Children are little creatures that can transform our existence and fill it with all the colors and rainbows. Many parents say with confidence that it was with the advent of the child that their life changed dramatically. And to whom, if not to them, we should dedicate best holidays in the world.

The geography of the celebration, or where did it not take root?

November 20 is celebrated annually as World Children's Rights Day - a tradition that has existed for many years in 129 UN member countries.

Here, for example, in Russia in some regions it is quite popular, although everyone’s favorite (the celebrated one has taken root here better. It is known that World Children’s Day on November 20 is timed to coincide with the one adopted on the same day, but only in 1989, it entered into force in 1990, and in Russia - in 1994. Already in early XXI century (in 2000) another document was created prescribing the main indicators of health and development of the population, which should be achieved by 2015 throughout the world. It is called the Millennium Declaration, and most of it is given to the child.

Unusual facts about children around the world

World Children's Day (November 20) was created specifically for us to once again think about the smallest and most precious creatures in our lives. After all, children are very vulnerable.

The world of crumbs is a kind of fairy tale, on which their whole future life will then depend. Therefore, it must be filled with colors and magic every day. In general, speaking about children, it is important to know some interesting world facts about them, for example:

  1. V.A. Mozart - many do not recognize his innate genius, constantly reminding us of what is with him early age my father was meticulous. But classes are absolutely meaningless if the child does not have perfect hearing and a sense of rhythm. Mozart composed whole works by the age of 5, and by the age of 10 - the first symphony.
  2. The intelligence of 2-year-old Oscar Wrigley knew no equal. He to such small age had an IQ of 160. At one time, such a gift of knowledge and logical thinking A. Einstein was endowed. The kid was even in the club of the most smart people planets.
  3. In Australia for this moment most a large number of cases of successfully born children conceived by artificial insemination.
  4. By the way, the moment of the birth of a baby in some countries is not considered his date of birth. For example, in Korea, the nine months that he lived in the womb are added to the age of the child. In India, the day of conception is the starting point for the life of the baby.
  5. The age of women who were able to give birth to a healthy baby can also amaze. So, one Italian woman first became a mother at the age of 63.
  6. The number of children born to one woman can be very large. One Russian peasant woman in her 40 years was able to give birth to 69 children.

November 20 - World Children's Day

In fact, it was thanks to this holiday that global issues related to the life of a child began to be resolved all over the world. Organizations are being created that monitor it. After all, according to "terrible" statistics, in most of these cells of society, babies do not live to be five years old.

Great results have been achieved in the health sector: they save those children who were previously considered incurable. In respect of public policy children are now not afraid to express their opinion and make important decisions on their own. Throughout the year, but especially November 20 (World Children's Day) is now celebrated all over the planet big job for babies. The Children's Fund was founded on the base, whose activities are related to the health of the crumbs. Even pregnant women are helped, because already in the womb future mother so important to keep

History of this event

Who and when was invented the World Children's Day - a holiday on November 20? What are its goals? the main task was one - to protect and provide the most better life to every child, regardless of their location on our vast planet. That is why in 1954 all the countries that were part of the UN received from General Assembly the order, which was as follows: by 1956 it was required to prepare a project for the introduction of the holiday, dedicated to the Day children.

There were four main directions that the world powers had to follow on the basis of this plan:
  • child's survival this world: meaning physical health and his moral state;
  • children's development: their access to preschool institutions, schools, sports facilities, etc.;
  • protection from the negative influence of the external environment;
  • participation in the life of the society to which the children belong.

On international level November 20 (World Children's Day) is celebrated as a holiday called Universal Children's Day. But each country is allowed to choose its own national version. By the way, the date of such a significant event was not immediately precisely determined. But after some time, the issue was raised at a UN meeting. This was done after signing some important documents:

  • 1959 Declaration of the Rights of the Child;
  • 1989 - Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Holiday traditions

November 20 - World Children's Rights Day - this is the most best reason to do good deeds, such as charity. By the way, this is what various people are doing on this holiday. famous people and organizations.

Popular restaurant chain quick service McDonald's has been holding promotions dedicated to this day for several years. Let's say, having paid the bill for food, you automatically donate some amount from it to the orphanage and for the treatment of seriously ill children. Or, by buying a toy or thing, you save someone's life. After all, we all always need support, and especially small vulnerable creatures.

Congratulations and gifts

You, as parents, can arrange magic for children, as they say, even on gray days. And on November 20 (World Children's Day), do something special for them every year. Decorate the house balloons, bake a cake and spend the evening with your family. The main thing is not expensive gifts and poems of his own composition, but attention, love and care.

