For several years, Oksana Fedorova was a TV presenter on the Rossiya channel, however, then she decided to change her field of activity and move on. Oksana has already tried her hand at new projects, and also became a designer, launching her own clothing line. She also finds time for charity, actively helping large families, the elderly and the youth. In her personal life, Fedorova finally found female happiness: she is raising two children with her beloved husband, feeling completely protected with him.

Oksana was born in 1977 in Pskov. Her parents divorced early, so the girl was raised by her mother, who then remarried. Her grandfather served in the police, where he ended up after the war. Perhaps that is why, even in her childhood, the future TV presenter dreamed of following in the footsteps of her grandfather. She entered the police school, and then received her education at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg, receiving the rank of senior lieutenant. In the future, Fedorova rose to the rank of police major.

In addition to working in the organs, she tried her hand at a beauty contest. In 1999, the girl was able to become Miss St. Petersburg, and a year later she won the Miss Russia contest. In 2002, she won in Puerto Rico, receiving the title of "Miss Universe 2002", however, this title was removed from her, as the girl did not fulfill the necessary duties. In the early 2000s, the beauty took up a career in television: for several years she hosted the children's program " Good night, kids! ”, Then she was offered to be a co-host on Saturday Night.

In Oksana's personal life, there were many novels and hobbies, however, all these relationships ended sooner or later. She had her first serious feelings for businessman Vladimir Golubev, who was more than 20 years older than her. This man played an important role in the fate of the TV presenter and model, but she still did not marry him. After parting with her first lover, Fedorova did not briefly meet with Alexander Litvinenko, with whom she performed in pairs on the show "Dancing with the Stars".

In the photo Oksana Fedorova with her ex-husband Philip Toft

In 2007, she met German businessman Philipp Toft and married him a few months later. However, the relationship did not work out, besides, the husband often left for his homeland. In 2009, Oksana began to appear in the company of Nikolai Baskov, and soon the fans learned about the engagement of the lovers. In 2010, the TV presenter divorced Toft, however, nothing worked out with the singer either. In the spring of 2011, the couple broke up.

In the photo Oksana Fedorova with children: son Fedor and daughter Elizabeth

Soon she married an FSB officer Andrei Borodin, who now works in the administration of the President of the Russian Federation. In 2012, the son Fedor was born in the family, and a year later the daughter Elizabeth was born.

The star has repeatedly called her marriage successful and happy, and her husband - reliable and a good man. Fedorova plans to have a third child, but for this she would like the kids to grow up first.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published on 20.11.2016


Grade 5

Everyone knows that today in the world there is such a situation that there are much more women than men. And this is taking into account the fact that every third is a true beauty. Surprisingly, what to do with such a power of beauty, if at the head of this list is the dream of the male population - Oksana Fedorova? And what interesting things are happening in her life, you..

Summary 5.0 excellent

Everyone knows that today in the world there is such a situation that there are much more women than men. And this is taking into account the fact that every third is a true beauty. Surprisingly, what to do with such a power of beauty, if at the head of this list is the dream of the male population - Oksana Fedorova? And what interesting things happen in her life, you can read in this article.

Oksana Fedorova 2016. Accurate facts

You should start talking about Oksana Fedorova from her immediate birthday, which falls on December 17th. The girl was born in 1977 and today she is already thirty-eight years old, which does not prevent her from maintaining her perfect appearance.

How many powers of the world of this Oksana Fedorova A eastern horoscope she is a snake. Interestingly, this combination is found in many famous and influential people planets.

Where Oksana Fedorova was born - such beauties can only be born in Russia. As for Oksana specifically, she was born in the city of Pskov.

To date, Oksana Fedorova is a popular TV presenter and is filmed for model photo shoots.

Oksana Fedorova weight: 50 kg.

Oksana Fedorova height: 178 cm.

Oksana Fedorova. Biography

Fedorova Oksana, the future Miss Beauty and popular personality, was born in a small Russian city - in Pskov. This happy event happened on December 17, 1977. Unfortunately, Oksana did not have happy family: dad, mom ... Her father left them even when Oksana could not speak. So the upbringing of the baby fell entirely on the shoulders of her strong mother, who, in addition to everything else, was also a qualified medical specialist.

