Urokiistorii invite schoolchildren and students to a game of historical orientation. It will take place on June 13 in the Muzeon Sculpture Park as part of the children's program of the Moscow International Open Book Festival and will be dedicated to the history of the USSR reflected in architecture and art.


Posted at 02:43 pm | | |

Sep. 18th, 2009

Jun. 22nd, 2009

It is supposed to watch excerpts from the films, which the speaker will mention.

July 3 at 18:00 in the conference hall of the International "Memorial" - the second event of the cycle:


President of the Guild of Film Critics of Russia Victor Matizen about the situation in the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation and relevant historical allusions.

In the program: answers to questions, discussion, a good movie for 30 minutes.

Address: Maly Karetny per., 12. Directions: metro Tsvetnoy Bulvar, Chekhovskaya

We invite everyone!

Posted at 08:16 pm | | |

Jun. 16th, 2009


The Lessons of History website is one of the youngest projects of Memorial, a website that could be useful for high school students, history teachers, organizers of research work with schoolchildren and all other readers who, for the sake of their own curiosity, read into complex and often tragic pages Soviet and Russian history XX century.

The site is intended to bean important consulting and methodological source for the organization of project and research work of teachers, tutors and high school students; playground, enabling and stimulating self study history by young people, comprehending difficult moments in history, studying the source.

The website will publish the most successful and useful examples design work ( in particular materials of school competitions "Russia XX century. Man in history") , for Russian teachers, tutors, pupils and students will be providedopportunity to get to know foreign experience(in headings

Municipal educational institution

"General education high school No. 13, Azov Rostov region

Lesson development in grade 11 on the topic:
"Civil War in Russia"

teacher: Gotsulyak Natalya Vasilievna

Epigraph: From the blood shed in battles,

From dust to dust

From the torments of the executed generations,

From souls baptized in blood

Of hateful love

Of crimes, frenzy

Righteous Rus' will arise.

M. Voloshin. 1920

Lesson topic:"Civil War in Russia".

Lesson type: combined

The purpose of the lesson: as a result of the study of sources, to form the idea that the civil war has become a national tragedy of the people; based on historical sources to form an idea of ​​the reasons for the victory of the red movement.



    Identify and describe political, socio-economic and national contradictions that led to the Russian Civil War.

    To systematize and generalize students' knowledge about the events of the Civil War in Russia.

    Analyze the policy of "war communism".

    Bring students to conclusions about the results and consequences of the Civil War.


Continue to work on the development of philanthropy and tolerance in students.


Continue work on the development of students' skills to analyze, generalize, systematize historical facts justify your attitude towards them.

Receptions and teaching aids: repeated conversation, work with historical terms, work with documents, presentations, problem solving.

Equipment: documents from the civil war , Civil War posters , presentations by teachers and students, songs from the Civil War era multimedia equipment (board, computer)

Lesson plan.

    Causes and features of the civil war in Russia.

    Time frame of the Civil War.

    War "inside democracy".

    Reds against whites.

    "War Communism" and its consequences.

    Results and consequences of the Civil War.

During the classes.

Organizing time. (3 min.)

Teacher.(An introductory word, the background of the lesson can be songs of the civil war, which can be turned on at recess, this, as a rule, draws the attention of students to the topic of the lesson, creates a working mood. The lesson is designed for 2 hours).

In 1917, the most terrible, most merciless war unfolded in Russia. The Russians waged this war against each other, brother against brother, father against son. Civil war... These are unforgettable pages of our past, when the country split into red and white, "us" and "them"

Some go to free
Moscow and re-forge Russia.
Others, having unbridled the elements,
They want to remake the whole world.

And here and there between the rows
The same voice sounds:
“Whoever is not for us is against us.
No one is indifferent, the truth is with us.”

Maximilian Voloshin.

Guys, pay attention to how accurately the author defined the mood of that era ... Universal human values, such as mercy, humanism, tolerance, are relegated to the background in these years, yielding to the principle: "He who is not with us is against us."

