Recently I decided to get a second education, but not in Russia. Knowing about quality education that my peers in Europe and America receive, I also wanted to follow their example. If you believe the statistics, then 10% of Russian students annually go to study and conquer the USA, Canada, the Czech Republic, England, China and other countries. Question free education abroad is still relevant today.

In which countries can a Russian student study for free?

First of all, I decided to decide in which country it would be easier for me to live, where education would be cheaper for me.

Note that you can study for free only in public universities. They provide free education foreigners.

In other organizations, training is paid.

Many refer to training as "free" in quotation marks. The reason is that you should provide for themselves , you will have to spend money not only on food, but also on the library, gym and other services of the educational institution. Everything is paid annual fee . In addition, if you yourself are entering a university not under a funding program, then you will need to transfer money to your bank account, which would be enough for accommodation and meals during the entire period of study .

Since I work and can provide for myself, I did not pay attention to "free" education. Studying in Russia, we also spend on accommodation and meals. Moreover, considerable sums are spent on rental housing, and if I live in a student hostel then my costs will be much lower.

So, I will list foreign countries where you can get a free education and with what entrance requirements:

Note that the educational institutions of the Czech Republic, Greece, Spain, China and other countries provide free education for Russian students.

But education at universities is not conducted in English, but only in the native language of this country, for example, Czech, Chinese, etc.

Despite this, they are admitted to universities without exams, after school and after finishing the 1st year of a Russian institute.

Basic requirements for incoming foreigners

Each university and country has its own requirements, however, they are almost the same.

Foreign applicants can enter universities, taking into account the following requirements:

Documents required for studying abroad

The standard package of documents includes:

Each document submitted to the commission plays a big role.

If you do not submit any document, you may be denied admission.

5 ways to study abroad for free

There are several methods of obtaining free foreign education. All forms directly related to donations . It can be provided to students by an educational institution, the state, a private entrepreneur, a representative of a public fund.

Here are 5 ways to do this:

  • Grants or the so-called social help students , which is intended for educational expenses, the implementation of a professional project, training in summer schools, taking courses, etc. The grant is issued as a lump sum in the form of an incentive. You can get it again.
  • Scholarship . When receiving a scholarship that can cover the cost of all or part of the training, a huge role is played by motivation letter. The scholarship may be awarded for achievements in the volunteer, sports, creative, academic fields, or other talents. The scholarship can be issued by the university itself, or by the Russian state.
  • Research Fellowship . This way of getting an education is intended for those who graduated from the "high school" and plan to enter the master's program for further research activities. The state, representatives of private or public funds can issue such a scholarship.
  • Assistantship . Designed for those who wish to enroll in doctoral studies. In addition to teaching, you will work as an assistant professor. His duties include reading introductory courses in your specialty, participating in research projects that your department is implementing. Such financial support can be provided by both the state and the institution itself.
  • Program " global education» . A program was developed so that a student studying abroad at the expense of the budget of the Russian Federation, after graduating from the university under a master's, postgraduate, doctoral program, would return to Russia and work at the enterprise for 3 years. This a great opportunity get a free education and workplace at the end.

So, as you understand, get free education abroad is possible . The main thing is to have a desire. When choosing an educational institution, I rely on entrance exams and requirements.

If you are also going to study abroad, then my advice is: think through everything to the smallest detail, how you will finance your studies, how much money you will need for accommodation, meals and other expenses, what exact documents should be sent to the university upon admission.

Getting an education abroad is the dream of many. It is not surprising, because the document on the completion of a foreign university is not just a “crust”, but a confirmation of the acquired knowledge, practical skills and participation in scientific projects. Accommodation in an authentic language environment allows you to perfectly master foreign languages ​​and join the culture of the country of study. Going to a university abroad means discovering a lot of opportunities for yourself both in terms of employment and in terms of personal development.

The advantages of receiving higher education abroad are obvious:

  • Diplomas from foreign universities are valued both in Russia and around the world. With a document, the graduate will not have problems with work if he decides to stay abroad.
  • Europe and the United States are leading the way in educational technologies. During the course, students have access to the latest techniques and excellent material base of his university.
  • Often, students of foreign universities do internships in companies that are leaders in the global industry. It gives great experience and good connections in a business environment.
  • Despite the high cost of education abroad, in comparison with domestic universities, studying abroad is sometimes more affordable, because with good grades the student may qualify for a scholarship or grant.
  • During the training, you can get acquainted with the traditions of the host country, make new acquaintances, make exciting trips to local attractions.
  • Studying opens up prospects in gaining permanent place residence and citizenship of the state where you are studying.