Time passed and Oksana Fedorova successfully graduated from the Pskov school number 8, it happened in 1995. Interestingly, while in high school, Oksana was simultaneously studying at a legal lyceum.

It is surprising, but such a beauty turns out to have dreamed of doing useful activities for humanity throughout her conscious life. She dreamed of being a police representative.

As for the ascent in the creative field, it all started with a small orchestra, where Oksana played the tenor saxophone.

Oksana Fedorova. Police career

After graduating from the police school in 1997, Oksana Fedorova went to study in the city of St. Petersburg. Oksana left the higher educational institution as none other than a lieutenant. She tried so hard to be the best that she finished it without difficulty educational institution with honors.

Three years later, being in the rank of Lieutenant Fedorov, she began working as an interrogating officer in the department of internal affairs of Pulkovo Airport.

A little more time passed and Oksana Fedorova was invited to the position of a representative of civil law in her native educational institution. In parallel, the girl enters the postgraduate course at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of St. Petersburg.

And here, while Oksana Fedorova is writing her candidate's thesis, she is literally covered by a wave of popularity.

Oksana Fedorova and the path to Miss Universe

Studying at the university and personal life did not at all prevent Oksana from taking care of her appearance, because weekly the girl visited various sports sections and shaping halls. True, she did not go to ordinary places at all, but to a hall that belonged to the St. Petersburg Shaping Federation. And it was this organization that was directly involved in the organization of the Miss Beauty contest, which is popular in St. Petersburg.

At her first competition, Oksana Fedorova wins without any effort and takes first place. This event happened in 1999. Then followed a series of endless events of this kind. And so, Oksana Fedorova becomes Miss Russia, and then takes first place in international competition"Miss Universe".

An interesting fact, but it turns out that Oksana Fedorova could take part in the Miss Universe beauty contest back in 2001, but the obligations outweighed the desire to “be popular” and Oksana remained to take exams.

But nothing prevented this attractive and purposeful person from taking first place in a beauty contest in 2002. And being already a certified specialist, Oksana receives the title of "Miss Universe".

In this competition, the winner receives an amazingly beautiful crown, the cost of which, according to primary standards, is estimated at two hundred thousand US dollars. This chic gift was awarded to the girl by the Mikimoto jewelry corporation from Japan.

Among other things, Oksana Fedorova also received various gifts and prizes for her participation in the beauty contest with a nominal value of approximately two hundred and fifty thousand US dollars. And of course, we should not forget about the grand opportunity to collaborate with fashion modeling agencies and studying at the New York School of Television and Film (amazing apartments in Manhattan were attached to the training).

But for some personal reasons, Oksana Fedorova refused a request for an expensive photo shoot and announced to the whole world that she would not take part in a popular television show, because she has a lot to do at the university, she needs to do her dissertation .

It's only been four months and international organization decides on the need to deprive Oksana Fedorova of the Miss Universe title. explains everything that happened by the fact that the girl who becomes "miss" also has a number of obligations. For example, she needs not only to attend to her personal affairs, but also to take part in multiple promotions, charity events and attend social events, but Oksana did not do this at all. She spent the entire period of this time in Russia.

Oksana Fedorova. Personal life

According to many, the refusal of all the opportunities provided by the organization of the competition happened because of a strong love for a certain man. But as it turned out, the refusal of the title "Miss Universe" did not make the girl happy at all. After the competition, the girl hastily returned to St. Petersburg, but the girl refused to give any comments on her decision.

The only thing that I managed to learn from the beauty herself was that she had a relationship with a person who was several decades older than herself and was engaged in the field of industrial construction for a long period of time. And then information surfaced that Oksana Fedorova had been living together with a certain Golubev Vladimir for more than sixteen years. At the same time, her lover is not only twenty years older than her, but is also legally married to another woman. And in general, he is not an entrepreneur at all, but a banal bandit, who is known in "Peter" in the criminal circle as "Barmaley".

For the first time, "Barmaley" saw his future lover at a beauty contest, which was held in the city of St. Petersburg. Then he made her an offer she couldn't refuse. The girl was offered wonderful housing in a prestigious area, money for personal expenses, and all that was required of her was favor to her lover. In other words, Vladimir offered Oksana to become an ordinary kept woman. That's just a life of this kind required Oksana to give up the title of "Miss Universe", and in general she was deprived of any freedoms.

