Studying at universities in Singapore is an opportunity to live and study in one of the best student cities in the world, according to the compilers of the QS rating, to get a profession in demand, to take part in large scientific research which, without any exaggeration, are able to change the world, and, of course, plunge into an original culture that combines Asian and European colors. Can such training and vibrant cultural experiences have drawbacks? Let's consider everything in order.

Benefits of studying in Singapore

  • Education at universities and polytechnics is conducted in English, which expands the choice of countries for those students who want to study in English.
  • High-quality education, diplomas are recognized in many countries of the world, universities occupy high places in prestigious international rankings. For example, two Singapore universities - Nanyang Technological University and National University Singapore - in the top 20 best universities planets according to QS, ranking 11th and 15th respectively. You can see the positions of all universities in Singapore in the rankings here.
  • Relatively low cost of education and living, especially when compared to North America and Great Britain.
  • A wide range of training options, subjects, programs. You can pass as standard programs- a three-year bachelor's degree and a two-year master's degree, or combine these levels by taking a “through” program. You can also:
    • reduce training time by taking a more intensive program and thereby save tuition fees and get to work faster;
    • get a full-fledged second specialty (major) instead of an additional one (minor);
    • get a double degree - for example, a Singaporean public and a private foreign one, if the universities cooperate in this way;
    • take a semester at another exchange university.
  • Transparency of the admission process. The requirements for applicants are clearly specified for each program, you can accurately assess your current level of knowledge and draw up a training program. Information about entry requirements can be found on the websites of universities, and if something remains unclear, ask representatives of Singaporean universities.
  • Bilingual population, 75% speak English, so there shouldn't be any problems. In addition to English, Chinese is very common, and life in Singapore is an excellent opportunity to learn at least basic level this popular language. Two others official languages Singapura, Malay and Tamil are quite rare, and a specialist who speaks them receives additional competitive advantages, so you can take a closer look at these languages ​​and take the opportunity to learn and practice them while you graduate.

Disadvantages of studying in Singapore

The relative disadvantages and difficulties that await a future student in Singapore include:

  • Lack of large blocks of practice as provided, for example, in all programs of the universities of applied sciences in Holland, co-op programs in Canada and in many programs in Britain and the USA. Practice on most programs is optional or not provided at all. Universities can offer a certain choice of internships, the student's task is to apply in time to the company of interest to him. This must be done in advance, at least six months in advance.
  • Universities do not approve of off-campus work. By law, students can work part-time during their studies, but in most cases, vacancies are limited to the campus. If you select a job on your own, you may encounter a situation where the university does not approve your choice workplace, since your main task at this stage is to apply the knowledge gained in university classrooms, and not to earn money. If the program administration considers that the vacancy will not help you develop competencies in the chosen specialty, the vacancy will not be approved for you.
  • High competition: Singapore universities do not allocate so many places for foreigners, since the local population is also very interested in getting a higher education, and the state is making every effort to maintain this interest and raise highly qualified specialists.
  • Inability to enter universities in Singapore immediately after Russian school . Read more about the entrance requirements of universities in the guide "How to enter a university in Singapore".
  • Cultural features of the country for some students may be a certain obstacle to effective study and cause difficulties during adaptation. Despite the fact that the culture of Singapore was formed under the strong influence of the West, the way of life retains the features and traditions of several Asian cultures at once, the main ones being Chinese and Malay. Before deciding to study in Singapore, we advise you to learn as much as possible about the country and its features and, if possible, visit there in order to assess how comfortable it will be for you to live here for a long time.

Remember in any case that advantages and disadvantages are relative concepts, and what gets on your list is ultimately up to you. Working professionally in the field of foreign education, we can say that studying in Singapore is a worthy choice and investment in your future life and career. If this country is close to you, make every effort to enroll in a prestigious Singaporean university and get a demanded specialty - we, for our part, will provide all the necessary

Lyubov Melnikova, 44 years old, hometown- Khabarovsk, PR consultant Abuturient_Plus

I'm working on the Abiturient Plus project, which has been around for five years. We help to apply for study in any institution abroad, from language courses to master's programs. We cooperate with many educational institutions, but most of all we know about education in Singapore.

