(from work experience)

Completed by: teacher MBDOU kindergarten No. 244 Belskaya N.V. Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 244 of a general developmental type Sovietsky district city ​​of Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan

Our mathematics flies above the stars
Goes to the seas, builds buildings, plows
Plants trees, forges turbines
Reaches the very sky.

Y. Yakovlev

“Mathematics continues to be the most time-consuming subject at school" , - teachers, parents, and students themselves talk about this. But what about preschoolers? They do not know that mathematics is a difficult discipline, and should never know about it.

Contemporary mathematical development preschoolers are no longer considered as a complex methodological direction that implements the main task - preparing children for further education at school.

The main thing is to introduce children into the world of logic, i.e. to teach to think, to reason, to assume, to analyze, to comprehend mathematical concepts, to promote an increase in interest in mathematics, self-confidence - that's true purpose the essence of the mathematical development of preschoolers on present stage. Revealing the wonderful world of surrounding numbers and figures, mathematics teaches to think more clearly, more consistently, develops the brain and attention, cultivates perseverance and will, teaches children to acquire knowledge. “Mathematics already then needs to be taught, that it puts the mind in order” M.V. Lomonosov. The serious content of mathematical development can be assimilated by modern children if it gives them pleasure. Therefore, a significant role is played by the form of presentation, causing emotional coloring, ease, interest, cognitive interest, developing into the cognitive activity of the child. “Learning can only be fun ... To digest knowledge, you need to absorb it with appetite” A. France. In mathematics classes, the children and I go to an amazing, fairy-tale Kingdom "Mathematics" , travel around the islands, discover new countries. Here we are helped by a wide variety of didactic games. ("Geometric Lotto" , "Decorate the rug" , "Logic Tables" ) , word games ("Who knows - let him think further" , "Name the next day of the week" , "What is round..." ) , games with geometric material ("Columbus egg" , "Tangram" , "Mongolian game" , "Magic Circle" ) , puzzle games, logic tasks, proverbs, sayings, catchwords, funny poems about numbers (S. Marshak, Z. Alexandrova, P. Bashmakov, V. Stepanov, V. Bakaldin), tasks in verses, riddles, counting rhymes. Children love playing with counting sticks. With the help of sticks, they create not only familiar objects, but also fantasize something unusual, original. Parents helped us arrange a math rug (numbers on one side, geometric shapes on the other) On a magic mat, we go on a journey to the forest, to the city of mathematical riddles, to the world of numbers. On a visit to the Unknown. To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, a manual was prepared "Flower-seven-flower" , out of color caps allowance "Collect the day" , for counting activities pencil cases with geometric shapes.

We consolidate knowledge in mathematics not only in the FEMP classes, but also in other types of educational activities. So in the classroom for artistic creativity, children depict objects similar to one or another geometric figure. ("House of the Three Little Pigs" , "Snow Family" , "ribbon decoration" ) , on modeling, children sculpt large and small balls, carrots, vegetables, fruits, on the application they create geometric patterns, cut a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle ("Bear" , "Tumbler" , "Building a house" ) . In the classroom for familiarization with fiction, we read fairy tales by M.I. Stozharova. An attractive plot of fairy tales can be used for didactic purposes, connecting fairy-tale ups and downs and problem-cognitive situations. Here, children learn to reason, think logically, justify the chosen solutions. Yes, in "The tale of how the circle and the square went camping" , children pick up objects similar to a particular geometric figure, in a fairy tale "Apple" - children divide the circle into two and four equal parts.

One of the types cognitive activity are mathematical competitions, holidays, entertainment, quizzes (competition "Catchers" , evening "Mystery Grandmother" , entertainment "Teremok" ) . They require from the participants not only knowledge, but also resourcefulness, ingenuity, cause genuine interest in children of different ages.

On a walk with children, we count leaves, pebbles, cones ("Spread out the leaves of different sizes" ) , compare houses, trees, draw with sticks on wet sand on the topic "Funny picture" .

A lot of work is done with parents. We invite parents to open classes by FEMP ("Pinocchio is our guest" , "1,2, 3, 4, 5 - we learned to count" , "An amazing trip to the country of Chisland" ) , we hold joint entertainment-competitions ("Sellers Contest" , "Come on, little star, light up!" , "Math Quiz" ) , open house evening "Mathematical game library" (joint games children and parents using didactic games), made the tradition of the group Weekend Game! (Children take home one game at a time if they wish), enter information on the stand ("Learn while playing" , "Land of Mathematics" , "Cultivate the Joy of Knowledge" , "Play with us" ) .

Traveling through fairyland "Mathematics" our children will know the world, show their ingenuity, attention, courage, imagination, flexibility of mind. And we believe that by entering the first class, our small man keep in itself a spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity, a thirst for new discoveries!

Many parents believe that the main thing when preparing for school is to introduce the child to numbers and teach him to write, count, add and subtract (in fact, this usually results in an attempt to memorize the results of addition and subtraction within 10). However, when teaching mathematics using textbooks of modern developing systems (the system of L. V. Zankov, the system of V. V. Davydov, the system "Harmony", "School 2100", etc.), these skills do not help the child for very long at mathematics lessons. The stock of memorized knowledge ends very quickly (in a month or two), and the lack of formation of one's own ability to think productively (that is, independently perform the above mental actions on mathematical content) very quickly leads to the appearance of "problems with mathematics".



