MDOU kindergarten "Ryabinka"

Project in the senior group

on the topic of:

"All professions are needed,

All professions are important...

Educator: Leonova I.A.

Topic: "All professions are important, all professions are important..."

Project type: creative, informational, short-term;

Project participants:children senior group, educators, parents

Children age: 5-6 years old

Problem: From the conversation with the children, it became clear that they have superficial ideas about professions, so we decided to introduce the children to all professions closer. Also, many children do not know the professions of their parents, they cannot name, this indicates that parents do not talk with their children about their work, do not tell why they chose this particular activity.

Project relevance:

Familiarization with professions already at preschool age ensures the further entry of the child into modern world, introducing him to values, satisfaction and development of cognitive interests.

What do we know?

Doctor heals people (Arima)

Each person has his own profession (Denis)

Hairdresser doing hair (Alina)

What do we want to know?

How do firefighters rescue people from a burning house? (Denis)

How do the police work? (Denis)

Who is a cynologist, and what does he do? (Denis)

What does an archaeologist do? (Arima)

What is a dentist? (Arima)

How are these built? high buildings? (Diana)

What does a teacher do? (Arina)

How do we find out?

The teacher will tell us

Let's ask the parents

Let's watch presentations on this topic

Objective of the project: to expand ideas about the work of people of different professions, to show the results of labor, their social significance, to cultivate respect for working people, the desire to work.

Project objectives:

  1. To expand children's understanding of the variety of professions, specific labor activities
  2. To expand the horizons and cognitive interest of children in professions.
  3. To form respect for the work of adults of different professions.
  4. Determine the importance of professions.
  5. Encourage creativity in role playing about professions, art and other activities.
  6. To form a generalized concept of "profession", to enrich the active vocabulary.
  7. Develop attention, memory, thinking.
  8. To cultivate positive motivation for learning, respect for the work of adults.

Expected result:

  • Full knowledge of children of information about professions
  • Understanding the meaning of the word "profession".
  • Children's stories about these professions.
  • The ability to express one's attitude to a particular profession
  • Knowledge of your parents' professions
  • What qualities should people in these professions have?
  • What clothes do people in these professions wear?
  • What technologies and tools do people of these professions use?

Stages of project implementation:

Preparatory stage:

1. Setting goals and objectives of the project;

2. Select illustrations, video presentations about professions.

3. Find literature about professions

4. Pick up games, songs, dances, poems, finger gymnastics.

5. Prepare excursions to kindergarten.

Main stage:

Speech development: Theme "Professions" (composing a story from pictures).

Carrying out GCD

Playing out didactic and outdoor games on the topic

Solving game situations

Speech development: conversations, work on pictures, work with a dictionary, with proverbs and sayings about work.

Reading fiction about professions, highlighting the main meaning of the work, the ability to ask questions about the text.

Productive activities: drawing, designing, modeling, applique.

Joint activities of the educator with children

Manufacturing training - didactic aids(didactic games, demo material, folders).

Replenishment and updating of game zones.

Tour of the kindergarten.

Work by educational areas

Social and communicative development

cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

DI. "Think about what to call someone who..."

Problem situation"What profession is not needed?"

View educational video film: "Bunny know about professions"

Conversation: "What is a profession?"

GCD Drawing "Who do I want to be?"

Morning exercises "Different professions"

P.G. "Cook"

DI. "Name the professions"

S.R.I. "Firefighters"

Cognitive conversation with a problem situation "If it weren't for ..."

Working with a poem

GCD Application "Future firefighters and ballerinas"

DI. "say the opposite"

S.R.I. "We are in the circus"

GCD modeling "Toy clown"

P.G. "circus"

DI. "say a word"

GCD The world of living and inanimate "Profession cynologist"

Riddles about professions

NOD Application

"Future firefighters and ballerinas"

DI. "who will name the actions more"

GCD FEMP "Repetition"

Poems about professions (analysis)

GCD Application "Dress for a doll"

F.M. "Pilots"

DI. "Who needs what?"

