Chief Researcher

Research Institute

Armed Forces The Republic of Belarus,

doctor of technical sciences, associate professor

Basic requirements for modern ground reconnaissance means

The main combat properties that characterize the capabilities of a potential enemy include:

Mobility and maneuverability;

Availability of reconnaissance information received practically in real time from space and air-based means (radar means, means of electronic intelligence and radio reconnaissance, optoelectronic means);

Accuracy of destruction by land (sea) and air-based means.

Objects of destruction in groupings of troops can be classified in the following form:

Class 1 - tracked vehicles;

Class 2 - wheeled vehicles;

Class 3 - people;

Class 4 - aviation equipment on the ground (helicopters (anywhere) and airplanes (at airfields)).

According to the quantitative composition, these classes can be divided into large groups(for example, columns of troops, aviation at airfields), medium groups (for example, battle formations subdivisions) and small groups (units).

The main factors determining fire control and strike efficiency against enemy ground targets are:

Reconnaissance of the location (including the direction of movement), classification and determination of the quantitative composition of the object in real time at ranges that provide the possibility of using fire weapons;

Efficiency of fire impact, determined by the reaction time of combat systems, the relative position of fire weapons and targets, maneuverability and range of weapons;

Targeting accuracy of striking elements and their radius of destruction;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of striking.

A key element in ensuring efficiency fire damage are ground reconnaissance, information from which must meet the following requirements:



Completeness and accuracy of data.

In addition, while maintaining defense in a limited area reconnaissance means must meet the following requirements:


Low vulnerability;

Possibility of functioning in the territory occupied by the enemy.

a brief analysis of the state and prospects for the development of existing ground reconnaissance means

The main means of conducting ground reconnaissance at present are:

Ground radar stations artillery reconnaissance(SNAR) placed on a self-propelled chassis (for example, SNAR-10);

Artillery radar systems (ARC) markings of firing positions (for example, ARC-1, "Zoo");

Sound measuring complexes (ZMK) for artillery reconnaissance (for example, 1B19, AZK-5);

Portable ground reconnaissance stations (for example, PSNR-5). At the same time, the first three classes of means provide information

only artillery, and the fourth class - units of ground forces in a limited sector.

Radar stations for ground artillery reconnaissance. Such stations are intended for reconnaissance of moving ground (surface) targets, as well as maintenance of artillery fire. The main advantages of SNAR are high mobility, the possibility of reconnaissance of moving targets and the ability to adjust artillery fire in the presence of direct visibility in adverse weather conditions, with smoke and dust. The main disadvantages of SNAR are low search capabilities in difficult terrain and wooded areas, the impossibility of detecting (and adjusting fire) on stationary (stopped) equipment, as well as low stealth due to the emission of powerful probing signals. The presence of powerful radiation leads to the detection and direction finding of SNAR by the enemy within a few seconds from the start of work, which entails fire suppression of SNAR and a nearby artillery unit within a few minutes from the start of work.

Artillery radar systems for detecting firing positions. These complexes are designed to determine the coordinates of enemy artillery positions by measuring the parameters of the projectile's ballistic trajectory. The main advantage of the ARC is the speed of obtaining enemy coordinates directly from the position of an artillery unit. The main disadvantage of the ARC (without taking into account the cost and complexity of working under conditions of massive enemy fire) is the emission of powerful probing signals, which provides the enemy with operational fire suppression of the ARC and an artillery unit.

Sound-metric complexes of artillery reconnaissance. The main advantage of ZMK is the absolute secrecy of work, which ensures continuous reconnaissance in close proximity to the line of contact between troops. Along with this, ZMK, developed before the 80s of the last century, have the following disadvantages:

Low efficiency of work in the conditions of combined arms combat (reflected signals, shots small arms, shots of enemy guns and mortars from flank sectors, shots of friendly artillery units), in the presence of wind, as well as with the simultaneous use by the enemy of fire weapons from several points and rapid fire;

Low efficiency in preparing the initial data for firing, which allows the enemy (self-propelled artillery mounts and missile systems salvo fire) get away from a retaliatory strike to new firing positions;

Low mobility, long deployment time, which does not meet the conditions of transience and high maneuverability of modern combat operations.

At the same time, with deep modernization, sound measuring systems can become one of the ideal means of passive reconnaissance, since the main part of the shortcomings is due to outdated structures for building base stations and the lack of equipment that implements effective signal processing algorithms in conditions of interference and real-time information on a large number goals.

Thus, taking into account the shortcomings inherent in radar equipment, sound-measuring reconnaissance is practically the only type of reconnaissance to a depth of 10-20 kilometers that meets the requirements for stealth, all-weather and continuity of conduct in difficult terrain and wooded areas. The priority of this type of exploration, taking into account the rapid development precision weapons working on radiation sources will only increase in the next decade.