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 27"


"The development of mathematical abilities in children preschool age»

Biysk, 2014

Formation of mathematical abilities of children

preschool age. Logical thinking.

Many parents believe that the main thing when preparing for school is to introduce the child to numbers and teach him to write, count, add and subtract (in fact, this usually results in an attempt to memorize the results of addition and subtraction within 10). However, when teaching mathematics using textbooks of modern developing systems (the system of L. V. Zankov, the system of V. V. Davydov, the system "Harmony", "School 2100", etc.), these skills do not help the child for very long at mathematics lessons. The stock of memorized knowledge ends very quickly (in a month or two), and the lack of formation of one's own ability to think productively (that is, independently perform the above mental actions on mathematical content) very quickly leads to the appearance of "problems with mathematics".

At the same time, a child with developed logical thinking is always more likely to be successful in mathematics, even if he was not taught the elements in advance. school curriculum(counting, calculations and

etc.). It is no coincidence that in last years in many schools working on developmental programs, interviews are conducted with children entering the first grade, the main content of which are questions and tasks of a logical, and not just arithmetic, nature. Is this approach to the selection of children for education reasonable? Yes, it is natural, since the mathematics textbooks of these systems are constructed in such a way that already at the first lessons the child must use the ability to compare, classify, analyze and generalize the results of his activity.

However, one should not think that the development logical thinking- this is a natural gift, the presence or absence of which should be reconciled. There are a large number of studies confirming that the development of logical thinking can and should be dealt with (even in cases where the natural inclinations of the child in this area are very modest). First of all, let's look at what constitutes logical thinking.

Logical methods of mental actions - comparison, generalization, analysis, synthesis, classification, seriation, analogy, systematization, abstraction - are also called logical methods of thinking in the literature. When organizing special developmental work on the formation and development logical tricks thinking, there is a significant increase in the effectiveness of this process, regardless of the initial level of development of the child.

To develop certain mathematical skills and abilities, it is necessary to develop the logical thinking of preschoolers. At school, they will need the ability to compare, analyze, specify, generalize. Therefore, it is necessary to teach the child to solve problem situations, draw certain conclusions, and come to a logical conclusion. Solving logical problems develops the ability to highlight the essential, to independently approach generalizations (see Appendix).

Logic puzzles can be as follows:

Two sisters have one brother. How many children are in the family? (Answer: 3)

Obviously, the constructive activity of the child in the process of performing these exercises develops not only the mathematical abilities and logical thinking of the child, but also his attention, imagination, trains motor skills, eye, spatial representations, accuracy, etc.

Each of the exercises given in the Appendix is ​​aimed at the formation of logical thinking techniques. For example, exercise 4 teaches the child to compare; exercise 5 - compare and generalize, as well as analyze; exercise 1 teaches analysis and comparison; exercise 2 - synthesis; exercise 6 - actual classification by feature.

The logical development of the child also involves the formation of the ability to understand and trace the cause-and-effect relationships of phenomena and the ability to build the simplest conclusions on the basis of a cause-and-effect relationship.

Thus, two years before school, one can have a significant impact on the development of the mathematical abilities of a preschooler. Even if the child does not become the indispensable winner of mathematical Olympiads, he will not have problems with mathematics in elementary school, and if they are not in elementary school, then there is every reason to count on their absence in the future.


The role of didactic games

Didactic game as an independent play activity based on the awareness of this process. Independent play activity is carried out only if the children show interest in the game, its rules and actions, if these rules are learned by them. How long can a child be interested in a game if its rules and content are well known to him? Here is a problem that needs to be solved almost directly in the process of work. Children love games that are well known, play them with pleasure.

What is the significance of the game? During the game, children develop the habit of concentrating, thinking independently, developing attention, the desire for knowledge. Carried away, children do not notice that they are learning: they learn, remember new things, navigate in unusual situations, replenish the stock of ideas, concepts, develop imagination. Even the most passive of the children are included in the game with great desire, making every effort not to let down their playmates.

In the game, the child acquires new knowledge, skills and abilities. Games that promote the development of perception, attention, memory, thinking, development creativity, aimed at mental development preschooler in general.

Unlike other activities, play contains a goal in itself; the child does not set or solve extraneous and separate tasks in play. The game is often defined as an activity that is performed for its own sake, does not pursue extraneous goals and objectives.

For children of preschool age, the game is of exceptional importance: the game for them is study, the game for them is work, the game for them is a serious form of education. The game for preschoolers is a way of knowing the world around them. The game will be a means of education if it is included in a holistic pedagogical process. Leading the game, organizing the life of children in the game, the educator influences all aspects of the development of the child's personality: feelings, consciousness, will and behavior in general.

However, if for the pupil the goal is in the game itself, then for the adult organizing the game there is another goal - the development of children, the assimilation of certain knowledge by them, the formation of skills, the development of certain personality traits. This, by the way, is one of the main contradictions of the game as a means of education: on the one hand, the absence of a goal in the game, and on the other hand, the game is a means of purposeful personality formation.

This is most evident in the so-called didactic games. The nature of the resolution of this contradiction determines the educational value of the game: if the achievement didactic purpose will be carried out in the game as an activity that contains a goal in itself, then its educational value will be the most significant. If the didactic task is solved in game actions, the purpose of which for their participants is this didactic task, then the educational value of the game will be minimal.

