Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Environmental Education" "I am friends with nature" - environmental education in the classroom for the development of speech Paganel Publishing House, March 12, 2013 Pavlova I.V. teacher-speech therapist GBDOU kindergarten No. 10 of the compensating type of the Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg, Russian Federation “Nature has taken care of everything so much that you find something to learn everywhere” Leonardo da Vinci Outstanding thinkers and teachers of the past, Zh.Zh. Russo, I.G. Pestalozzi, Ya.A. Comenius, K.D. Ushinsky, saw in nature a powerful source of knowledge, a means for the development of the mind, feelings and will, and considered nature as an important factor in raising children. The beauty of nature is fraught with a variety of colors, shapes and lines. It is full of contrasts, colorfully changing in different seasons. The child discovers a diverse and fascinating world. Clouds, multi-colored rainbow, raindrops, snowflakes, colorful butterflies - interest and surprise him, awaken his imagination and fantasy. It is important not to let children's curiosity fade away, to help in the knowledge of the world around them. An adult should help the child with this. After all, he carries out the successive connection of generations and helps children to master the universally valuable experience of relations to good and evil, Paganel Publishing House, March 12, 2013 truth and lies, beauty and ugliness, love and hate. Only with the help of an adult can a child be educated to see the beauty of his native nature, love, and a careful and caring attitude towards it. And this, in turn, is the most important task of environmental education. For everyone remedial classes the speech therapist traces the theme of environmental education. In children with general speech underdevelopment, violations affect all components of the language system: phonetics, vocabulary, grammar and coherent speech. They are characterized by violations of finger and articulatory motility, attention and memory, insufficiently formed verbal and logical thinking. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the speech of children. The fulfillment of our correctional tasks in the classroom is closely related to the theme of nature. Working on sound pronunciation, such imitative exercises as “Woodpecker”, “Vodichka”, etc. are used. While working on the correct speech breathing the exercises “Leaf fall”, “Butterfly”, etc. are used. During the walk, we observe others, ask leading questions, encouraging children to listen and hear adults, to answer the questions posed. Children note all the beauty that they see around them and try to express their impression in words. And we help to introduce new words, beautiful epithets, definitions into the active dictionary of children, we teach how to make simple, and then detailed sentences. An important place in the speech development of children belongs to the conversation in the picture. Dialogue in a picture helps to consolidate, clarify and activate vocabulary, develop memory, attention, improve the verbal side of speech, acquire the ability to establish relationships between objects, develop an understanding of the meaning and content of pictures. In the classroom, a lot of didactic games are used: “Pick mushrooms”, “Who is superfluous?”, “Find out by description”, “Edible - inedible”, “Fly away, do not fly away” and others. Paganel Publishing House, March 12, 2013 By introducing the child to nature, speech develops and complex speech disorders are corrected. In this regard, speech therapy classes allow children to develop love and respect for nature. Literature 1. Doronova T.N. The development of children from 3 to 5 years in visual activity. Teaching aid for kindergarten teachers and short stay groups. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2003. 2. Kurochkina N.A. Acquaintance with still life / Library of the program "Childhood". - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Childhood-press", 2006

Classes for the development of coherent speech

The development of children's speech is an important component in. Nowadays, many children of preschool and younger school age speech disorders of varying degrees of complexity are observed. The active development of modern technologies greatly affects the development of children. Modern children spend more time at the computer and other means of technological progress.

Preschool children spend most of their time in preschool institutions and surrounded by their parents, so adults should monitor their speech, it should be clear, intelligible and understandable to children. The development of speech occurs during the classes of children with educators, teachers and parents. At the time when they walk on the street, go to zoos, museums, circuses, to various children's performances, the vocabulary is enriched.

Many preschool children have poor lexicon. In addition, children have insufficiently formed cognitive processes that are closely related to speech activity. In the course of classes and developmental activities with educators, children study various lexical topics. The educator and the speech therapist interact with each other and, thus, the material received by the children is fixed many times at different levels.

2017 became the Year of Ecology in Russia. Human interaction with nature is important issue Nowadays. Ecological education of children implies the formation of the correct attitude of the child to the environment, which includes continuous education and upbringing of children aimed at the formation of his ecological culture, which manifests itself in the child's attitude to the environment.

Lexical topics, during the study of which the ecological education of children takes place: "Forest", "Mushrooms", "Plants", "Flowers", "Trees", "Wild Animals", "Pets", "Seasons" and others.

