FAO- Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN - unites about 180 countries of the world, was established on October 16, 1945 (which is why October 16 is celebrated as World Food Day). The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was among the 46 countries participating in this conference, and its representative served as vice-chairman of the Interim Commission on Food and agriculture... But for political reasons, the USSR refused to join FAO (unwillingness to provide statistical information about its agriculture), he participated only in the work of the World Food Council, established in 1974.

The main goals and objectives of FAO's activities are:

  • improving nutrition and raising people's living standards
  • ensuring an increase in the efficiency of production and distribution of food and agricultural products
  • improving the living conditions of the rural population
  • collection, study, processing and dissemination of information on the development of agriculture and food
  • providing technical and methodological assistance to countries in need

A particular priority is to promote sustainable agricultural development, improve food security, while conserving and managing natural resources.

FAO's operational activities to date are carried out under the following main programs:

  1. special food protection program. This program was developed in 1994, it provides not only the quantity of food, but also its stability, availability, helps rural communities in the event of drought, floods, when dangerous pests appear, and contributes to the growth of profits for agricultural producers. Farmers are experiencing better ways to farm, including new technologies, different planting plans, and ways to produce a variety of products. Good practices are summarized and disseminated throughout the country
  2. technical cooperation program - it provides grants for relatively short-term (no more than 2 years), but very effective projects. Through these projects, FAO brings its expertise and knowledge to member countries by mobilizing local resources
  3. funding programs from trust funds - for long-term projects
  4. TeleFood program was launched in 1997 and is sponsored. Includes a series of concerts, sports and other events, the purpose of which is to accumulate funds and channel them towards the fight against hunger
  5. special contingency program. This program allows you to eliminate the consequences of war and natural disasters. Moreover, FAO does not provide food, but seeds, tools of production, promotes the restoration of irrigation systems, the production of technical devices for storing products.

FAO also sets international standards in all areas related to agriculture and food: food additives, farm animal health, rational use of natural resources, various pollutants.

FAO has its own print media, produces and distributes analytical reviews, guides and other information products. FAO's budget in 2003-2004 exceeded $ 650 million.

V recent times our country has entered a phase of active interaction and cooperation with countries of the world and international organizations. Belarus seeks to join the world economy - this is evidenced by its entry into the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), which took place on November 19, 2005. The official application for membership in FAO was made by the Government of the Republic of Belarus on March 25, 2004. At the 127th Session of the FAO Council (November 2004), the dates for the admission of our country to FAO membership were set and the right to participate as an observer in all Council meetings, regional and technical conferences of FAO was given. This decision allowed Belarus to better prepare for full membership in FAO and already at this stage to participate in the FAO technical assistance program. The country's accession to the organization became possible thanks to the ratification of the FAO Constitution by the Belarusian parliament. This removed the last barriers to the official entry into this international agricultural organization.

The benefits to FAO member countries are clear. In particular, Belarus' accession to FAO has a number of positive aspects:

  • firstly, it will allow, on an equal basis with other member countries, to participate in the implementation of the above international programs in agriculture
  • secondly, Belarus will be able to count on substantial financial and technical assistance from the organization. According to preliminary estimates of experts, the volume of technical assistance to the country is expected to be 2-3 times more than the annual contribution of Belarus to the FAO budget of 62 thousand dollars. Aid to our country can reach 120-180 thousand dollars annually. Everything will have a positive effect not only on the development of the Belarusian agricultural sector, but will also help to minimize the consequences of the Chernobyl accident.
  • thirdly, Belarus will receive unhindered access to reliable sources of information on the state and development of agriculture and its branches around the world and issues related to the agricultural sector, which is extremely important for Belarusian researchers, universities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and the media
  • fourthly, the accession of Belarus to FAO will give an opportunity to more clearly form its policy in relation to cooperation with the countries of the European Union, bring domestic agricultural products closer to European standards
  • fifth, membership in FAO will speed up the process of Belarus' accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). We must also not forget about the increase in the importance and competitiveness of domestic agricultural products in the world market.




(Reference Information)


History of creation. Decision on the need to establish an intergovernmental organization for coordination and implementation international solutions and plans of action aimed at solving the food problem at the global, regional and national levels were adopted at the International Conference on Food and Agriculture held in May 1943 in Hot Springs (USA). It was attended by representatives of 44 states, incl. USSR, acting as founders of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations / FAO (short for "FAO" - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). In the spring of 1945, the Interim Commission established at the Conference completed its work on the preparation of the draft FAO Constitution.