The Singaporean education system is one of the youngest in the world and at the same time, perhaps the most effective. basis educational process became the British system as a legacy of the post-colonial state. Special meaning given to the school system.

Here, as in many other countries, people go to school from the age of six, and school education is divided into primary, secondary and senior. The system is built on the principle of comprehensive development personal qualities development opportunities both in and out of school. The approach to students is strict, but at the same time individual. The school strives to help every child identify and develop talents. Great value focuses on the ability to think outside the box.

The difference in teaching methods and student development can be observed at two top schools: Anglo-Chinese School and Raffles School. These are the most exemplary schools. That's what everyone wants to get into. But education in these schools is as different as heaven and earth. Raffles School traditionally produces scholars - excellent students of organized and orderly thinking, who become ministers, workers state structures employees in various organizations. Anglo-Chinese School graduates the best bankers, businessmen and entrepreneurs. It focuses on out-of-the-box thinking and creativity. The best doctors, lawyers, bankers in Singapore are graduates of this particular school.

These schools compete with each other. Graduates make friends for life. Raffles is distinguished by mannerisms, consistency, which the Anglo-Chinese consider stiffness, boredom. Anglo-Chinese alumni are usually loud, freely discussing their earnings and their new Ferrari in cafes, which is considered ill-mannered by Raffles standards.

But not only these two schools produce excellent students. Most of Singapore's graduates graduate from high schools. This is evidenced by PISA statistics, in which Singapore ranks 1st in all three categories: mathematics, science and reading.

About the disadvantages

The education system would be positively affected by moving away from grades in primary school, volume reduction homework, more work in groups, which will promote cooperation rather than competition, a more relaxed class atmosphere.

The experience of Finland shows that the best results come from the most happy children, and this is largely facilitated by the rejection of grades in school. Children in Singapore's schools are overloaded with exams. They pass them when they move from elementary school to middle school, from middle school to high school. During such periods, the workload of the child is up to 12 hours a day. This is a huge burden.

Tatyana Stein, 32 years old, hometown - Novosibirsk, founder and director of the school of geniuses "Ein & Stein" - a network of centers additional education in Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg

I am a mother of four children who was inspired by the experience of international educational programs while living abroad with her young children. Three years ago I decided to bring these techniques to Russia.

I was in Singapore for the first time a few years ago.. I regularly attend educational conferences and communicate a lot with partners who work according to the same mathematical methods as we do. A few weeks ago in Singapore we had a meeting with the Ministry of Education, there was another school tour and tour of kindergartens. I have been to local public schools and in private schools.

Citizens of Singapore do not have the opportunity to study in private schools. As a rule, private schools are American, European and British. Children of expats study there. Conditions in private and public schools are different. But in this sense, Russia, Kazakhstan and Singapore, in terms of the type of organization of classes, are similar to public Singaporean schools. There are many students in them, about 30 children in the class.

Singapore - top country in the field of education. Much of this is due to families. Children after school great amount additional classes, they are heavily loaded. But high competition determines such a frantic pace. Getting into public universities, which are not so many, is not easy.

Those who could not enter a state university go either to private universities or go abroad. But, as a rule, everyone comes back, because in Singapore the state with early age instills in children the motive of service. The state is trying to create all conditions on the territory of the country, opportunities for economic growth, comfortable living. Therefore, it expects from citizens a desire to contribute to the prosperity of the country.

I like how the teacher training system is built. There is one Pedagogical University where teachers are trained. There is an incredibly big competition. After school, children should not only have good knowledge and ratings. They pass tests that show how the personal qualities of a person correspond to teaching. Accordingly, the university is ready to accept only 70 students in one year. As soon as a student enters the Pedagogical University, he becomes an employee of the Ministry of Education and is forever attached to the Ministry. He has a position, all payments, support. This training is free. If a graduate starts working at a school and after a few years realizes that it is not him, he is tired, he moves to another administrative activity at the school or the Ministry.