Some of the women close to Oksana Fedorova said that the girl very often said that she was very tired of such a life and the time had come when she was ready to change her " golden cage" on real family and children.

But Vladimir Golubev was not ready for such changes. And why does he need all this if a man already has a full-fledged family with a wife and children. Yes, and illegitimate children would cause serious discord in the relations between Vladimir and his lawful wife.

The year 2006 has come. Oksana Fedorova makes one of the biggest decisions of her life. They decide to leave Vladimir. At the same time, as if out of nowhere, mass rumors about Oksana Fedorova's new relationship appear. This time, her name is associated with the personality of a certain Alexander Litvinenko, who is engaged in professional dancing. Their romantic relationship started on the popular television project "Dancing with the Stars".

All journalists and yellow newspapers wrote intermittently that Oksana Fedorova and Litvinenko were preparing for the wedding. That's just to reach the victorious end did not work.

A little more time passed and Oksana Fedorova has another boyfriend. And this time the person is very unusual - this is an adult man who became a record holder more than forty times and was inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records. For the sake of his beloved woman, he performed incredible stunts. But all this did not lead to anything serious.

After that, Oksana Fedorova was invited to the children's television show - "Good night, kids." She continues to be called to various television projects. The year 2007 again brings her to the show project "Dancing with the Stars", where she meets a man named Philip Toft. And finally they get married. And what is interesting, but between the day of the meeting and the day of marriage, nothing passes - a few months.

Philip Toft could not boast of wealth. He has in literally there was not a penny behind his back. And yet, Oksana believed that they would be able to create a strong and reliable family. But as it turned out, Philip didn’t aspire to become a father at all. Fedorova decides on the need to help her man in developing him as a person. They open a business, the marriage becomes fictitious. And the family company begins to produce biological supplements under the Toft brand.

Despite relationships with other men, Oksana did not succeed in excluding Vladimir Golubev from her life. All this time he was a shadow reflected in her affairs. Philip lived abroad, and Oksana Fedorova went about her business in Russia. The couple did not even wear wedding rings. Increasingly, she was seen in public with a famous musical artist - Nikolai Baskov.

Baskov and Fedorova often showed their romantic and warm feelings to the general public. They were not afraid to behave liberated and even danced very frank, erotic dances a couple of times. Many of the fans believed that in this way the stars are trying to stir up interest from ordinary citizens.

It turns out that there are even rumors that in one evening spent in the company of Nikolai Baskov, Fedorova had to give up to one hundred and fifty thousand US dollars.

But after that, information appeared that Baskov and Fedorova were striving to legitimize their relationship. At the New Wave contest in the city of Jurmala, Nikolai Baskov invites Oksana to finally legitimize her relationship and makes her an offer. And the couple even hints that it is likely that the couple may soon become parents. A couple is literally everything free time spent together. Then time passed, for some period of time Oksana Fedorova bore the title of "Baskov's bride".

Oksana Fedorova, on the eve of a new relationship, was preparing and divorced Phillip. After another joint vacation with Nikolai Baskov, the couple terminates the relationship. Every day their speeches changed and did not coincide. It was clear that a complete break was not far away.

According to Oksana Fedorova herself, Nikolai Baskov is a completely spontaneous and sudden person. So marrying such a person would be very infantile.

More time passed and finally all the rumors and gossip around Oksana Fedorova styles. The year 2011 has come and a kind and reliable person has finally appeared in the life of the beauty and ex-Miss of the Universe. Oksana Fedorova and Andrey Borodin (WSF employee) enter into a legal marriage.

Another year passes and the young couple has a baby. It happens on March 6, 2012, the son is called nice name Fedor. And after that, another child is born - a girl named Elizabeth (July 22, 2013).

Oksana Fedorova 2016. Today

To date, the relationship between Oksana Fedorova and Andrei Borodin is spoken only in a positive way. An employee of the presidential administration is happily married. And Oksana Fedorova herself confidently insists that she has finally found the very person with whom she is ready to spend the rest of her life. She feels confident and calm with Andrei.

