non-conflict- one of important qualities employees of different departments. Most managers believe that the absence of conflicts is the key to the well-coordinated work of the team. And it doesn’t matter what the employee will do: sales, support, or implementation. When an employee is in frequent contact with customers, non-conflict becomes especially relevant.

Ways out of conflict situations

There is a simple classification of the outputs of their conflicts:

  • Avoidance: don't react, "bury your head in the sand"
  • Adaptation: act to the detriment of one's own interests
  • Rivalry: compete, fight for your point of view
  • Compromise: seek concessions by offering concessions in return
  • Collaboration: develop a strategic solution by evaluating all factors

We will not describe all the strategies of behavior in detail. This takes some time. The classification is given here in order to understand what is non-conflict? Within the framework of this classification, we will consider the one who competes or compromises too hard to be clearly conflicting. That is, in fact, we need to check how the candidate finds ways out of certain conflict situations. We will be satisfied with compromise and cooperation. Avoidance and adaptation, although clearly non-conflicting strategies, but questions arise: is it necessary to act like this? Maybe you still need to at least try to defend the point of view, to understand? Rivalry will not suit at all.

Assessment Methods

To assess personal qualities, such as non-conflict, you need to ask appropriate questions in an interview with a candidate and be able to evaluate them. In this article, we will use three types of questions:

  1. Standard. Questions asked to the candidate "on the forehead". The disadvantage of such questions is the opportunity to get a socially expected answer. But understanding this, one can observe non-verbalism and conduct a linguistic assessment of speech. Our question will be:
  2. CASE questions. Or a situational interview: we describe situations that require decision-making. The method is good because there are fewer socially expected answers, unless, of course, the candidate has been trained in recruitment. The question will be: This is where customer focus comes into play.
  3. project questions. Here it is required to talk about other people, which further reduces the risk of a socially expected response. But, since a person usually talks about situations in the projection of his perception, it is possible to draw conclusions about his behavior. The question will be:

Since the article does not have the opportunity to describe all aspects of the interview, I will add that it is not always possible to draw unambiguous conclusions on three questions, and even more so on one, especially there are doubts. It is also important to understand that these questions should be asked “mixed up” with others so that the candidate does not suspect what quality you are trying to determine. In general, conducting interviews is a whole science, and I recommend reading books by Svetlana Ivanova or being like trainings.

But let's get down to our examples ... In this case, we will interview a candidate for the position of a manager (while we are thinking, for sales or for support), but the examples are also suitable for other positions.

Candidate 1

Question Candidate's response Observations and Conclusions
How do you get out of conflict situations? Tell with an example. I had a conflict with an implementer who stubbornly did not come to clients on time. As a result, I realized that suggestions are useless and I had to warn clients about this. Those who did not like it had to appoint another specialist. But some were loyal: the specialist is strong. The candidate chose the tactic of compromise. When answering a question, he was confident, he answered easily. We put +.
The client requests free works, about which they did not agree, and does not want to sign the act. Your actions? Here it is necessary to carefully understand the situation. If, at first glance, the client is clearly wrong, you should refer to the contract. It is also important to understand the views of all parties. If the specialist also does not believe that he should work for free, then I believe that you need to understand how valuable the client is in terms of whether the conflict will arise again and again. If we understand that the case is a single one, the client’s point of view has justification, and earlier everything was smooth with the client, then I believe that it is possible, upon agreement with the management, to meet the client halfway by paying for the work of a specialist. The tactic of cooperation is applied. The candidate comprehensively considers the problem, trying to keep the client. We put +.
Why do some employees develop a relationship with management, while others do not? I believe that a good relationship with management is the key to comfortable work. If there is mutual understanding common goals, it motivates all employees to achieve results. Teamwork is important in maintaining relationships at all levels. And if everyone is engaged in a common cause, then relations with the leadership will develop. The candidate has no idea how, in principle, it is possible to work with conflicts, describing only positive projections. We put +.

Candidate 2

Question Candidate's response Observations and Conclusions
How do you get out of conflict situations? Tell with an example. Yes, I didn't have much of a conflict. I can't even remember examples. “Dark horse”, a socially expected answer. Judging by the non-verbalism (dramatically changed his posture, got nervous), he is at least disingenuous or hiding something. We put "?".
The client demands free work, which was not agreed upon, and does not want to sign the act. Your actions? It is necessary to clearly understand what was agreed and how. How were the requirements described? In writing? Then check the compliance of the requirements with the results. If the result matches, then explain to the client that he is wrong. If you can't prove it, let the leadership decide what to do. For an attempt to find a fair solution and enter into cooperation - "+". But the candidate gives up too early and goes to the leadership, although you can look for solutions yourself. Therefore, “+” with a stretch.
Why do some employees develop a relationship with management, while others do not? It depends on the upbringing, on the combination of the characters of the leader and the employee. For good coordinated work, of course, you need mutual understanding. The candidate “pours water”, the projective question did not work. Neither good nor bad common phrases. We put "?".

Conclusion: difficult candidate. I call them "dirty". Usually in such a situation, I go to check other qualities. For example, the answer to the 2nd question gave doubts about independence. Perhaps the candidate will “fail” on it. If the candidate is suitable for all other qualities, then you should ask additional questions by non-conflict. For example, “Describe typical conflicts with other departments.” I also advise you to check candidates for whom there are doubts by calling the previous place of work (with the consent of the candidate, of course).

Candidate 3

Question Candidate's response Observations and Conclusions
How do you get out of conflict situations? Tell with an example. But what to tell, we constantly had conflicts with the implementers. They recruited students who do not know how to work. And who is more experienced - “fingers bend”. The management set unrealistic plans, almost no one fulfilled them. I tried to prove something, but they did not listen to me, so I left. How to work well here? The candidate is conflicted, rivalry tactics. Tells nervously, that and look and with us the conflict will begin. He blames everyone but himself. We put "-".
The client demands free work, which was not agreed upon, and does not want to sign the act. Your actions? I'll poke the client into a contract. Why else would we sign it? If you do not agree to pay, you can go through the court, after all. The candidate does not even try to understand the situation, to find some compromises. He is very categorical, appeals to the laws, and not to the interests of the company. We put "-".
Why do some employees develop a relationship with management, while others do not? Because the leadership is asking for something that they did not agree on. Why, for example, do they believe that employees should do what is not written in their job responsibilities? That's a violation of the law. The candidate speaks immediately about those who do NOT have a relationship - a clear minus. A reference to treaties, laws, a clear attitude to a future conflict is added. We put "-".