Professional development for teachers takes place every week. The entire school staff gathers in the hall, an employee of the Ministry or other specialists arrive and conduct trainings on any topic. Children at this time are engaged physical activity, and teachers study for several hours, and then return to teach their lessons. It's an amazing experience. After such training, they all speak the same language, every week they grow. Singaporeans take the best educational methods, ideas and immediately adapt and apply in the country.

About the disadvantages

On the one hand, school principals in Singapore have state standards which they follow, and on the other hand, they have a certain freedom. The director, coming to his place, chooses the policy and development strategy of the school for several years. But when the director changes, and this happens often, another one comes in, whose strategy may be different. And such major changes occur in schools all the time.

Ekaterina Zhirnova, 35 years old, hometown - St. Petersburg, energy practitioner

We are from St. Petersburg, for a long time lived in Moscow, then in Paris. Europe did not suit us in terms of the rhythm of life and the system school education and we moved to Singapore. It is a prosperous island, a safe and tolerant city.

About the features and benefits of education in Singapore

There are local schools that are designed for the local population, and there are international schools.

In local schools, education is free, but there is a strict approach. There are also many educational problems in local schools. In classes of 40 people, stuffy, children are heavily loaded. The island does not produce anything, it develops at the expense of human resources. Life here is expensive. In order to be here, people must be smart. Therefore, children have a lot of stress. After the basic school there are personal lessons with teachers. Also, in local schools, the entrance exams for the first grade were only recently canceled, because the children fell into depression due to stress. The child's psyche cannot withstand the parents' race for grades and the need to be better.

Education in international schools costs about 4,000 Singapore dollars, which is approximately 200 thousand rubles a month. The level of education is low. These schools do not set assignments, they do everything to keep children, since education costs good money.

There is a third option - these are schools designed for middle class . We go to this school. The level of education in them is much higher, and after these schools, children can enter foreign universities.

We were on our way to Singapore and knew we were going to study at an academy called 5 Steps Academy. The school was organized by a Russian psychologist from Moscow. Here, an individual approach to learning, each child is engaged in his own mode. As soon as they finish school, they go to the British Embassy, ​​take an exam in a particular subject, receive a certificate and are eligible to enter universities. A certificate is the same as a passport, only it is issued by the consulate.

Our school is located in the center of Singapore. Daughter picks up school bus from home. Five days a week she has the main classes: Russian, Chinese, English, mathematics. Plus one additional lesson - music, chess, drawing, karate, programming. On Saturdays speech development and one more lesson common occupation besides this swimming. Lessons last 45 minutes.

When we arrived here, my daughter was four and a half years old, now she is six. In a year and a half, she learned to read, write, speak English, Chinese, knows mathematics for several classes.

I am satisfied with our school: individual education, many developing circles, no grades. The essence of this school is to teach the child to learn, and not to memorize something. Teach him to learn and make him enjoy the process. Children are not scolded, they are not stressed because they do not know something. The child thoroughly studies each subject in his own mode, and the results speak for themselves.

About the disadvantages

The island is small, and if children do not pass exams, they do not get into universities, but go to college, and here this is not appreciated. To get a job in Singapore, you need to have a college degree and be competitive.

Elizaveta Nikolaeva, 32 years old, hometown - Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia, Russia

As a family, we moved to Singapore a year and a half ago from China, where we lived for nine years. Moving to Singapore is associated with new job husband.

About the features and benefits of the education system in Singapore

I didn’t know anything about education in Singapore before moving, I wasn’t even interested, because there were no plans to move here. My daughter at that time was in first grade at a Chinese school. And I was not very happy with the Chinese education.

Now my daughter is studying in the third grade in Singapore at the International School for Expats. I am pleased.

Schools in Singapore are divided into public and private - international. I can talk about international private schools. Our school teaches based on the English system and adheres to the standards of the Singapore Ministry of Education for math and Chinese language classes.

Advantages: not an academic bias, do not set a lot of homework, are engaged in projects: one topic can last one month. During this period, children create products, work in a team, and make presentations. Also here they develop the creative side of thinking, participation. All teachers are kind, they do not raise their voices to the child, which cannot be said about the Chinese school.

I consider learning Chinese an advantage, since it is spoken by a fifth of the planet.