Any holiday for a child will be more beautiful if it is spent next to relatives and friends. Try to fill your house with warmth and comfort on this day, invite grandparents, set the table and constantly be close to the child. It is from such a celebration that he will have the most vivid and pleasant memories.

November 20 is celebrated every year international holiday- World Children's Day(English Universal Children's Day, Spanish Día Universal del Niño, French Journée mondiale de l "enfance).

This is a day of world brotherhood and mutual understanding of children, dedicated to activities aimed at ensuring the well-being of children around the world. World Children's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world.

World Children's Day!!!

An important holiday, a wonderful day!
Day not for adults, day for children!

Children are our happiness!
Children make the world a better place!

And grown-ups have to take care
Let the kids have everything they want!

The history of the emergence of the holiday World Children's Day

Everyone knows the phrase Children are the flowers of life". Although it is banal, it contains deepest meaning, because Children are our future. The task of parents is to provide their child with the conditions for him to grow up healthy, become educated and achieve great success in life, learned to love the world and strove for the beautiful, and also became a person, hope and support of the present and future society. Many people do not notice children's problems, or consider them insignificant, not worthy of attention. However, society will only be healthy (physically and spiritually) if addressing issues related to ensuring the health, development, education and well-being of children will not be on paper, but in reality will be priority task of the society, the state.

In the early 1950s, the idea of ​​holding a World children's holiday which was put forward in 1952 American human rights organization International Union for Child Welfare and received broad support from UN member states. IN 1954 The UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 836 (IX), which recommended that all countries organize and celebrate World Children's Day (Universal Children's Day). It was conceived not just as a holiday, but also as a day that would help draw public attention to the problems of children around the world, as well as to mutual understanding between the world of children and the world of adults. One year later. World Children's Day proclaimed in 40 countries of the world.

Currently World Children's Day celebrated in 145 states in total the globe. The holiday is dedicated to activities aimed at ensuring the well-being of children around the world.

Date of celebration of the holiday World Children's Day

Certain date of celebration world day child has not been established. The governments of the states were invited to appoint him on any day that they consider appropriate at their discretion. Therefore, in a number of states, World Children's Day is celebrated on September 20, and 129 UN member countries, including Russia, celebrate World Children's Day on November 20. Although the UN was invited to the governments of countries to introduce the practice of celebrating this date on that day and in the form in which they consider it appropriate, the official documents of this organization indicate the celebration of World Children's Day on November 20.

November 20 marks the day on which the UN General Assembly adopted: in 1959, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, and in 1989, the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

International documents protecting the rights of the child

Exactly, on this day On November 20 - 1959, the UN General Assembly for the first time established the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. It includes articles urging parents, government bodies, national governments, local authorities, as well as non-governmental and voluntary organizations, to recognize and respect the rights and freedoms of children set forth in it and to ensure that they have a happy childhood.

Since the document was only advisory in nature and had no binding force, other laws were required, for which On November 20, 1989, the UN adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child signed by 61 countries.


Children, beloved by all little creatures, are able to radically change the lives of adults and fill the world around them with all the colors of the rainbow. Among the various solemn events dedicated to beautiful and charming creatures, in particular, World Children's Day is also celebrated. What kind of holiday is this and why exactly November 20 was chosen for celebrations?

The tradition of holding celebrations dedicated to the World Children's Day has existed for decades in 129 countries that are members of the UN. Its creation is based on the idea of ​​caring for small, beautiful creatures, thanks to which the world around us is filled with magic and iridescent colors. After all, children constantly need special attention.

The establishment of the World Children's Day holiday took place in 1954 by Resolution No. 836 (IX) of the UN General Assembly. Five years later, on November 20, 1959, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted. Thirty years later, on the same day, the adoption of the legal document "Convention on the Rights of the Child" took place. Therefore, the date of the celebration of the World Children's Day was not chosen by chance. The days of holding important events world-class in the field of children's rights.

The main goals of establishing World Children's Day include improving the well-being of children around the planet, developing work programs carried out by UN countries in the interests of the child in an atmosphere of interethnic solidarity and cooperation. World Children's Day has become the center of attention of the world community in addressing global issues of reducing child mortality and improving the quality of life beautiful creatures.

Many organizations follow dysfunctional families. In the health sector, methods are constantly being developed to save sick children who were previously considered incurable. On the basis of the UN, a special Children's Fund has been organized, whose activities are aimed at preserving the health of charming babies, improving their quality of life and helping pregnant women.