What do you think, is the marriage of Oksana Fedorova and Andrei Borodin really so strong? Or, as it often happens, it is not enough for men to have one beloved? Tell us your opinion and share it in the comments below.

The life of Oksana Fedorova - a titled beauty of a planetary scale, a candidate of legal sciences, a popular presenter, socialite is the story of a woman who managed to realize her many talents and become not only rich and famous, but also find family happiness.

Biography of Oksana Fedorova

Ksyusha was born in the glorious city of Pskov, in December 1977. The childhood of the future star cannot be called cloudless. Oksanka's parents divorced when the baby was two years old. She never had a chance to meet her father again: he died without ever seeing his grown-up daughter. Elena Alekseevna, the mother of the future star, a doctor by profession, disappeared most of the time in the hospital, her stepfather did not particularly burden himself with raising his stepdaughter, so Oksana's father was replaced by her grandfather, a former regular military man.

The Pskov period of Fedorova's biography can be called smooth and measured: the girl dreams of following in the footsteps of her grandfather and is confidently moving towards her goal.

Since childhood, Ksyusha manages to succeed everywhere: study well, do gymnastics and volleyball, attend guitar lessons, lead the KVN team.

After graduating from the police-legal lyceum, the gold medalist without hesitation submits documents to the local police school. Having received her diploma with honors in 1997, Lieutenant Fedorova worked briefly as an investigator, and then decided to leave her hometown to continue her education in St. Petersburg, at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Oksana Fedorova's career

In the Northern capital, a capable and purposeful girl is also successful: she is an excellent student at the faculty of heads of internal affairs bodies, not forgetting the importance of maintaining good physical shape.

In 1999, the city shaping federation organized a beauty contest. The girl took part in it and won, having received the right to represent St. Petersburg at the Miss Russia contest (2001). Having won this title, Ksyusha was supposed to go to the world competition of beauties, but refused because of the final exams at the university. However, the crown itself beautiful girl the planet has not gone away from it - in 2002, after graduating from university with honors, Russian Oksana Fedorova becomes Miss Universe.

The green-eyed brunette captivated the jury not only with her amazing beauty, but also with worthy answers to tricky questions leader. Along with a prestigious title and a bunch of prizes, Oksana got contracts and obligations. Some of them turned out to be so unacceptable that after 4 months Ksenia renounced the crown and returned to teaching at St. Petersburg University and writing her Ph.D. thesis.

Today, Oksana's fragile shoulders include postgraduate and doctoral studies at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a doctorate in law, the position of associate professor at the Department of Civil Law and the rank of major.

Degraded in the West, "Miss Universe", a clever and beautiful woman in uniform turned out to be in demand in the field domestic show business. As a TV presenter, the beauty showed herself in such popular programs on central channels as Subbotnik, Fort Boyard, Saturday Evening. With her sincerity and charm, she managed to conquer the children's audience, participating in the program "Good night, kids."

Cinematography also did not bypass the girl with her attention. First, she was offered to play herself in the series "Don't Be Born Beautiful", then she starred in the film "Christmas Tree" by Gennady Novikov, and finally, Ilya Litvak entrusted Oksana leading role in the movie Sophie.

Since 2008, model Oksana Fedorova has been representing the Magic Gold jewelry company. It is noteworthy that the girl not only demonstrates jewelry, but also directly participates in their creation.

In 2012, Oksana Fedorova's Moda Topical magazine was published, dedicated to the latest trends in the fashion world, news of the fashion industry and glamor.

A busy schedule on television and the post of editor-in-chief did not prevent the energetic woman from creating her own clothing collection. In 2014, designer Oksana Fedorova made her debut as part of the Russian Fashion Week. The creations of the newly minted stylist were praised by Evelina Khromchenko and Alexander Rogov. Oksana's clothes are created not for the "goddesses of thinness", but for ordinary women. A-line silhouette, flowing fabrics, high waist, bell or godet skirts and others Constructive decisions, used in Fedorova's costumes and dresses, allow you to emphasize femininity and hide figure flaws.

Oksana Gennadievna also finds time for charity. At her personal expense, the Pokrovskaya Tower in Pskov was restored. Since 2009 there is charitable foundation Oksana Fedorova, who provides support to orphans and poor families.