Official institution FAO took place on October 16, 1945 at its first Conference in Quebec (Canada) after the Interim Commission received notifications from 20 states on their acceptance of the Constitution of the Organization. This day is celebrated annually as World Food Day.

As of 1 March 2005, FAO has 187 member states and the European Union (EU).

In 1946, an agreement was concluded between FAO and the United Nations, according to which FAO received the status of a UN specialized agency for nutrition, food and agriculture.

FAO's main objectives: improving the quality of nutrition and living standards of people, ensuring increased efficiency in the production and distribution of all food and agricultural products, improving the situation of the rural population and thereby contributing to the growth of the world economy and ridding humankind of hunger and malnutrition.

FAO's main activities. FAO's work contains, in addition to the professional, an important political component, since the agri-food sector of the economy plays important role in the internal and foreign policy each country.

Within its statutory functions and lines of business, FAO performs specifically such work as:

Advising member states in developing effective agricultural policies, including land and other reforms;

Assistance in the development of national legislation on agricultural and other sections of the agro-industrial complex;

Development of effective systems for the use of land, water, forest and fish resources and ensuring environmental protection;

Provision of services for the provision of information and direct transfer of advanced technologies to the Member States;

Creation of the world gene pool of plant and animal genetic resources;

Production international standards quality different types commercial agricultural products used in world trade, taking into account the requirements of the World Trade Organization (WTO);

Helping to improve efficiency plant protection through the development of relevant international standards and regulations, compliance with the requirements International convention plant protection, for which FAO is the depositary;

Development and implementation of measures to combat economically especially dangerous animal diseases (foot and mouth disease, African swine fever, etc.);

Creation for use by the Member States of the Organization automated systems scientific and technical information on agriculture and food;

Creation of a global system of space observation and transmission of information on agro-climatic conditions, crop conditions, biomass, expected yield, as well as soil erosion processes, etc .;

Provision by the FAO Investment Center of services to member states for the preparation and implementation of technical projects at the expense of its own and attracted from outside funds;

Preparation of analytical materials on the state of production and trade in agricultural and other goods in the world and individual countries; collection, synthesis and regular publication of statistical data on this topic;

Prepare and conduct international forums, technical meetings and meetings in all FAO activities in accordance with programs approved by the Conference or the FAO Council (such as the World Food Conference, 1974; World Conference on agrarian reforms, 1978; World Food Summit 1996; World Food Summit: Five Years Later, 2002; regional conferences held on a regular basis and other such events).

FAO engages other intergovernmental and non-governmental agricultural organizations in the implementation of the strategy and regular programs. Among them are crop production and plant protection organizations; on animal husbandry and veterinary medicine; on mechanization and land reclamation of agriculture; for the food and food processing industry; on forestry and woodworking industry; on fisheries; on trade in agro-industrial products, etc. In total, FAO engages over 100 such organizations.

FAO has established and maintains business relations with many international organizations, primarily with such UN specialized agencies as the United Nations World Food Program (WFP), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Children's Fund United Nations (UNICEF), International Labor Organization (ILO), World Trade Organization (WTO), World, Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Bank reconstruction and development (IBRD), International Monetary Fund (IMF). Representatives of international organizations with which FAO has entered into cooperation agreements usually attend as observers at sessions of the Organization's Conference and at meetings of interest and at meetings hosted by FAO.

In the system of international organizations of the UN system, FAO is the leading intergovernmental organization for the implementation of decisions taken the international community in the field of food and agriculture, as well as other sectors of the agro-industrial complex, including solutions for sustainable development, environmental protection, and the development of world trade.

FAO's special programs help Member States prepare for food emergencies, and if such a situation occurs, these programs provide them with special assistance. FAO's Global Information and Early Warning System provides current information on the global food situation and identifies countries at risk of food shortages as a reference point for potential donors. Its food security promotion system aims to help member states, especially developing ones, to build national food reserves.

FAO's activities are carried out in accordance with a long-term strategy and the regular biennial programs of work developed from it.

Organizational structure of FAO. The supreme body of FAO is the Conference of representatives of all member states of the Organization, convened once every two years. The Charter provides for the possibility of convening extraordinary (special) sessions of the Conference.

The Conference determines the general policy of the Organization, approves its program and budget for the next biennium; adopts the rules of procedure and financial regulations; provides advice on food and agriculture for their practical use; can make recommendations to any international organization on any matter within the competence of FAO.

In addition to the Member States, the session of the Conference may be attended by associate members (without a casting vote); it may be attended by observers from non-member states of the Organization, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.