On speech therapy classes environmental education is implemented as follows:

    children's knowledge of plants, animals, natural phenomena is clarified and enriched; knowledge about natural changes V different time of the year; the concept of living and inanimate nature; explain to children the elementary rules of behavior in nature; development of cognitive interest in the surrounding world.

At speech therapy classes on lexical topics, it is assumed active development coherent speech of the child. Children with the help of mnemonic diagrams and plot pictures compose descriptive stories. Before compiling such stories, a conversation is held with the children about animals, birds, plants and about a person’s attitude towards them. In addition to consolidating the knowledge gained by children about animals, birds and plants, children develop a benevolent attitude towards living beings and the world around them.

In the classroom for the formation of lexical and grammatical categories, along with traditional playing tricks, didactic games, exercises, such as “Name it affectionately”, “Pick up words”, “Plant a tree”, “Walk in the forest”, “Distribute among the houses” and many others, I use modern technologies. With the help of multimedia presentations, children perceive objects and natural phenomena more vividly, thereby forming an aesthetic attitude to the world around them. The child learns to observe features different seasons, domestic and wild animals, animals living in hot and cold countries, insects, etc. Children's ideas about animate and inanimate nature, seasons are generalized and systematized, interest in their native land develops.

In the classroom, I also use games from the developing portal "Mersibo": "Wild Animals", "Pets", "Mom, I'm Here", "Go Home", "Lost Tail" and others.

For the development of a child's speech, a rich experience is needed that children receive during excursions, targeted walks, and reading. Children learn to compare and generalize their own observations, to see and understand the beauty of the world around them, children's speech, their thinking, and creative abilities improve.

Indeed, the ecological education of children is inextricably linked with the enrichment of the dictionary, the development of monologue speech. How better baby perceives, observes and analyzes natural phenomena, notices the beauty of the world around him, the more competently he can express his thoughts in a coherent story.

Teacher speech therapist.


Preschool age is most favorable for the development of speech. But this is a very responsible work, requiring the selection of the most effective means and methods of teaching. Nature is an inexhaustible source of spiritual and speech enrichment of children. WITH early years nature native land surrounds the child, emotionally affects him, encourages the transfer of feelings and thoughts in speech. I work in a specialized group for children with speech disorders, where the problem of speech development is most acute, being the subject of particular attention.

In children with general speech underdevelopment, violations affect all components of speech: phonetics, vocabulary, grammar. The children's vocabulary is not enough. When describing pictures, many children use nouns and verbs, using little adjectives, numerals, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, which should be present in the vocabulary of a child of older preschool age. In addition, children have insufficiently formed cognitive processes that are closely related to speech activity (attention, memory, thinking, imagination). They do not have enough knowledge about the nature of their native land, although there is an interest in knowledge, they have a great need for knowledge, they are interested in discovering the natural world.

(beginning of the year)

Having an interest in nature

Commitment to activity

Availability of knowledge

Attitude towards natural objects


Doesn't show up



kind, merciful

Evil, aggressive


Diagnosis of environmental education of preschoolers

(the end of the year)

Having an interest in nature

Commitment to activity

Availability of knowledge

Attitude towards natural objects


Doesn't show up



kind, merciful

Evil, aggressive


Working on this topic, I set myself the following tasks:

  1. 1. Form cognitive processes that are closely related to speech activity (attention, memory, thinking, imagination).
  2. 2. Enrichment of the dictionary with new words, assimilation by children of previously unknown words, as well as new meanings of a number of words already in their vocabulary;
  3. 3. To form in children a consciously correct attitude to natural phenomena and objects.
  4. 4. Promote the development of a careful and responsible attitude towards the environment;

In my work, I rely on the "Basic General Education Program preschool education MBDOU kindergarten of a combined type No. 58, developed in accordance with the requirements of the FGT for the structure of the OOP DO based on the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, T.S. Komarova, V.V. Stamp. Partial program Nishcheva N.V. "System corrective work V speech therapy group for children with general underdevelopment of speech.

In my work, use

th different methods:

  • visual (observations, excursions, looking at pictures and illustrations),
  • verbal (conversations, reading fiction),
  • practical ( environmental games, experiments, labor in nature).

To improve the efficiency of vocabulary development and grammatical structure speech in preschoolers great importance I devote to didactic eco-speech games:

  • "Necessary - not necessary"
  • "Edible - inedible"
  • "Who lives where?"
  • "Guess what plant"
  • "Know the Taste"
  • "Pick up a leaf"
  • "What kind of bird?"
  • "Recognize by the voice of the animal"
  • "Guess who I'm talking about"
  • "What's First, What's Later"
  • "What is dangerous for nature"
  • "Guess what's in the bag"
  • "When does it happen?"
  • "Whose tail?"
  • "What branch are the kids from?"

