Graduation qualifying work

on the topic: "Development of the speech of first-graders when working with texts of the alphabet"


Chapter 1. Approaches to the problem of speech development during literacy in pedagogical theory and practice

1 Essence, main features and conditions for the development of speech

2 Psychological and pedagogical features of first grade students

3 Test material of the alphabet as a means of developing the speech of first graders

Chapter II. Experimental - experimental work on the development of speech during the period of literacy in first graders

1 Identification of the level of development of speech in students of grade 1

2 Implementation of the pedagogical conditions for the development of speech of first graders through the theoretical material of the alphabet

3 Control slice. Processing and analysis of the results of experimental work





The development of students' speech is one of the most urgent problems of modern pedagogical science and practice.

The most important task of the Russian language course is to teach schoolchildren speech, because fluency in speech contributes to full communication, the creation of a person's communicative comfort in society.

For a student, the development of speech is of exceptional importance, because. is a decisive factor in the successful mastery of all academic subjects.

The solution to the problem of developed speech has its roots in elementary school, since it is here that the active formation and improvement of speech skills acquired by children before school takes place, and special attention is paid to the development of the student as a person who fully owns oral and written speech. . The founder of the methodology for teaching literacy was K.D. Ushinsky, who developed and introduced the sound analytical-synthetic method of teaching literacy, created a system of oral and written exercises for the development of the speech of elementary school students.

His followers Korf N.A., Bulakov N.F., Tikhomirov D.I., Semenov D.D., Flerov V.A., Baltalov I.P., Vakhterov V.P. etc., firmly adhering to the principles, developed by K.D. Ushinsky, improved the issues of speech development of the younger school age.

Psychologist N.Ya. Zhinkin studied the problem of children's speech development, and under the guidance of L.A. Lublinskaya conducted research on the possibilities of students in the learning process.

The successes of Soviet linguistics, which help to penetrate deeper into the processes of language acquisition, also contribute significantly to the methodology of speech development. A great contribution to the methodology of speech development during the period of literacy in recent decades has been made by scientists such as V.G. Goretsky, V.A. Kiryushkin, A.F. Shanko and others.

The methodology for the development of speech is currently undergoing a period of renewal. Despite the fact that the development of the problems included in it has always occupied a prominent place, today it can be stated that the development of speech as a specific area of ​​methodology is just beginning to take shape. Intensive search in this branch of pedagogical science is due to a number of factors. Firstly, the need to improve the level of speech training of children, and for this to improve the teaching methods.

The second thing that stimulates the work of methodological thought is the success of related sciences: linguistics and psychology. The areas of linguistics and the theory of speech activity in psychology have developed and began to develop actively relatively recently. The search for an optimal system for teaching speech is being actively pursued today. .

One of the topical issues in the development of speech is the creation of a learning system.

In methodological science, attempts have been repeatedly made to create a system for teaching speech. E.I. Nikitina singled out a set of speech concepts as the basis of the system. The theoretical basis for the creation of this system for the development of speech was the study of the text as a speech unit in linguistics and the study of speech as an activity in psycholinguistics.

The activity approach to speech is the basis of the system created under the leadership of Ladyzhenskaya T.A. .

An analysis of modern achievements in the field of creating a speech teaching system shows that the efforts of scientists are aimed at developing the theoretical (linguistic and psychological) foundations of the system, at determining the content of education (knowledge and speech skills) at its different stages, at improving teaching methods.

Despite the fact that many scientists have dealt with this problem, the question of how to systematically build work on the development of speech, starting from the period of literacy, still remains relevant.

This led to the choice of the topic: "The development of the speech of first-graders when working with texts of the alphabet."

The purpose of the study: to determine the pedagogical conditions for the effective use of textual material in reading lessons in the process of speech development in first-graders.

Object of study: the process of speech development in first graders.

Subject of study: the process of developing the speech of first-graders through the text material of the alphabet in reading lessons.

Hypothesis: we assume that the development of the speech of first-graders when working with texts of the alphabet will be most effective if the following pedagogical conditions are met:

the use of various types of tasks with texts aimed at the development of students;

through work with small folklore genres.

In accordance with the purpose, object and subject of the study, we formulated the following tasks:

.Analyze psychological, pedagogical, linguistic and methodological literature in order to establish the state of the problem in science and school practice.

To reveal the real level of speech development of first-graders.

Z. Conduct a formative experiment in order to implement the pedagogical conditions for the development of speech in first graders through work with ABC texts in reading lessons.

Formulate conclusions based on the results of the study.

In accordance with the tasks set in the research process, we used the following research methods:

Theoretical methods:

analysis of psychological, pedagogical, linguistic literature, educational and methodological documents.

Empirical methods:



analysis of products of educational activity of children.

Research base: 1st grade of the basic comprehensive school No. 1 named after I.P. Malozemov.

The study was carried out in three stages: ascertaining, forming, control experiments.

The practical significance and novelty of the study is to identify pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective development of speech in first-graders when working with texts of the alphabet.

Chapter 1. Approaches to the development of speech during the period of literacy in pedagogical theory and practice

1.1 Essence, main features and conditions for the development of speech

The development of speech as a specific area of ​​the theory of methodology is just beginning to take shape. This is evidenced by the insufficient development of such fundamental categories and concepts of methodology as sections of work on the development of speech, content, teaching aids, assessment criteria, and the level of development of students' speech.

IN primary school the foundations for the development of speech are laid, it is obliged to teach children conscious reading, writing, correct and full speech. The most important role in the implementation of the goals and objectives of the elementary school belongs to the study of the native language. The teaching of the native language in primary education is the main, central subject, which is included in all other subjects and collects their results. .

The program for studying the Russian language in the lower grades of the school provides for three interrelated, but with a certain independence of training courses:

Literacy, extracurricular reading and speech development;

Literary reading(classroom and extracurricular) and speech development;

Z. phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, spelling and speech development.

The basis of all these training courses is the development of speech, which gives the entire process of learning the Russian language a clear practical orientation and aims to teach children to read, speak and write meaningfully, to give younger students the initial knowledge of language, literature, accessible to their age and understanding, to enrich speech of students, to develop their attention and interest in the development of speech in general, to instill a love of reading books.

Let us consider how the following concepts are defined at the present stage of development of the science of language: speech, types of speech, development of speech, quality of speech.

Speech, according to psycholinguists and psychologists, is a process of generation in the perception of statements, as a type of specifically human activity that provides communication. According to Leontiev A.A., the process of speech itself is a process of transition from "speech design" to its embodiment in the meanings of a particular language and then to implementation in external speech - oral or written ..

For example, Vygotsky L.S. defines the concept of "speech" more broadly. In his opinion, speech is the activity of a person who uses language to communicate, express illusions, form thoughts, cognize the world around him to plan his actions, and others.

Speech is not only a process, but also a result.

Speech is the realization of language.

Speech is material, it is perceived by the senses.

Speech is concrete (associated with objects of reality, can be evaluated in terms of truth).

Speech is deliberate and directed towards a specific goal.

The situational is conditioned, dynamic.

Develops in time and space.

Speech is subjective and individual. .

The concept of "speech" is interdisciplinary: it is found in linguistic, psychological (psycholinguistic), methodological literature.

Linguists tend to write about speech in terms of its relationship to language. According to the linguist Golovin B.N., language is a system of material units that serve to communicate people and are reflected in the consciousness of the collective in abstraction from specific thoughts, feelings, desires, and speech is a sequence of signs of a language built according to its laws and from its material and in accordance with the requirements of the expressed specific content (thoughts, feelings, moods, states of will, desires, etc.). .

The study takes as a basis the definition of speech proposed by the methodologist Lvov M.R.:

Speech is the activity of a person who uses language to communicate, express emotions, form thoughts, learn about the world around him, plan his actions, and so on. Speech is not only a process, but also a result: speech texts, oral and written, books, stories, etc.

This definition is most often used in the practice of elementary school to interpret the term "speech".

Speech helps the child not only to communicate with other people, but also to know the world.

Simultaneously with the development in children of the main types of speech activity, their assimilation of the simplest grammar and spelling rules, the initial literacy course involves the solution of such fundamental issues as:

the formation of the most important moral issues and aesthetic ideas, the assimilation of universal moral values, creative abilities, the enrichment of concrete ideas of children about the surrounding reality, about man, nature and society;

the development of logical and figurative thinking, the development of a new type of activity for children - educational, the ability to rationally use time in the classroom;

mastering feasible methods of independent work;

development of a steady interest in studies, in a book - a source of knowledge.

In teaching literacy, the main didactic principles are implemented, especially the principles of accessibility, continuity, prospects and taking into account the individual characteristics of students.

Literacy lessons are built in such a way that the assimilation of knowledge by children, the formation of their skills and abilities are organically combined with the development in each student of the positive qualities characteristic of a socially active, critically and constructively thinking person.

It is extremely important for a methodologist to know what speech actually is as a type of activity, it is important to know how the process of generating and perceiving an utterance takes place.

Children learn their native language through speech activity. That is why it is so important to engage in the development of students' speech, to engage constantly and systematically, purposefully.

Speech development is the process of teaching children speech; the field of literacy teaching methodology is one of the main tasks of the educational section of literacy teaching.

Speech development is a large and complex area of ​​literacy teaching methodology. Difficult because it concerns such a phenomenon as human speech, and because it does not directly correlate with any one linguistic course, as well as with school subjects - the Russian language and literature, which, first of all, serve as tasks for the development of students' speech. .

Studying this problem, Zhinkin N.I. considered the development of students' speech as a process of mastering speech: the means of language (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, culture of speech, styles) and the mechanisms of speech - its perception and expression of one's thoughts .. The process of speech development takes place in preschool and school age and in adults.

The term speech development is also used in a narrow methodological sense: "Special educational activity teacher and student, aimed at mastering speech, the corresponding section of the methodology for teaching literacy".

The main conditions for the successful development of students' speech at school: the development of the physiological mechanisms of speech; the need for communication, expression of thought, the presence speech environment, feeding the developing speech of a preschooler learning by language means, the presence of significant significant material that constitutes the content of speech; mastery of theoretical knowledge about the language, its laws, constant correction of speech, subordination of its studied rules, mastery of cultural speech. The development of speech is inseparable from the development of thinking and itself contributes to it. The development of speech can proceed spontaneously, but such speech may turn out to be incorrect, poor. Therefore, a system for the development of students' speech has been developed and is used in the school. It includes the organization of speech situations, the speech environment, vocabulary work, syntactic exercises, work on the text (coherent speech), intonations, on the correction and improvement of speech. All work on the development of speech is based on the course of grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, word formation, stylistics, on the theory of speech and text, which is not included in the program for students, but is used as the basis for the development of the Russian language. .

The object of study of methodologists is speech as a subject of education, which is why they usually talk about the "development of speech."

“The term “speech development” is predominantly pedagogical,” wrote Dobromyslov V.A., “it has to do with the educational process that is carried out in a particular educational institution ...” of course, this process is two-way, emphasized Dobromyslov V.A. ., - it affects both the activity ... of the teacher, who develops the speech of children, and the activity of children whose speech develops. .

Thus, there was not a single teacher, notable in the history of methodology, who would remain indifferent to the development of speech.

The following scientists dealt with the problem of speech development: Tolstoy L.Ya., Zhiyakin N.I., Lvov M.R. and others. And also, Ushinsky N.D. made a great contribution. All his pedagogical activity is aimed at the comprehensive development of the child's personality, at the development of his thinking and speech.

In his article "On the initial teaching of the Russian language, he defined goals, one of which is the development of the gift of speech," he singled out a system of techniques for its development.

The development of speech as a means of communication allows the child to adequately use the language in various social situations, to engage in effective interaction with adults.

According to Baranov M.T. speech development is a complex, creative process. It is not possible without emotions, without enthusiasm. It would not be enough just to enrich the student's memory with some number of words, their combinations, sentences. .

The main thing in the development of speech is flexibility, accuracy, expressiveness and variety. Therefore, the development of speech is a consistent, constant educational work that needs to be planned for each lesson. The development of speech has its own arsenal of methods, its own types of exercises, its own program of skills, which are provided by the appropriate methodology. .

The modern program places high demands on speech development schoolchildren. Firstly is a content requirement. You can only speak or write about what you know well. Books and excursions provide content for essays and stories. Teach children to speak only meaningfully - very important task primary classes. Secondly, it is the requirement of consistency and consistency, clarity of speech construction. A good knowledge of what the student is talking about or writing about helps him not to miss anything significant, it is logical to move from one part to another. The third requirement is accuracy, it involves understanding the speaker and writer not only to convey the facts, but also to choose the best language means for this purpose.

Speech should also be expressive and clear, pure and correct. All these requirements apply to the speech of younger students.

A good speech can only be obtained if all requirements are met.

Work on the development of speech is carried out at all lessons of the school course, starting from the period of literacy.