World famous restaurant chain fast food McDonald's constantly holds charity events dedicated to World Children's Day. When buying food, a part of the paid amount is automatically donated, and the funds raised are sent to help seriously ill children. November 20 in the Russian Federation is not a red day on the calendar, but the actions associated with it are actively supported by the authorities.

World Children's Day is a wonderful tradition and the best reason for charity, which is carried out by many famous people and organizations. Join this wonderful holiday, take an active part in the life and development of children, creating for them the soil of friendship, kindness, love and mutual understanding.

The main documents in which the rights of the child are recorded: Declaration of the Rights of the Child adopted by the UN General Assembly (g.) adopted d.) Family Code of the Russian Federation (adopted d.) Federal Law No. 124-FZ of July 24, 1998 "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation".

Law is a system of rules (norms) of behavior that regulates the relations of people in society, established and protected by the state. The word right has a common root with such words, as a rule, truth, justice. Initially, the concepts of good - bad, acted in the form of traditions and customs within a clan or tribe. Then they were recorded in religious texts. At all times main value for man was and is his life. This is confirmed by the biblical commandments. The first of these commandments is Thou shalt not kill! folk traditions and customs religious performances over time, transformed into laws that acted on certain territory and were used in the relationship between people living in the area.

International Documents on Children's Rights: Declaration of the Rights of the Child - official document where the rights of the child are written. It declares the basic principles and recommendations. There are ten in total. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that the fundamental right of every human being is the right to life. Convention on the Rights of the Child - international treaty which states the rights of the child. Convention translated from Latin is a treaty, an agreement on a special issue that is binding on those states that have signed it. It contains three parts, 54 articles.

Constitution Russian Federation is the fundamental law of our country. Basic rights can be classified as: * personal (right to life); * political (the right to freedom of speech, conscience); * civil (suffrage); * socio-economic (the right to work, rest, education, clean environment); * cultural (right to own national culture, language).

In addition to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the rights of a child-student are enshrined in other laws: federal law On Education Law On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency” Law Kemerovo region"On the system of prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency in the Kemerovo region" Charter of the educational institution

A person's life begins in the family. If peace and harmony reign in the family, a person feels confident and calm. In the Russian Federation, the family is an object of state family policy. The purpose of the state family policy is to provide the state necessary conditions for the family to fulfill its functions and improve the quality of life. Family relationships regulated in our country by family law. “A child is a person until he reaches the age of 18 years (of legal age)”, -3 the law of the Russian Federation from the Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”).

* to receive a surname, name, patronymic; * live and be brought up in a family; * to know their parents, to live together with them, as well as to the care of their parents, to their upbringing and all-round development; * to communicate with parents and other relatives (in case of divorce between parents, separation of parents, stay in a medical institution, in case of detention, arrest, detention); * to protect and restore their legal rights and interests; * to express their opinion when solving any issue in the family; * to receive maintenance from their parents and other family members; * own and use the property of parents while living together with them; * to shelter and protect their housing rights from abuse, including by parents (guardians, trustees); * ownership of property received as a gift or by inheritance. A child in a family has the right:

At what age does a child have the right to express their own opinion? This age is not limited by law. The child has the right to express his opinion when resolving any issues in the family that affect his interests. On issues affecting the interests of the child, they are obliged to listen to the child in the course of judicial or administrative proceedings. When a child reaches the age of 10, taking into account his opinion in resolving a dispute is mandatory and only with the consent of a child of this age is it possible: * change his name, surname; * restoration of the rights of a parent who was deprived of parental rights; * adoption, record of the adopter as the parent of the child; * transfer it to education in foster family(Art. 57 RF IC).

Who and how is obliged to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the child? The protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the child is carried out by parents, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees, guardianship and guardianship authorities, the prosecutor, the court. If the rights and legitimate interests of the child are violated by the parents, the child has the right to apply to the guardianship and guardianship authorities, and upon reaching the age of 14 independently to the court. Any citizen or official who has become aware of a threat to the life and health of a child, a violation of his rights and legitimate interests, is obliged to report this to the guardianship and guardianship authorities (Article 56 of the RF IC).

Do parents have the right to harm the health of their children? No, they don't. When exercising parental rights, parents have no right to harm the physical and mental health children and their moral development. Ways of raising children should exclude neglect, cruel, rude, degrading treatment, abuse or exploitation of children. Parents exercising parental rights to the detriment of the rights and interests of children, are liable in the manner prescribed by law (part 1 of article 65 of the RF IC).