S.R.I. "We play kindergarten"

GCD FEMP "Properties of objects and symbols"

GCD Reading fiction "The Adventure of the Yellow Suitcase"

NOD Plasticineography

"Each profession has its own transport"

P.G. "Professions"

CI "Pronounce it right"

S.R.I. "We are firefighters"

GCD Living and non-living world "Profession - doctor"

Work on the development of speech with proverbs

Listening to military songs

Sports competition between boys and girls

DI. "who can do what?"

Conversation on the topic: "Profession designer-fashion designer"

H.I. "Barmaley"

Interview "Who will I be?"

Additional work "I am a profession"

NOD Reading fiction "The most interesting profession"

GCD Drawing

“My future profession is to treat people!”

DI. "Chain of professions"

Kindergarten tour

Quiz: "There are many good and necessary professions"

Interaction with parents

  1. Questionnaire for parents "Me and my profession"
  2. Replenishment of play areas (dollhouse, study area)
  3. Master class on professions with parents (physical education teacher), (hairdresser)
  4. Advice for parents

The final stage

  • Exhibition of creative works of children
  • Related quizzes
  • Replenishment of the playing area
  • Replenishment of board games
  • Replenishment didactic games on this topic

Thus, we teachers are satisfied with the results of the project. During the project, the children showed interest in the project, asked a lot interesting questions. Parents with children began to talk about their activities, and children talked about it in kindergarten. Also, the children and I did a big creative work. The children really liked drawing on the topic "My profession is to treat people." All the material on the topic of the project was collected and systematized.

Preschoolers develop a holistic view of labor activity adults. Children know and name a large number of professions, proverbs, sayings about labor, tools, can be descriptive story about the profession.

Children have become more liberated and independent. In free activities, singing songs is widely used, attributes and outfits are used for this purpose.

Parents are interested in educational process, the development of creativity, knowledge and skills in children, the desire to communicate with the teacher, to participate in the life of the group. Children got acquainted with new professions, such as: cynologist, mechanic, economist, lawyer ... Parents had the opportunity to introduce their profession to all the children of the group.

Tatyana Gorbunova

Project"All professions are needed, All professions are important»

V preparatory group №5 "Chamomile"

Subject project: "All professions are needed, All professions are important».

Implementation timeline: short term.

Type project: research - creative.

Members project activities : pupils and parents of the preparatory group No. 5 "Chamomile" MDOU "Kindergarten No. 17" Saratov.

Relevance project: A survey of children in the group showed that the guys are interested in adult professions, but at the same time, many of them do not know who and where their parents work, kindergarten employees, what their names are professions what they do in their workplaces, some children do not have respect for the work of adults. Parents, and we educators, rarely or not at all tell children about their work. But the tendency of children to certain roles, games and types of work indicates the first manifestations of « professional orientation» in the development of the child's personality. Based on this, I decided to offer the children the idea of ​​this project.

Target project:

Expand and generalize children's understanding of professions, tools, labor actions.

Tasks project:

Arouse interest in the proposed activity;

To form realistic ideas about the work of people;

Help children understand importance, the need for each professions;

To form the ability to independently sum them up, based on their life experience and previously acquired knowledge;

Develop communication skills;

Develop connected speech fine motor skills hands, imagination, memory;

Develop figurative and spatial thinking, encourage children to be creative and independent.

Expected Result:

I assume that familiarity with professions parents and kindergarten staff will allow:

Expand and deepen children's knowledge about the existence of various professions

Activate and replenish lexicon children to develop coherent speech on the topic project.

Improve the monologue form of speech, thereby increasing speech activity children.

To continue to form in children the ability of an active listener - the emergence of a desire to help parents more at home in the performance of feasible work duties at home and in kindergarten.

Strengthen friendly relations between parents and employees, promote the desire to cooperate, help children in its implementation.

It will help in the future to find in life your favorite thing that brings joy and benefits people.

Project consists of three stages.

Stage 1 - preparatory;

Stage 2 - main;

Stage 3 is the final one.

