Irina Nikolaevna Kechaeva
"The use of ICT in the development of coherent speech of pupils of the senior to school age»


educators highest qualification category

MBDOU CRR - kindergarten No. 229

Kechaeva Irina Nikolaevna

Silkina Svetlana Dmitrievna

Development of coherent speech is the central task of speech child development. Exactly at related speech the main communicative function language and speeches.

Successful mastery liaison oral speech help the child to easily cope with the requirements schools: answer questions correctly and quickly, convey content in a logical sequence literary work find explanations for various natural phenomena, public life and etc.

IN development of coherent speech of older children groups in the foreground is the formation of the ability to compose a story, observing the structure and using various ways connections between sentences and parts of an utterance.

Subject development of coherent speech children refers to educational field "Speech development» according to FGS DO (1, which includes proficiency in speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active dictionary; communication development, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speeches; development of speech creativity; development sound and intonational culture speeches, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for teaching literacy.

At the beginning of the work, 2 types of surveys were carried out speech development of children:

Mastering skills and abilities in the field "Communication" according to the method of N.V. Vereshchagina.

speech examination development of children according to the method of O. S. Ushakova.

IN coherent speech the following criteria: content, composition of the statement, grammatical correctness construction of proposals, a variety of ways links between sentences, diversity lexical means. Among these components, the scores in the composition of the utterance are lower (the presence of parts, therefore, use of simulation, which will help to learn the composition of the statement, will be the most effective.

Analyzing summary survey results children's speech development is visible what is verbal development basically corresponds children's age although there are disadvantages, especially in coherent speech(description, independent story of children).

Based on the results of two types of examination of the characteristics of speech development children, we set ourselves the following

Goal of the work: Promote development of coherent speech of children using modeling method.


Contribute development of content and coherence of children's speech(dialogue and monologue).

Create conditions for practical mastery of the norms speeches.

Develop speech creativity.

Foster a culture of communication.

For us to solve used a variety of techniques and technologies:

Krasilnikova L.V. Development "Publishing Salon", year 2009.

M. - shopping center: Vlados, 2003.

speech development of a preschooler. M. - TC, Sphere, 2008.

IN the development of coherent speech plays a special role in the use varied funds: pictorial clarity, real objects, fiction, various types of children's activities.

As modern means us are used information and communication technologies. The use of ICT in working with preschoolers has an invaluable unique meaning:

1. Optimization and quality improvement educational- educational process of preschool educational institution based on the latest achievements in the field of informatization.

2. Level Up professional excellence preschool teachers.

3. Creation of an active, workable family support system education using ICT.

4. Enhance pedagogical culture parents.

5. Transmission of pedagogical experience to the general public.

IN modern world information - communication technologies help educators not only to keep up with the times, but also in working with children. The computer enters the life of a child with early years, exerting both positive and negative influence on the formation of his personality. Today, educators and psychologists note that modern children are different from previous generations. They easily master a complex toy - a transformer, but hardly solve a logical problem. They can play computer games with creatures living in other worlds for a long time, but come up with their own fairy tale it is very difficult for them. And what should we as teachers do? preschoolers? Today, the attitude of the pedagogical community to use ICT in working with children is the opposite. Some claim that in preschool age should not be used at all information Technology; others, on the contrary, create a completely open information space for children, with virtually no restrictions. But both positions do not solve the problem of the modern child. They leave him alone, leaving him to determine himself in the boundless world of information and technology. Therefore, modern educators face the most important task- to become a guide for the child to the world of new technologies, a mentor in choosing computer programs.

IN development of pupils' speech information and communication technologies are used as follows:

1) Usage computer clarity when enriching the dictionary, development of coherent speech, the lexical side, when composing statements (computer clarity has special characteristics: attractiveness, brightness, novelty). Multimedia makes it possible to present information on big screen using photos, video graphics, animation, sound. In the group, an environment is created in which children express emotions from what they see in their own words, with the help of an adult or comrades.

2) Creation of interactive material on development of speech using it in working with pupils. This material is created for specific work tasks, for example, differentiation of sounds - presentation "Sounds", vocabulary extension - presentations "Toys", "Animals" etc.

