Main questions

    Religious sect as a victimogenic factor in the socialization of modern youth.

    Social nature and features of modern non-traditional religious cults.

    Prevention of youth involvement in destructive religious sects.

    Pedagogical model for preventing the involvement of young people in destructive religious sects.

    Interaction of the family and educational institution to prevent the involvement of young people in religious sects.

Key Concepts

Traditional religion, sect, totalitarian sect, destructive sect, adept, neophyte, neocult, new religious organizations, exit consultation, pedagogical prevention.

    Kutuzova, N. A. New religious organizations in Belarus: classification and reasons for their spread among the youth / N. A. Kutuzova // Adukatsiya i vykhavanne. - 2008. - No. 5. - S. 34-40.

    Maskalevich, Yu. A. Student youth: a look at the problem of destructive sects / Yu. A. Maskalevich // Satsyalna-pedagapchnaya work. -2007. - No. 6. - S. 25-27.

    Osipov, AI Traditional religions and new religious movements in Belarus: manual for hands. educational institutions, teachers, educators / AI Osipov; ed. A. I. Osipova. - Minsk: Belarus, 2000. - 255 p.

    Prokoshina, E. S. Neocults: ideology and practice / E. S. Prokoshina [and others]; under total ed. A. S. Maikhrovich, E. S. Prokoshina. -Minsk: Four quarters, 2005. - 195 p.

Religious sect as a victimogenic factor in the socialization of modern youth

Religion and religious organizations have traditionally acted and continue to act as the most important factor in the socialization of a person after the family.

Currently, there is an increased interest of young people in religious issues, an appeal to religious traditions and beliefs. Faith for young people acquires a multi-valued meaning: it is a group affiliation, an aesthetic occupation, and a higher spiritual need. At the same time, youth is

the most vulnerable part of society. Risk factors for young people are intense emotionality, romanticism, maximalism, ill-conceived decisions, the need for external approval. Exposure to these factors contributes to the reorientation of young people from traditional religions to new religious associations (NROs), many of which are clearly destructive in nature.

Defining an entity traditional religions, it should be said that they are part of the historical, spiritual, social and cultural heritage a certain country and this determines the spiritual and cultural traditions of the peoples inhabiting the state.

Unlike traditional, totalitarian religious associations will be alien in any country, because they destroy the system of values ​​developed by the people. Totalitarian religious associations, in fact, are destructive, as they destroy the individual. The term "totalitarianism" in this case focuses on the methods of activity of the association (see Appendix E).

In modern science, a number of synonymous concepts are used to designate a new type of religious organizations: religious sect, religious cult, totalitarian sect, non-traditional religion, new religious movements. In our opinion, the most meaningful and appropriate term is "destructive religious sect".

Sect(lat. secta - teaching, direction, school) is: 1) an organization or a group of persons who are closed in their own interests, not coinciding with the interests of society, indifferent or contrary to them; 2) a type of religious organization characterized by closeness, strict membership, charismatic leadership, and a critical attitude to reality.

totalitarian sect(from lat. totalis - all, complete) - an organization that establishes complete, comprehensive control over the lifestyle and way of thinking of its members.

Destructive sect(cult) - a type of organization whose cult practice is recognized by authoritative social institutions of society as destructive in relation to the individual, his spiritual and physical health, value system and lifestyle; violating guaranteed human rights and freedoms, norms of public order and morality.

The main parameters in assessing the destructiveness of a religious sect, proposed by I. A. Galitskaya and I. V. Metlik, are the lack of a stable dogma, an intolerant attitude towards other religions, the deification of leaders, the presence of absurd or dangerous demands, apocalyptic intimidation, the primitiveness of worldview doctrines, the closeness of the organization , obsessive missionary work, the use of mental and physical violence.

The main criteria for the destructiveness of a religious organization are: the requirement to break social ties with the immediate environment, primarily relatives, friends and relatives who do not share the teachings of the sect; rejection of rational, critical thinking in adherents religious organization; the proclamation of exceptional wisdom, the divinity of the leader and the indisputable absolute truth of the doctrine; cultivation of dependence among the followers of the sect and the creation of obstacles for the free exit from the ranks of adherents; distorted interpretation of the ideas of humanism, information blockade, deception or concealment of some important information during recruitment, the presence of secret levels of initiation, etc.

An analysis of the reasons why young people leave for destructive religious sects made it possible to single out three blocks of reasons for this phenomenon. The first block consists of social causes, which include socio-economic and political instability, social inequality, devaluation of moral values ​​and norms of behavior. The second block is the causes of a socio-psychological and pedagogical nature (crisis state institutions upbringing, disharmony within family relations, the negative influence of society). The third block includes personal causes (pathocharacterological features of the personality, deformation of value and meaning-of-life guidelines, non-critical thinking).

These reasons do not act in isolation, for each individual they form their own causal complex, which is an indivisible whole, consisting of the determinants of the first, second and third blocks, which, in specific socio-pedagogical and psychological conditions, contribute to the involvement of young people in destructive religious sects.

As socio-pedagogical practice shows, the main reasons for the participation of young people in destructive religious sects are the worldview, activity, existential vacuum, socialization and educational deficit, in which young people have feelings of uselessness and isolation. Disappointment in the official values ​​of a consumerist, technocratic society, a sense of loneliness, and the aimlessness of life are pushing young people to search for a new system of values. Young people, moving away from reality into destructive religious sects, strive for self-affirmation and try to compensate for their alienation.

The Belarusian researcher N. A. Kutuzova names the following reasons for young people joining the NRO: 1) the need for their own play space (“Arkaim”); 2) the growth of popular quasi-religious and parascientific ideas (astrology, parapsychology, ufology, psychotronics, temporalistics, etc.); 3) propaganda of the cult of an asocial person - a fighter against society, based on the ideas of permissiveness,

biological, racial, worldview; 4) the presence of socio-psychological and communication problems.

The emergence and wide spread of various religious sects is a consequence of anomie and alienation of the individual, which are characterized by the presence of a state of powerlessness before the onslaught of external forces, a sense of the meaninglessness of one's existence, and the destruction of traditional ideas about values ​​and norms. Under these conditions, some people can easily fall prey to irrational religious doctrines. Anomie encourages deviant forms of behavior and contributes to the victimization of the individual.

The social danger of destructive religious sects is determined by the following factors: the apocalyptic orientation of the overwhelming majority of destructive religious sects, the mental deviations of the founders and spiritual leaders of most religious sects, the presence among adherents and leaders of sects of persons who have previously been brought to criminal or administrative responsibility, high degree esotericism and secrecy, introducing young people to various psychoactive substances and drugs, the penetration of sectarian ideology into educational institutions, as well as religious fanaticism and extremism.

The cult demands of destructive sects are aimed at turning a person into an asocial or antisocial individual, because ordinary behavior, norms of life and human relations (friendship, kinship) are condemned and rejected, property is required to be renounced (apartment, cottage, things, etc.) and transferred to community, disregard for public opinion and national-cultural traditions is instilled.

Numerous testimonies show that the control of the consciousness of the parishioners of destructive cults is carried out imperceptibly for ordinary members of the association. The newly invited is surrounded by care and attention so that he feels an imaginary interest in solving his problems. As a result, a person begins to be imbued with sectarian ideology and believe all the speeches of the cult leaders. Subtle psychological processing, constant prayers and chants, continuous communication with fanatical members of the sect lead to the fact that neophyte the ability to critically perceive alien teachings is quickly destroyed, and constant preoccupation with the affairs of the organization, poor and irregular nutrition, short sleep gradually immerse the adept in a state where it is easy to control him. This is how the rupture of the previous social ties of the individual ends, this is how his “falling out” from society occurs. The results are terrible: it takes from 1.5 to 2 years to rehabilitate a member of a sect, and even then with the help of a specially trained psychologist. Moreover, such a return to real life does not occur in every case; total number

rehabilitated never exceeds 20-22% of the total number of those who applied for help.

