Summary of the integrated GCD for the development of speech in senior group on the topic: "Composing a story"

Integration educational areas: Communication, Cognition, Artistic work.


1. Introduce children to some features of the life of a hare;

2. Learn to name wild animals and their cubs.

3. To form the ability to make descriptive sentences about the animal; fix terminology: word, sentence; activate student vocabulary.

4. Improve the skill of changing nouns by number and gender, changing nouns by cases: in the nominative, genitive cases plural;

5. Cultivate interest in the world around.

Methodical methods: game situation, conversation-dialogue, writing a story, physical education session "Hares", productive activity children.


Organizing time

Guys, look, a guest came to us - a hare. And his name is Romka.

Bunny has ears

stick out on top,

He loves delicious

cabbage leaf.

Runs fast

and jumps smartly

All because

he eats carrots!

Conversation with children.

Let's take a look at it. What is he? (nimble, long-eared, cowardly, fluffy, oblique)

Did you know that a hare is called cowardly in vain. If he falls into the paws of a predator, then he can push off with his paws so strongly that he can injure his enemy. And they call him oblique not because the eyes of the hare are crossed. Not at all, his eyes are all right. The fact is that hunters noticed a long time ago that the hare jumps not in a straight line, but in jumps: now to the right, then to the left. That is why they called the hare oblique.

What is a rabbit's coat? (Fluffy, white, soft). Why does a rabbit need to change coat color? (He disguises himself, merges in color with the snow, and the new fur coat is warmer). But not only hares change their fur. All animals wear a winter, warmer coat for the winter.

Let's try to make sentences about the hare. (Composing a sentence and then dividing it into words).

Or maybe we can make up a story about a hare? (Composing a story)

Let's play bunnies.

Physical education "Hares"

Jumping, jumping in the woods (jumping in place)

Hares are gray balls. (hands near the chest, like paws of hares, jumping)

Jump - jump, jump - jump (jumps back and forth, back and forth)

The hare stood on a stump. (stand up straight, hands on waist)

He built everyone in order, (turned the torso to the right, right hand to the side, then to the left and left hand to the side)

Began to show charging.

Once! Everyone walks in place. (steps in place)

Two! Hands wave together, (hands in front of you, scissors movement)

Three! Sit down, stand up together. (sit down, get up)

Everyone scratched behind the ear. (scratch behind ear)

On the "four" stretched. (arms up, then on the belt)

Five! Bent over and bent over. (bend over, lean forward)

Six! Everyone stood in a row again, (stand up straight, lower your hands)

They marched like a squad. (steps in place)

Vocabulary work.

And now I invite you to the forest, to visit the hares. And maybe we will meet other animals. We walk through the forest and met ... (show the picture) a fox. Let's work according to the scheme and name the name of an adult animal, a cub and several cubs (pictures of animals were used)

Fox (fox - cubs),

Wolf (wolf cub - cubs),

Duck (duckling - ducklings),

Mouse (mouse - mice),

Elk (calf - moose).

(Pictures are posted on a magnetic board)

Well done, children. And let's play the game "Who is missing, who is gone?"

Rules of the game: Children close their eyes, and at this time the teacher removes one of the pictures. (Children open their eyes and listen to the question of the teacher. It is necessary to answer the question correctly. For example: Who is missing? - the cubs are gone. Who is gone? - the cubs are gone.)

Well done boys.

Practical activity - designing from paper.

And now it's time for our bunny to run home, but I suggest we make a souvenir for ourselves: a paper bunny. It will remind you of today's journey. (Children make a hare: the body is made from a rectangular sheet of paper, which is folded into a cylinder and glued together. We glue ears and paws to such a cylinder. Draw a muzzle with a felt-tip pen)

Let's put the bunnies in the clearing and admire them.

Thank you for your work!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten № 30

Abstract organized activities on the development of speech in the senior group

Topic: "Composing a story on the proposed topic"

Prepared and conducted

teacher: Akhmedova

Natalia Vladimirov

Arzamas 2013A

Tasks: 1. Learn to compose a story using the proposed fairy text.

2. Learn to independently correlate the names of objects with their images in the pictures.

3. Refine and fix correct pronunciation sounds h, f , isolated, in words and phrases; learn to pronounce these sounds lingeringly, with different voice strengths (loud, quiet); to learn to distinguish between these sounds in someone else's and one's own speech, to clearly and distinctly pronounce words and phrases with these sounds.

4. Learn to select words that are opposite in meaning.

Material: pictures with images of gnomes; pictures with images of animals: hare, goat, bison, giraffe, bear, crane.

Lesson progress:

IN.: Guys, do you like to play? I suggest you play a game called Reverse Words. I will say words to you, and you have to come up with the words “on the contrary”, i.e. words with opposite meaning.

The game "Words on the contrary"

Good ( evil), labor ( laziness), courage ( cowardice), scary ( Beautiful), strong ( weak), forward ( back), easily ( difficult), Start (end), day (night), Mainly cloudy ( It's clear).