3) Creation of interactive models for development of a coherent utterance. Children bind on the screen of a picture of a sequential plot in accordance with the models of L. V. Krasilnikova and the obligatory compilation messengers child's statements.

4) Organization of work with parents in distinguishing information about the tasks, methods, means of speech development and consultation, and seminars, and on the MBDOU website.

At the use of ICT in the development of coherent speech of pupils solve problems of speech development:

increased content and connectedness of monologue speech of children.

increased speech activity of children.

developed speech creativity of children.

developed mental processes of children, especially thinking.


Krasilnikova L.V. Development speech activity children 6-7 years old. N. Novgorod, shopping center. "Publishing Salon", year 2009. -159 pp.

Ushakova O. S., Strunina E. M. Methodology speech development of preschool children. M. - shopping center: Vlados, 2003. - 287 pages

Ushakova O. S. Theory and practice speech development of a preschooler. M. - TC, Sphere, 2008. - 235 pages

The process of informatization of our society is rapidly moving forward, and the school has no choice but to adapt it to the information age. Children need to be taught how to process information, solve practical problems, communicate with people and understand the essence of the changes taking place in society.

As you know, it is in elementary school that the child's leading activity changes from play to learning. Such a change is not easily tolerated by many students who so lack playing practice. Application computer technology V educational process just allows you to combine play and learning activities. This ensures a smooth change of activity, while making learning informal and interesting.

The use of rich graphic, sound and interactive capabilities of the computer creates a favorable emotional background in the classroom, contributing to the development of the student, as if imperceptibly for him.

In modern conditions, with the widespread introduction of information and communication technologies, one of the urgent problems of the development of a younger student comes to the fore - this is the level of development of coherent speech. The further mastering of knowledge by students depends on the level of speech development.

What are the reasons for this phenomenon? One of the reasons on which the level of development of coherent speech of our children often depends is the inability of the teacher to form this speech.

The next reason: it is impossible not to take into account the peculiarities of modern culture, in which any person lives today. Such a culture, according to the French sociologist A. Mol, is defined as a mosaic, consisting of individual fragments, interconnected haphazardly, by random connections.

Facilities mass media give a person an incredible flow of information that does not have time to be processed in his mind. Therefore, in the memory of a person "only fleeting impressions and fragments of knowledge-ideas remain." In this situation, it is difficult to talk about the depth of the knowledge gained, one can only judge the incredible amount of any information coming from outside: television, radio, the Internet.

One cannot close one's eyes to the existing and rather firmly rooted in modern society clip consciousness, which is directly related to the mosaic culture. Clip consciousness has penetrated into all spheres of human activity and related personality problems. The clip consciousness is chaotic, broken, it does not give an idea of ​​the integrity of the world. But it exists as a fact that cannot be got rid of. Now without clip consciousness - nowhere, because the visual picture works on our entire perception of life. We sometimes do not believe the words, but we believe the eyes.

There is a reorientation of culture associated with the role of words and images in the space of formation of a culture of perception of works of art.

If the clip consciousness has already taken root in the world, then it is necessary to find a way out: to discover and master new ways to speak with the audience in another language. And put this language at the service of the modern learning process.

The need for the use of information computer technologies in school education is obvious today. Modern children are sometimes more aware than adults about the latest and greatest in computer technology, telephone communications and the possibilities of the Internet. The appeal of children to the educational, and not the gaming possibilities of information computer technologies is very effective and expedient.

The forms of using the computer as a learning tool are different. This is the work of the whole class, groups, and individual work with cars.