1. Preparatory stage:

Formulation of goals and objectives;

Development of an action plan;

Selection of methodological literature on the topic project;

Questioning children on the topic “When I grow up, I will work…”

2. Main stage:

cognitive development:

Formation of a holistic picture peace:

1. NOD: "Human Labor"

Target: Introduce children to diversity professions; consolidate the ability to argue your answers; develop logical thinking.

2. GCD: "Journey to the past professions»

Target: Introduce children to professions of the past to maintain an interest in history.

3. Excursion to the kindergarten laundry « Profession- machine wash operator.

Target: Introduce children to profession laundresses in kindergarten.

4. Excursion to the medical office « Profession - doctor» .

Target: Introduce professions doctor and nurse, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards kindergarten employees, to develop observation in children; replenish the dictionary of children with medical terminology, activate verbs, teach children to fully answer questions, find as many words as possible for answers in the process of communication.

5. Excursion to the kitchen of the kindergarten « Profession - chef»

Target: To introduce children to the work of a cook; expand and consolidate knowledge about kitchen utensils.

6. Master class "Cooking Vinaigrette"

Target: Expand and concretize the idea of profession cook; develop cognitive interests; develop speech activity and dialogic speech.

7. Examination of reproductions, albums, illustrations on the topic « Professions»

8. Watching cartoons "Who to be", "Smeshariki (professions) .

constructive activity:

1. "Young Architects" Target: Exercise children in working with various natural materials; to teach how to choose beautiful combinations of shapes and colors when drawing up decorative compositions, to combine your crafts with a single plot. Encourage children to joint activities, it is proposed to combine their crafts with a common idea.

2. "Young inventors"

Target: teach children to model designs according to schemes; to consolidate the ability to observe proportionality and symmetry, to select material, to decorate buildings beautifully and expediently; to teach children to design collectively, to use their knowledge and experience in the process of work; develop the desire for research, experimentation, creativity.


Household - household work in the group;

Labor in the corner of nature;

labor in nature.

Speech development

1. Compilation of stories on the topic « Professions» Target: To teach children to independently invent a story on a given topic; develop monologue speech, creative imagination

Target: Teach children to make up a story in the first person; develop creative imagination; use descriptions, dialogue, means of expressive speech.

2. Guessing riddles.

3. Conversations - reasoning: "What are professions, "What happens if people don't work?", "All professions are important, All professions are needed!"; 4. Learning songs, poems, proverbs and sayings in Topics: « Professions of people"

5. Reading fiction literature:

"City of Good Deeds" R. Scarry

"Who to be?" I. Karpova (a series of books about professions)

"What do you have?" S. Mikhalkov

"Who to be?" V. Mayakovsky

"Builders" B. Zakhoder

"Uncle Styopa is a policeman" S. Mikhalkov

"What do crafts smell like?" D. Rodari

"Dr. Aibolit" K. Chukovsky

"Dunno in a Sunny City" N. Nosov

M. Poznanskaya "Let's go to work",

S. Marshak "Where did the table come from", "We are military",

S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?", V Lifshitz "And we will work".

B. Zhitkov "Railway",

M. Ilyin "Cars on our street"

N. Naydenova "Olga Pavlovna".

S. Baruzdin "Who built a new house".

Artistic and aesthetic development:

1. Listening to music works:

Music game "If life is fun, do it"

Song of the Masters (Yu. Kim, A. Rybnikov)

2. Drawing:

"What will I be when I grow up?"

Target: continue to develop in children the ability to visual activities (sense of color, shape, composition); to form skills related to the artistic and figurative reflection of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality in drawing.

"Coloring pages - Professions»

Target: Develop a desire to select objects for the image according to the plan; to teach to distinguish various forms, to combine ready-made colors and shapes in a drawing.

3. Application:

"Dr. Aibolit"

Target: Consolidate knowledge about medical profession. To consolidate the ability to work with scissors, carefully use glue and a brush.

