw a cherry to the end of the corridor. Cherry should stretch his arms forward and keep his legs together. The corridor should crouch a little and at the same time as shouting "Eeeh-x" toss the cherry up and forward along the corridor. The main thing here is to scatter more and fly higher and further away, and after that the hands of the comrades will bring the player to the girl who needs to be kissed. After rolling over the waves from your hands for a couple of tens of meters, the kiss turns out to be very sensual. The main thing in the game is to slow down in time, otherwise you will fly past the desired addressee.


Old Russian fun. Burners were played by girls and single young men. A guy was always chosen as the driver, and he could only catch a girl, so the game made it possible to get acquainted, communicate, choose a bride. “Single guys and girls are installed in pairs in a long row, and one of the fellows, who gets to burn by lot, stands in front of everyone and says:

- "I'm burning, I'm burning a stump!"

- "What are you burning for?" a girl's voice asks.

- "I want a red maiden."

- "Which?"

- "You, young!"

At these words, one couple scatters in different directions, trying to get back together with each other and grab their hands; and who was on fire - he rushes to catch his girlfriend. If he manages to catch the girl before she meets her mate, they stand in a row, and the one who remains alone takes his place. If he fails to catch, then he continues to chase other couples, who, after the same questions and answers, run in turn. A.N. Afanasiev


Not a single holiday in the old days was complete for young people without this game. Here you have a fight for your beloved, and jealousy, and a test of feelings, and a magical touch on the chosen hand. The game is wonderful, wise and extremely meaningful. The players stand one after another in pairs, usually a boy and a girl, join hands and hold them high above their heads. From clasped hands, a long corridor is obtained. The player who did not get a pair goes to the "source" of the stream and, passing under clasped hands, looks for a pair. Holding hands, the new couple makes their way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose couple was broken goes to the beginning of the "brook". And passing under clasped hands, he takes away with him the one he likes. This is how the “brook” moves - the more participants, the more fun game, especially fun to spend with music.


IN Ancient Rus' head over heels were among the most common. Already in the X century. Kubar had such a perfect form that it almost did not change to this day. The simplest kubari were carved with an ax and a knife from a wooden cylinder by squeezing its lower end to the shape of a cone. An obligatory accessory for head over heels games is a whip (rope on a short stick) or just a rope, with which head over heels spin up to a fast and steady rotation. Kubar starts in different ways. Sometimes it is untwisted between the palms, and more often a rope is wound head over heels and pulled with force at its end. This gives the head over heels a rotational movement, which can then be maintained by whipping head over heels with a whip or string. Kubar at the same time does not fall, but only slightly bounces “as if alive” and begins to rotate even faster, moving gradually in a certain direction. Skilled players compete by driving head over heels in an agreed direction, often winding, maneuvering between various obstacles or overcoming an obstacle.


Chizhik is a children's game, it amuses children successfully and saddens by accidental beatings. The eldest of the children outlines on the ground with chalk or a sharp stick a square - a “cage”, in its middle he sets a stone, on which he puts a stick - a “chizhik”. Everyone takes turns approaching the “cage” with another long stick and hitting the “chizhik”, which flies up from the blow. Then other players beat the "chizhik" on the fly, trying to drive him back into the "cage". The game continues until then, until one of the players with a broken face appears and, with a cry, begins to search for the culprit. But since the beatings are soon forgotten by the children, the Chizhik game will soon resume.


The players stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - “dawn” walks behind with a ribbon and says:

Dawn - lightning,

red maiden,

Walked across the field

Dropped the keys

golden keys,

blue ribbons,

entwined rings -

Went for water!

WITH last words the driver carefully puts the tape on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes a "dawn".


The boys love to bully, push, even fight - in a word, cock. But real boyish fights were not carried out somehow, but according to the rules. For the game, a small circle was drawn, and two players stood in its center. The rules were strict - the guys had their hands behind their backs, you couldn’t stand on two legs, just jump on one leg. The guys could push with their shoulders, chest, back, but not with their heads and not with their hands. If you managed to push your opponent so that he stepped on the ground with his second foot or jumped out of the circle, you won.