Personal life of Oksana Fedorova

Romance with Vladimir Golubev

The first choice of a beautiful provincial was the owner of the Adamant chain of St. Petersburg stores. Oksana Fedorova and Vladimir Golubev maintained a close relationship for 7 years. A wealthy businessman provided a young beauty royal terms However, he was married for a long time and was not eager to create a full-fledged family with Fedorova. In 2006, the couple finally broke up.

The next serious hobby was Alexander Litvinenko, the girl's partner on the Dancing with the Stars project. The girl would later call their relationship a "friendly romance."

First husband - Philip Toft

In 2007, Ksyushenka married a fashion model from Germany, Philip Toft. Their mutual passion arose at a ski resort. The first husband was distinguished by a rare charm and an excellent sense of humor. However, life in two countries destroyed their marriage - Philip felt uncomfortable in Russia, while Oksana did not see prospects for herself in Europe. In 2010, Toft granted his wife an official divorce.

Romance with Nikolai Baskov

In 2009, at the New Wave competition, the main " natural blond"of our stage publicly announced his desire to marry the first beauty of the country. He backed up his words with a luxurious ring with a diamond. The wedding with the famous tenor was to take place in 2010. But in March 2011, Nikolai Baskov and Oksana Fedorova, at a concert in the Kremlin, again announced their separation to the whole country. Many even before that considered their relationship a PR campaign and doubted the sincerity of feelings.

Husband of Oksana Fedorova - Andrey Borodin

Only at the age of 34 on the way did the ex-Miss Universe meet a real man with whom she found female happiness and wanted to have children. It turned out to be an FSB officer Andrei Borodin. Oksana Fedorova's husband, for obvious reasons, leads a non-public life and does not accompany his beautiful wife at social events.


In 2012, the son of Oksana Fedorova and Andrei Borodin appeared. Fedor (that is the name of the first-born of the Borodins) was not for long only child- a year later, Lisa was born.

Of course, with the birth of the long-awaited children-weather star mom She has become less likely to shine on the TV screen, but she is not going to completely abandon her many undertakings. This means that new TV programs, projects, videos and songs of this talented woman await us ahead.

Diet Oksana Fedorova

During the period of receiving a whole series of titles from various beauty contests, Oksana Fedorova’s figure parameters were 88-64-93, with a weight of 51 kg and a height of 178 cm. To maintain this shape, Oksana had to do shaping all the time and from time to time sit on buckwheat-kefir diet .

During pregnancy, the figure of any woman undergoes major changes. So Oksana recovered after giving birth by almost 20 kg. Two weeks after the birth of the child, the star headed to the gym. However, her usual pre-pregnancy workout ended in severe joint pain for her.

The doctor explained to her that the previous load for the woman who gave birth is contraindicated, because the joints can not cope with the increased weight. In addition, physical stress can cause milk loss. Then Oksana switched to individual stretching training - she slowly stretched and pumped up the press. Only after the cessation of breastfeeding did the young mother increase the load.

Oksana stopped eating after 7 pm, refused flour, canned food and marinades, ate fish 4 times a week and ate bread instead of bread. After waking up, she drank a glass of water and only an hour later had breakfast with eggs or oatmeal. Once a week, Fedorova arranged a fasting day (she ate only buckwheat with kefir or unsalted boiled rice).

Russian bath with oak broom, diving in cold water, massage and wraps were also included in the list of weekly events for the slimming TV presenter.

All the efforts made paid off: already six months after giving birth, Oksana Fedorova presented her lovely baby to the public and at the same time her chiseled waist.

Photo by Oksana Fedorova over the past 15 years

In 2001, Oksana won the Miss Russia contest, receiving a ticket to a similar event - Miss Universe. Apparently, the beauty conquered the jury with her expressive green eyes and a snow-white smile. The make-up of the beginning of the “zero” left much to be desired, but such a face is difficult to spoil.

We have no doubt that Fedorova was the first beauty in the police. True, the light pink gloss on the lips even then should have been abandoned.

The image of Oksana Fedorova is associated with long dark hair, but she once wore shoulder length and large curls. By the way, it was pretty good.

Radical black color, graphic haircut and tucked hair - there were such things in Oksana's beauty biography.

The biggest failure was Oksana's passion for bronzer and blush, which the star applied to her face according to the principle "the more the better." Well, styling with the effect of wet hair, in principle, decorates few people.