Substantive issues and policies of the Organization in the field of food and agriculture, as well as those related to the program and budget of FAO, are considered in two commissions established for the period of the session of the Conference - in Commission I and Commission II, respectively. All other matters (including procedural, legal and administrative) are dealt with in the plenary sessions of the Conference, at which, during the general debate, delegations present their countries' positions on food and agricultural issues.

In addition, three subsidiary bodies are established for the duration of the session of the Conference - the General Committee, the Credentials Committee and the Resolutions Committee.

In the period between sessions of the Conference, the governing body of the Organization is the Council, composed of 49 member states, elected by the Conference for a term of three years. At the same time, the composition of the Council is annually renewed by one third. Council sessions are held as often as it deems necessary. As a rule, they meet twice a year. The independent Chairman of the Council is appointed by the Conference for a term of two years.

According to the Constitution, FAO has working bodies in the form of commissions, committees, working groups, etc., which are formed from representatives of Member States in accordance with the procedures, terms of reference and duration approved for them by the Conference or the FAO Council. Expert and technical support for the work of these bodies is provided by the relevant units of the FAO Secretariat.

At its first session after the Conference, the Council shall elect a Program Committee. Finance Committee and Committee on Constitutional and legal issues, all members of which are elected to the listed committees for a period of two years.

In addition to them, the Council also has permanent open-ended committees, in which any member state of the Organization can take part. These include: Committee on Marketable Products, Committee on Fisheries, Committee on Forests, Committee on Agriculture and Committee on World Food Security (CFS).

To ensure the current activities of the Organization, the Conference elects for a period of 6 years (with the right to re-election) the Director General of FAO, accountable to the Conference and the Council. From 1994 to the present, this is Jacques Diouf (Senegal), whose term of office expires on December 31, 2005 (in 2000 he was re-elected for a second term). General manager is headed by the FAO Secretariat, which consists of 8 departments.

The Department of Agriculture consists of the Crop and Plant Protection Division, the Land and Water Development Division, the Livestock and Veterinary Division, the joint FAO / IAEA Division on Nuclear Technology in Agriculture and Food (located in Vienna, Austria), the Agriculture Support Division farms (issues of economics, financing, mechanization of production, post-harvest processing of crops, marketing, etc.).

The Forestry Department consists of the Forestry Policy and Planning Division, the Division forest resources, The Forest Products Division, as well as the Forest Program Coordination Division and the Information and Liaison Office.

The Fisheries Department consists of the Fisheries Policy and Planning Division with the International Agencies and Liaison Service and the Development Planning Service; Fisheries Division with Resource Service during inland waters and Aquaculture and the Marine Fisheries Service; Fish Industry Division with Technology, Fisheries Service and Fish Utilization and Marketing Service; as well as the Information, Documentation and Statistics Offices and the Program Coordination Office.

The Department of Economics and Social Affairs consists of the Agricultural and Economic Development Analysis Division; Department of Marketable Products and Trade; The Food and Nutrition Division and the Statistics Division. The Department provides assistance to FAO Member States in the development of policies, strategies and guidelines for its assigned issues; provides advisory and technical services; collects, analyzes and disseminates information within its competence.

The Department of Sustainable Development consists of the Rural Development Division with the Land Lease Service and the Rural Institutions Service and participation in them; The Research, Advocacy and Training Division with the Advocacy, Education and Communication Service, Science and Technology Development Service, Natural Resources and Environment Service and the secretariat of the Technical Advisory Committee of the Joint Agricultural Research Group; The Population and Gender Division with the Population and Development Service and the Gender and Development Service.

The Department is called upon to contribute to the sustainable development of agriculture and other sectors of the agro-industrial complex, as well as rural areas of the Organization's member states, including issues rational use natural resources and environmental protection.

The Technical Cooperation Department consists of the FAO Policy Support Division with Field Program Development Service, Technical Assistance Policy Coordination Service and Agricultural Policy Support Service; The Emergency Operations and Recovery Division; The Field Operations Division and the Investment Division (includes the Investment Center established in 1964).

The Department of Administration and Finance consists of the Finance Division, the Human Resources Management Division, the Information Systems and Technology Division and the Administrative Services Division.

The Department of General Affairs and Information consists of the Section for Conference and Council Services and Protocol Affairs, the Section for Information and the Section for Documentation and Library Affairs.

FAO staff. 1994 - 2002 FAO has implemented a decentralization program for the Organization. Over 1,330 different posts have been transferred to the field (mainly to FAO Member States). At the same time, the size of the FAO Secretariat was reduced by 30% from 5561 people. in 1994 to 3950 in 2002 (-1611 people).