The main purpose of didactic speech games environmental nature is to form preschoolers' motivation for environmental activities: to arouse their interest and desire to take care of natural objects, emotionally set up children for one or another type of work, activate them in the process of completing assignments.

The game requires the child to be involved, he must remember the designations, must quickly figure out how to act in an unexpected situation, from which it is necessary to get out correctly. However, the whole complex of practical and mental actions performed by the child in the game is not recognized by him as a process of deliberate learning - the child learns while playing.

When communicating with nature, the child opens up, he develops observation, attention, visual memory, vocabulary is enriched, the ability to answer questions and retell what he heard is formed.

In preparation for conducting observations, excursions, walks, I outline questions for myself, words that will be new for children or will appear in a new meaning, and I also determine methods for activating children's speech. I pronounce each word clearly, and I focus the attention of the children on the fact that the word is new to them. During the observation, I repeatedly repeat a new word and try to put questions in such a way that the children's answers to them require mandatory use. given word. New words are fixed in the process of conversation, when looking at pictures.

I try to teach children to use the word correctly, in accordance with the situation. A fairly rich and varied vocabulary is the basis for the development of coherent speech, consisting of correctly composed sentences, and sentences different types. For the child to make difficult sentence, he must understand the connection, the pattern that he wants to convey in speech, for example:

- "When the snow is wet, you can sculpt from it",

- "When it's cold, the snow is dry and creaks",

- "In winter, if it's warm, It is snowing flakes",

- "When it's very cold outside, the snow is like prickly needles",

-“When autumn comes, birds fly away to warmer climes, where it is warm”,

- "When autumn comes, the leaves fall, this is leaf fall."

All these sentences are composed by children, and they gradually turn into their active independent speech. Thus, various observations of natural phenomena create an opportunity for improving children's speech, and the more I use this opportunity, the richer and more diverse in form and content the speech of children becomes.

Looking at pictures also helps to develop children's speech.

My work on the development of monologue speech of children based on familiarization with nature is built as teaching them the following types of stories:

A plot story based on direct perception or labor in nature (“How we arranged a flower garden”, “How we fed the birds”, “How we cleaned the site”);

plot and descriptive story based on the generalization of knowledge gained as a result of conversations, reading books, looking at paintings (“How animals live in winter”, “What happened on the river in spring”);

A descriptive story based on a comparison of different seasons (“Our site in winter and summer”, “Birch in spring and autumn”);

A descriptive account of the season as a whole (“Tell me about spring”, “My favorite time years”, “What do you know about autumn?”);

A descriptive story about a single object or natural phenomenon (" Pansies”, “Rowan branch”, “Autumn bouquet”),

The indicated sequence of types of stories goes according to the type “from simple to complex”.

Descriptive - stories about nature, based on the knowledge of nature, are an important technique for the development of coherent speech and logical thinking older preschool children.

Environmental education in a group is often intertwined with the study of a particular lexical topic so they get importance not only in the formation of ecological culture, but also in the enrichment, expansion of the vocabulary of children's words, in the development of correct, competent and coherent speech. Children learn to ask questions, answer them: “Who lives in the water?”, “Who needs water?” etc. Educational activities takes place in the form of stories, conversations, observations, practical activities in the corner of wildlife. During direct activity I spend environmental physical education sessions with children to relieve fatigue and stress.

For example: Physical education

Finger gymnastics

Fold your fingers into a pinch. We swing them.
Woodpeckers are knocking louder and louder
The chicks began to sing.
The palms are closed with a "bucket", we raise our hands up, open our palms, the side parts remain pressed, the fingers are spread out.
The sun rises early
To warm our earth.
The movements are repeated.

Streams run downhill
All the snow has melted
We perform wave-like movements with our hands (fingers are straightened, closed, palms are turned down).

And from under the old grass
The palms are closed with a "bucket".
The flower is already looking...
The palms open, the sides of the hands are connected, the fingers are open, half bent (calyx of the flower)
The movements are repeated.
Opened the bell
Hands are on the table, leaning on the elbows. The fingers are clenched into a fist.
In the shade where the pine is
The fingers gradually loosen up, freely relaxed (bell cup).
Ding-ding, ringing softly,
We swing our hands in different directions, pronouncing "ding-ding".
Ding-ding, spring has come. The movements are repeated.