Thus, mental, psychosomatic, somatic and social problems, as well as causing emotional, financial, physical and social damage not only to the followers of the sect, but also to their families, stand out among the negative consequences of joining the sectarian environment. An adherent of a destructive sect acquires negative experience, developing on its basis an individual style of life that does not coincide with the style acceptable in society and turns him into a victim of socialization.

social nature and New religious outlets

features of modern (NRO) became more active in our country in non-traditional 1990s They are so varied that religious cults currently in religious studies

In practice, various bases for their classification are used. NROs are distinguished by sources of doctrine, degree of involvement in a group, ways of organizing groups, political and social orientations. According to the classification according to the sources of doctrine, the following groups of NROs are distinguished:

1. pseudo-christian, based on the ideas and cult elements of Christian doctrine, but criticizing Christianity, claiming to be "genuine bearers of revelation." These include "Theotokos Center" or "Ecumenical Church of Our Lady of the Transfiguration" by I. Bereslavsky, "Children of God" or "Family of Love" by D. Berg, "Church of the Last Testament" by Vissarion, "Church of Christ", CARP and the new "Prophetic School » S. M. Moon, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc.

The ideas of these NRAs are far from harmless. For example, the cult of Jehovah's Witnesses is based on ideas that are incompatible with Orthodoxy. Thus, Jehovists claim that the whole world is divided into "true Christians" (that is, members of a sect) and "Satanists" - all other inhabitants of the planet. Moreover, they claim that the last battle of Jehovah with the surrounding reality will soon begin, as a result of which all states will perish, and in their place a single empire will be formed, headed by the World Government, after which the “thousand-year kingdom of goodness” will come. Thus, under the guise of agitation, ordinary religious strife is kindled and hatred for one's own country is cultivated, which contradicts not only the entire Orthodox teaching, but also the Constitution of the country.

Organizations of this kind are joined by young people who have a primitive idea of ​​the essence of Christianity, psychologically

    neo-orientalist- organizations of pro-Eastern orientation, attracting with exoticism and "preservation of secret knowledge". Among them are the "International Society for Krishna Consciousness", "Sanatana Dharma League of Spiritual Revival", Osho meditation centers, "Belarusian Center of the World Spiritual University Brahma Kumaris", circles for the study of "transcendental meditation". Members of these organizations are usually students of "creative" and humanitarian specialties aged 20 years and older, seeking, in their words, "to know the truth."

The ideas of a number of NRAs of this group are very dangerous. For example, Hare Krishnas consider it a blessing to kill in the name of their religious principles. Life itself is considered by them as an individual soul, constantly changing its body, so death is a simple change of clothes.

    occult mystical, building their doctrines on belief in the supernatural hidden powers nature and man. This group is represented by the largest number of organizations. The most famous of them are: “The Teaching of Living Ethics” (“Agni Yoga”) by the Roerichs; theosophical circles studying the “Secret Doctrine” of H. P. Blavatsky, “The Great White Brotherhood” (“Yusmalos”), “AUM Shinrikyo” by Shoko Asahara, “Church of Scientology” or R. Hubbard Dianetics Center, “REIKI” teaching, organization “ Universal Energy and Man”, etc. Humanities students also dominate among the adherents of these organizations. The "Church of Scientology" is especially popular. This religious sect has existed for more than three decades, unites up to 5 million followers and promotes "comprehension of the Truth" through exhausting exercises combined with hardware methods that affect both the physical and the state of mind person. Thanks to modernist methods, the activities of the Dianetics Center are of great interest to university students, as well as the creative intelligentsia.

    Neo-pagan organizations and magical cults, not having a permanent organizational structure, such as Rastafari. They build their doctrines on the combination of elements of pagan culture and beliefs of different peoples. Of particular importance in the doctrines is given to environmental topics. Organizations of this group are quite popular in various age groups. Their popularity is based on magical practices and is quite explainable by the wide interest of people in film, video and literary production in the fantasy genre.

Some organizations in this group are based on ideas of national and racial exclusivity. Examples of such organizations are "Shoron Ezh Slaven" and "Kolovrat".

5. Criminal pseudo-religious structures, those who use from religion only the ritual design of their activities and are not religious in nature. For example, groups of Satanists, whose members are most often representatives of low-income and socially vulnerable circles (schoolchildren, vocational schools - children mainly from dysfunctional families). The desktop book of every follower of this cult is the so-called "Black Bible", written by the American La Vey and requiring regular sacrifices on the altar of the Devil.

Some of the main problems specific to the NRA are the problems of sexual relations, drugs and suicide.

Sexual relations within the NRO can take on many different forms, from the celibacy practiced by the Brahma Kumaris society, to the promiscuity encouraged by the Bhagwan Rajneesh movement, to the "revolutionary sex" practiced by the Children of God, who counted sexual acts as they were used to raise money. and new followers. Some of the most horrendous reports of NRO involve the involvement of children in sexual rituals, which has taken place in satanic worship groups. Any kind of sexual abuse of children is certainly a serious crime, known cases of which should be reported to law enforcement immediately.

Many movements, such as the Church of Scientology or the Buddhist Nichiren Shoshu, do not stand out in their position on this issue. Their adherents practice the same sexual relations as society as a whole.

Speaking of drug problem, it should be noted that within the framework of the NRA, it looks ambiguous. There are NRAs that encourage the use of illegal drugs. Thus, Rastafarians often smoke ganja (a type of marijuana grown in Jamaica), turning it into a kind of sacrament - a ritual that can be correlated with "taking the cup." Some neo-pagan and occult-mystical groups defend the right to use the "sacred substance" as a "powerful tool" used for sacred purposes ("Great White Brotherhood"). A number of NRAs do not prevent their members from using drugs, although they themselves are not supporters of such a practice. Many NRAs (such as the Society for Krishna Consciousness or Brahma Kumaris) categorically prohibit the use of drugs. Some NRAs promote large-scale anti-drug programs. For example, the Scientology Mission has the Narconon program recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for inclusion in the school curriculum and subsequently canceled, but not prohibited and freely operating on the territory of Russia. In the USA the program

Narconon is a legal and certified medical board, although its usefulness is still disputed by many opponents of Scientology practices and methods.

No less relevant for NRO and suicide problem. The case of the NRO "Great White Brotherhood" is well-known and received a wide public response, where only with the help of the intervention of the authorities was the alleged mass suicide of members of the sect suspended. It should also be noted that in the case of the NRA "White Brotherhood", in addition to incitement to suicide, there were also incitement to riots, and the NRA "Aum Shinrikyo" committed an act of mass poisoning of Tokyo subway passengers, which led to the natural and necessary intervention of legal, legislative and even law enforcement agencies.

Currently, there are about 600 neo-cults in the Republic of Belarus, dozens of them operate under the guise of public, educational, health-improving, sports associations or various schools, centers, courses. Along with officially registered NRAs (Bahá'ís, Hare Krishnas, etc.), destructive NRAs appeared that did not pass the procedure of mandatory registration with state bodies (the expert council under the State Committee for Religious Affairs and Nationalities of the Republic of Belarus).

Currently, the Republic of Belarus has adopted a package of documents allowing, in accordance with international standards the right to more effectively regulate the activities of religious denominations, to protect the religious traditions of the people from the destructive impact of the NRO, while guaranteeing each person the freedom of both religious and atheistic beliefs. Among such documents is the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Freedom of Religion and Religious Organizations” of 1992 (as amended on October 31, 2002 “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations”), which establishes the order of relations between the school and religious organizations (art. 9) (see appendix AND).