The school adheres to an altruistic value system - children participate and volunteer in various organizations, for example, singing songs in a nursing home. They often organize entrances to museums and parks.

About the disadvantages

Since I studied academically myself, I would like to see more emphasis on subjects. To give more homework, it organizes the child in discipline. For primary school This system is great, but high school we will try to enroll in local public schools. There, the education is academic, with a great emphasis on mathematics, exact subjects, and languages.

It seems to me that children are not pointed out to mistakes in homework. All errors are forgotten, and sometimes they are not even checked.

The Singaporean education system is particularly popular. Its main advantage is the smooth combination of the traditions of the Western and Eastern worlds.

Thanks to the relatively recent introduction of the British model of education, higher education institutions in Singapore are able to compete with the world's most famous universities. Thus, the National University of Singapore ranks 22nd in the ranking of the most prestigious universities in the world, and Nanyang Technological University is 77th.

The advantage for students from other countries is that most of the university programs are presented in English due to the active introduction of Singapore in international community. However, there are also courses in Chinese, Tamil and Malay.

Singapore education involves the passage of students 4 compulsory steps:

  • Kindergarten for preschool children;
  • Elementary School;
  • High school;
  • Professional education.

High school graduates can receive vocational education from the age of 17. Before entering, they must pass the “O”-level exams to prove their level of knowledge and determine which educational institutions they are eligible to enter.

School academic year in Singapore is divided into 2 semesters:

  1. Beginning of January - June;
  2. July - December.

The university academic year depends on educational program and the university to which the student is enrolled.

Education programs

Before entering universities, students are required to go through an educational stage in undergraduate education institutions - junior colleges and central institutes. The network of junior colleges is well developed in the country and provides vocational technical education and preparation for applying to universities.

Education in junior and classical colleges lasts 2-3 years. Some of them (Innova College, National Junior College) are considered quite prestigious as an independent educational level. Their graduates have prestigious diplomas, with which you can no longer go to universities.

The system of universities in Singapore is distributed as follows:

  • Technical University;
  • Polytechnic universities;
  • National universities;
  • independent universities.

Study standards:

  • Undergraduate - 3-4 years;
  • Master's degree - 1-2 years;
  • Doctorate degree - 2-5 years.

Most of the classes are held in the form of discussions and seminars.

Exam scores are given as follows:

  • A1/A2 - the highest score;
  • B3/B4 - good;
  • C5/C6 - satisfactory;
  • D7 - satisfactory, minimum for credit.

E8 and F9 are considered unsatisfactory scores, insufficient to enroll the subject.

Conditions for admission

Submission of applications is carried out no later than 2 months before January (the beginning of the academic year).

Graduates of grades 9-11 can only apply for undergraduate education in small and classical colleges. Universities are open only to Russian middle and senior students, as well as recent graduates.

List of required documents

All applications for training are registered in the program SOLAR (Student's Pass On-Line Application & Registration). Required data:

  • Full name of the applicant;
  • Day, month and year of birth;
  • Nationality;
  • Desired terms of study.

After submitting an application to SOLAR opens access to filling forms 16 with the following data:

  • Passport data of the applicant;
  • Documents of parents in case they are not citizens of Singapore, but study, live or work there;
  • University address;
  • Photo of the applicant.

All documents must be translated into English.

Study visa

All international students in Singapore are required to have a student visa. It can be issued by contacting the embassy of the Republic in your country.

The main requirements, in case of violation of which a visa can be withdrawn:

  • Training must be at least 15 hours per week;
  • The student must be present for more than 90% of class hours.

The average duration of visa processing is 4 weeks.

Cost of education

Singaporean education is considered relatively cheap compared to curricula other countries, but only for their own citizens. Foreigners have to pay much more.

  • Undergraduate - 10.5-31.5 thousand dollars a year;
  • Master's degree - 15.5-42.5 thousand dollars a year.

In addition, international students have to pay related fees and expenses:

  • Application to the immigration service on arrival in the country;
  • Medical insurance;
  • Student and administrative fees.

Tuition fees vary depending on the institution and course chosen.