Closeness to nature excites emotions, improves speech activity. Depending on the content, I use observations during different regime moments: in the morning period, on a walk, in the evening.

The most important thing is to ask children clear, specific questions, listen to their answers and respond kindly to each message, encourage children to further search for information with praise.

I give a special place in my work joint activities children and their parents:

Joint landscaping of the territory of the kindergarten;

Subbotniks "Rubbish is dangerous"

Thematic exhibitions of crafts from natural material, drawings about nature, made jointly by parents with children (exhibitions "Autumn Fantasies", "Winter - Winter")

Environmental campaigns, for example, "We make feeders and feed the birds."

Consultation for parents: "Let's think about speech", "Speech didactic games of ecological content" (Games such as "Chain", "Take care of nature" were offered to parents)

This approach promotes cooperation, emotional, psychological rapprochement between parents and children. Shows parents the need to educate children in environmental culture.

The implementation of the system of environmental education of preschoolers ensures the comprehensive development of children. They improve their intellect, expand their horizons, develop sensory abilities, motor skills, observation, and speech. Children learn to establish connections, dependencies, discover causes and effects. The culture of children's behavior in nature and the environment is increasing. By enriching children's active vocabulary environmental terms and concepts; many guys try to expressively tell poems of ecological content; they can retell a short text based on a mnemonic table, as well as compose a short descriptive story; can write a story together plot picture ecological content.

Topic: "Speech development in children with speech pathology

through environmental education.

Among the challenges facing preschool, an important place is occupied by the task of preparing children for school. One of the main indicators of a child's readiness for successful learning is correct, well-developed speech.

The “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” clearly defines the tasks for the development of children's speech for different age stages and provides for the prevention and correction of its violations. The timely development of speech rebuilds the entire psyche of the baby, allows him to more consciously perceive the phenomena of the world around him. Any violation of speech, to one degree or another, can affect the activity and behavior of the child. Children who speak poorly, beginning to realize their shortcomings, become silent, shy, indecisive. The correct, clear pronunciation of sounds and words by children during the period of literacy is especially important, since written language formed on the basis of oral and shortcomings oral speech may lead to failure.

With the normal formation of the speech system, by the age of 4.5-5 years, a child should speak coherently, fully, express thoughts clearly, build detailed sentences; easily retell texts; pronounce all sounds correctly, have a vocabulary of four to five thousand words.

If 4-5 summer child hears well, but little and unintelligible, he may have a general underdevelopment of speech - speech disorders, in which violations affect all components of the language system: phonetics (sound pronunciation), vocabulary (vocabulary), grammar and coherent speech.

With a general underdevelopment of speech, children, phonetically, incorrectly pronounce up to ten (sometimes up to twenty) sounds; do not distinguish paired soft-hard consonants, voiced-voiced consonants, as well as s-sh sounds, 3-g, t-h, etc.; they distort words that are complex in structure (photography-atagraph, tape recorder-atafon). .then with a wide range of commonly used everyday words, less commonly used words are poorly represented,

Characteristic difficulties relate to the knowledge of parts of objects and objects; verbs of specified action; prefixed verbs; antonyms; relative adjectives.

IN grammatical structure mistakes are common: in the use of prepositions, in agreement various parts speech; building proposals.

In coherent speech, the semantic statements of children are distinguished by the lack of clarity, consistency of presentation, and fragmentation. The most difficult thing for such children is storytelling from memory and all kinds of creative storytelling. It is characteristic that the lack of a sense of rhythm and rhyme prevents them from memorizing poetry.

For children with general underdevelopment of speech, along with the indicated speech features, insufficient formation of processes closely related to speech activity is also characteristic, namely: finger and articulatory motor skills are impaired, verbal-logical thinking is insufficiently formed.

Violation of attention and memory is manifested V the following: children find it difficult to restore the order of even four objects after rearranging them, do not notice inaccuracies in joke drawings. Children with general violation speeches cannot be fully perceived by the teacher's lengthy explanations, long instructions.

Since speech and thinking are closely related, therefore, the verbal thinking of children with a general speech disorder is somewhat below the age norm. Such children experience difficulties in classifying objects, generalizing phenomena and signs. Often their judgments are poor, fragmentary, illogical, some children are not able to guess even simple riddles. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the speech of children.

