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1 . Bynotion of the norm

Literary and Russian languages ​​form the basis of the national language. This is a sample of the national language, since it obeys the norms, its main property is normativity. Norm- a relatively stable way of expression, reflecting the historical patterns of language development, enshrined in the best examples of literature and preferred by the educated part of society. In linguistics the norm call the rules for the use of words, grammatical forms, the rules of pronunciation and spelling, operating in given period development literary language. The norm is approved and supported by speech practice cultured people, in particular, writers who draw treasures of speech from the language of the people.

Norms help the literary language to maintain its integrity and general intelligibility. They protect the literary language from the flow of dialect speech, social and professional jargon, and vernacular. This allows the literary language to perform one of the most important functions - cultural.

A linguistic phenomenon is considered normative if it is characterized by such signs , How:

l compliance with the structure of the language;

ь stability (ensures the availability and comprehensibility of texts in the literary language to all who use this national language, regardless of age and place of residence)

l variability (provides the possibility of using the literary language in different situations communication)

- replacement (expressed in the gradual displacement of the old norm by the new one)

l mass and regular reproducibility in the process of speech activity of the majority of speakers;

public approval and recognition.

characteristic features language norms are:

relative stability;


general use;

general obligatoriness;

conformity with the use, custom and possibilities of the language system

To the main sources linguistic norms include:

l works of classical writers;

ь works of contemporary writers who continue the classical traditions;

l media publications;

ü common modern usage;

l data of linguistic research.

By written monuments we can trace the development of our language over a thousand years. During this time, there have been many changes from the seven types of declension (and even with many variants), three have formed, instead of three numbers (singular, dual and plural), we now know only two, coincided with each other or replaced each other different case endings, in the plural almost ceased to distinguish between masculine, neuter and feminine nouns. And so on ad infinitum. Hundreds and hundreds of substitutions, substitutions, various changes, sometimes not noted in the monuments. In the speech of one person and in the speech of many people, accidental and intentional, prolonged and momentary, amusing and instructive. This irrepressible sea roars somewhere behind our back, it left with our ancestors. This sea is their speech. But in return for everything that stood and strengthened, we received new system language, a system in which modern thinking was gradually laid aside. A simple example: in language ancient man three genders (masculine, neuter and feminine), three numbers (singular, plural and dual), nine cases, three simple tenses. The modern language, on the other hand, chooses a more rigorous and convenient binary opposition. The system of cases and tenses is also simplified. Each time, the language turns its edges in the way that this particular era requires. From the endless practice of speech, a renewed language is born.

Degrees of normativity :

1. the norm of the first degree is rigid, strict, which does not allow options;

2. norm of the second degree neutral, admits equivalent variants;

3. norm of the third degree free, allows the use of colloquial as well as obsolete norms.

2. Rewrite the words, place the stress. Indicate the words where the letter Y is needed in place of E:

kitsch" And tsya, cl" A dbishche, treasures " A i, cl" e it, kokl" Yu w, combo" A yner and harvester yo r, compromising" And to state, to state" And rove, cor" s st, costumer" O bathroom, kras" And vee, k" at honey, boy" O vy, man" e vr and man yo vr, man" e vrenny and man yo vrenny, doctors" e nt, menov" A i, metal at rgy and metallurgist" And i, m" And grain and mis" e rny, thought " e nie and m" s stitching, nabel yo ny.

3. Form the genitive form plural the following nouns:

canned food- canned food, adjustments- adjustments, criteria- criteria, corridors- corridors, Lezgins- Lezgins or Lezgins, tangerines- tangerines, Mongols- Mongols, nerves- nerves socks- sock or socks Ossetians- Ossetian, shoulder straps- shoulder strap.

4. Compose with these nouns, phrases corresponding to the “adjective / participle + noun” pattern:

kamikaze > dexterous kamikaze;

canoe > indian canoe

Capri > lovely Capri

muffler > striped muffler;

pots > beautiful pots;

kimono > snow-white kimono;

cliche > black cliché.

5. Decline the numbers: 572, 2972, 318.

five hundred seventy two

five hundred seventy two

two thousand nine hundred and seventy two

five hundred seventy two

two thousand nine hundred and seventy two

five hundred seventy two

two thousand nine hundred and seventy two

five hundred seventy two

two thousand nine hundred and seventy two

About five hundred and seventy two

About two thousand nine hundred and seventy two

three hundred eighteen

three hundred eighteen

Three hundred eighteen

three hundred eighteen

three hundred and eighteen

About three hundred and eighteen

6. Explain the meanings of paronyms, make phrases with them that clarify the differences in meaning:

Paronyms- these are words that have a close sound (subscriber - subscription). They can differ in meaning (defective - defective) and the ability to connect with other words (business person, suit).

Successful day - lucky Human, understandable abstract - understanding student, neighboring dog - neighbor house, complete bath- spacious bathroom, intolerant client - intolerable character, master's slippers - economic man

7. Rewrite the text, insert missing letters, add punctuation marks.

But he will send .. for a bath .. for (not) wanting, and (n.) Why, after bathing, you will steam even more .. in the sun.

One hope for gr..zu leash. she alone can .. t ra .. wake up shackle (n, nn) ​​with the heat of the pr .. kind and un .. sleep.

And suddenly, really, something (something) gr.. wants (in) given, (not) clear and fog (n, nn) ​​oh and gr.. yes dark clouds. moving from the (south) east..noy st..rony. (B) continuation. very short time (in) the course. Some (some) (ten) fifteen minutes ominous reigns .. I am silence and the whole sky is covered .. with clouds.