Conclusion: we unequivocally consider this candidate to be a conflict one.


Of course, I greatly simplified the approach to the interview. This is where you need to study and study. It is important to observe the behavior of the candidate, in the complex answers to all questions given from the questionnaire. For example, a frequent job change gives minuses to non-conflict. Therefore, take the methods into service, but use your own, not forgetting about intuition. And who wants to study in more detail the questions on the different qualities of candidates - I draw attention to my online course "Personnel of the Implementation Department".

Have a good interview!

We check the candidate for non-conflict

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  • a) Introduction

1. How to interview a candidate for a job

a) Introduction

If you have ever encountered the problem of finding staff, then you should know that this is a very troublesome business. There are two main search methods: search on your own or entrust this work to professionals. Try to do it on your own, because only you know who you want to see in your company.

If you decide to look for new employees on your own, do not rush to take a new person to the team, perhaps your subordinates will not refuse to learn an additional specialty. This will be beneficial for both you and the employee: for you - saving money, and for the subordinate - extra work which leads to an increase in wages.

This does not apply to any complex specialties that can only be studied at universities. Incidentally, higher educational establishments over the past few years, they have revised their training programs, and now they produce those specialists that can be useful to any commercial structure: managers, economists, marketing specialists, and so on.

When selecting personnel, psychological practices are of great help. You can hire a psychologist who will help you quickly understand the personality of the candidate. Or you can use various psychological tests, the results of which will tell a lot about the applicant: at least whether he is worthy of the vacancy; as a maximum - what properties of his character can be useful in work.

Of course, talk to the candidate in person. He can first go through a "selection" from your deputy, who will give him (or not give) permission to communicate directly with the head. During the conversation, study not only vocational training the applicant, but also look at the overall impression of the person. Both behavior and appearance can say a lot before the conversation starts.

Notice what the person's tone of voice is, how developed their speech is (just don't confuse it with not verbosity), what their vocabulary is, how they carry themselves and express their thoughts.

To ensure that only the people you need respond to your ad, think about its wording. It is important to reflect all requirements in it as specifically as possible. It is desirable in it to answer those questions that are most often asked by a person who gets a job. If you manage to reflect as much information as possible in a concise form, you can save time and attract only people who are really interested in the vacancy.

b) 3 types of interview questions

The question of how to conduct an interview, and in particular what questions to ask for an interview, is often the first question that a novice recruiter has. With the development of the economy and the growth of material well-being, motivate staff only salary become problematic: the emphasis in encouraging staff to achieve their goals is shifting to stability companies, professional development, career height, complexity performed tasks, friendly team and many other criteria.

So how do you conduct an interview? Before meeting with a candidate, one must outline " circle questions", that is, decide what questions to ask for an interview in order to determine whether the applicant has the desired competencies. Experts distinguish three types of questions for candidates during an interview:

W Biographical,

W Criterial

W situational.

Biographical questions interviews used to recreate facts that are not reflected in the summary, or to clarify those that are in doubt. For example, " How You were engaged V flow period, Not included V summary"?". The value of these questions is in expanding and clarifying the available information. With the help of them, for example, you can find out what a person is focused on - looking for new opportunities or high-quality long-term work.

Criterial questions interviews are used mainly when a certain profile of requirements for employees has been developed - let's call it " template". With their help, they check how the candidate meets one or another criterion ( pattern). Here they often give tasks like " List three their most strong quality And three most weak" or " name three most strong And three most weak quality leader", "Rate their capabilities V areas sales By 10 point scale". Then the answers of the candidates are compared with the "template" of this position. It is important that when asking these questions, the interviewer imagines at least in general terms this " sample”- what answers to Criteria questions will be " correspond pattern”.

situational questions interviews are built on examples from life". "Give an example of a situation when you acted in accordance with your own ethical principles, although your position was not shared by everyone?" Or: " WITH what You start work V this positions?" Depending on the solution proposed by the applicant, it is concluded whether he has the necessary behavioral patterns, whether he knows how to set goals, whether he is able to "resolve" problems and problems.

What questions to ask in an interview? The answer lies in the realization that questions are part of any interpersonal interaction. And by this point, understanding the importance of the competent use of this tool is obvious to us.

Before proceeding to prepare questions for an interview, dwell on a few important points their formulations.

The answer of the interlocutor is always determined precisely by the fact How And Which question you asked him.

The wider the “field” of the question being asked, the more time is needed for an answer.

"wide” questions for an interview, you provoke the interlocutor to a lengthy answer. The sentence “Tell me about yourself” for a talkative candidate simply means a celebration of life, and do not be surprised if after some time - after 40 minutes - you will urgently need to finish the “song about personality”. To avoid this, use the kinds questions which correspond certain goals interview.

If you want to get as much various information from candidate's answer, you use " open” questions. “What can you tell us about your previous job?”

"Closed" questions are good for clarifying information and at the stage of concluding specific agreements, when the parties are already, as they say, " uncovered cards". For what, at one time, "open" questions were used.

However, some open questions cause a defensive reaction of the interlocutor. Think about it and tell me which scene you most often associate with the word "Why? ..." That's right ... The abundance of such clichés in a conversation with a person begins to resemble an interrogation. The more often in questions there are introductory words and offers the more" shock absorbers in conversation, and this makes the atmosphere of the interview friendly and comfortable.

Questions don't have to "speak" candidate that he is already employee Companies. Compare two phrases:

Can whether You proceed To work co next Monday?

interview conflict situation motivation

IN case If You come up us, you can whether You proceed To work co next Monday?