Prevention of youth involvement in destructive religious sects

Based on the degree of involvement in religious sectarianism, pedagogical work with students is divided into: 1) general educational work with children; 2) for educational and correctional work with students at risk; 3) for rehabilitation work with students under the influence of religious sects.

In relation to young people who have already become adherents of any NRO, a social pedagogue, together with a psychologist, should organize rehabilitation work with a cultist, one of the main

forms of which is consultation on their exit from the sect with the involvement of family members.

Exit advice- this is the provision of information to a person about the principles and practical methods of restoring his social identity. The consultation involves respectful dialogue in an open environment, complemented by educational materials in the form of suitable literary, authentic source materials (primary sources), media reports and personal testimonies.

The main help can be provided by the well-planned work of the relatives and relatives of the adept and a specialist who helps both the family and the cultist himself. As a group, family, acquaintances, former members of the cult are used. Group mechanisms of influence on a person in a cult are quite appropriate to neutralize with similar group mechanisms of "non-destructive action." It must be taken into account that during the acquaintance with the cult, the recruit receives only one-sided information from the cult, and does not at all explore both points of view. The group is a kind of "pressure chamber" during the transition of a person from a cult to reality.

The features of exit counseling are:

    significant role of preliminary information gathering;

    active participation of family and loved ones (but not family therapy!);

    "team" work of consultants;

    duration and intensity;

emphasis on providing information as the sole purpose of counseling, i.e. on informing instead of psychotechnics; participation of former cultists.

A correct understanding of the cultist's thinking and prioritization in his mind is the basis for success in removing a person from the cult.

To ensure the spiritual security of society and, above all, of young people, serious measures are needed to eliminate religious illiteracy of both administrative workers, teachers, psychologists, and the population (and, first of all, young people). A special role in solving this problem is assigned to pedagogical prevention.

Pedagogical prevention- this is a way of organizing the child's social environment, preventing involvement in its negative phenomena (drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, prostitution, religious sects, etc.), preventing the formation of dependent behavior and a negative impact on the harmonious development of the individual.

Pedagogical prevention of youth involvement in destructive religious sects - a set of social, educational and psychological measures aimed at identifying and eliminating the causes and factors of youth involvement

into religious sects, to prevent development and neutralize the negative personal, pedagogical and social consequences of involvement in religious sects of a destructive nature.

The system for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects includes the following types of preventive work:

primary prevention, the purpose of which is to prevent the involvement of young people in sects;

secondary prevention, which prevents the development of negative consequences of psychological methods of influencing the personality of young people who have experience of communicating with sectarians;

tertiary prevention, which is the socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of adherents with a formed dependence on the sectarian environment.

Pedagogical prevention is a purposeful activity of a teacher, psychologist and social pedagogue in an educational institution, including a stable set of complementary activities: health and legal education; educational and explanatory activities; psychological-diagnostic activity and psycho-correction; organizational and methodological measures that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle for students; designing a personal development map. It is aimed at the formation of meaningful value orientations, positive self-esteem and a culture of behavior that enhances the autonomy of the individual, the development of critical thinking and the provision of psychological protection in risk situations, as well as the development of skills to resist group pressure, constructive solution conflict situations and healthy lifestyle skills in young people.

The tasks of pedagogical prevention the involvement of young people in destructive religious sects are: the formation of a culture of behavior that contributes to the provision of psychological protection in risk situations; formation of meaningful life guidelines and positive self-esteem; activation of critical thinking; development of skills to resist group pressure, constructively resolve conflict situations; skills building healthy lifestyle life; non-admission to the walls of educational institutions of missionaries preaching any religious ideas; identification of young people at risk, most susceptible to involvement in religious sects.

Pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the process of preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects are:

Identification of young people at risk of involvement in religious sects;

    conducting systematic targeted anti-sectarian activities with young people and their parents;

    level up professional competence teachers and scientific and methodological support of preventive activities;

    raising the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents in order to involve them in anti-sectarian education;

    implementation of a pedagogical model for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects.

The effectiveness of preventive measures can be ensured only if the following components of the institution of civil society are mandatory included: the social institution of the state, the media, and the family.

Pedagogical model The pedagogical model of the warning

warnings denial of youth involvement in religious

youth in sect synthesizes three preventive

destructive relays component: psychological (systemic tozpm sects formation of knowledge of the individual about himself, his

feelings and abilities; the formation of adequate self-esteem, a positive “I-concept”), educational (the formation of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, the ability to make choices, set life goals of a humane nature and strive to achieve them), social (the formation of communication skills, self-realization, self-affirmation).

The purpose of the pedagogical model is to create optimal pedagogical conditions for maximum satisfaction of the needs of self-development and self-realization of the child's personality. Model tasks:

increasing the self-awareness of students, the formation of critical thinking and the ability to make the right choice;

    fostering a culture of a healthy lifestyle; formation of an active life position of adolescents

and young men, inclusion in positive social relationships; in independent creative activity;

    identification of the causes of personality deformation;

activation of explanatory and educational work among students and parents;

coordination of activities of all interested departments and specialists.

The pedagogical model for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects in educational institutions includes theoretical and methodological, psychological and pedagogical and technological blocks.

The theoretical and methodological block reflects the creation of optimal pedagogical conditions for the maximum satisfaction of the needs of the student's personality in self-development, self-determination, self-education and self-realization, based on a systemic, activity-based, comprehensive and humanistic approach.

The psychological and pedagogical block determines the content of the work, taking into account the personal and age characteristics of students. The necessary conditions for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects in educational institutions are: identifying young people at social risk; personality-oriented interaction with cultists during systematic anti-sectarian activities; increasing the professional competence of teachers and the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents.

The technological block presents diagnostics, sequentially reveals the stages of the model implementation, each of which is focused on achieving specific goals and is presented in the following table:

Pedagogical model for preventing youth involvement in

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations for preventing the involvement of youth in religious sects.

1.1. The phenomenon of destructive religious sects in modern science.

1.2. The problem of preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects in modern pedagogical science.

1.3. Causes and factors of youth involvement in religious sects.

Conclusions on chapter I.

2.1. The main directions of socio-pedagogical work with a person at risk of involvement in religious sects.

2.2. Pedagogical features of anti-sectarian work with youth

2.3. Pedagogical model for preventing the involvement of youth in religious sects.

Conclusions on chapter II.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Training future social educators to prevent youth involvement in religious sects 2004, candidate of pedagogical sciences Sadovnikova, Zhanna Vitalievna

  • Totalitarian sectarian organizations and their influence on the social behavior of young people 2006, candidate of sociological sciences Dzyapshipa, Mirian Nugzarovich

  • Socio-pedagogical conditions for the prevention of drug addiction among students in foreign science and practice: Based on the materials of the USA and England 2002, candidate of pedagogical sciences Sorokina, Irina Radislavovna

  • Mental disorders in adherents of modern religious cults ("sects") using maladaptive methods of influencing the personality 2006, candidate of medical sciences Bondarev, Nikolai Vasilyevich

  • Psychological characteristics of members of non-traditional religious organizations 2005, candidate of psychological sciences Kirsanova, Veronika Gennadievna

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Pedagogical conditions for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects"

The relevance of the study is due to the practical need to carry out systematic work aimed at preventing social deviations of young people, including preventing the involvement of young citizens in destructive religious sects.

Changes in all spheres of Russian society have exacerbated the social problems of the population, especially young people. Among the changes that have a negative impact on the upbringing of the younger generation are the reassessment of traditional value orientations and norms of behavior, social stress and the loss of the meaning of life, the demoralization of the individual and the dehumanization of relationships, changes in family relationships, ethno-political, interethnic and religious conflicts. In this regard, the problem of mental and spiritual health of the individual acquires a state character. The economic, social, socio-political crises that hit the country in the late 80s and early 90s of the 20th century created fertile ground for the dissemination of religious ideas among the population. A large percentage of Russians, who by that time found themselves in a difficult socio-economic situation, listened with interest to everything that could inspire faith in the future and strengthen consciousness.