Senior preschool age is characterized by great curiosity; at this age, children actively form ecological views. And since ecology - (by the definition of academician M.S. Gilyarov) - is the science of the relationship of living organismswith each other and with environment, we decided to use environmental education for the development of speech in our children, in a speech therapy group. By environmental education, I mean, first of all, the education of humanity, i.e. kindness, responsible attitude to nature, and to people who live nearby, and to descendants,who need to leave the Earth suitable for a full life. Ecological education should teach children to understand themselves and everything that happens around them.

And since one of the tasks of the correctional and educational impact is to replenish, clarify and activate the vocabulary of children, I tried to solve it using the world around us.

Working with children in a corner of wildlife, I asked the children to answer which flower has bloomed, how the fish behave in the aquarium. Making marks in the phenological calendar, I ask the children other questions: who did we see on the site today? What was the crow doing? What is she? Who sat on the chamomile? What does she have? etc.

During the walk, the children and I observe the surroundings and ask the children what kind of sky, what kind of snow is on the site, what leaves are on the ground, etc. I try to encourage children to listen and hear adults by asking questions like: "Who will come up with more wordsabout autumn?", "Who can say more precisely about a cat walking on the site?", "Who can name more migratory birds? (trees, flowers, etc.)

Looking at the picture depicting a woodpecker, we note the features of this bird: a red cap on its head, a strong, long beak, a woodpecker - a forest doctor, etc. Here we use the game "Woodpecker", when the entire subgroup of children says:

Woodpecker hammering a tree

A woodpecker is hammering an oak tree with its beak.

And the child, depicting a woodpecker, says: "d-d-d" and beats his fist on his fist. This is how the pronunciation of the isolated sound "d" is fixed.

Once a cat with kittens wandered into the territory of the kindergarten. Of course, the guys and I examined the mother and her children, noted that the kittens are small, fluffy, shy and playful.

And immediately the children remembered and read the poem that we learned to consolidate the sound "sh".

The cuckoo cuckoo sewed a hood.

Put on a cuckoo hood

How funny he was in the hood.

Our children enjoy working in the garden of the kindergarten, caring for vegetables, harvesting, while expanding the knowledge of children, replenishing their vocabulary. At the same time, it is possible to fix the sounds previously delivered to children. So, while collecting sorrel for borscht for lunch, we fixed the sound "u" by reading a nursery rhyme:

You, mother, do not look for us -

We pinch sorrel on cabbage soup.

In a grove of grass, stirring,

We will pluck sorrel.

On walks, children note all the beauty that they see around them and try to express their impressions in words, and we help them in this.

The birch is slender, white-trunked, green, curly.

Herringbone is fluffy, prickly, green, fragrant.

The ant is small, nimble, hardworking, the ants are friendly.

Clouds are airy, curly, fluffy, white.

In autumn, we note that the sun is deceptive, not hot, the leaves on the trees are golden, purple.

Autumn is golden, bright, colorful, warm, dry.

Looking at the leaves different trees we call them: maple, birch, oak, linden, aspen, poplar. Making a tour of the territory of the kindergarten, we fix Genitive plural: "Two birches grow in a clearing, but there are no birches there", "What slender poplars, but there are no poplars here", etc. The formation and use of related words, for example, you show the children a sheet, and they select related words: aspen leaf, deciduous forest, birch leaf, fluffy larch, autumn leaf fall.

With the onset of winter, it is very good to use poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, to fix the pronunciation of sounds.

s, s"

Rip, Rip, Rip

Sprinkle everyone, everyone!

L, l"

Everything is white, white, white

There has been a lot of snow

Here are the fun days.

Everyone on skis and skates!

lay a blanket

Soft, white

The sun has baked

The blanket is gone.

When it froze after the thaw, we notice this phenomenon - ice, fixing the sound "ts":

Don't walk and don't eat

Because ice.

But it falls great

Why is no one happy?

The children really like to listen to the poems of Russian poets about nature. In autumn, poems by F.N. Tyutchev "There is in the original autumn", P.N. Pleshcheeva "Autumn has come", A.S. Pushkin "A dull time, charm of the eyes", "Already the sky breathed autumn", S.A. Yesenina "Fields are compressed, groves floors".

Listening, children determine when this happens: at the beginning, middle or end of the season, they try to repeat some lines. Thus, I teach children to see the beauty around us, replenish their vocabulary with beautiful epithets and definitions.