IN.: Well done, you coped with the task. Guys, let's remember the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", which we read on last week. Who is this story about? ( About Snow White and the Dwarfs)

IN.: Do you remember what they were called? ( Children's answers)

IN.: Guys, can you tell by looking at these pictures which one is which? ( Children show and name

IN.: Why do you think so? How did you guess? (Children's answers)

IN.: Guys, do you know why they were called that? ( Children's answers)

IN.: Listen, and I will read to you why the gnomes were called that. ( Reads a fairy tale from the words "They lived in a poor ...")

IN.: Guys, please answer me the questions:

Who are the gnomes?

What was the name of the gnomes from the fairy tale?

Why were they named like that?

The children answer. If they find it difficult to answer a question, prompt questions can be used.

What was the name of the oldest, most intelligent dwarf, whom everyone obeyed?

What was the name of the gnome who sneezed all the time?

And who was silent all the time?

Who likes to sleep? And who's to grumble?

Who has always been shy?

Who has always been funny?

IN.: Let's try to come up with short story about how the gnomes celebrated the housewarming. But first, imagine that you and I are at a party with the gnomes and dancing with them. This will help us in writing the story.

The teacher invites the children to dance to the music.

IN.: Well done boys. You and I plunged into the atmosphere of festive mood and fun, just like the dwarf brothers. Now think of a story about the housewarming party of the gnomes.

Children make up a story.

IN.: Guys, you are just wonderful storytellers.

Physical education minute(in a circle).

Get up quickly, smile

Higher, pull up higher

Well, straighten your shoulders

Raise, lower

Turned left, turned right

Touched hands with knees

Sit down, get up, sit down, get up

And they ran on the spot.

Children perform the corresponding movements.

IN.: Listen to 2 poems that I will read, and tell me which sound is heard more often in them. But first, tell me the difference between a sound and a letter.

Children: Letters are written and sounds are pronounced.

IN.(is reading): Bunny.

Zaika was locked up.

He sits and waits for the mistress.

IN.: What sound is most often heard in this poem. Speak it clearly. ( children pronounce)

IN.: Listen to me pronounce this sound. ( V. pronounces a soundh )

IN.: Pronounce it just like me. (Children make a soundh drawn out)

IN.: In what words of the poem is this sound heard? ( Bunny, castle, closed, hostess)

IN.: Now listen to the second verse:

The beetle is in the box

And it's shaking in the box.

IN.: What sound is often heard here? Speak it clearly.

Children make a sound and.

IN.: Listen to how long you can pronounce the sound and . Say it.

Children make a long sound and.

IN.: In what words did you hear this sound? ( Beetle, lies, trembles)

IN.: Guys, let's play echo with you. One of you must make a sound and loud, the other is quiet.

Children pronounce.

IN.: Now look at the pictures and name the animals that have sound in their names. h . Now name the animals whose names contain the sound and.

Children's answers.

IN.: Well done guys, you did a good job today.

Authors: Solomonova Anna Nikolaevna, Yuskaeva Eleonora Vasilievna
Job title: educator, educator
Educational institution: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 22 of the combined type"
Locality: City of Saransk, Republic of Mordovia
Material name: Methodical development
Subject:"Compiling a descriptive story based on a picture based on a mnemonic table in the senior group"
Publication date: 24.04.2017
Chapter: preschool education







Abstract open class by educational field

« Speech development»

in the senior group on the topic:

“Compilation of a descriptive story based on a picture with

using ICT"

Prepared and conducted: educator

Solomonova Anna Nikolaevna,

first qualifying

Saransk, 2017

Purpose: to give children an idea about the features of the image of spring on





riddles, arguing your answer, improve your skills to consider

picture, highlighting in it main idea(with the help of questions from the educator);

make up




different types of proposals, using a plan - a diagram of the pictures.




inventing the name of the story, in the selection of related words, definitions

to given words. Develop perception, memory, attention.


bring up


interrupt during a task. Cultivate a caring attitude

and love for wildlife.

Integration of educational areas.





moral human qualities, respectful, caring attitude towards

nature native land. Expand your understanding of spring features in





features of compiling a descriptive story based on a picture.






features in nature.





the ability to consciously perform movements during a physical minute. Contribute to

self-control, self-esteem when performing movements.

4. NGO "Artistic and aesthetic development": to develop the prerequisites









relationship to the environment.





word, surprise video moment, question-answer conversation, didactic







physical education minute

(translation: "Spring,




compiling a descriptive story based on the painting "Spring has come",


Used forms of organization of cognitive activity

children: the lesson uses a group form of organization of activities










carried out


difficulties in writing a story.

Preliminary work on educational areas:

1. NGO "Artistic and aesthetic development": conducting classes on

productive activities for lexical topic"Early spring",









Averkin "Awakening of nature".

2. NGO "Socially - communication development»: replenishment of the Center

speech development: albums, printed board games "Seasons",

mnemotables "Seasons".

3. OO " cognitive development": viewing the painting" Spring





4. NGO "Speech development": vocabulary activation: drops, thawed patches,

awakening nature, reading fiction I. Emil'yanov

"Snowdrop", V. Lunin "Spring", A. Prokofiev "Ringing drops", E. Erato

"Spring Singers", Russian folk tale“How spring overcame winter”, G.

