
on the topic "BIRDS" "Preparatory" group

(short)2017 academic year

Educator: Mayer N.V.

Project type:cognitive - research - creative.

Duration: short (from 10/16/2017 to 10/20/2017)

Members: children of the preparatory group , educator.

Relevance: The theme of the project “Birds are our friends” was not chosen by chance. After all, it is the birds that surround us all year round bringing people benefit and joy. In the cold season, wintering birds face vital questions: how to feed themselves, because the available food becomes much less, but the need for it increases. Sometimes natural food becomes practically unavailable, so many birds cannot survive the winter and die. IN joint work with parents, we should gradually raise the child's environmental awareness, stimulating his interest in helping feathered friends, thereby awakening the child's feelings. It is very important for a child to be able to evaluate human behavior in nature, to express his opinion on this problem, and we, adults, must teach pupils to see this, replenishing their ideas about wintering birds, their habits and lifestyle, and create conditions for the child to communicate with the natural world.

Target : expand children's knowledge about birds native land, their lifestyle, and behavior, as well as to cultivate a caring attitude towards feathered friends.

Tasks: to consolidate children's knowledge about the importance of birds in people's lives;

    · to observe the birds of our region;

    · develop cognitive interest and curiosity in the process of observing the habits of birds;

    · clarify and systematize children's ideas about wintering and migratory birds;

    · to develop coherent speech of children, to generalize and clarify the vocabulary of children on the topic;

    · cause a desire to help winged friends in winter time of the year;

    · to cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards birds;

    · Develop creativity: teach children to draw,

    · sculpt, design birds from components using various materials

Expected result:

    · Children learning about birds.

    · The development of curiosity in children creativity, cognitive activity, communication skills.

    · The development of an active, independent, creative personality in children.

    · Develop the ability to draw conclusions by establishing causal relationships between objects of nature.

    · Involving parents in joint activities with children and teachers.

    · Improving the subject-developing environment on the topic of the project

Preparatory stage:

Teacher actions:

a) preparation of reference literature on the topic;

b) selection of literary material (poems, stories);

Children's actions:

b) looking at pictures of birds.

Main stage:

Teacher actions:

A) Reading fiction:

B) Birdwatching in the kindergarten area;

To fix the structure of birds and the signs that distinguish birds from each other;

C) A conversation about the benefits of birds

D) D / games

Children's actions:

a) participation in an exhibition of children's works;

Final stage:

Teacher actions:

- exhibition of drawings.

Plan of work with children for the implementation of the project


Educational areas

Forms of work with children

cognitive development

The world:

" About whom the rook will tell"


Consolidate children's knowledge about home and wild birds, as well as migratory and wintering. Repeat parts of the bird's body. Give an idea about the habitats of certain birds.


For birds in the kindergarten


"In the swamp"

Goal: Learn to decide simple tasks, answer in full. Find greater and lesser value. Learn to correlate the number with the number of objects.

D \ I "How a duckling grows"

Cognitive research

"Where does the duckling live"


Learn to solve riddles logical thinking, interest in experimentation, replenish vocabulary.

Experiment: How does a chicken egg hold up in salt water.

Speech development

"Tales about birds"

Goal: Learn to reproduce dialogues actors, learn to answer with a full answer, learn to determine the place of sound in a word.

D / I "Collect an egg"

Examining illustrations about birds.


Reading fiction:

“Foundling”, “Whose nose is better”, “Guests” M. Prishvin, “Sparrows”, “Seagulls”.

Social - communicative


Board - printed games:

"Collect the Egg", "Pick Up the Paws"

Labor activity:


What are the benefits of birds?

Like a cuckoo laying eggs.

OBJ conversation:

How to identify a spoiled egg and whether it can be eaten.

Artistic and aesthetic development



Learn how to place an image on a piece of paper. Learn to apply strokes in the form of feathers. Fix color names. Repeat geometric shapes.



Develop imagination and fantasy. Fix the names of the body parts of the bird. Learn to place an image on a sheet. Develop fine motor skills.

P \ I "Migratory and wintering"

Independent artistic activity

Modeling from plasticine.


Activities for parents:

Drawing together with the parents of the birds of our forest.

Product project activities:

book making Birds of our forest.

Duration: three weeks (short)

Type: creative - cognitive

Educational area: "Cognitive Development" , "Artistic and aesthetic development" , "Physical development" .

Participants: educators, parents, children of the younger group.

Relevance: while walking on the site of the kindergarten, while watching birds, the children discovered that birds in winter cannot get food from the ground, from under the bark of trees (seeds, worms, etc.). They began to ask questions - how to help them? What will they eat in winter?

In addition to these questions, they had new ones: How did the bird appear? What birds live in our city?

In this regard, we decided to create a project in the group Birds are our friends!!! to show and tell kids a lot about birds, including how to help the birds during the winter season.

Objective of the project:

Deepen children's knowledge about the birds that live in our city; bird life in winter.

Project objectives:

  • expand your understanding of birds
  • consolidate knowledge of bird habits
  • learn to distinguish them by their appearance
  • raise motor activity on a walk
  • develop observation, imagination, creativity
  • cultivate love and respect for the environment
  • enrich parent-child relationships with the experience of joint activities
  • to create a partner, emotionally favorable atmosphere
  • involve parents of pupils in the pedagogical process.