The game is valuable only when it contributes to a better understanding of the mathematical essence of the issue, clarification and formation of students' mathematical knowledge. Didactic games and game exercises stimulate communication, because in the process of conducting these games, the relationship between children, a child and a parent, a child and a teacher begins to take on a more relaxed and emotional character.

Free and voluntary inclusion of children in the game: not the imposition of the game, but the involvement of children in it. Children should understand well the meaning and content of the game, its rules, the idea of ​​each game role. The meaning of game actions should coincide with the meaning and content of behavior in real situations so that the main meaning of game actions is transferred to real life activity. The game should be guided by the norms of morality accepted in society, based on humanism, universal values. The game should not humiliate the dignity of its participants, including the losers.

Thus, a didactic game is a purposeful creative activity, during which students more deeply and brightly comprehend the phenomena of the surrounding reality and cognize the world.

Methods of teaching counting and the basics of mathematics for preschool children through playing activities

V modern schools the programs are quite saturated, there are experimental classes. In addition, new technologies are entering our homes more and more rapidly: in many families, computers are purchased to educate and entertain children. The requirement of knowledge of the basics of computer science presents us with life itself. All this makes it necessary to introduce the child to the basics of computer science already in the preschool period.

When teaching children the basics of mathematics and computer science, it is important that by the beginning of schooling they have the following knowledge:

Counting up to ten in ascending and descending order, the ability to recognize numbers in a row and randomly, quantitative (one, two, three ...) and ordinal (first, second, third ...) numbers from one to ten;

Previous and subsequent numbers within one ten, the ability to make up the numbers of the first ten;

Recognize and depict basic geometric shapes (triangle, quadrilateral, circle);

Shares, the ability to divide an object into 2-4 equal parts;

Basics of measurement: the child should be able to measure length, width, height with a string or sticks;

Comparing objects: more - less, wider - narrower, higher - lower;

Fundamentals of computer science, which are still optional and include an understanding of the following concepts: algorithms, information encoding, computer, computer control program, the formation of basic logical operations - "not", "and", "or", etc.

The basis of the foundations of mathematics is the concept of number. However, the number, as, indeed, almost any mathematical concept, is an abstract category. Therefore, it is often difficult to explain to a child what a number is.

The use of a variety of didactic games contributes to the formation of mathematical representations in a child. Such games teach a child to understand some complex mathematical concepts, form an idea of ​​the relationship between numbers and numbers, quantities and numbers, develop the ability to navigate in the directions of space, draw conclusions.

When using didactic games, various objects and visual material are widely used, which contributes to the fact that classes are held in a fun, entertaining and accessible way.

If a child has difficulty counting, show him, counting aloud, two blue circles, four red ones, three green ones. Ask him to count the objects out loud. Constantly count different objects (books, balls, toys, etc.), from time to time ask your child: "How many cups are on the table?", "How many magazines are there?", "How many children are walking on the playground?" etc.

The acquisition of oral counting skills is facilitated by teaching kids to understand the purpose of some household items on which numbers are written. These items are watches and a thermometer.

Such visual material opens up scope for imagination when conducting various games. Once your child has been taught how to take their temperature, ask them to check their temperature on an outdoor thermometer every day. You can keep track of air temperature in a special "journal", noting daily temperature fluctuations in it. Analyze the changes, ask the child to determine the decrease and increase in temperature outside the window, ask how many degrees the temperature has changed. Make a schedule with your baby for changes in air temperature for a week or a month.

When reading a book to a child or telling fairy tales, when numerals are encountered, ask him to put aside as many counting sticks as, for example, there were animals in history. After you counted how many animals there were in the fairy tale, ask who was more, who was less, who was the same number. Compare toys by size: who is bigger - a bunny or a bear, who is smaller, who is the same height.

Let the preschooler himself come up with fairy tales with numerals. Let him say how many heroes are in them, what they are (who is more - less, higher - lower), ask him to put down counting sticks during the story. And then he can draw the heroes of his story and talk about them, make their verbal portraits and compare them.

It is very useful to compare pictures that have both common and different. It is especially good if the pictures will have a different number of objects. Ask your child how the drawings are different. Ask him to draw a different number of objects, things, animals, etc.

The preparatory work for teaching children the elementary mathematical operations of addition and subtraction includes the development of such skills as breaking a number into its component parts and determining the previous and next number within the first ten.

V game form Children are happy to guess the previous and next numbers. Ask, for example, what number is greater than five, but less than seven, less than three, but greater than one, etc. Children are very fond of guessing numbers and guessing what they have planned. Think of, for example, a number within ten and ask the child to name different numbers. You say whether the named number is greater than what you intended or less. Then switch roles with your child.

Counting sticks can be used to parse numbers. Have your child place two sticks on the table. Ask how many sticks are on the table. Then spread the sticks on two sides. Ask how many sticks on the left, how many on the right. Then take three sticks and also lay them out on two sides. Take four sticks and let the child separate them. Ask him how else to arrange the four sticks. Let him change the arrangement of the counting sticks so that one stick lies on one side and three sticks on the other. In the same way, sequentially parse all the numbers within ten. The higher the number, the more parsing options, respectively.

It is necessary to introduce the baby to the basic geometric shapes. Show him a rectangle, a circle, a triangle. Explain what a rectangle (square, rhombus) can be. Explain what is a side, what is an angle. Why is a triangle called a triangle (three angles). Explain that there are other geometric shapes that differ in the number of angles.