Today our goal in the lesson- to study the problem of victories and defeats in this war, to look at the war as if from the inside, through the eyes of participants in those distant events. Try to understand how they themselves explained the reasons for their victories and defeats.

During the lesson, you will have to give your own answer to next questions:

    Why did the Reds win?

    Is it possible to determine the winner in the Civil War from the standpoint of universal values?

    What do the results of the Civil War teach?

To do this, we must analyze historical sources and try to understand what were the reasons for their victory and defeat. And also to determine the consequences of the war for the fate of the country.

So, the topic of today's lesson is "Civil War in Russia" (entry in a notebook, slide number 1).

1. Causes and features of the Civil War.

Question: what is a civil war? (student answers)

Entry in the notebook of the definition of "civil war"(slide number 2)

Civil war is an irreconcilable armed struggle of large, belonging to various classes and social groups masses of people for state power and property.

Task for students: Formulate the causes and features of the Civil War in Russia (§10-11, p.1; p.65-67, p.3; p.68-71, textbook by O.V. Volobuev "Russia and the world. History of the XX century." ).

The teacher completes the students' answers.

Recording in a notebook of the causes and features of the Civil War.(slides #3, #4)

The causes of the Civil War were the Bolshevik transformations:

    Dissolution of the Constituent Assembly and the establishment of a one-party political system; the demand of the Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries for the convocation of the Constituent Assembly and the beginning of a military confrontation between the Bolsheviks and the Socialist-Revolutionaries.

    Conclusion Brest Peace; loss of a vast territory of Russia.

    Extraordinary decrees on the organization of grain procurements.

    Total nationalization of enterprises; the decline of industry, unemployment, famine in the capital cities; the Bolsheviks banned the free sale of bread.

Civil War Features:

    Exceptionally long and bloody hostilities took place almost throughout the entire territory of the former Russian Empire.

    The internal Russian conflict was exacerbated by its internationalization.

    The society lacked political traditions of peaceful resolution of social contradictions.

    value in the public mind human life fell to the lowest mark - "man with a gun."

2. The time frame of the Civil War.

Teacher's message with elements of repetition and generalization. The teacher explains the complexity of a clear designation of the chronological framework of the events of the Civil War, the debatable nature of its periodization in modern domestic historical science. High school students get acquainted with the text of the textbook, identify the criterion that underlies the periodization of the Civil War in Russia and the chronological framework of this period, given in the methodological manual for the textbook by O.V. Volobuev “Russia and the world. History of the XX century. (slide number 5)

Traditional chronological framework Civil War:

    Summer-autumn 1918 - the period of the gradual deployment of the Civil War, open military clashes: the rebellion of the Czechoslovak Corps; landings of the Entente in the North and Japan, England and the USA on Far East; the formation of anti-Soviet centers in the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, the North Caucasus, and the Don; the execution of the family of the last Russian tsar; ads Soviet Republic single military camp.

    Autumn 1918-spring 1919 - a period of increased foreign intervention: annulment Brest Treaty, increased red and white terror.

    Spring 1919 - spring 1920 - the period of military confrontation between the regular armies of the Reds and Whites: campaigns of the White Guard troops A.V. Kolchak, A.I. Denikin, N.N. Yudenich and their reflection, decisive military successes of the Red Army.

    Summer - autumn 1920 - the period of the final military defeat of the Whites: the war of the Soviet Republic with Poland, the defeat of the troops of P.N. Wrangel in the Crimea.

In the process of comparing periodizations (and approaches to their definition), conclusions are drawn about a new approach in the periodization of the Civil War in Russia in modern times. historical science.

Task for students: give answers to questions.

    What are the reasons for the disagreement of historians about the date of the start of the Civil War in Russia.

    Why do historians offer several periodizations of the Civil War?

    What criteria underlie each periodization option?

At the end of the conversation, notes are made in the students' notebooks. (slide number 6)

Modern periodization of the Civil War in Russia (according to the textbook):

    1917 - spring 1918 - the initial stage of the Civil War and intervention.

