When the stars leave the political scene, they continue to be of interest to people, but there are special figures that even modern schoolchildren know. Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich: where he lives now, how his life is developing - you will find out in this material.

Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich: short biography

March 2, 1931 in the village of Privolnoye, Stavropol Territory, the future and the only president THE USSR. It is difficult to imagine that a boy born in an ordinary peasant family will be given such an important destiny, but fate decreed otherwise.

Gorbachev's childhood passed without luxury and frills: his parents could not afford much financially. Young Mikhail from the age of 13 was forced to help his mother and father, combining schooling with working days on a collective farm. At first he was a laborer at a mechanical and tractor station, but for perseverance and diligence, he was already promoted to assistant combine operator in his teenage years. For this work, at the age of 18, Gorbachev was first rewarded by the Order for exceeding the plan for harvesting grain.

In 1950, Mikhail graduated from school with high academic performance and easily entered the Faculty of Law at Moscow State University. It was the university and student life that played a decisive role in his life, opening up opportunities for him social activities, the basics of politics, introducing the ideas of the Komsomol. As a student, he was accepted into the ranks of the CPSU, and after graduation he became the first secretary of the city committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of the Stavropol Territory, finally making a choice between jurisprudence and politics in favor of the latter. During his studies at Moscow State University, the personal life of Gorbachev M.S. At the dance, he met a modest girl - Raisa Titarenko, who soon became his faithful and only wife for life.

At the beginning of his political path, Gorbachev dealt with issues Agriculture and even, wanting to become more competent in this area, in absentia received a second higher education majoring in economics and agronomy.

At the age of 47, the successful Stavropol politician-expert was noticed in Moscow. His transfer to the capital was personally supported by Yuri Andropov. Here Gorbachev was appointed Secretary of the Central Committee (CC), and a couple of years later became a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, where the reform process came under his leadership. market economy and power structures.

Having earned a reputation as a global reformer, Gorbachev was elected general secretary From that moment on, the Central Committee of the CPSU began to implement its main political project - the process of democratization of Soviet society, later called "perestroika".

Despite varying successes in the reforms, Gorbachev, in accordance with amendments to the country's legislation, was elected the first president of the USSR in 1990.

But the victory did not last long: democratization, together with freedom, brought a number of problems to society - the economic crisis, dual power and, as a result, the “August coup” and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Mikhail Sergeevich was forced to resign and stop his political activity, changing it to community service and research. Three months to seven - that's how many years Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev led the country.

Where does Gorbachev currently live?

The life of the first president of the USSR interests journalists to this day. Where Gorbachev lives today, what and how much he earns, how he analyzes his past are the main questions that arouse curiosity among his contemporaries.

Back in the 1990s. after the end of his political career, Gorbachev spent most of his time abroad. His permanent place residence was considered to be Germany (Bavaria) - a small town of Rottach-Egern, famous for its success in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Here he settled with only daughter and grandchildren after his wife Raisa passed away in 1999 - the woman died of an acute form of leukemia.

first home former politician there was a villa near the church of St. Lawrence, within the walls of which he has the status of an honorary parishioner. In 2007, in the same town, Gorbachev bought a house called "Castle Hubertus" worth 1 million euros. The building is surrounded by a picturesque garden, and a clean mountain river flows nearby, in which royal trout is found. Despite the local beauties and a well-maintained mansion, local residents have not seen Mikhail Sergeyevich here for a long time. Last time he walked along the paths of a Bavarian park in 2014, and shortly before his 86th birthday he put up a property in Germany for sale.

Despite the impressive age, ex-president The USSR is trying to lead active life and periodically appears at various European events, but it is impossible to accurately answer the question, Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich, where 2017 lives now. It is known that in Russia he was given a government dacha on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway (Kolchuga) for life use, a car, servants, a personal driver and several FSO guards. Given these facts, it is quite possible to believe that Mikhail Sergeyevich is constantly in Russia, especially since his daughter Irina now lives here.

How old is Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich?

March 2, 2017 Mikhail Sergeevich celebrated his 86th birthday. Of course, age takes its toll, and now the politician can no longer boast of good health. Long years he suffers diabetes and is forced to undergo a thorough medical examination every month. IN Lately this is done by the specialists of the Central Clinical Hospital. In the same place, Gorbachev regularly undergoes a course of massages and other wellness procedures.

Despite careful monitoring of his health, since 2015, there has been some negative dynamics in his state of health - crises and emergency hospitalizations to the clinic have become more frequent. While his wife was alive, she carefully monitored not only his image, but also his diet. Mikhail Sergeevich loves pastries and sweets, which aggravates the endocrine disease and adds problems to himself in the form of overweight. By the way, with his wife, he never weighed more than 85 kg.

But Mikhail Sergeevich, even with difficulties with well-being, tries to remain active. When time and health permit, visits various events, reads 12 printed publications daily so as not to miss a single an important event in Russia and the world.