Literacy is all the work carried out by a philologist specifically and in connection with the study of the school course (grammar, word formation, spelling, and so on) in order for students to master linguistic norms(pronunciation, lexical, morphological, syntactic), as well as the ability to express one's thoughts orally and in writing, using the necessary language means in accordance with the purpose, content of speech and communication conditions.

And also at special lessons in the development of coherent speech, where certain communicative and speech skills are worked out in accordance with the program. The current program allocates 11-12% of the study time for this work.

The formation of correct and good speech is associated with the study of basic language units - sound, word, phrase, sentence.

At the lessons of teaching literacy in elementary school, attention is directly paid to the development of children's speech, both oral and written. These are two concepts that are inseparable from each other; interacting, they provide work efficiency.

Visibility and figurativeness for a long time remain features of the thinking of a younger student, but at the same time, the tendency to communicate and establish connections is increasing. Generalizations are increasingly based on the identification of certain essential features of things and phenomena.

In this regard, first-graders' representations of objects are specified and brought into the system, initially within the limits of the vocabulary material provided for by the primer. The development of students' vocabulary should take place along with the enrichment and refinement of ideas about objects, phenomena and their relationships.

Taking into account the peculiarities of thinking, speech and preparedness of first-graders (the level of development of phonemic hearing, readiness for sound analysis), in recent years the methodology for teaching literacy has been somewhat rebuilt. In particular, a period of advanced sound analysis was introduced: students identify the next sound, designate it with a letter, and at the same time, determining the place of the sound being studied, analyze all the sounds in the word in order. Anticipatory sound analysis of the patterns of developing learning established by psychologists, which should go "forward of development" (L.S. Vygotsky). Education should take into account the real possibilities of each child, teach him what he still does not know how to do. Only in this case is it possible to achieve mental development child, improving his cognitive abilities and thinking.

Work on the development of speech in literacy classes makes a significant contribution to the formation of a general culture, a comprehensively developed socially active personality of a future school graduate.

The task of the school is to develop the speech of students, but it is necessary to develop not speech "in general", but conversational, business, artistic, and so on. In other words, the formation of children's speech skills must be associated with work on specific styles of speech. For primary classes, it is necessary to select, firstly, those that are relevant for the real speech practice of younger students, and secondly, the most contrasting styles:


scientific and business (middle between purely scientific and officially - business);


The first is characterized by ease, liveliness;

for the second - rigor, objectivity;

for the third - figurativeness and emotionality.

The methodology for the development of speech has its own object of knowledge, its own subject of study, its own system of concepts. In the methodology, it is customary to talk about work on the development of the speech of schoolchildren, that is, about the activities of a teacher aimed at shaping and improving the oral and written speech of children.

The development of speech is closely related to the types and qualities of speech.

First, as already mentioned earlier, the requirement of content. You can only speak and write about what you know well.

Secondly, the requirement of consistency, consistency, clarity of speech construction. Correct speech implies validity, conclusion (if any), the ability not only to start, but also to finish, complete the statement.

Under the accuracy of speech is understood the ability of the speaker and writer not only to convey facts, feelings, but also to choose the best language means for this purpose - such words, combinations that are inherent in the depicted subject.

Expressiveness of speech is the ability to clearly, convincingly, concisely convey a thought, the ability to influence people with intonations, selection of facts, construction of a phrase, choice of words, general mood of the story.

Clarity of speech is its availability to those people to whom it is addressed. It must not be allowed that primary school serious work was carried out only on certain aspects of speech: for example: on spelling literacy.

You need to know the features of each type of speech. Speech is external and internal; External speech is subdivided into oral (learning) written speech. There are also dialogic and monologue speech.

Inner speech is mental speech, flowing, albeit on linguistic material, but without distinct external manifestations. It's like talking to yourself.

According to Vygotsky L.S., inner speech is a mental speech pronounced to oneself (unlike external speech - speaking a letter), characterized by conciseness, abbreviation, and at deep levels - grammatical informality, the use of other code units along with the language material - "images and schemes". .

The development of students' inner speech is one of the tasks of developing external speech. To solve language problems, the school also uses inner speech. The methodological significance of inner speech lies in the fact that external speech is prepared at its level: students compose sentences and larger components of the upcoming statement to themselves. .

Children are given the task to prepare and think about what should be told. Such internal mental preparation improves the quality of children's speech, improves speech skills and abilities.

Students compose sentences and whole fragments of the text initially in the mind, i.e. at the level of inner speech. Under this condition, firstly, errors in the construction of speech are prevented, and secondly, the ability to anticipate speech is developed.

In the development of speech, such an internal preparation of forthcoming utterances is a temporary educational measure that can freely express thoughts, bypasses the stage of internal preparation of utterances.

If internal speech is for oneself, then external speech is for others. It is designed for perception, for the speaker to be understood by interlocutors or listeners.

Externally sounding speech will be dialogic and monologue

Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people. The dialogue does not need extended sentences, so it contains a lot of incomplete sentences.

In science, the speech activity of children is essential.

Dialogic speech of children is always supported by replicas or questions of interlocutors throughout the situation. It makes it easier. In this sense, it is much more difficult to develop monologue speech, i.e. speech of one person - a story, a message retelling, etc. these types of monologue are the focus of the school.

Unlike dialogue, a monologue is arbitrary, requires a strong-willed effort, and sometimes significant prepared work.

It is in monologue speech that differences (description, narration, and others) of stylistic features are found. We must constantly strive to create such situations so that schoolchildren feel the benefit of their stories, messages, and writings.

Speech for the student is just a learning exercise, speech should become for him a means of self-expression, a subject of joy and pride. Success in the development of speech will come only when students have motives for speaking, when they have a need to speak.

The formation of good speech is a special aspect of work on the culture of students' speech.

The enrichment of students' speech involves their awareness of the shades of lexical and grammatical knowledge of words, word forms, structures, and their stylistic features, the sphere of consumption.

Enriching the vocabulary of students is the most important task of the school literacy course. The need for special work to enrich the vocabulary of students is determined, firstly, by the extremely important role of words in the language, and secondly, by the need for constant replenishment of vocabulary.

The work on replenishing the vocabulary of students attracted the attention of methodologists and teachers of the Russian language as early as the 19th century. So, Buslaev (1844) recommended to teachers of the native language "the development of the child's innate gift of the word." I.I. Sreznevsky (1866) advised teachers to enrich children with “words and expressions suitable for this, to ensure that “there are no words unknown to their memory and incomprehensible to their minds”, learn to use words and expressions, pay reasonable attention to the significance of words and expressions K.D. Ushinsky wrote that it is necessary "through the word to lead the child into the realm of the spiritual people".

It is known that language is a system of means of human communication, and speech is the functioning of this system, its use in the course of communication. Such a distinction is important for methodology: it follows from it that the study of language and the development of speech are closely related to each other, but different. By teaching language, we introduce children to the system of lexical, grammatical and other means available to speakers. Developing speech, we teach language proficiency, the correct and skillful use of it in our practice.

After analyzing the pedagogical, linguistic, methodological literature, we came to the following conclusions that speech is a human activity, the use of language for communication, to convey one's thoughts, one's meanings, intentions, feelings.

In different situations, speech appears in different forms. The development of speech in a literacy lesson is all the work carried out by the teacher specifically and incidentally.

1.2 Psychological and pedagogical features of first grade students

This period of relatively calm physical development. The brain completes its formation (physiological and mental). There is a change in the relationship of the child with others, he has new rights and obligations. This age is more valuable, first of all, because abilities are formed in voluntary behavior and mental activity. It must be clearly understood that the hallmark of a student of primary school age is an active cognitive activity.

The leading activity is learning. The younger student has broad motives for learning, reflecting the "internal position of the student." They show what the child is learning for. For first-graders, "I want to go to school, learn like the elders," it is important that children are interested in learning in general.

But along with broad social motives, other motives are also developing:

Inherent in the educational activity itself (I want to learn - I will get knowledge);

The motive associated with the learning process;

Well-being motive (to be praised);

Capital motives (to be the first);

Negative motive (avoidance of failure).

By the beginning of primary school age, all mental processes: perception, memory, speech, thinking, imagination - have already passed enough long haul development. For the correct teaching of children to read and write, it is very important to know about their characteristics.

The perception of a junior schoolchild is imperfect, as it differs in that children perceive the subject as a whole, without dividing it, without analyzing its parts, without synthesizing their relations. According to J. Plage, the child wants to see everything at once. The weak differentiation of perception at school age is also manifested in the fact that children, as well as at preschool age, distinguish the most striking, conspicuous properties when examining objects.

The improvement of children's perception occurs along the path of development of the child's perceptual activity - it involves a purposeful, systematic study of the perceived object in order to isolate and analyze its most significant features and build a holistic image on this basis.

In order for younger students to more accurately analyze the qualities of perceived objects, they must be specially trained in observation.

As noted by L.F. Obukhov "young teachers often underestimate the difficulties that a child experiences when perceiving a new object. Children need to be taught to consider an object, perception needs to be guided. To do this, a child needs to create a preliminary idea, a preliminary search image so that the child can see what is needed Examples of this are simple, they have been developed over thousands of years; it is necessary to lead the child's gaze with a pointer; it is not enough to have visual material, you need to teach him to see. . With appropriate training, by the end of primary school age, a synthesizing perception appears, which makes it possible to establish connections between the elements of the perceived.

At primary school age, memory, like all other mental processes, undergoes significant changes due to qualitative transformations in thinking. The essence of these changes is that the child's memory gradually acquires the features of arbitrariness, becoming consciously regulated and mediated. Memory at this age becomes thinking. The transformation of the mnemonic function is due to a significant increase in the requirements for its efficiency, high level which is necessary when performing various mnemonic tasks that have arisen in educational activities. The child must remember a lot: memorize the material literally, be able to retell it close to the text or in your own words. A child's inability to memorize affects his learning activities and ultimately influences his attitude towards learning and school. The younger schoolchild has a well-developed involuntary memory, fixing bright, emotionally rich for the child information and events of his life. However, not everything that has to be memorized at school is interesting and attractive for him, so emotional memory is already insufficient.

The ability of children of primary school age to random memorization is not the same throughout primary school and varies significantly among students in grades 1-2 and 3-4. For younger students, it is easier to remember the installation than to remember the installation with the help of something. Complicating the learning tasks, the mindset simply to remember ceases to justify itself, and this forces the child to look for methods of organizing memory, more often such a method turns out to be repeated repetition. This method often remains throughout the entire period of study at school.

This is due to the fact that the child did not master the techniques of semantic memorization, his logical memory remained insufficiently formed.

The basis of logical memory is the use of thought processes as a support, a means of memorization. As Leo Tolstoy said, "Knowledge is only then knowledge when it is acquired by efforts" ..

The process of developing logical memory in a younger student should be specially organized, since the vast majority of children of this age do not independently use the methods of semantic processing of material in order to memorize, they resort to a tried and tested means - repetition.

The attention of younger schoolchildren is more involuntary, unstable, which is largely due to the insufficient maturity of the neurophysiological mechanisms that ensure the processes of attention. During the primary school age, significant changes occur in the development of attention, there is an intensive development of all its properties: the volume of attention increases especially sharply, its stability increases, switching and distribution skills develop. Well-developed properties of attention and its organization are factors that directly determine the success of education in primary school age. Not attentiveness of a younger student is one of the most common reasons for low academic performance.

Mistakes due to inattention in written work and during reading are the most offensive for children. Some children may turn letters upside down or write them with the wrong turn. Others may put or write one letter in place of another.

All these cases are explained by the shortcomings of perception, visual - in the first case, auditory - in the second.

As studies by Soviet psychologists show, at this age visual-figurative thinking prevails in children, and the child finds answers to the questions "why" and "how" only as a result of performing certain practical actions with objects. Thinking is at a critical stage of development. There is a transition from visual-figurative thinking to verbal-logical, conceptual thinking.

At primary school age, an intensive process of development of the child's motor functions continues.

There is a pronounced psychomotor progress. The higher cortical levels of organization of movements begin to come into operation, and it also creates the necessary conditions for mastering an increasing number of motor skills and subject manual manipulations.

In children, dexterity in throwing, climbing, and sports movements increases markedly. All this is of undeniable importance for the overall mental development of the child.

The development of motor skills plays an important role in mastering learning skills, especially writing.

During this period, there is a transition from involuntary to voluntary and conscious behavior.

The child is learning:

actively manage oneself;

build their activities in accordance with the goals;

act in accordance with the intended intentions.

But we must remember that the ability to act voluntarily in a child is formed gradually throughout the entire primary school age.

Thus, the assimilation of knowledge in the first grade requires students to have a relatively high level of development of observation, arbitrary memorization, organizational attention, the ability to analyze, generalize, and reason. Throughout the entire primary school age, there is a significant change in mental development child: the cognitive sphere is qualitatively transformed, a personality is formed, a complex system of relations with peers and adults is formed.