In the first case, a probable situation when subconsciously the candidate " will see” Your positive decision on his candidacy. Using this approach will help avoid situations where we turn down a suitable employee against a background of a more capable or motivated candidate in order to save the opportunity to turn to him again later.

shock absorbers:

· IN how cause…

· How You think...

· By your opinion...

· Suppose You us come on...

· IN case If You will interest is our offer…

Interview questions should not contain " hints". Question: "Did you make monthly reports on previous work? ” will immediately tell the candidate what the secret dream of his possible leader is. What should be the ideal answer? ... And the question “Did you make this report weekly or monthly?” implies that this report was definitely made by the candidate, regardless of its frequency. So, since you are convinced of this, why should your counterpart disappoint you? what and how the candidate did, you will get by asking the question: “What were your job responsibilities at your previous job? ” When he tells you the basic information, you can use clarifying questions to find out the details, for example, about the same frequency of performing certain actions (functions).

There are no strict recommendations as to when you should receive information about a particular thematic block. Your job is to get answers ON ALL interested you questions.

The time of using each of your "blanks" will vary depending on the specific vacancy and the personalities of your interlocutors. Interviewing, like any other form of communication, is an art, not a craft, and requires creativity in every situation. At the stage of preparation for the interview, we have prepared "bricks" from which you will have to build a new building during the interview.

the best result Can achieve having built interview With candidate so the way to it included V myself elements all three types questions.

c) the use of tests in recruitment

Along with the interview, testing is one of the common methods for evaluating candidates for vacant positions.

Test (from English. test - experience, trial) - standardized, limited in time method research, designed For clarification certain quantitative And quality characteristics personalities With help questions tasks, situations And etc.

The main purpose of testing is to obtain information about the individual characteristics of a person that may affect the results. labor activity and team behavior.

Testsonprofessionalsuitability are used to assess the psychophysiological qualities of the candidate and the ability to perform certain types of work. Proficiency tests include simulation and verification tests. professional knowledge candidate. When passing simulation tests, candidates perform a specific task that will be part of their professional duties. Based on the results, it can be concluded about the candidate's ability to perform certain types of work. Such tests are highly reliable, as they are aimed at finding out related professional activity skill challenger. Among the simulation tests, it is necessary to single out computer programming for a programmer, editing an article for an editor, translating text for a translator, typing for a secretary, etc.

This group also includes tests to check the level of professional knowledge. For each question, several options are offered, from which the candidate must choose the correct answer. Based on the results of testing, you can get an indicator (in percentage or in points) that characterizes the level of professional knowledge of the candidate.

Testsgeneralabilities make it possible to assess the level of development and some features of thinking, memory, attention, learning ability. Among the tests of general abilities, there are intellectual tests designed to study the level of a candidate's intellect. Based on the test results, it is possible to calculate a quantitative indicator of the level of intelligence development - coefficientcognitiveintellectIQ. In Western countries, IQ is widely used to assess the level intellectual development candidates for leadership positions.

Both general intelligence tests and special tests aimed at the components of intelligence can be used: verbal intelligence, analytical abilities, spatial intelligence, type of thinking. For example, high level verbal intelligence is important for journalists, teachers, politicians, etc.

multifactorialevaluationintellect includes the study of the following characteristics:

· to own vocabulary, the ability to complete a sentence, pick up (find) antonyms and synonyms;

Speech skills (operation with words), which are revealed using tests for rhymes, inventing words that begin with a certain letter, with a certain prefix or suffix;

memory using tests to test the ability to memorize;

speed and accuracy of performing simple calculation tasks;

spatial thinking with the help of tasks involving non-existent manipulation of objects on a plane or in space;

• identifying causal relationships using tests to establish rules or principles.

Despite the complexity, tests for the study of the level of intelligence are simple in the processing of results, which boils down to scoring. Such testing does not have to be carried out by a specially trained specialist.

Along with the study of the level of development of cognitive intelligence IQ in the practice of personnel management in Lately Much of the focus is on research emotionalintellectEQ.

IQ reflects the abilities of the left hemisphere of the brain, responsible for logic and rational thinking, EQ- the right hemisphere, which determines intuitive thinking and emotionality.

Of the qualities that characterize emotional intelligence, it is necessary to highlight: a high level of self-understanding, the ability to hear and understand other people, to anticipate their behavior, the ability to control their emotions and the emotions of other people, the ability to make the right decision, the ability to form and motivate a team to achieve a goal, etc. .d.

Individual qualities that characterize emotional intelligence can be measured using personaltests. Personality tests provide an opportunity to explore such qualities as sociability, risk-taking, leadership, irrepressibility, conflict, etc. These tests focus on identifying personality characteristics by analyzing and grouping a person's responses to questions or statements. The answers are subjective, as they are based on the person's self-assessment. The answers can be influenced by the emotional state, experience with tests.

In practice, they also use projectivetests. For example, the applicant is asked to draw something or comment on a picture or photograph. Analyzing the results, the psychologist draws a conclusion about motivational attitudes, individual personality characteristics and inclinations of a person. Such tests are based on the fact that the needs and processes hidden in the human subconscious are projected on external world, are expressed in the features of behavior and actions. In order to get an external projection of the subconscious, a person is offered to respond spontaneously, naturally, to certain situations.

Tests are only one from tools professional selection staff, specialists By management staff must be able to their use. IN this connections important Right elect adequate goals diagnostics tests And competently their use.

d) assessment of motivation in the selection of employees

One of the most common reasons for a new employee to leave before the end of the probationary period is inaccurate or erroneous diagnosis of the "motivators" of a particular person when hiring. Meanwhile, everyone understands that a good candidate is a motivated candidate, and the higher the level of motivation of a beginner, the sooner he acquires the skills necessary in the workplace.

To predict the "accumulation" of a new employee, the HR manager should consider the whole range of motivators, not dwelling only on material incentives. In addition, you need to remember that the same factor (money or Internet access) satisfies different needs of different people. Therefore, it is important to be able to correctly determine the characteristics of the motivation of the future employee. In addition, an accurate assessment of motivators is the basis for planning the development and career advancement of a person.