What rights and obligations do parents have in the upbringing and education of children? Parents have equal rights and bear equal obligations in relation to their children (parental rights) (Part 1, Article 61 of the RF IC). Parents have the right and duty to raise their children. Parents are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children. They are obliged to take care of the health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of their children, to ensure that children receive the basic general education. Parents, taking into account the opinion of children, have the right to choose educational institution and forms of education for children before children receive basic general education (Article 63 of the RF IC).

International organizations for the Protection of Individual Rights: Committee on the Rights of the Child, United Nations, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, European Union, Eurasian Economic Community, OSCE, Council of Europe, Committee on the Rights of the Child, Committee on Elimination racial discrimination, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, Committee against Torture, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

Russian organizations for the protection of human rights (children): Russian children's fund, Children's public reception under the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Center for the Development of Democracy and Human Rights, Independent Russian public organizations for the protection of children's rights, City public organizations for the protection of the rights of women and children, Youth School of Human Rights and legal culture, Center for the Development of Democracy and Human Rights, Institute of Human Rights, Youth Human Rights Movement, Interregional Association "For Civic Education", Glasnost Defense Foundation, Russian Human Rights Networks, Union of Committees of Soldiers' Mothers, Humanitarian and Political Science Centers, World Organization Health (WHO)

Everyone should know and remember that when exercising their own rights, it is unacceptable to violate the rights of other people. With what measure you want to be measured, so you measure, and as you want to be treated, so do you - this is how the biblical sages imagined the relationship of rights and duties

All children have equal rights, regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions, and regardless of the place of birth and the position of their parents. * the right to learn, educate and develop physically and spiritually, in healthy and normal conditions; * the right to a name and belonging to a country; * the right to protection, good food, housing and medical service; * the right to love and understanding from their parents and family, as well as from the state, if relatives cannot help; * the right to be protected against acts of cruelty or exploitation, they are not required to do work that hinders their development both physically and mentally

The protection of human rights is guaranteed by the state. Exist legislative norms related to ensuring the favorable development of the child and the formation of personality. From the level of his education and moral character depends on the prosperity of society. Emphasize on minor members society calls for an international holiday.

When they celebrate

World Children's Day is celebrated on November 20 in many developed countries. The event was established by Resolution No. 836 (IX) of the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) in 1954. The date is not a national holiday in Russia, but the actions associated with it are supported by the authorities.

Who is celebrating

For celebrations on occasion international day child are related to all children. Their parents, relatives, close people take part in the events. The holiday is considered by teachers, educators, human rights and charitable organizations of the relevant specialization. It is celebrated by everyone who is associated with pedagogy in the profile of their activity.

History and traditions of the holiday

The event begins in 1954. On December 14, a meeting of the UN General Assembly was held. The result was the adoption of a document recommending the countries of the world to establish such a holiday since 1956. The Organization later decided to hold events on 20 November. The chosen date has a symbolic meaning. It is timed to coincide with the signing of the "Declaration of the Rights of the Child" in 1959.

The event is marked by numerous actions that direct attention to the protection of the rights of minors. In the West, there are demonstrations and flash mobs (collective actions according to a predetermined scenario). The question of the expediency of abortion is raised. The discussions discuss the moral side of such operations. Adherents of the prohibition of abortion walk the streets with slogans and posters. They put forward requirements at the legislative level to ban the medical procedure.

Charitable foundations collect money, things, textbooks for orphanages and low-income families. Public organizations arrange educational sessions in various institutions, including schools. Listeners are told about the basic rights of minors. The mechanisms of counteraction and prevention of violations of the law are described.

World Children's Day 2019 is marked by actions in major cities. In their course, leaflets and memos are distributed. Issues of hunger and poverty are raised. It talks about the scale of the problems and ways to overcome them. Well-known figures of culture, arts, show business stars record videos. They call on people to treat children with care and attention, not to be indifferent to the difficulties they face.

Seminars, conferences and lectures are organized on the eve of World Children's Day. Certificates of honor, awards, valuable gifts given to human rights defenders public figures, teachers for outstanding achievements. Many families maintain the tradition of congratulating their children. Facilities mass media Publish stories about ongoing events. Programs devoted to education issues are broadcast. The plots tell stories about the life of children from orphanages. Their adoptive parents become the subjects of the interview.

In Russia, it is more widely celebrated, established on June 1. Officials of the highest rank usually mention the memorable date in their speeches. The authorities arrange sports competitions, exhibitions of photographs, crafts, and drawings. Cultural institutions hold performances of creative groups with song and dance numbers.