
Peducator - organizer

Municipal educational institution

"Krasnomayakovskaya main comprehensive school»

Kozlova Elena Vladimirovna

The participation of youth and children's public organizations and associations in the educational process today has acquired new features. Children's movement is an extremely important sphere of self-realization of the child. Public organizations become an effective tool for protecting the rights and developing the interests of children and youth, allowing you to effectively solve complex pedagogical problems, lay the foundations for development democratic state in the new millennium. Of course, at the same time, children's organizations need the help of adults: support, direction of the organization's activities in the right direction.

Creation of a stable, stable system of educational work - the main task school administration and teaching staff. All educational work is systematized, balanced, continuous,


I have been working as a teacher-organizer for the fifth year. In my work, I am guided by the job description of the teacher-organizer, the Constitution and Laws Russian Federation, Charter of the school, normative and legal acts, Decrees of the President, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, Rules and Regulations of Occupational Safety, Safety and Fire Protection, Internal and Labor Regulations, orders and instructions of the Director, compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

During this time, she has gained experience and skills in working with children. Working as a teacher-organizer is interesting, and at the same time difficult. I love my job and try to be creative with it.

My pedagogical credo: “If I don’t burn,

If you don't burn

If we don't burn

Who then will dispel the darkness?


I build all my work according to the plan of the collectively creative affairs of the school, which is an integral part of the work of the children's association, a means of spiritual and active unity of the entire school team.

In educational work I use the personality-oriented technologies of E.N. Stepanova. I try to coordinate and direct the work of students.

The leaders of the children's association are my first assistants, organizers and performers of all collective creative activities. At the gathering of leaders, the guys learn how to prepare and conduct a CTD: they study the CTD forms, help me develop scenario plans learning new games. Happy to help work summer period, in the day camp "Rainbow", become indispensable assistants to educators. Everything they learned at the district leaders' gathering is actively implemented at the summer camp. They make out detachment places, play various games. At the end of the day, they try to analyze how the day was spent, what turned out well, what should be paid attention to the next day and correct the shortcomings.

Our children's association actively participates in regional competitions and promotions, where it consistently wins prizes. Children from other children's associations come to visit us. Communication, exchange of experience, round tables, KTD and all this in real time is a good, really significant study of teachers - organizers. The leaders of our children's association "Altair" are known in the district. After all, not only our children, but also schoolchildren of the entire region are looking forward to the gathering of leaders. We love guests and are happy to invite them to our events.

For many years in our school, holidays and competitions were born and entered school life in different ways. Many have become traditional for a long time: Knowledge Day, Forest Day, Last call, Teacher's Day, New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8, Tourslet. The leaders of the children's association help in organizing them a lot. The children really like to organize and conduct these events themselves, in which children, parents and teachers compete on equal terms.

In my work, I try to use a variety of forms of KTD:

actions, conversations, meetings, exhibitions, concerts, lines, discussions, festivals, competitions, holidays, games, celebrations, excursions, musical drawing rooms, theatrical performances, presentations.

Methodical developments:

Over the years of work, I have formed my own methodical piggy bank. These are scripts for holidays, games, theatrical performances.

In the 2009-2010 academic year, she took part in district competition"Teacher of the Year - 2010".

Raise pedagogical excellence(presentations with reports, (the topic where she spoke), generalization of experience.

- spoke at the regional seminar of teachers - organizers and class teachers,

At MO class teachers of the school.

Office decoration and equipment.

For fruitful and productive work I have an office with the necessary equipment, in my work I actively use a computer, a tape recorder, microphones, disks, methodological literature, multimedia presentations, folders with scripts, and visual design.

After working for four years, I saw the interest and participation, moral support and methodological assistance from the school administration, class teachers, and I always try to support a good relationship with colleagues. And without the interest of class teachers, their desire to participate in school life there would be no interesting mass holidays. Where there is no indifference, there is success!

We can say that we can clearly see the continuity of generations. Some talented children graduate from school and leave, thinking: “Well, who will I work with?” And you look, the kids have grown up behind their backs and also already know how to do a lot.

For the last three years, our school has consistently received prizes in the district, and this is my merit as a teacher-organizer.

The dynamics of the activity of members of the children's association

The school plays a leading role in interacting with the social environment, so we constantly identify the educational potential of the environment, create a single educational environment. The school has accumulated considerable experience, the school system has been purposefully built external relations: authorities; House of Children's Creativity, rural House of Culture, library, kindergarten, Regional House of Culture, Youth Affairs Committee, children's organizations of the district.

IN professional activity teacher-organizer, along with positive aspects, there are a number of difficulties:

students are overloaded with information, low level of self-organization.

difficult to work with the parents of visiting children due to the remoteness of the school from permanent place residence.

visiting children cannot take advantage of extracurricular activities, additional classes, attend circles and creative associations due to the school bus schedule.

most parents do not take part in school-wide events, as they work outside the village and even the district, due to the lack of jobs in the village.

Teacher - organizer

MOU"Krasnomayakovskaya OOSh": E.V. Kozlova

Eroshenko Galina Innokentievna
Job title: vocational training teacher
Educational institution: GOKU SKsh №25
Locality: Bratsk, Irkutsk region
Material name: report
Subject:"Introspection pedagogical activity"
Publication date: 15.07.2017
Chapter: complete education




sewing teacher

Eroshenko Galina Innokentievna

G. Bratsk-2017

The most a big joy for a teacher when his student is praised.

Charlotte Brontë (1816 - 1855)

General information

1. Eroshenko Galina Innokentievna.

2. Date of birth: 05/31/1968.

3.Teacher on technology "Sewing business"

4. General work experience-28 years. The length of service in this team is 2 years.

5. Vocational education:

Diploma No. 5469, dated 06/14/1986, vocational school, Usolye-


College of Education

Diploma specialty:

Seamstress-minder for the manufacture of men's top shirts, women's and children's light

clothes, 4th grade

qualification - teacher of labor training in educational organization general and

additional education

Information on advanced training for the last 2 years 9 months:

general educational institution middle vocational education Brotherly

Pedagogical College, 2014, qualification "Pedagogical activity in

educational organization of general and additional education"

educational institution of higher education "Theoretical and methodological

aspects of teaching and educating students of a special (correctional) school of the 8th type in

conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, 2016, - 72 hours

Enrollment order No. 02-02/095 dated September 26, 2016

"Oligophrenopedagogy for teachers of educational organizations"

(520 hours) 2017

Teaching experience: 2 years 9 months

Total work experience: 28 years

Results of professional activity teacher 2014-2017.