Slaps in the face

Good old fun for guys. Two fellows sit on a bench opposite each other, cross-legged under the bench, and inflict “slaps” on each other. Narrow bench and crossed legs make it difficult to apply strong blows tense hand. Once one of the guys tried to hit harder, and even with his fist, which was against the rules, but he got worse - he became a victim of his own outstanding inertia and a narrow bench and flew to the ground.

Bag fight

Two good fellows they stand up or sit down on a log, take a bag in their hands and, on command, begin to beat the opponent with a bag, trying to throw him off the log to the ground. For complexity, you can keep one hand tightly pressed to the lower back, and act with the other hand. Here greater value acquires the ability to move, feel the movement of the enemy, use his inertia.

Pole riding

This folk winter fun was once widespread in the provinces of Russia. On the slope of a mountain or mound, two even, smoothly planed poles (poles) 15-20 m long are placed under a slope parallel to each other at a distance of about 1 meter. Two smooth rails are obtained, along which you can slide down the mountain. The poles are repeatedly poured with water so that they freeze solid and become slippery. Whoever wants to ride on the poles picks up a partner of similar height and weight. Partners stand on poles facing each other, supporting each other with their hands by the shoulders or waist. However, the methods can be very different, if only to resist the rapid slide down. The coordination of actions, the ability to maintain balance, ingenuity, courage allow some to ride in the most remote and comic poses.


For this fun, you need a rope 2-3 meters long. The rope is held by two, or you can tie one of the ends to a tree. The rope is not twisted, but only swayed above the ground at different heights - from 10 centimeters and above. Guys and girls one by one (or in pairs) scatter and jump over a swinging rope or start jumping different ways: with closed legs, on one leg, with crossed legs, with a turn when jumping, etc. Jump until they make mistakes. The one who makes a mistake replaces one of the rope swingers. A mistake is considered not only an unsuccessful jump, but also any touching of the rope.


Spillikins are small straws (or sticks - wooden, reed, bone or from any other, even artificial material) 10 centimeters long, and in number from sixty to one hundred. The beam is thrown on the table, or any flat surface, so that the spillikins lie in a chaotic disorder one on top of the other and side by side. The playing participants of the fun strictly alternately remove them one at a time - as it is more convenient: with their fingers or with a special wire hook mounted on a stick. Whoever just moves the neighboring spillikin, immediately passes the hook to the next player. This continues until the entire pile is completely disassembled. The winner is the participant who has accumulated the largest number of flawlessly taken spillikins. Heads are attached to some spillikins, calling them: king, general, colonel, etc .; you can also give the sticks the appearance of a spear, knife, saw, spade, etc. For such special spillikins, more points are awarded.


The driving player is called a "blind man".

Blindfolded is blindfolded (usually with a scarf or handkerchief). They untwist it and then ask:

- Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

- At the pot.

- What's in the pot?

“Catch the mice, not us.

After that, the players scatter, and the blind man's blind man catches them. Blind Man's Buff should catch any other player and identify him. If successful, the one caught becomes a blind man's buffoon. Players can run, freeze in one place, “tease” the driver in order to attract his attention and, perhaps, thus save the player to whom the driver or “blind man’s blind man” came too close.


This is an old Russian game. The players stand in a circle. Two people go to the middle - one with a bell or a bell, and the other is blindfolded. Everyone else sings:

Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,

The daredevils called:

Digi digi digi dong

Guess where the call is coming from!

After these words, the blindfolded player must, by the sound of the bell, catch the participant dodging him. When a participant with a bell is caught, he becomes the leader, and the second player becomes in the general circle.

Golden Gate

In this game, two players stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise them up. Get the "gate". The rest stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front, or simply hold hands. The resulting chain should pass under the gate. And the "gates" at this time pronounce:

Golden Gate

They don't always miss!

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is forbidden

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

After these words, the “gates” abruptly lower their hands, and those players who were caught also become “gates”. Gradually, the number of "gates" increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all players become "gates".

Swan geese

Having chosen two or one wolf, depending on the number of players, they choose the leader, the one that starts the game. All the rest become geese. The leader stands at one end of the site, the geese at the other, and the wolves hide to the side. The leader paces, glances, and, noticing the wolves, runs to his place, claps his hands and shouts:

Geese-swans, go home!