  • As part of the lesson, the prospect of using a variety of new methods and techniques that activate mental activity and creative imagination both visually and audibly: a large number of artistic illustrations and "superimposed on the image" musical fragments that increase the effectiveness of the student's assimilation of material that is presented visually, dynamically, spectacularly. For example, according to the Tkachenko method, a presentation of description schemes was made. Drafting descriptive stories one of the most complex types speech activity, information and communication technologies make it possible to attract the attention of children and increase interest by combining color, sound and graphic capabilities of a computer
  • The possibility of using new methods not only in the learning process, but also in the systematization of knowledge and control. There is the possibility of using multimedia products, as well as self-creation by the teacher test items using the Test Generator program.
  • Encyclopedic content (used by both the teacher and students), which develops the user's erudition in various subject areas (it should be noted that when preparing for a lesson, you can save time searching for information, illustrative material, and task options).
  • The use of a computer in a lesson increases the intensity of learning: without denying the need for the operation of writing, the formation of calligraphy, at the same time, it becomes possible to increase the volume of training exercises, to focus on the very essence of the task. Tasks that involve various types of grammatical analysis and spelling check are well performed on a computer. The development of this problem in correctional pedagogy is carried out by O.I. Kukushkina. Computer programs designed for adults, united under the general name " Text editors", are considered as a new means of development writing children who, for one reason or another, experience pronounced difficulties in mastering this form of speech. The author describes an approach to teaching children of primary school age the skills of creating and editing texts available to them on a computer.
  • The inclusion of a computer in the lesson process allows you to enhance the individualization of the educational process. Computer programs provide tasks according to the level of difficulty, which allows students to be given tasks of the level that is available to them. But if the computer program does not provide for tasks of various levels of complexity, then the teacher himself can differentiate the work. The student works with the optimal load for him, as he does not feel the influence of others.
  • A special environment is created that allows the student to experience a situation of success in achieving educational goals: in front of the car, the child is not afraid to make a mistake, is not afraid to be misunderstood, etc. The teacher has the opportunity to include in the lesson game programs which use interactive games as a learning tool.
  • System work on the use of integrated learning and information computer technologies allows you to focus children on self-development, the ability to obtain the knowledge they need, apply it in life situations. glean new knowledge to get information of interest baby can using electronic encyclopedias or the Internet.
  • The use of a computer affects the motivation of students, revealing practical significance study material, show your originality, ask questions and offer your own solutions. This is due to the presence of elements of entertainment and games, which is the strongest means of increasing motivation to achieve the goals.
  • Information technologies allow not only to recreate the real situation, but also to show processes that cannot be seen in reality.

Information and communication technologies open up new prospects for the teacher in the search for ways to develop coherent speech of students. Let's consider some of them.

Any corrective or developmental impact begins with determining the current level of development of the child, his intellectual baggage, the level of development of all components of speech. The speech therapist begins this type of activity with diagnostic measures.

A teacher who owns the relevant technologies can use a computer as a means of:

  • creation of electronic catalogs and databases;
  • creation tool didactic materials;
  • monitoring.

To identify the level of actual speech development of students of the first stage of education, I chose the method of T. A. Fotekova "Test method for diagnosing the development of speech of younger students." In order to optimize the procedure for conducting diagnostic studies, I have developed a set of manuals. In this work, N. V. Semenova, the deputy director of the school for informatization, provided great assistance. The following materials have been prepared:

  • Protocol speech therapy examination, where materials are recorded during the diagnostics.
  • Presentation with the use of sound "Diagnostics of the level of speech development junior schoolchildren". It allows you to return to any moment of the examination, repeat individual tasks many times, if necessary, move at a pace accessible to the child, while relieving the burden on the speech therapist teacher, frees up time to fix the results.
  • Monitoring in the Exce1 program, where the results of the study are entered, the processing of the results is carried out automatically and does not require much time. Enables long-term storage and comparative analysis at the beginning and end school year, as well as for several years of study if the need arises.

After diagnostic studies, the actual correctional and developmental impact is carried out.

The development and improvement of the skills and abilities of constructing a coherent statement are implemented in a certain sequence.

  • Programming the semantic structure of the statement.
  • Establishing the coherence and sequence of statements.
  • Selection language tools, necessary to build an utterance for various purposes of communication (proof, reasoning, conveying the content of the text).

The main emphasis in the use of ICT in speech therapy practice is on multimedia products. Multimedia is the representation of objects and processes not by a traditional textual description, but by means of photos, videos, graphics, animation, and sound.

pupils lower grades attracted by the novelty of conducting multimedia lessons. In a group during such classes, an atmosphere of real communication is created, in which students strive to express their thoughts "in their own words", they perform tasks with a desire, and show interest in the material being studied.