Is it possible to get education for free

The Singapore Ministry of Education funds universities such as:

  • Singapore Institute of Technology;
  • Nanyang Technological University;
  • Nanyang Polytechnic.

On their official websites regularly appear scholarship programs, which provide free places for foreign students to study.

Scholarships and grants for foreigners

Scholarship programs in Singapore are provided by the following organizations:

  • Ministry of Education;
  • Specific universities in Singapore;
  • EU, NATO, UN, etc..).

On the official Internet resources of these organizations, you can familiarize yourself with the conditions free education or its partial payment for foreigners.

Who can become a member of the grant program:

  • Senior student or recent university graduate;
  • A person who speaks English at a fairly high level.

The scholarship applicant must:

  1. Show good performance;
  2. Actively participate in the social and public life of your university/city/country/other country;
  3. Show good results in scientific and research activities.
  • Thailand;
  • Cambodia;
  • Indonesia;
  • Myanmar;
  • Philippines;
  • Vietnam;
  • Laos;
  • Brunei.

On average, about 12 people apply for 1 scholarship place.

Features for internship and exchange programs

Singapore offers internship and exchange study opportunities to foreigners. Most often, future employees become interns international companies with branches in Singapore. To get a job under such a program, you need to find the official website or office of such a company and ask about possible options in the administrative department.

Student accommodation options

Most higher educational institutions not equipped with campuses and dormitories for students - only the largest universities have such advantages:

  • National University of Singapore;
  • Nanyang Polytechnic).

The average monthly payment for a room in a student hostel is about $500. The average rent for an apartment for a Russian during the same period is $1,000-1,200.

It is also possible to live on a free basis if the student wins the grant program. The money received during the competition almost completely covers the cost of education and housing in the state.

The best universities in the country

Below is information about the prestigious higher education institutions in Singapore.

University name original name Official site Short description
National University of SingaporeThe National University of Singapore largest and oldest university Singapore. It offers a variety of programs for study: technical, mathematical, philological, social, natural sciences, art criticism.
Nanyang Technological University Consists of 4 colleges and 12 schools, which teach technological sciences, economics and finance, natural sciences, humanities, art history, social and information.
Nanyang PolytechnicNanyang Polytechnic Includes schools and courses in business, chemistry, physics and biology, courses for engineers, information technology, design.
Temasek PolytechnicTemasek Polytechnic Consists of schools of computer science and IT sciences, business, information, design and social sciences, courses for engineers.
Ngy Ann PolytechnicNgee Ann Polytechnic Open to applicants from business, design, production and film production, natural and social sciences, information technology, chemistry and physics.

Diverse reviews about studying

Alyona: Temasek Polytechnic's teaching methodology is not similar to the education system in its native country. Each lesson is more like a discussion, a discussion of the topic by all students in the audience, allowing them to come to their own conclusions. There are good laboratories, a lot of teaching materials and equipment - all this is of interest, forcing you to study. The main problem with this is the lack of time for part-time work.

Ivan: The peculiarity of the Singapore technology of education is to reinforce theoretical knowledge with applied ones. We often visit laboratories. But we practice not only in them, but also directly in production. To study well, here you need to study constantly. On the one hand, it develops specialization skills well. On the other hand, students have practically no free time.

Daria: For newbies English language in Singapore will be difficult to understand - the pronunciation is different from British and American. But for those who speak it sufficiently, it will be easy - English is considered official language, so it is spoken almost everywhere.

Despite the relatively high cost of courses for foreigners, Singapore is still considered a cheaper option for studying in comparison with well-known world universities. At the same time, the quality of education in the country is at a competitive level.

The modern education system in Singapore has existed for only about a hundred years, but according to the PIRLS research center, the literacy rate of the population of the city-state is considered one of the highest in the world. Singaporean school students international competitions consistently perform best in math and science.

Singapore's education system is well adapted to the demands of today's global economy. Singapore is home to some of the world's best universities natural sciences, mathematics, foreign languages.


System preschool education in Singapore it is developing at the expense of private kindergartens - there are no state preschool institutions in the country. Some institutions are run by business funds and religious organizations. They are accepted into kindergartens from the age of three.