Portable ground reconnaissance stations. These stations are designed to monitor the movement of troops and military equipment, ensure the adjustment of the firing of fire weapons, protect borders and facilities, counter crime and terrorism. PSNR of various classes perform their tasks at close (up to 3 km), small (up to 10 km) and medium (up to 40 km) ranges. The impetus for the development of PSNR was the American-Vietnamese War, during which these stations proved to be effective remedy detection of single and group moving targets in conditions of limited optical visibility. The main disadvantages of PSNR are low efficiency in difficult terrain and wooded areas, as well as the inability to detect stationary (stopped) equipment. In addition, in the PSNR, developed 30 - 40 years ago, there is no possibility of surveying space with automatic detection, tracking and recognition of targets. Currently, more than a hundred types of PSNR and their modifications have been created and put into service, and work on the creation of new and modernization of existing stations does not stop.

An analysis of existing ground reconnaissance means makes it possible to do the following: conclusions regarding their development and prospects for application. Firstly, radar reconnaissance means will be developed in the direction of increasing the secrecy of work and information capabilities, as well as integration with other means. Given the steady growth in the capabilities of electronic intelligence, a priority place among ground-based radar stations (RLS) will be occupied by PSNR near and short ranges of the millimeter range. The main means of reconnaissance of the ground situation (primarily in the interests of the attacking side) to great depths with low optical visibility and in difficult terrain and wooded areas will be unmanned (low-speed and high-speed) aircrafts, carrying airborne small-sized radars with antenna aperture synthesis. Secondly, when organizing ground defense of territories, important directions and objects, there will be an increase in the use of passive detection tools, combined to increase the information content in network systems of various levels.

Eventually, The requirements for modern and especially promising means of ground reconnaissance in supporting combat operations of the ground forces are most fully satisfied by:

- reconnaissance and signaling devices (RSD) used locally or in the form of network systems and deployed in the operational-tactical zone, on the territory occupied by the enemy, or in the contact zone;

Portable small-sized sound measuring systems used locally or in the form of network systems and deployed in tactical combat zones of friendly and enemy troops, as well as on enemy territory;

Small-sized reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with on-board small-sized radars and optical systems launched from unprepared positions.

Next, let's turn our attention to the SRS as a means of building a passive ground reconnaissance system with high secrecy while providing fairly complete intelligence on the location and nature of the actions of enemy troops.

a brief analysis of the application and state of development of reconnaissance and signaling devices

Reconnaissance and signaling devices (RSP) began to be developed in the early 50s of the last century by the US Army. In 1954, RSPs were tested during the fighting in Korea, but were not widely used.

During the Vietnam War in mid-1968, the US Institute of Defense Studies recommended that the Department of Defense create a system of barriers to prevent the transfer of troops and weapons from North Vietnam to South Vietnam, which was called the McNamara Line in the press. To install and maintain the McNamara Line, the 728th Joint Task Force and a special classified group were formed, which was engaged in the development of the RSP and had almost unlimited possibilities in spending Money. In the course of the work, several types of RSP were created: seismic, seismoacoustic, magnetic, electromagnetic, passive infrared (IR) and gas analyzing. The first combat use of the RSP took place in January 1968 in the area of ​​​​the Khe-San marine base, where for the first time the RSP proved to be highly effective. According to the results of the application, it was claimed that most of the strikes against the attacking forces of North Vietnam (over 500 artillery, several hundred air strikes, including 16 strikes by B-52 aircraft) were carried out according to the detection of the RSP. After that, the widespread use of RSP in ground operations began.

American experts believe that a battalion equipped with RSPs can monitor an area twice as large as the observation area of ​​a battalion without RSPs, and their use makes it possible to reduce losses by 2 to 4 times.

The high efficiency of the RSP gave impetus to equipping US allies with them and developing similar devices in many developed countries. Currently, there are more than 100 types of RSP with various principles target detection, two-thirds of which are developed in the United States. According to the type of physical field used, these devices are divided into seismic, acoustic, magnetic, electromagnetic, radar, television, thermal imaging, laser, capacitive, gradiometric, hydroacoustic, and also contact RSP. To improve the efficiency of exploration, combined RSPs are used (seismomagnetic, seismoelectromagnetic, seismoacoustic, magnetoseismoacoustic).

Control of the enemy location zone using reconnaissance and signaling devices

Ground reconnaissance systems built on the basis of RSP can be used to solve the following tasks:

Reconnaissance in areas of expected concentration (movement) of enemy troops;

Reconnaissance of the most probable routes of movement of enemy troops, directions and intensity of their movement;

Control of the most important enemy targets (airfields, dominant heights, bridges, road forks, bases, etc.);

Control of areas of possible landing of troops and areas for crossing rivers;

Protection of places of deployment of their forces, minefields, approaches to bridges, etc .;

Issuance of target designations to other reconnaissance forces and means with wider capabilities;

Protection (in combination with other means) of military and important civilian facilities to prevent the penetration of reconnaissance and sabotage groups and terrorists into their territory;

Site protection state border and lines of separation of opposing forces.

An example of controlling the enemy zone using RSP is shown in fig. 1.