Here we have two main advantages - quality And quantitative. Qualitatively the new possibilities are obvious if we compare verbal descriptions with direct audiovisual presentation.

Quantitative advantages are expressed in the fact that the multimedia environment is much higher in terms of information density. Indeed, the teacher pronounces one page of the text for about 1-2 minutes. In the same minute, a full-screen video brings more information. That is why "it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times".

This technology can be considered as an explanatory and illustrative teaching method, the main purpose of which is to organize the assimilation of information by students by communicating educational material and ensuring its successful perception, which is enhanced when visual memory is connected. It is known that most people remember 5% of what they hear and 20% of what they see. The simultaneous use of audio and video information increases memorability up to 40-50%. Multimedia programs present information in various forms and thus make the learning process more effective.

The savings in the time required to study a particular material is on average 30%, and the acquired knowledge is stored in memory much longer.

Multimedia technologies can be used:

1. To designate a topic (the topic of the lesson is presented on the slides, which summarize the key points of the issue under consideration).

2. As an accompaniment to the teacher's explanation.

In my practice, I use multimedia presentation notes created specifically for specific lessons, containing a short text, basic formulas, diagrams, drawings, video clips, animations, demonstrating a sequence of actions on a computer to perform the practical part of the work, often with simultaneous duplication of actions by students on their worksheets. places.

3. As an information and training aid.

In teaching, a special emphasis is placed today on the child's own activity in search, awareness and processing of new knowledge. The teacher in this case acts as the organizer of the learning process, the leader of the students' independent activities, providing them with the necessary assistance and support.

4. For knowledge control.

The use of computer testing increases the efficiency of the educational process, activates the cognitive activity of schoolchildren. Tests can be variants of cards with questions, the answers to which the student writes down in a notebook or on a special form.

Experience in organizing a correctional and developmental process according to the described models of using ICT in speech therapy classes allows us to talk about a high degree of effectiveness of the combination of the use of modern information technologies and manuals that involve learning through activity. This is a long and continuous process of changing the content, methods and organizational forms of training schoolchildren who will have to live and work in conditions of unlimited access to information.


  1. F.G. Zolotavina. Computerization of the educational process.
  2. A.I. Goremychkin. Computer technologies as a factor in the evolution of forms and methods of teaching.
  3. Kukushkina O.I. Computer technologies in the context of the profession: teaching students Defectology - M., 2001. - No. 3.
  4. Lynskaya M.I. Organization of speech therapy assistance using computer programs. Speech therapist in kindergarten- L., 2006. - No. 6
  5. Fedorovich L.A. Information technologies in the educational process of preparing future speech therapists. Speech therapist in kindergarten - L., 2005. - No. 5-6.
  6. S.Yu. Selyanina. The use of information and communication technologies in correctional and developmental work with children with general underdevelopment speech.

Currently in the system preschool education there are significant changes associated with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. Practice of work of preschool educational institutions indicates the need to expand the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the organization of the educational process.

At the same time, the use of computer technologies and electronic educational resources in today's education is mostly episodic. A holistic electronic educational environment as a factor in improving the quality of education has not yet been created. However, even now the introduction of new information computer technologies (ICT) not only changes the traditional view of education, but also helps in the implementation of the ideas of developing education, improving the forms and methods of organizing the educational process.

Turning to one more normative document. According to SanPina paragraph 12.21. “Directly educational activities using computers for children 5-7 years old should be carried out no more than once during the day and no more than three times a week on the days of the highest working capacity: on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. After working with a computer with children, exercises for the eyes are carried out. The continuous duration of work with a computer in the form of educational games for children of 5 years old should not exceed 10 minutes and for children of 6-7 years old - 15 minutes.

The benefits of using ICT can be summarized in two groups: technical and didactic.

Technical advantages are speed, efficiency, the ability to view and listen to fragments and other multimedia functions.