The system of preschool education provides training:

  • reading;
  • account
  • music;
  • singing;
  • drawing;
  • dancing;
  • modeling.

In addition to native Malay and Chinese All children must learn English.


Schooling begins at the age of six. The school system in Singapore is divided into three levels:

  • First level. Designed for six years. During this time, children take an advanced course in mathematics, English and Chinese, after which they pass exams and receive a PSLE ​​certificate.
  • Average. Based on knowledge gained over time primary education, schoolchildren are distributed into specialized groups.
  • Pre-University. After completing the course, students receive a GCE “A” class certificate, which entitles them to free education at a specialized university.

All primary schools Singapore work on unified system learning. For gifted children, an additional load is provided in the form of sports, lessons in certain disciplines and aesthetic education.

Graduates elementary school pass mandatory exams, the results of which are transferred to average level and are divided into five courses:

  1. Special. Assumes in-depth study native language, otherwise the training is similar to the express course.
  2. Standard. Students are busy with a thorough study of technical subjects, upon completion they pass an exam to obtain an N-level. In 2004, the Singapore Ministry of Education decided to allow some students to try O-levels without first having to test N-levels.
  3. Express. The term of study is 4 years, at the end there is an exam for the right to receive an O-level, that is, an ordinary (ordinary, mediocre). A superficial study of a mixture of Creole, English and native language for the inhabitants of the country.
  4. Academic. It differs from others by a period of study of 5 years.
  5. Preprofessional. It does not provide for the possibility of obtaining an Advanced-level certificate and participation in a special training integration program. At this level, students have the right to choose from 6 to 10 subjects, followed by an exam at the Ordinary-level. The list must include mathematics, one natural and humanitarian subject as well as languages ​​- native and English.

Integrated Singapore system Education, developed and approved by the Ministry of Education of the country, provides the best graduates with the opportunity to enter universities in Singapore without entrance exams.


The system of higher education in Singapore is built in such a way as to not only enable a young person to get the desired profession and fundamental knowledge, but also to cause a desire for constant learning and improvement, to motivate the student to strive to learn new things.

Singapore universities differ in type, structure and learning process. There are four types of higher education institutions in the country:

  • Polytechnic institutes- study has a practical orientation: students master the basics of science and skills that will be needed at the first stage of their work. Graduates are awarded diplomas of several degrees.
  • Technical university He is alone in Singapore. Students comprehend applied Science, business nuances, design creativity, media, electrical and electronics, information and communication technologies, engineering. You can study at the hospital and in absentia. Internships provided.
  • Independent Universities offer at the end of specialized courses to obtain an appropriate diploma or degree.
  • National universities. They are invited to receive a bachelor's and master's degree in all possible fields of knowledge.

Education at universities in Singapore is conducted according to international standards:

  • the first 3-4 years give the graduate a bachelor's degree;
  • the next 1-3 years - master;
  • another 2 to 5 years - the title of Doctor of Sciences.

Education in Singapore is pragmatic and based on a mixture of Eastern and Western cultures. Teaching is in the nature of discussions. Examinations are required to determine the level of training of specialists, so they are given special attention.

The fundamental principle of Singapore's education system is meritocracy (a form of social organization in which the status of a person is determined by his abilities and personal merits, and not by origin). Academic performance in all educational institutions is regarded as main factor career prospects and future financial situation.

Many enterprises are interested in graduates from Singapore universities, so they often pay for the education of the most promising students. There is also a system of free education. Government developed special programs assistance to low-income families and school graduates who have completed pre-vocational training or graduated from schools with honors. Applicants in this category are entitled to free education. Students who qualify for the FAS program (Financial Assistance System) may also be exempt from tuition fees.

- one of the best student countries in the world: this is the opinion of the compilers of the world-respected QS ranking (and studying in Singapore for Russians can easily confirm this fact!). There are excellent conditions for living here, plus huge investments are made in the field of education, and for graduates of Singapore there are many options to stay and do brilliant career. This country successfully combines the traditions of the East and the advanced ideas of the West, so studying in Singapore for Russians is becoming more and more popular every year.