But you don’t want to go swimming, and there’s no need to: after swimming, you’ll steam even more in the sun.

There is only one hope for a thunderstorm: it alone can wake nature bound by heat and dispel sleep.

And suddenly something really rumbles in the distance, vague and foggy, and a ridge of dark clouds moves from the southeast side. For a very short time, for some ten or fifteen minutes, an ominous silence reigns, and the whole sky is covered with clouds.

8. Choose options from brackets so that the phrases have semantic clarity, as well as grammaticaland syntactic correctness

Thanks to (war, disaster, victory); according to (order, order); manager (shop, shop); three (new, new) compounds, contrary to (evidence, proof).

Thanks to the victory; according to the order; store manager; three new compositions, contrary to the proof.

norm language stress paronym

9. Analyze the excerpt from the speech. Specify the means of speech expressionfeatures used by the speaker

If we do not lose our will, if we do not lose the trust of the people, we will prevail. In Australia, when they test a future pilot candidate, there is this question: you are flying in a two-seater plane. Imagine that the Queen of England fell out of the second seat. Your actions. Some say shoot yourself. Rush after her and catch her in the air. The correct answer is considered to be to level the aircraft after the loss of excess cargo and continue the flight. So, in the course of restructuring, we will have to level the plane more than once after losing excess cargo and continue the flight (G. Baklanov).

1) by the nature of the speech activity of the participants in communication: monologue speech;

2) according to the form of language use: written speech

3) according to the conditions and tasks of communication: book speech > journalistic style > impact on the masses

4) by generalized (typical) value: reasoning

5) Means of speech expressiveness:

Syntactic anaphora ( EslAnd…, ifAnd…)

Comparison > simple comparison (Perestroika and aircraft)

Personification (we will not lose will, we will not lose trust)

Epithets (English queen, two-seat aircraft, future candidate)

Inversion (the English queen fell out: predicate + subject)

Barbarism (test - from English test test, research)

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And accent rules. Lexical and phraseological norms


1. The concept of a language norm, its features.

2. Variants of norms.

3. Degrees of normativity of language units.

4. Types of norms.

5. Norms of oral speech.

5.1. orthoepic norms.

5.2. Accent rules.

6. Norms of oral and writing.

6.1. Lexical norms.

6.2. Phraseological norms.

The culture of speech, as mentioned earlier, is a multidimensional concept. It is based on the idea that exists in the mind of a person about the “speech ideal”, a model in accordance with which correct, literate speech should be built.

The norm is the dominant concept of the culture of speech. In the Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Russian Language D.N. Ushakova word meaning norm is defined as follows: "legalized establishment, ordinary obligatory order, state." Thus, the norm reflects, first of all, customs, traditions, streamlines communication and is the result of a socio-historical selection of one option from several possible ones.

Language norms- these are the rules for the use of linguistic means in a certain period of development of the literary language (rules of pronunciation, word usage, use morphological forms different parts speech, syntactic constructions, etc.). This is a historically established uniform, exemplary, generally accepted use of elements of the language, recorded in grammars and normative dictionaries.

Language norms are characterized by a number of features:

1) relative stability;

2) general usage;

3) general obligatoriness;

4) compliance with the use, tradition and capabilities of the language system.

Norms reflect regular processes and phenomena occurring in the language and are supported by language practice.

The sources of norms are the speech of educated people, the works of writers, as well as the most authoritative mass media.

Norm functions:

1) provides the possibility of correct understanding by speakers of given language each other;

2) hinders the penetration of dialect, colloquial, vernacular, slang elements into the literary language;

3) educates language taste.

Language norms are a historical phenomenon. They change over time, reflecting changes in the use of language tools. Sources for changing norms are:

Colloquial speech (cf., for example, colloquial variants such as calls- along with Lit. calls; cottage cheese- along with Lit. cottage cheese; [de]kan along with lit. [d'e]kan);

Vernacular (for example, in some dictionaries they are fixed as valid colloquial stress options contract, phenomenon, until recently, vernacular, non-normative options);

Dialects (for example, in the Russian literary language there are a number of words that are dialectal in origin: spider, snowstorm, taiga, life);

Professional jargons (cf. stress options actively penetrating into modern everyday speech whooping cough, syringes, accepted in the speech of health workers).

The change in norms is preceded by the appearance of their variants that exist in the language at a certain stage of its development and are actively used by native speakers. Language Options- these are two or more ways of pronunciation, stress, formation of grammatical form, etc. The emergence of variants is explained by the development of the language: some linguistic phenomena become obsolete, go out of use, others appear.

However, the options may be equal - normative, permissible in literary speech (bakery And bulo [shn] th; barge And barge; Mordvin And Mordvin ov ).

More often, only one of the options is recognized as normative, while others are assessed as unacceptable, incorrect, violating the literary norm ( drivers and wrong. chauffeurA; catholOg and wrong. catalog).

Unequal options. As a rule, variants of the norm are specialized in one way or another. Very often the options are stylistic specialization: neutral - high; literary - colloquial ( stylistic options ). Wed stylistically neutral pronunciation of the reduced vowel in words like s[a] no, n[a] floor, m[a] turf and the pronunciation of the sound [o] in the same words, characteristic of a high, specifically bookish style: s[o] no, p[o] floor, m[o] turf; neutral (soft) pronunciation of sounds [g], [k], [x] in words like shake up [g’i] wag, wave [x’i] wat, jump up [k’i] wat and the bookish, characteristic of the old Moscow noma, the firm pronunciation of these sounds: shudder [gy] walt, wave [hy] walt, jump [ky] walt. Wed also lit. contract, locksmith And and unfold contract, locksmith I.