Didactic advantages - the creation of the effect of presence ("I saw it!"), Children have a sense of authenticity, the reality of events, interest, desire to learn and see more. An English proverb says: "I heard - and forgot, I saw - and remembered." According to scientists, a person remembers 20% of what he hears and 30% of what he sees, and more than 50% of what he sees and hears at the same time. Thus, information technology facilitates the process of perception and memorization of information with the help of vivid images.

Systematic use of training computer games, educational videos and demonstration presentations, as a learning tool, develops imagination in preschoolers, abstract thinking, increases interest in the material being studied and in the topic of the lesson as a whole.

The priority direction of our work is the development of speech. This direction was not chosen by chance, since many children have poorly developed speech. And therefore, the goal of our work is to teach children to speak cleanly, coherently, grammatically correct. To achieve this goal, we use various forms, techniques, methods and means of teaching, as well as apply modern educational technologies, including information educational resources. Such requirements are imposed on the modern teacher.

We use ICT with children in the process joint activities in the classroom for the development of speech as a modern visual material. But problems often arise. Where can I find the material I need and how best to demonstrate it? The visual material available in kindergarten is becoming outdated. And the acquisition of a new one requires considerable material costs. Do-it-yourself making requires abilities, and does not always correspond necessary requirements to visibility.

The practice of using ICT allows us to conclude that the use of ICT in the educational process has the following advantages compared to traditional teaching:

1. Modernity and relevance of educational material.

2. Availability of additional and related material.

3. Aesthetics and visibility.

4. Learning through play or practice

5. Increasing interest in the problem.

The use of ICT in the educational process allows:

Strengthen educational effects;

To improve the quality of assimilation of the material;

Implement a differentiated approach to children with different levels;

Organize at the same time children with different abilities and capabilities.

The introduction of ICT is carried out in two directions:

Use of Internet resources; use of ready-made training programs;

Create presentations and interactive games on one's own.

The need to improve the quality of visual material is the most compelling reason to think about the use of computer technology. One of the most successful forms is a multimedia presentation.

The main idea of ​​my work is the harmonious connection modern technologies with traditional methods of development of the speech of the child.

Therefore, the main target our work is: the development of speech of preschoolers through information and communication technologies.

Based on the goal, the following tasks:

To study regulatory legislative documents, pedagogical literature on the use of ICT in work with preschoolers;

To substantiate the forms and methods of work when using ICT in working with children on the development of speech;

Use ICT tools to interact with parents on the development of children's speech;

Create a set of interactive games, computer didactic and teaching materials on the use of ICT for the work of a teacher in the development of speech.

Classes using ICT are complex, combine both traditional and computer learning tools, and they also integrate educational areas.

Creating a presentation lesson involves three steps:

1. Development of the plot, taking into account the methodological requirements for the lesson on the development of speech.

2. Selection of speech and visual material.

3. Technical execution of the presentation.

I believe that the use of non-traditional methods and techniques in speech development classes, for example, multimedia presentations, prevents children from fatigue, supports children cognitive activity improves the efficiency of work in general. Their use in the classroom is interesting for children and, importantly, for myself. The screen attracts attention, which we sometimes cannot achieve when working with children from the front.

In our kindergarten, a set of multimedia presentations and interactive games is being formed in the following areas of work:

· Sound culture speech.

Development of phonemic perception, mastering the elements of literacy.

Formation of vocabulary grammatical structure speech.

The development of coherent speech.

The accumulated experience in working with ICT allows us to conclude that the use of ICT in communication activities can improve the efficiency of work on the development of speech, optimize educational process, individualize the education of children with insufficient development of speech, and also forms the success of children, increases motivation, and significantly reduces the time for mastering the material.

The use of ICT allows you to conduct classes:

· at a high aesthetic and emotional level (photos, animation, music);

provides visibility;

attracts a large amount of didactic material.

In general, it contributes to the improvement of the quality of education.

The following positive factors speak of the effectiveness of the use of ICT in joint activities:

1. Pupils are more motivated to work due to the attractiveness of the computer and multimedia effects.

2. The knowledge gained remains in memory for more long term and are more easily retrieved for practical application after a brief repetition.