Skrebitsky "The Tale of Spring".

5. OO " Physical development» conducting outdoor games: «Flight

Birds”, “Birdhouses”, “River-Coast”.

Materials and equipment:

Demo: Slide presentation. musical composition

Gene. Suraeva-Koroleva “Katk pakset, Tyalones”, video “Awakening

nature”, mnemonic table “Spring”. Basket, sun.

Handout: illustration of a snowdrop for each child, rays

Vocabulary work: drops, thawed patches, awakening of nature

Individual work: emotional state of children

empathy, differentiated approach to children.

Location: group room.

Lesson progress:






hands) :




wakes up


I smile at you, you smile at me.

Hello guys. I love it when

meeting, we are familiar and relatives, good afternoon and Good evening all at the meeting


say hello to them.

Children: Hello.

(Children go to the chairs in the center of the group).

Educator: Guys! Listen. Didn't you hear anything? Who is this

so quietly walked outside the window? ( 2 SLIDE)

(The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle):

“Who came so quietly - quietly?

Well, of course not an elephant,

And, of course, the hippopotamus couldn't pass quietly like that.

And none of you heard how the leaf came out of the kidney,

And you could not hear, like green blades of grass,

Taking off my green shoes

Quietly came out of the ground.

And the snowdrop quietly left.

And there is silence everywhere.

This means, this means - the quietest spring has come!





Children: The riddle says that the leaf came out of the kidney, that

green blades of grass, taking off their green shoes, came out of the ground that appeared

The first flowers are snowdrops. (3 SLIDE)

Educator: Remember the names of 3 spring months?

Children: Three spring months March, April, May.

caregiver: And what month is it now?

Children: It's the month of April.

caregiver: What will it be called? next month, after April?

Children: After April comes May. (4 SLIDE)

Educator: (5


a basket in which lie the first spring flowers - snowdrops. to whom i

I will give a snowdrop, he will pick up a definition for the word, and the rest of the children

will add.

(Children name adjectives and receive flowers)

Didactic game: "Pick, name, remember."

Spring (what?) - (warm, beautiful, early, late, long-awaited);

Sun (what)? - (gentle, radiant, bright, warm).

Grass (what?) - (green, juicy, small).

Flowers (what?) - (beautiful, colorful, fragrant).


Educator: Well done! That's how many good and beautiful words about spring

we remembered. (6 SLIDE)

caregiver: Guys, it has long been customary to see off the winter, and spring

call, so adults and children gathered together, went to meadows and fields and

sang songs and chants. I suggest you stand in a circle and say

a call for spring, so that the spring sun illuminates its own every day

warm rays our group.






composer Gen.

Queen "Katk pakset, Tyalones").

Physical education minute

sak, sak! Spring, spring come!

cant! Bring us warm rain!

Seri serot max, max! Grow tall wheat!

(Children go to places)



Go guys to the board and sit down on your

caregiver: Look what's in front of you?

Children: Before us on the slide is a picture.

caregiver: Guys! Today we will write a story based on a picture.





look closely at the picture. What season is shown on it? Why are you so

Children: The picture shows the spring season. It shows that

melted with it, it became smaller, the first thawed patches appeared. Breaks through

caregiver: Guys, look at the picture and tell me what colors and

tones prevail in it?

Children: There is blue, white, light brown,

greenish color.

caregiver: How does the sun shine?

Children: The picture shows a yellow, warm, bright, radiant sun.

caregiver: What words can describe the sky.

Children: The sky is high, spring blue.

caregiver: What happens to the snow in the picture?

Children: The picture shows that there was little snow, from melted snow

streams ran, thawed patches appeared, from the roofs of houses

the remnants slide

snow, from the warm sun started dripping.

caregiver: Notice how the children are dressed?

Children: The children are dressed in lightweight clothing.

caregiver: What are the children doing on the street?

Children: The children came with boats to the stream. They let boats in

caregiver: Who flies in the air?

Children: Rooks have arrived, they are building nests on trees, for brood

future offspring.

caregiver: What trees do you see in the foreground of the picture?

Children: Birch trees are in the foreground.

caregiver: How are they shown in the picture?

Children: The birches in the picture are tall, slender, bare, they only

buds swell.

caregiver: Guys, what do you think, what did you want to tell us about

the artist in this picture?




Nature wakes up, everything comes back to life.

caregiver: How can we name our painting?

Children: The picture can be called "Spring has come", "April".

caregiver: To make it easier for you to tell the story, I suggest

you plan. These are small pictures (showing). They are listed in order and

They will tell you in what order to write the story.



using the provided plan.

caregiver: The picture shows early spring. Sunshine with your own

bright, warm rays began to warm more strongly. The snow is melting on the ground


thawed patches.

change clothes


The boys launch boats in the stream. deciduous trees are still standing



future offspring.

wakes up


winter sleep.

caregiver: And now I want to listen to your stories.

(4-5 children's stories).

caregiver: Well done!

Reflection (8 SLIDE)

caregiver Q: What did you do in class? Whose story is more for you

did you like everything? Are you excited about the arrival of spring? Smile, show how you are

happy spring. Well done! Guys, look, I have the sun, and you

there are yellow spots. Rays need to be attached to the sun and say,

what did you like about the lesson today? (I attach my ray to the sun).