Let the child make geometric shapes from sticks. You can set the required dimensions for it, based on the number of sticks. Invite him, for example, to fold a rectangle with sides into three sticks and four sticks; triangle with sides two and three sticks.

Make shapes too different sizes and figures with different amount sticks. Ask your child to compare the shapes. Another option would be combined figures, in which some sides will be common.

For example, from five sticks you need to simultaneously make a square and two identical triangles; or from ten sticks to make two squares: large and small ( small square is made up of two sticks inside a large one). Chopsticks are also useful for making letters and numbers. In this case, a comparison of the concept and the symbol takes place. Let the kid pick up the number of sticks that this number makes up for the number made up of sticks.

It is very important to instill in the child the skills necessary for writing numbers. To do this, it is recommended to carry out a lot of preparatory work with him, aimed at clarifying the line of the notebook. Take a notebook in a cage. Show the cage, its sides and corners. Ask the child to put a dot, for example, in the lower left corner of the cage, in the upper right corner, etc. Show the middle of the cage and the middle of the sides of the cage.

Show your child how to draw simple patterns using cells. To do this, write separate elements, connecting, for example, the upper right and lower left corners of the cell; right and left upper corners; two dots located in the middle of neighboring cells. Draw simple "borders" in a checkered notebook.

It is important here that the child wants to do it himself. Therefore, you can not force him, let him draw no more than two patterns in one lesson. Such exercises not only introduce the child to the basics of writing numbers, but also instill fine motor skills, which in the future will greatly help the child in learning to write letters.

Logic games of mathematical content educate children in cognitive interest, the ability for creative search, the desire and ability to learn. Unusual game situation with elements of problematic character for each entertaining task, always arouses interest in children.

Entertaining tasks contribute to the development of the child's ability to quickly perceive cognitive tasks and find the right solutions for them. Children begin to understand that in order to correctly solve a logical problem, it is necessary to concentrate, they begin to realize that such an entertaining problem contains a certain “trick” and in order to solve it, it is necessary to understand what the trick is.

If the child does not cope with the task, then perhaps he has not yet learned to concentrate and remember the condition. It is likely that, while reading or listening to the second condition, he forgets the previous one. In this case, you can help him draw certain conclusions already from the condition of the problem. After reading the first sentence, ask the child what he learned that he understood from it. Then read the second sentence and ask the same question. Etc. It is quite possible that by the end of the condition the child will already guess what the answer should be here.

Solve a problem out loud. Make certain conclusions after each sentence. Let the baby follow the course of your thoughts. Let him understand how problems of this type are solved. Having understood the principle of solving logical problems, the child will be convinced that solving such problems is simple and even interesting.

Common riddles created folk wisdom, also contribute to the development of the child's logical thinking:

Two ends, two rings, and carnations (scissors) in the middle.

A pear is hanging, you can’t eat (light bulb).

Winter and summer in one color (Christmas tree).

The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats; whoever undresses him sheds tears (bow).

Knowledge of the basics of computer science is currently not required for primary school education, compared, for example, with numeracy, reading or even writing skills. However, teaching preschoolers the basics of computer science will certainly bring some benefits.

First, the practical benefits of learning the basics of computer science will include the development of abstract thinking skills. Secondly, in order to master the basics of actions performed with a computer, the child will need to apply the ability to classify, highlight the main thing, rank, compare facts with actions, etc. Therefore, teaching the child the basics of computer science, you not only give him new knowledge that will be useful to him when mastering a computer, but also along the way you consolidate some general skills.

There are also games that are not only sold in stores, but also published in various children's magazines. This board games with playing field, colored chips and dice or spinning top. The playing field usually contains various pictures or even a whole story and there are step-by-step indicators. According to the rules of the game, participants are invited to roll a die or a spinning top and, depending on the result, perform certain actions on the playing field. For example, when a certain number is rolled out, the participant can start his journey in the game space. And having made the number of steps that fell on the die, and having got into a certain area of ​​the game, he is invited to perform some specific actions, for example, jump three steps forward or return to the beginning of the game, etc.

Thus, in a playful way, the child is instilled with knowledge from the field of mathematics, computer science, the Russian language, he learns to perform various actions, develop memory, thinking, and creative abilities. During the game, children learn complex mathematical concepts, learn to count, read and write. The most important thing is to instill in the child an interest in learning. To do this, classes should be held in a fun way.


At preschool age, the foundations of knowledge are laid, the child needs at school. Mathematics is a complex science that can cause certain difficulties during schooling. In addition, not all children have inclinations and have a mathematical mindset, so when preparing for school, it is important to introduce the child to the basics of counting.

Both parents and educators know that math is a powerful factor intellectual development child, the formation of his cognitive and creative abilities. The most important thing is to instill in the child an interest in learning. To do this, classes should be held in a fun way.

Thanks to games, it is possible to concentrate attention and attract the interest of even the most uncollected preschool children. In the beginning they are only attracted game actions, and then what this or that game teaches. Gradually, children awaken interest in the very subject of education.

Thus, in a playful way, instilling in the child knowledge from the field of mathematics, teach him to perform various actions, develop memory, thinking, and creativity. During the game, children learn complex mathematical concepts, learn to count, read and write, and close people help the child in developing these skills - his parents and teacher.