Identification of the dominant motivators of the applicant for a particular position will save effort and time when communicating with many candidates - and as a result, hire active person focused on achieving goals that do not run counter to the goals of the company.

The final result of the work on assessing the motivators of a candidate for employment should be clear answers to the following questions:

1. What are the dominant motives (and, accordingly, motivators) of this person?

2. Does he have development motivation?

3. What motives can be used for the further development of the candidate?

To understand the system of evaluation and management of motivation within the framework of personnel management, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts:

the need;


the motivator;

internal motivation;

personnel motivation system.

Need - a person's need for what is necessary for his existence and development.

Motive is a subjective reflection of a need that prompts a person to act.

Intrinsic motivation is an individual set of motives that motivate a person to activity.

Motivator - a factor of job satisfaction that affects its effectiveness. Changing the motivator increases (or reduces) a person's job satisfaction.

The personnel motivation system is a system of managerial influences on the motives of employees aimed at achieving maximum efficiency in the activities of a particular organization.

One of the main tasks of the personnel manager in diagnosing the candidate's motivation is to identify the motives (and, accordingly, motivators) that dominate during this period of his life.

2. The essence of the conflict and the rules of behavior in conflict situations

A person constantly enters into relationships with other people. Social comfort and the effectiveness of our activities depend on how communication with people will be established.

Negotiation is a business mutual communication with the aim of reaching a joint solution. Throughout our lives, we negotiate, exchange commitments and promises. Whenever two people need to come to an agreement, they must negotiate.

It is impossible to imagine the processes of communication always and under all circumstances smoothly flowing and devoid of internal contradictions. In some situations, an antagonism of positions is revealed, reflecting the presence of mutually exclusive values, tasks and goals, which sometimes turns into mutual hostility - a conflict arises.

The concept of conflict has many definitions and interpretations, but they all emphasize the existence of a contradiction, which takes the form of disagreement if we are talking about human interaction. Business conversation- this is primarily the interaction of partners, the exchange of information, the coordination of positions and points of view, and here we also encounter conflicts and conflict situations.

Conflict resolution is very important. It is believed that conflict is always undesirable, because it harms people, negatively affects the results joint work worsens and sometimes destroys business relationships. The classic view of conflict is that it has no place at all. But it is now recognized that a certain degree of conflict in social relations just inevitable. Conflict can be constructive or destructive.

In conflict resolution leading role plays the ethics of management.

And within modern management today there is already a special science - conflictology. It helps in managing people's behavior in special situations, in resolving relationships, and indicates ways out of a given situation.

The emerging conflict process is difficult to stop. This is explained by the fact that the conflict has a cumulative nature, i.e. every aggressive action leads to a response or retribution, and more powerful than the original. Therefore, one should always strive to look for ways to mitigate conflict situations or eliminate them.

a) conflict. His types. Essence

Conflict ( from lat. conflictus - collision) is a collision of oppositely directed goals, interests, positions, opinions, points of view, views of communication partners. In psychology, the following typesconflict.

Intrapersonal conflict arises from the state of dissatisfaction of a person with any circumstances of his life, associated with the presence of contradictory interests, aspirations and needs.

interpersonal conflict is the most common type of conflict; it arises between people because of the incompatibility of their views, interests, goals, needs.

Intergroup conflict due to the clash of interests between different groups.

Conflict between group And personality It manifests itself as a contradiction between the expectations of an individual and the norms of behavior and communication that have developed in the group.

The emergence of a conflict is possible for various reasons and circumstances, for example, it may be the result of insufficient understanding in the process of communication, incorrect assumptions in relation to the actions of the interlocutor, differences in plans and assessments. The causes of the conflict can be: individual-personal characteristics of the communication partner; inability (unwillingness) to control one's emotional state; tactlessness and lack of desire to work, as well as loss of interest in work.

play a major role in causing conflicts conflictogens - words, actions (or inactions) that contribute to the emergence and development of the conflict. However, by itself, a "loner conflictogen" is not capable of leading to conflict. To do this, a chain of conflictogens should arise - their escalation, those. when we try to respond to a conflictogen in our address with a stronger conflictogen, often choosing the strongest of all possible.

How does the exchange of "courtesy" take place? Having received a conflictogen in his address, the “victim” responds with “resentment for offense” in order to compensate for his psychological loss. At the same time, his answer should not be weaker, therefore, for complete certainty, he is done with a "margin" (it's hard to resist the temptation to teach the offender a lesson?!). As a result, the power of conflictogens increases.

The following main typesconflictogens:

1) striving for excellence;

2) manifestation of aggression;

3) manifestation of selfishness.

In order to avoid conflictogens in the process of communication and interaction with other people, one should:

1) remember that any careless statement can provoke a conflict (due to the escalation of conflictogens);

2) show empathy for the interlocutor. To do this, you need to enter into his position and imagine how your words, actions and deeds will resonate in his soul.

In order to understand the essence of the conflict and effectively resolve it, it is necessary to turn to one of the formulasconflict:

conflict situation + incident - conflict,

Where conflict situation - it is the accumulated contradictions that create the true cause of the conflict;

incident - it is a confluence of circumstances (sparks) that are the cause for conflict;

conflict - it is an open confrontation, which is the result of mutually exclusive interests and positions.

Resolving a conflict means:

1) eliminate the conflict situation;

2) exhaust the incident.

However, as practice shows, in life there are many cases when, for objective reasons, it is impossible to eliminate the conflict situation. Therefore, in order to avoid conflict, care should be taken not to create an incident.

b) Rules of conduct in conflicts

In a conflict, a person is dominated not by reason, but by emotions, which leads to affect, when consciousness simply turns off and a person is not responsible for his words and actions. The great Persian writer and thinker Saadi (between 1203 and 1210-1292) wrote about this:

angry - be patient A little cooled down

Reason give in, change on mercy anger.

smash any ruby not for long And not difficult,

But again connect fragments impossible.

Experts in the field of conflictology have developed a code of conduct in conflict. Let's get acquainted with some rules * ( * SamyginSI., StolyarenkoL.D.Psychologymanagement. - Rostov-on-Don1997 . - WITH.4 68-472 .):

1. Give partner " release steam" . If a partner is irritated and aggressive (overwhelmed with negative emotions), it is difficult, and often impossible, to negotiate with him, so try to help him reduce internal tension. During his "explosion" it is recommended to behave calmly, confidently, but not arrogantly.