StudyLab is a specialist in education abroad. Turning to us, you can count on successful admission to any foreign university and an acceptable cost of education abroad, regardless of the chosen curriculum.

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Educational institutions abroad: types and features of education

Admission to universities in England, the USA and other countries has its own characteristics. Necessary requirement for enrollment is knowledge of the English language. To qualify to study at a foreign university, applicants must pass the entrance exams TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT or SAT. StudyLab is ready to help prepare for education abroad and conduct professional language training within individual and group lessons.

In the case when an applicant enters immediately after graduation, many universities require a preparatory program that lasts from one to four semesters. During this period, students study the language and basic disciplines, and then take the final exam. Upon successful completion, the student is enrolled in the second year of the bachelor's degree.

The total cost of studying abroad depends on the university and the chosen program. As in Russia, studying abroad can be full-time and part-time. In many universities in the UK and America, correspondence courses are most often designed for a second higher education and in most cases cost a little more than full-time courses.

Higher education institutions in the USA and many European countries are divided into several types:

  • Colleges - are engaged mainly in theory, while practice fades into the background. Prices for education abroad in such universities are considered the most affordable, and a diploma is issued in a bachelor's degree.
  • Universities - are private and public. Institutions pay increased attention not only to theoretical knowledge, but also to practical skills, offering students education in undergraduate and graduate programs.

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Basic requirements for incoming foreigners

In addition to knowledge of the English language, foreigners entering foreign universities are presented with a number of additional requirements. To receive higher education abroad, the applicant must be over the age of 17-18 and have a certificate of completion high school. If you intend to receive a second education, you must provide a diploma from a university in your country.

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • have a certain number of points in the entrance language exams (for example, not lower than 81 in TOEFL and 6.5 in IELTS);
  • provide a letter of recommendation;
  • prove your financial independence.

For higher education abroad in the UK, you must complete a two-year A-levels course, after which final exams are taken. The program provides compulsory study those subjects that determine the future specialization of the student.

The process of admission abroad

The whole process of admission to foreign universities involves several stages, including preparation, passing preparatory programs and collecting documents.

Preparation for admission

It is advisable to start preparing for education abroad in advance - at least 2-3 years before the completion of high school. An important milestone before admission is to study English and pass language exams. After leaving school, it may be necessary to take preparatory programs that adapt students' knowledge to the standards of education in a particular country.

The question of choosing a university is best approached from the point of view of future specialization. If you have already decided on a profession, it does not hurt to get acquainted with the specifics of foreign universities and study their basic requirements. More detailed information about educational institutions and the cost of higher education abroad can always be found on the StudyLab website.

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Admission process

To enter a foreign university, the commission must provide a package of documents with their notarized translation into English language. Since the practice is widespread abroad letters of recommendation, you should stock up on similar documents, having received them from your teachers. Some universities additionally require examples of your work in any field and an essay in which you need to talk about the purpose of your admission.

Successful surrender TOEFL exams or IELTS - the main condition for studying abroad. Each university sets its own requirements for the number of points, so if you score less than the university requests, all efforts will be in vain. After sending all the documents, it remains to wait until they are issued and the result is sent with information on enrollment.

How much does it cost to study abroad

The cost of educational programs of foreign universities includes tuition and living costs. Usually, the less practice at the university, the cheaper it is to study, so the price of an economic or medical education abroad can be significantly higher than the musical one. In addition, the student will need funds for travel tickets, the purchase of stationery and textbooks, household expenses, telephone and Internet payments.

Despite the costs, higher education abroad is a ticket to new life, which opens all doors and increases the likelihood of successful employment. Contact StudyLab - we will help you understand the diversity curricula and enroll in any foreign university!