1.3 Text material of the alphabet as a means of developing the speech of first graders

The program "Teaching literacy and speech development" (Goretsky V.G. and others) provides training in the initial analytical-synthetic method, which takes into account new data from linguistic, pedagogical and methodological science, is educative and developing, provides intensive speech development of children and a high level conscious speech reading. During the period of literacy, work is being done to develop children's phonemic hearing, teaching initial reading and writing, expanding and clarifying children's ideas about the surrounding reality, enriching their vocabulary and speech development.

After students have mastered elementary literacy, they can read using the entire alphabet. Reading and parsing alphabetic texts is a central activity in literacy classes.

The methodology gives different definitions of the concept of "text".

According to the linguist Ladyzhenskaya T.A. Text is a product, the result of speech activity of a work of speech, oral or written. It indicates that the text is more than one sentence in length. Text is a synonym for the term utterance, as well as the term connected speech. In the second meaning, the text, as a rule, has a unity of theme and intention, relative completeness, internal structure- syntactic (at the level of a complex syntactic whole and sentences), compositional and logical. The text implements the functionality of the language, the laws of its syntax, vocabulary, style. The text is always characterized by reference to one or another style - scientific, journalistic, colloquial and everyday. The text should not be identified with a work of literature. .

According to the linguist Galperin I.R. text is a term for the fabric of language literary work- articles, novels, student essays "a filmed moment of the linguistic creative process". .

He believed that schoolchildren master the skills in the field of creating a text practically - in working on retellings, presentations, essays and other text exercises.

In the modern course of the native language, some theoretical information about the text is given: the very concept of "a text is two or more sentences united by one topic."

In elementary school in the updated textbooks Ramzaeva T.G. text definition. A text is two or more sentences related in meaning. The text can be titled.

Preparation for reading the text as a new unit began earlier, already when reading sentences and incomplete tests, by supplementing them with drawings, answering questions, using plot pictures.

It is known that the mechanisms for reading sentences and coherent text are different, so students face difficulties because, without mastering the features of the text in practice, children read it as separate sentences.

In order to prepare children for comprehension of the text during independent reading, we involved listening, which is more closely connected with reading than with other types of speech activity, and has much in common with it.

Before the stage of independent reading, the child develops the elementary skills necessary to comprehend the text perceived by ear. That is why the initial learning to read in the alphabetical period is necessarily accompanied by listening to a children's book. In addition, while working with the "ABC" ("Primer"), the child listens to the teacher reading connected tests. Pre- or post-listening and independent reading of the child are constantly used in learning, helping to comprehend what is being read.

Since visual-effective thinking prevails among students of six to seven years old, we tried to use the practical actions of children in the learning process. For this purpose, tasks were allocated that implied their independent actions.

The main thing is that the student should imagine that he is reading a coherent text; to do this, we drew his attention to the main features of the text: integrity, coherence, the presence of a specific topic, title, content, united general thought, beginning and end. Of course, this was done in an accessible form, without the use of any definitions.

The first thing we started with is the title and the theme of the context. They are the easiest way to determine what is being said. The constant reference to the title and topic brought up the children's attention to the whole text (the difference between a set of sentences and a coherent text was explained with examples).

The formation of the ability to see the heading and understand its role was carried out with the help of a series of tasks: choosing a heading from the proposed options and correlating it with the text, choosing your own title corresponding to the content of the text. The following procedure was introduced - ways of working: first read the text, then answer questions on its content (what happened?), then read the headings, think about which one is more suitable, why; check yourself (reread the text), connect the heading with the text. These tasks contribute to the formation of orientation skills in the topic of the text, serve for the semantic analysis of what has been read, and contribute to the development of students' speech.

Of the many types of work, I would like to note, first of all, the primary reading of the text.

Often the literal text is initially read by the teacher himself. It often happens that the teacher assigns the primary reading of the text to the students themselves. And, ultimately, the primary reading is organized as a "chain" reading.

The first educational book is "ABC" ..

In a modern school, according to the educational and methodological set ("Russian alphabet" set of prescriptions for the "Russian alphabet"), edited by Goritsky V.G., Shanko A.F., Kiryushkina V.A.

The basis of the "Russian alphabet" is creative use theoretical provisions that have found their embodiment in the stable textbooks "Primer" and "ABC".

A significant part of the fundamental provisions has been tested in a mass school, which has confirmed their high reliability and effectiveness. These provisions, which are rooted in the depths of the methodological tradition, have been mastered by a wide range of readers and methodologists. Huge practical experience has been accumulated, so the transition of the teacher to work with the textbook "Russian alphabet" will be greatly facilitated.

The methodological basis for teaching literacy in the Russian alphabet is revealed as follows:

construction of literacy training, taking into account the particular letters and sounds associated with it;

simultaneous study of consonant sounds paired in hardness;

the indispensable assimilation by children of SG syllables (conditionally called mergers), as well as mastering smooth syllabic reading;

application of original schemes of models of different types of syllables and words;

the use of color signals in the designation of sounds;

assimilation by students of a number of grammar and spelling rules;

the formation in children of the leading types of speech activity - speaking and listening, reading and writing;

development of the emotional sphere of children on the basis of moral and educational influence.

We note in particular that the textbook "Russian alphabet", prepared specifically for use in conditions of mass education, for the first time includes texts intended for students who can read or know all the letters of the alphabet.

Unlike all previously published alphabets and primers, "Russian alphabet" is illustrated by one artist S.R. Kovalev, which made it possible to avoid the stylistic sharpness of the illustrations. Complementing the texts, they quite widely and diversely reflect the surrounding reality, serve as a rich source of children's knowledge of life.

Literacy education in the 1st grade of school 1-3 (168 hours according to the program) is designed for 3-3.5 months and for 7-7.5 months (243 hours are held from September 1 once a week, 15-20 minutes are allotted in the second half of the reading lesson).

In the course of teaching literacy lessons, the teacher, taking into account the characteristics of his class and the results of the children's learning of educational material, can reduce the time allotted for completing the entire course, for example, to 2.5-3 months in grade 1 (1-3) or 3, 5 - 5 months in 1st grade (1-4).

The whole process of teaching literacy is focused on the textbook "Russian alphabet" and involves three stages:

the first - preparatory - is divided into two stages: the introductory letterless and the study of five vowels and the sounds associated with them;

the second - the main one - is devoted to the study of the first vowels and their letter designations [Н] and [Н ], H, n, ..., acquaintance with the letters b, b;

the third one is repetitive, generalizing and reinforcing everything that has been covered.

In the "Russian alphabet" sounds and letters are arranged according to their frequency of use in the language, in words; at the same time, of course, the difficulties of assimilation, articulation of sounds are also taken into account.

The principle of sequence, continuity and particularity is also observed in working with syllables: from a syllable equal to one vowel type A or I, to a combination of two vowels AU, to an open syllable like HA, BUT, to syllables like CAT, HERE.

Gradual complication of the syllabic structure of readable words: Ni-na, Anton and others.

Thematic variety of readable texts: children, their games, work, teaching, school, sports; labor of adults in the field, in transport; Soviet wars, our Motherland - Russia, Moscow, Red Square, a friendly family of the peoples of Russia; the nature of our Motherland - the forest, the river, the animal world; art - music, poetry; shop, holidays and so on is of great educational importance and provides the basis for enriching the dictionary, for conversations and stories, creative work - for the development of children's speech.

A distinctive feature of the modern "ABC" in comparison with the previous one is that it is a literary alphabet. They contain the names of the classics of Russian and Soviet literature: A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy, Kd. Ushinsky, V.V. Bianchi, K.I. Chukovsky. Folklore is widely represented in the "ABC":



First-graders get acquainted with a variety of literary genres: prose and poetry, with stories - narratives and descriptions, with dialogues, with various poetic sizes. There is a lot of humor in the ABC, it is an interesting and cheerful book, it develops children, excites their cognitive interests.

By the end of the "ABC" texts reach 200 words, contain dialogues, compound and complex, interrogative and exclamatory sentences, introductory sentences, applications. Thus, all this is assimilated practically, without rules, students receive samples of their native speech.

Conclusions on the first chapter.

The analysis of linguistic, psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature made it possible to identify the provisions on the basis of which the study was conducted:

Based on the analysis of psychological, pedagogical, linguistic literature, we got an idea about the state of the problem of the development of speech in first graders. We have revealed the theoretical foundations for the development of the speech of grade 1 students, the essence of the concepts of "speech", "types of speech", "development of speech", "quality of speech" by different authors: Lvov M.R., Ushinsky A.D., Zhilkina N.I. The definition of N.I. Zhilkin was taken as a basis. "The development of speech is the organization of speech situations of the speech environment, vocabulary work, syntactic exercises, work on the text, intonations, on corrections and improvement of speech."

Also, the work reveals the concepts: text, textual material of the alphabet, various different types work with text.

Folklore is widely represented in the "ABC": proverbs, sayings, riddles, jokes, fairy tales.

We have studied the pedagogical features of first grade students.

So, the development of the speech of first-graders will be carried out through work with different texts and the application of various tasks to them.

Chapter II. Experimental - experimental work on the development of speech of first grade students in reading lessons

2.1 Identification of the real level of speech development in first graders

Experimental - experimental work was carried out on the basis of the 1st grade of the basic comprehensive school No. 1 named after I.P. Malozemov.

To identify the real level of speech development of students in grade 1, we used the following indicators, based on the goal, objectives, fundamentals of the content of the work, program requirements. They were taken into account throughout the work:

A retelling of a familiar tale.

Drawing up a certain number of sentences based on a plot picture, united by a common theme.

Answer questions based on the text you have read.

An extended explanation of the mysteries.

Based on these indicators, the levels of development of students' speech were developed:

A high level of speech development includes students who:

they are able to retell a familiar fairy tale without omissions, repetitions and rearrangements of parts of the text without the help of a teacher.

verbally compose 3-5 sentences on the plot picture.

without the help of the teacher, answer questions on the read text.

gives a detailed explanation of the riddles.

This level is estimated at 18-20 points.

The average level of speech development includes students who:

retell a familiar fairy tale, allowing omission or rearrangement of parts of the text;

verbally compose 3-5 sentences on a complex picture with the help of a teacher;

answer questions on the read text with the help of the teacher;

give an unexplained explanation of the riddles.

this level is estimated at 15-17 points.

A low level of speech development includes students who:

retell a familiar fairy tale with omissions, repetitions and rearrangement of parts of the text, retelling with the help of a teacher;

find it difficult to compose 3-5 sentences according to the plot picture and with the help of a teacher;

answer questions based on the sentence they read, not the text.

give a non-expanded explanation of the riddles with the help of a teacher. this level is estimated at 12-14 points.

The main purpose of the study was to identify and substantiate the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the more effective development of the speech of first-graders. An experiment was carried out to solve these problems. The study took place in three stages.

At the 1st stage, a stating experiment was carried out, the main goal of which was to reveal the real level of speech development of first-grade students.

At the second stage, a formative experiment was carried out, the purpose of which was to substantiate the pedagogical conditions aimed at the development of speech through the use of textual material of the alphabet in reading lessons in the first grade.

At stage III, a control section was carried out, the purpose of which was to reveal the dynamics of the formation of speech development in first-graders.

To identify the real level of speech development in first-graders, four methods were used:

A retelling of a familiar tale.

Drawing up a certain number of sentences based on a plot picture, united by a common theme.

Answer questions about what you read.

Explanation of the riddle.

Method 1. "Retelling a familiar fairy tale" (Appendix No. 1)

Purpose: to reveal the ability of children to retell a familiar fairy tale without omissions, repetitions and rearrangement of parts of the text.

The students were offered the beginning of a familiar fairy tale, the task of the students was to continue it.

The results of the work of students are presented in the summary table "Levels of formation of speech development of first grade students" (Appendix No. 2)

Figure 1, built on the basis of the data, allows you to visually see the level of development of students' speech.

learner alphabet pedagogical speech

Figure 1 shows that 60% of students have a high level of speech development, 32% - medium and 8% - low.

Method 2 "Compiling a certain number of sentences based on a plot picture, united by a common theme" (Appendix No. 1)

Purpose: to identify the skills of students in making sentences on a plot picture

The students were asked to compose a certain number of sentences based on a plot picture, united by a common theme.

Figure 2, built on the basis of the data, allows you to visually see the level of speech development.

Figure 2 shows that 32% of students have a high level of speech development, 52% - medium, 16% - low.

Method 3 "Answers to questions on the read text" (Appendix No. 1)

Purpose: to identify the ability of students to answer questions on the content of the read text.

The students read the text, after reading the text the teacher asked questions about the content of the text.

The results of students are presented in the summary table "Levels of formation of speech development of first grade students" (Appendix No. 2)

Figure 3, built on the basis of the data, allows you to visually see the level of speech development.

Figure 3 shows that 60% of students have a high level of speech development, 36% - medium, 4% - low.

Method 4 "Explain the riddle" (Appendix No. 1)

Purpose: to identify the ability of students to give a detailed explanation of the riddle.

The students read the riddle and explained its content.