Often options are specialized in terms of degree of their modernity(chronological options ). For example: modern creamy and outdated. plum [shn] th.

In addition, options may have differences in meaning ( semantic variants ): moves(move, move) and drives(set in motion, induce, force to act).

According to the ratio between the norm and the variant, three degrees of normativity of language units are distinguished.

Norm I degree. A strict, rigid norm that does not allow options. In such cases, variants in dictionaries are accompanied by prohibitive marks: choice s not right. choice A; shi [n'e] l - not right. shi[ne]l; petition - not right. petition; pampered - not rivers. spoiled. In relation to linguistic facts that are outside the literary norm, it is more correct to speak not about variants, but about speech errors.

Norm II degree. The norm is neutral, allowing equal options. For example: a loop And a loop; pool And ba[sse]in; stack And stack. In dictionaries, similar options are connected by the union And.

Norm III degree. A mobile norm that allows the use of colloquial, obsolete forms. Variants of the norm in such cases are accompanied by marks add.(permissible), add. obsolete(allowable deprecation). For example: August - add. August; budo[h]ik and additional mouth budo[shn]ik.

Variants of norms in the modern Russian literary language are presented very widely. In order to choose the correct option, you need to refer to special dictionaries: orthoepic, stress dictionaries, difficulty dictionaries, explanatory dictionaries, etc.

Language norms are obligatory for both oral and written speech. The typology of norms covers all levels of the language system: pronunciation, stress, word formation, morphology, syntax, spelling, and punctuation are subject to norms.

In accordance with the main levels of the language system and the areas of use of language means, they distinguish the following types norms.

Norm types

Norms of oral speech Norms of written speech Norms of oral and written speech
- accentological(norms of stress setting); - orthoepic(pronunciation norms) - spelling(correct spelling); - punctuation(norms for punctuation marks) - lexical(norms of word usage); - phraseological(norms for the use of phraseological units); - derivational(norms of word formation); - morphological(standards for the formation of word forms various parts speech); - syntactic(norms for constructing syntactic constructions)

Oral speech is spoken speech. It uses a system of phonetic means of expression, which include: speech sounds, word stress, phrasal stress, intonation.

Specific for oral speech are the norms of pronunciation (orthoepic) and the norms of stress (accentological).

Norms of oral speech are reflected in special dictionaries (see, for example: Pronouncing dictionary Russian language: pronunciation, stress, grammatical forms / ed. R.I. Avanesov. - M., 2001; Ageenko F.L., Zarva M.V. Accent Dictionary for Radio and Television Workers. - M., 2000).

5.1. Orthoepic norms These are the norms of literary pronunciation.

Orthoepy (from the Greek. orphos - straight, correct and epic - speech) is a set of oral speech rules that ensure the unity of its sound design in accordance with the norms that have historically developed in the literary language.

The following groups of orthoepic norms are distinguished:

Vowel pronunciation: forest - in l[i]su; horn - r [a] ha;

Pronunciation of consonants: teeth - zu [p], o [t] take - o [d] give;

Pronunciation of individual combinations of consonants: in [zh’zh ’] and, [sh’sh’] astya; kone[shn]o;

Pronunciation of consonants in separate grammatical forms (in adjective forms: elastic [gy] th - elastic [g'y]; in verb forms: took [sa] - took [s'a], I remain [s] - I remain [s'];

Pronunciation of words of foreign origin: pu[re], [t’e]rror, b[o]a.

Let us dwell on individual, difficult, cases of pronunciation, when the speaker needs to choose the correct option from a number of existing ones.

The Russian literary language is characterized by the pronunciation of [g] explosive. The pronunciation of [γ] fricative is dialectal, non-normative. However, in a number of words, the norm requires the pronunciation of exactly the sound [γ], which, when stunned, turns into [x]: [ γ ]God, Bo[γ]a - Bo[x].

In Russian literary pronunciation earlier there was a fairly significant range of everyday words in which in place of letter combinations CHN was pronounced SHN. Now, under the influence of spelling, there are quite a few such words left. Yes, the pronunciation SHN preserved as obligatory in the words kone[shn] o, naro[shn] o and in patronymics: Ilini[shn]a, Savvi[shn]na, Nikiti[shn]a(cf. the spelling of these words: Ilyinichna, Savvichna, Nikitichna).

A number of words allow for variants of pronunciation CHN And SHN: decent And orderly [w] ny, bool [h] th And bulo [shn] th, milk [n] And young lady. In some words, the pronunciation SHN is perceived as obsolete: lavo [shn] ik, sin [shn] evy, apple [shn] y.

In scientific and technical terminology, as well as in words of a bookish nature, it is never pronounced SHN. Wed: flowing, cardiac (attack), milky (way), celibate.

consonant group Thu in words what to nothing pronounced like PC: [pcs] about, [pcs] oby, none [pcs] about. In other cases, as Thu: not [th] about, after [th] and, after [th] a, [th] y, [read] ing.

For pronunciation foreign words The following tendencies are typical in the modern Russian literary language.

Foreign words are subject to phonetic patterns in the language, so most foreign words in pronunciation do not differ from Russian ones. However, some words retain the peculiarities of pronunciation. It concerns

1) unstressed pronunciation ABOUT;

2) pronunciation of the consonant before E.