Experiments with hairstyles continue. This time with long bangs and straight hair. In general, not bad, but again a mistake with lipstick - such a light mother-of-pearl on the lips should be banned!

It would seem that it is difficult to spoil Fedorov, but the makeup artist succeeded - the image turned out to be too aggressive and added Oksana 5 years old. And all because of the unshaded dark shadows on the lower eyelid!

Sometimes Oksana tried on the image of a daring girl! Such bangs are not worthy of 2009, but of the wild 80s.

And in 2010 they appeared ... LIPS! Fortunately, Oksana did not last long with such a voluminous mouth after injections. There is also a claim to make-up. One. Behind him, we simply did not recognize the beauty!

2011 - the craze for self-tanning reached Oksana. A hairstyle with a strange accessory on the forehead and large earrings completed this image of a Papuan. Failure!

But in 2012, during her first pregnancy, Fedorova looked simply charming! A laconic haircut and more restrained makeup is absolutely her story.

After giving birth, Oksana Fedorova recovered a little and tried to divert attention from rounded shapes with red lipstick. Well, the idea was not bad, but the execution let us down - again too bright makeup, which simply ages the star.

Famous public diva Oksana Fedorova is an undeniably chic woman and famous TV presenter, in 2002 she received the crown that every Miss Universe girl would dream of. Secular news is buzzing about her personal life, the paparazzi do not miss the opportunity to take a photo for the yellow press, commenting on all the little things that are happening. No matter how popular she was, no one knew who Oksana Fedorova's husband was for a long time, even her name was carefully hidden.

Today, her husband is no less mysterious person, there is very little information on the Internet, and you won’t be able to find out anything special from search engines. Photos of Oksana Fedorova's husband are very scarce, thus, it will not work to find out about the nature of his activity. Only from Oksana's interview can you find out some informative facts and create an image of Andrei for yourself. Fedorova describes him as a loving and sincere husband who is ideal as a father to children and in relation to his and her work.

Husband of Oksana Fedorova Andrey Borodin

Fedorova's husband was born in Oryol region V small town Livny. After graduating from school, he entered the capital at the Institute of Chemical Engineering, where he completed his studies. Later received training at the academy public service under the President and received the degree of candidate political science. In 2005 he defended his degree in public administration and municipal government.

Labor activity of Andrey Borodin:
- assistant to the head of the administration of Balashikha (2002-2004);
- Head of the Inspection Department of the Ministry natural resources, head of the supervisory service (2004-2005);
- Assistant Minister of Natural Resources (2006-2010);
- Head of Human Resources in the Presidential Administration (2010-2-12);
- President of the boxing federation;
- Today he is an adviser to the Presidential Administration.

Boxing life

First of all, this is not even the profession of Fedorova’s husband, but a passion to which he pays a lot of attention and tries to constantly keep himself in shape, Oksana is proud of this, since the first civil husband was not like that. Near the house, he made a real ring where you can do boxing, and also installed a lot of simulators. He spends his classes not only in training, but also attends a fitness center. For Fedorova Oksana, her husband is an excellent coach, as he oversees Russian women's boxing.

Conquer a woman

Strong-willed and courageous, Andrei Borodin simply conquered the charming Oksana Fedorova, because at that moment she did not leave the television screen and was constantly surrounded by rich and noble men. With Nikolai Baskov, the affair was so graceful that it was discussed throughout the country, he was a good companion, but in the future the family did not work out. At first, the girl did not even understand what caused their breakup.

The man quickly won Oksana's heart, the acquaintance took place at an event dedicated to charity. Beautiful and smart, she just turned Andrei's head, and there was nowhere to retreat. The first meetings were infrequent, but he knew how to look after beautifully and rapprochement gradually occurred. In Andrei, Oksana saw a confident, reliable and correct person, her future husband, with whom she could connect her personal life.

When the man proposed, there was no much thought. The wedding was modest so that there were no unnecessary discussions in 2011, and only six months later the closest ones were invited to a mini-celebration. The biography of Oksana's husband was no less spectacular, but he asked the girl to leave her last name, which is a kind of label for her, but she simply made her husband happy by taking his last name.