A distinctive feature of the spiritual processes in Russia in recent decades is the spread of non-traditional religious organizations. At a time when traditional culture-forming religions (Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism) revived their opportunities lost during the years of Soviet power, religious sects, relying on the federal law "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations" (1997), took a firm place in the spiritual life of some Russians.

Of particular concern is the fact that the followers of religious sects are increasingly becoming young people who are not able to resist the mechanisms of social control and psychological impact on the individual due to disorientation, unformed solid life principles. The assimilation of negative behavioral attitudes poses a serious danger to young people and society as a whole. Youth is the main reserve of the social development of society, therefore, the involvement of young people in religious sects is fraught with serious consequences: the loss of national culture, identity, identity, mentality.

Of particular concern is the fact that more and more young people are becoming followers of religious sects, since most young people are not able to resist the psychological impact and control mechanisms on the individual due to disorientation, lack of formation of solid life principles. The assimilation of negative behavioral attitudes poses a serious danger to young people and society as a whole.

Youth is a stable socio-demographic group, distinguished by the totality of age-psychological characteristics, features of the socio-legal and economic situation. Youth is the main reserve of the social development of society, therefore, the involvement of young people in religious sects is fraught with serious consequences: the loss of national culture, identity, identity, mentality.

In the current conditions, most families are concerned about solving the problems of economic, and sometimes even physical survival, as a result of which social trend self-withdrawal of many parents from solving issues of upbringing and personal development of the child. In such families, there are no strong interpersonal ties between parents and children and, as a result, the external negative environment becomes the authority, which leads to the child's exit from the influence of the family. Those young people who cannot find a socially acceptable way to use their powers try to establish themselves and self-realize through religious sects, which hinders the process of full socialization.

The lack of objective information about the essence of religious sects, about the social causes of their occurrence and the peculiarities of their manifestation, the patterns of genesis and the consequences of the impact on the individual and society as a whole, the insufficient level of competence of teaching staff to organize work aimed at preventing the spread of sectarian influence among students, led to research interest in this issue.

The degree of scientific development. Modern philosophical, religious studies, psychological, sociological and socio-psychological literature on the problem of the influence of religious sects is quite extensive.

Studies of the sect as a form of religious organization are reflected in the works of G. Becker, S.A. Bokhorova, M. Weber, B. Wilson, B. Johnson, S. Dubrow-Eichel, M. Inger, A.I. Klibanova, Yu.V. Kryanev, R. Lifton, R. Niebuhr, JL Pope, E. Troelch, D.M. Ugrinovich, G. Fauts, S. Hassen, I.N. Yablokov.

Yu.M. Antonyan, M. Argal, V.G. Bataev, J. Benneft, V.A. Bogdanov, V.V. Guldan, A.A. Skorodumov and others studied the socio-psychological aspects of religious sectarianism and the mechanisms of their influence on adherents of sects.

A detailed analysis of the social nature and characteristics of modern non-traditional cults is contained in the works of E.G. Balagushkina, K.A. Theological, T. Gandow, P.G. Gurevich, A.JI. Dvorkina, T.A. Klyueva, D.Yu. Konkova, N.V. Krivelskaya, JI.H. Mitrokhina, K.G. Myalo, K.B. Privalova and others.

The history of the development of the problem of preventing deviations in the moral development of schoolchildren is reflected in the works of P.P. Blonsky, V.P. Kashchenko, P.F. Lesgaft, A.C. Makarenko, K.D. Ushinsky and others.

The works of E.V. Averina, A.B. Belinskaya, S.A. Belicheva, G.A. Voronina, I.N. Dementieva, A.G. Makeeva,

DB. Kolesova, P.B. Ovcharova, T.P. Pavlenko, V.A. Popova, H.A. Rychkova, V.M. Fokina, M.V. Shakurova, P.A. Sheptenko, T.I. Shulgi and others.

A number of researchers are directly working on the problem of preventing the influence of sectarianism on young people (I.A. Galitskaya, A.N. Elizarov, I.V. Metlik, A.A. Mikhailova, A.D. Prozorov, I.P. Pronin, and others).

Questions of the history of religious sectarianism are considered in the dissertation research by A.V. Kryukov, a scientific analysis of individual religious sects was carried out in the works of JI. Grigoryeva, A. Zhukov, D. Kuracheva, V. Matveeva, A. Savvin, O.V. As if, the problem of identifying criteria for the destructiveness of religious neoplasms in the context of the national security paradigm is reflected in the study by V.I. Ibragimov, the essence and ways of overcoming religious fanaticism are considered in the dissertation work of M.N. Kuznetsova, the problem of religious extremism is reflected in the work of T.A. Skvortsova, the theoretical and organizational aspects of preparing future social teachers for the prevention of youth involvement in religious sects are covered in the dissertation research by Zh.V. Sadov-nikova.

Meanwhile, it is necessary to state the fact that there are still no works that would explore the pedagogical aspects of preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects. The problem of shaping the worldview of today's youth is obvious, as the leaders of religious sects interpret the ideas of humanism in a distorted way.

Overcoming the negative influence of religious sects is possible with the consolidation of efforts on the part of all interested social institutions. At the same time, the primary place in preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects should be occupied by pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical forms and methods of work.

In this regard, the research problem is formulated as follows: what are the pedagogical conditions for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects. Solving this problem is the aim of the study.

The object of our study is the influence of religious sects on the formation of personality.

The subject of the study is the pedagogical conditions for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects.

The purpose, object and subject of the study determined the following tasks:

1. Spend theoretical analysis problems of preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects.

2. Determine the reasons why young people leave for destructive religious sects.

3. To identify forms of interaction between the family and educational institutions aimed at preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects.

4. To reveal and experimentally substantiate the pedagogical conditions that are optimal for the effective prevention of youth involvement in religious sects.

5. Develop and test a pedagogical model for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects in the educational and developmental environment of educational institutions.

The research hypothesis is based on the assumption that the effectiveness of the process of preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects is ensured by a combination of the following pedagogical conditions:

Identification of young people at risk of involvement in religious sects; conducting systematic targeted anti-sectarian activities with young people and their parents; increasing the level of professional competence of teachers and scientific and methodological support for preventive activities;

Implementation of a pedagogical model for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study consists of: philosophical, sociological, socio-psychological and socio-pedagogical concepts that substantiate the essence and characteristics of the sect as a form of religious organization, its social functions and mechanisms of influence on the individual (V.G. Bataev, G. Becker, S. A. Bohorova, M. Weber, A. J. Dvorkin, Y. V. Kryanev, A. A. Skorodumov, E. Troelch, D. M. Ugrinovich, S. Hassen, I. N. Yablokov, etc.); position of social psychologists and teachers on the process and factors of human socialization (G.M. Andreeva, S.A. Belicheva, B.Z. Vulfov, M.P. Guryanova, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, I.S. Kon, I. A. Lipsky, A.V. Mudrik, G.N. Filonov and others); provisions on socio-psychological adaptation as a result and indicator of successful socialization (A. Adler, R. Diamond,

A.N. Zhmyrikov, I.K. Kryazheva, I.P. Lotova, K. Rogers, 3. Freud, K. Jung and others); conceptual provisions of socio-pedagogical victimology (E.P. Avduevskaya, A.S. Volovich, A.V. Mudrik, V.A. Popov, T.F. Yarkina, etc.); activity and personality-oriented approaches to the educational process (S.I. Arkhangelsky, L.I. Bozhovich, A.I. Dontsov, I.B. Kotova, etc.); ideas of humanization of a holistic pedagogical process (Sh.A. Amo-nashvili, I.P. Volkov, V.A. Sitarov, V.A. Slastenin, A.N. Tubelsky, I.V. Ulyanova, K.D. Ushinsky and others); provisions on the role of the social environment and the influence of society on the process of formation and development of the personality (E.V. Bondarevskaya, L.S. Vygotsky,

B.V. Serikov, V.A. Yasvin and others); theoretical foundations of prevention as a technology of pedagogical activity (E.V. Averina, B.N. Almazov, S.A. Belicheva, G.A. Voronina, M.A. Galaguzova, D.V. Kolesov, A.G. Makeeva, R.V. Ovcharova, P.A. Sheptenko and others).