1. In some groups of borrowed words that have limited use, an unstressed sound is (unstablely) preserved ABOUT. These include:

Foreign proper names: Voltaire, Zola, Jaurès, Chopin;

A small part of special terms that do not penetrate into colloquial speech: bolero, nocturne, sonnet, modern, rococo.

Pronunciation ABOUT in a pre-stressed position, it is characteristic in these words for a bookish, high style; sound is pronounced in neutral speech A: V[a]lter, n[a]kturne.

The absence of reduction in stressed position is typical for words cocoa, radio, credo.

2. The Russian language system tends to soften the consonant before E. In insufficiently mastered borrowed words, there is a preservation of a solid consonant in accordance with the norm of a number of European languages. This deviation from the typical Russian pronunciation is much more widespread than the unstressed pronunciation. ABOUT.

Pronunciation of the solid consonant before E observed:

In expressions that are often reproduced by means of other alphabets: d e facto, d e-ju r e, c r edo;

IN proper names: Flo [be] r, S [te] rn, Lafon [te] n, Sho [bae] n;

IN special terms: [de]mping, [se]psis, ko[de]in, [de]cadans, ge[ne]sis, [re]le, ek[ze]ma;

In some common words that are in wide use: pu [re], [te] mp, e [ne] rgia.

Most often, consonants retain firmness in borrowed words. D, T; then - WITH, W, H, R; occasionally - B, M, IN; sounds are always softened G, TO And L.

Some words of foreign origin in the modern literary language are characterized by a variable pronunciation of hard and soft consonants before E [d'e] kan - [de] kan, [s'e] ssia - [se] ssia, [t'e] rror.

In a number of words, the solid pronunciation of the consonant before E perceived as cutesy, pretentious: academy, plywood, museum.

5.2. Accentology- a branch of the science of language that studies the features and functions of stress.

Stress norms regulate the choice of options for placement and movement of the stressed syllable among the unstressed ones.

In Russian, the stressed vowel in a syllable is distinguished by its duration, intensity, and tone movement. Russian accent is free, or different places, those. not assigned to any specific syllable in a word (cf. stress in French, assigned to the last syllable, in Polish - to the penultimate one). In addition, the stress in a number of words can be mobile- changing its place in various grammatical forms (for example, accepted - accepted, right - right).

The accentological norm in the modern Russian literary language is characterized by variability. Allocate different kinds accent options:

Semantic variants (diversity of stress performs a meaningful function in them): clubs - clubs, cotton - cotton, coal - coal, submerged(for transport) - immersed(into water; in solving a problem);

Stylistic variations (determined by the use of words in different functional styles speech): silk(common) - silk(poetic) compass(common) - compass(prof.);

Chronological (differ in activity or passivity of use in modern speech): thinking(modern) - thinking(outdated), angle(modern) - cancerurs(outdated).

Stress in Russian is an individual sign of each word, which causes significant difficulties in determining the place of stress in a number of words. Difficulties also arise due to the fact that in many words the stress moves when the grammatical form changes. IN difficult cases when setting stress, you should refer to dictionaries. Taking into account certain patterns will also help to correctly place stresses in words and word forms.

Among nouns there is a significant group of words with fixed stress: dish(cf. plural named after P .: DISHES), bulletin (bulletin, bulletins), keychain (keychain, keychains), tablecloth, area, hospital, font, scarf, syringe, bow, cake, shoes, manger).

At the same time, there are a number of words in which, when the grammatical form changes, the stress moves from the stem to the ending or from the ending to the stem. For example: bandage (bandages), priests (ksendzA), front (fronts), pennies (penny), coat of arms (coats of arms), klok (klokI), hit (hit), wave (waves) etc.

When placing an emphasis on adjectives the following rule applies: if short form the feminine accent falls on the ending, then in the masculine, neuter and plural forms the stress will be the stem: right - right, right, right; but in the form comparative degree- suffix: light - lighter, But beautiful - more beautiful.

Verbs in the past tense, they often retain the same stress as in the indefinite form: to speak - she said, to know - she knew, to put - she laid. In a number of verbs, the stress moves in feminine forms to the ending: take - took, take - took A, remove - removed A, start - started, call - called.

When conjugating verbs in the present tense, the stress can be mobile: walk, walk - walk and motionless: calling - calling, calling; turn on - turn on, turn on.

Errors in setting stress can be caused by a number of reasons.

1. The absence of a letter in printed text Yo. Hence the erroneous stress in words like newborn, prisoner, excited, beets(moving stress and, as a result, pronunciation instead of a vowel ABOUT sound E), as well as in the words ward, scam, bigamist, being, in which instead of E pronounced ABOUT.

2. Ignorance of the stress inherent in the language from which the word is borrowed: blinds,(French words in which the stress falls on the last syllable), genesis(from Greek. genesis -"origin, occurrence").

3. Ignorance of the grammatical properties of the word. For example, a noun toast- masculine, therefore in the plural form it has an accent on the last syllable toast(cf. tables, sheets).

4. Incorrect partial reference of the word. So, if we compare the words busy and busy, developed And developed, then it turns out that the first of them are adjectives with a stressed ending, and the second are participles that are pronounced with stress on the basis.

The norms of oral and written speech are the norms inherent in both forms of the literary language. These norms regulate the use of units of different language levels in speech: lexical, phraseological, morphological, syntactic.

6.1. Lexical norms represent the rules for the use of words of the language and their lexical compatibility, which is determined by the meaning of the word, its stylistic reference and emotionally expressive coloring.

The use of words in speech is governed by the following rules.