Project products:

  • production of feeders together with parents and children, educators
  • baby book exhibition "Birds" , Birds are our friends!!!
  • exhibition "Each Bird Feeder" - landscaping with parents
  • poster making "Birds surrounding us!" .

Expected Result:

  • formation of knowledge about birds, their habits, distinctive features
  • to form knowledge about which birds most often fly to the feeder, what they need to be fed
  • formation of knowledge about what birds live in our city
  • implementation of partnerships in accordance with GEF
  • creation of an exhibition of mini-books "Birds" , "Birds are our friends!"
  • cause joy from walking and observing birds, participating in their care.

Project stages:

  1. Preparatory - reading, looking plot pictures, observation, coloring pictures of the birds of our city, outdoor games.
  2. Practical - making feeders, preparing food for birds; baby book making "Birds" , Birds are our friends! , creating a poster "Birds surrounding us!"
  3. Final - design of an exhibition of books - babies and a site (hanging feeders, together with parents)

Project results:

  • Expanded understanding of birds
  • Made bird feeders
  • Created an interesting exhibition of books - babies "Birds" , Birds are our friends!
  • Created a poster "Birds surrounding us!"
  • Together with the parents, they worked on the design of the site.

Project implementation.

STAGE 1 (5. 02. – 9.02.) - PREPARATION

  • Talk to children about birds.
  • Consideration of plot pictures on a topic "Birds" .
  • Coloring pictures - the birds of our city.
  • Reading the work of L. Tolstoy "The bird has made a nest..." , poems by A. Maikov "The swallow rushed ..." , S. Marshak "Where the sparrow dined ..."
  • Bird watching on a walk. Conversation about characteristics appearance of birds.
  • mobile game "Doves-Sparrows" , "Sparrows and a cat" , "Sparrows and the Car"

STAGE 2 (12. 02. - 20. 02.) - PRACTICAL

  • Making feeders with parents and children, preparing bird food
  • Making baby books "Birds" , Birds are our friends! with the help of parents
  • Create a poster "Birds surrounding us!" together educators, parents, children.

STAGE 3 (21. 02. - 22. 02.) – FINAL

  • Designing an exhibition of baby books
  • Site design (hanging feeders, together with parents and children)
  • poster exhibition "Birds surrounding us!"

Project type: information and creative.

Project type: group.

Duration: short.

Age of participating children: 5-6 years.

Members: teacher, children and parents of the group.


In the cold season, it is vital for wintering birds to feed themselves. Available food is becoming much less, but the need for it is increasing. Sometimes natural food becomes practically unavailable, so many birds cannot survive the winter and die.

After conducting a diagnostic conversation, inviting the children demo material(cards depicting wintering birds), it was possible to establish that out of 22 pupils surveyed, less than half of the group (10 children) recognized and correctly named almost all the birds presented, every third (8 children) was able to recognize and confidently name 6 birds, and every eighth ( 4 children) could remember and name only 4 birds. It follows that children have little experience of bird watching in nature. Most of the children surveyed do not have the skills to help birds in winter.

Target: expansion and enrichment of knowledge about wintering birds.


1. To consolidate the knowledge of children about wintering birds, about the role of man in the life of wintering birds.

2. Replenish the group's developing environment with materials and equipment related to the project topic.

3. Raise the desire to help birds in difficult times for them.

Preparatory stage

- Determining the level of knowledge of children about wintering birds.

- Survey of parents.

— Definition of the project theme, tasks, strategies and mechanisms.

- Selection of the necessary literature on the topic.

Main stage.

Interaction with children.

1 Week.

Task: to consolidate the knowledge of children about wintering birds, about the role of man in the life of wintering birds.

Monday - conversation "What do you know about birds?"

Tuesday - didactic games "Birds on feeders", "What kind of birds you will not see in winter".

Purpose. To clarify the knowledge of children about the characteristics of the habitat of wintering birds (what they eat).

Rice. 1. Wintering birds.

Reading fiction: V. Zvyagina "Sparrow", S. A. Yesenina "Winter sings, calls out", T. Evdoshenko "Take care of the birds", Y. Nikonova "Winter guests".

Examination of images of wintering birds in illustrations in books and magazines.

Wednesday - Guessing riddles about wintering birds.

The breast is brighter than the dawn,


At the snowman.

I will visit everyone in a day,

Everything I know, I will break.


Greenish back,

yellowish belly,

little black cap

And a strip of scarf.


In a gray feather coat,

And in the cold he is a hero

Name it soon

Who is jumping there?


Like a fox among animals

This bird is the smartest

Hiding in frosty crowns,

And her name is...


These birds with a tuft,

Very bright though.

They flew to the mountain ash,

These birds...


Look at the balcony

He's been cooing here since morning.

This bird is a postman

Any route will fly.


Above the beetle and bark beetle

He always wins.

Knock and knock on the trees:

Who is a true friend for the forest?


Drawing "Bullfinches on a rowan branch"

Target. Teach to transmit appearance bullfinches.