Research methods. The study used methods to solve the tasks and verify the validity of the assumptions: a theoretical analysis of the philosophical, sociological, pedagogical, socio-pedagogical and psychological scientific literature, publications and documentation on the chosen topic, empirical methods (observation, questioning, conversation, interviewing, empathic listening), statistical methods (quantitative and qualitative processing of data obtained during the study).

The experimental base of the study was the Faculty of Social Pedagogy and Psychology of the Vladimir State Pedagogical University, Vladimir Basic Medical College and Secondary School No. 16 in Vladimir. In experimental work on different stages The study involved 390 pupils and students.

Organization and stages of the study. The research work was carried out in several stages.

The first stage (2003 - 2004) is preliminary, during which a theoretical analysis of the problem was carried out, the relevance of the problem, the object and subject of research, conceptual approaches to the problem of dissertation research were determined, the features of preventive pedagogy were studied, and a categorical research apparatus was developed.

The second stage (2004 - 2006) - the main (experimental), during which the general hypothesis of the study was subjected to empirical verification and clarified, experimental work was carried out.

The third stage (2006 - 2007) is the final (generalizing), during which the results of experimental work were summed up, its results were analyzed, theoretical conclusions, main ideas and provisions were formulated, and the dissertation research was completed.

The most significant results obtained personally by the dissertation student and their scientific novelty:

The main reasons for the departure of young people to destructive religious sects are revealed;

The forms of interaction between the family and the educational institution aimed at preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects have been identified;

The optimal pedagogical conditions for the implementation of anti-sectarian work with youth were determined;

The pedagogical model for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects is substantiated;

The need to study the foundations of preventive work aimed at preventing the involvement of young people in destructive religious sects in the course of training future specialists has been scientifically substantiated.

Theoretical significance of the study:

Theoretical foundations for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects in modern pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical literature are analyzed;

Scientific ideas about the reasons for young people leaving for religious sects have been expanded and generalized;

A set of forms of interaction with parents in the implementation of the goals and objectives of anti-sectarian education has been determined;

A set of pedagogical conditions that are optimal for effective prevention of youth involvement in religious sects has been revealed and experimentally substantiated;

The necessity of carrying out systematic work aimed at preventing the involvement of young people in destructive religious sects is proved.

The practical significance of the results of the study lies in the fact that the theoretical conclusions and methodological recommendations proposed in the work can be used to create textbooks for pedagogical educational institutions, conduct lecture courses and seminars in the system of professional educational institutions (for subject teachers, educational psychologists). , social educators, class teachers, etc.)? development of preventive programs to improve the quality of preventive work with young people in educational institutions (school, lyceum, vocational school, university, UDO). The developed and experimentally tested program of the special course "Social and pedagogical prevention of youth involvement in religious sects" can be used in the process of training and retraining of specialists in the education system, in the practice of professional development of teachers, as well as in the work of educational institutions to improve the pedagogical culture of parents.

The reliability of the research results is ensured by its general theoretical orientation to the leading concepts of Russian pedagogy and psychology, the use of a complex of theoretical and empirical methods of pedagogical research, their adequacy to the goal, objectives, object, subject, hypothesis and logic of the dissertation, factual data confirming the main provisions and conceptual conclusions of the dissertation.

2. An analysis of the reasons why young people leave for destructive religious sects made it possible to single out three blocks of reasons for this phenomenon. The first block consists of social causes, which include socio-economic and political instability, social inequality, devaluation of moral values ​​and norms of behavior. The second block is the causes of a socio-psychological and pedagogical nature (the crisis of state institutions of education, disharmony of intra-family relations, the negative influence of society). The third block includes personal causes (pathocharacterological features of the personality, deformation of value and meaning-of-life guidelines, non-critical thinking). These reasons do not act in isolation, but for each individual they form their own causal complex, which is an indivisible whole, consisting of the determinants of the first, second and third blocks, which, in specific socio-pedagogical and psychological conditions, contribute to the involvement of young people in destructive religious sects.

The main provisions for defense:

1. The existence of religious sects has a cultural and historical conditionality. However, modern religious sects, which are characterized by signs of destructiveness, lead to the alienation of young people from the family, educational institutions, and society. Religious sects are a form of searching for ways of social affirmation of young people and a form of avoiding problems that impede the social adaptation of the individual. The values ​​and norms of behavior that young people learn in such organizations have a negative impact on the formation and development of personality. The ideological, activity and existential vacuum determines the need for pedagogical activity aimed at preventing the involvement of young people in destructive religious sects, since under the influence of destructive religious sects, the processes of life self-determination, full-fledged self-expression and self-improvement are violated in young people. Pedagogical prevention of involving young people in religious sects as part of the general system of education is aimed at developing humanistic value orientations, positive self-esteem and a culture of behavior that enhances the autonomy of the individual and provides psychological protection in situations of risk, at developing skills to resist group pressure, constructively resolve conflict situations and skills healthy lifestyle in young people.

2. An analysis of the reasons why young people leave for destructive religious sects made it possible to single out three blocks of reasons for this phenomenon. The first block consists of social causes, which include socio-economic and political instability, social inequality, devaluation of moral values ​​and norms of behavior. The second block is the causes of a socio-psychological and pedagogical nature (the crisis of state institutions of education, disharmony of intra-family relations, the negative influence of society). The third block includes personal causes (pathocharacterological features of the personality, deformation of value and meaning-of-life guidelines, non-critical thinking). These reasons do not act in isolation, but for each individual they form their own causal complex, which is an indivisible whole, consisting of the determinants of the first, second and third blocks, which, in specific socio-pedagogical and psychological conditions, contribute to the involvement of young people in destructive religious sects.

3. An essential condition for the success of preventing the involvement of young people in destructive religious sects is to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence and general culture of parents in order to involve them in anti-sect education.

4. The pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the process of preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects are:

Identification of young people at risk of involvement in religious sects;

Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents in order to involve them in anti-sectarian education;

5. The developed pedagogical model for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects synthesizes three preventive components: psychological (formation of knowledge about oneself, one's feelings, abilities; formation of adequate self-esteem, positive "I-concept"); educational (the formation of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, the ability to make choices, set life goals of a humane nature and strive to achieve them) and social (the formation of communication skills, self-realization, self-affirmation).

The purpose of the pedagogical model is to create optimal pedagogical conditions for maximum satisfaction of the needs of self-development and self-realization of the child's personality, and the system-forming factor is the educational and educational activities of all subjects of the educational process.