Academic year

Practical results of activities on the technology "Sewing business":

Academic year

Name and level

F.I., class

Result level

"Information" -


"Information" -


3. Baikal


level 1 round

4. Baikal


level 2 tour

5. Baikal


6. Star

Chernobel "-

Pechenina Katya 9cl

Kudryashova Zhenya 6kl

Nazarenko Olya 7cl

Pechenina Katya 9cl

Kudryashova Zhenya 7kl

Syrina Nastya 9cl

Efimenko Kirill

9kl Frolov Andrey

5kl Nazarenko Olya

7kl Nazarenko Vika

Babikova Sveta 7cl

Yarmonova Kristina

Liu-wang-shih Galya 9kl

Byrgazova Katya 9kl

Pechenina Katya 9cl

Pechenina Katya 9cl

Sarina Sasha 9kl

Efimenko Kirill



Diploma of the winner

Diploma of the winner

3 degrees

Diploma of the winner

2 degrees


letters to all

participation in the festival


invitation for

participation in

region of the festival.

Laureate Diploma.

Certificate of honor

Certificate of honor




1. The charm of flowers


2. “Spring is ringing


creative competition

3. Regional

Olympiad in


labor training

4. Baikal


level 1 round

5.Project "60th anniversary

Bratsk - 60 of our

creative works"

Foundation "Kindness and

care" - urban

6. Project "60-

anniversary of Bratsk-60

our creative

works" - fund

"Kindness and Care"


7.Smotr "Songs and

building" - school

8. Poster contest

"I love you my


Babikova Natasha

Nazarenko Olya 8 class

Sirotkina Tanya 8kl

Ignatiev Nikita

Ignatiev Nikita

8kl Kudryashova Zhenya

Sirotkina Tanya 8kl

Malsagaeva Lyuba


Malsagaeva Lyuba

Pelevina Lena 7cl

Kudryashova Zhenya 7kl

Babikova Sveta 7cl

Babikova Natasha

Marchenko Anya 6kl


Babikova Natasha

8kl Nazarenko Olya

8kl Yarmonova

Christina 8kl


Malsagaeva Lyuba

7kl Pelevina Lena

7kl Kudryashova Zhenya

7kl Babikova Sveta

Team 8th grade

Team 8th grade

Diploma 1 degree

Diploma 2 degree

Diploma 2 degree

Diploma 1 degree

Diploma 1 degree

Diploma 1 degree

Diploma 2 degree


invitation for

participation in round 2

Winner diploma.


participation letters

Winner diploma.


participation letters

9. "Wonderful Autumn


10. Craft competition

within a decade

Russian language and

reading "I love

you my city

Bratsk - school

11. Competition of corners


"I sing to you, my

Bratsk "- school

Babikova Natasha

Team 5-bkl

Team 7kl

Team 8kl

Team 8kl


contest "Myriads


2. Baikal star

regional level

3. Baikal star

regional level

4. Regional

competitions in

natural science

"Our nature

beloved home"

regional competition

6. Regional competition

"One to One"


Babikova Natasha

Sirotkina Tanya 9kl

Yarmonova Kristina

Babikova Natasha

Yarmonova Kristina

Babikova Natasha

Yarmonova Kristina

Babikova Natasha


Babikova Natasha

Yarmonova Kristina

Babikova Natasha




Diploma of the winner

(invitation to

participation in round 2)

Diploma of the participant

(invitation to

participation in round 2)

Gratitude for

Gratitude for

Diploma 1st place

Diploma 2nd place

Diploma 2nd place

Diploma of the winner

Diploma of the winner

Miraculous "-


9. "Thumbelina" -


10. "Miss Autumn" -



work for success in

"Sewing business" -


12. Exhibition

creative work-

crafts "- school

Martyushova Ira 9

Babikova Natasha

Ignatiev Nikita

Yarmonova Kristina

Nazarenko Olya 9kl

Babikova Natasha

Babikova Natasha

Sirotkina Tanya 9kl

Yarmonova Kristina

Babikova Natasha


Diploma of the winner

Honourable mention

Honourable mention

Honourable mention


"Miss Autumn"

Diploma 3rd place

The personal contribution of a teacher to improving the quality of education:




awards and


are taken into account






positions (in


com order)




new letter


new letter


new letter











Irkutsk region

"Star of Chernobel" -





EMERCOM of Russia "Zvezda

Chernobel" - regional



Project “60th Anniversary

Bratsk - 60 of our

creative works"

"Kindness and Care"

"Baikal Star"

5th Regional

Olympiad in


labor training

among students

correctional schools

Irkutsk region

For cooking

participants of the blast




th letter



new letter


new letter








International Day

Earth "Nature-

our beloved home!

among special

correctional schools in

Bratsk and Bratsk

"April drops"

"The Charm of Flowers"



city ​​education

Bratska expresses


"Baikal Star"

"April drops"

For education

students. Behind

creativity and

active life







Circle "Golden Needle"

Circle "Skillful Hands"

1. Extract from

protocol (MO)





Methodical activity

participation in MO

Extract from

meeting minutes

manager's feedback

"Project activity as

path of creative development

students in the classroom

technology in

special (correctional)

"Prevention of deviant


"Pedagogical methods

creating a situation of success

student" Presentation

school students"

"Activation and correction

educational and cognitive

activities of students on

application basis

innovative technologies in

learning process and


"Report of work on

vocational guidance in grade 9 for

2016 - 2017 academic year"








Generalization and


pedagogical experience

(master classes open

lessons and activities

speeches at the NPC

publications in scientific

practical conferences

publications in scientific

methodical publications



generalizations of experience.

Diploma, certificate

or other documents


broadcasting experience,

date, form


Competitions for children and

teachers All-Russian

form of participation

"My master class"

Topic: "Serpentine from

Christmas dresses»

Member of regional

Pedagogical readings

Report on the topic: "Design

activity as a way

creative development

students in the classroom

technology in

special (correctional)

boarding school"

Diploma RASS-27477

from 06.01.2015

Member Certificate



readings dated March 25, 2015

Deputy Minister


M.A. Parfenov

All-Russian festival

pedagogical creativity

2014/2015 academic year

"Project activity as

path of creative development

students in the classroom

technology in

special (correctional)

boarding school"

All-Russian festival

pedagogical creativity.