An important place in the speech development of children belongs to a conversation in a picture, both in terms of subject matter and plot, familiar or unfamiliar. The dialogue in the picture helps to consolidate the skills of conducting individual and group conversations in children, replenishment, clarification and activation of vocabulary, development of memory, attention, improvement of the verbal side of speech, acquiring the ability to establish relationships between objects, developing an understanding of the meaning and content of pictures, the formation of explanatory, evidence-based speeches, etc.

During the dialogues on the picture, I conduct a systematic control over the production of sounds and grammatical correctness children's speech skills sound analysis and synthesis. In addition, the use of dialogues based on a familiar picture contributes not only to the speech, but also to the social and emotional development of the child, the formation of his motivational sphere. The conversation provides him with an opportunity to realize his knowledge and ideas about others by expressing his own opinion. For example, when looking at a painting of a winter landscape, children might be asked the following questions:

What time of year did the artist depict? Why do you think so?

What color is the most in the picture? Why is it mostly white?

What is the name of the weather when it snows?

What words - relatives of the word "snow" can you name?

Who can feel bad in a snowy, cold winter?

Why are birds hungry in winter?

Therefore, the stories of children are full of epithets and colorful definitions.

The children listen to ecological fairy tales with pleasure and are so fond of them that they draw pictures for them, and also come up with their own fairy tales with pleasure.

I encourage these creative impulses of children, write down fairy tales, and then read them to all the children. The guys like it when we make some kind of observation with them on a walk, and then I give the children a homework assignment: come up with a fairy tale about this object. The children show their imagination, and parents are asked to write down these creations. Here are some examples:

Sasha 3. There was an ant. He was small but worked hard. Once he went far from his home - an anthill. Suddenly he saw a small birch. The birch was very ill, the caterpillar ate its leaves, the Ant decided to help the birch. He defeated the caterpillar. And the birch became his friend. The ant often visited her. Since then, the caterpillars have never offended the birch, and it has grown tall, slender, and beautiful.

Zakhar S. A tall, mighty oak grew in the forest. In summer, acorns appeared on it. One autumn I flew by big bird. She plucked the most beautiful acorn, squeezed it with her beak and carried it. When she flew over the kindergarten, she dropped an acorn from her beak. Tired of holding it. The acorn fell into a small hole. The wind covered it with earth and the acorn fell asleep. He slept all winter. Spring has come. The snow melted and watered the earth. The acorn woke up and decided to see what was around. He released a small green sprout. The sprout got out of the ground and saw the sun. He reached out to him and grew more and more. Until he became so tall and beautiful. So an oak appeared on our site.

Anya B. A large, dark cloud floated across the sky. There were many drops of water in it. One drop wanted to travel, When it began to rain, she fell to the ground, rolled into a groove. There was already water. The rain came and went, and the ditch filled with water. Then this water, and with it a droplet, flowed into the stream. The stream flowed through the meadow and a little bit saw how beautiful it was around. Then the stream merged with a large river, a droplet went on, to big sea. She saw a lot of interesting things. She enjoyed this trip.

Dasha T. In the forest under a birch, a mushroom, a boletus, grew. He was very beautiful and strong, because his roots - mycelium was very large. Once a father and daughter came to the forest and saw a small birch next to a large birch. They wanted to plant this birch in their kindergarten. They dug it along with the earth and planted it at the bench on the site. Berezka really liked living in the kindergarten. On next year, in the summer, when a warm rain passed, a brown tubercle appeared from under the ground near the birch. It got bigger, it turned out to be a mushroom. So mushrooms appeared in our kindergarten.

In inventing these ecological fairy tales, children not only develop their speech, logical thinking, but also expand their understanding of the environment. In addition, children are brought up to love the world around us, good relations to all living things.

In the work of a speech therapy group, the development of attention and memory is of great importance. This is an important corrective task. The development of attention and memory is closely related to speech. If the child's attention is impaired, then the perception of speech cannot occur in full. R.E. Levina singled out a violation of attention as one of the causes of the general underdevelopment of speech. Experimental data also confirm this connection: in children with general underdevelopment of speech, attention is impaired in about 90 out of 100 cases. From this it follows that the development of attention and memory has a positive effect on the correction of speech underdevelopment. I do this with my children not only in the classroom, but also during some regime moments. Games and exercises are very effective in this work. I will give examples.

You can start with the most elementary exercises. During the gathering for a walk, you can offer the guys to advise, for example, what else Alyosha can wear, or check whether everything is correct in the clothes of his comrades and in his own (how boots are laced up, a scarf is tied, all buttons are fastened, etc.) . When going to a music lesson, I ask the children: who was behind whom at the last lesson? Whom did you praise music director? Who danced the best?