The results of students are presented in the summary table "Levels of formation of speech development of first grade students" (Appendix No. 2).

Figure 4, built on the basis of the data, allows you to visually see the level of speech development.

The figure shows that 28% have a high level of speech development, 56% have an average level, and 16% have a low level.

The results obtained allow us to conclude that at the time of the ascertaining experiment in the classroom, students have different levels of speech development, 15 students, which is 60%, have a high level of speech development, 6 students, which make up 24% of the average level, 4 students what constitute - 16% low level (Appendix No. 2).

Summing up the results of the ascertaining experiment, it should be noted that the diagnostic methods used by us made it possible to study the state of the problem in practice and to determine the level of speech development of younger schoolchildren.

These indicators give us the opportunity to conduct a formative experiment in accordance with the working hypothesis of the study.

2 Implementation of the pedagogical conditions for the development of the speech of first-graders through the text material of the alphabet

The purpose of the formative experiment is to substantiate the pedagogical conditions aimed at the development of speech through the use of textual material of the alphabet in reading lessons in the first grade.

It was based on the data obtained during the ascertaining experiment.

All work was carried out in accordance with program requirements.

In accordance with the first condition of the hypothesis, we have compiled various types of tasks with texts aimed at developing the speech of students:

answers to questions on the text,

work on the addition of the endings of the text,

work on the lexical meaning of the word,

text retelling,


continuation of the tale.

Answers to questions about the material read - main view work with the text in the period of literacy.

Here are examples of fragments of reading lessons using tasks of this type at various stages of the lesson:

For example, in reading lessons on topics: the sound [Ш] and its designation with the letter "Ш", the sound [Ж] and its designation with the letter "g", the sounds [Y], [O] and their designation with the letter "Ё", students read texts on the themes: "Autumn", "Blind Man's Bluff", "About the Hedgehog".

Text "Autumn"

Autumn has come. The days were clear. The children went to the forest.

In the autumn forest rowan tassels burned brightly. The children collected pine and spruce cones.

After reading the texts, the children answered questions (on the topic "Autumn"):

What season is it?

Where did the children go?

What kind of forest was it?

What cones did the guys collect?

Text "Blind Man's Bluff"

The children began to play hide and seek. They blindfolded Zhenya with a handkerchief and fled in different directions.

Zhenya can't catch up with anyone.

Caution! - they shout to him. - Puddle!

On the topic "Blind Man's Bluff" the following questions were answered:

What game did the children play?

What did Zhenya do?

What do children warn about when they shout to Zhenya?

Text "About the hedgehog"

The guys were in the forest.

Suddenly they hear: someone rustles near the Christmas tree. There's a hedgehog!

The bug attacked the hedgehog. Yes, it was not there! She pinched her nose and ran back to her seat.

On the topic "About the hedgehog" the following questions were proposed:

Who was in the forest?

Who did the guys meet near the Christmas tree?

Who attacked the hedgehog?

What happened to the Beetle?

These questions were aimed at deepening the understanding of the content of the work, at enriching the vocabulary of younger students. Pupils responded with detailed and complete sentences.

Enriching the student's vocabulary is the most important task of the school literacy course. Therefore, we used the work on the lexical meaning of words and expressions when reading the text. On the first topic:

"brushes of mountain ash"

"brushes of mountain ash burned"

On the second topic:

"scattered in different directions"

clarified the meaning of the word "blinds".

On the third topic:

"bug attacked"

"pierced nose".

clarified the meaning of the word "rustle".

The assimilation of new words previously unknown to students, as well as new meanings of those words that were already in their vocabulary, enriches the vocabulary of younger students, helps to transfer a large number of from the passive to the active vocabulary.

In primary school, the speech activity of children is essential.

The teacher and the student should strive: firstly, for the content of speech, those who can talk about what you know well; secondly, logic, consistency, clarity of speech construction.

Teach children expressive speech- this is the ability to clearly, convincingly, concisely convey a thought, the ability to influence people with intonations, selection of facts, choice of words, general construction of speech. Therefore, at each lesson we offer work on expressive reading and retelling of texts. When retelling the text, we do not repeat it word for word: we change sentences, instead of some words we use others.

For the moose there are no barriers. He is like the wind rushing through the thickets.

Elk eats green leaves, loves salt. The boys poured salt on the stump.

My Earth, my country Russia. We will plant a garden at the house. We will have plums and apple trees. Beauty! Everyone will be happy: dad, mom, and my sister.

Russian labor is glorious.

During repeated reading children read the texts expressively, with the correct intonation, highlighting the necessary words and expressions with their voice, and then retelling them.

Speech develops not only from tasks, but also from textual material in the work, the text uses work to identify the main, main idea. It is important that children understand: the topic is what is said in some text, that is the general, general meaning that unites the sentences in the text.

For this purpose, the students were offered tasks on the title and choice of title to the text.

After reading and analyzing the first work, the children chose the most appropriate title for the text from the ones we suggested:

amazing animal

Moose like the wind

Caring children.

After reading and analyzing the second work, the children titled the text,

For example, headings of texts of students:

My land

My Earth is Russia.

Correct speech implies the validity of conclusions, the ability not only to start, but also to finish the statement.

Therefore, we used the work on the continuation of the story

The first frost hit. The guys decided to fill the rink.

The boys threw off their coats and set to work.

And Kolya with skates is standing behind a tree.

Stands and looks:

It doesn't take long for the water to freeze!

He was the first to gather on the ice and ride ...

After reading and analyzing the work, the children completed the ending of the story.

Not only prose works were used, but also poetic texts.

The roosters fluttered

But they did not dare to fight.

If you are very cocky,

You can lose your feathers.

If you lose your feathers,

There will be nothing to fuss about.

Reading them, the children answered the questions on the content:

What did the roosters do?

What could they be missing?

What happens if you lose your feathers?

Clarified the meaning of the word "spread". They spoke out loud. Correct speech implies the validity of conclusions, the ability not only to start, but also to finish, complete the statement.

Therefore, we used the work on assignments to continue the fairy tale. A narrative tale, usually an epic folk tale, a work about fictitious persons and events, mainly with the participation of magical, fantastic forces.

Text "Man and Bear":

The bear made friends with the peasant, and they decided to sow turnips. The man said: "I have a root, and you, Misha, an vershok."

A glorious turnip has grown. The peasant took the roots for himself, and Misha gave the tops. Misha grumbled, but there is nothing to do ...

They read expressively, after reading they answered the questions:

What did the man and the bear sow?

What did the man take?

What did Misha take?

What happened a year later?

Do you know?

Answered last question, recalling the content of the tale, they told them sequentially, in full sentences.

The goat had seven children. She made herself a hut in the forest ...

After reading, the children called the name of the fairy tale, answered the question:

Do you know what happened next?

In accordance with the second level of the hypothesis, we selected and compiled various types of tasks with small folklore genres aimed at developing the speech of students:

read and underlined words with a new letter

answered questions about the content explained the meaning of expressions

solved riddles.

Here are examples of fragments of reading lessons using small folklore genres:

Work with proverbs. A proverb is a short saying with instructive content, a folk aphorism. For example, in class



Speech activity of younger students

1. general characteristics speech activity of younger students.

2. Psychological features formation of speech of first graders.

3. Requirements for the speech of younger students.

4. Psychological theories explaining the process of speech formation.

5. Features of the speech activity of a first grader.

6. Features of written speech of younger students.

7. Features of reading younger students.

8. Development of phonetic, grammatical, lexical levels of speech of younger students.

9. Mastering speech activity in the learning process.

Aidarova L. I. Little schoolchildren and mother tongue. M., 1983. (“Pedagogy and Psychology”, No. 1), p. 3-66.

Markova A.K. Psychology of language acquisition as a means of communication. - M., 2004.

Kholodovich A.A.. On the typology of speech. - M., 2007.

From the very beginning, speech arises as a social phenomenon, as a means of communication. Somewhat later, speech becomes, in addition, a means of knowing the world around us, planning actions. Developing, the child uses more and more complex language units. The dictionary is enriched, phraseology is assimilated, the child masters the laws of word formation, inflection and word combinations, various syntactic constructions. He "uses these means of language to convey his increasingly complex knowledge, to communicate with people around him in the process of activity.

Speech activity is the process of verbal communication in order to transfer and assimilate socio-historical experience, establish communication, and plan one's actions.

Speech activity differs in the degree of arbitrariness (active and reactive), in the degree of complexity (speech - naming, communicative speech), in the degree of preliminary planning (monologic speech, which requires complex structural organization and preliminary planning, and dialogic speech).

The statements of younger students are free, spontaneous. Often this is simple speech: speech-repetition, speech-naming; compressed, involuntary reactive (dialogical) speech predominates. The school course contributes to the formation of arbitrary, expanded speech, teaches her to plan in the lesson. It is necessary to set the students the task of learning to give complete and detailed answers to the question, to tell according to a certain plan, not to repeat themselves, to speak correctly, in complete sentences, to coherently retell a large amount of material. In the process of learning activities, students must master free, active, programmed, communicative and monologue speech. During primary school age, all aspects of speech develop: phonetic, grammatical, lexical. First-graders practically own all phonemes, however, the phonetic side should be given great attention, since learning to read and write requires a well-developed phonemic ear, i.e. the ability to perceive, correctly distinguish all phonemes, learn to analyze them, isolate each sound from a word, combine the selected sounds into words. During the primary school age, the development of the grammatical side of the language also takes place. The child comes to school practically owning grammatical structure native language, i.e. he inflects, conjugates, connects words into sentences. Development grammatical structure language contributes to a new form of speech activity - written speech. The need to be understood in a written presentation forces the student to construct his speech grammatically correctly.

Speech activity requires not only mechanical reproduction known cases application of words, but also creative handling of words, understanding and operating them in new situations, in new meanings. Therefore, the success of students in mastering vocabulary is determined both by the number of memorable words and the ability to use them widely and adequately: to independently understand new cases of using already known words by analogy with those previously in the child’s experience, to guess the meaning of a new word, the ability to choose the most correct one in a given situation.

The development of speech in the lower grades is carried out primarily in the lessons of the native language. The mastery of speech goes simultaneously in several directions: along the line of development of the sound-rhythmic, intonational side of speech, along the line of mastery of the grammatical structure, along the line of development of vocabulary, along the line of greater and greater awareness by students of their own speech activity.

With such an organization of learning, the most important function of language is at the center - communicative. To reveal the communicative function of language for a child means to teach him to plan, to express his ideas by language means, to anticipate possible reactions of a participant in communication, to control his speech activity.

In general, the language is acquired by the child spontaneously, in communication, in the process of speech activity. But this is not enough; spontaneously acquired speech is primitive and not always correct. Some very important aspects of the language spontaneously, as a rule, cannot be acquired and therefore are under the jurisdiction of the school.

This is the assimilation of the literary language, subject to the norm, the ability to distinguish the literary, correct language from non-literary, from vernacular, dialects, jargons. The school teaches the literary language in its artistic, scientific and colloquial versions. This is a huge amount of material, many hundreds of new words, thousands of new knowledge of already known words, a lot of such combinations, syntactic constructions that children did not use at all in oral preschool speech practice.

At school, students learn to read and write. Both reading and writing are speech skills based on the language system, on knowledge of its phonetics, graphics, vocabulary, grammar, spelling. All this does not come to the child by itself, everything must be taught; this is what the method of speech development does.

The third area of ​​the school's work on the development of speech is bringing the speech skills of children to a certain minimum, below which no student should remain. This is the improvement of the speech of students, the increase in its culture, all its expressive possibilities.

Speech is a very broad sphere of human activity. In the development of speech, three lines are distinguished: work on the word, work on the phrase and sentence, work on coherent speech.

In general, all these three lines of work develop in parallel, although they are at the same time in a subordinate relationship: vocabulary work provides material for sentences for coherent speech; in preparation for the story essay, preparatory work is carried out on the word and sentence. In the development of speech, a long painstaking work of students and teachers is needed. Temporary setbacks should not be frightening. Systematic work on the development of speech will certainly bear fruit. Speech skills and abilities develop according to the laws geometric progression: small success leads to more - speech is improved and enriched.









Completed by student Bakaeva Natalya Romanovna

direction of preparation 44.03.01

Teacher Education,

profile Elementary education.

Group 3 BPO-NO full-time learning

Scientific adviser:

Manankova Larisa Borisovna

Murmansk 2017


Chapter 1

1 Features of periodization of literacy training for first graders

2 The development of speech of younger students

3 Organization of work on the development of speech during the period of literacy

Chapter 2 empirical research the level of speech development of first-graders in the process of teaching literacy

1 Organization of an empirical study of the development of speech in first graders

2 Methods of work on the development of speech in grade 1





The development of a child's speech is an important aspect of the socialization of the individual, the basis for success in mastering knowledge and skills. Socialization of personality traits occurs mainly through communication, because. language is one of the main sources of information. The upbringing of a harmonious personality is impossible without its linguistic component.