Until recently, he traveled around the country and the world with author's lectures, liked to visit the country's universities, communicating with the younger generation. Now, due to an unstable state of health, he is forced to stop traveling, but he willingly talks with students of higher educational institutions Moscow, where Gorbachev now lives.

Special mention should be made of his creative activity: Gorbachev regularly publishes his scientific work and writes memoirs in which he describes not only the love of his life, his family relationships And political career but also shares his thoughts on modern Russia, mainly criticizing the state of affairs in the political and social spheres countries.

Interest in the financial situation of the authorities never disappears. are no exception and former executives. What and how do they live now, have they been able to accumulate sufficient capital for a comfortable life in retirement? Mikhail Gorbachev, who is celebrating his birthday today, is associated among the citizens of the country, first of all, with perestroika and attempts to reform the USSR. What did his activities lead to as the first and last president great country well known. Gorbachev became the last representative of the supreme power of the Soviet Union, it was under him that the state ceased to exist and collapsed.



It is known that after Gorbachev's rule, the rich country was left with a huge debt, during his time in power, the gold reserves of the USSR decreased by 10 times, and the external public debt increased almost three times. In this regard, in the 90s, a version of huge theft in the country's economy and the involvement of the Secretary General of the CPSU in them appeared in the press. Allegedly, Gorbachev and his true friends stole and secretly took abroad the "gold of the party" - the reserves of the USSR in currency and jewelry in the amount of 11 billion dollars.

But no matter how hot this topic was, for the most part, invented by journalists, it remained one of the Soviet legends. Neither the investigating authorities nor independent researchers have managed to get on the trail of the "gold of the party", which, allegedly, is still kept in foreign banks. By the way, in 1992, the ex-president of the USSR was interrogated by the investigator of the Prosecutor General's Office in the case of the finances of the CPSU, but this interrogation did not bring any result. So, assumptions that Mikhail Gorbachev became fabulously rich after resigning do not stand up to scrutiny.


Today, the only officially confirmed income of the ex-president of the USSR is his old-age pension, namely 40 minimum wages - 702,440 rubles. In the years that have passed since his resignation, Gorbachev, of course, has earned a lot. In 1990, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (about $1 million).

A year later, the ex-president of the Soviet Union created non-profit organization"Gorbachev-Foundation" to conduct research on social, economic and political issues Russian and world history. Despite the fact that the fund positions itself as a non-profit organization, its president, Mikhail Gorbachev, has probably been working there for almost 27 years on a non-voluntary basis.

Until recently, Mikhail Gorbachev lectured in Russian and foreign institutions and universities. His fees were not advertised, but it can be assumed that they were considerable - Gorbachev's experience and popularity are still in demand in the educational environment. However, as it turned out, not only there, but also in the advertising business.

One can only guess why the famous politician starred in commercials for Pizza Hut, Louis Vuitton and railways Austria, but commercials with his participation gained millions of views on video hosting sites. Advertising fees famous people can reach several million dollars, but how much Gorbachev earned by starring in commercials for pizza, suitcases and trains is not known for certain.


In 2004, the last Soviet leader received the prestigious Grammy music award. Gorbachev participated in the recording of Prokofiev's musical fairy tale "Petya and the Wolf", as well as its continuation "The Wolf and Petya". Mikhail Sergeevich was accompanied by Bill Clinton, Sophia Loren and the Russian National Orchestra .

In addition, Gorbachev starred in feature films and documentaries, was a member of the jury of the popular project "Minute of Glory" on Channel One, released the music CD "Songs for Raisa" and wrote dozens of books. After his resignation, Gorbachev owned a dacha near Moscow and an apartment in Moscow. A few years ago it became known that the composer Igor Krutoy bought Gorbachev's elite apartment on Kosygin Street for 15 million rubles.


It would seem that with such sources of income, Mikhail Gorbachev's life in retirement should be comfortable, but a few days before his 86th birthday, the politician decided to sell his house in southern Germany. Three-storey 17-room villa with an area of ​​600 square meters and a huge land plot experts estimate at 7 million euros. Once Gorbachev even lived here for a while, walking in silence along the paths near the picturesque lake. The last time local residents saw the President of the USSR in a Bavarian park was three years ago.

USSR USSR: M. S. Gorbachev A. T. Alimzhanov G. I. Yanaev A. I. Lukyanov N. I. Ryzhkov
RSFSR RSFSR: B. N. Yeltsin R. I. Khasbulatov A. V. Rutskoy G. E. Burbulis
Ukrainian SSR Ukrainian SSR: L. M. Kravchuk V. P. Fokin
Byelorussian SSR Byelorussian SSR: S. S. Shushkevich V. F. Kebich
Interregional Deputy Group

Wife - Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva (nee Titarenko), died in 1999 from leukemia. She has lived and worked in Moscow for over 30 years. As Mikhail Sergeyevich said in an interview for the press in September 2014, Raisa Maksimovna’s first pregnancy in 1954, back in Moscow, due to heart complications after suffering rheumatism, doctors, with his consent, were forced to interrupt artificially; the student spouses lost the boy whom Gorbachev wanted to name Sergei. In 1955, the Gorbachevs, having completed their studies, moved to the Stavropol Territory, where Raisa felt better with a change in climate, and soon the couple had a daughter.