On a walk, the children and I played the game "Flies - does not fly", called objects or objects that can fly. Hearing the name of such an object, the children wave their hands while standing. For all other words, you can invite children to squat. Approximately the following set of words is given: crow, gate, door, swan, butterfly, birch, helicopter, etc. By the same principle, games are played to highlight any general concept: vegetables, fruits, trees, flowers, birds, insects, animals, fish, etc. The intended generalization can be distinguished from other words by clapping, jumping, squatting and other actions.

You can do this exercise while walking: I asked the children to name everything green (wooden, tall, etc.)

With my children, I play didactic games: "Let's pick mushrooms in a basket" "(children should choose only edible mushrooms), “What has changed?” (I offer children objects arranged in a row - vegetables, fruits, animals, etc., and then, when the children close their eyes, I swap or remove objects. Opening their eyes, children should note the changes.

An interesting game: "Find objects similar in shape", when the guys from a variety of objects (leaves, vegetables, fruits, etc.) select objects that look like a circle, oval, square, triangle, etc.

The guys are happy to play a didactic game: "Find out by description" (this can be a natural phenomenon, an object of animate or inanimate nature, etc.)

IN preparatory group children themselves are happy to be the leader and their stories are quite interesting.

In addition to the above, it is useful to conduct traditional, well-known games to everyone: "Edible - inedible", "Who lives in the forest?", "Fly away - do not fly away", etc.

The next correctional and educational task is the improvement of verbal and logical thinking. Verbal-logical thinking is one of the types of thinking that is directly related to speech. The other two: visual-effective and visual-figurative - are carried out through actions and images. And the verbal-logical is characterized by the use of judgments and inferences, and thus, it is impossible without speech. Verbal-logical thinking is one of the functions of speech. In other words, speech and thinking are closely related, constantly interact to develop each other.

From the first days of the child's stay in the 8th speech therapy group, I must help him to perceive events and phenomena meaningfully, look for their causes and consequences, the relationship and distinctive features. For example:

Why do people dress warmer in autumn?

Why can't skiing in summer?

Why is it hard to see a hare in the snow?

How do you know if the wind is blowing without going outside?

I ask these and similar questions to children during games, walks, washing and the like. It is important to teach them to think about what they see around them, what they learn from movies and TV films, adult stories. Adults should not rush to explain to children. First you need to ask a leading question, give an impetus to thought, then interview other children, find out which of the respondents is right, and only after that explain yourself. An important operation of thinking is comparison. It is most useful to look for the difference in the similar and the common in the different. For example:

What is the difference between a doll and a girl?

What is the difference between a bird and an airplane?

What is the difference between a bush and a tree? etc.

What do trees and flowers have in common?

What do a house and an anthill have in common?

What do a balloon and an apple have in common? etc.

A useful exercise for the development of children's thinking is guessing riddles. Moreover, riddles like: "Who inflates him, sheds tears" are well known to children - they do not carry any mental load. And others make not only the child think, but also adults: “Two sables lie with their tails to each other” (eyebrows), “Not on the floor, not on the ceiling, but looking into the house and into the street” (window).

Naturally, such riddles are not available for children with general underdevelopment of speech. But to invite the child to think, to push his thought with a generalizing concept, initial sound in a guess, by several objects, one of which is a guess - it means to give useful work to thinking.

For example, looking at the image of a hare with the children, they distinguished the difference in the length of its front and hind legs, then I asked the children a riddle; who has short front legs and long back legs? Of course, the answer came very quickly, and after a while

Escaping from the hunters

I'm flying into a familiar forest.

I throw my back legs

in front of the front legs.

It didn't cause any problems either.

In the spring, when we watched the sap movement from trees with children, we noted that birch sap is very tasty and healthy, so the riddle about birch:

In the spring in the forest high

On the edge and in the wilderness

All I delicious, sweet juice

I feed from the heart.

was quickly guessed by the children.

Examining the aspen, they noted that the cuttings of the leaves are long, therefore, at the slightest wind, the leaves sway, as if "trembling".

Though I'm not badly dressed,

Always chills me

And in spring and hot summer,

I'm shivering all over, as in the cold.

Talking about preparing animals for winter, I introduce children to the habits of animals, to the peculiarities of their behavior. And to consolidate the knowledge gained, she made riddles to the children:

1. I try to gain oil for the future,

String them on knots

Like I'm going to do

I am mushroom skewers.