1. Words should be used in accordance with their meaning.

2. It is necessary to observe the lexical (semantic) compatibility of words.

3.When using polysemantic words sentences must be constructed in such a way that it is clear what meaning is realized by the word in this context. For example, the word knee has 8 meanings in the literary language: 1) the joint connecting the femur and tibia; 2) part of the leg from this joint to the pelvis; 3) a separate joint, link, segment as part of smth., which is a connection of such segments; 4) bending something, going in a broken line, from one turn to another; 5) in singing, a piece of music - a passage, a separate one that stands out with something. place, part; 6) in dance - a separate technique, a figure that is distinguished by its spectacularity; 7) unexpected, unusual act; 8) branching of the genus, generation in the pedigree.

4. Words of foreign origin should be used justifiably, clogging of speech with foreign words is unacceptable.

Failure to comply with lexical norms leads to errors. Let's name the most typical of these mistakes.

1. Ignorance of the meaning of words and the rules of their semantic compatibility. Wed: It was very experienced thorough engineer (thorough - Means "thorough" and does not match the names of persons).

2. Mixing of paronyms. For example: Leonov is the first rascal space(instead of pioneer). Paronyms(from Greek . para- near, next to + onyma- Name) similar in sound, but different in meaning or partially coinciding in their meaning, cognate words. Differences in the meaning of paronyms lie in private additional semantic shades that serve to clarify thoughts. For example: human - human; economical - economical - economic.

Humane attentive, responsive, humane. Human boss. Human pertaining to a person, to humanity; characteristic of a person. Human society. human aspirations.

Economical frugal spending something, respecting the economy. Economical hostess. Economical enabling sth. save, profitable in economic terms, in operation. Economical way of loading. Economic related to economics. Economic law.

3. Incorrect use of one of the synonyms: The scope of work is significantly increased (should say increased).

4. The use of pleonasms (from the Greek. pleonasmos- excess) - expressions containing unambiguous and therefore superfluous words: workers again resumed work(again - superfluous word); most maximum (most- extra word).

5. Tautology (from the Greek. tautologia from tauto- the same + logos- word) - repetition of single-root words: united together, the following features should be attributed, the narrator told.

6. Speech deficiency - the absence in the statement of the components necessary for its accurate understanding. For example: The medicine is made on the basis of ancient manuscripts. Wed corrected version: The medicine is made on the basis of recipes contained in ancient manuscripts.

7. Unjustified use of foreign words in speech. For example: abundance accessories burdens the plot of the story, diverts attention from the main thing.

In order to comply with lexical norms, it is necessary to refer to explanatory dictionaries, dictionaries of homonyms, synonyms, paronyms, as well as dictionaries of foreign words of the Russian language.

6.2. Phraseological norms - consumption norms set expressions (from small to large; beat the buckets; red as a lobster; salt of the earth; no year week).

The use of phraseological units in speech must comply with the following rules.

1. Phraseologism should be reproduced in the form in which it is fixed in the language: it is impossible to expand or reduce the composition of the phraseological unit, replace some lexical components in the phraseological unit with others, change the grammatical forms of the components, change the order of the components. So, erroneous use of phraseological units turn the bank(instead of roll); play a role(instead of play a role or matter); main highlight of the program(instead of highlight of the program);work hard(instead of to work hard); return to circles(instead of back to square one);eat dog(instead of eat the dog).

2. Phraseologisms should be used in their general language meanings. Violation of this rule results in errors like: The buildings are so close to each other that they don't spill water (turnover water will not spill anyone used in relation to close friends); At the solemn line dedicated to the holiday last call, one of the ninth graders said: “We have gathered today to hold in last way their senior comrades(to spend on the last journey - “to say goodbye to the dead”).

3. The stylistic coloring of a phraseological unit should correspond to the context: colloquial and colloquial phrases should not be used in the texts of book styles (cf. the unsuccessful use of a colloquial phraseological unit in a sentence: The plenary session, which opened the work of the conference, gathered a large number of participants, the hall was packed - can't get through with a gun ). With caution, you need to use book phraseological units in everyday life colloquial speech(for example, it is stylistically unjustified to use a biblical phrase in the phrase This gazebo in the center of the park - holy of holies youth of our neighborhood).

Violations of phraseological norms are often found in works fiction and act as one of the means of creating the individual style of the writer. In not artistic speech one should adhere to the normative use of fixed phrases, referring in cases of difficulty to phraseological dictionaries of the Russian language.

Questions and tasks for self-control

1. Define the language norm, list the signs of the norm.

2. What is a variant of the norm? What kinds of options do you know?

3. Describe the degree of normativity of language units.

4. What types of norms are distinguished in accordance with the main levels of the language system and the areas of use of language means?

5. What is regulated orthoepic norms? Name the main groups of orthoepic norms.

6. Describe the main features of the pronunciation of foreign words.

7. Define the concept of accentological norm.

8. What are the features of Russian verbal stress?

9. Give the definition of an accent variant. List the types of accents.

10. What do lexical norms regulate?

11. Name the types of lexical errors, give examples.

12. Define the concept of phraseological norm.

13. What rules should be followed when using phraseological units in speech?

Lectures No. 4, 5


Topic 3. The correctness of speech and the norms of the literary language.


I Consideration of theoretical questions.

1. Features of the norms of the Russian literary language.

2. Language norms as a historical phenomenon.

3. Dynamic nature of the norm and its variance.

4. Degrees of normativity (imperative and dispositive norms).

5. Variation and speech errors.

II Assignments for independent work

Features of the norms of the Russian literary language.