Family and Children

Oksana Fedorova with her children and her husband often takes photos in the 2018 album, because this memory is for life. From the first marriage, her husband Fedorova has three sons, in new family they are guests of honor, and the boys easily found a common language with Oksana. Fedorova gave her husband two children Fedor and Lisa, it is on them that the main attention is directed.

Borodin helps his wife in everything, they bathe and put the children to bed, and harmony, love, happiness and prosperity reign in the family.

Oksana Fedorova is a world-famous TV presenter and model. She is a talented girl and a very versatile person who has a million-strong army of fans. She donated the podium to devote herself to scientific work, and television. Who would have thought that this fragile and sweet girl worked in the police, and also hosted a children's TV show, was a teacher and a model on the catwalk, participated in charity events, and also starred in spicy photo shoots.

Height, weight, age. How old is Oksana Fedorova

Oksana Fedorova - Miss Universe 2002. It was she who won this title in Puerto Rico, but a few months later, at the initiative of Donald Trump, she lost it. Since, according to the rules, Miss Universe must take an active part in charity and advertising campaigns, and Oksana was busy defending her dissertation at one of the Russian universities. Nevertheless, although short, but the glory of Oksana Fedorova as Miss brought its results. The girl has many admirers, they recognize her, they listen to her and appreciate her. Fans want to know everything about her height, weight, age, how old Oksana Fedorova is. The girl never hid her data, she has beautiful forms and always willingly demonstrates them.

Biography of Oksana Fedorova

The model was born in the Russian city of Pskov in 1977 on December 17th. She grew up with her mother since her father abandoned them. When Oksana grew up, she tried to find him, but it turned out that he was no longer alive. Fedorova from school fell in love with the jurisdiction, as well as the police service. Therefore, after graduating from school, without thinking, I went to study at the police lyceum hometown. The biography of Oksana Fedorova has facts about her studies at the police school, and also that the girl tried herself as an investigator. But her education did not end there, being already in the service, Oksana enters the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the city of St. Petersburg. Immediately after graduation, the girl already had the rank of senior lieutenant and since 2001 she worked at Pulkovo Airport.

Even despite the busy schedule, Oksana Fedorova begins her modeling career. Her height opened doors for her. modeling business And professional competitions. Her first title was Miss St. Petersburg in 1999. But Oksana Fedorova lost it four months later, as she was unable to perform the functions assigned to her. At that time the girl wrote scientific work and could not travel for months around the world with shares and charity. Therefore, such a decision was the most correct way out of the current situation. For Oksana, the podium was just a hobby, her real life she saw in home country, with your loved one and at your own university. Where at that time the girl already taught and had the status of an assistant professor of the department civil law, and in parallel, the captain of the police. In 2006, Oksana was promoted to a police major, and in 2009 she was already a doctoral student at her alma mater.

Then Oksana Fedorova wrote books, and since 2005 she tried herself as a TV presenter. She became very popular and hosted such programs as Fort Boyard, Subbotnik and Good Night, Kids.

Since 2015, Oksana Fedorova has opened her own clothing line and loudly declared herself in the fashion world. Many noted the refined taste and style of the young designer.

Personal life of Oksana Fedorova

Oksana Fedorova has always attracted many male views. The girl, who was in a male environment, in the service, had many admirers and boyfriends. But she chose her fate very carefully. The personal life of Oksana Fedorova was quite successful only the second time. In her second marriage, she felt truly happy woman and mom. In her cozy house, Oksana Fedorova lives beautifully and happily with her children and her husband. Photo from 2016, their lovely family can be seen in in social networks TV presenter and model.

Family of Oksana Fedorova

The family of Oksana Fedorova is her mother Elena Alekseevna, who put all her strength and knowledge to raise a beautiful, smart and intelligent daughter. Now Oksana Fedorova tries to often see her mother, attend social dinners and charity events with her. Elena Alekseevna also loves to spend time with her grandchildren in the country.

Information leaked to the Internet that Oksana Fedorova was expecting her third child. January 2015 - that's when this news was full of on the Internet. But nine months later, this information was not confirmed.

Children of Oksana Fedorova

Worldwide famous model and the Russian TV presenter, two kids are growing up, in which she has invested her whole soul, love and care. The children of Oksana Fedorova grow up in love and care, kindness and respect, but they are not isolated from the reality of the environment. The children have a difference in age of a little more than a year, they always find a common language and common occupation.