Thursday - making caps - masks with images of birds for outdoor games.

Rice. 2. Magpie mask.

Friday - didactic games "The fourth extra", "One - many".

2 weeks.

Task: to replenish the developing environment of the group room with materials and equipment on the topic of the project.

Monday - make a selection of literature about birds in the corner of the books.

Tuesday - memorizing the poem "Sparrow" N. Rubtsov.

Wednesday - album design: "Wintering Birds".

Thursday - registration of a card index of riddles, poems about birds.

- keeping a diary of observations of the arrival of birds to the feeder (daily).

Rice. 3. Winter birdwatching calendar. 1 - older; 2 - preparatory group.

Friday - design of the poster "Wintering Birds".

3 weeks.

Task: educate the desire to help the birds in difficult times for them.

Monday - conversation"It is difficult for birds to winter."

Tuesday - memorization of poems by A. Prokofiev "Bullfinches", A. Barto "Whiskers", tongue twisters, counting rhymes about birds.

Wednesday - drawing "My favorite bird".

Friday - reading thin. literature: L. Voronkova "Bird feeders", V. Sukhomlinsky "Like a tit wakes me up", O. Grigoryeva "Tit", A. Yashin "Feed the birds in winter";

- preparation of food for birds;

- outdoor games "Flight of birds", "Birds in nests", "Owl - owl";

Interaction with parents

1 Week.

Monday design of the screen "Wintering Birds".

2 weeks.

Consultations "Feed the Birds in Winter" « They stayed for the winter, we will help them.”

The final stage.

Interaction with parents

craft competition- "We make bird feeders"

Photo 1. Birds at the feeder.

Interaction with children.

Quiz "Who knows more about birds?"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about wintering birds, the ability to distinguish them.

Expected Result:

Children have a system of knowledge about wintering birds;

— created the necessary conditions in the group on the formation of a holistic view of the life of wintering birds.

The children had a desire to help the birds in the winter season.

Project Broadcast:

Speech with a message from the experience of working at the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution.

Project outlook: In the future, I plan to develop a spring project " Migratory birds».

Scenario of the holiday "Sinichkin's Day" with children 5-6 years old


  • support and stimulate attempts of independent knowledge of the surrounding world by children, establishing connections between its objects;
  • continue to teach children to take care of the birds that live near us;
  • use environmental knowledge and practical experience in productive activities.

Materials and equipment: laptop, projector, screen, audio recording of the songs “How beautiful this world is” (lyrics by V. Kharitonov, music by D. Tukhmanov), “Three titmouse danced” (lyrics by A. Barto, Czech folk melody, arranged by M. Rauchverger), easel, pictures with images of wintering and migratory birds, feeder, birdhouse, sunflower seeds, boiled rice, pork fat, crackers, raw cereals, nuts, dried fruits, cheese, spoon, plastic trays and containers, apron.

Dictionary activation: wintering birds, Titmouse Day, ingredients, sunflower seeds, oatmeal, rice, container, dried fruits.

Event progress

Sounds likeaudio recordingsong "How beautiful this world is." The music hall is decorated with drawings depicting wintering birds, posters on the theme "Take care of the birds", "More tits in the gardens - less damaged apples."

Educator. Hello guys. It was not in vain that we included the song “How beautiful this world is, look!”. It is she who urges us to stop and look around. Yes, he really is a wonderful world, full of miracles and riddles. Every day we meet with his secrets. Sometimes, in a hurry, we pass by without noticing them. Sometimes we accidentally try to guess some riddle of nature.

An unusually amazing world of nature is the world of birds. Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They delight us with beautiful singing, various plumage. Without bird chirping, the world would be boring.

The song “Three Titmouse Danced” is performed, words by A. Barto, Czech folk melody, arranged by M. Rauchverger.

Educator. Here it is noisy Golden autumn, thinned tree crowns. They threw off their colorful foliage. September turned with leaf fall, October rained noisy, November met us with the first frosts.

And as soon as it got cold outside, many birds began to fuss, as if someone had frightened them. Why is this happening?

There are different types of birds

Some are afraid of blizzards

And fly away for the winter

To the kind, warm south.

Others - those people are different:

In the frost they circle over the forest,

For them, separation from their homeland

More terrible than a fierce cold.

To their ruffled feathers

Snowflakes don't come

They are under the powder

They frolic for a warm-up.

K. Muhammadi

The children answer.

Educator. Yes, some birds flew to warmer climes, while others, on the contrary, flew to us for the winter. Now we will check if you know wintering and migratory birds.

The game "Find the wintering birds" is being held.

The teacher invites the children to choose for themselves a picture of a bird.

Educator. And now you will turn into a flock of birds. Conditional musical sound wintering birds should gather in one flock, and migratory birds in another. Then each pack looks to see if there are strangers in their ranks.

The game is repeated with the exchange of cards.

Rice. 4. Cards for the game.