I also liked working with you in class, everyone tried, worked

active, friendly, attentive. And now we'll go for a walk and

we will try to find all the signs of spring on the site.

caregiver: Thanks for the lesson, you can be free.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

federal agency of Education

Sharya branch of SOUVPO

Kostroma State University them. Nekrasov


on the course: Methods of development of children's speech preschool age

on the topic of: Teaching older children to compose descriptive stories


3rd year student

specialty: "Pedagogy and methodology preschool education»

Tonchavina Evgeniya Valerievna


1. Essence, features and structure of descriptive stories

2. Features of descriptive stories of children of senior preschool age. Formation in children of knowledge about the structural parts of the text

Methods for teaching children the description of toys and natural objects


Bibliographic list


The problem of the development of coherent speech in children is well known to a wide range of people. teaching staff: educators, narrow specialists, psychologists.

The speech of the child develops in unity with the formation of his thinking. E.I. Tikheeva wrote: “First of all, and most importantly care must be taken to ensure that by all means, with the support of the word, to promote the formation in the minds of children of a rich and durable inner content, to promote accurate thinking, the emergence and strengthening of thoughts, ideas, and ideas of great value. creativity combine them. In the absence of all this, language loses its value and meaning.

During the period of preschool childhood, significant changes occur in the thinking of children: their horizons expand, mental operations improve, new knowledge and skills appear, which means that speech improves. However, children acquire mental and language skills only in communication with others. As the child grows, communication becomes more complex in its content, which in turn leads to the complication of speech forms in which it proceeds.

It has long been established that by the senior preschool age there are significant differences in the level of children's speech. This also shows my experience. pedagogical activity. The main task development of coherent speech of a child at this age is the improvement of monologue speech.

Monologue speech is psychologically more complex than dialogic speech. It is more detailed, because it is necessary to introduce the listeners into the circumstances of the events, to achieve an understanding of the story, etc. The monologue requires a better memory, more intense attention to the content and form of speech. At the same time, monologue speech is based on thinking that is logically more consistent than in the process of dialogue, conversation.

Monologue speech is also more complex linguistically. In order for it to be complete and understandable to the listener, it must use complete, common sentences, the most accurate vocabulary. The ability to tell plays a big role in the process of communication. For a child, this skill is also a means of cognition, a means of testing their knowledge, ideas, and assessments.

This problem is solved through various types speech activity: paraphrase literary works, compiling descriptive stories about objects, objects and natural phenomena, creating different types creative stories, mastering the forms of speech-reasoning (explanatory speech, speech-proof, speech-planning), writing stories based on a picture and a series plot pictures.

All of the above types of speech activity are relevant when working on the development of coherent speech of children. But I want to focus on teaching children to write descriptive stories, because writing descriptive stories based on perception - valuable species speech activity. Classes of this type help to increase the effectiveness of preparing children for schooling.

1. Essence, features and structure of descriptive stories

In kindergarten attached special meaning building storytelling skills. Children are taught coherent statements, which are characterized by independence, completeness, logical connection between their parts.

At preschool age, two types of oral monologue speech are mastered: retelling and story (in elementary form).

A story is a self-composed detailed statement of a fact or event. Compiling a story (on assignment) is a more complex activity than retelling. The child himself, in accordance with the given topic, determines the content and chooses the speech form of the narration. A serious task is the systematization of the material, its presentation in desired sequence, according to the plan (the tutor or his own). It is necessary to show the child that his story is needed, to support natural need speak out, the desire to communicate something to the audience. It is important that children feel joy and satisfaction from their stories, see their benefits.

Stories are both narrative and descriptive.

A description is a statement of the characteristic features of a particular object or phenomenon. Usually the description is of a business nature, it contains many precise definitions, circumstances, but it is desirable that there are elements of figurativeness that attracts children so much. In addition, the description should be concise.

A descriptive story has its own structure, composition. At the beginning of it, an object is called (or it is reported summary pictures), then, in accordance with the order of the examination, indicate characteristics, purpose and interrelation of parts and in conclusion it is said about the purpose of the object or action with it. Naturally, the description of any labor or other process is based on its sequence (i.e., the sequence of actions performed).

There are varieties of descriptive stories: comparative and explanatory stories.

In kindergarten, preschoolers are taught to make a description of two objects with contrasting features, based on a phased comparison of their unambiguous features (for example, first by size, then by color, material, detail, shape). Useful and explanatory stories with elements of reasoning, evidence, accompanied by a display of named actions. To explain something to another person means to bring him in a certain sequence to an understanding of the main connections and relationships that are characteristic of the phenomenon that is being described. For example, a child can tell and explain to a friend how to use this or that object, a toy, how to play a game.