2. shoot down aggression unexpected tricks. For example, ask an unexpected question about a completely different, but significant business for a partner, or confidentially ask a conflicting interlocutor for advice.

3. Not Let's partner negative ratings, A speak O their feelings. Don't say "You're cheating on me", it's better to say "I feel cheated".

4. Ask formulate desired finite result And problem How chain obstacles. A problem is something that needs to be solved, and the attitude towards a person is the background, the conditions in which one has to make a decision. In the event of a hostile attitude towards a client or partner, you may not want to solve the problem. This cannot be done! Don't let your emotions rule you. Together with the interlocutor, identify the problem and focus on it. In other words: separate the problem from the person.

5. Suggest client express their considerations By resolution emerging Problems And their options solutions. No need to look for the guilty and explain the situation. Look for a way out of it. Don't settle for the first acceptable option, there must be many to choose the best one (alternative). At the same time, always remember that mutually acceptable solutions should be sought, i.e. you and the client (communication partner) must be mutually satisfied with the end result.

6. IN any case give partner " save his face" . Do not allow yourself to loosen up and respond with aggression to aggression and hurt the dignity of a partner; he will not forgive this, even if he yields to pressure. Do not touch on his personality, but give an assessment only to actions and deeds, for example, you can say: "You have already failed to fulfill your promise twice", but you cannot say: "You are an optional person."

7. reflect, How echo, meaning statements And claims. The use of phrases like "Did I understand you correctly?", "You wanted to say." eliminates misunderstandings and demonstrates attention to the interlocutor, which reduces his aggression.

8. Not be afraid apologize If feel my guilt. Confident and mature people, therefore, it disarms the client and inspires respect and trust in him.

9. Nothing Not necessary prove. In a conflict, no one will ever be able to prove anything to anyone, since negative emotions block the ability to understand and agree with the "enemy". A person at this moment does not think, his rational part is turned off, and therefore there is no need to try to prove anything. This is a waste of time and a useless exercise.

10. shut up first. If it so happened that you did not notice how you "were drawn" into the conflict (according to observations, 80% of conflicts arise in addition to the desire of their participants), try to do the only thing - shut up. Do not demand from the interlocutor - the "enemy": "Shut up", "Stop", but from yourself. However, your silence should not be offensive to your partner and should not be tinged with gloating and defiance.

11. Not characterize state opponent. Avoid verbal statements of negativity emotional state partner: "Why are you angry, nervous?", "What are you mad about?" - such "pacifiers" only strengthen and intensify the conflict.

12. Regardless from result permissions contradictions try Not destroy relationship. Express your respect and disposition to the client, partner and agree on the difficulties that have arisen. If you save the relationship and let the client "save face", you will not lose him as a future client or partner.

In the book NellieVlasova". ANDwake upboss" formulated 11 tabooVconflictsituations.

It is forbidden:

1. Critically evaluate a partner.

2. Ascribing base or bad intentions to him.

3. Show signs of your superiority.

4. Blame and attribute responsibility only to the partner.

5. Ignore the interests of a communication partner.

6. See everything only from your position.

7. Reduce the merits of the partner and his contribution to the common cause.

8. Exaggerate your merits.

9. Get irritated, scream and attack.

10. Hurt " pain points" And vulnerabilities partner.

11. Heap a lot of claims on a partner.

IN conflict situation you should always remember the "golden rule" of morality, the observance of politeness and tact.

c) Strategy of behavior in conflict situations

According to the method of resolution, conflicts are divided into productive (constructive) and unproductive (destructive).

destructiveconflicts - these are conflicts in which interpersonal ties are destroyed, work efficiency is sharply reduced, and the solution of the problem becomes impossible.

constructiveconflicts do not go beyond business relations and involve fivestrategiesbehavior: rivalry, cooperation, compromise, accommodation and avoidance.

1. Rivalry - it is an open "struggle" for their interests. This strategy is used when a person has strong will, power and sufficient authority. However, rivalry rarely brings long-term results; That, Who lost today, later may refuse to cooperate. Therefore this strategy cannot be used V personal, close relationships.

2. Cooperation - it is a search for a solution that satisfies the interests of both parties. Such a strategy leads to success in business and personal life, since in the process of conflict resolution there is a desire to meet the needs of all. Experts recommend starting this strategy with phrases like: "I want a fair outcome for both of us," "Let's see what we can do to get what we both want," and so on.

It has been proven that when both parties win, they are more inclined to implement the decisions made. Cooperation involves the ability (desire) to restrain one's emotions, explain one's decisions (argument requirements) and listen to the other side. Collaboration results in acquisition shared experience work and develop listening skills.

3. Compromise - it is the settlement of disagreements through mutual concessions. Such a strategy is effective when both parties want the same thing, but know for sure that at the same time their desires are unfulfilled (for example: the desire to occupy one And the same position).

As a rule, a compromise allows you to gain at least something rather than lose everything, and provides an opportunity to work out a temporary solution if there is no time to work out another.

4. Avoidance - this is the desire to get out of the conflict, not solving it, not insisting on one's own, but not giving up one's own. This strategy is recommended V cases where one of the parties feels that they are not right, or considers that there are no serious grounds for continuing contacts. Moreover, leaving or postponing suggests that during this time the situation may resolve itself or you can deal with it when you have sufficient information or the desire to resolve it.

5. fixture represents a tendency to smooth out contradictions, sacrificing one's own interests. If the other person's need turns out to be more important than yours, and the feelings are stronger, then this strategy is the only one for resolving the conflict.

An accommodation strategy can be applied if:

Ш you are not particularly worried about what happened, and the subject of disagreement is not important to you;

You realize that the truth is on your side;

• you feel that your chances of winning are minimal;

Sh you think you better save good relations with a partner than to defend their own position.

It is clear that no strategy of behavior in a productive conflict can be considered the best, so it is important to learn how to use each of them effectively, taking into account the circumstances and situation.