2. We satisfy hunger with mosses,

Let the blizzard cover them.

Like shovels with horns

We are shoveling snow.

3. I am full only in summer.

At the hour when I pick raspberries.

And six months without lunch

And I live without breakfast.

So, developing the horizons of children, replenishing their vocabulary, continuing work on environmental education, I develop the speech of children in my speech therapy group.

Goloshchapova Natalia Yurievna
Job title: teacher speech therapist
Educational institution: MBDOU " Kindergarten №9"
Locality: Oryol Region, Mtsensk
Material name: article
Subject:"The role of the teacher - speech therapist in environmental education preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech.
Publication date: 17.02.2017
Chapter: preschool education

2017 has been declared the All-Russian Year of the Environment. And I'm interesting and

it seemed relevant to approach more thoroughly and in detail to

studying the topic: “The role of a speech therapist teacher in environmental education

preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech. It would seem that each

of us successfully uses literary material in his work

natural history content, terms on ecology, but this topic

more versatile in content.

As Sukhomlinsky said:

Nature is the richest pantry,

invaluable wealth for the intellectual,

moral and speech development child. (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

From an early age, the nature of the native land surrounds the child, emotionally affects



an inexhaustible source of spiritual and speech enrichment of children.










is being laid positive attitude to nature, to the “man-made” world, to oneself and

to the people around.

The child must develop harmoniously, and a lot in the development of the child

can be achieved without planting him ahead of time at the desk. And giving the opportunity

communicate with nature.


conductor environmental education at preschool age

is an educator.

He solves problems environmental education:

Formation of a system of scientific environmental knowledge accessible to a preschooler;

Education of respect for nature;

Development of a sense of empathy for objects of nature;

Desire to protect and preserve nature.


work educator in groups for children with OHP is that

general education,


educational tasks


speech pathologist



preschooler, especially those suffering General underdevelopment speech. In such children





nouns and verbs and the rare use of adjectives,





which should be present in the vocabulary of a child of senior preschool

age. In addition, these children have insufficiently formed cognitive





thinking, imagination).

correctional educational





speech pathologist,

A educator




fulfillment of general educational tasks that are carried out educator

on one's own,

teachers change:


speech therapist


active supporter and participant.

At the same time, the teacher-speech therapist solves the following correctional tasks:





activities (attention, memory, thinking, imagination);





previously unknown words, as well as new meanings of words already present in their



consciously correct



phenomena and objects;

Development of a careful and responsible attitude towards the environment.

It turns out that the classes of the educator and the speech therapist teacher do not duplicate each other,





is fixed

repeatedly at different levels.

stated: “The number of words and their combinations is in the very

direct dependence on the amount of impressions and ideas: without the latter,

there may be no concepts, no definitions, and therefore, reasons for enrichment

In the work of a teacher-speech therapist, various methods are used:

Visual (observations, looking at pictures and illustrations)

Verbal (conversations, speech games, reading fiction)

Practical (environmental games)

To improve the efficiency of the development of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech

among preschoolers, great importance is given to didactic eco-speech

"When does it happen?"

"Edible - inedible"

"Who lives where?"

"Where does cucumber grow?"

"What tree is the leaf from?"

"Put the fungus in the box", etc.

The main goal of didactic speech games of an ecological nature is to





activities: arouse their interest and desire to care for natural




activate them in the process of executing orders.

ecological upbringing



a certain lexical topic, and to relieve fatigue, tension during



are held

physical education minutes,

finger gymnastics ecological content.

A flower has bloomed in our garden. (children show a bud)

To become handsome and tall,

Opened the petals in the morning, (open their palms, spread their fingers)

Roots should work! (depict "roots")

Also in its activities on individual lessons, For anchoring

lexical topics I use:

Marbles pebbles technique (children are invited to choose pictures of vegetables

or fruits, and in accordance with the color of the selected item, lay it out

stones of the same color)





material and children really like to draw various drawings on it)

Information - communication technologies.

This principle of presenting material contributes to the fact that the interest of preschoolers

to classes increases, the quality of assimilation and effectiveness increases.

I give a special place in my work to the joint activities of children and their


Weekly information for parents about lexical

topic of the week, in which tasks are offered to enrich the vocabulary of children,

a list of lexico-grammatical games and games for the development of coherent speech related to


Thematic selection of poems, riddles about animals, plants, seasons;


project "What



During which parents together with their children made baby books and

crafts made from natural materials