The main stages of the model implementation are: organization of psychological and pedagogical observation and diagnostics; preventive work with students; corrective work with students at risk; work with families of students; performance tracking.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main ideas and conclusions of the study were presented and approved at the annual scientific conferences of the faculty and graduate students of the Vladimir State University for the Humanities; at the interregional scientific and practical conference "Drug addiction of youth as a legal and psychological and pedagogical problem" (Vladimir, 2004), at the All-Russian scientific and practical conferences "Psychological and pedagogical support for children and adolescents in difficult life situations" (Arzamas, 2005), “Effective models of social education: problems, searches, prospects” (Arzamas, 2006), at the regional scientific and practical conference “Psychological, medical and pedagogical support for preventive work with families of the “risk group” (Arzamas, 2007). The main provisions of the dissertation research are reflected in 12 publications of the author, including the article "On the issue of preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects", published in the journal "Siberian Pedagogical Journal" (2007. - No. 15. - P. 61-65) included in the list of scientific publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

The implementation of the research results was carried out in the form of a special course "Social and pedagogical prevention of youth involvement in religious sects", which was developed for students of the Faculty of Social Pedagogy and Psychology of the VSMU. The dissertation materials formed the basis of extracurricular activities at the Vladimir Basic Medical College and Secondary School No. 16 in Vladimir.

The structure of the dissertation is determined by the logic of the study, its purpose and tasks. It includes an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and appendices.

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Dissertation conclusion on the topic "General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education", Mukhina, Tatyana Konstantinovna


The second chapter discusses the main directions and pedagogical features of working with a person at risk of involvement in religious sects, defines the pedagogical conditions for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects, analyzes the results of the experimental part of the study, and presents a pedagogical model for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects. The main areas of work to prevent the involvement of young people in religious sects are: work with children and youth, work with parents, work with teachers.

The involvement of young people in religious sects is a long process that takes place within a certain time frame, so we conditionally divided it into stages that reflect the degree of involvement of a person in a sect and the qualitative changes that occur in the structure of the personality.

The effectiveness of the process of preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects is determined by the following pedagogical conditions: identifying young people at risk of involvement in religious sects;

Carrying out systematic targeted anti-sectarian activities with young people and their parents; increasing the level of professional competence of teachers and scientific and methodological support for preventive activities;

Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents in order to involve them in anti-sectarian education;

Implementation of a pedagogical model for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects.

The pedagogical model for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects is based on the educational methods of the activities of specialists in educational institutions and is aimed at educating the younger generation about the social and psychological consequences of involving young people in destructive religious sects in order to form a firm anti-sectarian attitude and reject involvement in a sect as an unacceptable way. self-realization of the individual.

The purpose of the pedagogical model is to create optimal pedagogical conditions for maximum satisfaction of the needs of self-development and self-realization of the child's personality. The goal is specified in the following tasks:

Increasing the self-awareness of students, the formation of critical thinking and the ability to make the right choice;

Promoting a healthy lifestyle culture;

Formation of an active life position of adolescents and young men, inclusion in positive social relations;

The inclusion of adolescents and young men in independent creative activity;

Identification of the causes of personality deformation;

Activation of explanatory and educational work among students and parents;

Coordination of activities of all interested departments and specialists.

The pedagogical model of the process of preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects in educational institutions, developed by us in the course of the study, is presented in the form of three interrelated blocks: theoretical and methodological, psychological and pedagogical and technological.


An analysis of the philosophical, sociological, socio-psychological and pedagogical works presented in the dissertation allows us to conclude that sects are a form of searching for ways of social affirmation and self-realization of young people and a form of avoiding problems that impede the social adaptation of an individual. The values ​​and norms of behavior that young people learn in such organizations negatively affect the formation and development of personality, mental and physical health for the welfare of society as a whole.

The wide distribution of religious sects in Russia, due to socio-economic instability and spiritual vacuum, is a consequence of anomie, escapism and alienation of the individual from social institutions. At the same time, the activities of some religious sects lead to extreme fanaticism and extremism.

An analysis of the legislation on freedom of conscience allows us to trace historical changes in relation to the problem of religion and religious organizations. A distinctive feature of modern religious sects is their destructive orientation, the criteria of which are: the requirement to break social ties with the immediate environment, primarily relatives, friends and relatives who do not share the teachings of the sect; rejection of rational, critical thinking among adherents of a religious organization; the proclamation of exceptional wisdom, the divinity of the leader and the indisputable absolute truth of the doctrine; cultivation of dependence among the followers of the sect and the creation of obstacles for the free exit from the ranks of adherents; distorted interpretation of the ideas of humanism.

The main reasons for the participation of young people in destructive religious sects are the worldview, activity, existential vacuum, socialization and educational deficit, which is characterized by a feeling of uselessness and isolation in young people. Disappointment in the official values ​​of a consumerist, technocratic society, a feeling of loneliness, the aimlessness of life pushes some young people to search for a new system of values. The generalization of the data obtained allows us to identify 3 blocks of reasons why young people leave for destructive religious sects: social reasons (socio-economic and political instability, social inequality, devaluation of moral values ​​and norms of behavior), reasons of a socio-psychological and pedagogical nature (crisis of state educational institutions, disharmony intra-family relations, the negative influence of society) and personal reasons (pathocharacterological features of the personality, deformation of value orientations, uncritical thinking).

The social danger of destructive religious sects is determined by the following factors: the apocalyptic orientation of the vast majority of destructive religious sects, the mental deviations of the founders and spiritual leaders of most religious sects, the presence among adherents and leaders of sects of persons who have previously been brought to criminal or administrative responsibility, a high degree of esotericism and secrecy, communion young people to various psychoactive substances and drugs, the penetration of sectarian beliefs into educational institutions, claims to the exceptional truth of the sect's worldview, sometimes leading to religious fanaticism and extremism.

Sectarian influence on young people leads to mental, psychosomatic, somatic and social problems, which necessitated the development of a pedagogical model for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects and determining the pedagogical conditions for its successful implementation.

Preventing the involvement of young people in destructive religious sects requires the combined efforts of teachers, psychologists, law enforcement officers, medical workers, social workers, media workers, and the public. This is a difficult task, but it can be done if it is tackled purposefully and in a coordinated manner.

The leading role in the implementation of preventive programs belongs to educational institutions as social institutions that have a number of opportunities for organizing preventive work:

Formation of meaningful life guidelines and healthy lifestyle skills in the process of education and upbringing,

Control over their absorption,

Influence on the level of self-esteem of students,

Opportunity to interact with student families

Availability of a complex group of specialists for the implementation of preventive programs: social pedagogue, psychologist, teachers, school doctor.

Pedagogical prevention of youth involvement in destructive religious sects is a set of social, educational and psychological measures aimed at identifying and eliminating the causes and factors of youth involvement in religious sects, preventing development and neutralizing the negative personal, pedagogical and social consequences of involvement in religious sects.

The effectiveness of the process of preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects is determined by the following pedagogical conditions:

Identification of young people at risk of involvement in religious sects;

Carrying out systematic targeted anti-sectarian activities with young people and their parents;

Increasing the level of professional competence of teachers and scientific and methodological support for preventive activities;

Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents in order to involve them in anti-sectarian education;

Implementation of a pedagogical model for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects.

The system for preventing the involvement of youth in religious sects includes primary prevention, the purpose of which is to prevent the involvement of young people in sects; secondary "prevention, which prevents the development of negative consequences of psychological methods of influencing the personality of young people who have experience of communicating with sectarians; tertiary prevention, which is essentially a socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of adherents with a formed dependence on the sectarian environment.

The priority is primary positive prevention as part of the general system of education, aimed at the formation of meaningful life value orientations, positive self-esteem and a culture of behavior that contribute to increasing the autonomy of the individual, developing critical thinking and providing psychological protection in situations of risk, developing skills to resist group pressure, constructive conflict resolution and healthy lifestyle skills among young people.

Of the deviant behavior prevention models common in modern pedagogical theory and practice, the most effective, in our opinion, is a constructive-positive model aimed at developing positive behavioral skills that allow a person to prevent an imminent problem, overcome stress and protect himself from manipulative pressure of any kind. When implementing this model, interactive methods of work are used that stimulate the creative activity of young people: communicative trainings, role-playing and business games, personal growth trainings, "round tables", modeling of problem situations.