Tinted triangles indicate information cells built on the basis of RPN and having covert radio channels for transmitting data about detected objects. Data from information cells are broadcast to receiving and processing devices located behind the line of contact.

The structure of an integrated system for remote ground reconnaissance

The requirements for reconnaissance equipment intended for reconnaissance and information support of combat operations of troops determine the principles for building advanced remote surveillance systems, the main of which are:

Principle 1 - "stealth";

Principle 2 - "completeness of primary sources of information";

Principle 3 - "distribution in space".

First principle requires visual and electromagnetic stealth of system elements. This requirement is most satisfied by small-sized passive RSPs, which are located in the ground or on the surface (in grass, bushes, etc.).

Second principle requires solving the problems of detection, measurement of coordinates and recognition at the level of primary sources of information (information cell based on CPR, portable
ZMK, reconnaissance UAV). The implementation of this principle allows:

Radically reduce the requirements for the data transfer rate in communication lines and, accordingly, increase their secrecy and noise immunity by reducing the peak power and increasing the length of the information bit modulation code;

Use the information received already at the level of the department in whose sector of responsibility the primary source of information is located.

Third principle requires the construction of a system based on autonomous primary sources of information (information cells) distributed in space and providing the collection of information in the most important local areas inaccessible to constant monitoring. An example of the structure of an information cell based on RSP, intended for use in a ground reconnaissance system, is shown in fig. 2.

In an information cell that provides surveillance of a ground enemy within a radius of hundreds of meters to several kilometers, it is most expedient to use seismic, acoustic, seismoacoustic, infrared and radar sensors that autonomously solve enemy location tasks and transmit data to the device for receiving and processing information via radio channels, wired or optical channels. Data on targets detected by the information cell:

They are broadcast by the built-in VHF transmitter to the device for receiving and processing information of the 1st level;

They are transmitted to the receiver of the special group, which may be in close proximity (up to several kilometers away).

Information cells from RSP sets, sets of small-sized ZMKs and small-sized reconnaissance UAVs are combined into a complex system for remote ground reconnaissance, an example of which is shown in Fig. 3.

Such a complex system has the following properties:

- continuity of operation in the combat zone (including enemy territory) at any time of the day;

Availability of obtaining information in real time and at various levels of consumption (special group, subdivision, unit, etc.);

Uncriticality to the failure of individual primary sources of information.

Information from such a system provides real-time pinpoint strikes against a detected enemy using attack aircraft, helicopters, missile systems salvo fire, artillery, as well as special groups and special forces.

Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The main requirements for modern means of remote ground reconnaissance, intended for the organization of ground defense, are the timeliness, reliability, completeness and accuracy of the information received, as well as secrecy, low vulnerability and the ability to operate on the territory occupied by the enemy. These requirements are most fully satisfied by reconnaissance and signaling devices and portable small-sized sound-measuring systems used autonomously or as network systems, as well as small-sized reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles with on-board small-sized radars and optical systems launched from unprepared positions.

2. The greatest efficiency of remote ground reconnaissance is achieved when the reconnaissance system is built in the form of autonomous sources of information, combined into a real-time system with access to information at any level. This approach ensures the minimization of the time of receipt and use of information both at the unit level and at the level of command and control of the ground forces and aviation. This allows you to ensure the timeliness of strikes against a ground enemy.

3. The creation of promising remote ground reconnaissance systems is based on the development of information elements (smart sensors, small-sized sound-measuring systems, small-sized airborne radars with antenna aperture synthesis) and small-sized data transmission devices that meet the requirements of secrecy and noise immunity. The real basis for the creation of domestic information elements are the results of the Demeres enterprise achieved in the development of acoustic and seismoacoustic sensors for automatic detection and recognition, radar detection sensors, coordinate measurement and recognition with antenna aperture synthesis, small-sized sound-measuring ground reconnaissance systems.


1. Drums A. D. Improvement of intelligence in the interests of the use of high-precision weapons / Military Thought. -2003. -#11. -WITH. 28-31.

2. Mosalev V. Systems for remote monitoring of the battlefield based on reconnaissance and signaling devices / Foreign military review. - 2000. - No. 2. - S. 21 - 27.

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More recently, in the fifth motorized rifle brigade near Moscow, they began to master the Sagittarius complex for communications and intelligence management. The complex is produced at the domestic enterprise "Radioavionika". The tested individual complex is a kind of mobile type computer. Almost any device is connected to it. When creating a network from the data of individual complexes, the computer of the unit commander will display necessary information about subordinates, as well as information about the enemy coming from them. To do this, an ordinary soldier needs to press just a couple of buttons and the coordinates of his location or the location of the enemy will appear on the commander's computer. The head of the unit will be able to easily combine the received data with an electronic map of the area, or with a photograph of a given area received from a satellite. First, military intelligence officers will receive and master such complexes. According to the designers, the Sagittarius complex is practically a mobile personal CIUS

The company "Radioavionika" at one time presented KRUS "Sagittarius" as a means of solving a wide range of tasks for information support. Sagittarius provides:
- combat management;
- identification of detected objects and calculation of their coordinates;
- target designation;
- development of data for the effective use of personal weapons and means for close combat;
The Sagittarius complex has an interface with all Soviet and Russian means intelligence. In addition, the complex interacts with goniometers, radars, target designation, aiming devices and UAVs.