It is impossible not to say that Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev made the irreversibility of changes in Russia an axiom, and for this he is grateful to the current officials, oligarchs, their children and wives, mistresses and lovers, as well as proud and freedom-loving representatives of national outskirts and republics. He made them masters of Russian souls and minds, from the laborers in the Soviet system, Mikhail Sergeevich created successful businessmen- the oligarchs, who in a matter of years privatized all the people's property and placed it on foreign offshore accounts. Yesterday's Juniors researchers, salesmen and engineers in backwater factories, became at the helm of the financial and political system, having formed them on the instructions of American advisers. This was impossible in the days of the USSR, but it became possible thanks to the tireless work of the ascetic and unmercenary Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev.

Where does Mikhail Gorbachev live now? All latest information as of 01/06/2018

Saying goodbye to a great man who devoted his entire life to the cause of serving foreign intelligence services and supranational financial institutions, we recall with tears in our eyes the betrayal and meanness that made up the breadth of the soul and truly universal scope of a unique person, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev.

managed with his energy and the gift of persuasion to captivate millions of our fellow citizens who believed in the bright liberal-democratic future that the American financial system brings us. Many millions of Russian people who did not live to see today, we are sure, would have come to say goodbye to Mikhail Sergeevich, to say heartfelt words on his grave, spend in last way to whom they owe their untimely death.

The administrative department of the CPSU Central Committee proposed Gorbachev to the post of Prosecutor General of the USSR instead of Roman Rudenko, but his candidacy for the future Secretary General was rejected by the Politburo member, Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Andrei Kirilenko.

In November 2009, in an interview with Euronews, Gorbachev again expressed his disagreement with the opinion that his plan "failed", on the contrary, he claimed that "democratic reforms began" then, and that perestroika won.

From October 21, 1980 to November 1991 - Member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, from December 9, 1989 to June 19, 1990 - Chairman of the Russian Bureau of the CPSU Central Committee, from March 11, 1985 to August 24, 1991 - General Secretary Central Committee of the CPSU.

the post of General Secretary Gorbachev after the death of K. U. Chernenko was put forward at a meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU on March 11, 1985 by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR A. A. Gromyko, and Andrei Andreevich attributed this to his personal initiative. In memoirs former first Deputy Chairman of the KGB of the USSR F. D. Bobkov mentions that back in early 1985, due to Chernenko’s illness, Gorbachev chaired the Politburo, from which the author concludes that Mikhail Sergeyevich was already the second person in the state and successor to the post of General Secretary.

Information that appeared on Wednesday evening about the death of former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev turned out to be false.

On November 20, 2014, Gorbachev lamented that he could not meet with Putin for a year and a half now: despite the desire of Mikhail Sergeyevich, the assistants to the head of state categorically object that the president is busy. According to Gorbachev, Putin began to fall ill with the same disease that once he himself - self-confidence: "He considers himself a substitute for God, I really don't know, really, on what business ...".

From the age of 13, he combined his studies at school with occasional work at the MTS and on the collective farm. From the age of 15 he worked as an assistant to the MTS combine operator. In 1949, the schoolboy Gorbachev was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for shock work in grain harvesting.

tenth grade, at the age of 19 he became a candidate member of the CPSU, recommendations were given by the director and teachers of the school. In 1950 he graduated from high school with a silver medal and entered Lomonosov Moscow State University without exams, this opportunity was provided by a government award. In 1952 he was admitted to the CPSU. After graduating with honors from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University in 1955, he was sent to Stavropol to the regional prosecutor's office, worked for 10 days by distribution - from August 5 to August 15, 1955. On his own initiative, he was invited to free Komsomol work, became deputy head of the Department of Agitation and Propaganda of the Stavropol Territory Komsomol Committee, from 1956 - the first secretary of the Stavropol City Komsomol Committee, then from 1958 - the second and in 1961-1962 - the first secretary of the Komsomol Regional Committee.

According to the publicist A. A. Zinoviev, one of the first to perceive perestroika negatively, who called it “The Catastrophe” and published a book with that title in 1988, “Gorbachev’s leadership actually stood on path of betrayal and surrender to the West.

Very few are given such a fate - in a few years to turn the flowering garden of the state of working people into a dump of the Fatherland, where crows peck carrion and the people eke out a beggarly state. But this task, beyond the strength of many, was superbly succeeded by Mikhail Sergeevich, a man of a loving and compassionate soul.