MBDOU "Kindergarten" Sun "pgt. Guards»

Consultation for educators
« Formation of the foundations of mathematical representations in kindergarten».

Teacher: Vlasova

Inna Nikolaevna

Mathematics is the language in which the book of nature is written. (G. Galileo)
V early childhood the child gets acquainted with sets of objects, a variety of sounds, movements, perceiving them with different analyzers (visual, auditory, etc.); compares these aggregates, distinguishing them by number.

Preschool age is the beginning of the comprehensive development and formation of personality. preschool programs educational institutions provide for the physical, mental, moral, labor, aesthetic education of children. At the same time, serious attention is paid to teaching children the basic mathematical skills. The content of the educational area "Knowledge" is aimed at achieving the goals of developing children's cognitive interests, the intellectual development of children. One of the tasks of this educational area is: the formation of elementary mathematical representations.
Kindergarten plays an important role in preparing children for school. The success of his further education largely depends on how well and timely the child is prepared for school. Mathematics is one of the main subjects in school. Mathematics has a unique developmental effect. Its study contributes to the development of memory, speech, imagination, emotions; develops perseverance, patience, creative potential personality.
Work in kindergarten on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts begins with the younger groups and continues until the end of the child's stay in kindergarten. With small children educational material is absorbed better if it is presented in a playful way. Therefore, it is better to conduct classes in the form of a didactic game or start with surprise moments. The work of teachers of the Ministry of Education and Science in this area is carried out a lot, according to all the requirements of the FGT, in accordance with their age.
Mathematics classes are held from the second junior group(once a week). Classes are held with a subgroup or with the whole group. In order for the classes to give the expected effect, teachers organize educational activities in such a way that new knowledge is given to children gradually, taking into account what they already know and can do. Strong assimilation of knowledge is ensured by repeated repetition of the same type of exercises, while the visual material changes, the methods of work vary, since the same actions quickly tire the children.
Kids get an initial idea of ​​\u200b\u200bvalues ​​and their properties, get acquainted with geometric shapes, learn to distinguish and name a circle, square, triangle. Children learn to navigate in spatial directions (in front, behind, left, right), as well as in time, to use the words morning, afternoon, evening, night correctly.
Goals and objectives for each age group change and become more complex. Educators try to ensure that the program material in mathematics is mastered. To do this, they use a variety of forms and methods of work: counting, comparison, guessing riddles, solving logical problems, games, games with pictures, working on a picture, working with handouts, individual work, didactic games, etc.
The integration of educational areas is used in different types children's activities. The material studied in the lesson is consolidated in other activities (labor, drawing, walking, etc.)
Mathematical skills in children are developed. The requirements for each age group are met by many children. Children are willing to do mathematics: they know geometric shapes, colors, direct and reverse counting, comparison in size, spatial relationships, know the seasons, etc. Classes in each group are held once a week, in preparatory group two times a week. Teachers conduct them at a good level using innovations, visualization, handouts for children. Children in mathematics classes are engaged with desire and interest.
Mathematical leisure was held in the middle group: "Merry adventures in the Kingdom of Counting Second." Program content: correctly answer the questions "How much?"; improve counting skills within five; exercise in distinguishing geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle; to consolidate the concepts of "long", "short"; reinforce children's knowledge of the seasons; to consolidate the ability to compare objects by size; encourage children to give answers in full, common sentences; develop attention and thinking. Classes were held with an ecological bias.
The integration of educational areas was used: "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Physical Education", "Artistic Creativity". Various forms of work were used: a conversation with children, a surprise moment (a trip around the kingdom Counting the Second, a physical game “Quickly get up, smile”, playing tricks, didactic games "Compare pictures", "Find your apartments for geometric shapes", fixing geometric shapes and colors; quantitative counting and comparison, individual work of children as directed by the teacher (“Seasons”, comparison short - long, large - small, the ratio of numbers and the number of objects. A large visual and handout material was selected. Children really like such trips to the kingdom, the children were active, tried to answer in full answers.Children can count to 5, compare, can determine the seasons, know geometric shapes and colors.Satisfaction was observed motor activity children and the compliance of the duration of the lesson with the sanitary and hygienic requirements and the requirements of the FGT. The lesson is integrated, educational, developing, exciting, interesting.
Teaching preschool children mathematics is unthinkable without the use of didactic games. The use of didactic games well helps the perception of the material and its consolidation. Concerning,
in each age group there is a corner for mathematics, where all the materials, toys, handouts, counting material, geometric shapes are located, didactic material: educational and didactic games prepared by the educators themselves.
As a result of the work of the MOU teachers on FEMP, children have become more active in the classroom, use complete answers, their statements are based on evidence, children have become more independent in solving various problem situations. They have improved memory, thinking, ability to reason, think. Children develop cognitive abilities, intelligence, cultural skills are instilled speech communication, aesthetic and moral attitudes to the environment are improved.
- to intensify work with children on the formation of mathematical skills, using a variety of techniques and methods;
- hold math evenings, quizzes, KVN together with children and parents;
- constantly supplement the corners in mathematics with didactic games, material.

Consultation for educators

"Logic-mathematical games in the classroom

according to FEMP and free time»

Teaching mathematics to preschool children is unthinkable without the use of entertaining games, tasks, and entertainment. At the same time, the role of simple entertaining material is determined taking into account the age capabilities of children and the tasks of comprehensive development and education: to intensify mental activity, to interest in mathematical material, to captivate and entertain children, to develop the mind, to expand, deepen mathematical representations, to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills, to exercise in the application them in other activities, a new environment.