For spreading your

teaching experience in

within the nomination:

"Pedagogical ideas and

technology: medium


Presentation "Pedagogical

ways to create a situation

student success"

Technology Presentation

"Product Demonstration"

Technology Presentation

"Golden Needle"

Certificate for


development of №SV

in print and

electronically on

federal level

Diploma reg. No. DI

40/792-11 Moscow from

Certificate of

publication series

АА№13885 dated



Certificate of

publications on the site

infourok/ru No. DB-

402885 from 04/22/2017

Certificate of

publications on the site

infourok/ru No. DB-

409023 dated April 24, 2017



like a personal




1.Classroom Guide 2015-

2. Circle "Golden Needle"

3. Circle "Skillful hands"

1. Order No. 327 dated

2. Craft competition in


Russian language and

reading "I love you"

my city Bratsk”2016

Diplomas of collectives

6-b, 7, 8 classes

Day of "Open

12/09/2016 Master-

class for parents

learner on the topic:


Decade by


Diploma 2nd place

regional competition

"Nature is our

beloved home!

Decade of Labor

training 2016-17

Certificate for 3rd place

exhibition of creative



x technologies

List of ESM on

Skirt tailoring

Doll "Rvanka" and

Personal website in the network of educators - nsportal certificate.

eroshenko dated 04/20/2017 Registration certificate of electronic media No. ФС77-43268

Electronic portfolio - nsportal certificate.

eroshenko dated 04/20/2017




Self-analysis of pedagogical activity

sewing teacher

Eroshenko Galina Innokentievna

G. Bratsk-2017

Self-analysis of pedagogical activity

In conditions market economy with its stringent requirements for general labor and

professional qualities of an employee, undeniable advantages are received by those who

accustomed to work conscientiously, to perform any work efficiently and on time,

Slide #1

(The goal of pedagogical activity is the formation of a free social

competent person capable of self-development and self-realization with

using a systematic student-centered approach to the process

education and upbringing.)

The main goal of my activity is to help the student discover himself. Show

the world that exists not only around, but also within everyone. ingrained interests and

tendencies developed since childhood serve as a good basis for successful personal development.





practical skills, knowledge and skills, competencies that they can apply

now, not in the future.

























I think the most effective motive for learning is interest in the subject. Interest is born

and develops in the course of activity. I consider it necessary to organize a training




schoolchildren of a basic level of training corresponding to the State Standard

education, as well as the assimilation by students who are interested in the subject of the educational

course at a higher level.

has the required knowledge and skills to do so.

Slide number 2



the following


formation of key, general subject and subject competencies in students:

receiving quality education by technology;


creativity, intellectual and moral

the potential of each student;







conscious choice of profession;














mutual assistance.

self-determination, self-expression

development and strengthening of interest in the lesson of labor.

has the required knowledge and skills to do so.

Slide number 3

In my teaching activities I use the following technologies:

health saving


different levels of education

problem learning

advanced learning technologies

test technologies

modern computer technologies

In my opinion, the formation of the key competencies of the student is underway

through training and education, obtaining basic and additional

education. How to help a child in the conditions of modernization of Russian education

become competent? This can be achieved through the use of new technologies,

which are aimed at the need for the development of mental activity and

communication. Here the teacher acts as a teacher-screenwriter, director, partner.

At the same time, I set myself the goal: using a competence-based approach, to fill

education on technology "Sewing business" knowledge, skills and abilities,

related to the personal experience and needs of the student, so that he can carry out

productive and conscious activity in relation to the objects of the environment


has the required knowledge and skills to do so.

Slide number 4

To achieve my goals, I put forward the following tasks for students, in

the course of which they:

learn to set goals and plan activities to achieve them;

improve teamwork skills, learn to express and

defend your opinion with reason;

make a feasible contribution to the achievement of the overall result;

acquire skills of independent creative work;

learn to correctly use technological terms;

learn to apply knowledge of "sewing business" and skills in

real situations;

acquire the skills of self-control and mutual control.

The most successful, in my opinion, are technologies related to various

forms of interactive learning, project activities, non-standard lessons.

The strategy I developed to create my own training system aimed at

formation core competencies, development of student's creative abilities,

includes the following components:

updating the content of education,

implementation effective methods and learning technologies that shape

practical skills of information analysis, self-study, stimulate

independent work of students, form the experience of responsible choice and

responsible activity, experience of self-organization and formation of structures

value orientations.

has the required knowledge and skills to do so.

Slide number 5

learn to set goals and plan activities to achieve them;

improve teamwork skills, learn to express and

defend your opinion with reason;

has the required knowledge and skills to do so.

Slide number 6

make a feasible contribution to the achievement of the overall result;

acquire skills of independent creative work;

learn to correctly use technological terms;

learn to apply knowledge on "sewing business" and skills in real situations;

acquire the skills of self-control and mutual control.

Slide number 7

One of the main components in the National Education Strategy is






educational technologies:

dosage of training load;

building a lesson taking into account the dynamism of students, their performance;

compliance with hygiene requirements (fresh air, optimal thermal conditions,

good lighting, cleanliness).

knowledge of safety regulations;

injury prevention.

In the Textile Processing section, students will learn why clothes made of

natural fibers have the best hygienic properties, what is right

well-chosen clothing protects



environment, provides

skin respiration, does not hinder the movement of a person, on which to a large extent depends on his

health and well-being.

Teaching children how to work on a sewing machine, I pay attention to the rules safe work And

sanitary and hygienic requirements,

non-fulfillment of these


premature fatigue, and the wrong position of the body contributes to the appearance

stoop, the development of myopia.

As a result of my work, students form the habit of taking care of their health,

educate conscious



him, realize the need

action to promote health, promote healthy lifestyle life, it

contributes to the development of general cultural competence, educational and cognitive competence

personal self-improvement

I teach safe working practices with tools and equipment. In a timely manner

I am teaching TB. I pay special attention to the formation of a culture of work,

take good care of the equipment rational use materials.