The development of students' speech is one of the most urgent problems of modern pedagogical science and practice. The teaching of speech to schoolchildren has a priority in the educational process, because fluency in speech contributes to full communication, the creation of a person's communicative comfort in society.

Language is perceived as an external expression of the individual's thinking.

Language and thinking are two types of social activity that exist inextricably linked and complement each other. Language is a sign (in its original form, sound) activity that provides the material design of thoughts and the exchange of information between members of society. Language is an instrument of knowledge and the main means of communication, therefore the task of the school is to ensure that each student can master all the linguistic riches that give the key to knowledge. A person who speaks the language well feels like a full-fledged person.

Main task primary education language is the organization of regular, intensive and systematic assimilation of the norms of the literary language.

The modern methodology for the formation of speech skills in schoolchildren is based on many years of experience in psychological and pedagogical research in this area. The founder of the methodology for teaching literacy is considered to be K.D. Ushinsky, who developed and introduced the sound analytical-synthetic method of teaching literacy, created a system of oral and written exercises for the development of the speech of elementary school students. His scientific followers Korf N.A., Bulakov N.F., Tikhomirov D.I., Semenov D.D., Flerov V.A., Baltalov I.P., Vakhterov V.P. and others, firmly adhering to the principles developed by K.D. Ushinsky, improved the issues of speech development of primary school age.

A great contribution to the methodology of speech development during the period of literacy in recent decades has been made by such scientists as V.G. Goretsky, V.A. Kiryushkin, A.F. Shanko and others.

feature modern approaches The development of the speech of schoolchildren can be considered the introduction of the latest psychological research into the teaching methodology, which makes it possible to better understand the specifics of the formation of speech skills from the point of view of psychology and a number of related sciences.

According to K.D. Ushinsky, the main goal at the initial stage of teaching the Russian language is the development of the “gift of words”. K.D. Ushinsky convincingly proved that "the most complete acquaintance with the richness of folk literature and the deepest knowledge of grammar, although they can enrich the student's mind, will not develop the gift of speech in him if this spiritual strength was once deprived of sufficient exercises" .

The purpose of the work: to study the features of the organization of work on the development of speech in first graders.

Object of study: the process of improving the speech of younger students.

Subject of Persecution: features of the organization of work on the development of speech in first graders.

Based on the purpose of the study, the following tasks are defined:

To analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of the development of speech of children of primary school age

Experimentally check the dynamics of the development of speech skills of first-graders in the process of teaching literacy.

To draw conclusions about the features of the development of the speech of first-graders in the process of teaching literacy.

Research methods: theoretical analysis of scientific sources on the research problem, analysis of methodological literature, didactic methods for assessing the level of development of speech skills.

The hypothesis of the study is that there are certain features of the development of the speech of first-graders during the period of literacy, which must be taken into account for the effective improvement of speech.

The structure of the work: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

pedagogical first grader literacy training

Chapter 1

1 Features of periodization of literacy training for first graders

For high-quality teaching of literacy to first-graders, one should take into account the age characteristics of students and the peculiarities of periodization of the process of mastering grammatical skills. The problem of periodization of the process of teaching literacy was studied in the context of pedagogical, psychological and linguistic sciences. Understanding the specifics of this process allows a more competent and optimized approach to the organization of education, while taking into account the peculiarities of the age development of schoolchildren.

To date, science distinguishes 3 stages in the development of speech activity:

Preparatory (or, as it is also called, pre-letter) period for learning to read and write.

The literal period of learning to read and write, which in turn is divided into three stages, depending on the order of learning sounds, letters and the syllabic structure of words.

Post-letter period.

The pre-letter period is the period of preparing children for learning to read and write, which determines their ability to master writing and reading during alphabet classes. At this time, students form and develop: phonemic hearing, sound analysis and synthesis skills, dialogic speech and graphic skills - the necessary conditions for successful literacy. The content of education in the pre-letter period involves the interconnected implementation of the main directions of the teacher's work on the development of speech, the preparation of first-graders for reading and writing.

The letter period is the main one in teaching literacy. Its usual duration is two and a half - three months.

The peculiarity of teaching children using the primer is that for the first time they get acquainted with the language as a subject of study, with the word and its composition, recognize the sounds and their recording with signs-letters in a book and on paper. Step by step, children master all the sounds and letters of the Russian alphabet. However, they do not study letters and sounds in alphabetical order, but according to the degree of difficulty in pronouncing a sound in a syllable and in a word. In connection with this order of studying sounds and letters, learning to read and write from the primer is divided into three stages.

The first stage of the alphabetic period includes the study of the vowels a, o, y, s and their combinations with the consonants sh, s, m, n, l, p. All these sounds are easily distinguished from words and syllables and easily merge into syllables and words. With the exception of the sound o, which is taken mainly in a stressed position, the rest sound the same in words, without switching to others.

At the first stage of the literal period, students study mainly direct, open syllables and words composed of them; learning material is given in order of gradual increase in difficulty, while there is a uniform increase in the number of new words as the reading skill develops. The most characteristic feature of the first stage of the literal period is the frequent repetition of familiar words and, to a greater extent, the compilation of new words from familiar syllables.

At the first stage of the literal period, children must learn to understand the syllabic and sound composition of the word. Without this skill, it is impossible to achieve from students the formation of conscious, correct reading and writing skills. To teach children to work with a word, to delve into its composition is possible only with an indispensable combination of analysis and synthesis.

In the same period of literacy training, the teacher develops the correct reading techniques for students, teaches them the combination of consonants and vowels, the continuous reading of direct syllables and two-syllable words consisting of open syllables.

At the second stage, students learn new sounds: vowels - and, e; long consonants - x, v, z, g, u; instant consonants - k, p, t, d.

The main task of the teacher during this period is to study soft and hard consonants with children. At the first stage of training, children learned to read words mainly with open syllables pronounced firmly: ma, shu, la, ra, ry, lo, etc.

At the second stage, the softness of the consonant is a new step in the knowledge of children, a new difficulty, since students must not only merge the consonant with the vowel, but also change the hard pronunciation of the consonant to soft.

Thus, the main difficulty at the second stage of literacy training is reading open two-letter syllables with a soft consonant. At the second stage of teaching literacy, difficulties are caused not only by qualitative changes in the content of the material being read, but also by the fact that its volume increases quantitatively. In addition to open two-letter syllables with a soft consonant, it is difficult to read words with closed syllables.

A feature of the third stage of the literal period is the assimilation of consonants by children - c, h and iotized vowels, denoting two sounds.

By the end of the third stage of the literal period, students significantly expand and consolidate their knowledge and skills. They have learned to determine the boundaries of the sentence in the text (they know that the first word of the sentence is capitalized, a period is put at the end of it); are able to determine the number of words in a sentence, the syllabic composition of a word; know that the vowel sound is syllable-forming; determine the number of syllables in a word by the presence of vowels.

By the end of the first half of the year, first-graders distinguish between hardness and softness in the pronunciation of consonants and are able to determine which letter denotes these sound phenomena of our speech in writing. They are able to read and write correctly words with iotated vowels, separating signs ъ, ь, as well as words containing syllables with a confluence of consonants. At this stage, children's reading acquires a certain fluency. They are usually no longer difficult to read aloud small light texts.

In accordance with the above periodization, it is possible to determine the appropriate methodological approaches to teaching literacy.

2 The development of speech of younger students

The process of using language to communicate is called speech. Researchers distinguish three main functions of speech: communicative, regulatory and programming. The communicative function is the implementation of communication between people using language. IN communicative function allocate the function of the message and the function of prompting to action. When communicating, a person points to an object or expresses his opinions on any issue. The motivating power of speech depends on its emotional expressiveness.

Through the word, a person receives knowledge about the objects and phenomena of the surrounding world without direct contact with them. The system of verbal symbols expands the possibilities of human adaptation to environment, the possibility of its orientation in the natural and social world. Through the knowledge accumulated by mankind and recorded in oral and written speech, a person is connected with the past and future.

The regulatory function of speech realizes itself in higher mental functions - conscious forms of mental activity. The concept of higher mental function was introduced by L.S. Vygotsky and developed by A.R. Luria and other domestic psychologists. A distinctive feature of higher mental functions is their arbitrary nature.

The development of speech in a child occurs in several stages. In his psycholinguistic concept of “speech ontogenesis”, A.A. Leontiev relies on the methodological approaches of outstanding linguists and psychologists of the 19th-20th centuries - W. Humboldt, P.O. Yakobson, L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Vinogradova, A.N. Gvozdeva and others. As one of the fundamental conceptual provisions of AA, Leontiev cites the following statement by W. Humboldt: “The acquisition of language by children is not the adaptation of words, their folding in memory and revitalization with the help of speech, but the development of language ability with age and exercise.” The process of formation of speech activity (and, accordingly, the assimilation of the system of the native language) in ontogenesis in the concept of "speech ontogenesis" by AA Leontiev is divided into a number of successive periods, or "stages":

Y - preparatory (from the moment of birth to a year); 2nd - pre-preschool (from one to 3 years); 3rd - preschool (from 3 to 7 years old); 4th - school (from 7 to 17 years old). Many psychologists now tend to combine the first two periods, while distinguishing three stages: pre-verbal, pre-grammatical and the stage of mastering grammar.

The pre-verbal stage, as a rule, coincides with the first year of a child's life. It distinguishes a period of cooing and a period of babbling.

The pre-grammatical period, or the stage of primary language acquisition, begins to develop during the second year of a child's life. At this time, he can repeat many words, but unconsciously and only in the form nominative case. However, he can give names already quite meaningfully, understanding their functional purpose.

The stage of mastering grammar (in the third year of life) is the most favorable for the development of speech. There is not only an intensive development of speech skills. All functions of the central nervous system provide the formation of conditioned reflex connections that underlie the development of speech skills. Psychologists also call this period sensitive, that is, conducive to the study of other languages.

When a child reaches four years of age, his speech becomes not only a means of reflecting a particular situation, but a means of communicating with adults and children.

Most children are already attending kindergarten, which means that the need to express their opinion, the desire to establish themselves in a peer group becomes very valuable for the baby.

Readiness for school is manifested primarily not in mathematical skills, but in the ability to coherently and meaningfully talk about oneself, one's family, and one's interests. As a rule, the ability to communicate and competent speech develops from 3-5 years old, provided that the child is asked to talk about his observations, impressions of the films he has watched, they are asked to retell the works he heard or read. In many ways, it depends on the immediate environment - on the family.

However, the full mastery of the skills of monologue speech by children is possible only in conditions of purposeful training. The necessary conditions for the successful mastery of monologue speech include the formation of special motives, the need for the use of monologue statements; formation various kinds control and self-control, the assimilation of the relevant syntactic means constructing a detailed message. The mastery of monologue speech, the construction of detailed coherent statements becomes possible with the emergence of regulatory, planning functions of speech (L.S. Vygotsky, A.R. Luria, A.K. Markova, etc.). Studies by a number of authors have shown that children of older preschool age are able to master the skills of planning monologue statements (L.R. Golubeva, N.A. Orlanova, etc.). This, in turn, is largely determined by the gradual formation of the child’s inner speech. According to A.A. Lyublinskaya and other authors, the transition of external "egocentric" speech into internal normally occurs by 4-5 years of age.

It should be noted that mastering coherent speech is possible only if there is a certain level of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech. Many researchers emphasize the importance of assimilation by children of sentences of various structures for the development of a coherent extended speech of a child (AG. Zikeev, K.V. Komarov, L.P. Fedorenko, etc.).

As the studies of A.N. Gvozdev, by the age of seven, a child masters speech as a full-fledged means of communication (provided that the speech apparatus is preserved, if there are no deviations in mental and intellectual development and the child is brought up in a normal speech and social environment).

During the school period of speech development, the improvement of coherent speech continues. Children consciously learn the grammatical rules for the design of free statements, completely master sound analysis and synthesis. At this stage, written speech is formed.

The development of a child's speech is a complex, diverse and rather lengthy process. Children do not immediately master the lexical and grammatical structure, inflections, word formation, sound pronunciation and syllabic structure. Some groups of linguistic signs are assimilated earlier, others much later. Therefore, at various stages of the development of children's speech, some elements of the language are already mastered, while others are only partially mastered. At the same time, the assimilation of the phonetic structure of speech is closely related to the general progressive formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of the native language. In general, the ontogenesis of language ability is a complex interaction, on the one hand, the process of communication between adults and the child, and on the other hand, the process of development of objective and cognitive activity.

3 Organization of work with first-graders on the development of speech during the period of literacy

The development of the speech of younger schoolchildren, an increase in vocabulary, acquaintance with the riches of the native language are the main elements of personality formation, the development of the developed values ​​of the culture of the society in which the child grows and develops. These elements are inextricably linked with intellectual development, moral, aesthetic education and are a priority in the process of learning the native language by elementary school students.