    May 1918 - autumn 1918 - the "democratic" period of the Civil War.

    Autumn 1918-1920 - military confrontation between the red and white armies.

    1921-1922 - defeat white movement and the suppression of peasant uprisings by the Bolsheviks.

Questions for students:

    Who, in your opinion, is guilty of unleashing the Civil War in Russia? Is it possible to give an unambiguous answer to this question?

Task for students: having analyzed slogans and appeals that were most often found on the banners of the Soviet and White Guard military units(slide 7), on campaign posters , infer what was expensive for the reds and whites. Who fought in the fratricidal Civil War and for what? Student responses

Teacher: The civil war in Russia is an unusually complex process. Speaking about the perpetrators of the Civil War in Russia, we cannot give an unambiguous answer. Dialectically, it does not happen that one group of people, one class, one side is guilty in a multilateral struggle not for life, but for death. So they are guilty of the all-Russian massacre of 1917-1922. and reds, and whites, and "greens", and a number of countries that intervened in Russia.

Question : Based on the causes of the Civil War, it is possible to determine which social forces participated in the war. Name them, determine who supported the "Reds", who supported the "Whites"? (student answers)

Writing in a notebook (slide 7)

Question: why did the "whites" support part of the peasantry and the proletariat? (student answers)

3-4. War "inside democracy". Reds against whites.

Task for students: read the text of the textbook, historical map No. 4 "Civil War in Russia".

Question : in what directions did the main battles take place during the Civil War?

Assignment for students: fill in chronological table.

Civil war and military intervention 1917-1922

(based on textbook material and teacher's story)

During the discussion of the results of the table, it will be useful to watch the presentations of schoolchildren about the most famous military leaders of the Civil War. Personalization of the history of the Civil War in Russia contributes to the development of students' interest in the study of this topic. (Appendix No. 1)

5. "War Communism" and its consequences.

Assignment for students: complete the worksheet using the textbook material. (Appendix No. 2)

6. Results and consequences of the Civil War.

Writing in a notebook (slides 8,9)

Results of the Civil War

    Red (Bolshevik) victory

    Destruction of opposition, anti-Soviet forces

    Preserving the integrity of Russia

Consequences of the Civil War.

    Demographic losses from the autumn of 1917 to 1922 amounted to almost 13 million people; emigration - about 2 million people.

    Colossal damage has been done to the Russian economy

    The amount of damage in 1922 was from 40 to 50 billion gold rubles, which exceeded a quarter of the country's pre-war wealth

    Industrial production fell by 7 times, the reduction of sown areas (67% of the pre-war level)

A break with the legacy of the past:

    the struggle of the Bolsheviks with the culture, customs and traditions of the old state;

    struggle with the church;

    planting a new "proletarian" culture and a new ideology.

    The continued split of society into “us” and “them”

    the curtailment of democracy and the establishment of a rigid one-party dictatorship in the country.

Teacher: Let's summarize our lesson.

We have no reason to idealize either the Bolsheviks or their opponents. Both sides showed zeal, throwing logs into the blazing fire of fratricidal war. At the same time, each side considered itself absolutely right.

The Whites claimed to be representatives of the national cause, fought and died for the great Russia and its interests, as they understood them. In turn, the Bolsheviks were convinced that they were the spokesmen for the interests of all working people, fighters against oppression and exploitation, for the speedy and final liberation not only of their own people, but of the whole world.

Please answer the question: (slide 10)

    What is the tragedy of the Civil War?

    Is it possible to determine the winner in the Civil War from the standpoint of universal values? (student answers)

Teacher: It can be concluded that if history is able to teach descendants something, then main lesson civil war lies in the rejection of the inculcation of intolerance, of the clash of different strata of society, of violence and arbitrariness as a method of state building.