As of January 1, 2005, the staff of the FAO Secretariat totaled over 3450 people, incl. over 1,450 professional staff and 2,000 general service staff. Work on further reform and restructuring of the FAO Secretariat continues.

Regional offices and a liaison office. FAO has offices in over 100 countries, as well as the following regional and sub-regional offices:

The Regional Office for Africa (Accra, Ghana) and the Subregional Office for South and East Africa (Harare, Zimbabwe);

The Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Bangkok, Thailand) and the Subregional Office for the Pacific Islands (Apia, Samoa);

Regional Office for Europe (Rome, Italy) and Sub-Regional Office for Eastern and Central Europe (Budapest, Hungary);

The Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (Santiago, Chile) and the Subregional Office for the Caribbean (Bridgetown, Barbados);

Regional Office for the Middle East (Cairo, Egypt) and Subregional Office for North Africa. (Tunisia, Tunisia).

In addition, FAO maintains a liaison office in Brussels, Belgium; Washington, USA; Geneva, Switzerland; Yokohama, Japan and New York, USA.

In many states formed national committees FAO.

Sources of financing. FAO's program activities are financed both from its own budget and from funds raised by the Organization from external sources(voluntary contributions from Member States and other international organizations). The revenue side of FAO's own budget consists of the annual membership fees of the Organization's Member States. FAO Budget 2004-2005 approved at $ 749.1 million.

Official and working languages. FAO's official and working languages ​​are Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish.

FAO publications.FAO publications are numerous and varied, from small popular brochures to extensive specialized studies and monographs, yearbooks of all kinds, quarterly and monthly bulletins, journals, meeting papers, etc.

Since 1947, FAO has published the Food and Agriculture Situation Reviews annually. The “Statistical Yearbook on Food and Agriculture” contains a large amount of factual material. This edition consists of two volumes: the first provides data on world production of major agricultural products, the second is devoted to an overview of world trade in agricultural products. In addition, FAO publishes a quarterly magazine Food and Agriculture Legislation, which publishes legislative texts. different states on food and agriculture, and the Monthly Bulletin on Economics and Agricultural Statistics, which, in addition to statistics, contains articles on the situation in agriculture and notes on selected groups of agricultural commodities.

FAO publishes a two-part Forest Products Yearbook, which analyzes the state of the forest products production and market and provides detailed statistics on production and trade in the main forest industries. In addition, FAO publishes a quarterly forestry and forestry magazine, Unasilva. The FAO Plant Protection Bulletin is published annually.

FAO publishes the Fisheries Statistical Yearbook, which is also issued in two volumes: the first contains statistics on fish catch, production and distribution of fish products; the second - data on the import and export of fish products. In addition to the yearbook, the FAO Fisheries Newsletter is published quarterly.

FAO headquarters is located in Rome (Italy) since 1951. Prior to that, it was located in Washington (USA). Postal address: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Vialle delle Terme di Caracalla, 1 - 00100 - Roma - Italia. Phone: (39 06) 570 512. Fax: (39 06) 570 531 52.

FAO has its own website (www.fao.org).

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Today we invite you to talk a little about agriculture, which is so necessary for us. Our main task is to decipher FAO, a description of this organization, its activities. To be clear, the organization acts as a forum. At this event, countries can agree on solutions related to the topic of food security. Please note that representatives from developed and developing countries can participate equally in this forum.

So what is FAO? The abbreviation stands for the following: UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Why, then, is the abbreviation FAO? The thing is that the organization belongs to the UN, therefore, the language is English. On this language it sounds like this: Food and agriculture organization, or simply FAO.


Organization FAO (the abbreviation was given earlier) has a long history of creation. We invite you to briefly get to know her in the dates.

Hot Springs, a congress of forty-six countries, discussion of the issue of food security.

Establishment of FAO, adoption of the statutes of the organization. Headquarters - Washington.

Office move to Rome.

Campaign "A world free of hunger".

Establishment of the Commission for Compliance with Food Standards.

Conclusion of agreements with 56 countries and approval of delegates.

10.16.1981 year

Food Day.

Database start.

A conference where global problems with food, drinking water and unsanitary living conditions were discussed.

Food supply program for countries in need.

Fisheries Code.

Forum (over 150 countries) on food scarcity.

Convention for the Control of Trade in Hazardous Substances.

Developing measures to eliminate hunger in Africa.

The year of rice.

Creation of an anti-crisis center.

Help for the people of Pakistan.

Rome Declaration (Availability, Quality and Safety of Products for All People).