With the help of speech, students get acquainted with the educational material, communicate with each other, influence each other and influence themselves in the process of development. The more actively younger students improve their speech, develop their vocabulary, the higher the level of their cognitive abilities and better results educational process.

Simultaneously with the development in children of the main types of speech activity, their assimilation of the simplest grammar and spelling rules, the initial literacy course involves the solution of such fundamental issues as:

the formation of the most important moral issues and aesthetic ideas, the assimilation of universal moral values, creative abilities, the enrichment of concrete ideas of children about the surrounding reality, about man, nature and society;

the development of logical and figurative thinking, the development of a new type of activity for children - educational, the ability to rationally use time in the classroom;

mastering feasible methods of independent work;

development of a steady interest in studies, in a book - a source of knowledge.

In teaching literacy, the main didactic principles are implemented, especially the principles of accessibility, continuity, prospects and taking into account the individual characteristics of students.

Literacy lessons are built in such a way that the assimilation of knowledge by children, the formation of their skills and abilities are organically combined with the development in each student of the positive qualities characteristic of a socially active, critically and constructively thinking person.

For effective work on the development of speech in the process of teaching first-graders, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the features of their speech development. The most acceptable diagnostic method in this case is observation. Observing children in the first two weeks of school life, the teacher draws conclusions, makes an opinion about the general level of speech development of students. He records his observations in a pedagogical diary. As a result of observations, a general picture of the speech development of students is created.

The learning process at school contributes to the formation and development of the speech of primary school students. In the classroom, the teacher sets tasks for students to learn to give complete and detailed answers to questions, to tell according to the plan, not to repeat themselves, to speak correctly, in full, competent sentences, to coherently retell a significant text in volume. The transmission of stories, the conclusion and formulation of the rules is built as a monologue. In the process of learning activities, students must master arbitrary, active, programmable, communicative and monologue speech.

In the context of the formation of sustainable speech skills, three key areas can be distinguished in working with first-graders:

Vocabulary work (lexical level): assimilation of new words, their meanings, then new words are included in sentences, read, subjected to sound analysis, composed of letters of the split alphabet, observations are made of the meaning of words, clarification of the meanings of their shades.

Work on the phrase and sentence:

understanding the sentence as an independent unit of speech, highlighting them in oral speech, compiling them, reading from the primer;

the transition from monosyllabic statements to detailed statements, then incomplete sentences to complete, relatively large sentences;

establishing the simplest connections between words in a sentence, as well as in phrases.

Coherent speech: this is a retelling of what the children themselves or the teacher read, these are various stories based on observations, memories, based on creative imagination, this is the recitation of memorized poems, guessing and solving riddles, working on proverbs, sayings, reading tongue twisters, telling fairy tales and staging.

In progress theoretical analysis problems of speech development in first graders, we came to the conclusion that this process corresponds to age characteristics and includes a number of stages. The stage of mastering grammar is the most favorable for the development of speech. There is not only an intensive development of speech skills. All functions of the central nervous system ensure the formation of conditioned reflex connections that underlie the development of speech skills. Psychologists also call this period sensitive, that is, conducive to the study of other languages.

It was also concluded that the mastery of coherent speech is possible only if there is a certain level of vocabulary formation and the grammatical structure of speech.

Chapter 2

1 Organization of an empirical study of the development of speech in first graders

To confirm the hypothesis formulated in the work, an empirical study was organized. It was attended by students of the first grade (28 people). Average age The number of subjects was 7.2 g. The gender composition of the subjects was 12 girls and 16 boys.

The study of the level of development of speech skills of first-graders was carried out according to three criteria:


Making up a story from a picture.

The development of dialogic speech.

When identifying the evaluation criteria, the main features of the development of speech in this age period were taken into account.

The listening test in grade 1 is carried out in the process of developing students' skills to listen and understand oral speech. The approximate volume of the text is 70-90 words. Tasks for verification are developed on the material of various language units: sounds, words, phrases, sentences, texts. They provide for the determination of the levels of perception by first-graders of the corresponding language material by ear, the allocation of a certain language unit among others, and the understanding of what they heard. The result of the current listening test is the verbal value judgments of the teacher / female teacher based on the positive principle.

Assessment levels:

First level

The student builds separate, unrelated sentences, demonstrating a limited vocabulary and making language (lexical, grammatical) errors;

builds separate fragments of the statement, while his (her) vocabulary is limited;

constructs statements that do not represent a complete text. The sequence of presentation is not observed, and the vocabulary is poor; language errors happen

Average level

The student / student builds a text that is marked by a certain coherence, but depleted in content; existing deviations from the topic; the sequence of presentation is broken, there are no beginnings or endings, vocabulary is depleted, there are speech errors

creates a text that partly reveals the topic, but the sequence of presentation, beginning or ending, choice of words, language design of the text requires improvement

builds a fairly consistent text, reveals the topic, although sometimes it violates the ratio of main and secondary information; the choice of words needs to be improved; speech errors occur

Enough level

The student / student builds the text correctly, reveals its general content and main idea; in the text there are beginnings, the main part and the ending; however, the student does not express his opinion about what was said; the text is poor expressive means of the language; there are unjustified repetitions of the same words; there are language errors

independently builds a fairly complete coherent statement, on the whole thoroughly illuminates the topic and the main opinion; however, he does not express his attitude to what he is talking about; separate speech and language errors are allowed

independently creates a consistent, logically completed text; successfully selects the expressive means of the language; tries to express his opinion about what was said, but not very successfully; allows rare lexical inaccuracies, speech errors

High level

The student / student skillfully builds a text that is characterized by logical completeness, relevance to the topic and purpose, richness of lexical means; the text expresses an idea about the subject of the conversation, but 1-2 language or speech errors are made skillfully builds a consistent, complete text, taking into account the communicative task; clearly expresses his opinion, argues it; the work is distinguished by the richness of the dictionary, the accuracy of word usage, grammatical and stylistic literacy, creates a full-fledged coherent statement with a specific communicative purpose; fully and exhaustively covers the topic; confidently expresses and argues his attitude to what he is talking about: he successfully connects the subject of the conversation with his life experience.

According to the same criteria, the compilation of a story based on a picture is evaluated.

When studying the development of dialogic speech, the ability to use the formulas of speech etiquette, ask questions, keep up a conversation on a specific topic, follow the rules of communication, the norms of the literary language is checked.

Assessment levels:

First level

The student / student maintains a dialogue, answering the question of the interlocutor only “yes” or “no”

answers elementary questions with short remarks, but does not initiate a conversation

Average level

The student / student participates in a dialogue on a topic that is not complex in content, but makes long pauses, choosing the right words, leaves some remarks of the interlocutor / interlocutor unanswered

maintains a dialogue, but sometimes deviates from the topic, does not always use words of politeness, makes speech errors.

The number of dialogue replicas is less than the volume determined for a given age

Enough level

The student builds a dialogue, quickly selects the right words, accepts the formulas of speech etiquette, shows tolerance for the interlocutor / interlocutor, but does not express his own opinion, his attitude to the subject of discussion, makes minor language mistakes. The number of replicas of the dialogue corresponds to the volume determined for a given age; it makes up a dialogue on a situation that contains a specific problem, quickly selects and correctly uses the right words, builds meaningful replicas, follows the rules of communication culture, but does not express its attitude to the subject of discussion, minor language errors are allowed. 9 The student independently composes a dialogue from a problematic topic, clearly formulates the question, gives accurate answers, demonstrates the proper culture of communication, does not make language mistakes, tries to express his own opinion on the subject of discussion. The number of replicas of the dialogue corresponds to the volume determined for a given age

High level

The student makes up a dialogue on a problem situation, clearly formulates thoughts, demonstrates a high culture of communication, expresses his position, but hesitantly initiates and maintains a dialogue on a specific problem, confidently expresses and argues his position, showing respect for the opinion of the interlocutor / interlocutor, demonstrates a high culture communication.

composes a meaningful dialogue, demonstrates the ability to carefully listen to the interlocutor / interlocutor, shows restraint and correctness in case of disagreement with the opinion of the interlocutor / interlocutor, proves his thoughts, expressing convincing arguments, including from his own life experience, defends his position. the number of replicas of the dialogue exceeds the volume determined for the age

In accordance with the selected criteria, a preliminary cut was carried out at the beginning of the study.

The results are presented in table 1.

Table 1 - Quantitative indicators for assessing the level of development of speech skills

Listening Compilation of a story from a picture Development of dialogical speech В434Д878С121311Н455

The percentage of indicators is shown in the diagram (Fig. 2.1.)

Rice. 2.1. Percentage of indicators for measuring the level of development of speech skills

The control section was carried out after 1 month. During this time, children were taught to read and write in accordance with the requirements of the 1st grade program, built on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The training was carried out according to the textbook "Russian alphabet" (ABC. Grade 1: Textbook for educational institutions: At 2 hours / [V.G. Goretsky, V.A. Kiryushkin, L.A. Vinogradskaya, M.V. Boykina] Moscow: Enlightenment, 2011).

Over the years of its existence, the "Primer" and "Russian alphabet" of the group of authors headed by V.G. Goretsky, became not only the most popular textbooks, according to which millions of children mastered Russian literacy, but also the classics of Russian alphabet, a true national treasure. Most teachers believe that abandoning the system of V.G. Goretsky is impossible, if only because it provides guaranteed education for any child, even a little prepared for school. Moreover, the experience of Moscow teachers working with "advanced" children shows that the system of V.G. Goretsky also helps such students to better understand the syllabic principle of Russian graphics and at the same time wean them from superficial reading of the text, which is very typical for such students.

The results of the control cut are presented in Table 2.

Table 2 - Quantitative indicators for assessing the level of development of speech skills

Listening Compiling a story from a picture Development of dialogic speech В654Д6710С141513Н211

The percentage of indicators is shown in the diagram (Fig. 2.2.)

Rice. 2.2. Percentage of indicators for measuring the level of development of speech skills.

The results of the control section demonstrate an increase in indicators for all criteria: listening (Fig. 2.3), drawing up a story from a picture (Fig. 2.4.), Development of dialogical speech (Fig. 2.5).

Rice. 2.4. Dynamics of indicators for listening between the preliminary and control cut.

Rice. 2.5. Dynamics of indicators for compiling a story from a picture between the preliminary and control cut.

Rice. 2.4. Dynamics of indicators for the development of dialogical speech between the preliminary and control cut.

The results show that the number of first-graders with an average and sufficient level of development of speech skills has increased due to a decrease in the number of first-graders who demonstrate a low level.

Thus, we can state that in the process of teaching literacy, the development of basic speech skills takes place, provided that high-quality educational and methodological materials are used.

2 Methods of work on the development of speech in grade 1

The success of further literacy education depends on the quality of teaching the native language, on how interesting the lessons are. First-graders in the course of training should not only acquire basic phonetic skills, master elementary forms of reading and writing, but also acquire an initial understanding of language and speech, advance in their linguistic development. Currently, there are several variable literacy courses in Russia. All of them are based on a single methodological basis - the sound analytical-synthetic method of teaching literacy. The method of primary teaching of the Russian language at school consists of several sections:

Literacy (elementary reading and writing);

methods of reading and studying literature;

methodology for studying language theory (formation of language concepts, rules, language structure);

spelling technique (teaching spelling and punctuation);

speech development technique.

Literacy education solves the main task of the first stage of the child's entry into school life - to teach the child to read and write. At this stage, the child learns to form words, composing them from sounds and letters, to form sentences and small texts. And vice versa, he learns to divide his speech into sentences, sentences into words, words into syllables and individual sounds. This contributes, first of all, to the development of phonemic hearing. Teaching writing at the elementary level takes place in parallel. The child learns letters, learns to designate sounds with the help of letters, to make words from them, and from words the simplest sentences.

The methodology of reading and studying literature has other tasks - introducing the student to literature samples, instilling and improving the skills of fluent, conscious and expressive reading. At this stage, the child not only learns to read, but also acquires the ability to understand what he has read and express his attitude to the text. The study of language theory forms a system of language concepts in the student. At this stage, the child receives information about the phonetic features of the language, the morphemic composition of words; gets acquainted with the rules of word formation, spelling of words and sentences, parts of speech and syntax. The spelling technique is aimed at teaching the correct spelling of words and sentences, introduces the child to the concept of spelling and helps to form spelling skills. The speech development section allows you to identify speech problems in students and find ways to overcome them, allows you to replenish your vocabulary and learn to clearly express your thoughts (Table 3.).