The most important quality of speech culture is its correctness. The correctness of speech is its compliance with the norms of the literary language. It is based on a solid foundation of norms, which are quite fully and consistently reflected in grammars, reference books, dictionaries, teaching aids. Literally correct speech built in accordance with language standards.

The norm of the language (literary norm) is the rules for using speech means, a uniform exemplary generally recognized use of elements of the literary language in a certain period of its development. Characteristic features of the norm of the Russian literary language:

Relative stability;


general usage;


Conformity to use, custom.

In order to recognize a particular phenomenon as normative, the following conditions are necessary:

1) regular use (reproducibility) this method expressions;

2) the correspondence of this method of expression to the possibilities of the literary language system (taking into account its historical restructuring);

3) public approval of a regularly reproduced way of expression (and the role of the judge in this case falls to the lot of writers, scientists, representatives of the educated part of society).

The literary norm is obligatory for oral and written speech and depends on the conditions in which speech is carried out. The norm does not divide the means of language into good or bad. It indicates the expediency of using them in communication. Sources of language norms - works classical literature, common modern usage of the language, scientific research.

Norms help to preserve the integrity and comprehensibility of the literary language and protect it from vernacular, dialects. The norm reflects the desire of the language in this period to stop, solidify, stability, continuity, universality, universality and at the same time the desire to go beyond the original, generating new opportunities.

Language norms as a historical phenomenon.

Language norms are a historical phenomenon, constantly changing. The change in literary norms is associated with the development of language, social change, the development of literature, etc. What was the norm in the last century and even 10 years ago, today may be a deviation from it. If you look at dictionaries 100 years old, you can see how the norms have changed, for example, pronunciation and stress.

So, in the XIX century. they said - trains, weather, at the present time only actors of the older generation pronounce the return particle sya - xing firmly - returning (s).

L.I. Skvortsov introduced into circulation the concept of a dynamic norm, including in it a sign of potential possibilities for the implementation of the language. He points out that there are two approaches to the concept of norm: taxonomic (classification, descriptive) and dynamic.

The dynamic nature of the norm and its variance.

The linguistic norm, understood in its dynamic aspect, is a conditioned socio-historical result of speech activity that reinforces the traditional implementations of the system or creates new linguistic facts in terms of their connection both with the potential capabilities of the language system, on the one hand, and with the realized samples - with

Understanding the dynamic nature of the norm includes both statics (a system of linguistic units) and dynamics (the functioning of the language), while the functional aspect of the norm is especially interesting, as it is associated with such a phenomenon as variance: "The norm cannot be set by a finite set of facts, but inevitably appears in in the form of two lists - mandatory and permissible (additional).This is the source of normative variance,

those. options are within the normal range.

The sources of change in the norms of the literary language are different: live colloquial speech, dialects, borrowings, professionalisms. The change in norms is preceded by the appearance of their variants, which actually already exist in the language and are used by its speakers.

Variants of norms are reflected in the dictionaries of the modern literary language. For example, in the Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language, variants of words are given - thinking, thinking, etc.

At present, the process of changing linguistic norms has become especially active and noticeable against the backdrop of events of historical and political significance, economic reforms, changes in the social sphere, science, technology.

Depending on the goals and objectives of communication, on the characteristics of a particular style, a deviation from the norm is possible. But these deviations should reflect the variants of norms that exist in the language. Variants (or doublets) are varieties of the same language unit that have the same value but different in form. Some variants are not differentiated either semantically or stylistically: stack - stack; workshops. Such options are called equal, and in this case we can talk about variability. However, the vast majority of options undergo stylistic differentiation: called - called, accountants - accountants, condition - condition, wave - wave (the second options, compared to the first, have a colloquial or colloquial connotation). Such options are unequal.

Degrees of normativity (imperative and dispositive norms).

There are 3 degrees of normativity, which are reflected in various dictionaries:

The norm of the 1st degree is strict, rigid, does not allow options (put, not lay down);

Norm of the 2nd degree - neutral, allows equivalent options (decent (shn));

The norm of the 3rd degree is more mobile, allows colloquial, obsolete forms (cottage cheese, cottage cheese).

The norm of the 1st degree is called the imperative norm, the norms of the 2nd and 3rd degrees are called dispositive norms.

In linguistic literature recent years There are two types of norms: imperative and dispositive.

Imperative (that is, strictly obligatory) are such norms, the violation of which is regarded as a poor command of the Russian language (for example, a violation of the norms of declension, conjugation, or belonging to the grammatical gender). These rules do not allow

(non-variable), any other implementations of them are considered incorrect: met with Vanya (not with Vanya), call (do not call), quarter (not quarter), my corn (not my corn), wash your hair with shampoo (not shampoo).

Dispositive (additional, not strictly obligatory) norms allow stylistically different or neutral options: stack - stack, brown - brown, a piece of cheese - a piece of cheese, a record book - a record book, three students went - three students went. Estimates of options in this case do not have a categorical (prohibitive) character.


1. Normativity of the literary language.

2. The main features of the norm.

3. Imperative and dispositive norms.

4. Variants of the norm. Three degrees of the norm.

1. Normativity of the literary language.

The most important feature of the literary language, as mentioned above, is its normativity, that is, the presence of language norms in it, enshrined in dictionaries, grammars, reference books and mandatory for all native speakers. The norms of the literary language are reflected in various dictionaries: orthoepic, spelling, explanatory, dictionaries of the difficulties of the Russian language, etc.