Only Mikhail Sergeevich could take up this task with all honesty and courage, without fear of future condemnation and misunderstanding on the part of those whom he truly made free people. Free from creative work, from moral and moral values, from family and children, from the great Motherland. And many generations of our people will forever engrave in their hearts the memory of the accomplishments that Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev brought to the altar of the US State Department. Such individuals do not go away. They commit suicide, preferring the judgment of God to the judgment of the people. Mikhail Sergeevich sincerely tried to do everything so that the lives of millions of Russians would never again be illuminated by the light of a great country, a great people, great achievements and victories.

Gorbachev Mikhail live or not video. Fresh information.

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In June 2013, Gorbachev was hospitalized at the Central Clinical Hospital, as reported by the press service of the Gorbachev Foundation. For a number of years, Forbes points out, Gorbachev suffers from severe diabetes, underwent several operations.

According to the list approved in 2011 by Margaret Thatcher, Gorbachev, among other major politicians, was personally invited to attend her funeral, but in April 2013 he refused to travel to the funeral ceremony in London due to his health condition and the need to undergo medical procedures.

From October 21, 1980 to November 1991 - Member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, from December 9, 1989 to June 19, 1990 - Chairman of the Russian Bureau of the CPSU Central Committee, from March 11, 1985 to August 24, 1991 - General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. After the death of K. U. Chernenko, Gorbachev was nominated for the post of General Secretary at a meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU on March 11, 1985 by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR A. A. Gromyko, and Andrei Andreevich attributed this to his personal initiative. In the memoirs of the former first deputy chairman of the KGB of the USSR, F. D. Bobkov, it is mentioned that back in early 1985, due to Chernenko’s illness, Gorbachev chaired the Politburo, from which the author concludes that Mikhail Sergeyevich was already then the second person in the state and successor to post of general secretary.

On August 17, 2011, at a large press conference at the Interfax agency dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the events of August 1991, Gorbachev admitted that he knew about the plans of the State Emergency Committee in advance, he was repeatedly warned about this, but he believed that it was more important to prevent bloodshed and, especially the civil war

Wife - Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva (nee Titarenko), died in 1999 from leukemia. She has lived and worked in Moscow for over 30 years. As Mikhail Sergeevich told in September 2014 in an interview for the press, Raisa Maksimovna’s first pregnancy in 1954, back in Moscow, due to heart complications after suffering rheumatism, doctors, with his consent, had to interrupt artificially; the student spouses lost the boy whom Gorbachev wanted to name Sergei. In 1955, the Gorbachevs, having completed their studies, moved to the Stavropol Territory, where Raisa felt better with a change in climate, and soon the couple had a daughter.

Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, at the cost of incredible efforts, achieved the abolition of the guiding line of the Communist Party, created democratic institution elections, elevated freedom of speech and conscience to the rank of law, but at the same time he did not forget to take away the hope for a brighter future, social guarantees and creative work, turning the people - the builder into the people - the manager. A descendant of the exiled members of the Trotskyist underground in the USSR, Mikhail Sergeevich remained faithful to the end to the precepts of L. Trotsky to destroy the role of the state in modern society. The courageous and resolute leader of the USSR realized the dream of his whole life - to destroy communism and its manifestation in the life of the Russian people - socialism. Mikhail Sergeevich tirelessly, boldly and consistently, as befits a national leader, put into practice the CIA's long-standing idea of ​​turning Russia into an American colony. In this matter, he has no, and will not be equal, and the memory of this great act of Americanization of the Russian State will forever remain with us - the descendants of the soldiers and workers who created the USSR.

Party history
October Revolution (1917)
War Communism (1918-1921)
New economic policy (1921-1928)
Lenin's Appeal (1924)
Intra-party struggle (1926-1933)
Stalinism (1933-1953)
Khrushchev thaw (1953-1964)
Period of stagnation (1964-1985)
Perestroika (1985-1991)

Brother - Alexander Sergeevich Gorbachev (September 7, 1947 - December 15, 2001) - military man, graduated from higher military school in Leningrad. Served in rocket troops strategic appointment, retired with the rank of colonel.

Gorbachev's wife, R. M. Gorbachev, in 1991 personally agreed with the American publisher R. Murdoch to publish her book of "reflections" with a fee of $ 3 million. The publicist S. Kara-Murza suggested that this was a disguised bribe, since the income from the publication of the book was unlikely to cover the fee.

Paternal grandfather, Andrei Moiseevich Gorbachev (1890-1962), individual peasant; for failure to fulfill the sowing plan in 1934 he was sent into exile in the Irkutsk region, released two years later, returned to his homeland and joined the collective farm, where he worked until the end of his life ..

Biography of Mikhail Gorbachev political path. All news.

On September 27, 1990, the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office of the USSR began an investigation into the criminal case into the murders in Katyn, which received serial number 159. The investigation launched by the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office of the USSR was continued by the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and was conducted until the end of 2004; during its were interrogated witnesses and participants in the massacre of the Poles. On September 21, 2004, the GVP announced the termination of the Katyn case. One of the results of the investigation launched under Gorbachev was the creation in Katyn of a memorial complex in memory of the victims of the tragedy.