Table 3 - Approximate structure of a reading lesson in the first grade

No. Time (min.) Characteristics of the stage of the lesson 2-3 Speech warm-up 2.3-5 Repetition of what has been learned, checking homework 3.5 Work on subject pictures. Compilation and analysis of sound models.4.3 Articulation and characterization of new sounds 5.2 Phonemic exercises 6.2-3 Getting to know a new letter 7.3 Reading syllables-fusions 8.3-4 Reading words in columns 9.1 physical education minute 10.2-3 Working on a plot picture 11.5-7 Working with text 12. 1 Physical education minute 13.3 Performing game and entertaining tasks 14.1-2 Statement and explanation of homework 15.1 Summing up the lesson

As can be seen from Table 3, the lessons provide for game moments, guessing riddles, reading and telling fairy tales, dramatizations, creative drawing, etc. Each stage of the lesson does not take more than 5-7 minutes, which makes it possible not to overload children with the same type of information and forms of work. The teacher is recommended not to change the duration of each stage, as it corresponds to the age characteristics of younger students. It is also not desirable to change the alternation of stages in the structure of the lesson, because it was developed in accordance with the method of teaching literacy (in this case, analytic-synthetic), which determined this sequence.

Primary school curricula and teaching aids for the development of speech take into account the requirements of the time and, above all, the requirement of increased professional mobility and continuing education and are designed to fulfill the tasks of implementing cognitive and sociocultural goals. The success of work on the development of students' speech is possible if it is educational in nature, carried out regularly, consistently and in a system.

An empirical study confirmed the assumption that the use of high-quality teaching methods, textbooks that correspond to the age characteristics of first-graders and developed in accordance with the norms, ensures the effectiveness of assimilation of educational material and speech development. The indicators of the development of various components of the speech development of first graders increased compared to the preliminary cut as a result of the implementation of the curriculum.


In the course of the work, psychological and pedagogical literature was analyzed on the topic "Features of the work on the development of the speech of first-graders during the period of literacy."

As a result of the analysis, the relevance of this topic was confirmed, justified by the need to increase the effectiveness of lessons in the development of speech in first graders. This need is explained by the fact that the speech of first-graders is imperfect due to age characteristics and the influence of various factors: communication in the family, kindergarten, on the street, etc. This fact indicates the need for the development and implementation of speech development programs at school.

In accordance with the goal, the methodology of teaching literacy in the first grade, which is a necessary component of speech development, was analyzed.

In the theoretical part of the work, the age characteristics of younger schoolchildren and the features of the formation of their correct and developed speech are considered.

An analysis of the acquisition of speech skills at this age showed that children at this age easily and quickly learn educational material. An empirical study has confirmed that mastering the basics of the grammar of a language by first graders has a positive effect on all aspects of speech development.

The level of development of the speech skills of first-graders according to the criteria we have identified has increased, which is confirmed by the control section in the areas of: listening, development of dialogical speech, description of the picture.

When forming and developing a child's linguistic personality, it is advisable to take into account all the experience accumulated by classical science and methodology, and correlate it with the latest trends in language theory and practice, based on the principles of consistency, scientific character, consistency, explanatory power, continuity of learning stages, and also guided by the idea of ​​individual approach to each taken personality of the child.

Of course, the upbringing of a younger student as a linguistic personality in the process of teaching the Russian language is global problem modern education requiring special attention and detailed study.


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Texts for presentations

There are many puddles in the yard after rain. You can easily get your feet wet. People walk carefully. They go around the puddles. And Misha runs right on the water. He plays sailor. But this sailor might catch a cold. (32)


Children build a fortress out of sand. Vitya has an owl. He is digging a ditch. Petya makes the walls. Kolya poured a big hill. There will be a watchtower here. Here is the completed fortress. She will be protected by toy soldiers. (31)

Pictures for description

Picture #1

Picture #2

Dialogue topics:

Dialogue #1. Timetable

Dialogue #2. Going to the grocery store.

Similar works to - Features of work on the development of speech of first-graders during the period of literacy

The development of speech in school practice is carried out in the following areas: vocabulary work (lexical level), work on a phrase and sentence (syntactic level), work on coherent speech (text level), work on the sound culture of speech.

School life, educational activities of children require the assimilation of dozens of new words. New words are found in readable texts, in the teacher's story; new are the words denoting the names of educational supplies, manuals, actions; many new words and meanings are acquired in the course of observations, as well as from pictures in the primer and other manuals.

Word work- one of essential conditions enrichment of the vocabulary of younger students. Every day, during the period of learning to read and write, the first-grader's dictionary is replenished with new words (from 6 to 10 words), which are found in the process of working on plot pictures in the alphabet, in sound analysis of words, in readable texts, during a conversation on the main topic of the alphabet page, when reading columns words. The vocabulary of connected texts and columns of words is very rich: it covers different areas of the life of children and adults, natural phenomena, vegetable and animal world and others. The subject matter of the texts implies an educational impact on students (the relationship between children and adults, children among themselves, concern for nature, hygiene skills, etc.). Therefore, when preparing for a lesson, in connection with the main topic of each page of the alphabet, it is necessary to determine a dictionary, the work on which develops and systematizes students' ideas about the world around them.

To explain the meanings of new words, you can use the following techniques available to first graders:

Showing a picture or the object itself, naming this object;

selection of a word-synonym close to the given one in meaning;

selection of an antonymic pair (dull - bright);

word-formation analysis: boletus - why is it so named? Because it grows under a birch.

In the process of working on a word when reading texts, children exercise in the selection of synonyms, antonyms, observe the ambiguity of some words, learn phraseological turns, and exercise in explaining the figurative and expressive means of the language (epithets, comparisons, metaphors) found in the texts of stories or in poems.

Work on the offer, as well as over the word, begins literally from the first lesson at school: this is the selection of a sentence from the speech stream, reading, answering questions. During the period of literacy, children get acquainted with the sentence as an independent unit of speech, learn to determine the number of sentences in oral speech, compose them according to plot pictures, get acquainted with the sentence scheme and its design in written speech. First-graders practice spreading sentences and gradually move from monosyllabic statements to extended statements, from incomplete sentences to complete, relatively large sentences, which, as a rule, have a subject and a predicate. First grade students analyze sentences and establish the simplest connections between words, highlighting phrases.

It is important from the first steps of teaching to teach children to answer the questions of the teacher correctly. Since students do not yet have theoretical knowledge of syntax, the construction of sentences is based on the sample. The teacher's questions and speech, as well as read texts, serve as a model. In the process of working on a sentence, children learn the terms "full answer", "short answer". A full answer should be taught when working on a sentence, but one should not always be required. A complete answer is necessary when an exact formulation of a thought is needed when retelling, describing a picture. In a lively conversation with children, monosyllabic answers are also possible, which are natural for dialogic speech, which has a question-answer form.

Work on connected speech students are based on the teacher's questions. Therefore, preparing to work on a plot picture, the teacher thinks through a series of questions, the answers to which will be coherent story. The questions of the teacher serve as a kind of plan for the future story of the students. Gradually, children learn to coherently present larger completed parts with the help of joint questions: "Tell me first when it was, where the children went, and then what they did and what they saw." It is useful to have a poster with a list of questions (tablets with questions) in front of the children's eyes, helping to compose a coherent story: WHEN? WHERE? WHO? WHAT? In this case, reading children will be able to use it from the first lessons.

To teach coherent speech, you should use a series of pictures according to the content available to students. Compiling 1-2 sentences for each picture, the children receive sequential stories. During the preparatory conversation, the best, most complete sentences are selected for the story, the repetitions inevitable in such cases are eliminated; to make the events more real, the characters are given names, the season is determined, the place of the event is determined, suggestions about the weather, the mood of the characters, etc. can be added. The story is titled - so the children begin work on the topic. In the future, students are given the task to talk on a topic, for example, "Tell me about how you spent your day off", "Tell me about your favorite toy", etc.

An important type of speech work is retelling. Retelling what they have read, children enrich their vocabulary at the expense of the vocabulary of the sample, follow the sequence of the text, imitate the syntactic structure of the original source, convey the emotional content, think about the ideological meaning of the story.

The story or retelling being compiled is constantly corrected, the most suitable words are selected, their meaning and expediency of choice in a given situation are explained, work is underway on the proposal, details and details are included, the sequence of events is improved, and simple causal justifications are introduced.

The element of entertainment plays a huge role in the development of coherent speech: it is an organic, integral part of any creative work. Therefore, in the system of exercises for the development of coherent speech of first graders, dramatizations, competitions for the best reader, improvisation and writing, guessing and guessing riddles, telling fairy tales, pronouncing tongue twisters with different emotional intonation, etc. are widely used.

In the practice of first-graders, elements of coherent scientific or "business" speech appear: coherent answers based on sound analysis, some stories based on observations. These types of speech are only beginning to be used by children and therefore present significant difficulties for them. Exercises in coherent speech take place at each lesson as an obligatory link in the literacy lesson.

The formation of reading and writing skills largely depends on the purity and distinctness of the sound of the student's speech. Therefore, an integral part of the work on the development of speech is work on the sound culture of speech first grader. This is extremely important for learning to read and write, and for expressive reading, and for orthoepy, and for the formation of spelling skills. Good diction depends on the flexibility of the articulatory apparatus, therefore, exercises aimed specifically at this are necessary. Most often, first-graders have such pronunciation shortcomings as:

Slackness of articulation;

Burr (incorrect pronunciation of sounds [r] and [l]);

Lisp, lisp, interdental pronunciation of sounds

([s], [w], [h], [g], [u], [c], [h]).

Correction of speech deficiencies sometimes requires speech therapy assistance and constant individual work with every child. The task of the teacher is to teach children to speak moderately loudly, slowly, clearly pronouncing the words, i.e. get everyone to pronounce the words clearly.

Here are the types of exercises that help develop the flexibility of the articulatory apparatus:

1) exercises in the volume of pronunciation: for example, pronounce words lard-shilo-lard-shilo etc., now amplifying the voice almost to a cry, now weakening it to a whisper;

2) exercises at the pace of pronunciation: the same words fat-shilo pronounce slowly at first, and then speeding up the pace;

3) working out the pronunciation of individual consonants, especially those in the sound of which children have defects;

4) articulatory gymnastics;

5) exercises for pronunciation of difficult sound combinations; for this purpose, tongue twisters and tongue twisters are used, which must be spoken quickly, as quickly as possible, usually several times in a row.

Children need to be taught correct breathing during speech. Some children show shyness, especially when they don't speak any clear sounds. In this case, choral pronunciation of sounds, words, choral reading, pronunciation of tongue twisters in chorus is useful.

In some cases, speech defects can be corrected only by a speech therapist, but the teacher must also possess elementary speech therapy skills in order to carry out elements of speech therapy work daily in literacy classes.

Distorted and unclear pronunciation of speech sounds is often associated with their fuzzy perception by ear, and in this case there may be barely noticeable shortcomings: deaf pronunciation of voiced consonants, indistinct pronunciation of consonants close in sound [s] - [w], [g] - [s ], [h] - [u], etc. Deficiencies in distinguishing sounds are revealed in the process of sound analysis of words. For example, when selecting the sound [w] from the words fur coat, hat, cat words with similar sounds are also offered beetle, sting, tea or when highlighting a sound [s] other than words mustache, catfish, soup, fat words are given tooth, lock, umbrella . If children hear the same sounds in additional words: [w] and [s], then this shows that they poorly distinguish [w] - [g], [s] - [h], [u] - [h] and etc.

Distinguishing speech sounds by students is achieved in the process of exercises (sound analysis, composing words from a split alphabet), but for them it is also necessary to select words in which they can compare mixed sounds [s-z], [s-sh], [zh- c], [s-c].

1. Speech development is an important task of language learning. Speech is the basis of all mental activity, a means of communication. The ability of students to compare, classify, systematize, generalize is formed, in the process of mastering, through speech, they are also manifested in speech activity. A logically clear, demonstrative, figurative oral and written speech of a student is an indicator of his mental development.

The success of students in coherent speech ensures and to a greater extent determines success in academic work in all subjects, in particular, they contribute to the formation of a full-fledged reading skill and an increase in spelling literacy.

The basis initial course The Russian language is supposed to have a comprehensive development of speech. The study of phonetics, morphology, elements of vocabulary and syntax is subordinated to this task. The development of speech is a principle in work, both in reading and in spelling. Work on the correct pronunciation and expressiveness of oral speech, on enriching the dictionary, on the accuracy and correct use of the word, on the phrase, sentence and coherent speech, on orthographically literate writing - this is the main content of the lessons on speech development.

The development of speech is that necessary component of the content, that link that organically connects all parts of the initial course of the language and combines them into academic subject- Russian language. The presence of this link opens up real ways to implement interdisciplinary connections and create a system of classes for the development of speech, which is the same for grammar and spelling lessons.

By the first grade, the child is fluent in oral speech, freely pronounces words and in the process of communication does not think about the arrangement of words within a phrase. It is the most developed and normative. The construction of each phrase in written speech is the subject of special consideration. Teaching written speech is associated with high requirements for it: the clarity of the structure of the statement, the validity of thought, the accuracy in the use of words, sentences, expressive means of the language. When working on the formation of coherent speech of students, the teacher should pay attention not only to the development of written speech based on oral statements, but also to special oral exercises, the success of which is directly related to taking into account the motivation of speech.