Every year, higher education abroad is becoming more popular and much more accessible to our compatriots. Russians who graduated from foreign universities, as a rule, easily find their niche in international market labor and successfully move along career ladder. Higher education abroad - in America, Europe, Canada, Australia or even China - this, of course, is also an opportunity to perfectly study foreign language on which training is conducted, and most often not one. We should not forget that foreign universities often have much more developed educational, material and scientific base than domestic ones. And proven for centuries, a refined teaching system provides fundamental knowledge and the possibility of their most effective application.

22 countries for higher education of your choice!

Higher education programs

Higher education system: from general to specific

Higher education, built according to the classical European system, has a similar structure to different countries Oh. The first stage - obtaining a bachelor's degree - takes 3-4 years. After another 2 years of study at the university, students receive a master's degree. Postgraduate study lasts 2-3 years and is a stage research work and writing a dissertation, after which a doctoral degree (PhD) is awarded.

No less attractive for our compatriots is the second higher education abroad, which is often easier to obtain than the first, as well as additional postgraduate education, for example, MBA programs. Among foreign universities teaching these programs, the undisputed leader is American universities, which are the founders of the top management training system.

Higher education in different countries has a number of national characteristics. So, in Germany and France, after 2-3 years of a bachelor's program, you can get a professional licentiate diploma (Licentiate), which allows you to teach without having a degree.

In France, along with the common European standard of education, there is a system of so-called "short" and "long" university cycles, at the end of which a diploma of higher technical education and a diploma of higher specialized education (Master 2) are issued, respectively.

Each Spanish university has its own rules for studying, the level of qualifications assigned to graduates and the number of steps.

Postgraduate study abroad can also be nationally specific. In Germany, after defending a graduation project or dissertation, graduates are awarded a master's degree (Magister Artium). Then students who have had a teaching practice can take qualifying exams and immediately receive a doctorate degree (Doctorate). In other countries, there is no "shortened" postgraduate study and training lasts 2-3 years.

In order to be able to objectively assess the knowledge of students obtained in different universities and different countries, a pan-European system for the transfer and accumulation of credits ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) was introduced. ECTS facilitates academic recognition when transferring from one university to another or when taking individual master's courses at several different universities.

To study abroad

In the universities of each individual country, in addition to diversity training courses, programs and disciplines, there are a number of characteristic rules and requirements for applicants. The procedures for accepting documents, interviews, passing exams (where they are provided), making decisions on enrolling in a university are very individual and depend both on the traditions of the education system of a particular country, and on the academic results of the applicant himself.

One of the universal requirements is a sufficient level of proficiency in the language in which teaching is conducted. Therefore, it is logical to start a student career abroad with language courses and preparation for the international exams TOEFL, IELTS, etc.

Since school education in Russia is shorter than the Western one by 2-3 years, admission to a foreign university in the year of graduation is most often problematic for our graduates. The way out is to complete 1-2 courses of a domestic university or preparatory courses at a chosen university abroad.

So, to enter a British university, you must have an A-level diploma or complete the Foundation training program. And in Germany, for example, there are special one-year preparatory colleges Studienkolleg. During this year, future students significantly improve their language level and pass the necessary qualifying exams.

Despite the fact that in European universities entrance exams are most often not held, some prestigious universities in England and higher schools France, for example, can arrange exams and interviews. And for admission to all creative universities, applicants will definitely need a portfolio.

The cost of education can vary greatly depending on the chosen country and the specific university (public or private). But, in some cases, foreign students Master students studying abroad can apply for scholarships and grants from the state, the government of their country or various foundations.

Variety of systems school education in the world as a whole is higher than the highest. This is largely due to the lack of a great need for standardization to facilitate international interaction at the level of secondary education institutions. The number of years of study, the system of knowledge assessment, the disciplines taught and the content of curricula - all this can vary greatly from country to country. Unfortunately, these differences often create certain difficulties when entering foreign universities. Of course, within the scope of this article it is impossible to give full review of all existing school systems, but there are some general points that should be addressed Special attention in preparation for admission to a foreign university.

In Russia and other CIS countries, as you know, there are 3 levels of school education: primary general, basic general and complete (secondary) general. When considering education in America, most of Western Europe, as well as Australia and Japan, it turns out that school education in these countries also has three levels: elementary, middle and high schools. As in the case of Russia, the first two steps are mandatory; the purpose of the third level is to prepare schoolchildren for higher education (although, for example, in France, this also includes professional lyceums - analogues of our vocational schools). However, this is where the similarity ends, for, starting from elementary school, there are clear differences between school systems in various countries peace.