The teacher ends the lesson with linesI. Severyanina:

I feel the doomsday is approaching:

We will conquer soullessness with our spirit,

And in the heart of Russia before all countries

The people will be severely judged by the people.

And the chosen ones will ask- Russian people-

All the accused Russian people,

Why did they kill in lynching

The bright color of the culture of their homeland.

For what orthodox god forgot,

Why did they go to their brother, chopping and smashing ...

And they will say: “We were deceived,

We believed in what you can't believe."

And the judges will be silent with sadness of love,

Checking yourself in the inevitable turn.

And they will ask: “But who is the guilty instigator?” -

And the answer will be: "All the people are to blame."

He thought about the happiness of his native land,

He went to cruelty in the name of love ... "

And the judges will exclaim: “The defendant people!

You are beyond our control; We- your brothers!"

We- your part, your flesh, your blood, sinner,

Naive, striving forever forward,

Seeking God in outer Europe,

Happy in adversity, great people!


Homework: §10-11, write an essay on the role of the individual in the events of the Civil War.

Appendix No. 1.

Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny(1883-1973) - Soviet military leader, participant in the Civil War, commander of the 1st Cavalry Army, one of the first Marshals Soviet Union, Three times Hero of the Soviet Union. Born April 25, 1883 in a poor peasant family. Participated in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05 and the 1st World War, was awarded four degrees of St. George's Crosses and four medals for bravery.

In February 1918, S. M. Budyonny created a revolutionary cavalry detachment that acted against the White Guards on the Don, which then grew into a cavalry division that successfully operated near Tsaritsyn in 1918 - early 1919.

In the second half of June 1919, the first large cavalry unit was created in the Red Army - the Cavalry Corps under the command of S. M. Budyonny, which played a decisive role in August 1919 in defeating the main forces of the Caucasian army of General Wrangel in the upper Don. In November 1935 he received military rank Marshal of the Soviet Union. During the Great Patriotic War Semyon Budyonny was a member of the Headquarters Supreme High Command, participated in the defense of Moscow,

awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny died at the age of 91, on October 26, 1973. He was buried on Red Square in Moscow near the Kremlin wall.

Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev was born on January 28 (February 9), 1887 in the village of Budaiki, now within the city of Cheboksary. Hero of the Civil War 1918-1920. Since 1914 - in the army, participated in World War I. He was awarded for courage with three St. George crosses, a medal, received the rank of ensign.

At the beginning of 1918, he formed a Red Guard detachment and suppressed the kulak-SR rebellions in the Nikolaevsky district. From April 1919 he commanded the 25th rifle division, who distinguished herself during the counter-offensive of the Eastern Front against the troops of Kolchak. July 11, 1919 The 25th division under the command of Chapaev liberated Uralsk.

On the night of September 5, 1919, the White Guards suddenly attacked the headquarters of the 25th division. Chapaev and his associates fought against the superior forces of the enemy. Having shot all the cartridges, the wounded Chapaev tried to swim across the Ural River, but was hit by a bullet and died.

Awarded the Order of the Red Banner. The legendary image of Chapaev is reflected in the story "Chapaev" by D. A. Furmanov, in the movie "Chapaev" and other works of literature and art.

Tukhachevsky Mikhail Nikolaevich(1893. - 1937) - military figure. Born into the family of an impoverished nobleman. He studied at the gymnasium, in 1914 he was sent to the front. For 6 months of the First World War, Tukhachevsky was awarded 6 orders, showing outstanding commanding skills. In 1918 he joined the RCP(b). He said about himself: "My real life started with October revolution and joining the Red Army.

During the Civil War, he commanded the 1st and 5th armies in the East. front; was awarded the Golden Weapon "for personal courage, broad initiative, energy, diligence and knowledge of the matter." Successfully carried out a number of operations in the Urals and Siberia against the troops.

In 1924 - 1925 he took an active part in the implementation of the technical reconstruction of the Armed Forces; developed development issues operational art, military development, compilation of military encyclopedias, etc. In 1936 he became first deputy. People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR.