- Run, fly home, there are wolves behind the mountain!

What do wolves need?

- Pinch gray geese and gnaw bones!

After these words, the geese should have time to run to the leader before the wolves grab them. The captured geese are out of the game, and the remaining players repeat the game again until the wolves have caught all the geese.

Easter egg rolling

Egg rolling is a competitive game, its goal is to get the eggs of other players. A track (also called a skating rink or tray) is installed on a flat area, which is a chute made of cardboard or wood, at the end of which painted eggs are laid out, as well as toys and other trinkets. The track can be inclined, and its shape varies. Sometimes they do without a special track, while eggs are rolled on the floor or on the grass. Each player rolls their egg along the path. If it hits any of the items, that item is won. If the egg does not touch any object, it is left on the site, and it can go to another player as a prize.


Elephant is an old Russian game, which is especially loved by boys, as the game brings out the strongest and most enduring. The players are divided into two equal in strength and in the number of team members. One of the teams is an elephant, the other jumps on it. The strongest and strongest player stands in front facing the wall, leaning against it, bending over and lowering his head. The next participant grabs him by the belt and hides his head, followed by the third, fourth, and so on. They must hold tightly to each other, depicting an elephant. The members of the other team take turns running up and jumping on the back of the elephant so as to sit as far forward as possible, leaving room for the next. The task of the players is to stay on the elephant with the whole team and not fall off for 10 seconds. After that, the team members switch roles.

Kiss, girl, well done

The game will require many participants - girls and boys. The players stand in a circle, and one becomes in the center. Then everyone starts moving: the circle rotates in one direction, the one in the center in the other. The player in the center spins with their eyes closed and their arm outstretched in front of them. Everyone sings:

Matryoshka walked along the path,

Lost two earrings

Two earrings, two rings,

Kiss, girl, well done.

With the last words, everyone stops. The player pointed to by the leader's hand goes to the center. Players stand with their backs to each other and turn their heads to the left or right at the expense of "three"; if the sides match, then the lucky ones kiss!


First, all players stand in a circle facing the center. The driver moves away from the players, who, in turn, choose the "ringleader". The ringleader shows all the other players different moves, and the players repeat these movements, keeping up with the ringleader. The driver must guess who is the "ringleader". If after 20 seconds he does not succeed, the driver is out of the game, and the players choose a new driver for themselves.


Everyone is sitting on a bench. The leader is chosen. He has a ring or other small object between his palms. The rest keep their hands closed. The driver with the ring goes around everyone and, as it were, puts a ring on them. But to whom he put it, only the one who got the ring knows. Others must observe and guess who has this item. When the driver says: “ring, ring, go out onto the porch,” the one who has it should jump out, and the rest, if you guessed it, detain him. If he managed to jump out, he starts driving, if not, the one who delayed him drives. Moreover, you can only hold it with your elbows, since the palms remain closed.