Collective work on applications: "Soldier"

Target: - Continue to form children's interest in collective activities; - Develop creative imagination, fantasy; -To consolidate the ability to use the method of interrupted application.

Game activity:

Story - role-playing games:

"Shop" Target: To arouse children's interest in sales profession, to form the skills of a culture of behavior in public places, to cultivate friendly relationships.

"Hospital" Target: To arouse children's interest in medical profession; to cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude to the patient, kindness, responsiveness, a culture of communication.

"School" Target: Expand children's knowledge about the school; help children master expressive means implementation of the role (intonation, facial expressions, gestures); independently create a game environment for the intended game; contribute to the formation of the ability to creatively develop the plots of the game; help children learn some moral standards; cultivate fair relations; strengthen forms of courtesy; cultivate friendship, the ability to live and work in a team.

"Salon" Target: Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the work of a hairdresser; foster a culture of behavior in public places; respect, courtesy to elders and to each other; to learn to be grateful for the help and service rendered.

Didactic games: "Give me a word", "Guess who?", "A toy shop", "Who can tell more about professions» , "Guess what I'm doing", "What's First, What's Later", "Where can I buy it", "Name profession» , "What to whom", "Guess profession» , "Who Can't Do Without Them", « Professions of people» , "Who's doing what?", "Who needs what", "Names professions from A to Z» , "What would happen if it didn't work...", "What do they do with this item", "What the subject says".

Low mobility games: “Where we were, we won’t say what we did, we’ll show”, "If it's fun, do it", "I was born a gardener". "Ocean is shaking"(with words "Conceived profession - show» ).

Board games - « Professions» , "Who to be?", "Associations", "To whom what needed for work, "We know everything professions» , Puzzles « Professions» , "Couples"(by topic, "Associations", loto, dominoes, split pictures.

Working with parents:

Introducing parents to the upcoming project and its tasks(in the form of an announcement); -Consultation for parents "The Responsibilities of Children at Home"- Invite parents to take an active part in the implementation of this project.

Stage 3: Final.

1. Exhibition of works on topic: “All works are good, choose according to your taste…”;

2. Game entertainment "City "Masters";

3. Presentation project.

Achieved result:

1. The children of the group expanded and deepened their knowledge about the existence of different professions about the significance and value of each work.

2. Project contributed to the interest in professions of their parents and professions kindergarten employees, children began to participate more actively in discussions, debates about what profession is more interesting.

3. Most children (19 people out of 28) learned how to compose short stories O professions of their parents, confidently present them in front of your comrades.

4. Daily discussions and compilation of stories on the topic enriched the vocabulary of children, contributed to an increase in their speech activity.

5. Project contributed to the education in children of a respectful attitude towards working people, the desire to help parents, educators and nannies at home (assistant teacher) in kindergarten.

6. Project strengthened friendly relations between parents and employees, contributed to the desire to cooperate, to help children in its implementation.

Conclusion: I am sure that this project forced the children to look at the work of their parents with different eyes, to treat their work more respectfully. Right choice professions defines life success, so I really hope that in the future my graduates will choose their favorite profession bringing joy and benefit to people.

Abstracts for the project

Completed by students of class 3, head Kashpura Nadezhda Vladimirovna.

Choice the right way in life is directly related to the early career guidance of the child, the skillful use and development of his potential abilities. Competition, and rapidly changing technologies, require you to decide on a profession as early as possible. Accumulate skills at a fairly young age, expand knowledge about the world of professions, generate interest in finding "one's" profession, develop the ability to work independently and in a group, develop the ability to plan and evaluate one's activities, help in self-knowledge and making a specific choice. We began to study these and other important questions from the first grade.

Our work resulted in a project "All work is important - all work is needed."

We set before ourselves problematic issue: "What is the difficulty of choosing a profession" And decided to checkIs it really difficult to choose a profession?

The purpose of our project- gradual acquaintance with the world of professions.