Oksana Fedorova, despite her busyness, always finds time to devote to her children. And also the whole family is happy to spend a joint family weekend in the fresh air.

The son of Oksana Fedorova - Fedor Borodin

Oksana Fedorova experienced real female happiness already in her second marriage. It was then that she managed to feel the joy of motherhood, and she gives birth to an heir. The son of Oksana Fedorova - Fedor Borodin was born in 2012 on March 6th. The girl has high hopes for her son and hopes that he, like his father, will serve in Russian troops.

It's about big family the girl dreamed more, being in the title of Miss Universe. And because of the great desire to have kids, Oksana Fedorova left the modeling business and gave up the title, which she shared with her girlfriends. And she was able to achieve her goal.

Daughter of Oksana Fedorova - Elizaveta Borodina

When her eldest son Fedor is only seven months old, Oksana Fedorova finds out that she and her husband will soon become the parents of another child. The daughter of Oksana Fedorova, Elizaveta Borodina, was born in 2013, on July 22. The couple were in seventh heaven with happiness. Oksana Fedorova, who just recently dreamed about it, has already become the mother of two beautiful children. And recently, Oksana Fedorova admitted to reporters that she was not ready to stop with two children, and that she might soon become a mother for the third time.

Former husband of Oksana Fedorova - Philip Toft

Oksana Fedorova first married in 2007 to a German businessman. Ex-husband Oksana Fedorova - Philip Toft immediately liked famous TV presenter. They met at a popular resort in the Alps. After the end of the vacation, the young people parted, but continued to fly to visit each other. And in 2009, Philip makes an offer to Oksana Fedorova. Fedorova gladly accepted the proposals, but was soon disappointed. As it turned out, Toft just wanted to open his business in Russian Federation, and for this he needed an official marriage in the territory of this country. Oksana was beside herself with rage, stopped wearing wedding ring and soon divorced her fictitious husband.

Husband of Oksana Fedorova - Andrey Borodin

A few years later, Fedorova woke up from an unsuccessful marriage and tied herself with new bonds with an officer. Federal Service security. The husband of Oksana Fedorova, Andrey Borodin, opened for the girl real feelings, true happiness, security and tranquility. They have been married since 2011 and have two beautiful children Fedor and Elizaveta. Oksana Fedorova officially became Oksana Borodina. And in her interviews, she admits without embarrassment that her dream of a big, friendly and beloved family has finally come true.

Naked Oksana Fedorova

Not so long ago, pictures appeared on the network about how Oksana Fedorova arranged hot photoshoot in a swimming pool. This further ignited interest in her person on the Internet. The girl always had a beautiful appearance and perfect figure. She does not hesitate to pose in front of the cameras both in skimpy outfits and naked. Oksana Fedorova immediately came to chic shape and continued to delight her fans with wonderful appearance. And the long-awaited happiness of motherhood added even more beauty to her beautiful female image.

Photo by Oksana Fedorova before and after plastic surgery

Oksana Fedorova is a role model for millions of girls and women. She has a bright and memorable appearance, always flawless look and hair. Oksana Fedorova recently revealed the secret of her appearance to all her viewers. It turned out that there is no secret, but everything is extremely simple. She plays sports and watches her diet. I don’t think that on the Internet you can find a photo of Oksana Fedorova before and after plastic surgery. Hard work, regular exercise and the right lifestyle, allows you to look gorgeous without the intervention of a plastic surgeon - says Oksana Fedorova. Photos in a swimsuit just blew up the Internet, they clearly understand that age is not an obstacle for some women to have a stunning look.

Instagram and Wikipedia Oksana Fedorova

The life of Oksana Fedorova is always in sight, no matter how the girl tries to hide something. Her fans, and just an interested public, on the Internet can see photos from Everyday life, which is full of Instagram and Wikipedia Oksana Fedorova. At famous actress more than three hundred thousand subscribers on Instagram, they have the opportunity to follow her life with the help of Oksana's photos and videos. She sincerely shares with her viewers photos of her family, their joint walks and trips, as well as her joys and successes, small victories and great achievements of her children.