Difficulties and conflicts inevitably arise in relations between people; they are a natural part of our life.

There is a widespread worldly notion that conflicts are something unfavorable and dangerous, that they should be avoided at all costs, and that good relations between people are inherent in complete absence any conflicts. As a result of the great popularity of such views, people try to hide their conflicts from others and even from themselves. Thus, part of the conflicts exist in the inner, hidden plane.

Often the condemnation of the very fact of the existence of conflicts and the naive belief that one can live life without ever having a conflict with anyone are associated with insufficient distinctions between the conflict itself and the way it is resolved. But there are effective ways resolving conflicts caused by differences in views, attitudes, mismatches of goals and actions. They strengthen relationships and are therefore extremely valuable. Successful conflict resolution together can bring people closer than most

years spent in mutual exchange of pleasantries. However, along with this, there are also such ways of resolving conflicts that poison life and destroy even stable long-term ties.

An analysis of the theoretical literature on the problem of conflict shows that conflict inevitably accompanies all areas of interpersonal interaction. Conflict, having a disorganizing effect on joint activities people, can at the same time be turned into a productive channel, exacerbating the contradiction that has arisen and contributing to the development of a more conscious and expedient solution to the problem. In addition, the resolution of a conflict situation by an individual enriches his life experience in the field of interpersonal interaction.

Analysis of the literature showed the need and practical significance studying the specifics of the emergence and course of the conflict, finding ways to resolve it in business communication.

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HR managers love to ask competency questions — and one of their favorite topics is conflict. Here are some examples of questions related to conflict resolution:

  • Tell me about a joint project you had to work on with a difficult employee.
  • Tell me about a time you had a conflict at work.
  • Give an example of a time when you had to resolve a dispute between colleagues at work.
  • Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your supervisor/colleague.

There are many other variants of questions on this topic, which is very common. From the point of view of the HR manager, the meaning of the conflict question is to find out about the candidate's ability to resolve conflicts and about

Recently, in one of my coaching sessions, I asked my client: “How would you resolve a conflict with a colleague at work?” The answer was: "I would ask him to meet in the parking lot after work and talk to him like a man to a man." Do you think he could get the job with that answer?

Before I tell you how to answer this question, let's refresh our memory a little, what

Many interviews ask competency questions that begin with “Tell me about a time…” or “Give an example….” These questions give interviewers insight into how you have dealt with specific situations and challenges in the past. There is an opinion shared by many recruiters that a candidate's past performance says a lot more about their future performance in a new job.

Why is the interviewer asking about the “conflict resolution” skill?

Many jobs will require you to be able to get along with different types of people. Some of your colleagues, supervisors or clients may not be quite adequate and annoy you. Disagreements will inevitably arise. You must approach conflict resolution from a professional point of view in order to be successful at work.

Your interviewer wants to understand how you will respond to a conflict situation. At the interview, all candidates seem nice and pleasant, but what happens if you are hired and Natalia from the adjacent department starts insulting you?

Questions regarding "conflict resolution" are very popular with HR managers because everyone wants to hire. Interviewers often ask a candidate about his experience in a team and they are especially interested in the experience that included a conflict or a "difficult colleague".

How to answer a competence question about the ability to resolve a conflict?

This type of question can take you by surprise. After all, you were most likely focused on the positives of your resume. No one likes to talk about a conflict at work. Many labor conflicts are boring to talk about. In addition, you will probably prefer to pretend that you are a pleasure to work with and that no one has ever had any problems with you.

Competency questions about conflict resolution make you talk about a less-than-pleasant situation. Perhaps it will be difficult to bring on the fly good example- and it will be even more difficult to briefly describe the story in a way that puts you in a favorable light.

That's why it's so important to come up with an example ahead of time using the STAR technique. Your goal is not to memorize the text word for word. The STAR technique will allow you to structure and shape your answer with a bulleted list.

An example of an answer to the question is “Tell me about a time when you had a conflict while working on a joint project.”

Here short review using the STAR technique to write a story about conflict resolution.

S/T (Situation - situation / Task - task)

Briefly describe the conflict that has arisen. Provide only the necessary information to understand the context.

An example of using a bulleted list to describe a situation/task:

  • I have been working on the creation of our new corporate brochure. We were put in a very tight frame, as it was necessary to have time to print brochures for the upcoming major exhibition.
  • I was responsible for the timely release and also led the team from the Marketing, Sales and Design departments.
  • The designer assigned to this project was very talented, but unfortunately missed the deadline that I set. When I came to tell him about the deadline, he yelled at me.

Pros of this answer: listing the main points of the story showed a clear context - this was a very important and complex project with tight deadlines. The designer who not only broke the deadline, but also threw a tantrum when he was disapproved. This is a real conflict that could lead to disaster if the wrong response.

Advice: Do not load the interviewer with unnecessary details. He doesn't need to know about color scheme brochures and about the history of the exhibition.

A(Actions - actions)

Tell us about the key actions you have taken. In the event of a conflict, emphasis should be placed on resolving the differences in a professional manner.

An example of using a bulleted list to describe actions:

  • Of course, I did not expect such a reaction on his part, but remained calm. I acknowledged that there were tight deadlines and again explained the importance of having brochures ready for the show.
  • He relaxed a little when he saw that I wasn't attacking him. He told me about his other projects and how he was overburdened. I asked him if I could help him come up with a solution to the problem.
  • We agreed that if his manager finds out how important this project is and takes a lot of his time, then he will be removed from other projects. We decided that we would talk to him together.
  • In the end, she handed off his other projects to the rest of the designers, which allowed him to calm down and focus on the release of the brochure.

Pros of this answer: The candidate described what actions he took and why. He also added that he remained calm under pressure, took a firm stand on the issue, and was able to convince others (the designer and his supervisor) of his point of view.

Advice: List actions that are directly related to conflict resolution and show your professionalism.

R (results - results)

Every story should include a happy ending. End your answer with a description of the positive results of your actions. These results can be expressed quantitatively (increased sales by 20%) or qualitatively (Customer was satisfied with my service and reported it to my manager, my manager liked my new approach and he promoted me).