Language norms are the historically established rules for the use of language means, i.e. the rules for pronunciation, word usage, the choice of grammatical, stylistic and other means adopted in the social and linguistic practice of educated people. This is a uniform, exemplary, generally recognized use of language elements: words, word forms, phrases and sentences. In other words, these are the rules for the use of speech means in a certain period of development of the literary language.

The norm is the only possible or preferred option correct use words, their forms and syntactic constructions.

The main signs of the norm.

The main features of the norm literary language are: relative stability and dynamism, prevalence, general usage, general obligatory nature, compliance with the use, custom and capabilities of the language system.

One of the main features of the norm is that it is mandatory for all those who speak and write Russian. Attention should be paid to two more important properties of the norm: it is stability and at the same time the ability for dynamic development.

If the norms were not stable, if they were easily subjected to various kinds of influences, the linguistic connection between generations would be broken. Of course, it is difficult for an unprepared reader, for example, to understand texts written in the 11th-12th centuries, but we fully understand the works of A. S. Pushkin, with the exception of individual words and expressions, although these works were created about two centuries ago. The stability of norms is also largely ensured by the continuity of the cultural traditions of the people.

Norma is one of essential conditions stability (stability), unity and originality of the national language. The literary norm is mobile: it develops and changes over time, and the degree of mobility is not the same at different language levels.

Imperative and dispositive norms

Norms are classified according to various parameters. According to the degree of obligation, they distinguish imperative(strictly required) and dispositive(variant) norms.

imperative rules are strictly required. Their violation is interpreted as a poor command of the Russian language. Imperative norms include incorrect pronunciation, incorrect placement of stress in words, violation of the rules of declension, conjugation, syntactic compatibility of words, incorrect word usage, erroneous construction of syntactic constructions - phrases and sentences. Violations of imperative norms are regarded as gross errors in the use of the language.

dispositive(variant) norms presuppose the existence of variants of pronunciation, word usage, and the use of grammatical units. Violation of the dispositive norm is not regarded as a gross error; it is the choice of one of the coexisting and acceptable in the language options for using its means. For example, the dispositive norm is the norm of stress in such words as cottage cheese - cottage cheese; grammatical norm in the formation of certain forms of words, such as spasm - spasm, cuff - cuff ͵ hussars - hussars and etc.

The system of literary norms of the national Russian language, put forward and described by M.V. Lomonosov in "Russian Grammar" (1755), defined the entire further fate Russian language, received its completion in the work of A.S. Pushkin and other Russian writers, masters of the word. This system has been preserved to our time, changing and improving in accordance with the internal laws of language development.

Norm options. Three degrees of normal

Language changes lead to options some norms. This means that the same grammatical meaning (for example, place, time, reason, purpose), the same thought can be expressed differently, using different words, their forms and combinations, using different phonetic means. The variance of norms is an invariable and inevitable companion of the development of living languages, and often the cause of difficulties for those who speak them. For example, a noun tractor in many h. has two equal normative forms: tractors, -ov and tractors, -ov. In other words, the form I.p. pl. hours on -A remains outside the literary language, qualifies as incorrect ( engineer) or slang used in professional speech ( driver).

The indicators of various normative dictionaries give grounds to speak of three degrees of normativity:

first degree norm- this is a strict, rigid norm that does not allow options (if options exist in speech, then they qualify as incorrect). Wed:! not right. aka[de]mia; ! grossly wrong.

norm of the second degree- a neutral norm that allows the existence of equal (equivalent) options, which in dictionaries are usually connected by the union And or printed with commas, for example: mattress And mattress(in such cases, there are no normative marks; in addition, it should be remembered that from the point of view of the norm, the order of the options connected by the union And, is insignificant, i.e. the first option has no advantages over the one given in the second place);

norm of the third degree- a more mobile norm, which presupposes the existence preferred (main) option and allows the use colloquial, obsolete forms(in dictionaries we meet litters add. - "permissible" obsolete - "tolerably outdated"), For example: maid, -oh ( additional obsolete sh), that is, options that characterize the scope of professional or artistic speech, for example: silk, -th, -th // in folk-poetic speech it is possible silk; lighthouse, -a // in the professional speech of sailors: lighthouse.

The historical change in the norms of the literary language is a natural and objective phenomenon. It does not depend on the will and desire of individual native speakers.

The development of society, the change in the social way of life, the emergence of new traditions, the improvement of relationships between people, the functioning of literature and art lead to the constant renewal of the literary language and its norms. According to scientists, the process of changing language norms has become especially active in recent decades.

Questions for self-control

1. What is a “language norm”? Name the main types of norms.

2. How do the norms differ in terms of the degree of compulsion?

3. Define the concepts of imperative (mandatory) and variant norms. Give examples.

4. How do different variants of the norm manifest themselves in the conditions of modern Russian society?

Test tasks

1. Find a statement that is true. Correct speech means:

A) its compliance with generally accepted norms of behavior;

B) its compliance with the generally accepted use of language units;

C) its compliance with the norms of the literary language;

D) its compliance with dialect norms.

The most important feature of the literary language is its normativity, which is manifested in written and oral form.

Language norm- this is a uniform, exemplary, generally recognized use of language elements (words, phrases, sentences); rules for the use of speech means of the literary language.

Characteristic features of the norm of the literary language: relative stability, prevalence, general use, universal validity, compliance with use, custom, and the capabilities of the language system.

The main sources of the language norm include the works of classical and contemporary writers, analysis of the language of the media, generally accepted modern usage, data from live and questionnaire surveys, scientific research by linguists.