Educator. Do you guys know that for a long time in Rus' November 12 was celebrated Titmouse day- the day of the meeting of wintering birds. Since ancient times, people have been preparing feeders for this day, reading poems about birds, guessing riddles, playing and just admiring the winter birds. Why is this day called Titmouse Day? Yes, because the people said that "the titmouse for Rus' is a bird of God." Previously, in the old days, they guessed at her: they threw bread crumbs, pieces of lard and observed: if the titmouse first begins to peck at lard, then living creatures will be kept in the house, if it begins to peck bread crumbs, then there will be prosperity in the house. The people said "The titmouse bird is small, but it knows its holiday." What other signs related to birds do you know?

The children answer.

Educator. Not only the titmouse stays with us to spend the winter, but other birds also wait out the winter cold in our forests and parks. How can we help birds in winter?

Children answer that you can make feeders, bring food, feed the birds.

Educator. Yes, our task is not to let birds die of hunger in winter, to make feeders for them and feed them daily. Feathered friends are beneficial, and who among you knows what?

Prepared children take turns speaking

1 child. Woodpeckers, starlings and tits exterminate great amount insects. A tit eats as many insects per day as it weighs itself.

2 child. A family of starlings destroys 350 caterpillars, beetles and snails per day.

3 child. A family of swallows over the summer is about a million different harmful insects.

4 child. The rook destroys up to 400 worms and plant pests per day.

5 child. Birds peck seeds and fruits of weeds, reduce the weediness of the area.

6 child. Many birds are orderlies and contribute to the improvement of the area.

Educator. And we must do everything so that our feathered friends constantly feel our care.

Educator. The guys with their parents made feeders, let's look at them.

Adults and children show the feeders and tell how they were made.

Photo 2. Bird feeders.

Educator. And now a fun challenge awaits you. Count how many birds flew in at this hour?

We made a feeder
We opened a canteen.
Nuthatch, forest - neighbor,
You will have lunch in the winter.
Visit the first day of the week.
The tits have come to us.
And on Tuesday, look
The snowmen have arrived.
Three crows were on Wednesday.
We didn't expect them for dinner,
And on Thursday from all over -
A flock of greedy sparrows.
On Friday in our dining room
The dove ate porridge.
And on Saturday for cake.
It's seven forty.

Z. Alexandrova "New dining room"

I suggest you simulate this task. Select bird pictures required quantity and put them in a feeder.

A model of a feeder and pictures of birds are demonstrated. Children attach images of birds to the feeder using magnets.

Rice. 6. Feeder model.

Educator. Count how many nuthatches, tits, sparrows, pigeons, forty flew to our feeder? Answer the questions:
1. What birds flew first to the feeder?
2. On what day of the week did the crows arrive?
3. How many crows flew in?
4. What did the pigeon eat at the feeder?
5. What did the magpies eat?
6. How many were forty on the feeder?
Well done guys, you got the job done!

Educator. Since today is Sinichkin's holiday, then the birthday girls need to prepare a treat. And what is the main treat on the festive table?

Children offer various options answers.

Photo 3. Treats for the birds.

Educator. I suggest you make a cake for tits. Our cake will be three-layer, a group will work on the manufacture of each layer. Form three groups and approach the table. On the table are the ingredients you will need to make the cake.

Task for the first group. You will need to prepare the largest layer of the cake. The main ingredient of this layer is melted lard, crackers and sunflower seed. Your task is to mix all the ingredients and place in a large container.

Task for the second group. You have to prepare the middle layer of the cake. Ingredients: boiled rice, peeled unsalted nuts, cheese. Mix everything and place in a medium bowl.

Task for the third group. You will prepare the topmost layer - it is the smallest. Ingredients: soaked oatmeal, dried fruits. Mix everything and place in a small container.

The children are doing the task.

Educator. Korzh are ready. Now they need to be placed in the refrigerator for a while so that they freeze. In the meantime, we will have a rest, we will hold a quiz and sing!

The quiz "What do we know about birds" is held.

The adult asks questions, the children answer. The participant who gives large quantity correct answers.

Questions for the quiz:

1. What is the largest bird on earth?

2. What is the smallest bird on earth?

3. What birds cannot fly?

4. What birds arrange dances in the swamps?

5. Chicks, what bird doesn't know its mother?

6. What bird is called the "forest doctor"?

7. What bird is called the "forest orderly"?

The game "Bird Concert" is held.

Each group of guys from 3 people is given the name of a bird and is invited to demonstrate in chorus how these birds sing:

Sparrows - chirp - chirp.

Tits - ting - ting.

Crow - kar - kar.

Woodpecker - trrr - trrr.

Bullfinch - du - du - du.

Klest - tsok - tsok - tsok.

Waxwing - tyr - tyr - tyr.

Educator. The cakes are ready, now, let's build a cake from three layers and decorate it festively with dried fruits and candied fruits.

Children take out frozen cakes, stack them one on top of the other according to the pyramid principle and decorate them.

Photo 4. Cake for birds.

Educator. Here is our cake. Guys, let's remember that in winter our feathered friends are cold and hungry. Out of 10 tits, only one survives until spring. And our task is to prevent our wintering friends from starving to death in winter. And here comes the titmouse.

Tit(pre-prepared child).

The winter days are getting shorter.
You won't have time to eat
The sun will set behind the fence.
No mosquito, no fly
Everywhere only snow, yes snow.
It's good that we have feeders
Made by a kind person.