The complex was put into service in 2007 and is supplied in series. It goes primarily to ground reconnaissance units. The first samples of the complex, after passing through various field and combat tests, are sent for revision. Our scouts, having experience in operating foreign analogues of FELIN, IdZ-ES and Normans, asked the developers to improve the existing sample of the Sagittarius complex. Firstly, the base of the first samples was made on the basis of elements of the 2000s. The designers were sympathetic to the request of the military and the modernized KRUS "Sagittarius" is being tested. After successful tests, the ground units began to be massively provided with the complex. More than one thousand units of the Sagittarius complex have already entered the armed forces of the Russian Federation. The general designer of the Radioavionika enterprise A. Kaplin, speaking about the Sagittarius complex, noted that the first KRUS samples were somewhat inconvenient for the soldiers - they had a fairly decent weight of 5.4 kilograms, interfered with the soldier when passing the assault strip, covered access to pouches and a medical kit . Now, after the modernization, the complex began to weigh 2.4 kilograms, received smaller overall characteristics, and large blocks are attached so as not to interfere with other tasks. On this moment there are no significant comments on the use of the Sagittarius complex from the military personnel of the ground units, where the complexes are mainly received.

KRUS "Sagittarius" can have several levels of configuration. The simplest configuration option is intended for military personnel of departments, up to the commander of the department. The next level of equipment is intended for the platoon leader, the package includes a powerful computer complex with multifunctional remote control. The third, most complete level of equipment, is for the unit commander - battalion commander, brigade commander.

The range of interaction of the complex as part of the department is about one and a half kilometers, but any of the individual Sagittarius complexes works as a repeater, which significantly increases the range and information control of a given area. In addition to voice messages, built-in standard commands can be transmitted over the radio, the recipient can watch or listen to them after receiving. This innovation was introduced specifically to ensure that the scouts do not get distracted from the task, do not lose visual control. KRUS incorporates an autonomous navigation module, which is provided with an inertial system. It makes it possible for a soldier to know exactly his coordinates, even if he has left the satellite navigation coverage area. Switching between navigation systems occurs in the complex automatically. The complex can be equipped with a helmet-mounted display subsystem for producing fire from cover. For example, when interacting with the Shahin thermal imager, information from it is sent to the indicator of a serviceman, which allows, without leaving the shelter, to conduct accurate and aimed fire. There is also an identification subsystem of the “friend or foe” type in the complex. The range of the subsystem depends on the characteristics of the associated sighting devices. The subsystem sends a request to an unidentified object, and if the object is “own”, then the serviceman will hear a sound notification in the earpiece. If, after sending the request, the subsystem is “silent”, then the object is defined by the “Sagittarius” complex as “foreign”.


To ensure parity with a potential enemy in the field of radar reconnaissance of ground targets open joint stock company“Scientific and production association “Strela”, Tula (part of the Air Defense Concern “Almaz-Antey”), according to the tactical and technical specifications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, more than 60 different stations and complexes were developed and put into service.

Recently, the enterprise has developed and mastered in mass production a number of artillery reconnaissance radars that meet the latest requirements: the 1L260 long-range artillery reconnaissance radar complex, the 1L271 multifunctional portable radar for reconnaissance of mortar firing positions and mobile ground targets, the 1L277 portable reconnaissance radar for ground targets and portable ground reconnaissance radar SBR-5M.


For reconnaissance of firing positions of mortars, artillery, multiple launch rocket systems, starting positions tactical missiles of the enemy by a shot (projectile, rocket, mine on the trajectory), as well as to serve the firing (control of strikes) of their similar means, an artillery radar complex for reconnaissance of the positions of missiles and artillery 1L260 was created. The 1L260 radar complex includes:

- a three-coordinate monopulse radar station with a phased antenna array (product 1L261);

- maintenance vehicle (product 1I38);

– power plant ED60-T230P-1RAM4.

Solved by the complex combat missions, operating modes and performance characteristics of the complex are determined by the product 1L261 (Fig. 1).

The launch of the complex into production not only solved the problem of our country's lagging behind in the range of reconnaissance of firing artillery and missiles, but also ensured superiority in this area. In conditions of passive and active interference, the complex, along with reconnaissance of enemy firing positions, simultaneously controls the firing of its own weapons and monitors space in order to detect anti-radar missiles.

A comparative analysis of the characteristics shows that the 1L260 complex is superior to the foreign ROP "Cobra" and AN / TPQ-53 radars both in terms of reconnaissance range and in a number of basic technical characteristics.