Benefits of studying in Singapore for Russians

Up-to-date information for students from abroad

The Singapore education system has undergone many reforms and today has the following characteristics, which, of course, apply to education in Singapore for Russians:

  • Bilingualism and, as a result, teaching in several languages
  • Children are divided into groups according to their abilities.
  • The key subjects are English, Mathematics and Science
  • The system of technical education is one of the strongest in the world
  • Independent schools are developed and in demand in the country, thanks to which foreigners face big choice schools and programs
  • The importance of lifelong learning is one of the values ​​of education
  • National education - the study of moral values ​​​​and the history of the country
  • The desire to become a major educational center of the East by attracting branches of the largest universities in the world
  • The country is striving to adopt the best of the existing educational systems of the West and East.

The education system in Singapore for Russians at the school stage

Elementary education

This level of education is free and compulsory. In the first four grades, children study math, English and their mother tongue (Chinese, Tamil or Malay). After grade 4, children are divided into groups according to their abilities, and in grades 5-6, children go through a specialization stage. After 6 years of study, students take a final exam and choose a further education option.

middle classes

Based on the results of the Primary School Leaving Examination, the guys are distributed into different classes of high school:

  • Special Course and Express Course - involves a four-year in-depth study of a native or foreign language. At the end, children take an exam for the Ordinary Level (the lowest, ordinary level)
  • Standard academic class - here children study academic disciplines and, as a result, pass the exam for the Normal Level
  • Standard technical - the emphasis is on technical subjects.
  • School education for locals and foreigners can be obtained in private and public schools. When choosing a program, it is necessary to take into account plans for further education. If a child, after studying at a Singaporean school for several years, is likely to return to his homeland, then it is better to choose a program home country. For those who have moved to the country on a permanent basis, it is advisable to consider international programs.
  • Numerous positive reviews speak in favor international schools, where children study in an intercultural environment and where education in Singapore for Russians most often takes place in English.
  • The country has simplified admission rules for foreigners - upon presentation of a certificate of dependency, you can do without a special permission to study.
  • Tuition fees are highly dependent on availability and quantity. free places Therefore, it is best to enroll children in school as early as possible.

Up-to-date information for applicants to universities in Singapore

  • When applying for applicants from Russia, high competition awaits: there are not many places allocated for foreign students - the country's policy adheres to the principle of nurturing specialists from the local population.
  • Good knowledge of English is one of the main requirements for applicants: English is simply necessary for successful living and adaptation, so it is recommended to improve the language level as early as possible. But for children and adults with zero knowledge of the language or with basic knowledge in Singapore, there are various language courses that are designed different level and age. In language schools, you can choose special courses according to your needs: for passing international exams, business English courses or just developing communication skills.
  • By law, students can earn extra money while studying, but, as a rule, universities do not approve of this - vacancies for students can most often be found only within the campus. If a student manages to find a job outside the university, then it is likely that he will be refused by the administration of the educational institution: the main goal of the student is to apply university knowledge, and not to earn money.
  • Immediately after school, it will not be possible to enter a university in Singapore due to the difference in the educational systems of Russia and Singapore. Before entering, you must complete a one-year university preparation course, which is called the "Junior College".
  • To study in Singapore for Russians for a period of more than 4 months in the country, a student visa is required, which is granted in 99% of cases out of 100. Usually, the process of obtaining a visa takes about four weeks. Conditions for obtaining a visa: a student from abroad must study at least 15 hours a week while attending 90% of classes. As a rule, the university in which one enters foreign student, provides maximum assistance in obtaining a visa.

To receive a scholarship, reduce the cost of studying in Singapore for Russians, you must:

  • The minimum level of IELTS is 7.0
  • Average score in the certificate - 5.0
  • Top in class for performance
  • It is desirable to start preparing documents a year in advance

5. Student visas usually cover 25-50% of tuition fees.

Programs and prices of leading educational institutions in Singapore, the cost of studying in Singapore for Russians

Language schools(Summer Chinese/English, Immersion in language environment)

From 4600$ (2 weeks)

From 1750$ (week)

Pre-University Programs

From 4000$ (year)

Higher education

London School of Business and Finance Singapore

From 16000$ (year)