Among his shortcomings, which made it difficult to communicate directly with Western leaders, Mikhail Sergeevich attributed non-ownership English language. Raisa Maksimovna spoke English with Margret Thatcher, but “I couldn’t,” Gorbachev noted self-critically in September 2014. Of the generation of top party functionaries who worked under Gorbachev, "almost no one knew foreign languages."

According to Nikolai Ryzhkov, the last chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, one of Gorbachev's main mistakes was the timing of economic restructuring with the restructuring of the political system, although painful reforms can only be successful if there is a strong government, as in China.

He was elected a delegate to the XXII (1961), XXIV (1971) and all subsequent (1976, 1981, 1986, 1990) Congresses of the CPSU.

1970 to 1989 - Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from July 2, 1985 to October 1, 1988. Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (October 1, 1988 - May 25, 1989). Chairman of the Commission for Youth Affairs of the Council of the Union of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1974-79); Chairman of the Commission for Legislative Proposals of the Council of the Union of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1979-84); People's Deputy of the USSR from the CPSU - 1989 (March) - 1990 (March); Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (formed by the Congress of People's Deputies) - 1989 (May) - 1990 (March); Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR (1980-1990).

In January 1991, events took place in Vilnius and Riga, accompanied by the use of military force. During the events in Vilnius, units Soviet army stormed the television center, others public buildings(the so-called "party property") in Vilnius, Alytus, Siauliai.

After his resignation, he complained that he was “blocked in everything”, that his family was constantly “under the hood” of the FSB, that his phones were constantly tapped, that he could only publish his books in Russia “underground”, in small circulation.

During the war, when Mikhail was 10 extra years father went to the front. After some time, German troops entered the village, the family spent more than five months in the occupation. On January 21-22, 1943, these areas were liberated by Soviet troops with a blow from under Ordzhonikidze. After his release, a notice came that his father had died. And a few days later a letter came from my father, it turned out that he was alive, the funeral was sent by mistake. Sergey Andreevich Gorbachev was awarded two orders of the Red Star and the medal "For Courage". In difficult moments of his life, his father supported Mikhail more than once.

After coming to power, Gorbachev tried to improve relations with the United States and Western Europe. One of the reasons for this was the desire to reduce military spending (about 25% of the USSR state budget). The USSR was unable to withstand the arms race with the US and NATO.

Where does Mikhail Gorbachev live now? All latest information.

The first president of the USSR, who destroyed his own throne with his own hands, so that his footstool, the great Power of the working people, would be destroyed along with him, prospers and reaps the fruits of his labor. But due to his advanced years and his health undermined in the undercover struggle, he will surely die, to the joy of some and the anxiety of others. No, and there will be no mourning over the death of the one who betrayed many, but the hysterics on the grave of M.S. Gorbachev will again say: “It’s either good or nothing about the deceased”, deliberately forgetting the well-known saying De mortuis atque viv1s neque bene, neque male , solum vere - About the dead, as well as about the living, neither good nor bad, but only the truth. Therefore, anticipating the streams of lies and vile maxims about the life of M.S. Gorbachev, we present an obituary (a word about the dead) on the day of the untimely death of the last General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and the President of the USSR.

The last General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1985-1991). The last Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1988-1989), then the first Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1989-1990). The first and only President of the USSR (1990-1991).

Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, the first President of the USSR, died. With this title, he forever entered the history of the country and the whole world. A man has passed away thanks to a whole era of betrayal, theft, contract killings, national crime and moral degradation began. The tireless labors of Mikhail Sergeevich in three days of August 1991 destroyed and trampled on the great heritage of our ancestors, created by many generations of working people. From the stinking pit of the August coup was created new Russia: with the financial system owned by the US Federal Reserve, with industry in the hands of overseas businessmen, with agriculture being ruined by foreign lobbies in the highest echelons of the Kremlin power.

Gorbachev Mikhail live or not video. (updated).

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Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich: short biography

On March 2, 1931, the future and only president of the USSR was born in the village of Privolnoye, Stavropol Territory. It is difficult to imagine that a boy born in an ordinary peasant family will be given such an important destiny, but fate decreed otherwise.

Gorbachev's childhood passed without luxury and frills: his parents could not afford much financially. Young Mikhail from the age of 13 was forced to help his mother and father, combining schooling with working days on a collective farm. At first he was a laborer at a mechanical and tractor station, but for perseverance and diligence, he was already promoted to assistant combine operator in his teenage years. For this work, at the age of 18, Gorbachev was first rewarded by the Order for exceeding the plan for harvesting grain.

In 1950, Mikhail graduated from school with high academic performance and easily entered the Faculty of Law at Moscow State University. It was the university and student life that played a decisive role in his life, opening up for him the possibilities of social activity, the foundations of politics, introducing him to the ideas of the Komsomol. As a student, he was accepted into the ranks of the CPSU, and after graduation he became the first secretary of the city committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of the Stavropol Territory, finally making a choice between jurisprudence and politics in favor of the latter. During his studies at Moscow State University, the personal life of Gorbachev M.S. At the dance, he met a modest girl - Raisa Titarenko, who soon became his faithful and only wife for life.