Organization tasks

The tasks of the organization are very difficult, but they are no less important for the successful and healthy life each of us. The main ones are:

  • poverty reduction;
  • elimination of hunger;
  • helping countries develop agriculture, forestry and fisheries;
  • informing citizens about poverty and hunger.

In what ways does FAO achieve its objectives? Of course, they develop agriculture, thereby improving nutrition. In principle, the problem of food security is being solved in the same way. As noted earlier, the organization not only develops these areas, but also monitors the quality of the products used. This is all carried out by this association (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO transcript). Corn and other crops are subject to classification. If we take corn, for example, then all existing varieties have an FAO number between 100 and 999.


FAO (the abbreviation for the organization has already been given repeatedly) develops programs that not only warn countries of possible food crises, but also provide the necessary assistance. These programs and projects raise about two billion dollars every year. Please note that these are all voluntary donations for agricultural development.

Once every two years, a Conference is convened, where a Council (forty-nine members of the organization) is elected, which is the governing body. Highly an important event happened at a similar conference in 1979, after which for the first time people were able to celebrate World Food Day.

Organization structure

FAO (stands for Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) is structured as follows:

General manager

This unit also consists of several: UN Coordination Unit, Office, Legal Affairs Unit, Budget Management and Evaluation.

Department of Agriculture

Livestock, veterinary medicine, nuclear techniques, nutrition department, consumer protection, crop production, plant protection, agro-industry.

Development Department

Agricultural economics, departments of statistics, trade, markets, rural employment.

Fisheries Department

Politics, economics, fisheries management.

Forestry department

Politics, economics, forest management.

Information and communication

IT department, communication department.

Environmental protection

Climate, bioenergy, land and water departments.

Department of Technical Cooperation

Departments: Emergency Situations, Policy Development.

Resources Department (Human, Financial and Physical)

Departments: Financial, Administrative Services, Human Resources Management.

Priority directions

The main activity is forestry, water and agriculture. FAO, the transcript of which was already given earlier, has chosen the following main areas of activity:

  • fighting hunger;
  • increasing the sustainability of agriculture;
  • elimination of poverty;
  • prevention and assistance in case of natural disasters.

Conservation of resources

Another activity is the conservation of the biological diversity of animals and plants, which people use for their own purposes. FAO (stands for Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) believes that this is the most biological diversity is the first condition for food production.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - the United Nations specialized agency for nutrition, food and agriculture

The organization was founded at a conference in Quebec on October 16, 1945. FAO acts as the lead agency for rural development and agricultural production in the UN system. The organization's motto is “helping to build a world without hunger”. FAO is headquartered in Rome, Italy

As of 15 June 2013, FAO has 197 Members: 194 Member States, 1 Member Organization (European Union) and 2 Associate Members (Faroe Islands and Tokelau)

FAO works to alleviate global poverty and hunger by promoting agricultural development, improving nutrition and addressing food security - ensuring that everyone has access to the nutrition they need to live an active and healthy life. FAO acts as a neutral forum as well as a source of knowledge and information. Helps developing countries and countries in transition to modernize and improve agriculture, forestry and fisheries

FAO's special programs help countries prepare for possible food crises and provide assistance where necessary. On average, FAO implements approximately 1,800 local events simultaneously

FAO-assisted projects attract more than $ 2 billion annually in donations from institutions and governments for rural and agricultural development. FAO Budget 1998-1999 amounted to 650 million dollars

FAO is chaired by the Conference of the Member States, which is convened every two years. The Conference elects a 49-member Council to act as a governing body between sessions of the Conference. In 1979, the Conference established World Food Day, further supported by the UN. This day is celebrated on October 16 - the day of the founding of FAO

FAO provides agricultural statistics and access to its database. To get a CD-ROM with statistics and access to the database, you need to pay 1200 US dollars. FAO's statistics website says funds are needed to improve reporting mechanisms

FAO's main objectives: improving the quality of nutrition and living standards of people, ensuring increased efficiency in the production and distribution of all food and agricultural products, improving the situation of the rural population and thereby contributing to the growth of the world economy and ridding humankind of hunger and malnutrition.