The main areas of work to prevent the involvement of young people in religious sects are: work with children and youth, work with parents, work with teachers.

The process of involving young people in religious sects is conditionally divided into stages that reflect the degree of involvement of the individual in the sectarian environment and the qualitative changes that occur in the structure of the individual.

Based on the degree of involvement in religious sectarianism, pedagogical work with students is divided into: general educational work with students; educational and correctional work with students at risk; rehabilitation work with students under the influence of religious sects.

One of the conditions for the effective organization of the process of preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects is the development and implementation of a pedagogical model aimed at shaping the younger generation of knowledge about the essence of religious sectarianism, the negative consequences of involving young people in destructive religious sects, a firm anti-sectarian attitude and refusal to be involved in a sect as unacceptable way of self-realization of the individual.

The purpose of the developed pedagogical model is to create optimal pedagogical conditions for maximum satisfaction of the needs of self-development and self-realization of the child's personality.

The system-forming factor of the pedagogical model for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects is the educational activity of all subjects of the educational process.

The pedagogical model of the process of preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects in educational institutions is presented in the form of three interrelated blocks: theoretical and methodological, psychological and pedagogical and technological.

The main stages of the model implementation are: organization of psychological and pedagogical observation and diagnostics; preventive work with students; correctional work with students at risk; work with families of students; performance tracking.

The presented model synthesizes three preventive components:

Psychological (formation of knowledge about oneself, one's feelings, abilities; formation of adequate self-esteem, positive "I - concept");

Educational (formation of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, the ability to make choices, set life goals of a humane nature and strive to achieve them);

Social (formation of communication skills, self-realization, self-affirmation).

The implementation of this pedagogical model for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects in the educational process of educational institutions made it possible to identify individual characteristics, interests, life skills of students, program educational impact, involve students in various activities of interest, contributed to the rallying of the children's team, the formation of a favorable emotional atmosphere , the inclusion of students in various types of socially active activities, the correction of the impact of the media, the neutralization of the negative impacts of society.

The issues disclosed in the dissertation research do not exhaust the entire depth of the problem under study. The problem of improving the regulatory legal framework in the field of counteracting the spread of destructive religious organizations in the territory of the Russian Federation and preventing the involvement of young people in their ranks remains an urgent problem. It is necessary to make changes and additions to the legislation, to develop appropriate acts in order to more effectively apply existing laws.

The level of coordination of the anti-sectarian activities of federal and regional executive authorities remains insufficient. It is necessary to create and actually operate interdepartmental commissions in all subjects of the Russian Federation.

It is necessary to make full use of the resources of public and traditional religious organizations, which have accumulated positive experience in this area. Thus, the need for a deep study of the specifics of interdepartmental interaction to prevent the involvement of young people in destructive religious sects is obvious. Our work does not cover the issues of resocialization, correction and rehabilitation of a person exposed to religious sects. This aspect requires additional coverage.

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56. Vygotsky JLC. Pedagogical psychology / JI.C. Vygotsky; ed. V.V. Davydov. M.: Pedagogy - Press, 1999. - 534 p.

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64. Gandow T. Empire of "Reverend" Moon / T. Gandow. Klin: Publishing House of the Brotherhood of St. Tikhon, 1995. - 144 p.

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66. Gershunsky B.S. Theoretical and methodological foundations for predicting the system of continuous education / B.S. Gershunsky // Prospects for the development of the system of continuous education. - M.: Pedagogy, 1990.-222 p.

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69. Humanistic paradigm and personality-oriented technologies of professional education / ed. B.J.I. Matrosova. M.: Prometheus, 1999. - 116 p.

70. Gurevich P.S. Non-traditional religions in the West and Eastern religious cults / P.S. Gurevich. - M.: Knowledge, 1995. 64 p.

71. Gurevich P.S. Modern non-confessional organizations in the West / P.S. Gurevich. - M.: Knowledge, 1983. - 64 p.

72. Dvorkin A.JI. Introduction to sectology: textbook. allowance / A.JI. Dvorkin. - Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing house of the Brotherhood in the name of the Holy Great, Prince. Alexander Nevsky, 1998. 457 p.

73. Dvorkin A.JI. Ten Questions for an Obsessive Stranger, or a Guide for Those Who Don't Want to Be Recruited / A.JI. Dvorkin. - M.: Inf.-cons. center svmch Irineya, ep. Lionsky, 1995. 44 p.

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91. Zimnyaya I.A. Pedagogical psychology: a textbook for universities / I.A. Winter. M.: Logos, 2001. - 3 84 p.

92. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. Fairy tale therapy training / Etc. Zinkevich-Evstigneev. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2000. 254 p.

93. Ibragimov V.I. New religious movements in the spiritual life of modern society: dis. . cand. philosophy Sciences: 09.00.13 / V.I. Ibragimov. N. Novgorod, 2001. - 175 p.

94. Ilyinsky I.M. Youth and youth policy / I.M. Ilyinsky. -M.: Voice, 2001. 692 p.

95. Itelson L.B. Mathematical and cybernetic methods in pedagogy / L.B. Itelson. M.: Enlightenment, 1964. - 248 p.

96. How to protect your child? - M.: Danilovsky Blagovestnik, 2003.-352 p.

97. Kanterov I.Ya. New religious movements (introduction to basic concepts and terms) / I.Ya. Kanterov. Vladimir: VlGU Publishing House, 2006.-386 p.

98. Karakovsky V.A. The educational system of the school: pedagogical ideas and experience of formation / V.A. Karakovsky. M., 1992. - 261 p.

99. Atheist's Pocket Dictionary. M.: Politizdat, 1975. - 268 p.

100. Karpushevskaya L.A. Methodological problems studies of religious sectarianism in the works of V.D. Bonch-Bruevich: dis. . cand. philosophy Sciences: 09.00.06 / L.A. Karpushevskaya. Minsk, 1984. - 168s.

101. Kashchenko V.P. Education and training of difficult children: from the experience of a sanatorium - school / V.P. Kashchenko. - M.: School press, 2005. - 64 p.

102. Kirzhanova L.V. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of students' readiness to overcome superstitions: dis. . cand. psychol. Sciences: 19.00.07 / L.V. Kirzhanov. Chelyabinsk, 2005. - 227 p.

103. Klarin M.V. Innovations in world pedagogy: learning based on research, games and discussions / M.V. Clarin. - Riga: SPC "Experiment", 1995. 176 p.

104. Classification of totalitarian sects and destructive cults of the Russian Federation (To help the diocesan missionary). Belgorod: Missionary Department of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, 1996. - 80 p.

105. Kleiberg Yu.A. Psychology of deviant behavior / Yu.A. Clay-berg.-M., 2001. -478 p.

106. Klibanov A.I. From the world of religious sectarianism. Meetings. Conversations. Observations / A.I. Klibanov. M.: Politizdat, 1974. - 255 p.

107. Yub.Klibanov A.I. History of religious sectarianism in Russia (60s of the 19th century, 1917) / A.I. Klibanov. - M.: Nauka, 1965. - 348 p.

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109. Klibanov A.I. Religious sectarianism and modernity (Sociological and historical essays) / A.I. Klibanov. M.: Nauka, 1969. -269 p.

110. Klyueva N.V. Programs of socio-psychological training / N.V. Klyuev. Yaroslavl: NPD "Psychodiagnostics", 1992. - 68 p.

111. Kodzhaspirova G.M. Pedagogical Dictionary / G.M. Kodzhaspirova, A.Yu. Kodzhaspirov. M.: Academia, 2003. - 176 p.

112. Sh.Kolesov V.D. Anti-drug education / V.D. Kolesov. -M.: Mine. Psychological and Social Institute, 1999. 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - 158 p.