In 1935, he was the first in the history of the Red Army to conduct a tactical exercise using airborne assault, starting airborne troops.

Tukhachevsky supported the proposal of S.P. Korolev on the creation of the Reactive Institute for research in the field of rocket science. The creative thought of Tukhachevsky enriched all branches of the Soviet military science. G.K. Zhukov assessed him as follows: "A giant of military thought, a star of the first magnitude in the galaxy of the military of our Motherland." In 1933 he was awarded the Order of Lenin, and in 1935 Tukhachevsky was awarded the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union.

In 1937 Tukhachevsky was accused of creating a Trotskyist military organization, convicted as an "enemy of the people" and shot .

Alexander Vasilievich Kolchak(1873-1920) - Russian military leader, polar explorer, hydrologist, admiral (1918). Born on November 4 (16), 1874 in the village of Aleksandrovskoye, Petersburg district, Petersburg province. Graduated from the Marine cadet corps, promoted to midshipman. In 1894-1900 he served on warships in the Baltic, then on pacific ocean; engaged in independent study of hydrology and oceanography, began to publish in the scientific press. In 1900 was seconded to the Academy of Sciences. Member of the Russian polar expedition.

Since the beginning Russo-Japanese War, despite chronic pneumonia and articular rheumatism, which became the result of polar expeditions, Alexander Kolchak achieved a return to the Maritime Department and direction to Port Arthur, where he commanded a destroyer; under his leadership were placed minefields at the entrance to Port Arthur Bay, then commanded the coastal artillery battery; was injured. After the surrender of the fortress, he was captured, in April 1905 he returned through America to St. Petersburg. He was awarded the St. George's weapon, the Order of St. Anna of the 4th degree and St. Stanislav of the 2nd degree with swords.

From 1912 - in the active fleet; the commander of the destroyer in the Baltic, in December 1913 he was promoted to captain of the 1st rank, was appointed flag captain of the operational unit of the headquarters of the fleet commander. During the First World War, Alexander Kolchak led the mining of the entrance to The Gulf of Finland, amphibious landing on the Riga coast in the German rear, etc.

Since September 1915 he commanded the Mine Division, led the defense of the Gulf of Riga. Awarded the Order of St. George 4th degree. In April 1916 he was promoted to rear admiral, in June he was appointed commander Black Sea Fleet(simultaneously promoted to vice admiral "for distinction in service").

In 1916-17 he commanded the Black Sea Fleet.

One of the organizers of the white movement in civil war.

In 1918-20 "supreme ruler Russian state»; established a regime of military dictatorship in Siberia, the Urals and the Far East, liquidated by the Red Army and partisans. Kolchak himself, by order of the Irkutsk Military Revolutionary Committee, was shot. Shot on February 7, 1920, in Irkutsk.

Anton Ivanovich Denikin(1872-1947) - Russian military figure, lieutenant general, one of the leaders of the white movement, publicist and memoirist.

A.I. Denikin was born on December 4, 1872. He graduated from a real school, a military school course of the Kyiv infantry cadet school (1892) and the Imperial Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff. During the Russo-Japanese War in March 1904, he filed a transfer report to the active army and was appointed a staff officer for special assignments at the headquarters of the 8th Army Corps. To the first world war commanded an infantry brigade and division, army corps.

In the autumn of 1917 A. Denikin arrived in Novocherkassk, where he took part in the organization and formation of the Volunteer Army. He sought to smooth out differences between Generals M.V. Alekseev and Kornilov, from October 1918 - Commander-in-Chief of the Volunteer Army, from January 1919 - Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia.

On August 29, Denikin was arrested and placed in a guardhouse in Berdichev, then transferred to Bykhov, where Kornilov and his associates were imprisoned. On November 19, 1917, by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, General N. N. Dukhonin, he was released from arrest, like some others arrested in the Kornilov case; with documents in a false name made his way to the Don. From April 1920 - in exile.