Logic-mathematical games are also used to form ideas, to get acquainted with new information. In this case, an indispensable condition is the use of a system of games and exercises. Children are very active in the perception of tasks - jokes, puzzles, logical exercises. They are persistently looking for a course of action that leads to a result. In the case when an entertaining task is available to a child, he develops a positive emotional attitude to it, which stimulates mental activity. The child is interested in the ultimate goal: to add, find the desired figure, transform, which captivates him. Of the variety of mathematical material in preschool age, didactic games are most widely used.

The main purpose of games is to provide children with exercise in distinguishing, highlighting, naming sets of objects, numbers, geometric shapes, directions, etc. In didactic games, it is possible to form new knowledge, introduce children to methods of action. Each of the games solves a specific problem of improvement

mathematical (quantitative, spatial, temporal) representations of children. Logical and mathematical games are included directly in the content of classes as one of the means of implementing program tasks. The place of these games in the structure of the FEMP lesson is determined by the age of the children, the purpose, meaning, content of the lesson,

aimed at performing a specific task of forming representations. In the younger group, especially at the beginning of the year, the entire lesson should be held in the form of a game.

Logical and mathematical games are also appropriate at the end of the lesson in order to reproduce and consolidate what was previously learned. So, in the middle group for FEMP classes, after a series of exercises to consolidate the names, basic properties (the presence of sides, angles) of geometric shapes, the “find and name” game can be used. In the formation of mathematical representations in children, various didactic game exercises that are entertaining in form and content are widely used. They differ from typical tasks and exercises in the unusual setting of the problem (to find, guess, by the unexpectedness of presenting it on behalf of some literary fairy-tale hero (Pinocchio, Cheburashka, Dunno). They are interesting for children, emotionally capture them. And the process of solving, finding an answer , based on interest in the task, is impossible without the active work of thought. This position explains the importance of logical and mathematical games, tasks and exercises in the mental and comprehensive development of children.

Mathematical material children master the ability to search for solutions

on one's own. The educator equips children only with a scheme and direction for the analysis of an entertaining problem, which ultimately leads to a solution. A systematic exercise in solving problems in this way develops mental activity, logical thinking, independence of thought, a creative attitude to learning task, initiative. In kindergarten in the morning and evening, you can play games of mathematical content (verbal and with the use of manuals, desktop - printed, such as "Domino figures", "Make a picture", "Arithmetic dominoes",

"Lotto", "Find a Pair", games of checkers and chess. At proper organization and the guidance of educators, these games help the development of cognitive abilities in children, the formation of interest in actions with numbers, and geometric shapes, quantities, and problem solving. Thus, the mathematical representations of children are improved. But this is not enough to identify and develop

diverse interests and inclinations of preschoolers. Didactic games are organized and directed by the teacher. Children rarely play with them. own will. In kindergarten, it is necessary to create such conditions for the mathematical activity of the child, under which he would show independence in choosing game material, games, based on his developing needs and interests. In the course of the game, which arises on the initiative of the child himself, he joins the complex intellectual work. Entertaining mathematics corner is a specially designated, mathematically equipped with games, manuals and materials, and in a certain way artistically designed place. You can organize it using the usual pieces of children's furniture: a table, a wardrobe, providing children with free access to the materials located there. These same children are given the opportunity to choose the game they are interested in, a manual of mathematical content and play

individually or together with other children, a small subgroup. When organizing a corner of entertaining mathematics, one must proceed from the principle of accessibility of games to children in this moment and place in the corner such games and play materials, the development of which by children is possible at different levels. From mastering the given rules and game actions, they move on to inventing new versions of games. Great options for creativity

are available in the games Tangram, Columbus Egg, Magic Circle, Cubes and Color, Cubes for Everyone, etc. Children can come up with new, more complex silhouettes not only from one, but also from 2 - 3 sets to the game; one and the same silhouette, for example, a fox, is made up of different sets. To stimulate collective games and creative activity of preschoolers, it is necessary to use magnetic boards, flannelgraphs with

sets of figures, counting sticks, albums for sketching the tasks they invented, drawing up figures. Of the variety of puzzles, puzzles with sticks are the most acceptable at the senior preschool age. They are called problems of ingenuity of a geometric nature, since in the course of solving, as a rule, there is a transfiguration, the transformation of one figure into another, and not just a change in their number. At preschool age, the simplest puzzles are used. It is necessary to have sets of ordinary counting sticks in order to compose visual problems from them -

puzzles. In addition, you will need tables with figures graphically depicted on them, which are subject to conversion. On the reverse side The table indicates what transformation needs to be done, and what figure should be the result.