3. Requirements for speech. Each coherent oral response of a student is an exercise in oral speech and, therefore, he must meet the requirements for the content, construction and design of a speech statement. The attention of children should be focused on the sides of the story, such as the logic and coherence of the presentation, the completeness of the content. The correctness of syntactic constructions, lexical richness. It is necessary all the time to encourage the child to make statements, to call him to a conversation, since his monologue speech is not yet developed. The child "understands more in the environment than he can convey in words." Wanting to tell something, he is in a hurry, jumping from one story to another, because of which his presentation becomes little understandable. The teaching itself usually does not notice its errors. He is convinced that he has found the best means to express his thoughts and feelings. This happens because in inner speech all his propositions were quite sufficient and understandable for him.

The general requirements for speech must meet both oral and written. It is necessary to teach meaningful, logical, clear and correct speech every day in all lessons. When teaching coherent speech, it is necessary to give children a minimum of theoretical information, since skills and abilities are formed more successfully when they are comprehended. Students from the first grade gradually get acquainted with the requirements that apply to speech, in the process of performing various exercises, they realize what it means to speak on a topic, reveal the main idea, speak in order, coherently. Children get acquainted with various types of work, in the process of which they build different types of statements. It is necessary to help students understand what a story, description, reasoning, fairy tale is; how the description of an object differs from the description of a picture or description according to observations; what distinguishes a story about what one saw and observed from a story based on a picture or a story based on observations. Children will receive all these observations only in a practical way in the process of performing certain exercises or tasks.

4. The concept of the text. As special studies and pedagogical practice show, children should know what a text is, have an idea of ​​its features. Starting from the first grade, students should be introduced to some rules for constructing a text, with its structure, with how to connect, connect parts and sentences in the text with each other. It is necessary to develop communication skills:

  • the ability to reveal the topic of the statement;
  • the ability to reveal the main idea of ​​the statement;
  • the ability to collect material for the statement;
  • the ability to systematize the collected material;
  • the ability to improve the written (for writing);
  • the ability to build statements in a certain compositional form;
  • the ability to express one's thoughts correctly, accurately, clearly and as vividly as possible.

By teaching communication skills, the teacher helps students to realize all the features of a coherent text, contributes to the development of the ability to independently build coherent messages. In the process of working on the text - when learning to retell and work on the presentation - the ability to correlate the content of the text with the title is formed. Thinking about the title, students highlight the main idea of ​​the entire text or parts. It is necessary to conduct a variety of exercises that will help children establish the unity of the content of the text and the connection between the content and the title. When choosing topics, the teacher should take into account their vital nature, the interests of children, accessibility. Topics should be designed for specific observations, impressions. Topics that help children use their personal experience are very good. For example, “How I help my mother”, “We observed leaf fall”.

The formation of the ability to collect material for the statement is associated with the active mental and speech activity of students in the analysis of the source that provides material for this statement. Analyzing the content of a text or a picture, considering objects of nature, the teaching is enriched with specific ideas about the surrounding reality, impressions, facts that will help it to reveal the topic more fully. It is especially difficult in teaching coherent speech to teach a child how to build his speech, by what means to convey his intention to the audience. The story highlights:

  • the basis of the story
  • the beginning of the story
  • end of story

The ability to systematize material and build a message in a certain compositional form is practiced in reading lessons and in preparation for presentation and is associated with work on a plan. The composition (structure) of a story based on a series of pictures or one picture and a description, students begin to realize even in literacy lessons, when we teach them to compose a story in three parts, highlight the main idea, introduction and conclusion. The composition of the description is based on the sequence of observation: children give a description of an object or picture, observing the same order in which they considered them.

Elements of description and reasoning are included in the narrative gradually. In order for students to introduce description and reasoning into their stories, children should be taught to find these elements in texts intended for presentation. In addition, children make short oral and written sketches of well-known objects (for example, toys), natural phenomena, and human appearance. When compiling coherent messages, you need to constantly ask questions: how can you connect the parts of the story together? How do you connect two adjacent sentences? Which word should be replaced so that there are no repetitions in the text? These questions are designed so that children learn to think about several sentences at the same time when compiling a coherent message and constantly think about and connect two adjacent sentences at once. This work is especially important when teaching coherent written speech. When constructing a coherent text, it is of great importance to use a variety of syntactic constructions that give speech logical coherence, persuasiveness, and emotional expressiveness. Monotonous sentences of the same type in structure destroy that logical coherence, which is a sign of a coherent text. The formation of the ability to build speech in a certain compositional form is closely related to the formation of speech skills and the ability to correct and improve what is written and said.

5. Mistakes in the written speech of students. Successful formation of students' skills and abilities for the development of coherent speech is possible only if the learning process identifies and eliminates the difficulties that students experience when compiling texts on their own, both oral and written. Comparing a student text with a sample makes it easier for the teacher to analyze and develop criteria for evaluating a coherent written text.

A versatile, diverse and at the same time a unified approach to the analysis of works of a creative nature makes it possible to fully identify the advantages and disadvantages of each specific work and ensures the objectivity of the assessment.

Typical mistakes that primary school students make in written presentations and essays.

2. In structure:

  • violation of the logical sequence;
  • lack of connection between facts;

3. In speech design:

  • in determining the boundaries of the proposal;
  • in the construction of proposals different types;
  • violation of word order;
  • word repetitions;
  • wrong choice and use of words.

4. Allow spelling mistakes on learned and unlearned rules.

(With properly organized assistance from the teacher, the cases of errors on unlearned rules can be reduced to a single one).

6. Formation of the ability to improve what is written is associated not only with the elimination of errors identified in the work of students, but also with the organization and conduct of specific classes. In preparation for the presentation, the text should be analyzed in terms of its content, the construction of the language. It is necessary to highlight the main thing, establish logical connections, work on the selection of synonyms, retell individual parts of the text. In order to organize collective work on errors, it is necessary to select the most striking examples of errors from students' works, group them by type: errors in the content and construction of the text, speech errors, including errors in the construction of sentences and in the use of words. In turn, the errors associated with the work on proposals are also differentiated. Each group of errors can be worked on in different lessons. Work on errors should be thought out and properly organized. The value of this work is that, firstly, children analyze their written work and the work of their classmates with more interest than the text of the writer; secondly, their works are small in volume, simple in structure, therefore they are better understood by children and more easily amenable to criticism. Students begin to “reveal the complex in the simple” and find the “unfamiliar in the familiar”, which is of great educational and educational value. Success in the work on the development of speech is possible only if it is educational in nature, will be carried out in the system. The modern primary school curriculum places high demands on the development of students' speech. Increased attention to speech corresponds to the tasks of the creative development of children and increasing their cognitive activity.

An important place in the system of work on the speech development of students is occupied by work on the pronunciation side of speech. It was believed that children entering the first grade have a sufficient level of pronunciation skills that allow them to freely carry out speech activities. However, the study of the pronunciation qualities of the speech of younger schoolchildren shows that most of the first-graders have significant violations of the pronunciation side of speech: the speech of many of them is slurred, the speech apparatus works sluggishly, and many have diction disorders. All this greatly affects the speech activity of the student. It has been noticed that children with a violation of the pronunciation level of speech are less willing to communicate, they are very constrained in the process of speech, they speak as if embarrassed. All this ultimately hinders their speech development as a whole.

7. The sound culture of speech involves a clear articulation of sounds, their distinct pronunciation, pronunciation, the ability to use voice and various means of expression.

Speech technique is a skill that characterizes the breath, voice, diction of the speaker. For this, breathing exercises during workouts.

  1. Inhale - on the exhale count from 1 to ...
  2. Inhale - on the exhale, read tongue twisters.
  3. "Blow out three candles."
  4. “Warm the animals with your breath”, etc.

1. Reading texts with different settings (fun, sad, solemn, with surprise).

2. Dramatization of small passages.

Diction - purity, correctness, clarity of pronunciation.

It is customary to call expressive reading, in which the performer, with the help of special means, conveys his attitude and his assessment of what is being read.

8. One of the leading directions in the speech development of younger students is work on the student's dictionary. “The word is the highest semantic unit of the language freely reproduced in speech for the construction of statements” (B.N. Golovin)

The richer the vocabulary of a person, the more original, expressive he expresses his thoughts. Researchers of the children's dictionary note its poverty, the volume is 3-7 thousand words. As a result, the statements of a significant part of the children are inexpressive. They are characterized by violations of stylistic unity, almost complete absence in the artistic description of words with a figurative meaning.

In elementary school lessons, the teacher carries out work to enrich the vocabulary of children, develops a sense of language, a desire to speak vividly, figuratively. The central, system-forming concept in the work on the vocabulary of students is the concept of the functional styles of the language. The literary language in its oral and written form is characterized by five styles: colloquial, scientific, official business, publicistic. The ability to feel the style, knowledge of its features allows students to correctly assess this or that speech situation at the right time.

The formation of schoolchildren's ideas about the text allows you to turn to all aspects of the analysis of coherent speech: meaningful, structural, linguistic. Relying on text theory allows students to develop more directed and productive skills in making coherent statements, which contributes to improving the quality of written work of younger students.

According to L.N. Tolstov, the difficulty of writing lies in the fact that, remembering what was written, not to repeat, not to miss anything and be able to combine the next with the previous one. Students learn to highlight key words from the text, to find the most important among them. Such supporting words “link” sentences, attach the next sentence to the previous one.

The main role in mastering text skills is played by the system of exercises. With the help of exercises, students learn to create text, speech works. Types of exercises:

  1. Selection of key words.
  2. Working with deformed text.
  3. Text editing.
  4. Creative presentation.
  5. Building communication chains.
  6. Composing your own text.

Among creative works a special place is given to an essay on a given beginning and supporting words. It should be noted that text skills are formed in parallel with grammatical and spelling skills. Performing such exercises, students should think about the content of the text, comprehend it, therefore, spelling and punctuation difficulties will be analyzed.

The ultimate goal for the speech development of primary school students is to teach children to freely express their thoughts. Work experience shows that systematic and consistent work on the development of students' speech, carried out on the basis of their conscious mastery of information about the means of interphrase relations, provides a solution to the problem. At the same time, the main effort should be directed not to the solution of individual words, but to the development of speech skills, to ensure that children quickly master the “mechanism of constructing speech”, to automate speech skills.

Observations of the oral speech of younger schoolchildren show that many of them are not able to fully express their thoughts: they cannot develop it logically, they do not know how to build statements using the means of communication between sentences.

The main work on the formation in children of the concept of the structure of the text and the ways of connecting sentences is carried out when they get acquainted with the presentations and essays. The result of such a systematic and purposeful work on the formation of the ability to build a coherent statement is that children build their statements not by trial and error, mechanically following exemplary author's texts, but consciously, expressing a complete thought, logically unfolding it, using the means of connections, like a lexical repetition. , synonyms, etc.

In order to enrich the vocabulary of students, I use tasks of the following nature:

  • selection to given word synonyms, finding them in the text;
  • selection of antonyms for a given word, finding antonymic pairs in the text and finding out from the meanings;
  • work on the direct and figurative meaning of words;
  • the use of speech turns;
  • work with proverbs and sayings;
  • work with a dictionary;
  • performance of various types of creative work;

These tasks can be complex to help the child see, compare, reason at the same time. In my work on the development of speech, I use Russian folk art, which develops the speech of students. "Red is the saying."


  • says “He who speaks sows, he who listens gathers”
  • enriches "In someone else's conversation, everyone will buy mind"
  • brings up “With a kind word and the black crust smells like baking”
  • affects “The word strikes more than an arrow”
  • helps “Language will bring to Kyiv”
  • soothes “A kind word to a man is like rain in a drought”

Children love to solve riddles. The riddle, according to KD Ushinsky, “gives the child's mind a useful exercise. The guessing process is a kind of gymnastics that trains the mental strength of students, guessing riddles sharpens and disciplines the mind, accustoming children to clear logic”

Tongue twisters are especially popular with children - this is a folk-poetic miniature, a joke in which difficult-to-pronounce combinations are deliberately selected. Each tongue twister has its own play of sounds and words. It is not for nothing that people say “You cannot speak and re-speak all tongue twisters”. In the lessons I use tongue twisters to develop skills and abilities for the correct pronunciation of sounds and their combination, for the articulation of speech sounds, as well as expressive reading.

Writing fairy tales is another stage in the development of children's speech. All children love fairy tales and you can very well use this to compose fairy tales with your children. At this stage, the ability to choose the right words, expressions, to be able to beat the situation is brought up. The fairy tale develops students' speech by expanding their vocabulary, develops imagination, observation, thinking, fosters interest in the Russian language, the literary work of Russian and foreign writers. In the classroom, you can stage fairy tales, compose with children.

The work on enriching the vocabulary of students is of great importance for the formation of writing skills, for the prevention of spelling errors in the written speech of children, because it develops pupils' versatile attention to the word, a responsible attitude towards it.

Literature used:

1. I.I. Politov “The development of speech of primary school students”. Moscow, Enlightenment, 1984

2. Magazine "Primary School".

3. Generalization of own work experience.