An example of using a bulleted list to describe results:

  • As a result, the designer was able to focus on the brochure and meet deadlines.
  • He apologized for his behavior and thanked me for my help.
  • We released a brochure for the start of the show and received a lot of positive feedback from our sales representatives and customers.
  • Our exhibition resulted in a 45% increase in sales, and I believe that in this key role played a new brochure.

Pros of this answer: A short story with a happy ending. The candidate described the conflict resolution, the positive effect in the relationship with the designer, and the business results.

Advice: Results expressed in numbers are more impressive to the interviewer. However, this is not always possible, but you should choose the example with the most significant results.

Tips on how to answer competence questions about the ability to resolve conflicts:

1. Give a good example:

  • Choose a story that shows that you used an effective approach to conflict resolution.
  • Be specific. Don't give a general answer, such as "I deal with conflict all the time and have learned to stay calm in this situation and have learned that communication is key."
  • Don't talk about a minor disagreement ("He didn't want Italian food for lunch") or a conflict that was resolved by someone else. Your task is to show your interpersonal skills and problem-solving ability.

2. Provide specific information about your activities:

  • most memorable and interesting stories include enough detail to describe big picture. Explain why this conflict was importance and how did you resolve it successfully.
  • However, you should do your best to keep the story short. It's easy to get sidetracked, especially if you haven't prepared a prime example beforehand. Do not get distracted from the main idea.
  • Stick to a bulleted list. Don't try to memorize the text.


Take time to practice your story. This is especially important when telling a story related to conflict and its resolution. You need to feel confident when discussing embarrassing moments and be persuasive in presenting your position in an interview. I help candidates prepare their answer questions for successful behavioral interviews. As part of the Interview Master training course, you can order a coaching session to prepare answers to competency-based questions, taking into account your field of activity and position.

You carefully, as it seemed to you, prepared for the interview: “cleaned” your resume to a mirror shine for errors and various “inconsistencies” or contentious issues V work biography, prepared a "solemn" speech, which should characterize you from the best side. You even made a list of supposed tricky questions and jotted down the answers to them. All this is absolutely correct. But, as practice shows, most applicants still lose sight of one difficult question.

I would like to note right away: this question is not entirely correct, therefore, some overly emotional applicants may cause a protest, however, employers often ask it. And, by the way, they have every right to do so, since it does not concern any purely personal aspects of your life. The question concerns conflict situations and your reaction to them. In other words, the employer can ask you directly, without further ado: "Were you involved in any conflicts at your old job, how did you react to them and how did you get out of them?" There are not so many people in the world who are pleased to remember such moments, and even fewer who managed to answer correctly.

The question, indeed, is not easy, to a certain extent ambiguous.

Want to know everything!

Why do employers ask such a not-so-pleasant question potential employees? There may be several reasons:

1. To determine the level of conflict of the applicant. We have repeatedly focused your attention on the fact that it is important for an employer to hire not only a highly qualified specialist, but also a accommodating employee, preferably one who combines “two in one”. Today, many companies profess the team principle of work. A team is a well-coordinated mechanism in which everyone clearly knows their duties and fulfills them, at the same time everyone feels responsible for the final result of the work. In other words, the employer needs a "star team" and not "stars" in the team, because the latter often have too many ambitions. And this can “break up” the team. A conflict person is also a kind of "star", which negatively affects the psychological climate in the team, and hence the effectiveness of its work.

2. To determine the level of tolerance of the applicant. Usually, applicants for leadership positions or those whose work is connected with people are checked for “tolerance”. In this case, endurance, correctness, ability to smooth sharp corners will be decisive in the selection of a candidate. Indeed, it is hard to imagine that in the place of, for example, a personnel manager, a quick-tempered and prone, let's say, to escalate the situation, employee can work effectively.

3. To determine the level of stress resistance of the candidate. This should be understood as the ability of the applicant to behave correctly in various conflict situations, not to provoke their further development, as well as to quickly “recover” after the conflict and continue to work further in a normal mode. Usually they say about such people: they don’t take what is happening to heart.

4. To determine the applicant's behavior model in conflict situations that arise at any job and with each employee. However, everyone's reaction is strictly individual. Someone gladly takes part in the “process”, fanning the flames of discord, the other is lost, not knowing what to do in such circumstances, the third one “resolves” the situation, not allowing the scandal to grow further, and at the same time skillfully defending the interests of the cause. It is in such employees that employers are most interested or, on extreme case, in those who simply will not participate, stepping aside.

So what is the complexity of the issue?

In answers. The fact is that by saying: “I have never taken part in any conflicts,” you will pretend that you will not do very well. good impression on the employer. Everyone participated in conflicts, at least indirectly, otherwise it simply does not happen. The employer may perceive your answer in the same way as: “I just don’t know how to get out of such situations with dignity,” which also does not paint the employee. However, painting in all details, with what enthusiasm they “conflicted” in this or that case, “put all the enemies with one hand” and emerged victorious, will not add any pluses to you in the eyes of the employer. No one needs brawlers in production. It turns out that this is bad, bad and that. How to proceed?

Seven troubles, one answer

Lyubov Ponomarenko, a personnel officer with many years of experience, notes: “The answer to such“ provocative ”questions must be thought out especially carefully, because you don’t know what exactly (the level of tolerance, conflict, stress resistance, etc.) the employer wants to“ measure ”, Moreover, each employer has his own view on such situations. Once I happened to be interviewing a girl who had, in general, a good chance of getting a job in our institution. But when asked to describe any conflict situation where she was a participant, the young lady categorically replied that there were no conflicts for her. Since she recently held the position of head of the department, all decisions were made according to the principle: there are two opinions - one is mine, the other is wrong. As a person and a personnel officer with experience, I can say that sometimes, especially in any critical situations, this approach is the only right one, but it is absolutely not acceptable for everyday work. In any case, in our institution the labor process is based on other principles. In general, I must say that there are not so many frank "conflicts" in nature. It’s just that many applicants, especially inexperienced ones, believe that the “cooler” they show themselves (they say, I can always defend my opinion, by any means, I know how to “restrain” everyone, etc.), the better. But employers, especially if the field of activity involves working with people, first of all look for “diplomats” who are able not to aggravate, but to resolve conflicts, because they do not want to lose potential customers or the prestige of the company.”