I try to organize teaching in the classroom in an atmosphere of goodwill,






the situation






psychological background with encouraging words, appropriate humor, friendly

taking into account the emotional state of the students.

Trying to listen to opinion

children, their suggestions, comments with interest.

Every lesson I try to develop and maintain interest in the subject. picking up

bright, interesting examples from the point of view of individual students, in order to

arouse interest. In the fifth grade I include in the lesson a game moment, historical and

entertaining material; at the senior level - a problematic situation, independent

creation. I try to involve students in the staging process as early as possible

the objectives of the lesson for the formation of value-semantic competence. Students need

a clear understanding of what needs to be achieved. Every child should have as much as possible

accurate and understandable image of the final result. If it is absent, then interest is lost.

to learning. Satisfying work brings joy, which is auspicious

affects the sensory and mental state of the student, creates a situation of success.

In the lessons I try to combine the group form of work with individual and

independent, I select developing, logical, problematic, intellectual

tasks that are educational, entertaining and developing,

instill in students self-confidence.

Slide number 8

To enhance the cognitive activity of students, the disclosure of their creative

potential in addition to traditional use innovative methods and tricks

learning. But I consider the basis for organizing cognitive interest in the lessons

activity approach. The student must work in class. Certainly preparation for

such lessons require more time. This is a didactic material, the preparation of different

sources of information (texts, tables, charts). Organize the learning process

in a way to identify the student's knowledge, update it, and then

add the material that gives an idea of ​​the object or phenomenon as a whole. I

I teach not only to automatically memorize and reproduce knowledge, but to apply it to

practice. I structure the dialogue in such a way that they actively participate in the discussion.

information received from me, they analyzed the answers of their comrades. All this

allows students to develop reflection skills.

Slide number 9






work on the subject, which is combined with academic work, having common goal, but

different organizational and methodological forms. Working for 3 years

circle of arts and crafts "Golden Needle" and 1 year circle "Skillful


– enrichment of practical

artistic experience













individualize complex work: stronger children will be interested in complex






is saved.


to warn the child from fear of difficulties, to attach without fear to create and


Students take an active part in various subject competitions.

Extracurricular activities create conditions for a more complete realization and potential of students,

for the formation of creative and practical skills. In extracurricular activities apply

the following forms and methods: competitions, competitions, exhibitions.

I will hold an exhibition of creative works by the end of the year as part of a program dedicated to

decade of labor education.

Slide number 10

Our creative association has started a tradition of making gifts for

important in moral and aesthetic education.

In 2017, as part of the decade of labor, I carried out the following activities:

Excursions (introduction and preparation of students in grades 1-4 with a future subject

“Sewing business”), mini master class, on the topic “Modeling”, for children

“Dress up the doll” - presentation of the results. Leading 9th grade student Babikova

Class hour on the topic "Who to be"

Exhibition of creative works "The earth is painted by the sun, and man's work."

The main goal of these events is to increase motivation for learning, development

independent cognitive activity.

In every class, except for children with weak and average intellectual development There is

and strong kids. In order to achieve a high level of knowledge for such children, I use

extra work. I try to prepare students for various competitions,

quizzes, olympiads, exhibitions. I focus my extracurricular activities on






student inclinations. The main task of his pedagogical activity in this

direction I consider the creation of conditions for self-determination, self-expression of students

through their involvement in various creative activities. Educational process from the point

the student's vision is the opportunity to do something interesting on their own, in a group

or on your own, making the most of your opportunities; is an activity that allows





show the publicly achieved result; is an activity aimed at solving

an interesting problem formulated by the students themselves in the form of a goal and a task, when









interesting and significant for the discoverers themselves.

Slide number 11

Slide number 12

Slide number 13

Slide №14

Slide №15

Slide №16

Students enjoy attending my classes. To develop interest in technology

“Sewing business” I use game moments, I hold contests, quizzes, even

performances, all classes prepare wall newspapers about professions. My students are constantly

take part in regional exhibitions ("Baikal Star", "Star of Chernobyl",

"Nature is our beloved home"), in urban areas ("April drops", "60th anniversary of Bratsk-60

of our creative works"), where they take prizes, in international,

All-Russian competitions on technology "Sewing business" on various sites. Guys

like to participate in such competitions, and they look forward to them

When implementing the competency-based approach, I began to use more non-traditional

forms and methods of organization (for example, the game "Klubochok") of classes so that learning

became active. The emphasis has shifted to learning by doing. For

creating a student-centered educational environment I build my work,

based on the life experience of children, I use it when generalizing, consolidating,

knowledge testing; I stimulate and support the student's reflection aimed at

assessment of not only the result, but also the process of achieving it; accept not only

students to analyze their own activities both in the classroom and in

independent work at home. Student productivity improves when they

work in pairs, and given that the sympathies of students are constantly changing, then in

During the school year, the student will work in tandem with students of different abilities. At

performing the work, he will be in a different role. Both as a leader and as a follower. Roles

I distribute the students in the group personally, and sometimes I let the guys do it

independently - it all depends on the complexity and scale of the work they perform.

My role (teacher) is an organizer of activities, a consultant, an initiator of a group

discussions accompanying the independent activity of the student

Extracurricular work on the subject is a continuation of the lesson. These are mostly students.

perform various works (soft toys, embroidery, appliqué, kanzazhi, beads, etc.).

e) for the design of future exhibitions.

Slide №17

The control of students' knowledge is one of the elements of education quality assessment.

I control learning activities students through oral surveys and through assessment

written works. Oral methods of control help to get a certain

information about the current assimilation of educational material and to carry out the necessary

pedagogical control. Written verification provides a higher level

assessment of the level of knowledge, as students have the opportunity to delve deeper into the essence

question, think about and logically build answers. The disadvantages of these methods are

a certain subjectivity of assessments. Therefore, the greatest preference for

I give tests to identify the level and quality of students' knowledge.

When designing the UVP, I carry out the following actions:

I analyze the content of the educational material and conduct its selection for

lesson, taking into account age and individual characteristics

students; .I formulate the goals and objectives of the lesson;

I determine the result of the training according to the goal

process;-.I outline the optimal set of forms, methods and techniques

teaching and stimulating the activities of students;

I select didactic teaching aids;

I build the logic and sequence of the presentation of the educational


I consider the possibility of multi-level formation of knowledge


I plan my own activities for the organization and management of the UVP;

I determine the multi-level activities of students for the assimilation

I take into account the requirements of the curriculum and the explanatory note to it.