At the beginning of his political path, Gorbachev dealt with agricultural issues and even, wanting to become more competent in this area, received a second higher education in absentia as an agronomist-economist.

At the age of 47, the successful Stavropol politician-expert was noticed in Moscow. His transfer to the capital was personally supported by Yuri Andropov. Here Gorbachev was appointed secretary of the Central Committee (CC), and a couple of years later became a member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, where he led the process of reforming the market economy and power structures.

Having earned a reputation as a global reformer, Gorbachev was elected General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU and from that moment began to implement his main political project - the process of democratization of Soviet society, later called "perestroika".

Despite varying successes in the reforms, Gorbachev, in accordance with amendments to the country's legislation, was elected the first president of the USSR in 1990.

But the victory did not last long: democratization, together with freedom, brought a number of problems to society - the economic crisis, dual power and, as a result, the “August coup” and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Mikhail Sergeevich was forced to resign and stop his political activity, changing it to public work and research. Three months to seven - that's how many years Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev led the country.

Where does Gorbachev currently live?

The life of the first president of the USSR interests journalists to this day. Where Gorbachev lives today, what and how much he earns, how he analyzes his past are the main questions that arouse curiosity among his contemporaries.

Back in the 1990s. after the end of his political career, Gorbachev spent most of his time abroad. Germany (Bavaria) was considered to be his permanent place of residence - the small town of Rottach-Egern, famous for its success in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Here he settled with his only daughter and grandchildren after his wife Raisa passed away in 1999 - the woman died of an acute form of leukemia.

The first home of the former politician was a villa near the Church of St. Lawrence, within the walls of which he has the status of an honorary parishioner. In 2007, in the same town, Gorbachev bought a house called "Castle Hubertus" worth 1 million euros. The building is surrounded by a picturesque garden, and a clean mountain river flows nearby, in which royal trout is found. Despite the local beauties and a well-maintained mansion, local residents have not seen Mikhail Sergeyevich here for a long time. The last time he walked along the paths of the Bavarian park in 2014, and shortly before his 86th birthday he put up real estate in Germany for sale.

Despite his impressive age, the former president of the USSR tries to lead an active life and periodically appears at various European events, but it is impossible to answer the question exactly, Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, where he now lives in 2017. It is known that in Russia he was given a government dacha on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway (Kolchuga) for life use, a car, servants, a personal driver and several FSO guards. Given these facts, it is quite possible to believe that Mikhail Sergeyevich is constantly in Russia, especially since his daughter Irina now lives here.

How old is Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich?

March 2, 2017 Mikhail Sergeevich celebrated his 86th birthday. Of course, age takes its toll, and now the politician can no longer boast of good health. For many years he suffers from diabetes and is forced to undergo a thorough medical examination every month. Recently, specialists from the Central Clinical Hospital have been doing this. In the same place, Gorbachev regularly undergoes a course of massages and other wellness treatments.

Despite careful monitoring of his health, since 2015, there has been some negative dynamics in his state of health - crises and emergency hospitalizations to the clinic have become more frequent. While his wife was alive, she carefully monitored not only his image, but also his diet. Mikhail Sergeevich loves pastries and sweets, which exacerbates the endocrine disease and adds problems to himself in the form of excess weight. By the way, with his wife, he never weighed more than 85 kg.

But Mikhail Sergeevich, even with difficulties with well-being, tries to remain active. When time and health allow, he attends various events, reads 12 printed publications daily, so as not to miss a single important event in Russia and the world.

Until recently, he traveled around the country and the world with author's lectures, liked to visit the country's universities, communicating with the younger generation. Now, due to his unstable state of health, he is forced to stop traveling, but he willingly talks with students of higher educational institutions in Moscow, where Gorbachev now lives.

Separately, it is worth mentioning his creative activity: Gorbachev regularly publishes his scientific works and writes memoirs, in which he describes not only the love of his life, his family relationships and political career, but also shares his thoughts on modern Russia, mainly criticizing the state of affairs in political and social spheres of the country.

The modest position of a church news browser for Russian Internet sites makes me often leaf through Bavarian newspapers and look for some interesting topics for the unfamiliar Orthodox reader. One of the new topics made me take a train from Munich for a couple of days towards the idyllic lake Tegernsee located in the Bavarian Alps and not far from the Austrian border. Here, in the city museum of the picturesque town of Rottach-Egern, an exhibition of unique votive paintings dedicated to the 900th anniversary of the local Catholic Church of St. Lawrence. Illuminated by spotlights, the yellow Gothic building of this church is dissonant with the garlands of purple twilight hanging over the transparent surface of the lake and the crown of the Bavarian mountains surrounding it.