2. Features of descriptive stories of children of senior preschool age. Formation in children of knowledge about the structural parts of the text

descriptive story speech preschool

It is known that the process of speech development in children proceeds under the guidance of an adult. But at the same time, the effectiveness of pedagogical influence depends on the activity of the child in the conditions of speech activity. HE. Somkova, one of the authors of the "Childhood" program, the developer of the "Development of Children's Speech" section, writes that research recent years(M.V. Krulekht, G.I. Vergeles, O.V. Solntseva, etc.) indicate that the intensity of a child’s development in activity (in this case, speech) directly depends on the degree of mastering the position of the subject of this activity. How more active child the more he is involved in activities that are interesting to him, the better result. It is important for the teacher to encourage children to speech activity, to stimulate speech activity not only in the process daily communication but also in the process of specially organized training.

In the older group, the speech of children should be more varied, clear, consistent than in the middle group. However, practice shows that often the stories of children in the older group are not always interesting in content, they may not be consistently and logically presented, they are monotonous. Often they consist of simple denominative sentences. There is repetition, uniformity in the selection of characteristics of the described objects and objects, the predominance of personal pronouns, instead of naming objects. Children do not always use the information they have correctly. lexicon. This is especially true for the use of conjunctions, prepositions, the wrong combination of words in a sentence, the wrong word order in a sentence. For example, describing a spruce, a child says: “ At firstat herthe trunk is thick and brown, and Thengetting thinner and green"- instead of "At the bottom, the spruce trunk is thick and brown, higher it becomes thinner, and at the very top it is thin and green."

Children unjustifiably widely use definitions: “big” and “small”, often give only an approximate description of color, shape, use words like “multi-colored”, “monochrome”, “motley” a little. (“The kitty is white, a little brown. Her tail is white. There is also yellow”).

These features of children's speech are not a sign of functional imperfection. Developed apparatus speech, the existing sensory and speech experience make it possible to improve all aspects of speech. The quality of coherent speech of children depends on the system of teaching their native language and, first of all, on the creation of a diverse and wide speech practice. The organization of a wide speech practice is necessary condition to successfully solve the problem of independent creative use words. In this regard, for the development of coherent speech, the child must be offered material that requires analysis, generalization, and systematization. Then from monosyllabic statements of a situational nature, he will move on to complex forms contextual speech communication.

3. Methods for teaching children to describe toys and natural objects

The methods and techniques selected by the educator for teaching children how to compose descriptive stories should ensure the conscious and deep assimilation of the skills developed by children. The main direction in the methodology of work on the development of speech and the compilation of descriptive stories is the constant and varied combination in the mind of the child of a word and an image. Therefore, first of all, methods and techniques are distinguished that are associated with the expansion of the sensory knowledge of the child. On this basis, children learn to independently describe an object or phenomenon, they develop the ability to use more precise definitions subject. The teacher should strive to ensure that the child accurately conveys the results of his observations.

In teaching storytelling, specific techniques are used, the purpose of which is to get a coherent statement, a monologue from the child (and not an answer with a word, gesture, phrase). At the initial stage of the lesson, techniques are used with the help of which children are shown an approximate result of their upcoming speech activity (what is required of them) and ways to achieve this result (how it is done).

Storytelling teaching methods: storytelling sample, partial story sample, story double, story sample analysis, story plan provision, story plan collective analysis, story story compilation, story compilation in parts, ending the story started by the teacher, suggesting options, involving children in correcting mistakes telling the child, prompting with a word or sentence, evaluation of the story.

Let's take a closer look at the above methods.

Sample story is short, live description any object or event available to children for borrowing in content and form.

In this case, one must distinguish informative story educator, intended for listening to children, to expand their horizons, from a sample story - a didactic device that is intended to be imitated.

The storytelling model facilitates the learning process more than other methods, since the child is shown the result that he must achieve. In addition, the sample determines the approximate content of future children's stories, their volume and sequence of presentation, and facilitates the selection of a dictionary.

The sample is used at the first stages of education, as well as in cases of setting a new task, to help children who cannot tell.

A sample story can be repeated by 1-2 children who tell badly (this will stimulate them very much - after all, it was they who were entrusted to tell the first!), while direct imitation plays positive role, causing speech activity. However, one should not strive for a literal repetition of the model; on the contrary, elements of independence should be encouraged.

As a direct teaching technique, a story sample is most often used at the beginning of a lesson.

A variation of this technique is a partial sample. It is used in the process of reinforcing the ability to tell if children find it difficult to complete a task, for example, inventing the beginning of a story about an object or toy.

The teacher can repeat the whole story or part of it as needed and in the course of the lesson (or involve another child in this), you can include it in the assessment of the children's answers (this technique used in game form V middle group- for example, on behalf of a teddy bear described by children, who praises children for the correct description of his characteristic visual qualities, it also works with children of the older group - which I have repeatedly seen on own experience).

As noted above, children need to be shown not only the result of their upcoming speech activity, but also the means to achieve it. Therefore, as a rule, the sample is used in conjunction with other techniques that explain it, do not allow mechanical copying and lead to independent creative work thoughts that are necessary in the process of working with children of the older group. So, you can offer a second version of the story - an understudy of the sample, when compared with the first one, the general patterns constructing a story. For example, the teacher describes two different toys in sequence and explains the required elements of these descriptions.