The complex provides:

– detection and tracking of flying artillery shells, rockets MLRS, tactical missiles;

- determination with high accuracy of the coordinates of the points of departure and fall of shells (mines, missiles);

- recognition of the class, including the caliber of the firing firing position of the enemy;

– simultaneous operation in reconnaissance and control modes;

– operation under the influence of natural passive interference;

– direction finding of sources of active interference and automatic compensation of interference from several directions;

- detection of anti-radar missiles;

- continuous automatic diagnostics of the components of the product in the course of combat work.

In the "Reconnaissance" mode (Fig. 2), the complex provides opening of the enemy's firing positions, in the "Maintenance" mode (Fig. 3), the coordinates of the points of impact of shells of its firing means are determined.

Special software allowed to implement a fully automatic mode of operation of the complex, without the participation of members of the calculation.

The use of software-controlled blocks of radar equipment provided flexible changes in operating modes and the possibility of further modernization of the product, while the number of simultaneously tracked targets can vary from 12 to 36.

Fig 4. Radar 1L271.

The hardware capabilities of the radar make it possible not only to provide reconnaissance of firing positions various types firing systems, but also to implement a space surveillance mode in the interests of air defense.

Along with the radar for reconnaissance of long-range artillery firing positions, there is a need for light portable radars that provide reconnaissance of firing positions of firing mortars, reconnaissance of ground moving targets and control of the firing of their own artillery on exploding shells (mines) for the battalion level. This is confirmed by the experience of local wars and counter-terrorism operations.

At the end of 2012, the world's first portable multifunctional reconnaissance radar for firing positions of firing mortars and ground moving targets 1L271 was adopted by the Russian army (Fig. 4).

The radar determines the location of the launcher firing mortar or the point of impact of the mine by radar observation of the mine in the visible section of the flight path, measuring the coordinates and parameters of its movement at individual points of the trajectory, followed by extrapolation to the point of departure or fall (Fig. 5). The radar antenna is electronically scanned in azimuth. The movement of the beam in elevation is carried out by changing the polarization of microwave radiation.

The station is made in the form of a set of equipment placed in the internal compartment of a special partially armored vehicle, which serves for the prompt delivery of a crew of three people and station equipment to a given area of ​​work. Redeployment over short distances in a given area of ​​work to select a more convenient combat position is carried out by carrying the components of the station removed from the vehicle using special carrying packages.


The first in Russia serially mastered portable radar for reconnaissance of ground targets of short range with a phased antenna array (PAR) - station 1L277 (Fig. 6). It is designed to detect moving single and group ground, surface, stationary ground and surface targets, as well as to correct artillery and mortar fire at gaps. The station also detects low-flying unmanned aerial vehicles.

Fig 6. Radar 1L277.

Unlike its prototype (PSNR-8 station), 1L277 allows, along with moving targets and artillery shell explosions, to detect stationary small targets, which is the first time this has been done in a radar of this class. At the same time, a reduction in radar visibility and an increase in noise immunity were provided. The use of a solid-state component base made it possible to reduce the weight by 2 times and increase the mean time between failures by 3.7 times compared to PSNR-8.

Fig 7. Radar SBR-5M.

The design of the station allows its installation on various running bases, and the principle of monoblock execution of radar equipment makes it possible to create stationary surveillance systems, their interaction in a network while protecting borders, coastal zones, military and civilian facilities.

Compared with stations of the same class PSNR-8 and PSNR-8M, which are in service, and foreign counterparts, the 1L277 radar has several important advantages. In particular, automatic tracking of up to 20 targets is provided without stopping reconnaissance in a given sector; detection mode and determination of the coordinates of fixed targets; automatic recognition of the type of moving targets "man - technology".

To ensure the secrecy and noise immunity of the station, a frequency agility mode (BFC) has been implemented, which makes it difficult for the enemy to conduct electronic intelligence and makes it impossible to set up targeted active interference.

A qualitative leap in the development of portable radars for reconnaissance of ground moving targets was made with the creation in 2010 of the portable short-range reconnaissance radar SBR-5M (Fig. 7), which combines almost all the capabilities of modern radars, despite the extremely small overall and weight characteristics.

The radar is a coherent, multi-channel radar station with a continuous emission of a low power broadband chirp signal.

It has the ability to interface with five types of easel automatic small arms (PKMSN, Pecheneg, Kord, AGS-17, AGS-30), (Fig. 8), which makes it indispensable when conducting combat operations in conditions of lack of optical visibility .

The principle of operation and combat use of the station consists in scanning one of the given sectors with automatic detection of moving targets, determining their polar coordinates for pointing automatic small arms and displaying the target radar situation against the background of an electronic terrain map (ECM).

Figure 8. Radar SBR-5M on a grenade launcher.

The station provides high secrecy of work from enemy electronic countermeasures, since its radiated power is less than that of cell phone. All radio electronic devices, blocks primary processing and VIP are placed in the transceiver, which, together with the drive, is mounted on a tripod. The control panel with a rechargeable battery is located at a distance from the transceiver.

Unique design and technological solutions made it possible to create a station with the minimum weight of a wearable set for all analogues, not exceeding 12 kg.