In the evenings, from the wooden balcony of the hotel courtyard, you take a deep breath of the mountain air and look dreamily at a scattering of distant lights and celestial stars, clinging to the snowy valley and reflected in the quiet waters of the Tegernsee. Briefly speaking, - winter fairy tale, which can be voiced only by Mozart's melodies or wonderfully conveyed by the poetic lines of Fyodor Tyutchev, who once loved to relax with his family on the Tegernsee. These blessed places were noticed in October 1822 by the Russian emperor Alexander I, who was heading from here to Verona, praying on his knees before the relics of St. Quirin of Rimsky and Tegernzeevsky, as evidenced by a memorial plaque in a two-tower church located near Rottach-Egern.

Now the glory of this resort town, where wealthy people from all over Germany treat cardiovascular diseases, was added by the “famous new Russian”, former Kremlin ruler and first president of the USSR Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, who settled here 7 years ago with his daughter Irina and grandchildren. The Bavarians call Gorbachev among themselves - "Gorbi", but also "the best German in Germany." In the church of St. Lawrence, three hundred meters from which, until 2007, the first Gorbachev villa was located on Aignerweg 2a Street, you can find out from the parishioners that they consider Mikhail Sergeyevich an “honorary visitor” of their church.

For commercial purposes, the name "Gorbi" is used by the owners of wealthy restaurants in Rottach-Egern (there are simply no cheap ones here!) in the preparation of Bavarian roast pork ("GasthauseszumHirschberg") or pizza "frutti mare" (Italian restaurant "Maiwert- Vinothek"), where, write the Bavarian media, Mikhail Sergeevich liked to sit with guests. Owners of local travel companies are also speculating in his name, inviting, for example, in their advertising brochures, to ride from the mountains on a sledge "in a team with Gorbachev."

I remember that back in March 2005, when I arrived in Rottach-Egern on the instructions of the Russian editorial office of the Berlin Radio to make a three-minute radio report about Gorbachev, his daughter Irina Mikhailovna said diplomatically and politely from the threshold of the house:

You are a modern journalist. All information about the father can be found on our website.

However, he communicates with representatives of the German media willingly ... And he does not send them to his site. And posing for the camera...

Articles about Gorbachev sometimes appear in the Munich publications Tageszeitung, Merkur, Abendzeitung: "... I visited the most popular beer hall Hofbräuhaus with my daughter", Gorby had an operation on his spine”, “...Gorby is walking on the banks of the Tegernsee with a personal guard”, “...Gorbachev received a new award...”, etc.

But the topic is that two years ago he baptized his granddaughter in Munich Cathedral Church The Russian Church Abroad remained unnoticed either in the Bavarian media or on the pages of the website of the same cathedral. Maybe this is correct, but for Russian biographers to write a book about Gorbachev, this, in my opinion, is a significant event ... In Germany they write that in Russia he will be appreciated only in the future ...

To be frank, no, no, and I read in the German magazine DerSpiegel a series of bold materials that “revise” the views and statements of Gorbachev himself and shed light on the personality of this former “master of the Kremlin”. I thought about this when I was walking towards the foot of Mount Wahlberg (1722 m), turning in Rottach-Egern from a wooden roadside cross onto the elite Kreuzweg street, where the Gorbachev family acquired in 2007 for millions of euros the so-called "Castle Hubertus", where before in two of its large buildings there was a Bavarian orphanage.

The area where this castle is located, formally recorded not in Gorbachev's name, but in the name of "Virganskaja", is called Oberach. Large spruce trees grow around, ten meters from two huge houses of the Gorbachev family - mountain river Weissach, where the royal fish trout splashes. From here, not far from the lift to Valberg, where residents and guests of the city are told that Gorbi himself is on the top - in the mountain chapel and on the veranda of the restaurant. Of course, the waiters recommend trying those expensive dishes that Mikhail Sergeevich allegedly tried here with his family members and guests. On the mailbox of the castle, which has street numbers 7 and 9, you can read the name of only the daughter of the ex-president of the USSR.

I showed photos of the rich buildings of the Gorbachevs at breakfast to an old Bavarian woman who owns a hotel house, who also once saw Gorbi walking along the lake embankment and stopping at “two birch sisters”.

Our residents say that they often see his granddaughter and daughter in the city with a new, second husband. And he himself often visits England. Perhaps you are also interested in the fact that "Schloß Hubertus" is the title of a popular pre-World War II novel by our Bavarian writer Ludwig Ganphofer. He died on Tegergnsee in 1920. His book was even made into a feature film...

But you, Mrs. Lidschreiber, have you yourself ever seen Gorby?

Yes, I met him on the embankment.

And they didn't ask him anything?

N-e-e-t, in our country women are not the first to speak to strangers men ....

I also learned from the hostess that the Bavarians ironically call Rottach-Egern "LagodiBonzen" ("Bed of fat cats") in their dialect.