A special place is given to reflexive activity. Reflection contributes

the formation of a communicative and emotional culture, the ability to perceive

alternative points of view and express reasonable arguments for and against,

If the object of reflection is a work that has just been performed, then its essence is

identifying systemic links in the material, highlighting the main content and

functional lines, key components. In the case of a previously performed

activity, we are trying to evaluate what of its results has been preserved after

time. The use of such an assessment system allows you to teach the student to learn,

not only to have an educational result, but also to see the dynamics of personal growth,

to provide conditions for the formation of his subjective qualities, to form

independent and active attitude to learning.

Slide №18

Slide #19

Slide number 20

Mastery of any educational material occurs in the process of conscious and active learning.

activities of students, so I see my task as creating appropriate

conditions that take into account the psychological patterns of learning, creating motivation for

students in learning activities. For the successful formation of key competencies

I try to create a creative, friendly atmosphere in the classroom; relationship with

As a student, I build on the principles of cooperation. I base my attitude on

position: there are no bad students - each student can be taught, but for this

appropriate conditions must be provided. It is primarily a psychological

installation on creating an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual assistance in the classroom: "teacher-

student", "student-student"; a positive assessment of any creative work of the student;

education in each student a sense of self-respect, faith in their own strengths and capabilities;

creating a favorable emotional and psychological atmosphere and positive

motives for learning activities.

In the process of reflection, students can hear such statements: “I was

interesting, we learned how to do it ourselves, why the lesson passes so quickly, thanks for

Giving assignments different levels you can show sources of information, or you can just

direct the students' thoughts in the right direction for independent search. But in

As a result, students must independently and in joint efforts solve the problem,

applying the necessary knowledge. With this approach, the motivation for learning increases even

in poorly trained students. It is very difficult for such students to complete tasks and

memorize theory. But, they are happy to work independently performing

creative uncomplicated work. Behind creative work never put

unsatisfactory assessment: any attempt, the desire of the student to do something of his own,

own, is evaluated positively and encouraged.

Slide number 21

Thanks to such fruitful cooperation, optimal conditions have been created in the classroom.

for psychological, emotional and personal development children. It contributes

increasing students' interest in learning activities, forms a positive

motivation of learning, on which the result of learning mainly depends.

The success of the work, as practice shows, depends on the mutual understanding of teachers and

parents. In the course of their work, communication with parents takes place in several

planes: as a class teacher and as a subject teacher.

I have been a class teacher for 2 years. I try to work closely with

parents in order to create conditions for the education of moral and physical

healthy personality of the child, ensure the connection of parents and subject teachers with

the purpose of exchanging information about the progress or problems of the child, I consider it appropriate

a combination of collective, group and individual forms of interaction. IN

in accordance with the work plan, parent meetings, parents do not receive

only information about the success of your child, but also psychological and pedagogical knowledge,

necessary for the successful upbringing of children. Parents are satisfied with the psychological

climate in the classroom, are constantly interested in the state of affairs, academic performance.

As a subject teacher, I keep in constant contact with class teachers

classes in which I work. During the academic year, I conduct individual

consultations, as part of the creative direction, we invite parents to participate

various events. Together with parents, we plan ways of further

intellectual growth, child development.

Relationships with colleagues? I have a high level of sociability,

lower level of conflict. Always ready to help. These qualities

allow me to work successfully and maintain friendly relations with

colleagues during the period of my work.

I improve my professional skills through training courses

qualifications, seminars, I study various pedagogical technologies.

I study material in the network of creative teachers, in social network educators,

I apply the experience summarized in these sources in my work.

Created my own mini-site this moment is in the process of replenishment


I share my accumulated experience with colleagues in the form of speeches, master classes in

within the framework of the school, publications on the official website "Teacher's Almanac", "Infourok", etc.

Organization of circle and extracurricular activities in the subject

Passed face-to-face and distance courses advanced training.

1. Regional state budgetary educational institution of secondary

vocational education Bratsk Pedagogical College, 2014,

qualification "Pedagogical activity in the educational organization of general and

additional education"

2. Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher

education "Theoretical and methodological aspects of teaching and educating students

special (correctional) school of the 8th type in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, 2016, -

3.AN POO "MANO", Omsk "Oligophrenopedagogy for teachers

educational organizations "(520 hours) 2017.

In his professional activity, along with positive aspects

there are a number of difficulties:

1. Insufficient material and technical base does not allow to fully cover

all sections on technology, to conduct lessons in accordance with the new requirements.

2. Correctional school is characterized by a certain composition of the social environment,

children are mostly from low-income families.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to instilling the concept of moral and

moral standards of behavior, the main cultural property human life and

traditions family education. Due to the large number of low-income

families have to select objects of labor from economical materials.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Buryatia

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Basic secondary school No. 3", Gusinoozersk

Certification materials


(for the first category)

Full nameBurlakova Natalya Mikhailovna

Job titleteacher of history and social studies



1. General information…………page 3

2. Official Documents… page 5

3. Introspection of pedagogical

activities……………….. page 16

4. Results of professional pedagogical activity p31

5. Applications…………. ……... p36

1. Work programs

2. Methodological developments

3. Extra-curricular development

6. Certificates, diplomas……..… p107

Information about the teacher

    FULL NAME. Burlakova Natalya Mikhailovna

    Date of birth 07/02/1962.

    Municipal budgetary educational institution basic comprehensive school No. 3. MBOU secondary school No. 3.

    Position - teacher of history and social studies

    Information about educationHigher education, BSPI, 1987, specialty - "History and social studies", qualification "Teacher of history and social studies in a secondary school"

    Pedagogical experience -33 years , in this position:24 years

    In this institution4 years, 01.09.2011

    Awards: Certificate of honor from the administration of the Selenginsky district, 2012, Diploma of the Selenginsky district district directorate 2014, Diploma of the Selenginsky district district directorate 2015, Certificates of administration of the secondary school No. 3 2013, 2014

    Information about advanced training:

1 APK and PPRO " The educational center"Methodist" "Teacher and student: methods and techniques for establishing constructive interaction as essential condition Achievement of GEF results”, October, 2012 - 24 hours.