Teachers of the older group of our kindergarten use this technique, but from a slightly different perspective: children independently describe 2 different toys in succession (for example, 2 toy cats), which serves as an alternative model for compiling a descriptive story for other children; then other children make up stories about other toy cats (children are given several toys to choose from) - and since the cats have external differences, the story is not the same, dry, unemotional, on the contrary, children are creative in compiling the story).

The conscious selection of speech forms is facilitated by such a technique as parsing a sample of a story, which leads to the isolation of the plan of the utterance.

The plan of the story is 3-4 main questions (points) that determine the content and sequence of the presentation. Usually, after one or two sessions with a sample story, the plan becomes an independent, leading learning technique.

Since the children of the older group have (or should already receive in the learning process during school year) some experience in compiling descriptive stories, you can plan - in the form of free explanatory instructions, provide children with a sample story (in this case, children more consciously perceive the rules for constructing statements), but the use of this technique depends on the level of preparedness of children.

The teacher introduces the plan to the children after the message common theme stories and their character. In order to diversify children's stories, the teacher must prepare in advance additional points of the plan. Changing questions during one lesson activates children, their attention, in addition, it is a means of individualizing tasks.

In the older group, children should be pointed out to the incompleteness or inconsistency of the story (if any), involve them in complementing each other's answers.

At the same time, the teacher not only notes the deviation from the plan, but also involves children in controlling the children's stories (What do you need to tell now? What is better to tell first, so that everyone understands?). In the senior and preparatory groups, it is useful to use the technique of reproducing the plan by children (children should be involved in this action based on their individual capabilities). The teacher, without using the word “plan”, invites everyone to repeat to himself what and how they will talk about now, and calls one or two children to answer aloud). The plan should be communicated clearly, separating one paragraph from another with semantic pauses, emphasizing key words in phrases with stresses. Thus, a plan is a common and important technique by which a child learns to describe objects, objects, and not to do it chaotically.

Collective compilation of a story is a kind of technique used mainly at the very first stages of teaching creative storytelling. The advantage of this technique is that all children are actively involved in the work. In progress joint activities children receive visual representation about what it means to invent a story, their imagination is gradually formed. But this technique also has a drawback: children practice inventing phrases, choosing words - and speech activity limited, because they practice little in monologue speech.

In some classes, the technique of compiling a story in parts is used, it facilitates the task of storytellers, as the volume of tasks decreases. Thanks to him, the lesson becomes more varied, interesting, and the content of the stories becomes deeper and fuller; besides, you can ask large quantity children.

Questions in teaching storytelling play a secondary role. They are usually asked after the story is composed, to clarify it or supplement it. In the process of storytelling, it is better to use a hint of a word or sentence, correcting an error, which will less disrupt the coherence of the story than a question.

Evaluation is also a learning technique. It is used so that children imitate what the teacher praised, avoid what he condemned.

These are the general techniques for teaching storytelling.

Perceptual storytelling has big influence on the development of the child, including sensory. Only on the basis of sensations and perceptions develop such complex mental processes as thinking, imagination. Psychologists have proven that when naming perceived objects aloud, they differ, are comprehended faster, and are remembered more firmly. The child, naming certain properties of the object, highlights them more clearly, i.e. exercises his sensations and perceptions.

As children learn to describe things they know they have seen, educators should use these stories to educational purposes. It is necessary that the child reflects the real aspects of the subject and correctly determines its purpose; at the same time, children should be taught how to handle objects (offer to show how to hold a spoon, how to tie a scarf for a doll, etc.).

Description of toys.

Classes on describing toys should be preceded by classes on examining them, in which children learn to highlight the details and qualities of toys, master the appropriate vocabulary. Some features have these classes in the middle group at the 1st stage of training. It is advisable to show figurative toys to children, with a bright personality, so that the child has the opportunity to catch the “state” of the hero (the doll is happy, the duckling is funny, the teddy bear is sad) or demonstrate them in motion. Sometimes it is advisable to bring toys into the group room 5 minutes before the lesson, invite the children to examine them, touch them, and at the time of the story in the lesson, don’t give them into their hands, since at first this may prevent the child from concentrating on building a statement. You can beat the appearance of a familiar toy, and then this character turns to the children with questions and requests to tell something additional (Tell me about my blouse, about my tail). children.

In older groups, such activities are carried out less often, and toys are selected more complex. Well, if the description of such a toy requires determining the spatial position of its parts, as well as their material and shape (toy watch, telephone, stove, bus). In the same lesson, tasks should be differentiated: children with more high level developments can describe not one toy, but a static composition of 2-3 objects, indicating their location on the table, compose a descriptive story of a pair of toys, comparing them by elements. In most cases, toys are brought to class closed and presented to children one at a time.

At the first lesson, the teacher gives a sample and plan for the story (What is this thing? What parts does it have? What are they for? Show and explain how this thing is used.). The child, approaching the toy, picks it up, examines it, feels it and begins to tell, demonstrating the object of description to all those present. If the story does not work out, you can offer the same toy to describe to other children in order to clearly show how to complete the task.

The teacher thinks over who to call to describe the next toy, taking into account the difficulty of the task and the interests of the children. Sometimes, to enliven the lesson, he invites the children to choose a toy for the description themselves, calls them to tell at will.