Saying goodbye to the city, I went to the embankment of the lake and stopped at the church of St. Lawrence. I went up the steps and stopped at a high carved wooden cross with the image of the Savior. He shifted his gaze to the openwork metal crosses crowning the neat graves of the church cemetery, and among them two tourists in mink coats and several local residents are moving slowly, who can be immediately recognized by their hats with long feathers and special leather pants embroidered with threads and decorated with buttons made of white bone. .

And you definitely noticed that Rottach-Egern is "LagodiBonzen". So it is, - I said to the hostess at dinner.

Gorby never met? joked Mrs. Lidschreiber. - What would you ask him about?

Nothing already. I read that in your country in the 1920s some Berliners, seeing Russian emigrants strolling, whispered to each other: you see a Russian, cross to the other side of the street...

I couldn't finish my thought. For he did not know how to correctly pronounce the following phrase in German: “I have a special score with him ...”

Anatoly Kholodyuk , especially for

Rottach-Egern - Munich

The first and last ruler of a great power, accompanied the withdrawal Soviet troops from Afghanistan and ending cold war. It was he who abandoned the communist ideology and began to build new relations with European countries.

But much in the activities of the ruler of the USSR seems ambiguous and strange. Under Gorbachev's rule, the country and the Warsaw bloc collapsed, the new country chose a different path. And in this renewed reality, Mikhail Sergeyevich no longer found a place.

Since 1992, the politician began the life of a private person, although he retained a large number of former privileges.

An apartment on Kosygin, though it was soon sold to Igor Krutoy, and also, for life use, he was given a government dacha in the village of Kalchuga on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway.

All the next twenty-six years, Mikhail Sergeevich spent in this house, in the very village in which he lived, having moved from Stavropol. In appearance, the house is not at all a competitor to its neighbors, as well as inside, however. Two-storey house contains a dining room and a kitchen on the first floor, two offices and a bedroom on the second.

But earlier there were more than ten hectares of pine forest around the Soviet dacha, and it was among these trees that, after his resignation, Gorbachev and his wife liked to walk.

Most of the time winner nobel prize spends alone, because soon after the death of his beloved wife, his daughter and grandchildren moved to live in Germany. When Gorbachev was younger, he often visited relatives to help them financially, but now, at 87, it is not easy for him to do this, so the only companions are au pairs.

According to the decision of the Russian government, the first President of the Soviet Union retained an old-age pension, which is 40 times the minimum wage, which is about 450 thousand rubles; car with a personal driver; four dedicated security guards and an au pair.

They help the aging politician not only in deciding domestic problems, but also accompany him to public events, which Gorbachev did not refuse.

In 2007, Gorbachev bought a house called "Castle Hubertus" in the picturesque town of Rottach-Egern (Bavaria), famous for its success in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The dwelling is surrounded by a beautiful well-groomed garden, and a mountain stream flows nearby.

Some ten years ago, it was customary to consider this house as a permanent place of residence.

"Castle Hubertus" in the picturesque town of Rottach-Egern (Bavaria)

However, despite all these beauties, local residents have not seen Gorbachev here for about five years, and according to rumors, even new owners appeared at the house a year ago.

A few years ago, one authoritative American publication married the inconsolable widower to the wife of the famous Californian billionaire and mother of three children, Dian Meyer Simon.

The woman founded Global Green USA, the American branch of a similar environmental organization, founded by a former Soviet president, and they often began to be noticed together.

However, the head of Gorbachev's press service called this a vile lie and said that Gorbachev and Dian were connected only by a strong long-term friendship, including the woman was also acquainted with the wife of the former Secretary General Raisa Maksimovna.

The only daughter of Mikhail Gorbachev, Irina Virganskaya, is 61 years old, the woman is married a second time and has been living a happy life with businessman Andrei Trukhachev for more than twelve years.

The woman herself, being vice-president of the Gorbachev Foundation, has long lived in two cities. She spends a lot of time both in Moscow and in Munich, dealing with the affairs of her father's fund.

Irina Virganskaya with her husband

The press also pays attention to Gorbachev's granddaughters, 38-year-old Ksenia and 31-year-old Anastasia. According to a well-known politician, they almost never visit Russia, and build their own lives on their own.

Both girls are pretty and even tried to build a modeling career, but the eminent grandfather and mother dreamed of seeing them in a different field.

Ksenia married fifteen years ago to her classmate Kirill Soloda, although the marriage was fleeting, the couple broke up after only two years, then Dmitry Pyrchenkov became the girl's companion - former director singer Abraham Russo.

Gorbachev and Ksenia

After a not entirely successful career in the fashion world, Ksenia served as editor-in-chief of the Russian version of L "Officiel magazine, in which, by the way, Ksenia Sobchak later replaced her.

The youngest granddaughter of the former General Secretary married eight years ago to successful entrepreneur Dmitry Zangiev.

Anastasia also managed to work as an editor-in-chief at Grazia magazine.

Now both Gorbachev's granddaughters live mainly in Germany, they have devoted themselves entirely to their family, travel a lot around the world and actively help their mother in working with the Gorbachev Foundation.

Gorbachev with family