2. AOU DPO RB "Republican Institute of Personnel Management and Education" on the topic: "Actual issues of historical and social science education in high school» 2013 - 108 h. Ulan-Ude "FSES of the main and secondary general education: requirements and their implementation in the process of teaching history and social science "8 hours Moscow, LLC publishing center" Ventana - Graf ".

3. MO RB GBOU SPO "Buryat Republican Pedagogical College" on the topic "Training seminar for the Commissioners for the protection of the rights of participants educational process in general educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus”, April, 2013.

4. "FSES of basic and secondary general education: requirements and their implementation in the process of teaching history and social science" 2013 - 8 hours.

5. AOU DPO RB "Buryat Republican Institute of Educational Policy" "Teenager in the information world: the practice of social design" 2014. - 16h.

6. AOU DPO RB "Buryat Republican Institute of Educational Policy" "Innovative models for the development of GOU in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard", 72 hours, 2014.

7. Republican Center for Medical Prevention of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus "Development of stress resistance in children and adolescents", 2015. .

1. The purpose and objectives of professional activity

On present stage In Russia, a nationwide educational policy is being formed, the main task of which is to achieve the modern quality of education, its compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society, and the state.As a result of education, not a system of knowledge, skills and abilities should be formed in itself, but a set of key competencies necessary for a future graduate in the intellectual, socio-political, communication, information and other fields.

I see the main purpose of a teacher in educating a person who is ready for creative search, independent acquisition and updating of knowledge, self-development and self-improvement, able to successfully adapt to new living conditions.

My pedagogical credo is “Personality is formed only in the process of activity” (A.N. Leontiev).By this I understand the planning and organization of the educational process, in which the main place is given to the active and versatile independent cognitive activity of students.Target of his professional activityformation of a free socially competent person capable of self-development and self-realization.

Tasks: 1. Education of a person - a patriot of his country, respecting national and universal values. 2. Fformation of key competencies through the integration of modern pedagogical and information technologies.3. Increasing the level of communication and organizational skills to build an effective model of the lesson and the system of interaction "teacher - student".

2. Contribution to quality assurance in education

In the 2012-2013 academic year, a pilot site was opened on the basis of our school to test the second generation GEF in the 5th grade.The school administration creates all the necessary conditions for the effective organization of educational work. Today, society needs graduates who are ready to be included in further life activities, who are able to practically solve the life and problems that face them. professional problems. The main task is to prepare a graduate of such a level that, getting into problem situation, he could find several ways to solve it, choose a rational one, justifying his decision. Of all the variety of educational and methodological complexes in history, I consider A. A. Danilov and L. G. Kosulina to be the most acceptable for myself and my students. 6-9 grades;Teaching Materials on World History A. A. Vigasina, O. S. Soroko-Tsyupa. 5-9 grades. In social science in grades 6-9 - edited by L. N. Bogolyubov. The following criteria served as the basis for the selection: textbooks are included in federal list allowances. A completely redesigned methodological apparatus offers a variety of types of questions and tasks to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.Textbooks provide continuity of content. Appropriate for the age of the students.Questions and tasks help students understand and assimilate information, require deeper work with the text, access to additional sources of information, including Internet resources; skills of generalization, comparison of data, their analysis. The line of textbooks was created in accordance with the GEF of basic general education. All paragraphs include headings designed to enhance the cognitive activity of students and to strengthen educational function course. All materials are based on a combination of several technologies, the effective use of which allows you to fully implement the activity approach in working with students. These are: problem-dialogical and project technology, technology of critical thinking. The EMC provides for a system of work to develop children's skills to transfer specific subject skills to solve practical problems. In textbooks and workbooks, the problematic nature of the presentation of the material is provided, situations of actual activating difficulty are proposed, which is a key technological element of the activity approach. The educational material of the complex plays the role of an educational environment, and not a result that should be obtained by students. In accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and exemplary curricula for educational institutionsI have developed work programs on history and social studies for grades 5-9, taking into account the national-regional component, electronic educational resources, technological maps. My managerial activity can be represented by the scheme: assessment - control - correction. Since 2012, she began to apply in her practiceassessment technologyeducational achievement, which aims todevelopment of control and evaluation independencestudents. Students develop the ability to independently evaluate the result of their actions, control themselves, find and correct their own mistakes; motivation for success.This technology is primarily aimed atformation of regulatory universal educational activities, as it provides the development of the ability to determine whether the result of the activity has been achieved. Along with this, the formationcommunicative universal learning activities: through learning to defend one's point of view with reason, to logically substantiate one's conclusions. Cultivating a tolerant attitude towards other decisions leads tostudent's personal development.The implementation of the assessment technology is used through printed notebooks forverification and control works, on the diagnosis of meta-subject results. I check and correct the results by the method of oral, written control, through an individual, frontal survey.I apply the followingforms of control:group forms of knowledge testing, in which students, working in pairs, ask each other. With such an organization, the material is reproduced by all students, incomprehensible questions are clarified. This contributes to the development of students' speech and the assimilation of the knowledge system, helps to increase the level of self-control;non-traditional, differentiated, using ICT, "Sinquain"; "Finish the sentence." To develop interest in the subject, I use creative tasks: compiling a crossword puzzle on the topic; essays, drawing; writing historical essay, essay; abstract; creating a presentation; project; students make tables; scheme; abstract; topic response plan. I systematically carry out diagnostics and analysis of the assimilation of ZUN by students (appendix). I consider testing to be the most promising diagnostic technique, because tests are: relatively short-term, unambiguous, correct, convenient, standard.Using testing in all classes, I sum up, analyze them, identifying typical mistakes. I introduce the guys to the results of the work, I carry out the correction of knowledge.I use stimulating functions when evaluating a student's work (bonuses), self-evaluation, mutual evaluation of the results of students' written work and oral answers, I use a 5-point and a point-rating system, the methodology of V.P. Bespalko, PORTFOLIO. I conduct final examinations for the quarter and year. I think that assessment is one of the problems of modern education.I create conditions for motivating the independence of students by means of timely and systematic evaluation of the results of their work in accordance with real achievements.I explain the assessment criteria even before the students complete the assignment.I study and implement knowledge assessment according to the method of M.A. Pinskaya "Formative assessment in the classroom". In grades 5-6, I often check the knowledge of children in a playful way, where there are elements of a theatrical performance (“Journey through Ancient Egypt”, “Phoenician sailors”, “Early Middle Ages”), independent work on options with mutual verification, I teach children to work independently with a textbook , highlight the main thing in the read text, with historical documents. To test knowledge, I use KIMs on the history of Russia, grades 6, 7, author Smirnov Yu.A. , Grade 6, Simonova E.V., 2015 and etc. I use Internet resources, develop tests in accordance with the requirements of the program. Using a differentiated approach, I work taking into account the further growth of development, using intensive training methods, a student-centered approach, for both strong and weak children. In my opinion, the main thing is goodwill, cooperation, encouragement, instilling interest. I give tasks that correspond to the level of assimilation, so that they can cope with it, so that interest does not disappear. If they succeed, I complicate the task. Through the “Give Me a Chance” extracurricular program, many students learn educational material in extra classes. L.N. Tolstoy said: “If a student at school has not learned to create anything himself, then in life he will only imitate, copy.” From the first days of work at school, I realized that this is really so. Modern children are people of a new generation, a new information society.stood up for meproblematic issue : the search for new forms of the lesson, methods, techniques and technologies that implement the activity and competence-based nature of learning.« Each teacher builds his own school, choosing for himself from all his predecessors what he needs.” Amonashvili Sh.A.II create a methodological system that contributes to the formation of solid knowledge of history and social science, skills independentlyacquire and replenish knowledge through the development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities using various sources of information, including information and communication technologies. To achieve the goal, I solve the following tasks: - developing students' abilities to independently set educational goals, design ways to achieve them, monitor and evaluate their achievements;- teach students to think speak clearly and succinctly logical chains to summarize, draw conclusions,analyze, express and defend one's point of view, acquire knowledge independently, possess research skills, make an informed choice, present the results of one's work. - to ensure high-quality assimilation of the basic material, - prepare the necessary subject base for further independent application in the classroom and in practical activities; the ability to build relationships. The school has all the conditions to ensure the quality of education: the history room is equipped with modern educational equipment, educational methodical complex, a set of teaching aids necessary for the implementation of the educational program,textbooks, didactic and handouts. I created a card file in accordance with the educational program of the school. New training cards of the KPSS "Spektr" were purchased for all courses of history and social science. The office is decorated with stands: permanent and replaceable, computer equipment: Printer,DVDdisks, a projector with a screen, a laptop, an integrated information product "KM-School", video films, a local network is installed at the school.According with the methodical theme of the school:"Professional competence of teaching staff at the level modern requirements» defined its theme:

« The use of modern pedagogical technologies in the lessons of history and social science as a means of forming UUD (universal educational activities).The optimal combination of individual style, a sense of personal responsibility for the results of their activities for the spiritual development of young people through the subject of history, is a condition for the professional competence of a history teacher. I am convinced that in order to achieve good learning outcomes, the teacher must have the ability to find the right approach to each child so that the light of knowledge is lit in him. There is success in teachingѐ be - it means that the desire to learn is born. I am sure, teaching and educating others, every moment of life I must learn myself, improve, constantly move forward in order to achieve good results. I systematically diagnose the level of knowledge of students; I develop a system of differentiated tasks aimed at the development of cognitive interests, for the successful development of creative abilities. In my pedagogical activity I use elements of technologies of well-known innovative teachers:Sh.A. Amonashvili, I.P. Volkov, I.P. Ivanov, E.N. Ilyin, V.A. Karakovsky, S.N. Lysenkova, L.A. and B.P. Nikitin, V.F. Shatalov. Thiscooperation pedagogy, which is a system of methods and techniques of education and training based on the principles of humanism and a creative approach to personal development.When choosing methods and techniques, I take into account the age characteristics of children as much as possible, I implement a differentiated, personality-oriented approach. The methodology for constructing lessons takes into account the goals of the lessons, the level of formation of mental learning activities. I conduct various combined lessons, lectures and seminars, workshops. For example, in the 9th grade, when studying the topic "Teenager and the Law", students receive practical tasks, in groups discuss the situation, express their attitude to this problem. Children learn to work in a group, develop communication, research skills. I do tests and interviews. So, when studying the topic “Great Patriotic War”, the students interviewed their relatives - the children of the war. Then they spoke at the lesson, accompanying their story with photographs, drawings, presentations. The main task at the same time is to provide an opportunity for self-learning and mutual learning, self-development, self-improvement. I use multi-level training; research methods; gaming technologies; technology project activities. Drafting reference notes in the form of a plan, diagram, graph, diagram, filling in a comparative and generalizing table. Work with historical map. Analysis of historical sources, abstracts. All these forms of activity allow students to develop the skills of search, analytical work, and I can more successfully prepare students for olympiads, conferences, and exams. The use of a system-activity approach in the lessons of history and social science makes it possible to achieve the educational results prescribed in the Federal State Educational Standards of the second generation: personal, meta-subject, subject. When preparing for the lessons, I use the materials of Dmitriev S.V. “System-activity approach in the technology of school education”, the methodology of Ilyin G.L. “How to ensure the quality of education in the information society?” and others. During the inter-certification period, while working on a methodological topic, emphasis was placed on the use and application of information technologies in the educational process. In order to optimize the educational process, I use computer presentations in the classroom and after school hours. These are the materials of the Internet, the students themselves. Working in groups is especially successful. For example, I give an advanced task for recent history on the topic "Europe in the second half of the 20th century." Students optionally unite in groups of 4 people, choose a state, in close cooperation, prepare a project, accompanied by a presentation. The lessons are very interesting, the skills of working with different sources, ICT competence are being formed. Teamwork, joint design and research activities, upholding one's position and a tolerant attitude towards other people's opinions, taking responsibility for oneself and the team form the qualities of the individual, moral attitudes and value orientations of the student that meet the modern needs of society. In preparation for the OGE, I use tests and test tasks on specific topics, both in print and onlineon- lain. I try to instill in students an interest in research, equipping them with methods of scientific research, practical computer skills. Among the methods of intensifying learning, I attach special importance to problem-search methods.The task of the students is to reproduce the knowledge created by others as fully and accurately as possible. As a teacher, I am concerned about the problem of how to build a lesson so that there are no indifferent and passive students. I think that in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard it is necessary to use interactive teaching methods: projects, excursions, creative tasks, educational games, work in small groups, debates, discussions. Interactive learning is a complex process of interaction between a teacher and students based on dialogue. And in this I experience particular difficulties. such methods require a lot of preparation as the teacher himself: information, handouts, lesson equipment, and the preparation of students. But such teaching methods are very effective, they offer ample opportunities for creativity, self-realization of students. The guys increase self-esteem, self-confidence, the ability to communicate with people, negotiate, work in a team.The activation of the mental activity of students, the formation of listening skills are facilitated by such gametricks how: the game "Question - answer" (to ask a question, you need to know what you read well, be able to clearly and clearly formulate); game "Domino"; game "Auction", etc.