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Project "Folk outdoor games". Completed by: Smirnova E.V. educator Project summary: Games are a kind of school for a child. In them the thirst for action is satisfied; plentiful food is provided for the work of the mind and imagination; the ability to overcome failures, experience failure, stand up for oneself and for justice is brought up. In games - the key to a full-fledged mental life child in the future. Outdoor folk games are an invaluable national wealth. They are of interest not only as a genre of oral folk art. They contain information that gives an idea of ​​the daily life of our ancestors - their way of life, work, worldview. Games were an indispensable element of folk ritual holidays. Unfortunately, folk games today have almost disappeared from childhood. I would like to make them the property of our days. Almost every game begins with the choice of a driver. Most often this happens with the help of a rhyme. The rhyme finds its ancient tradition . The habit of counting comes from the everyday life of adults. Before the upcoming business in the past, they often resorted to counting to find out whether the plan was successful or unsuccessful. This was given extraordinary importance, since it was believed that there are happy and unlucky numbers. Adults were counted - and children began to be counted. Indeed, many children's games imitate serious activities of adults - hunting for animals, catching birds, caring for crops, etc. There are games in which the players are divided into teams. In order to avoid disputes, collusions were used: whom do you choose? what do you choose? what will you take? Relevance: The world of childhood cannot be without a game. The game in the life of a child is a moment of joy, fun, competition, it leads the child through life. Children's games are diverse, these are games with toys, games with movements, competition games, games with a ball and other sports equipment. At preschool age, children play all the time - this is their natural need, this is a way of knowing the world around them and getting acquainted with the history of outdoor games. Project type: informational, game. Purpose: Education and development of children on the ideas of folk pedagogy, physical education of children 4-5 years old. Tasks: Teaching folk outdoor games and joint actions. Development of physical qualities: dexterity, balance, speed of movement through folk outdoor games .Reinforcing the basic movements: running, jumping, throwing during folk outdoor games. Raising love for the native land, independence in decision-making. Use all types of folklore (fairy tales, songs, nursery rhymes, incantations, proverbs, sayings, riddles, round dances), since folklore is the richest source of cognitive and moral development of children. Project support: Methodological: M.F. Litvinova. Russian folk outdoor games. M.: Iris-press, 2003. O.L. Knyazeva, M.D. Makhaneva. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture: Program. Teaching aid. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2010. Card index of Russian folk outdoor games. Material and technical: Balls. Colored crayons. Expected result: the development of dialogic and monologue speech of children. The use of nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, riddles by children in active speech. Children know how to play Russian folk outdoor games, use counting rhymes. Create a system of work to familiarize children with the origins of Russian folk culture. - the educational process through the holding of Russian folk outdoor games, familiarity with the holidays, their customs and traditions. Project Implementation Stages:I. Organizational.- selection of methodological literature;- work with parents on interaction within the framework of the project.- development of classes;- thematic planning ; - selection of music. II.Project implementation:Communication.1. Learning counting rhymes, collusions.2. Conversation "How they played in the old days." Fiction.1. The inclusion of folk outdoor games in the direct educational activities of the relevant topics.2. Learning counting rhymes, collusions.3. fairy tales, songs, nursery rhymes, incantations, proverbs, sayings, riddles. Health.1. Organization and holding of outdoor games that preserve and strengthen the physical health of children. Safety.1. Safety explanation. Physical culture.1. Inclusion of folk outdoor games in direct educational activities. Socialization.1. Joint game.2. Acquaintance with the attributes of games. Cognition. Explanation of the rules of the game. Presentation "History of outdoor games"Music. 1. The inclusion of folk outdoor games in the direct educational activities of the relevant topics. III. Generalizing - leisure activities. DESCRIPTION OF GAMES.Zhmurki For the game you need a scarf or scarf (necessarily tight) and a bell or tambourine, signals can be given by voice or by clapping your hands. With the help of a counter, a leader is selected. The rest of the players spin it, saying: Cat, cat, where are you standing? - On the bridge. - What are you drinking? - Beer, kvass - Catch mice, not us! After that, all the players scatter in different directions. And they begin to “tease” the driver, giving him different signals about their whereabouts. You can ring the bell or clap your hands. After the driver has caught someone, he tries to determine the name of the person caught by touch. If this succeeds, the person caught becomes the leader. If not, then the game continues. Hide-and-seek The game begins when the leader is chosen with the help of a draw or a counting rhyme - “water”, then the place is determined from where the game starts and where it will be necessary to “catch”. The driver turns to the wall (corner, door, pillar) and begins to count. Depending on the age of children, you can count from 10 to 50. Usually up to 20 is enough. After that, the water turns and says: One, two, three, four, five, I'm going to look! Whoever didn't hide, I'm not to blame! The task of the presenter is to find those hiding, return and knock on the wall, near which he counted: Knocks, knocks, I see Masha, she is behind a tree. not found. They should run up to the wall and loudly shout "Knock-knock for yourself." Salki Players scatter, water (kwach) catches up with them and tries to touch them with a hand - to touch them. If he succeeded, the salted one becomes water, loudly announcing this to all participants, and so on ad infinitum, until everyone is tired. Sometimes the kwach starts chasing one (the weakest and slowest) participant. Then all the others chant: "One is not a race - you will catch a pig!" or “I give a guarantee - you will catch a pig!” Rummers The gnome was looking for gold! And he lost his cap! One raspberry, two raspberries, I ate Marinka berries, And there was nothing left in Marinka's basket.

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