Main goals:

contributing to the fight against hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition:

contributing to efforts to end hunger in the world by promoting strategies and political commitment to support food security and by ensuring the availability and accessibility of latest information the challenges of hunger and nutrition and options for addressing the challenges posed in this regard;

increasing agricultural productivity and resilience: promoting proven strategies and practices to support highly productive agricultural systems, while ensuring that the natural resource base is not undermined;

Rural Poverty Reduction: Promote efforts to ensure access to resources and services for the rural poor, including through rural employment and social protection systems, as they need to find a way out of poverty;

making agricultural and food systems inclusive and efficient: promoting safe and efficient food systems that support smallholders and reduce rural poverty and hunger;

increasing the resilience of livelihoods to natural disasters: contributing to countries' efforts to prepare for natural disasters and man-made disasters by reducing their risks and making their food and agricultural systems more resilient

FAO's main focus areas are:

FAO's activities contain, in addition to the professional, an important political component, since the agri-food sector of the economy plays an important role in the domestic and foreign policy of each country

Within its statutory functions and lines of business, FAO performs specifically such work as:

- advising member states in the development of an effective agricultural policy, including land and other reforms;

- assistance in the development of national legislation on agricultural and other sections of the agro-industrial complex;

- development of effective systems for the use of land, water, forest and fish resources and ensuring environmental protection;

- provision of services for the provision of information and direct transfer of advanced technologies to the Member States;

- creation of a world gene pool of plant and animal genetic resources;

- development of international quality standards for various types of agricultural products used in world trade, taking into account the requirements of the World Trade Organization (WTO);

- assistance in improving the efficiency of plant protection through the development of relevant international standards and rules, compliance with the requirements of the International Plant Protection Convention, which FAO is the depositary;

- development and implementation of measures to combat economically especially dangerous animal diseases (foot and mouth disease, African swine fever, etc.);

- creation of automated systems of scientific and technical information on agriculture and food for use by the member states of the Organization;

- creation of a global system of space observation and transmission of information on agro-climatic conditions, crop conditions, biomass, expected yield, as well as soil erosion processes, etc .;

- provision by the FAO Investment Center of services to member states for the preparation and implementation of technical projects at the expense of its own and attracted from outside funds;

- preparation of analytical materials on the state of production and trade in agricultural and other goods in the world and in individual countries; collection, synthesis and regular publication of statistical data on this topic;

- preparation and holding of international forums, technical meetings and meetings in all areas of FAO's activities in accordance with programs approved by the Conference or the FAO Council

In the system of international organizations of the UN system, FAO is the leading intergovernmental organization for the implementation of decisions taken by the international community in the field of food and agriculture, as well as other sectors of the agro-industrial complex, including decisions on sustainable development, environmental protection, and the development of world trade.

FAO's special programs help Member States prepare for food emergencies, and if such a situation occurs, these programs provide them with special assistance. FAO's Global Information and Early Warning System provides current information on the global food situation and identifies countries at risk of food shortages as a reference point for potential donors

Its food security promotion system aims to help member states, especially developing ones, to build national food reserves.

FAO's work is carried out in accordance with a long-term strategy and its regular biennial programs of work.

Sources of financing.

Program activities FAO is financed both from its own budget and from funds raised by the Organization from external sources (voluntary contributions from Member States and other international organizations)

The revenue side of FAO's own budget consists of the annual membership fees of the Organization's Member States. FAO Budget 2008-2009 approved in the amount of USD 929.8 million

Official and working languages

FAO's official languages ​​are Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Russian

The highest governing body is the Conference of the Member States, convened every two years to consider global political issues and international frameworks, as well as to summarize and approve the budget for the next two years

For the general direction of the program and budgetary activities of the organization, the conference participants elect a Council, consisting of 49 members and acting as a governing body between sessions of the Conference.

The Conference participants also elect the Director General for a term of four years, with the right of one re-election. FAO's Director-General leads the Office of Legal Affairs, the Office of Coordination and Decentralization and the Office of Program, Budget and Evaluation

In addition to these subdivisions, the General Directorate includes eight sectoral Departments: Agriculture and Consumer Protection; economic and social development; fisheries and fish farming; forestry; information and communication; natural resource management and environmental protection; technical cooperation; human, financial and physical resources

According to the Constitution, FAO has working bodies in the form of commissions, committees, working groups, etc., which are formed from representatives of Member States in accordance with the procedures, terms of reference and duration approved for them by the Conference or the FAO Council. Expertise and technical support for the work of these bodies is provided by the relevant units of the FAO Secretariat.