Primary School

Usually, primary school education starts at the age of 5-6 and lasts for 4-7 years depending on the country and even the region, as, for example, in Australia. Along with public schools Generally not charging tuition fees, there are numerous fee-paying private schools. In Catholic and Protestant countries, there are also schools attached to churches that provide education with a religious bias. Most subjects, with the exception of physical education, music, visual arts taught by one teacher. Among the compulsory subjects for studying in primary schools in most countries of the world, one can single out National language(mastery of speech, reading, writing), arithmetic, physical education, art (music, drawing, etc.).

Private schools often introduce some additional subjects into the curriculum, such as religious studies, secular ethics. In some countries, such as, for example. Japan, already at this stage is given to the study of the basics of the natural sciences. However, in Europe and America, these disciplines are not among the compulsory ones, so they are taught to a very limited extent and not in all schools. School uniforms are generally optional (even in Japan). The number of lessons per day is from 3-4 to 7 (in France; at the same time, a two-hour break is provided in the classes). Usually, students attend school 5 days a week, while the weekend can be both at the end and in the middle of the week: in France, for example, this is Wednesday and Sunday.

It should be noted that the results of education in primary school do not have a serious impact on the further educational "opportunities" of the student. The exception is Germany, where at the end of primary school (at 11-12 years old), students, depending on their learning abilities, are distributed to the so-called "Main Schools" (the lowest results; training up to 15-16 years old, then work or study at a vocational school) , "Real Schools" (average results; study until the age of 15-16, then study at a technical school) and gymnasiums (the most capable students, preparation for entering universities).

high school

Education at this stage takes from 3 (USA) to 6 (Germany) years. characteristic feature(compared to the domestic education system) is the emergence of students the opportunity to choose subjects for study, although at this stage most of the disciplines studied are still mandatory. Among the compulsory subjects, mathematics, national and English languages, natural (physics, chemistry, biology) and social sciences (history and geography) should be noted. Among the elective subjects are foreign languages, technology, arts. In addition, there is a practice of dividing students into ordinary and advanced streams (USA). In "advanced" classes, the material is completed faster, and the amount of homework is higher.

Most states do not have uniform study guides- the question of which textbooks to use is decided at the state / federal state level (typical for federal states - the USA, Germany), or at the school level. After graduating from high school, you can go to study at professional lyceums (and similar institutions, such as vocational schools), or continue your studies at high school to enter the university.

In some countries, the boundary between secondary and high school is rather arbitrary, as, for example, in Germany, where education after the age of 15 is available only in gymnasiums, which enter at the age of 11-12. In France, grades at the end of the "college" (high school) do not affect the possibility of being accepted into a general or technological lyceum in preparation for university entrance. In the US and Japan, most of the students go to high school, because. none entrance examinations not provided. In England, however, there is the CommonEntranceExamination, the successful passing of which is necessary for continuing education in high school.

High school

Studying abroad in high school is directly related to subsequent admission to higher education institutions and, as a rule, takes 2-4 years. For this level of schooling in Western Europe and America is characterized by great freedom of students in the choice of subjects studied. This freedom is realized different ways. For example, in the United States, schools set minimum criteria for graduation (a certain number of years of study in science, mathematics, literature, social sciences, physical education). At the same time, each university includes in the admission rules the disciplines that need to be mastered at school, which helps students choose which subjects to study additionally and in what volume. An interesting fact is that in the United States, as a rule, it takes 2-4 years of studying a foreign language to enter a university, which once again underlines the importance of this component of education, even if your native language is English.

School education in Canada

In Canada (English-speaking provinces), compulsory disciplines in the 10th grade are "science" (Science; a complex subject that includes the study of physics, chemistry, biology), mathematics, English, in 11 - mathematics and English, in 12 - only English. In addition, students choose additional subjects from a fairly wide list, as well as subjects for in-depth study (for example, you can study hotel management) In grade 12 great attention is given to training (yes, training) on ​​how to apply to a university. Each school has a consultant with whom the student can discuss their plans and the admission process.

high school in england

In the English high school (A-levels), there are no compulsory subjects for studying and passing at all - everything is determined by the requirements of the universities to which the future applicant intends to apply, as well as his personal preferences (because the required number of exams may be higher than the number required by the university items). This means that the decision on future specialization cannot be made at the end of the graduation class, as is often the case with us. Actually, the admission process in the UK begins about a year before the planned start of studies at the university.