As an autonomous reconnaissance vehicle, the SBR-5M station is included in:

- complex intelligence, control and communications "Sagittarius" (83T215-8VR);

- automated ATGM battery control complex ("Commander-E");

- an airborne automated command reconnaissance combat vehicle (BMD-3K-AR).

The station's transceiver is included in the combat anti-sabotage vehicle (BPDM "Typhoon-M").

Serial production of products 1L260, 1L271, 1L277 and SBR-5M made it possible to start equipping artillery and military intelligence units ground forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with high-performance ground reconnaissance radars, which in terms of technical level correspond to the best foreign models, and in some characteristics even surpass them. This made it possible to raise the effectiveness of radar reconnaissance to a new level. quality level- more effectively solve traditional tasks, expand the list of tasks to be solved and significantly increase operational capabilities to improve the stealth, noise immunity and survivability of stations on the battlefield.

in found:
INTERESTING names of weapons in Russia! :)

Germany has a Leopard tank. Israel has a Merkava (war chariot). America has an Abrams tank, France has a Leclerc, both in honor of famous generals. And we have the T-72B "Slingshot". In honor of the slingshot! It is not clear why, but it is clear that KVN could only be born here! :)

Or, for example, the Americans take it and call their self-propelled howitzer "Paladin". And the British call their "Archer" (Archer). All the way. Here ours come up and say: look here. Here are the 2S1 Gvozdika and 2S3 Akatsia self-propelled howitzers, the 2S4 Tyulpan self-propelled mortar, and the 2S5 Giacint and 2S7 Pion long-range self-propelled guns capable of firing nuclear shells. Smell the bouquet, please.

Here the Americans take and call their anti-tank guided missile"The Dragon". And the other is called "Shilleyla" (Baton). Everything is logical. Here our people come up and say: look here. Here are the anti-tank missiles 9M14M "Malyutka", 9M123 "Chrysanthemum" and the anti-tank missile "Metis" (with a night sight "Mulat"). And to make it completely incomprehensible and scary to you, we also had a rocket called "Kromka".

And to make you think even more, we called the heavy tank support combat vehicle "Frame".

And to make your head spin, the newest missile system coastal defense we named "Ball".

And so that your smile never leaves your face), our most powerful 30-barreled self-propelled flamethrower in the world is called TOS-1 "Pinocchio", and our GP-30 grenade launcher is called "Shoe" :)!

If anything, that is, there is also an 82-mm automatic mortar 2B9 "Vasilek", a company mortar 2B14 "Tray", a mortar 2S12 "Sani", intercontinental ballistic missile"Courier" with a nuclear charge (accept the courier :)), intercontinental ballistic missile RT-23 UTTH "Molodets" with ten nuclear charges, nuclear submarine of project 705 "Lira", artillery fire control system "Kapustnik", container missile control system "Phantasmagoria" ", self-propelled gun"Condenser" and grenade for underbarrel grenade launcher 7P24 "Foundling".

weapon support system at the rate on nuclear submarines of project 667 - "Tourmaline"
system for providing missiles with air and nitrogen - "Owl"
Project 941 nuclear submarine combat missile system - "Skazka"
jet deck depth bomber RGB-9000 - "Pikhta"
small anti-ship missile PKURS-30s - "Mol" .....

"Vivarium" - ACS of the rocket artillery brigade
(ACS-automated control system)
"Vorchun" - aircraft satellite communications station
(Probably continuously gives out: "they are rattling and rattling, there are no forces anymore, they are completely fucked up, how much can you do, huh!?" etc. :))
Woodpecker - aviation marker radio MRP-48
Raccoon - SET-65 torpedo
(this one certainly doesn't care what lives in the pond)
Corral - anti-submarine corrected aerial bomb KAB-250-100
Brass knuckles - hand-held anti-personnel grenade launcher RGM-40
Capacitor - self-propelled gun special power SM-54
(shows Kuz'kin's mother to the terminator)
Kochkar - ACS command post tactical formation of the country's air defense forces
(What is this word anyway? :))
... looked at Yandex "KOCHKAR Novoros. kachkar Astrakh. unfinished, breeding ram" - self-critical !!! :)
Courier - small-sized ICBM RSS-40
(we sent you a note of protest. By courier :))
Lyapis - HF radio R-397LK
(Trubetskoy is not there, he checked. "Gavrila sat at the reception. Gavrila received texts ...")
Maria - 30 kt tactical atomic bomb
Metis - ATGM + Mulat - thermal imaging sight for ATGM
(and all this was invented and controlled by a WHITE person :))
Natasha - tactical atomic bomb 8U49
Foundling - shot 7P24 to an underbarrel grenade launcher
Ros - aviation GAS
(Preved Yarovrat)
Skosok - OVN-1 night vision goggles
(for cross-eyed???)
Traumatism - medical vehicle based on BMD-3

Combat equipment of the soldier "Warrior" is one of the largest modernization projects Russian army. As applied to this program, the concept of equipment is so broad and extensive that it is almost impossible to describe all its elements in one article or depict it in one photograph.