So the use of funds information technologies will make the process of learning and development of a child of preschool age quite simple and effective, free from routine self made will open up new opportunities for preschool education.

Directly educational activities on teaching literacy to children of the group preparatory to school “Sounds [B], [B]. Letter B"

1. consolidate knowledge about the sounds B - B;
2. introduce children to a new letter;
3. to consolidate the ability to correctly use the preposition B;
4. consolidate the ability to compose complex sentences;
5. improve the ability to determine the place of sound in a word;
6. develop fine and articulatory motor skills;
7. develop phonemic perception;
8. to cultivate the skills of cooperation in the game and in the classroom, independence, initiative, responsibility.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.
Speech therapist: The one who will name any word will sit down and say how many syllables it has (children sit down)
2. Speech therapist: Guess the riddles
We saw him many times
He jumps two steps away from us,
- Chick-chirp! Chick-chirp!
Who is not used to this song?
All my life among people
Conducts a bold…
Children: Sparrow.

Speech therapist: I am a hunchbacked beast
But the guys like me.
Children: This is a camel.

Speech therapist: Name the first sounds in these words.
Children: In the word sparrow, the first sound is V.
Children: In the word camel, the first sound is V.

3. Characteristics of sounds B, B.
Speech therapist: Lightly touch your lower lip with your teeth. Say the sound B. Tell me, what is the sound B?

Children: Sound B - consonant, voiced, solid.
Speech therapist: Right, now touch your lower lip with your teeth and smile a little. Pronounce the sound v. What is this sound?
Children: Sound V - consonant, sonorous, soft.

4. Exercise in pronouncing the sounds B and B in syllables.
Speech therapist: Guys, listen carefully and repeat: wow wow
Children: Wa-wo-woo.
Speech therapist: You-va-vo.
Children: You-va-vo.
Speech therapist: Wo-woo-you.
Children: Wo-woo-you.
Speech therapist: Well done.
5. Exerc. "Lost Sound"
Speech therapist: Now I will silently say the sound B and loudly the rest of the word, and you repeat the whole word. ...aza.
Children: Vase.
Speech therapist:…waves.
Children: Waves.
Speech therapist:... ata.
Children: Cotton wool.
((B) arena, (c) exhibition, (c) tower, (c) anna, (c) olos, (c) olk)

6. Place of sound in a word
Speech therapist: Guys, move the audio tracks towards you and determine the place of the B sound in the words:
Wolf - at the beginning of the word;
Sofa - in the middle of the word;
Vata - at the beginning of a word;
Water - at the beginning of the word;
Plum - in the middle of the word.
7. Physical Minute
One - get up, stretch.
Two - bend, unbend.
Three - in the hands of three claps,
Three head nods.
Four - arms wider.
Five - wave your hands.
Six - sit quietly at the table.
(Children follow the text.)
8. Acquaintance with the "small" word - preposition B
Speech therapist: Guys, v is not only a sound, but also a short word-preposition. It helps words to be friends in a sentence. For example, Mom went to the store. Please provide a diagram of this proposal.

Speech therapist: Come up with a sentence with a short word - preposition B.
Children: The fish swims in the water.
Children: Children play ball.
Children: Products are sold in the store.
Children: Flowers grow in a pot.

9. Acquaintance with the letter B.
Speech therapist: Guys, the sounds B and B are denoted by the letter B.
Examining the letter B.
Speech therapist: Here is the letter B
Visible in the distance
beautiful, twisted,
As if a pretzel was baked
Passers-by waiting.
S. Marshak.
10. Work in the notebook "We study literacy" (a notebook with tasks for the development of children. Part 1) p.12

11. The result of the lesson.
- What letter did you get acquainted with.
- Name a short preposition.

Sounds G-K, K-K, G-G. Letters G, K.


1. Introduce the sounds G and K as voiced and deaf consonants.

2. Contribute to the development of phonemic perception.

3. Form a skill sound analysis and synthesis.

4. Cultivate children's interest in activities.

5. Teach the rules of conduct in various types activities.

Equipment: Znayka's drawing, cat, whale, weight, peas; word scheme and blue, green and red squares for each child; medals with a score of 5.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment.