Secondary education in Japan

In Japan, high school and secondary education are paid, regardless of whether this institution is private or public. The choice of schoolchildren is not so great - there is a large number of compulsory subjects and several specialized subjects to choose from. Private schools may include additional disciplines in their programs.

Secondary education in Germany for schoolchildren

In Germany, as you know, education from grades 5 to 13 takes place in gymnasiums. These educational institutions are classical, as well as with in-depth study individual disciplines: mathematics, natural sciences, humanitarian subjects. There are also sports and music gymnasiums. There is no choice of subjects, as such, which makes the high school (grades 11-13) in this country similar to grades 9-11 in Russia. The level of education in grades 11-13 of gymnasiums is very high, and the final exams (Abitur) in their content approximately correspond to the 1-2 course of our universities.

In most countries, high school is not a compulsory level of education, but is generally free of charge for its own citizens and persons with the appropriate residence permit, with the exception of private educational institutions. However, it is private schools that provide opportunities for teaching foreign citizens. For a number of reasons (for example, the grading system - see below), it can be very beneficial for admission to a foreign university to spend some time in a high school abroad. Programs for schoolchildren are now gaining popularity - you can find out more about them, as well as free opportunities at.

Below is a table that allows you to compare the structure of school education in five countries of the world, as well as in Russia. From this diagram, we can conclude that in many states, children spend more time within the walls of schools than in our country. It is this fact (and not the content school curriculum) explains the requirements of many foreign universities for a 12-year education, which in our country can be obtained in two ways: unlearn a year in Russian higher educational institution, as well as enroll in the International Baccalaureate program (for details, see below). The above does not apply to the USA - it is possible and necessary to enter there after 11 classes, because. having entered any university in any country of the world, you lose the status of an applicant, and then admission to a US university (bachelor's degree) is possible only as a transfer student, which is almost impossible (it's easier if you study at another American university).

Grading systems

Knowledge assessment systems are very diverse. Even, say, in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, with an almost identical system of school education, 5, 12 and 10-point assessment scales are used, respectively. While within a given country, each of these schemes may work well and satisfy pupils, educators, and universities, when international level all this diversity results in the practical uselessness of the data in the certificate for admissions committees overseas universities. It is unlikely that even in University of Cambridge, who is very scrupulous in the selection of future students, they will begin to delve into what level of knowledge corresponds to 7 points out of 10 in the Belarusian certificate of secondary education. This should always be kept in mind when submitting documents to foreign university. In order to give the certificate at least some information content, it is advisable to provide each assessment with its name (excellent, good, etc.), as well as indicate the maximum possible score.

closest Russian system assessments of knowledge to German - at least both use numbers. True, there are two “buts”: the Germans have a 6-point scale, and the highest rating is 1 (excellent). The rest of the scores: 2 - good, 3 - quite good, 4 - satisfactory, 5 - unsatisfactory, but there is basic knowledge, 6 - unsatisfactory. Interesting fact: for the first time, the knowledge assessment system on any scale arose in the Jesuit schools in Germany, and it consisted of 3 points (1 - the highest score).

School marks
In Great Britain

In the UK, assessment systems are different between middle and high schools. Upon graduation from high school, students become holders of GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) certificates, in which you can find grades A * (the highest score is excellent), B, C, D, E, F, G (the lowest score is satisfactory). For the exam, you can also get a grade U - Unclassified, which means getting a result below the minimum required for a certificate - in this case, this subject is not included in the GCSE. It is interesting that there is also an X mark - it is given if offensive materials, obscene language are found in the examination paper. Concerning high school(A-levels), then it is used here next system evaluation. Each work is evaluated in points. These so-called Raw Marks are converted to Uniform Marks (UMS): than harder job and the higher its "importance", the large quantity UMS is given for her, i.e. works written in the same way on Raw Marks (say, 60 points out of 90) can be awarded a different amount of UMS. Maximum amount UMS for a certain subject - from 200 to 600. The final grade is determined by the proportion of UMS points from their maximum number for a given course. In 2013, the boundaries were as follows: A*(80% subject to 90% for the second year of A-levels), A (80%), B (70%), C (60%), D (50%), E ( 40%), U (less than 40%).