Experts recommend that before the interview, be sure to think over the answers to such questions, the answer may be approximately as follows: “Of course, conflict situations in previous jobs happened, sometimes I had to participate in them, although I prefer to resolve issues in a more constructive way. I believe that if a disagreement has already arisen, it is impossible to expand its boundaries by drawing in new participants, but it is also not worth stepping back, because the conflict itself means the presence of some problem that needs to be dealt with, but constructively, in a calm atmosphere.

If you are asked to describe the situation, your role in it and actions, answer in detail who was involved in the conflict, what caused it, how events unfolded, how you behaved in this situation, how it was eventually resolved, how do you evaluate the actions of the parties etc. If you are too brief, the employer will perceive this as an unwillingness to answer, which will lead to the conclusion that you have something to hide. At the same time, try to recall a situation in which you managed to find a compromise, showing flexibility, taking into account not only your own interests, but also the interests of the other side.

Oksana Bondarchuk
Based on the materials of "Robot for Women"

When hiring a new employee, we most often pay attention to professional quality. However, among the personal qualities of the candidate there are those that are directly related to the quality of work - these are the character traits that can lead to conflict situations. In order not to accept a person with high self-esteem, immunity to criticism and touchiness into your team, learn to diagnose conflict behavior.

Methodology for diagnosing conflict behavior

It is often not so easy to calculate a conflict person, if only because if outwardly he does not show any obvious signs, during the interview you will not have suspicions of his tendency to scandals, and, accordingly, you will not take appropriate measures to reveal these qualities.

Nevertheless, there is a set of questions that are easily included in the interview process, do not carry anything inconvenient when they are voiced, give a fairly clear picture of whether the person in front of you is in conflict, and will allow you to conduct a competent diagnosis of conflict behavior.

Q: Have you ever had to leave your job to stay true to your principles? This question is a trick question. Some of the candidates decide that you find out if he is a person of principle, and talk about how he could not come to terms with dishonest colleagues. The main thing you should pay attention to is the examples. For example, if a person left the salon because he could not stand how his colleagues stole and persuaded him to do so, he is not at all conflicted, but only does not want to work among scammers. But if your applicant talks about a fictitious working moment that became the reason for the scandal, after which the person left, slamming the door, you should think about it, ask in more detail and analyze what you heard. Overly principled people provoke conflicts not so much because they are unable to give up principles, but because they have their own idea of ​​​​what others should and should not do. Such inflexibility and inability to correlate the idea of ​​their duties with existing realities leads to conflicts and tensions.

Question: What is your attitude to conflict situations? This question will help to understand how specifically the applicant relates to conflicts. It can be considered a norm if the applicant answers your question: “I am not comfortable in conflict situations, I try to avoid them” or “I had to participate in conflicts, but it did not give me pleasure.” But if your interlocutor says, for example, “Thanks to the conflict, I learned to achieve my goals” or “There will always be someone who doesn’t like me, but I will fight for my place,” then be careful - the applicant not only considers conflict situations in order things, but also uses them to achieve their own goals.

Question: List your weaknesses. If you have an adequate person in front of you, it will not be difficult for him to list some of the shortcomings of his own character. For example, he will note that he is often very emotional, because he will worry about the quality of work, or he is overly pedantic, which can slow down the process. However, if the applicant answers your question that his shortcomings are constantly combing his hair or writing in illegible handwriting, then he does not have self-criticism. Without noticing his shortcomings, he will consider himself impeccable, and the comments of other people will be perceived as nit-picking. As a result, this will lead to conflicts: a person will either become offended or rude.

An employee who is devoid of self-criticism and considers himself an ideal worker may well work half-heartedly, but think that he is completely devoted to work. Accordingly, he will not adequately perceive criticism.

Question: when the boss or subordinates change their attitude towards you, will you be able to see it? Whatever the answer to this question, you need to evaluate not the essence of the answer, but the way the applicant speaks about his intuition. Let's say if he answered that he noticed from the behavior of the boss that he did not like his hobby computer games- because of them, the employee was regularly late for work - this is normal. But if you are told about various conspiracy theories, given names, dates and sequence of events, there is reason to think. When diagnosing conflict behavior, keep in mind that a candidate with such increased suspicion is looking for a catch in everything and will not be able to work in a team. He will try to prevent the "conspirators" from realizing the plan, and his colleagues will decide that the behavior of such a person is at least inadequate.

An overly suspicious candidate may impersonate you by asking you a counter-question: “Why are you asking me this? I already wrote everything in my resume!

Question: we make a remark or refuse to provide the working conditions that are asked for. For example, during an interview, the applicant says that he forgot some of the necessary documents at home. We calmly say to him: “Why did this happen? You should have taken these documents with you." Or, say, during an interview, the applicant's phone rang. You may notice: "The phone should be turned off." An adequate person will agree that he made a mistake, offer to get documents later, turn off the sound on the phone. By intonation, you can understand whether your interlocutor was offended, annoyed or nervous. The same features appear if in a conversation the candidate asks for special conditions (say, the opportunity to come to work later and leave later), and you refuse him. Watch how the applicant will react to your refusals.

Tests for diagnosing conflict behavior

But smart questions are not the only way diagnose conflict behavior. To identify a conflict personality, there are a number of tests that can help you with this.

  • Pay attention to A. Belov's test to identify the type of temperament.
  • Conduct a case interview. Ask what the applicant did in conflict situations at the previous job. Record phrases that show the extent to which a person is tolerant of criticism. Please note that conflicts and high anxiety often manifest themselves non-verbally.

    If your candidate during the conversation tries to get away from professional area and begins to negatively evaluate the qualities of previous colleagues - in front of you is a potentially conflicting person. Most likely, in a new place, this person will blame all his difficulties and problems on the weaknesses of his superiors or “bad” colleagues.

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