A special place among mathematical entertainment is occupied by games for compiling planar images of objects, animals, birds, houses, ships from special sets of geometric shapes. In this case, the sets of figures are not selected arbitrarily, but are parts of a figure cut in a certain way: a square, a triangle, a circle, an oval. They are interesting for children and adults. Children are fascinated by the result of compiling what they saw on the sample or what they intended, and they are included in active practical activities in selecting the method for arranging the figures in order to create

silhouette. Of the variety of logical and mathematical games and entertainment, the most accessible and interesting at preschool age are riddles, tasks - jokes. In riddles of mathematical content, an object is analyzed from a temporal point of view, from a quantitative or spatial point of view, the simplest mathematical relationships are noticed: Two rings, two ends, and carnations (scissors) in the middle. Four brothers under

one roof live (table). The purpose of riddles and tasks - jokes, entertaining questions is to introduce children to active mental activity, develop the ability to highlight the main properties, mathematical relationships, masked by external non-essential data. They can be used by the educator in the process of conversations, conversations, observations with children of any phenomena, that is, in

when the necessary situation arises. In order to develop the thinking of children, they use different kinds logical tasks and exercises. These are tasks for finding a missing figure, continuing a number of figures, signs, for finding patterns, numbers, matrix-type problems, for finding a figure missing in a series (finding the patterns underlying the choice of this figure), etc., for example, Which of the figures is here redundant and why? What number should be placed in the empty cell? The game is "The Fourth Extra". The purpose of logical tasks and exercises is to activate the mental activity of the children, to revitalize the learning process. Smart games, puzzles, entertaining games are of great interest to children. Children can, without being distracted, practice for a long time in transforming figures, shifting sticks or other objects according to a given pattern, according to their own plan. In such lessons, important qualities personality of the child: independence, observation, resourcefulness, ingenuity, perseverance is developed, constructive skills develop. In the course of solving tasks with ingenuity, puzzles, children learn to plan their actions, think about them, look for an answer, guess about the answer, while showing creativity.

MADOU "LIGHTHOUSE" kindergarten №176 Sverdlovsk region, Nizhny Tagil

Advice for parents

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children

Educator: Nikulnikova R.I.

Mathematics in kindergarten begins with the second junior group, where they begin to carry out special work on the formation of elementary mathematical representations. The further mathematical development of children depends on how successfully the first perception of quantitative relations and spatial forms of real objects is organized. Modern mathematics in substantiating such important concepts as "number", " geometric figure”, etc., is based on set theory. Therefore, the formation of concepts in the school course of mathematics takes place on a set-theoretic basis.

The performance by children in kindergarten of various mathematical operations with object sets allows them to further develop an understanding of quantitative relations in children and form the concept of a natural number. The ability to single out the qualitative features of objects and combine objects into a group based on one common feature for all of them - important condition transition from qualitative observations to quantitative ones.

It is impossible to overestimate the development of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool age. After all, what do they give the child?

Firstly, he develops thinking, which is necessary for further knowledge of the world around him.

Secondly, he learns the spatial relationships between objects, establishes the appropriate connections, gets acquainted with the shape of objects, their size. All this allows the child to develop further logical thinking.

I use and direct the need for the game and the desire to play among preschoolers in order to solve certain educational problems. The game will be a means of education if it is included in a holistic pedagogical process. Leading the game, organizing the life of children in the game, the educator influences all aspects of the development of the child's personality: feelings, consciousness, will and behavior in general.

It is known that in the game the child acquires new knowledge, skills and abilities. Games that contribute to the development of perception, attention, memory, thinking, the development of creative abilities are aimed at the mental development of a preschooler as a whole. Thus, I consider it necessary to use the game as an important tool for educating and educating children. In my opinion, the use of didactic games contributes to better development mathematical and other abilities of children.

The problem of teaching children mathematics in modern life is becoming increasingly important. This is due, first of all, to the rapid development of mathematical science and its penetration into various areas knowledge. In this regard, the content of teaching mathematics in kindergarten is being systematically restructured.

The formation of initial mathematical knowledge and skills in preschool children should be carried out in such a way that training provides not only direct bottom line, but also a wide developmental effect.

The currently used methods of teaching preschoolers do not realize all the possibilities inherent in mathematics. It is possible to resolve this contradiction by introducing new, more effective methods and various forms of teaching children mathematics. One of these forms is teaching children through didactic games.

Children in the game are attracted not by the learning task that is inherent in it, but by the opportunity to be active, perform game actions, achieve results, win. However, if the participant in the game does not master the knowledge, mental operations that are determined by the learning task, he will not be able to successfully perform game actions and achieve results. Consequently, active participation, especially winning in a didactic game, depends on how much the child has mastered the knowledge and skills that are dictated by her teaching task. This encourages children to be attentive, memorize, compare, classify, refine their knowledge. This means that the didactic game will help him learn something in an easy, relaxed way.

This approach significantly changes the methods and techniques of teaching, and requires such classes, where development tasks were solved through the use of a didactic game. It is also relevant, new and requires special development in mathematical education and training.

When adults try to impose mathematical concepts on a child prematurely, he learns them only verbally; real ones can put themselves in the place of their listener. They proceed from their own positions and directly from the moment in which the events described take place. The child does not yet distinguish between what can be taken for granted and what is not.

Thus, it can be said that the preschool child does not have sufficient abilities to connect temporal, spatial and causal sequences with each other and include them in a wider system of relations. It reflects reality at the level of representations, and these connections are assimilated by it as a result of direct perception of things and activities with them. When classifying objects or phenomena are combined on the basis of common features into a class or group.

Classification forces children to think about what underlies the similarities and differences, various things, since he needs to draw a conclusion about them. The basic ideas about persistence, classification and seriation operations form more general scheme in all children approximately between 4 and 7 years of age. They provide the foundation for developing logical sequential thinking.