US school grading system

In the US, a grading system is used, consisting of 5 points: A (excellent), B (good), C (satisfactory), D (poor), F (unsatisfactory). It is also common practice to add + or - to grades. This scheme is the most common, although there is also a percentage system (for example, the percentage of correct test answers is an assessment). However, all alternative schemes have tables for converting scores to letter grades.

One of the most sophisticated systems for assessing knowledge is the 100-point Japanese system. Its fundamental difference lies in the fact that the individual success of the student is not assessed here, but a certain average level of knowledge of the entire class is determined, thus, the assessment is given to the class, and not to the student. However, such a harsh suppression of the individuality of students (and children in general) is typical for the country rising sun and is a reflection of the Japanese tradition and way of thinking.

International Baccalaureate

Creation idea unified system school education for students from around the world originated in Switzerland in the 1960s, which led to the emergence of such a phenomenon as the International Baccalaureate (IB). The main goal of the IB was to develop a single criterion for assessing the knowledge of students, recognized by most universities in the world and, thus, enabling students from different countries to enter any university in the world. Over time, the program has grown in popularity. Currently, education under IB programs is provided by more than 3,500 schools in 144 countries around the world. An IB diploma in many states (including Russia) is equated in status with a Certificate, and more than 2,000 universities in 75 countries recognize the results of IB exams.

The IB system includes 4 levels: Primary Years Program (PYP), Middle Years Program (MYP), Diploma Program (DP) and IB Career-related Certificate (IBCC). any level. Let's take a closer look at each of them, except for IBCC, since there is no opportunity to study under this program in Russia.

PYP is for children ages 3 to 12. The main goal of education is the holistic development of the child, encouraging his natural curiosity. 6 interdisciplinary topics are considered: who we are, who we are in space and time, ways of self-expression of people, how the world works, how people organize themselves and interact with each other and nature. 6 disciplines are also taught: national language, social Sciences, mathematics, art, natural Sciences, as well as personal, social education and physical education.

For children aged 11 to 16 there is a MYP level (duration - 4-5 years). This program aims to develop students to be creative, discerning and critical thinkers. In the course of training, students learn to make connections between the disciplines studied in the classroom and what is happening in the classroom. real world. MYP promotes the development of communication skills and intercultural understanding. At this stage, students begin to learn a foreign language along with the national one. Also emerging are subjects such as technology (labor training) and humanitarian sciences. Depending on the subject, a 6 or 7-point grading system is applied, grades are given at the end of each year. Each subject has its own evaluation criteria. At the end of 4 (5) years of MYP, the student submits a project on their chosen academic/non-academic topic.

DP is a two-year program designed specifically to prepare for university entrance. In addition to 6 groups of subjects, there are 3 more components required for obtaining a diploma: Extended Essay (4000 character essay on a selected topic), Theory of knowledge (theory of knowledge is a separate course), CAS - Creativity, Action, Service (this includes creative, sports, social activity). Three or four disciplines are studied at elevated level, the rest - on the standard. Items are divided into the following groups:

All subjects have internal and external assessment. External examinations take place in May (Northern Hemisphere) or November (Southern Hemisphere) in the form written works. Usually these are 2-3 works that are written on the same day or several consecutive days. Internal assessment usually takes place in oral presentations, experiential and written work depending on the subject. This estimate is between 20% and 50% of the final one. Knowledge in each of the disciplines is evaluated on a 7-point scale, with 7 corresponding to A*, 6 to A, and so on according to the English system. Maximum 3 points can be earned for Extended essay and Theory of knowledge. CAS is not graded, but is essential for successful graduation. Thus, total points that can be scored - 45. To obtain a diploma, you must have about 80% of this amount.

Each university has its own minimum requirements for the IB diploma, which must be met for admission. These requirements can be found on the pages of admissions committees. It is also important that a foreign citizen who has studied, for example, English as a foreign language, does not need to pass a language exam when receiving a certain score for this subject.

More detailed information O International Baccalaureate and IB's list of schools Russian Federation There is .