For ordinary soldiers who receive the first Ratnik kits since the end of 2014, this is, first of all, a comfortable uniform made of modern fabrics with many elements for summer, winter and demi-season periods, lightweight composite protection covering up to 90% of the body, lightweight helmet.

For visitors to exhibitions, "Warrior" is an image of a soldier of the future, hung with ultra-modern computer equipment, who can see through walls and shoot around corners with a helmet-mounted monitor.

In total, the equipment includes more than 70 elements that are interconnected and complement each other constructively and functionally.

To find out what the combat equipment of a Russian serviceman is today, we conducted a series of interviews. We were told about the main elements of the Ratnik kit by specialists from the lead developer of the program, JSC TsNIITOCHMASH (part of the Rostec state corporation). Impressions about new equipment fighters of the reconnaissance company of one of the military units where the tests took place. We discussed the electronic stuffing of the “soldier of the future” equipment with Alexander Kaplin, General Designer of Radioavionika JSC.

survival fashion

A set of combat equipment for a serviceman is a complex of five systems integrated into each other: destruction, protection, control, life support and energy supply. That is, the Ratnik program covers almost everything a soldier needs on the battlefield: from shoes and clothing to weapons, medicines, aiming, surveillance, communications, guidance and target designation of artillery and aviation.

“We tested all sets of clothing items of the second generation, made forced marches of 5 and 20 km, passed an obstacle course,” says Ivan Velichko, commander of the reconnaissance platoon. Passing the obstacle course in full protective gear was demonstrated to us by five scouts, one of them with a heavy machine gun in his hands. Smiling soldiers praise the new clothes, which always exactly match the weather, a light and comfortable helmet, goggles, a multifunctional knife-tool. Faraday shoes are impressive: Gore-Tex breathable membrane, Vibram non-slip reinforced sole, weight at the level of the best trekking boots (both for summer and winter models).

Anti-shatter armor helmet weighing only 1 kg guarantees the same level of protection as foreign counterparts weighing at least 1.3 kg. Adjustable chin strap helps fit the helmet to fit your head and provides extra cushioning for impacts and debris.

A comfortable and fairly light body armor with a built-in quick release system is put on and taken off very easily, and in order to unequip a wounded soldier, you just need to pull the pin (previously you had to remove the vest over your head or cut the straps).

Bulletproof vests from the Ratnik kit are equipped with ceramic-composite armor panels made of a layer of ceramic tiles and a composite substrate. Ceramics is characterized by very high hardness with a relatively small mass. The ceramic outer layer effectively destroys the bullet, while the reinforced composite backing holds bullet fragments and ceramic fragments. As standard, the body armor of the "Warrior" weighs a little more than 7 kg, which is significantly less than the mass of its predecessor. There is also an assault equipment of body armor, in which the level of protection is increased to the maximum (sixth) class, bulletproof protection of the side zones and the inguinal region is provided. In this case, the mass of body armor reaches 15 kg.

This is what a ceramic-composite armor plate looks like after being hit by ten armor-piercing incendiary bullets from sniper rifle SVD from a distance of 10 m. On the other hand, the same plate looks like new.

At the TsNIITOCHMASH enterprise in Klimovsk near Moscow, we were shown an assault chest armor panel developed by NPF Tekhinkom LLC and withstood ten hits of armor-piercing incendiary bullets when fired from an SVD sniper rifle from a distance of 10 m. The reverse side of the plate remained absolutely smooth, without a single bulges. This means that a soldier protected by body armor with such panels will not receive concussion injuries and remain combat-ready.

The MFP is worn in a breast pocket, has an alphanumeric indicator and gives access to all the functions of the complex through a system of context menus. In particular, it can be used to type text messages and use the navigator.

Special protective suits also deserve attention. Overalls "Permyachka" made of a special ballistic aramid fabric is able to protect a soldier from fragments of shells flying at a speed of up to 140 m / s with a mass of 1 g, as well as from the action of an open flame for 10 s. A kit for crew members of armored vehicles "Cowboy" will help the tanker survive if the tank is damaged and ignited.

The remote control does not have a screen and operates on the principle of "finger-button".

thunder lord

The control system is that part of the Ratnik that even today looks fantastic, although in fact the Sagittarius intelligence, control and communications complex (KRUS), included in the program, has been in service with the Russian army since 2007. On currently actual the second generation of "Sagittarius", produced since 2011 and constantly improved.

According to the apt description of the general designer of JSC Radioavionika Alexander Kaplina, KRUS "Sagittarius" is a personal computer with peripherals, distributed over the fighter's unloading vest. Its capabilities, like any other computer, are limited only by the tasks set and the imagination of the developers. The complex guarantees the solution of all information problems that a serviceman may face.

A secure high-speed radio channel provides voice radio communication and data transmission. Data can mean text messages (preset and optional), photos and videos, and, of course, geographical coordinates. The satellite navigation system virtually eliminates the possibility for a soldier to get lost, and for a commander to lose sight of a soldier.