Works on the history of the Russo-Japanese War; memoirs: "Essays on Russian Troubles", "The Way of a Russian Officer". Died August 7, 1947, Ann Arbor, USA.

Application number 2.


Describe the policy of "War Communism"

    Reasons for introducing the policy of "War Communism"

2. Essence ________________________________________________________________


    Main activities _________________________________________________


    Policy Outcome ________________________________________________________________



    Volobuev O.V. Russia and the world. History of the 20th century: a textbook for 11 grades educational institutions. - M.: Bustard, 2005.

    A.V. Ignatov. Toolkit to the textbook O.V. Volobueva, V.A. Klokova, M.V. Ponomarev "Russia and the world. History of the twentieth century. - M .: Publishing house "New textbook", 2005.

    Man in history. Russia XX century. M., 2001.

In 2019 competition historical research high school students “Man in history. Russia -XXcentury" celebrated its twentieth anniversary. This is the oldest and largest school competition in Russia. Since 1999, more than 50 thousand schoolchildren from all over the country have participated in it.

The main feature of the competition is attention to destinies ordinary people. This focus determines its main nominations: The price of victory, Family history, Man and power, Man and small homeland, Man in society. The works coming to the competition show not the ceremonial history of the country, but the everyday life that tens of millions of our compatriots lived in the twentieth century.

The main organizer of the competition is the Memorial Society. It was created in 1989 in order to preserve the memory of political repressions and civic activism in the USSR. To this end, Memorial's employees collect documents, letters and memoirs, record interviews, and publish the results of their work. The participants of the "Man in History" contest do the same. Often young researchers manage to discover unknown facts, find valuable documents, fill in the "blank spots" in the history of your city or village. So they participate in conservation historical memory- not constructed, but real, full of not only victories and achievements, but also tragic trials that people in Russia experienced in the 20th century. We hope that an independent and unbiased study of the events of the past will be able to influence the attitude of schoolchildren to what is happening today, make them think, analyze and be wary of loud words and empty symbols.

The 40,000 works that came to Memorial over two decades formed a large archive of research, historical evidence, archival documents, photographs and interviews. This valuable material, which is often referred to by professional historians and journalists writing about Russian history of the 20th century. Top Research published in 25 collections. Five of them were prepared together with our foreign partners and published in German, Italian and Norwegian. Latest compilation – « simple stories: History of Russia in the 20th century through the eyes of schoolchildren” was published in 2018.

For twenty years, the competition has gained many friends and assistants. Scientists-historians, librarians and museum workers, writers and journalists are actively cooperating with us. But the main support of the organizers of the competition is dozens of teachers across the country who support our work. For them, Memorial regularly holds scientific and methodological seminars in Moscow dedicated to the teaching of Russian history and out-of-school research work with high school students. The regional coordinators are of great help to the competition. Thanks to their efforts, the competition has become truly all-Russian: works come from all regions of the country, and almost half of the participants are residents of villages and towns.

"A man in history. Russia – XX century” is a member of “Eustory”, a European network of historical competitions. Within its framework, joint seminars and summer schools for the winners are held. Each year several of our finalists take part in summer schools"Eustory".

Since 2009, with the support of the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation for the laureates of the historical competition “Man in History. Russia – XX century”, enrolled in the humanities faculties in the higher educational establishments, a special competition for scholarships is held. Every year up to five winners of the Competition become the Foundation's scholarship holders.

There is a huge path behind. The competition is changing before our eyes. Gone are the thousands of envelopes we received at the post office. Now participants register and submit work without leaving their homes. But there is something that stays the same from year to year. This is a feeling of admiration and faith in a better future that arises when reading many works and when meeting the winners of the competition personally. For their sake, the competition lives and will live.