At its first session after the Conference, the Council shall elect a Program Committee. The Finance Committee and the Constitutional and Legal Affairs Committee, all of whose members are elected to the above committees for a term of two years. In addition to them, the Council also has permanent open-ended committees, in which any member state of the Organization can take part. These include: Committee on Marketable Products, Committee on Fisheries, Committee on Forests, Committee on Agriculture and Committee on World Food Security (CFS)

Director General leads the FAO Secretariat

FAO representatives work in more than 130 countries around the world. Currently, the staff of the FAO Secretariat has about 3 thousand. people

FAO's Decentralized Offices form a network of five regional, eleven sub-regional offices, two multidisciplinary teams of specialists, 74 country offices (excluding those located in regional and sub-regional offices), eight offices with technical experts or FAO representatives, and a representative office with multiple accreditation in 36 countries

In addition, FAO has five liaison offices and four information offices in developed countries... Regional offices and liaison offices. FAO has the following regional and sub-regional offices:

- Regional Office for Africa (Accra, Ghana) and Subregional Office for South and East Africa (Harare, Zimbabwe);

- Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Bangkok, Thailand) and Subregional Office for the Pacific Islands (Apia, Samoa);

- Regional Office for Europe (Budapest, Hungary) and Sub-Regional Office for Countries Central Asia(Ankara, Turkey);

- Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (Santiago, Chile) and Subregional Office for the Caribbean (Bridgetown, Barbados);

- Regional Office for the Middle East (Cairo, Egypt) and Subregional Office for North Africa (Tunisia, Tunisia)

In addition, FAO maintains liaison offices in Brussels, Belgium; Washington, USA; Geneva, Switzerland; Yokohama, Japan and New York, USA. FAO National Committees have been established in many countries. The list of branches and committees by countries of the world can be found on the website of the organization

Address: Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Roma, Italia

Phone: (8-10-39-06) 570-5, 570 512; Fax: (8-10-39-06) 570-53152

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.fao.org; http://www.fao.org/home/ru/

Media inquiries

Phone: (+39) 06 570 53625 $ Fax: (+39) 06 5705 3729

Email: [email protected]

Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to FAO and others international organizations in Rome, Italy

Address: Via Gaeta, 5, 00185, Roma, Italia

Phone: (8-10-39-06) 494-1680; Fax: (8-10-39-06) 494-1031

Portal " reference Information FAO by Countries of the World "provides access to the following thematic information systems and supplements them

FAO information sources

AQUASTAT. Background information by country
The information system AQUASTAT contains a description of the state of water resources and the state of affairs in the field of agricultural water use in a particular country. Special attention is given to sub-sectors such as water resources, irrigation and drainage

FAO Office Information Network (COIN)
COIN software product allows you to manage big amount a variety of information about FAO's decentralized offices that can be accessed on the Internet by users around the world

Background information on the state of pasture and forage resources of the countries of the world
Provides an overview of general, topographic, climatic and agroecological information. Particular attention is paid to livestock production systems and grazing and forage resources. Contains information on key institutions and specialists, topics of their current research, as well as selected links

Information System for National Statistics on Food and Agriculture (CountrySTAT)
CountrySTAT database contains statistics on agricultural production, prices, trade and consumption at national and subnational levels

FAO Corporate Document Repository
The FAO Corporate Document Repository contains FAO documents and publications, as well as selected publications of other organizations in electronic format. This allows users to easily extract FAO's knowledge and content from the Internet.

FAO-GeoNetwork Information System
FAO-GeoNetwork is a web-based geographic data and information management system. It provides quick access to catalogs of geographic and geospatial information at local and distributed scales, as well as data, graphics and downloads. The FAO-GeoNetwork system contains about 5000 standard geographic map metadata records in electronic and paper media, most of which are maps of the world, continents and individual countries of the world

FAO's work in emergencies
FAO's Emergency Response provides information on preparatory activities and FAO's response to threats to agriculture and emergencies in different countries of the world

FAO projects in selected countries
Contains data from the Field Program Management Information System (FPMIS). Content developed by FAO's Technical Cooperation Department

FAOSTAT provides a dynamic picture and cross-sectoral data on food and agriculture in around 200 countries

FAOSTAT. Country background
FAOSTAT contains time series and cross-sectoral data on hunger, food and agriculture

FAOSTAT. Agricultural Gas Emissions Database

FAOSTAT. Land Use Emissions Database
Contains country information on greenhouse gas emissions based on FAOSTAT data and Tier 1 calculations in accordance with the 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories

FAOLEX database
Comprehensive computerized state-of-the-art regulatory database, one of the largest electronic collections of national laws and regulations on food, agriculture and renewable natural resources

FAO terminology. Country names
The FAOTERM Terminology Database has been developed to standardize and harmonize terminology used in FAO documents and publications. The COUNTRY NAMES database is intended to facilitate the validation and consistent use of country names across the world across FAO. The database allows you to download lists and databases of countries around the world, taking into account user requests

Background information on the state of fisheries in the countries of the world
The Department of Fisheries compiles and publishes Background Information on the State of Fisheries in the World. It provides an analysis of fisheries activities and trends in fisheries and aquaculture in selected countries.