On the screen personal computer commander, the location of all fighters is displayed on the map of the area and is updated in real time. The high update rate (once per second), made possible by a special high-speed radio channel, distinguishes KRUS "Sagittarius" from analogues using standard radio stations for data transmission. In them, the update rate can reach 10-30 seconds, since information about all the soldiers of the unit is transmitted over communication channels with low or average speed data transmission.

The commander can instantly send a fighter to the desired point by simply pointing it with the stylus on the map. Moreover, the fighter will receive not just the coordinates of the destination, but a complex route. KRUS will tell the soldier the way using the arrow on the screen, help to get around minefields and danger zones.

One of the modifications of the "Sagittarius" includes a rangefinder-goniometer. It is enough for the gunner to simply see the target: based on the readings of the laser rangefinder and the target elevation angle meter, as well as its own coordinates, KRUS will instantly calculate the coordinates of the target, and at the same time send its photograph to the commander. All that remains is to give the command to open artillery fire or strike aircraft.

Of course, "Sagittarius" is compatible with various optoelectronic sights and helmet-mounted monitors that allow you to shoot from behind cover. This spectacular trick is proudly demonstrated at exhibitions by the developers of Felin and Gladius, the French and German analogues of the Ratnik. However, Alexander Kaplin is convinced that transmitting video information in combat is far from being as important as ensuring a good ratio of weight and size characteristics, security and operating time without recharging when solving basic, that is, the most common combat missions.

A modern smartphone will hardly last a day without an outlet in standby mode. KRUS "Sagittarius" works 12 hours on one battery (and 24 hours on two) in the mode of continuous voice communication and data transmission. The complex operates at temperatures from minus 40 to plus 60 ° C, withstands severe shocks, immersion in water and dirt.

“A special division of Radio Avionics is engaged in training and collecting information in the troops, accompanies instruments in exercises and wherever possible,” says Alexander Yuryevich. - Practice shows that in life situations often arise that are simply impossible to predict. Therefore, the requirements of the Department of Defense to protect equipment are not at all far-fetched. ” At the same time, if the first knapsack samples of KRUS, bristling with antennas, were a continuous headache for the fighter, then the loads from placement on the Ratnik transport vest modern complex the soldier hardly notices.

From the Arctic to the Tropics

Sets of combat equipment "Warrior" are already being delivered to military units, but the program is still far from complete. Currently, the best samples of small arms, sights and observation devices, including thermal imagers, night vision devices, helmet cameras and monitors, are fighting for getting into the kit. The AK103-3 and AK-12 assault rifles of the Kalashnikov concern claim to hit the Ratnik (we wrote in detail about the new generation AK in May 2012), as well as weapons with balanced automation developed by the Degtyarev plant. Many development enterprises create promising products with an eye on the third and even fourth generation of the Ratnik.

The weapon of the Kalashnikov concern (part of the Rostec state corporation) is equipped with a folding telescopic buttstock, adjustable under anatomical features and equipment of a fighter, Picatinny rails on the cover of the receiver and a forearm for attaching sights. In the photo: thermal imaging sight, red dot sight, 2x magnifier, laser pointer and clear magazine for easy counting of remaining rounds.

Dmitry Semizorov, Director General of TsNIITOCHMASH OJSC, calls flexibility and versatility one of the main advantages of the Ratnik equipment: “The modular principle of building elements allows for the recruitment of various units depending on the military specialty and combat missions. Having a wealth of experience in the field of developing combat equipment for a military man, we have created a kit that functions equally effectively both in the extreme temperature conditions of the Arctic and in the hot tropics.”

Basic kit KRUS "Sagittarius"

The horse of JSC Radioavionika is the development of modifications of the KRUS "Sagittarius" for various military specialties and combat missions. The kits are always in the unloading vest in the assembled state, and the fighter is relieved of the need to assemble the system for individual missions, as well as store the KRUS components separately.

1. Active Noise Canceling Headset Protects Soldier's Hearing From Gunshots While Amplifying Quiet Sounds

2. The operational control panel is located on the fighter's chest in an open form and gives instant access to the main functions of the KRUS. The remote is built on the principle of "finger-button" and is controlled by touch. There is a walkie-talkie PTT, a “wounded” button, a subscriber switching button, a KRUS on / off button and a programmable hot key

3. Satellite navigation system

4. Primary power supply container, also known as KRUS battery. Two or more batteries can be connected to the system at the same time to extend the battery life. In the latest modifications of the complex, the container contains a built-in charger

5. The hardware container contains all of the KRUS computer hardware. As standard, it is located in the unloading vest on the left side of the fighter. The computer can operate at temperatures from -40 to +60°C, is reliably protected from water, dirt and shock

6. Cables for connecting additional devices, in particular a rangefinder and goniometer

7. The multifunctional console gives access to all KRUS functions through the context menus of the alphanumeric indicator. The buttons on the remote control are large enough to be easily pressed when wearing gloves.

8. Individual radio communication module