Form of the lesson: lesson-journey.
Target: acquaintance with the work of Orthodox architecture, with the culture of Byzantium, which influenced the culture of Rus' through baptism and Orthodoxy.
Personal- familiarization with the culture of the peoples of the country, fostering a sense of respect and admiration for the culture of peoples in the dialogue of cultures;
Metasubject- formation and development of the ability to understand works of art as a sign, to read this sign;
subject- study of the features of the cross-domed type of the temple, mosaics as an art form; the study of the culture of the state, which influenced the formation of culture, religion and statehood of the Russian state.

IN Athens schools and gymnasiums
Lesson - educational journey
The form of the lesson: an educational journey with elements of a role-playing game.
Purpose: using historical material to find out the features of education in Athens.
1. Contribute to the development of a respectful attitude towards education; development comprehensively developed personality, the formation of the ability to accept events from the past, analyzing them through historical tests.

Type of lesson: discovery of new knowledge.
Equipment and teaching aids: Presentation “In Athens schools and gymnasiums”, historical text: “Complaint of an irritated mother to a teacher about a truant son from a cheerful play by an ancient author”, Greek alphabet and numbers, projector, PC for the teacher, screen.

The target audience: for grade 5

"The place and role of Rus' in international trade in the 9th - 12th centuries"
Lesson - systematization and generalization of knowledge.
Form of the lesson: systematization and generalization of knowledge.
Content: identifying the level of knowledge of students on the topic: "The place and role of Rus' in international trade in the 9th - 12th centuries", forming a generalization of knowledge on this topic.
Activity: education of a common culture, aesthetic perception of the surrounding reality, creation of conditions for self-esteem of students, development of spatial thinking, creativity, skills independent work, the ability to work in a group, learning the techniques of introspection, comparison, comparison, developing the ability to promise, systematize knowledge.
1. Contribute to the development of project skills:
the ability to comprehend a problem for which there is not enough knowledge;
the ability to independently find the missing information in the information field;
the ability to interact in a group in solving common problems;
the skill of monologue speech;
the ability to confidently behave during a speech;
separation of roles in the group and role fulfillment;
the ability to reflect on the stages of work with knowledge.
2. Develop mental operations: analysis, comparison, synthesis, generalization.
3. Explore and compare historical events revealing cause and effect relationships.
4. Promote the development of attention, memory, speech, logical thinking.

Target audience: for grade 6

The purpose of the lesson: combining the knowledge gained by students in a social studies lesson on the topic "State and Economy" - internal functions states and on the topic Political regimes. totalitarian regimes”(Grade 10. J. Orwell; E. Zamyatin - at literature lessons - grade 11), to expand this knowledge on examples of the culture of the USSR in the 30s of the twentieth century.

Personal: development of interest in the study of cultural issues, in reading the works of great writers;
Meta-subject: to continue work on the formation of the ability of schoolchildren to analyze works of art, to extract knowledge about the era from them;
Subject: work on the concept of culture, ideology, on the knowledge of representatives of the culture of the USSR in the 30s of the twentieth century.

Target: through the study of the main reforms of Alexander II, to understand the features of the development of Russia.
Personal - to form a reflexive attitude to the reform of Alexander II;
Meta-subject - the ability to analyze historical documents, compare the level of ongoing reforms in different countries;
Subject - to study the content of the reform of 1861, to prepare for the study of similar reforms in world history.

Target audience: for grade 10

Development on the theme "Culture of Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century". In this lesson, through the work of one representative of culture, the situation of cultural tension in society is shown, the names of scientists are listed (their activities are known to students through lessons in chemistry, physics, etc.), painters, composers. The brotherhood of these people of culture and the tragedy of time are shown. At the lesson, poems by M. Tsvetaeva are heard, the complexity of time is shown through the fate of her family.

Target audience: for grade 11

Today, many scholars question the existence of m-t. yoke in Rus'. To answer the question about the yoke, it is necessary to analyze the changes that have occurred in the state, to see the source of these changes. (For the meta-subject level of work on history m-t yoke in Rus', it is necessary to reach such a formulation of the problem, which cannot be solved by traditional methods and needs to be searched for a new algorithm of work. Students build this algorithm in joint work with a teacher, then used in other similar situations).