Y. Sinitsyn

Educator. Guys, here's a family assignment for you. Hang bird feeders in your yard and feed the birds in the winter. And now, when you are all dressed, we will go outside and hang the feeders on the site. When you pour food into them, then say: “Bird, bird, here are crumbs from my palm for you.” At the end of our meeting, I would like to give each participant the booklets “What Birds Love” and “How to Feed Birds”. Pass them on to friends, acquaintances, neighbors. Once you start feeding the birds regularly, they will become your regular guests!

Feed the birds in winter

Let from all over

They will flock to you like home

Stakes on the porch.

Project progress

1. Relevance.

The idea of ​​introducing a person to nature, to its cognition has deep roots in pedagogical science. Outstanding thinkers and teachers of the past, such as J.J. Rousseau, Ya.A. Kamensky, saw in nature a powerful source of knowledge, a means for the development of the mind, feelings and will.

The relationship of man with nature and its inhabitants is a topical issue of our time. It is feasible if each child has a sufficient level of ecological culture, ecological consciousness, the formation of which begins with early childhood and continues throughout life.

Modern concept preschool education(1989) shows the importance of introducing children to nature with early age, considering it the world of human values. Among them are cognitive values: the child begins to feel like a pioneer, experiences the joy of experimenting with an object of nature, discovers the new in the familiar and the familiar in the new, singles out the simplest patterns, realizes their immutable nature.

2. Analysis of the external environment.

The townspeople have very limited capacity communication with nature, therefore, I consider one of the important tasks of work on environmental education to be acquaintance of children with natural objects the nearest environment.

What animals and birds do we most often see in our cities and forests? Of course, birds. Here, in big city, birds live side by side with us and delight us with their singing and colorful outfit. Therefore, they are easier to observe than most mammals that hide in secluded places. This means that we can judge the state of nature around us by the birds. Birds sensitive to pollution environment, for example, storks, is becoming less and less. On the other hand, the number of species that easily adapt to new conditions, such as vityuten, is growing. This is a wake up call. Nature lovers are well aware of its plight. Birds seem to warn us of the danger that threatens people due to the destruction of nature. After all, like birds, we feed on what grows on the ground, like them, we need pure water and clean air.

In our area there are more than 130 species of birds, of which 11 species are listed in the Red Book. But do we know them? Can we distinguish them by voice, by singing? Can we recognize even the famous nightingale trill? And our pupils, children preschool age Do they have any idea about wonderful world birds?

With the development of civilization, the impact of people on nature became more and more powerful, and by the end of the twentieth century it acquired a planetary character. Nature itself could not heal the wounds inflicted on it. Scientists define the current situation on Earth as an ecological crisis. And there is no more important task today than finding ways out of it. Where is the exit? To survive, humanity must learn to live on Earth in a new way. This is what the United Nations World Environment Conference called for when in 1992 Rio de Janeiro adopted Agenda 21, a program of work for the next century, which envisages the harmonious achievement of two goals: a high quality of the environment and a healthy economy for all the peoples of the world. For the successful implementation of this program, the efforts of states and their leaders are not enough. Every person on the planet Earth needs to master a minimum set of economic knowledge and methods of activity in order for his behavior to be environmentally meaningful. Therefore, it is precisely at preschool age, when children are most impressionable and receptive, that it is important to form the beginnings of an ecological culture of a person's personality.

3. Analysis of the internal environment.

work on environmental education I started children from the early preschool age in the implementation of the "Program for the upbringing and education of children in kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, highlighting the main tasks for the chosen problem:

  • Development of interest in natural objects.
  • Acquaintance with poultry and birds arriving at the kindergarten site.
  • Formation of respect for birds.

By the senior preschool age, children should know 4-5 species of wintering birds, be able to analyze the results of observations and draw conclusions about certain patterns and relationships in nature.

But, unfortunately, having some amount of knowledge about birds, children are sometimes indifferent and even cruel towards birds. It is not uncommon to see a group of children on the street who are indifferently watching a wounded bird or not trying to provide first aid to a chick that has fallen out of the nest, etc.

A survey of parents showed that:

  • most parents in their adult life in no way show interest and participation in the conservation of wildlife;
  • the interests of adults often do not go beyond the apartment - 66%;
  • television and radio broadcasts of natural history are watched only in -19% of families;
  • only 15% of parents take a concrete part in helping wildlife by participating in events held in kindergarten and school.

Based on the results of a survey of children, in the process of observation, in communicating with children, it can be stated that preschoolers have an interest in the world of animals and birds. Children with genuine interest listen to any information about birds, their habits, ask a lot of questions, enthusiastically look at natural history encyclopedias.

Thus, I suggest that if children develop an interest in studying the world of birds, expand their knowledge and environmental skills, it is possible to form the beginning of an ecological culture of a person's personality from preschool age.

4. Strategy for the implementation of the project idea.

Purpose: Formation in preschool children of the beginnings of the ecological culture of the individual through the development of interest in birds.