Main tasks for us it was:

1. Find out the level of our knowledge about professions.

2. Expand our knowledge about the types and types of professions.

3. Form interest in professions.

4. Be imbued with a sense of respect for the work of adults.

We have developed project work plan.

Defined it stages.

1. Acquaintance with children's literature about the work of adults, professions.

2. Excursions to enterprises and organizations of the city.

3. Conversations about professions.

4. Drawing up a card file of riddles and proverbs about professions;

5. Research work: learn all about the profession of your parents and immediate family.

6. Design together with the parents of the stand “All work is good”

7. Write essays “What do I want to be?”

8. Conduct a survey: "Who will you be in a few years?"

9. Prepare and hold a holiday: "City of Masters".

We decided that we would finish work on the project only after choosing a profession, which means in 9 years. In life, it is always difficult to make the right choice, especially if we are talking about choosing a profession. To learn more about professions, we turned to a document called the Unified Tariff and Qualification Guide, and found out that there are more than seven thousand names of professions available today in Russia. But hundreds are actually used.

Today, not only the number of professions is changing rapidly, but also their composition. New, unusual and unfamiliar professions appear for us, such as a manager, dealer, auditor, and the old ones disappear. But our life, its success, depends to some extent on how correctly we choose this or that profession for ourselves. Get ready for it today!

We got it researched several videos with interviews of children six years ago and the same children last year (this is today's 10 "A" class). And we saw that the coincidence in the choice of profession is minimal.

What seemed right yesterday turned out to be the wrong decision today.

Continuing the research, we learned from the encyclopedia what a profession is: “Profession - this is a type of labor that requires a certain training, knowledge, skills from a person, this is a labor that a person chooses for himself for life.

From the history ancient world learned that primitive people had no professions. But there was still some division of labor between men and women. Men hunted animals, built a dwelling, made weapons, tools, boats. Women - collected edible plants, cooked food, made clothes, raised children.

With the development of society, specialization of people according to the types of work appeared. There was a division of labor, there were professions.

We learned that labor is divided into physical and mental.

And also we became aware of the types of professions: a person - a person (doctors, teachers), a person - equipment (driver, designer), a person - a sign system (programmer, cashier), a person - an artistic image (artist, artist), a person - nature ( ecologist, gardener)

We learned from Internet resources that the most stressful professions are the professions of a miner and public figures. Psychologists explain such a high “risk indicator” for statesmen by the fact that they “work for the public.”

We learned that there is a calendar of professions.

We went on excursions in a number of organizations and enterprises of the city: in the fire station,

confectionery enterprise "Eureka", the city department of internal affairs, the tank unit of the city of Arsenyev and the gunners with. Novo - Pokrovki. We met with employees of the city hospital, library, got acquainted with the work of a cook and a locksmith.

Spent research work and learned about the work of their parents, grandparents, close relatives. Together with them, we designed a stand "All work is important ...".

We conducted a survey and found out that the guys want to be policemen, doctors, military men, businessmen, professional athletes, designers, firefighters, programmers, cooks, sailors. Only three decided to become teachers and educators, two - singers, three - pilots, one - a mechanic and one - a janitor. Some see themselves as oligarchs in the future.

We collected a collection of sayings, riddles about professions.

We wrote our poems and essays about who we want to become in the future. We made a video about it.

Had a holiday "City of masters". Released booklet.

Prepared presentations about the dynasty of teachers, the military, the police dynasty and the most numerous profession - mom!


As you can see - There are no number of wonderful professions in the world -
And glory and honor to every profession!

We realized that…

“Firmly choose who to be for us, friends, is not easy!

And it's still a long way to go to the finish line.
But, remember, all of you, without exception,
Even a fish from a pond cannot be caught without labor and patience.

But always - and as it was once,
And now in our XXI century -
We want to wish you guys...
To grow out of you Man.