The following techniques help to increase interest in storytelling: the child is offered to put any 2-3 toys next to him and tell about them himself or call any of the children for a story.

After classes with general visual material, you can spend 1-2 with individual handouts. It is permissible to pick up dissimilar toys, but they should be of approximately the same complexity, medium-sized (this will simplify their storage and distribution). The teacher gives all explanations, instructions to the children at the beginning of the lesson, before the toys are distributed; attendants can be involved in the distribution and collection. During the course, you are offered Additional tasks, for example, to classify objects by color, purpose, etc. These activities prepare children for didactic games various kinds.

Description of natural objects.

Classes that offer natural objects familiar to children from life practice, surrounding them, used in everyday life are of great educational and educational importance. These can be objects of nature (vegetables, leaves, houseplants), tools, etc. Since such activities were preceded by work with demonstration and handout toys, it is more efficient to immediately use sets of items according to the number of children in the group for distribution to everyone. The senior educator should gradually accumulate such sets, guided by a program to familiarize himself with others. For example, for the older group - washing, postal supplies (canceled envelopes, postcards, stamps), sewing accessories (balls and spools of thread, sets of buttons, patches, scissors, etc.), for preparatory group- school stationery, as well as sets of dissimilar items (keys, cases, notebooks, flashlights, etc.).

When telling, the child immediately explains the purpose of the object and the rules for its use, demonstrates actions with it (movements of the brush when brushing teeth, fixing the end of the thread on the spool, etc.). Since each set contains similar items that differ in insignificant features, children can make comparative stories about them. Classes are varied by inventing riddles, reading literary texts about items.

In other classes, as well as on walks, children can get acquainted with the compilation of sketch stories. These are small figurative descriptions of especially expressive objects and natural phenomena, works of applied art (a fresh blossoming flower, a view of the evening edge of the forest, a lace napkin on dark background and so on.).

The ability to describe objects is also fixed in other activities - in the design classes, the child talks about his building, in role play the astronauts reports "over the radio" what he sees down on the earth.


Thus, in the older group, children learn to describe toys, objects, showing more and more activity. The teacher must professionally and skillfully manage this process.

It is necessary to carry out purposeful systematic work on teaching storytelling using in the classroom more effective, expedient, interesting, entertaining for children methodological methods, techniques, tools that can contribute to the emergence of pupils' interest in this species speech activity.

It is very important to provide an atmosphere of easy communication in the classroom, to create conditions for enriching the speech of children. various forms statements, to make learning interesting by satisfying the curiosity of older preschoolers, their ever-increasing need for mental activity.

As mentioned above, some teachers believe that children do not like classes in compiling descriptive stories on toys and natural objects, while others, on the contrary, indicate that children's interest in such activities is very high. I believe that, in addition to the fact that the teacher must know and be able to apply the methodology of teaching children to compose descriptive stories, he must convince children of the importance of describing a particular object, put forward such a motive that each child believes in it, do educational process more interesting and exciting.

Bibliographic list

1.The development of speech of preschool children. / Ed. F. Sokhin. - M.: Enlightenment, 1984. ? 223 p.

2.Korotkova E.P. Teaching storytelling in kindergarten: A guide for kindergarten teachers. garden. - M.: Enlightenment, 1982. - 128 p.

.Borodich A.M. Methods for the development of children's speech: textbook. allowance for students. ped. in-comrade. - M.: Enlightenment, 1981. - 255 p.

.Bogush A.M. Speech preparation of children for school. ? K: Glad. school, 1984. - 176 p.

.Solovieva O.I. Methodology for the development of speech and teaching the native language in kindergarten. ? M.: Education, 1966.

.Gerbova V.V. Classes on the development of speech in the senior group of kindergarten.

.Raising children in the senior group of kindergarten: a guide for the teacher of children. garden. / V.V. Gerbova, R.A. Ivankova, R.G. Kazakova and others; comp. G.M. Lyamina. - M.: Enlightenment, 1984. - 288 p.


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  1. To teach children to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures that show the sequence of events and are a visual plan of presentation.
  2. Continue to teach children to make complex sentences by answering questions.
  3. Develop visual attention and perception.
  4. Cultivate the ability to listen to the answers of comrades.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the works of writers: L.N. Tolstoy, E. Shim, N.N. Nosov, K. Chukovsky; exercise "Cat" , development of general speech skills; viewing a series of paintings "The Hare and the Snowman" , "How a hedgehog picked apples" , "The Starlings Have Arrived" , compiling stories from a series of pictures.

Demonstration material: a series of story pictures "Terrible Beast" .

Handout: Animal Overlay Pictures (according to the number of children), coasters with pencils.

Dictionary activation:

  • nouns: oak, beast, gun, hollow;
  • adjectives: old, scary, funny, burning, hunting, menacing;
  • verbs: set off, got scared, laughed, decided, put up, got caught, hid.

Individual work:

  • Zhenya A. - control of the correct coordination of words in phrases.
  • Ksenia K. - assistance in compiling complex sentences.

Lesson progress

Children stand in a semicircle.

Guys, tell me, please, who is the writer? (A writer is a person who writes stories).