Well check it out buddy

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Everything is in place

Is everything okay-

Pen, book and notebook?

Is everyone seated correctly?

Is everyone watching closely?

Here are the ideas and tasks,

Games, jokes - everything for you!

I wish everyone good luck.

To work, have a good time!

Guys, today Znayka came to our lesson. Do you know him? From what cartoon? He wants to see how you can behave in class, what you have already learned and whether you are ready to go to first grade. Let's show him how diligent, smart and friendly guys we are. (Answers of children).

2.Updating knowledge.

Now everyone stand up and play a little.

The one who determines the last sound in the word will sit down:
Mom, window, boots, soup, mice, cats, bow, porridge.

The one who determines the first sound in the word will sit down:

Ball, lemon, raspberry, marina, nanny.

What are the sounds?

Which vowels indicate softness of consonants, and which ones indicate hardness?

What color denotes soft consonants on the diagram? solid? vowels?

Well done boys. Znayka is very pleased with your answers.

3. The main part.

The game "Tell me a word."

Tell the word at the end of the poems - riddles.

Say the first sound in the given words.

1. I am in any bad weather

I have a lot of respect for water.

I stay away from dirt

Clean gray ... .. (goose).

2. Before the wolf did not tremble,

Run away from the bear

And the fox on the tooth

Well, I got caught ...... (Kolobok).

What letters do you think we will get acquainted with today?

We spend comparative analysis GK sounds.

Say the sound K. Only noise is heard.

Say the sound G. What did we have to connect to make this sound connect? Voice.

So, when pronouncing consonants, both noise and voice can work. Moreover, there is always noise, but there is no voice.

Consonants that consist only of noise are calleddeaf .

Sounds that are pronounced with the participation of the voice are much louder than deaf ones. This is how they got their name.voiced .

Now you know that consonants are also divided into voiced and deaf.

The game "Word, scheme." On the board are pictures of a cat, a whale, peas, a weight.

Name the picture in the name of which the first sound is K. (cat)

Name the picture in the name of which the first sound is KY. (whale)

Are the first sounds of these words pronounced the same way?

Guys, you have word schemes and squares of two colors on your tables: blue, green. What color will we designate on the diagram the sound K in the word cat? (blue because it's hard). Show on the diagram.

What color will we designate on the diagram the sound KY in the word whale? (Green, because it is soft).

Name the picture in the name of which the first sound G. (peas)

Name the picture in the name of which the first sound is G. (weight)

Are these sounds the same?

What color will denote the sound G in the word peas? Sound G in the word kettlebell?

Tired? Let's get some rest.

Fizkultminutka. Grasshoppers.

Raise your shoulders

Jump, grasshoppers,

Jump jump, jump jump.

We sat down, we eat grass,

Let's listen to the silence.

Hush, hush, high

Jump on your toes easily.

Pronunciation of speech.
Gi - gi - gi - Mashenka run.
Gi - gi - gi - we ate pies.

Ka - ka - ka - this wall is high.

Ko - ko - ko - let's throw the ball high.

Guess the riddle:
He doesn't sleep at all at night.
The house guards from mice,
Drinking milk from a bowl
Well, of course it is…
Answer: cat
Laying out by children the scheme of the word cat, counting syllables, sounds, highlighting sounds in order, determining the number of vowels and consonants, highlighting the position of a given sound.
One child puts the diagram on the board. The rest are working locally.

Reading the word CAT.

Like a fish, like not -
He sends a fountain hello to everyone.
On the waves all day lies
Miracle Yudo fish-….(whale).

Similar work is being done with the word whale.

4. The final part.

What new did you learn in class?

What are consonant sounds?

Has everyone mastered the topic of our lesson? Who has mastered raises the sun, who has experienced difficulties, a drop.

Znayka thanks you for the lesson, I am very glad that you are such smart, friendly and attentive guys. And gives you medals with the number 5 - this is your first assessment. Thank you.