  • Introduce children to the life of migratory and sedentary birds.
  • To systematize knowledge about the life manifestations of birds (nutrition, growth, development, reproduction).
  • To form ideas about the impact of the state of the environment on birds.
  • Teach proper behavior in the natural environment.
  • To form an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality and the desire to reflect the impressions received in the process of communicating with nature in the visual arts.
  • Cultivate a humane attitude towards all living things, a sense of mercy.
  • Raise the level of ecological culture of the personality of parents.

5. Expected results.

Children will develop:

  • Knowledge about the life of migratory and sedentary birds.
  • Ideas about the impact of the state of the environment on birds.
  • Knowledge
  • Consciousness of the importance of environmental protection measures.
  • Skills of correct behavior in the natural environment.
  • Aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality.
  • Feeling of mercy and humane attitude towards wildlife.
  • The desire to reflect the impressions received in the process of communication with nature in the visual activity.

For parents:

  • Interest in joint activities for the protection and protection of birds in our area will increase.
  • Children-pedagogical relations are being harmonized.
  • The level of ecological culture of the individual will increase.
  • Expand your knowledge of birds.
Stages Tasks Events Timing Responsible
Preparatory stage Increasing one's own professional competence. 1. The study of methodological literature:

- "The program of education and training of children in kindergarten"

M.A. Vasilyeva and others, "Our home is nature"

N.A. Ryzhova.

September educator
2. Organize cooperation with the environmental center "Rosyanka" of the Central Library. Mayakovsky September manager
3. Analysis of the program objectives of the section "Introducing children to the animal world." September educator
4. Selection of diagnostic tools (Emelyanova's method) September educator
5. Diagnosis of children on environmental education. September educator
Pedagogical education of parents. 1. Development of questionnaires for parents. September educator
2. Questioning of parents, analysis of the results. October educator
3.Designing the ecological heading "It's interesting" in the information corner of the reception room. September October caregivers
active stage Implementation of activities for the implementation of the project. 1. Conducting cognitive classes during a year caregivers
2. Excursions and walks in the forest park zone "Grove". during a year caregivers
3. Artistic and creative activity. during a year caregivers
4. Reading fiction, encyclopedias. during a year caregivers
5.Maintaining a birdwatching calendar. during a year caregivers
6.. Considering illustrations in books, postcards, photo albums. during a year caregivers
7. Outdoor games. during a year educators, physical education instructor
8. Didactic games of an ecological nature. during a year caregivers
9. Listening to bird voices in the recording. during a year caregivers
10.Viewing videos, cartoons about birds. during a year caregivers
11. Evening entertainment. during a year caregivers
music leads.
active stage Organization and involvement of parents in joint activities and training. 1. Parent meeting "Earth is our common home."
2. Creative works for exhibitions of children's drawings, crafts. September caregivers
3. Business game "Connoisseurs of nature." during a year educators,


4. Quiz "what do we know about birds?". April caregivers
5.Creation of homemade books "Tales about birds and animals." January caregivers
Organization of a subject-developing environment in the game room. 6.Excursion to the local history museum. March parents
7. Environmental campaigns "Feeding troughs", "Christmas tree - a green needle", "Let's save our earthly world!". during a year parents
Production and purchase didactic games, attributes, benefits. during a year parents
The final stage Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project implementation. 1. Repeated diagnosis of children and a survey of parents. April May educator
2. Conducting an open lesson "Earth is our common home." April caregivers
Generalization of the results of work on project activities and their analysis. 3. Generalization of the experience of work on the problem "Take care of the birds". May educator
4. Design of an album of children's works "These are the birds." during a year educator
5. Exhibition of children's works from natural material and plasticine. May educator
6. Meeting with parents "Round table" on the results of work within the framework of this project April educator

7. Report on the implementation of the project.

Having set myself the task of raising the level of ecological culture of the personality of children, I began work by studying methodological literature. The "Program for the upbringing and education of children in kindergarten" edited by Vasilyeva M.A., as well as the partial program "Our home is nature" Ryzhova N.A. was taken as the basis. A long-term lesson plan for the cognitive cycle was drawn up, as well as a plan for joint activities with the participation of parents. On the first parent meeting at first school year we informed our parents about the purpose and objectives of the future project. A survey was conducted to identify the degree of interest in our classes and joint activities on this issue. At the same time, children were also diagnosed.

At the beginning of the year, children's knowledge of birds was superficial, abstract. And at the end of the school year, diagnostics showed positive results. The high level of awareness of the knowledge and ideas received by children testified to the effectiveness of systematic, systematic work with children and parents to implement the project's tasks.

I paid special attention to the enrichment of a corner of nature, taking into account modern requirements and recommendations of Ryzhova N.A. With the help of parents, we replenished the music library and media library, which allowed us to more interesting form conduct classes, game exercises, entertainment evenings.

Thanks to the planned work, the knowledge and ideas of children about the life of birds were gradually systematized, enriched, and interest in the life of our smaller brothers developed. I was very pleased that in free time From the games, the guys were independently engaged in the corner of creativity. The themes of the drawings varied. Now it was possible to see not only painted "cars", "robots", "wars". The children with great enthusiasm vividly and figuratively reflected in their works the impressions received in the process of communicating with nature, for example, “a bullfinch sitting on a branch”, “a birdhouse on a birch”, “children feeding pigeons with bread crumbs”, etc.