Olga Kuzminova
Project "All professions are needed, all professions are important"

Relevance project:

At senior preschool age special meaning For full development the child's personality acquires further familiarization with the world of adults and objects created by their labor. Familiarization with professions parents ensures the further entry of the child into the modern world, familiarization with its values, ensures the satisfaction and development of the sexual cognitive interests of boys and girls of older preschool age. Therefore, the idea of ​​creating this project. Deep Learning professions through professions of their parents contributes to the development of ideas about their significance, the value of each work, the development of evidence-based speech. Right choice professions determines success in life.

Target project:

expand and generalize children's understanding of professions, tools, labor actions. Development of interest in various professions, in particular to professions parents and where they work.

Tasks project:

educational: to introduce children to several types professions, to show the importance of labor activity in human life; clarify, generalize and expand children's knowledge about the features of these professions;

developing: contribute to the development of coherent speech, thinking, memory, curiosity, observation, activate and enrich the vocabulary of children with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic project;

educational: to create conditions for the education of respectful and good relations to people of different professions; promote the development of the ability to work in a group; take into account the opinion of the partner; defend one's own opinion, prove one's point

Members project activities:

children, educators and parents of the preparatory group of MDOU "Kindergarten No. 28" Shuya.

Implementation timeline project:

short-term from 18.04.2016 to 22.04.2016

Planned result:

To arouse interest in the world around;

To expand children's knowledge and understanding of professions, including their parents' professions;

Help parents to properly organize joint family leisure;

Entrust children with feasible labor duties at home, in kindergarten, and be responsible for their implementation.

Stages project:

Stage I - preparatory (development of an implementation scheme project in the preparatory group)

II stage - practical (implementation project)

Stage III - final

Stage I - preparatory

Relevance of the topic;

Setting goals and objectives;

Selection and study of additional literature;

Development directly- educational activities.

Stage II - practical (basic)

Looking at illustrations about professions and the results of people's work;

-professions where people produce what or: seamstress, builder, cook, milkmaid;

-professions where people serve people: educator, hairdresser, doctor, machinist, cook, postman;

-professions creative people : singer, ballerina, artist, actor;

Reading fiction ( "What do you have?", "Uncle Styopa is a policeman" S. Mikhalkov, "Who to be?"

V. Mayakovsky, "Builders" B. Zakhoder, "Dr. Aibolit" K. Chukovsky, "What do crafts smell like" D. Rodari);

Talking to children about professions of parents;

Didactic games "To whom what needed for work» , « Professions» , "Who's doing what";

Role-playing games "Hospital", "Shop", "Salon", "Builders";

coloring pages « Professions» , drawing "What will I be when I grow up";

Album art "Poems about professions» ;

Create a theme folder in a group « Professions» .

Working with parents

Organization of information stands in parent's corner on this topic project;

Involving parents in book design « Professions of our parents» .

Stage III - final

Exhibition of children's drawings "Whom I want to become";

book exhibition « Professions of our parents» ;

Album "Poems about professions» .

Professions where people produce what or: milkmaid, dressmaker, cook, farmer, builder.

Professions where people serve people: hairdresser, educator, postman, doctor, firefighter, policeman.

Professions of creative people: musician, ballerina, artist.

Children's stories about professions of parents

Alyosha Tikhomirov

My mother's name is Lena. She works as an ambulance paramedic. She is very serious and important profession . Together with the ambulance team, she leaves on a call to the patient and provides him with first aid. My mother is responsible and very patient.

Olya Eremeeva

My mother's name is Ira. She works as a children's clothing retailer. Mom offers goods and serves customers. Helps them pick required clothing size and color. Mom is very kind and friendly.

Bogdan Telegin

My mother's name is Veronica. She works as a kindergarten teacher. Children love my mother because she is kind, helpful and caring. Mom teaches children to sculpt, draw, do crafts. Spends many interesting holidays.

Varvara Morozova

My mother's name is Olya. She is a light industrial design engineer. My mom builds parts in the computer for clothes. Then she lays them out like a mosaic on a computer, then prints them on a large plotter. Further, these details are cut out of the fabric and the seamstress sews the suit.

Related publications:

Synopsis of physical education in the senior group "All professions are needed, all professions are important" Tasks: Educational area"Health" - the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health children; - cultural upbringing.

Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson in the group preparatory to school "All professions are important, all professions are needed" Purpose: Development of lexical and grammatical categories and coherent speech. Tasks: 1. Correctional and educational: to activate and develop.

Summary of organized educational activities "All professions are important, all professions are needed" Synopsis of organized educational activities of the NGO "Speech Development" "All professions are important, all professions are needed" in the preparatory.

Summary of the speech development lesson “All professions are needed, all professions are important” in the preparatory group MDOBU d / garden "Zvezdochka" Objectives: To teach children to name professions at their place of work or occupation. Expand vocabulary, develop.

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "All professions are important, all professions are needed" Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group “All professions are important, all professions are needed” Purpose: To consolidate the names of professions with children, theirs.

Open event in the preparatory group "All professions are important, all professions are needed" Purpose: the formation of cognitive actions when getting acquainted with professions. Tasks: - To develop independence, initiative, creativity.

Middle group Educator: Krichevtsova M. S. Cherepovets Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 92"

Project type:

  • creative
  • short

Project participants: children middle group No. 5, parents of pupils,

Educator: Krichevtsova M.S.

Implementation period: March-April 2015

Project relevance:

Preschool education is the first step general education what is enshrined in law "On the formation of the Russian Federation" .

Familiarization with professions already at preschool age ensures the further entry of the child into the modern world, familiarizing him with values, satisfaction and development of cognitive interests.

Problem: From a conversation with children, it became clear that they have superficial ideas about professions, so we decided to introduce children to professions closer:

Purpose: To develop in children a sense of belonging to the world of adults through acquaintance with professions.

Project objectives:

  1. Consolidate children's knowledge about professions.
  2. To expand the horizons and cognitive interest of children in professions.
  3. To form respect for the work of adults of different professions.
  4. Determine the importance of professions.
  5. Encourage creativity in role-playing games about professions, art and other activities.
  6. Learn how to write short stories.

Estimated results of the project implementation:

Understanding the meaning of a word "profession" .

To teach children to write stories about their chosen profession according to the TRIZ RTV scheme.

Collect and systematize all material on the topic of the project.

Get the kids interested in the topic.

To form a holistic view of the work activity of adults.

Teach children to understand proverbs, sayings about work.

Stage 1. Preparatory

  1. Inform parents about the project.
  2. Select illustrations, presentations about professions.
  3. Find literature about professions.
  4. Pick up games, songs, dances, poems, finger gymnastics.
  5. Prepare excursions to the post office, to the kitchen, to the laundry, to the medical office of the preschool educational institution
  6. Instruct parents to prepare messages on any of the professions.

Conversations with children:

  1. What professions do you know?
  2. Why are these professions important?
  3. What clothes do people of different professions wear?
  4. What technologies and tools are used by people of different professions?

Organizational stage

1. Creating a problem situation for children, which will be addressed by the project, using the model of three questions:

Why do you need to work? What do parents do, what do you know about their professions? What do you want to be when you grow up?

What do we need to do to find out?

Where can we find out? How can we tell everyone about what we learn?

2. Joint discussion with the children of the stages of work on the project

Health and physical development

Acquaintance with professions related to sports;

Daily thematic rhythmic exercises;

Thematic physical education sessions

P / and "Firefighters in training" , "Cosmonauts" , relay games

Compliance with the working regime (work and leisure)


Safety rules for household work

People of different professions have their own safety rules


  • Presentations "All work is good" , "The work of the master is afraid" , "Professions"
  • Examination of reproductions, albums, illustrations on the topic "Professions"
  • A series of conversations: "Who works in kindergarten" , "Objects and tools, people need various professions" , "World of Professions"
  • Conversations about the professions of parents and relatives, their places of work

Didactic games: "Give me a word" , "Guess who?" , "A toy shop" , “Who will tell you more about the profession!” , "Guess what I'm doing?" , "What first, what next?" , "Where can I buy it?" , "Name your profession" , "What to whom" , "Guess the profession" , "Who Can't Do Without Them" , "Professions of people" , "Who's doing what?" , , "What do they do with this item" , "What the subject says" .