One of the leading cognitive processes of preschool children is the perception. It performs a number of functions: combines the properties of objects into a holistic image; combines all cognitive processes in joint coordinated work on processing and obtaining information; combines all the experience gained from the surrounding world in the form of representations and images of objects, and forms a complete picture of the world in accordance with the level of development of the child. Perception helps to distinguish one object from another, to distinguish some objects or phenomena from others similar to it. Thus, the development of perception creates the prerequisites for the emergence of all other, more complex cognitive processes, in the system of which it acquires new features.

Children four years actively master counting, use numbers, carry out elementary calculations on a visual basis and orally, master the simplest temporal and spatial relationships, transform objects various forms and magnitudes. The child, without realizing it, is practically included in a simple mathematical activity, while mastering the properties, relationships, connections and dependencies on objects and on a numerical level.

The volume of representations should be considered as the basis of cognitive development. Cognitive and speech skills constitute, as it were, the technology of the process of cognition, a minimum of skills, without mastering which further knowledge of the world and the development of the child will be difficult. The activity of the child, aimed at cognition, is realized in meaningful independent gaming and practical activities, in cognitive developmental games organized by the educator. The adult creates the conditions and environment favorable for involving the child in the activity of comparison, reconstruction, grouping, regrouping, etc. At the same time, the initiative in the development of the game, the actions belong to the child. The educator singles out, analyzes the situation, directs the process of its development, and contributes to obtaining the result.

The child is surrounded by games that develop his thought and introduce him to mental work. For example, games from the series: "Logic cubes", "Corners", "Make a cube" and others; from the series: "Cubes and color", "Fold the pattern", "Cube-chameleon" and others. You can not do without didactic aids. They help the child to isolate the analyzed object, to see it in all its variety of properties, to establish connections and dependencies, to determine elementary relationships, similarities and differences. TO didactic aids, performing similar functions, include Gyenes logical blocks, colored counting sticks (Kuizener sticks), models and others.

Playing and studying with children, the educator contributes developing their skills and abilities

Operate properties, relations of objects, numbers; identify the simplest changes and dependencies of objects in shape, size;

Compare, generalize groups of objects, correlate, isolate patterns of alternation and succession, operate in terms of representations, strive for creativity;

Show initiative in activities, independence in clarifying or setting a goal, in the course of reasoning, in fulfilling and achieving results;

Talk about the action being performed or performed, talk with adults, peers about the content of the game (practical) action.

The main task of the educator- fill everyday life groups with interesting things, problems, ideas, include each child in meaningful activities, promote the realization of children's interests and life activity. By organizing the activities of children, the educator develops in each child the desire to take the initiative, the search for a reasonable and worthy way out of various life situations.

In order for classes to give the expected effect, they must be properly organized. New knowledge is given to children gradually, taking into account what they already know and can do. When determining the amount of work, it is important not to underestimate or overestimate the capabilities of children, since both would inevitably lead to their inaction in the classroom.

Strong assimilation of knowledge is ensured by repeated repetition of the same type of exercises, while the visual material changes, the methods of work vary, since the same actions quickly tire the children.

To maintain activity and prevent fatigue of children allows a change in the nature of their activities.

Teaching children mathematics in our group is visual and effective. The child acquires new knowledge on the basis of direct perception, when he follows the actions of the teacher, listens to his explanations and instructions, and acts with the didactic material himself.

We often start our classes with elements of the game, surprise moments - the unexpected appearance of toys, things, the arrival of "guests", etc. This interests and activates the kids. However, when we first highlight some property and it is important to focus the attention of children on it, game moments skip most of the time. The elucidation of mathematical properties is carried out on the basis of a comparison of objects characterized by either similar or opposite properties (long - short, round - non-round, etc.). Children are taught to consistently identify and compare the homogeneous properties of things. (“What is it? What color? What size?”) Our babies are already able to perform quite complex actions in a certain sequence. Using games, we teach children to transform equality into inequality and vice versa - inequality into equality. Playing such didactic games as: “WHAT NUMBER IS GONE?”, “How much?”, “CONFUSION?”, “CORRECT THE MISTAKE”, “REMOVE THE NUMBERS”, “TELL THE NEIGHBORS”, children learned to freely operate with numbers within 10 and accompany words to your actions. Didactic games such as: “THINK A NUMBER”, “THE NUMBER WHAT YOUR NAME IS”, “WHO WILL BE THE FIRST TO CALL”, “WHICH TOY IS DISAPPEARED?” And I use many others in the classroom, in my free time, in order to develop children's attention, memory, and thinking. The game "COUNT, DO NOT MISTAKE!" helps to assimilate the order of the numbers of the natural series, exercises in direct and backward counting.

However, if the child does not cope with the task, works unproductively, he quickly loses interest in him, gets tired and is distracted from work. With this in mind, we give the children a sample of each new course of action. Seeking to warn possible mistakes, he shows all the methods of work and explains in detail the sequence of actions. At the same time, explanations should be extremely clear, clear, specific, given at a pace accessible to the perception of a small child. difficult ways we demonstrate the actions 2-3 times, drawing the attention of the kids each time to new details. Only the repeated display and naming of the same methods of action in different situations when changing visual material, they allow children to learn them. Young children are much better at absorbing emotionally perceived material. Their memorization is characterized by unintentionality. Therefore, in the classroom we widely use gaming techniques and didactic games.