The quiz "Connoisseurs of Nature" between the teams of parents and children was very successful. Our parents were pleasantly surprised by the knowledge of the children. Of particular interest was business game"What do we know about birds", where the guys used elements of pantomime for the image characteristic habits feathered. Almost all families took an active part in the competition of homemade books "Tales about birds and animals." The exhibition of homemade books attracted the attention of children and parents of the entire kindergarten: the forms of books, design, and most importantly, the fairy tales themselves were a real creation of the family, unique and original! The production of posters in the form of collages "Rules of behavior in nature", "Take care of the birds", etc., which were used for the purpose of propaganda work of the entire kindergarten, has also become traditional.

We are especially proud of our close cooperation with the environmental center "Rosyanka" of the library. Mayakovsky. We took an active part in the actions "Bird's canteen", "Christmas tree green needle" and were awarded the diploma "The best bird feeder". Children and parents were very proud of this.

Thematic classes, conversations, game exercises I conducted using bright visual material. They learned poems and songs about birds, organized exhibitions of children's drawings "Our Bird Friends", designed a photo exhibition "Rare Birds".

Continuing to replenish knowledge, we often organized excursions to the forest park "Grove" in different time years, which allowed children to notice the beauty of nature and replenish their knowledge of the life and habits of birds in our area.

At the end of the school year, at the parents' meeting, held in the form of an oral magazine, the children demonstrated the miniature "Savage in the Forest". Performances of children with poems, songs were bright, demonstrative and visual. On a negative example, the rules of behavior in nature were fixed, a humane attitude towards all living things was formed.

For preschool teachers it was shown open class"The earth is our common home." The children demonstrated their creative abilities, were able to show knowledge and ideas about the life of birds, made signs-symbols of the rules of behavior in nature, showed the degree of formation of a humane attitude towards nature.

Analyzing the project implementation process, it should be noted that each of the activities proposed in it was largely informative and interesting for children. Parents took the initiative, treated the events with approval, imbued with the importance of the tasks of the project.

Perspective for further activities.

1. Find ways to improve problem solving:

  • Classes-conversations with employees of the environmental center "Rosyanka" Central Library them. Mayakovsky
  • Excursions to the pet store.
  • Organization of a birdwatching day.
  • Watching swans on the Cheboksary Bay.
  • Carrying out the Feathered World entertainment together with parents.
  • Making paper bird masks, crocheted bird hats.
  • Production of leaflets "Take care of the birds"
  • Competition of feeders and drinkers for birds.

2. Activate children and their parents for further environmental protection activities:

  • Participate in the "Plant a tree" campaign.
  • Conducting a community work day to clean the territory of the kindergarten.
  • Making posters "Take away your trash", "Feed the birds", "Don't destroy my house! Asking everyone kind people your neighbor on the planet is an ant”, etc., placing them on the territory of the forest park.
  • Action "Garbage" - collection plastic bottles, plastic bags special container


2. Ecological trail along the forest park zone "Grove"

where there are the following objects:

  • trees with a hollow;
  • nests;
  • feeders, etc.
  • Botanical Garden.

3. Relationship in environmental center"Rosyanka" of the Central Library. Mayakovsky

  • visiting a mini zoo;
  • participation in promotions.

9. Software and methodological support.

  1. "The program of education and training of children in kindergarten" ed. Vasilyeva M.A., Moscow-2005.
  2. "Our home is nature" Ryzhova N.A., Moscow -2005.
  3. "Development of elementary natural-scientific ideas and ecological culture of children" Zebzeeva V.A., Moscow-2009.
  4. "I Know the World" ed. Hinn O.G. Moscow-1999.
  5. "Introduction to the outside world", Yoshkar-Ola-1996.
  6. "The world of nature and child" Samorukov, Manetseva, St. Petersburg-2003.
  7. « environmental education in kindergarten "Ryzhova N.A., Moscow-2001.
  8. "Walk in nature" Shishkin, Dedulevich, Moscow-2003.
  9. "Path to nature" Smirnov, Baranov, Valuev, Moscow-2001.
  10. "Environmental activities with children 6-7 years old" Bondarenko T.M., Voronezh-2009.
  11. "Summaries of integrated classes in the preparatory group of the kindergarten" Adzhi A.V., Voronezh "-2008.
  12. "Game environmental activities with children” Molodova L.P., Minsk-1996.
  13. « Animal world Chuvashia” I.M. Oliger, L.G. Sysoletina, N.A. Voronov, Cheboksary 1996.
  14. "Sviristel" children's ecological magazine No. 4,8,9 2007.
  15. “For health to the forest clearing” Shirokova S., Klevtsova // j / l “D / v” No. 7-2006.
  16. "Development of ecological ideas of preschoolers" Kazarchuk G.N.//g/l "D/pedagogy" No. 1-2009.
  17. "Initiation into young ecologists" Timerbayeva S.A. // w/l " preschool teacher» No. 6-2009.
  18. "Meeting of young ecologists" Romakova O.G.
  19. “New Approaches to Updating Content preschool education in the Chuvash Republic" Kuzmina R.B., Kapustina M.A., Cheboksary 1998.
  20. Internet resources:

Wed, 06/15/2016 - 14:15 | MBDOU BGO Center...