  • Workflow modeling
  • Using logic games
  • Using TRIZ Elements in Solving Problem Situations
  • Drawing up a diagram for compiling a story about professions
  • "How it was before and how it is now"


Interaction with parents:

Meeting with an interesting person:

  • Misha's dad is a police officer “Our service is both dangerous and difficult…”
  • Cyril's mother junior educator, "On the Importance of the Profession"
  • Kirill's grandfather is a former military man "About military professions"
  • Nastya's grandmother is a former nurse. Problem situation "What happened to the Katya doll"

Games and conversations

  • Role-playing games: "Shop" , "Builders" , "Hospital" , "Salon" , "Beauty saloon" , "Studio"
  • Simulation games: "Mom's Helpers" , "Cooking dinner for the whole family" .
  • Game situation: "Who will I become?" ,
  • A conversation about the qualities that a person who wants to get a particular profession needs to have "This job suits me"
  • Game discussion "I am in the past, present and future" (work is the main occupation of an adult)


  • Compilation of stories about the profession of parents
  • Learning poems about various professions
  • Enriching children's vocabulary with new terms
  • Riddles on the topic "Professions"
  • Children's stories from personal experience "At the doctor"
  • Performances by children with a message about any of the selected professions
  • Proverbs and sayings about work
  • Discussion of phraseological units about labor
  • Household and household work in a group
  • participation in the Saturday (labor in nature)
  • manual labor


Proverbs and sayings about work

Poems and riddles about professions

Reading poetry and stories about professions

V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?" .

S. Marshak "Where did the table come from" , "We are military" ,

S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?" , "Uncle Stepa" , "Uncle Styopa is a policeman" .

To Lifshitz "And we will work" ,

L. Voronkova "We build, we build, we build" .

Music game "If life is fun, do it"

Conversation about creative professions related to art (pianist, conductor, composer, singer, ballerina, artist)

Artistic and creative activity

Exhibition of drawings "Who Will I Be"

Production of attributes for games: "Mail" , "Shop" , "Pharmacy" , "A television"

Coloring pages - professions

Drawing tools and equipment, using stencils in their work

Modeling - vegetables and fruits, confectionery

Game activity

  • Board games - "Professions" , "Who to be?" , "Associations" , "Who needs what to work?" , "We know all professions" , Puzzles "Professions" , "Couples" (by topic), "Associations" , lotto, dominoes, split pictures
  • Didactic games "Give me a word" , "Guess who?" , "A toy shop" , "Who will tell more about the profession" . "Guess what I'm doing" , "What's First, What's Later" , "Where can I buy it" , "Name your profession" , "What to whom" . "Guess the profession" , "Who Can't Do Without Them" , "Professions of people" , "Who's doing what?" , "Who needs what" , "What would happen if it didn't work..." , "What do they do with this item" , "What the subject says" .
  • Games “Where we were, we won’t say what we did, we’ll show” , "If it's fun, do it"

Working with parents

  • advice for parents "The Responsibilities of Children at Home"
  • placement of materials in parent corners
  • designing a photo newspaper with parents "Mom at work"

Final stage

Holiday "All professions are needed" with children's performance (presentations).

Project results:

  • Teachers are satisfied with the work done and the results of the project
  • Collected and systematized all the material on the topic of the project
  • Preschoolers have an interest in this topic;
  • A holistic view of the work activity of adults has been formed
  • Children know and name a large number of professions, proverbs, sayings about work, tools, they can make a descriptive story about the profession.
  • Children have become more liberated and independent. In free activities, singing songs is widely used, attributes and outfits are used for this purpose.
  • Parents have an interest in the educational process, the development of creativity, knowledge and skills in children, the desire to communicate with the teacher, to participate in the life of the group.
  • Parents have the opportunity to introduce their profession to all children of the group
  • Prepared and celebrated "All professions are needed" .