What writers do you know? (L. N. Tolstoy, N. Nosov, K. Chukovsky, etc.).

Guys, do you want to be writers? (Yes).

1. Considering a series of plot pictures, placing them in the right sequence.

(The teacher invites the children to sit on chairs standing in a semicircle in front of the easel). Today we, as writers, will compose a story from pictures.

(The teacher randomly places pictures on the easel).

Look at the pictures and try to put them in order.

(Children are given time to look at the pictures, after which the child called to the easel puts them in order).

2. Consideration of each picture separately, conversation on the content. Work on clarifying, activating and expanding the dictionary.

1 picture

What time of year is shown in the pictures? (summer has come).

How did you guess about it? (The bright sun is shining. Everything is green around. Children are dressed lightly).

Who do you see in the first picture? (In the picture we see a boy and a girl).

Let's give them names. (The boy's name is Vanya, and the girl's name is Katya).

Where do you think Katya and Vanya went? (Katya and Vanya went to the forest).

What other words can be used to say that they went to the forest? (Let's go, let's go, let's go, hurry up).

Why did they go to the forest? (They went to the forest for mushrooms, for berries, for flowers, for cones).

How did you guess that the children went for mushrooms? (They have baskets in their hands).

What can be said about their mood? (They are cheerful, contented, joyful).


Let's look at the second picture.

Why do children look scared? (Because in the hollow they saw someone's burning eyes).

Where was the hollow? (The hollow was under the old oak tree).

Why were they scared? (Because they thought there was a scary beast) .

Tell me, who did they meet? (They met grandfather.)

What did he look like? (He is old. He has a long beard. He is dressed in a raincoat, has red boots on his feet, a blue cap on his head. He carries a gun on his shoulder.).

Guess what your grandfather's name was? (Grandfather's name was Yegor, Sasha, Matvey ...).


What is happening in this picture? (Children tell grandfather about a terrible beast under a tree).

What is grandpa doing? (He thinks what to do).


What happened when they got to the tree? (Grandfather Yegor prepared a gun for a terrible beast, and the children hid behind a tree out of fear).

What do you think he says? (Hey, who's out there. Who's hiding here? Come on, scary beast!).

6 picture

Why was grandfather Yegor very surprised? (He saw not a terrible beast, but a cat).

How did you guess that you were surprised? (He raised his cap and scratches his forehead with his hand).

Why are Katya and Vanya smiling? (Katya and Vanya smile because the cat turned out to be a terrible beast).

3. Physical education. Exercise "Cat"

The teacher invites the children to go to the carpet, stand in a circle and show what cats are.

That's what a cat, Sneak around in a circle one after another on toes. Round face, stop, depict with both hands

muzzle, shake their heads. And on each paw, Rhythmically pull forward either the left or the right hand. Claws are scratches. They jump on their toes, while keeping their hands on their belts. All toys for him - Performing jumps, move in a circle one after another. Cube and reels. The cat is like a ball, Jumping around the apartment.

4. Drawing up a story along the chain.

Guys, now I will turn on the recorder, and you tell this story from beginning to end. Someone will start, and someone will continue, be careful. (Tells 3 people).

How can you name the story? ("Terrible Beast" , "Incident in the Forest" , « Interesting story» etc.).

What words can start a story? (Once, once, it was summer, one fine summer day...).

How can you finish the story? (Grandfather recognized his cat and they went home). (The children took the cat home, and they themselves went further into the forest for mushrooms).

Who can come up with their own story? Own title for the story, other names of children, grandfathers, and the end of the story).

Your stories will be printed and placed in the parents' corner.

sample story "SCARY BEAST"

One day, Katya and Vanya went to the forest for mushrooms. Suddenly, under an old oak, in a hollow, they saw someone's burning eyes. The children decided that a terrible beast lurked there. They were very frightened and ran away from the old oak tree. Grandfather Yegor came across them. My grandfather had a hunting rifle. Grandfather Yegor was not afraid of anyone. Together they approached the hollow. Grandfather Yegor put his gun forward and shouted in a menacing voice: “Well, terrible beast, come out!” And then a small funny ... kitten came out of the hollow. Katya and Vanya laughed, and grandfather Yegor said: "What a terrible beast!"

5. Exercise What animals are hiding in the picture? .

The teacher invites the children to go to the tables, on which there are already pictures and stands with pencils.

What animals are hiding in the picture? List? (Hare, wolf, bear, fox, moose, squirrel, hedgehog, cat).

What animal is missing here and why? (The cat is superfluous here, because it is a pet).

Color the cat and the smallest animal. (Children color).

Who did you color? (Cat and hedgehog).

Why? (The cat is a pet and the hedgehog is the smallest animal).

6. Reflection of the lesson

Children are invited to the table, on which there is a basket and mushrooms.

Put the fungus in the basket, and tell us what we did today? (We looked at pictures, made up a story from pictures, played a game "Cat" , considered animals).

Municipal budgetary children's educational institution child development center - kindergarten No. 47 "Hello" Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech for the senior group Topic: "Composing a story from a series of pictures" Compiled by the teacher N.I. Kashurkina Sarov 2016