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

BGO Child Development Center - kindergarten № 18


Birds are our friends!

teacher speech therapist

Lastovyrya I.A.

Project type: creative, cognitive and research.

Educational area: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Integration educational areas: "Socialization", "Labor", "Communication", "Fiction".

Duration: March, April.

Members: educators, children, parents, speech therapist, teachers of additional education.


The relationship of man with nature and its inhabitants is a topical issue of our time. The main task for parents and educators in society is to educate children as active, thinking individuals, capable of creative approaches to any business. This is feasible if every child has a sufficient level of ecological culture, ecological consciousness, the formation of which begins in early childhood and continues throughout life. Studies by educators and psychologists show that the effectiveness intellectual development children of preschool age depends not only on how the process of transferring knowledge to them is organized, but also on feedback- from the position of the child himself, his activity. So work on the development of cognitive activity in preschool children through different types activity in our institution passed through the implementation of the project “Birds are our friends”. The idea of ​​introducing a person to nature, to its cognition has deep roots in pedagogical science. Outstanding thinkers and teachers of the past, such as J.Zh. Russo, Ya.A. Kamensky saw in nature a powerful source of knowledge, a means for the development of the mind, feelings and will.

The implementation of this project made it possible to help preschoolers gain knowledge about nature and, on this basis, form their ability to tell stories. In order to independently come up with a story, a fairy tale, children have little knowledge of the content, they must know the structure of the text or have visibility. In this we are helped by the infinitely diverse world of nature, which awakens in children a keen interest, curiosity, encourages them to play, artistic and speech activity. Impressions from native nature received in childhood are remembered for a lifetime and often influence a person's attitude to nature, to the Motherland.

Problem: How can we help the birds in spring?

Target: formation environmental knowledge about birds and responsible, careful attitude to them.


  • Expand the ideas of preschoolers about birds; the ability to assess their significance in nature.
  • Develop cognitive interest and curiosity in the process of observing the habits of birds.
  • Contribute to the development of creative and intellectual abilities of pupils.
  • Engage children and their parents in labor activity for the manufacture of birdhouses.
  • Replenish the subject-developing environment on the topic of the project.
  • Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Hypothesis: Only systematic, systematic work in collaboration with the family will contribute to the formation of an ecological culture and solid knowledge of migratory birds, their behavior and nutrition among preschoolers.

Material and technical equipment: audio recordings of bird voices, a set of postcards depicting birds, bird feathers, illustrations depicting birdhouses.

Planned results:

  • Expanding children's horizons about migratory birds.
  • Enrichment of the subject-developing environment.
  • Development of curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, communication skills in children.
  • Active participation of pupils and parents in project activities to help birds.
  • Children will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in productive activities.

Stages of implementation of project activities

I Stage: Preparatory:

  • development of a project plan;
  • selection of fiction on the topic of the project;
  • selection of visual and didactic material;
  • making with kids creative works;
  • conversation with parents in order to involve them in project activities.

II stage: Main (practical):

The project was implemented through different kinds activities: playful, educational, productive.

  • Game activity

Didactic games:“Each bird in its place”, “The fourth extra”, “Birds, animals, insects”, “Birds, animals, fish”, “Flies - does not fly”, “Find a chick for mom”.

Didactic exercise:"Birds and pebbles", "Fold the bird out of parts."

Word games:“Who screams like that?”, “Who dined in the bird canteen?”, “Who will call more accepts?”

Transformation games: “Everyone once dreams of becoming birds”, “Journey with the birds”.

Logarithmic exercises: “Birds sing songs”, “Swans fly”.

Finger gymnastics:"Ten chickens", "Bird".

Outdoor games: "Birdhouses", "Rooks and Cars", "Geese-Swans", "Sparrows and Crows", "Flock".

cognitive activity

  • Conversations about birds: about their difference from other animals, about types of birds, about habits, for example, “Birds are part of the inhabitants of planet Earth, like us”, “How can a person help birds?”.
  • Looking at pictures, illustrations, presentations about birds.
  • Acquaintance with Russian folklore on the topic of the project.
  • Conducting GCD on the topic: "Migratory birds" and didactic games.

productive activity

  • Drawing drawings on the theme: "Bird". Exhibition of drawings "Starlings have arrived", "Rooks".
  • Modeling from salt dough "Larks".
  • Application "Birdhouse".
  • Origami "Rooks".
  • Master class "Felt bird as a gift."

Working with parents

  • Collection of material and design of an album about birds for children. Invite parents to help find necessary information about birds.
  • "Home workshop of the word" (poems, stories, fairy tales about nature).
  • Doing homework (crafts, drawings).

Stage III - Final.

  • Presentation of the result of the project in the form of a presentation.
  • Organization and participation of parents in the contest "The Best Birdhouse".
  • Making the album "Birds are our friends" by children and parents.
  • Entertainment "Grachevnik".
  • Generalization of knowledge in the game “What? Where? When?"