Norms help the literary language to maintain its integrity and general intelligibility. They protect the literary language from the flow of dialect speech, social and professional slang, and vernacular. This allows the literary language to fulfill its main function - cultural.

The literary norm depends on the conditions in which speech is carried out. Language means that are appropriate in one situation (everyday communication) may turn out to be ridiculous in another (official business communication).

For example, in Russian you cannot use such forms as “my last name”, “they ran away”; need to speak "my last name", "they ran." The norms are described in textbooks, special reference books, as well as in dictionaries (spelling, explanatory, phraseological, synonyms). The norm is approved and supported by the speech practice of cultured people. The norm in colloquial speech is the result of a speech tradition, determined by the appropriateness of using an expression in a given situation. Depending on how clearly the words are pronounced, there are three styles of pronunciation: full, neutral, colloquial.

Language norms are a historical phenomenon. The change in literary norms is due to the constant development of the language. What was the norm in the last century and even 15-70 years ago may become a deviation from it today. For example, in the 1930s and 1940s words were used "graduate student" And diplomat to express the same concept: student doing a thesis. In the literary norm of the 1950s-1960s. there was a distinction in the use of these words: the former colloquial "graduate student" now denotes a student, a student in the period of protection thesis, obtaining a diploma. Word diplomat began to be called mainly the winners of competitions, prize-winners of reviews awarded with a diploma (Diploma winner of the All-Union Piano Competition).

The indicators of various normative dictionaries give grounds to speak of three degrees of normativity:

1st degree - strict, tough, not allowing options;

2nd degree - neutral, allows equivalent options;

3rd degree - more mobile, allows the use of colloquial, as well as obsolete forms.

The historical change in the norms of the literary language is a natural phenomenon and does not depend on the will and desire of people. The development of society, the emergence of new traditions lead to a constant renewal of the literary language and its norms.

The dynamic nature of the norms. Options

The most important quality culture of speech is its correctness, i.e., its compliance with language norms.

Language norm ( literary norm) - these are the rules for the use of language means, uniform, exemplary, generally recognized use of elements of the literary language in a certain period of its development.

The main sources of language norms are works of classical literature, exemplary speech of highly educated native speakers, generally accepted, widespread modern usage, and scientific research. However, while recognizing the importance of literary tradition and the authority of sources, one should also keep in mind the author's individuality, which can violate norms, which is justified in certain situations of communication.

The literary norm is objective: it is not invented by scientists, but reflects the natural processes and phenomena occurring in the language. Norms of the language are obligatory for both oral and written speech. It must be understood that the norm does not divide linguistic means into “good” and “bad”. It indicates the appropriateness of their use in a particular communicative situation.

The change in language norms is preceded by the appearance of their variants (doublets), which actually already exist in speech and are used by native speakers. Variants of the norms are reflected in special dictionaries, such as the Orthoepic Dictionary, the Dictionary of the Difficulties of the Russian Language, the Dictionary of Word Combination, etc.

Language norms reflect the natural processes and phenomena occurring in the language and are supported by speech practice. Norms are dynamic and mobile. The new norm does not replace the old one overnight - it is a long process, so for some time the old and new norms can coexist in the language, forming variants. Changes in norms are preceded by the appearance of their variants. , which exist in the language at a certain stage of its development are actively used by its speakers.

Variants of norms are presented at all levels of the language in Table 2.

Variants of norms by language levels

Level Options
Phonetic To - so that, fern - fern, empower - empower
derivational Comprehension - comprehension, locksmith - locksmith, heroically - heroically, reading room - reading room, she-wolf - she-wolf
Morphological This roofing - this roofing, coffee is cold - coffee is cold, towels - towels, in the workshop - in the workshop, go - go, the most important - the most important - the most important, a hundred meters - a hundred meters - a hundred meters
Syntactic Wait for the train - wait for the train, buy bread - buy bread, ride the train - ride the train - ride the train, recommend by a coach - recommend as a coach, recommend as a coach
Phraseological The tongue is stuck / stuck to the larynx, the tongue does not turn / does not turn to say /, wag / scratch / chat / grind with the tongue, as if / as if / as if a cow had licked it with its tongue

Norms help the literary language to maintain its integrity and general intelligibility. They protect the literary language from the flow of dialect speech, social and professional jargon, and vernacular. The literary norm depends on the conditions in which speech is carried out. Language means that are appropriate in one situation (everyday communication) may turn out to be ridiculous in another (official business communication). The historical change in the norms of the literary language is a natural, objective phenomenon. It does not depend on the will and desire of individual native speakers. The development of society, changes in social conditions of life, the emergence of new traditions, relationships between people, the functioning of literature and art lead to a constant renewal of the literary language and its norms.

Compliance with language norms is characteristic of oral and written speech for a native speaker of the literary language, since this is the only codified, standardized variety of the Russian national language. The speaker of dialect, vernacular or jargon does not follow the language norm due to its absence in the indicated varieties of the language. Modern Specialist in their social and professional status must be a native speaker of the literary language, must know, use in speech and maintain a system of norms.

Language varieties form different literary styles, differing not only in terms of vocabulary and phraseology, but also in pronunciation. Pronunciation styles are related to language styles. There are 3 styles: basic, high (book) and colloquial. The norms of the main style have no correspondence in high style or colloquial. large group words are pronounced the same in all styles. The colloquial pronunciation style is characterized by negligence, less articulatory clarity, and a fast pace. For high style - slowness, increased clarity of pronunciation of sounds, intonation design of speech. The colloquial manner of pronunciation is outside the norm.