The lessons of history and social science to a greater extent provide an opportunity for the formation of UUD. So, when forming cognitive UUD, I pay great attention to working with documents. In preparation for the lessons, I highlight the main activities. For example, when studying the topic: "Emperor Karl" in the 6th grade, I plan a story based on the text of the textbook, an excerpt from the annals, maps, diagrams; the ability to extract information from the source, the description of the object according to the scheme. Preparing the dispensing material, map, scheme "Control system of Charlemagne". I solve the questions that have arisen in children with the help of techniques: reading a map, analyzing a historical source from a memo. At the end of the lesson, students evaluate the activities of Charlemagne based on known facts. My main task is to explain the method of action, to show an example of the execution of a training operation.

I am currently studying an e-course Active Methods learning". I am sure that this course will help me motivate children of all ages to successful learning activities. I will share the methodology at a meeting of the ShMO, the teachers' council.

I think that only in joint activities, where each student feels like an individual and feels supported, one can learn a lot. And we are learning to learn. As a means of educational communication in the lessons of history and social studies, I often use visualized metaphors (diagrams). At present I have studied the given technique and successfully apply it. - this site presents materials from history teachers' lessons, with the help of which I introduce multimedia elements into history lessons, organizing the learning process in a varied and interesting way. Such lessons reduce his stress and prevent the effect of "professional burnout" and eternal "fatigue" from the student's studies. As a result of creative searches, practical work, I have developed my own methodological system of education. It is based on methods of collective and active learning, research activities, and types of cognitive educational work. I clearly plan the educational process, subordinating its content, methods, techniques, control over the achievement of the set goal to the set goals. For me, the main thing is to help the student discover his abilities, instill confidence in him, make him feel his self-worth.

For many years she worked as a deputy director for water resources management, for two years - as a deputy for scientific and methodical work. I have a big practical experience in organizing the activities of children, but always in front of me stands main question: how to teach and learn in the classroom? My participation in methodological work at various levels allows me to improve my professionalism and share experience with colleagues. In this school - the head of the SMO. I am happy to share my experience. I take an active part in seminars, I give open lessons, speak at teachers' councils, communicate with teachers on forums, publish materials on the Profistart website, [email protected].

2012-2014 worked in creative team teachers

municipal educational budget institution

additional education for children

"Station young technicians No. 2"


Psavok Rustam Barichevich,

teacher - organizer

municipal educational budget

institutions of additional education for children

"Station of young technicians No. 2"


I, Psavok Rustam Barichevich, have been working in MOBU DOD SYUT No. 2 as a teacher-organizer since June 2010. I have a higher education, graduated in 2007 from the Taganrog Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Social Pedagogy.

The purpose of my activity is: organization of healthy leisure for children, creation of conditions for the development of social successful person through creative activity, disclosure of creative abilities and satisfaction of creative needs, development of communication skills, finding an individual approach to each child.

In my work I am constantly engaged in self-education. I study normative and legal documents, methodological literature, magazines: "Out-of-school student", "Additional education"; work experience of other teachers, I communicate with colleagues on Internet sites; attend open events of colleagues. I am a participant in scientific and practical seminars to improve professional and pedagogical skills in the institution. All this helps me to achieve my pedagogical goal.

My pupils are active participants and assistants in the organization of various creative activity in the institution: concert and competitive programs, quizzes, tournaments, competitions that open up many new opportunities for pupils, expand their horizons and contribute to the cultural development of the individual.

Working with children requires the participation of parents in it. The difficulties of most parents are associated with a lack of psychological and pedagogical knowledge about age features development of children. To assist parents, a number of specific activities are carried out: conversations, consultations.

Problem rational organization children's free time is a very complex socio-psychological and pedagogical problem that requires scientific and practical understanding and methodological support, and the search for new modern forms of organization of leisure activities for pupils.

Together with a teacher-psychologist, we carry out diagnostic work with pupils, which helps to identify children with various difficulties. Diagnostic work includes questioning, testing, consultations with school teachers, social pedagogue and additional education teachers. This work helps to plan educational and educational activities, apply new pedagogical technologies, be aware of the causes of difficulties in contacts with children and adolescents whose behavior deviates from the norm.

Great help in organizing and holding holidays is provided by the parents of students who participate in organizing and holding competitions, excursions, and competitions.

In my pedagogical activity, I try to build interaction with pupils on the principles of pedagogy of cooperation, respect, mutual trust. Joint work is most useful for the development of social motives - children learn to be tolerant of others, the ability to work in a team is formed.

Children are naturally curious and full of desire to participate in a variety of creative activities. All that is needed for them to show their talents is skillful guidance from adults. And my work is aimed at ensuring that the talents of children can be fully revealed.

Mass events held in the institution solve the problems of moral, aesthetic, patriotic, physical education and aimed at the prevention of crime, smoking, drug addiction, the younger generation.

great attention in my work I devote to the civil and patriotic education of children. I conduct conversations, competitions of drawings on civil and military subjects; we publish wall newspapers with the guys dedicated to significant dates in Russia; we conduct excursions to the places of military glory of our city; we invite veterans of the Great Patriotic War, labor veterans.

In the future, I plan to improve the system of work to preserve the health of pupils; pay special attention to the organization of children's free time during the holidays; conflict resolution, providing a comfortable psychological environment.

The center of all my pedagogical activity was and remains the child with his cognitive interests, abilities and age needs.

Teacher - organizer R.B. Psavok

Director of MOBU DOD SYUT No. 2 S.I. Fedorenko