Background information on the state of forestry in the countries of the world
Contains detailed information about forests and forestry, forest cover (type, area, change), forest management, politics, products, trade, etc. A total of about 30 pages for each country in the world

Gender and Land Rights Database
Provides information on social, economic, political and cultural issues related to gender inequality manifested in land law

Global Food and Agriculture Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS)

References by countries of the world

References provide the latest information on the food security situation of developing countries

Livestock sector quick reference materials
The purpose of this publication is to provide short review livestock production in selected countries of the world. Contains tables, maps and charts

Technology for Agriculture (TECA)
"Technology for Agriculture" is a platform of practical information on agricultural technologies and practices designed to help small-scale growers on the ground.

Global Nutrition Fact Sheet
Provides a brief analytical overview of the food and nutrition situation in selected countries

Information sources for FAO partners
AgriFeeds program
AgriFeeds allows users to search and sort news and events across multiple agricultural information sources at the same time. Here you can quickly find the latest agricultural news and information on upcoming events.

Information sources of other organizations

Country Backgrounds and International Human Development Indicators
Human Development Report Office
United Nations Development Program

Earthtrends Database, World Resources Institute
EarthTrends is a comprehensive online database, updated by the World Resources Institute, covering global environmental, social and economic trends. Country Fact Sheets EarthTrends provides environmental information on key parameters in various thematic areas.

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
IFPRI developed and implemented the Global Hunger Index.
Background on Rural Poverty Levels of the World
Published by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

The World Bank
The World Bank provides open and free access to a comprehensive dataset of the world's developing countries

Website: http://www.fao.org/countryprofiles/data-sources/ru/

2016-07-23T20: 10: 56 + 00: 00 konsulmir UN Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - the United Nations specialized agency for nutrition, food and agriculture The organization was founded at a conference in Quebec on October 16, 1945 FAO acts as the lead agency dealing with ...konsulmir [email protected] Administrator

What is FAO: decoding, explanation The question of the early maturity of a hybrid is of paramount importance, the indices of the International Organization for Food and Agriculture at the UN help to understand it. In other words, it is FAO's benchmark. The organization took 9 known hybrids and varieties that differed in biological development or early maturity. They are listed as a standard in one of five groups of biological development. So, the early maturing group according to the classifier of the International Organization - these are indices up to FAO 199, medium early hybrids are numbered from FAO 200 to FAO 299. Mid-season varieties are assigned numbers from FAO 300 to FAO 399. Mid-season - FAO 400-499 and the late-maturing group includes from FAO 500 and above. The standard hybrid belonging to the first group, which has 20% moisture at the time of harvest, is given the FAO number 160. The hybrid of the second group with a moisture content of 25% received the FAO number 240. Therefore, when breeding a new seed with a moisture content of 22%, the corn variety should be assigned the FAO value of 190. This is achieved by the following calculations: The calculation is based on not only the percentage of grain moisture - an important indicator of its quality, but also: the moisture content of the whole plant;
dates of wax ripeness, etc.
Therefore, the lower the number in the FAO decoding index scale, the faster the hybrid is. Where and what is FAO used for? The FAO index is used to assess early maturity and compare cereal hybrids by groups of a given biological indicator. The entire global crop assortment is distributed by FAO numbers in the range 100-999. Units correspond to average temperatures. Its main area of ​​application is agronomy, plant breeding. FAO classification of maize hybrids The classification of the International Food and Agriculture Organization looks like this: FAO ripeness group Vegetation period, full ripeness (days) Sum of temperatures
average daily effective
Early maturing varieties 100-200 90-100 2200 800-900
Medium early varieties 201-300 100-115 2400 1100
Mid-season varieties 301-400 115-120 2600 1170
Medium late varieties 401-500 120-130 2800 1210
Late-ripening varieties 501-600 130-140 3000 1250-1300
Gained great popularity in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus: FAO 280 is a mid-early hybrid with a tooth-like grain type, highly resistant to lodging, tolerant to major diseases. At the beginning of its development, the seed material formed a large ear with a thin core, quickly gave up moisture, which was reflected in high yield rates; plant density at the time of harvest reaches 80 thousand / ha;
FAO 330 is a mid-season variety with high adaptability to various technologies cultivation and agro-climatic conditions, high tolerance to drought and heat, demonstrated high yield potential, good moisture yield, strong root system. It is adapted to early sowing and is highly responsive to a good agricultural background. 65 thousand / ha - the density of the corn for harvesting.