113. Kolesov V.D. Drug addiction: essence and social consequences / V.D. Kolesov // Political education. 1998. - No. 4.

114. Kolesov V.D. Prevention of bad habits in schoolchildren / V.D. Kolesov. Minsk: Nar. asveta, 1987. - 175 p.

115. Kon I.S. In search of oneself: personality and its self-consciousness / I.S. Con. -M., 1984. 335 p.

116. Konarzhevsky Yu.A. Pedagogical analysis of the educational process and school management / Yu.A. Konarzhevsky. M.: Pedagogy, 1986. - 143 p.

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118. Korobkina Z.V. Drug business and drug addiction in the XX century / Z.V. Ko-robkina, V.A. Popov. Vladimir: VSPU, 1999.-201 p.

119. Korobkina Z.V. Everyone should know about this / Z.V. Korobkina, V.A. Popov. Vladimir: VSPU, 2003. - 582 p.

120. Korobkina Z.V. Prevention of drug addiction in children and youth / Z.V. Korobkina, V.A. Popov. M.: Academy, 2002. - 192 p.

121. Kraevsky V.V. General foundations of pedagogy / V.V. Kraevsky. - M.: Academia, 2005. 2nd ed., corrected. - 256 p.

122. Krivtsova C.B. A teenager at the crossroads of eras / C.B. Krivtsova and others. -M., 1997.-274 p.

123. Criticism of religious sectarianism (Experience in the study of religious sectarianism in the 20's - early 30's) / gen. ed. and foreword by A.I. Kli-banova; comp. and ed. notes G.S. Lyalina. - M.: Thought, 1974. 263 p.

124. Kryukov A.B. Religious sects in the Kuban: formation, internal development, relations with state and public institutions (30s of the 19th century, 1917): dis. . cand. history Sciences: 07.00.02 /

125.A.B. Kryukov. Krasnodar, 2004. - 250 p.

126. Kryazheva N.L. Development of the emotional world of children / N.L. Kryazhev. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996. 206 p.

127. Kryanev Ya.V. Typology of religious associations and differentiation of atheistic education / Ya.V. Kryanev // Questions of scientific atheism. M., 1967. - Issue. 3. - S. 42-65.

128. Kuznetsova M.N. Religious fanaticism: concept, essence and ways of overcoming: dis. .cand. philosophy Sciences: 09.00.11 / M.N. Kuznetsova. - Omsk, 2003.-171 p.

129. Kuzmina N.V. Methods of research of pedagogical activity / N.V. Kuzmin. L .: Publishing house Leningrad. un-ta, 1970. - 183 p.

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131. B.V. Kuzminov. Vladimir, 2006. - 188 p.

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133. Kuraev A.B. Missionaries on the doorstep / A.B. Kuraev. -M, 1995.- 110 p.

134. Lebedev V.I. Personality in extreme conditions / V.I. Lebedev. -M.: Politizdat, 1989. 303 p.

135. Lenin V.I. Complete Works / V.I. Lenin. T. 29.1. C. 56.

136. Lesgaft P.F. Family education of the child and its development / P.F. Lesgaft. M.: Pedagogy, 1991. - 174 p.

137. Lipsky I.A. Social pedagogy: practice, scientific discipline, educational complex / I.A. Lipsky // Pedagogy. 2001. -№ 1.-S. 24-32.

138. Lisovsky V.T. Expert opinion of the Research Institute of Complex social studies Petersburg state university/ V.T. Lisovsky // Vestnik NPA. 1995. - No. 2. - S. 46-47.

139. Personality-oriented approach in pedagogical activity / ed. E.H. Stepanova. M., 2003. - 216 p.

140. Makarenko A.S. About education / A.C. Makarenko. 2nd ed., Reworked. and additional - M.: Politizdat, 1990. - 415 p.

141. Makeeva A.G. Model of pedagogical prevention / A.G. Makeeva // Director of the school. 1999. - No. 5. - S. 69-70.

142. Makeeva A.G. Pedagogical prevention of drug addiction at school / A.G. Makeev; resp. ed. M.A. Ushakov. -M.: September, 1999. 142 s,

143. Mardakhaev L.V. Fundamentals of socio-pedagogical technology: Textbook / L.V. Mardakhaev. Ryazan: Fair, 1999. - 92 p.

144. Marx K. About atheism, religion and church / K. Marx, F. Engels. - M., 1971.-470 p.

145. Matyushkin A.M. Psychological structure, dynamics and development of positive activity / A.M. Matyushkin // Questions of psychology. -1982.-№4.-S. 5-18.

146. Metlik V.I. The study of religion in the education system / V.I. Metlik // Pedagogy. 2003. - No. 7. - S. 71-78.

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148. Mid M. Culture and the world of childhood / M. Mid. M., 1975. - 315 p.

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150. Mitrokhin JI.H. Religions of the "New Age" / JI.H. Mitrokhin. M.: Sov. Russia, 1985.- 154 p.

151. Mitrofanova A. Religious terrorism / A. Mitrofanova // Common sense. 2002. - No. 2 (23). - S. 14-18.

152. Mishchenko A.I. Theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of the content of pedagogical education / A.I. Mishchenko, L.I. Mishchenko, E.H. Shiyanov. M.: MSLU im. IN AND. Lenin, 1991. - 291 p.

153. Mozgovoy S. "God's law" in the "law" / S. Mozgovoy // Common sense. 2006. - No. 4 (41). - S. 22-33.

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155. Moreva H.A. Pedagogy of secondary vocational education: textbook. allowance / H.A. Moreva. M.: Academy, 1999. - 304 p.

156. Mudrik A.B. Introduction to social pedagogy: textbook. student guide / A.B. Mudrik. M.: Institute of Practical Psychology, 1997.-356 p.

158. Mudrik A.B. Education in the context of socialization / A.B. Mudrik // General strategy of education in the educational system of Russia (to the formulation of the problem): a collective monograph in 2 books; under total ed. I.A. Winter. M., 2001. - Book. 1. - S. 269-274.

159. Mchedlov M.P. On the religiosity of Russian youth / M.P. Mchedlov // sociological research. 1998. - No. 6. - S. 35-39.

160. Myalo K.G. Choice time: Youth and society in search of an alternative / K.G. Mialo. - M.: Politizdat, 1991. 253 p.

161. Myasishchev V.N. Psychology of relations / V.N. Myasishchev; ed.

162.A.A. Bodalev. M. - Voronezh, 1995. - 356 p.

163. Naumenko Yu.V. Health-saving activity of the school / Yu.V. Naumenko // Pedagogy. 2005. - No. 6. - S. 37^4.

164. Nemov P.C. Psychology: a textbook for students of higher education. ped. textbook institutions: in 3 books. /P.C. Nemov M.: Vlados, 2001. - 4th ed. - Prince. 3. - 640 p.

165. Non-traditional religions in post-communist Russia: materials of the round table // Questions of Philosophy. - 1996. No. 12. - S. 3-32.

166. Nikitin V.A. Social work: problems of theory and training of specialists / V.A. Nikitin. M.: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2002. - 236 p.

167. Nikitin V.A. "Totalitarian sects": how to deal with them? /

168. B.A. Nikitin // Common sense. 2000/2001. - No. 1 (18). - S. 16-19.

169. Novikov M.P. Orthodoxy and Modernity / M.P. Novikov. -M.: Thought, 1965.- 147 p.

170. New religious organizations in Russia of a destructive and occult nature: a reference book / Missionary, dep. Moscow Patriarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church. - 3rd ed., additional and revised. Belgorod, 2002. - 445 p.

171. Fundamentals of Religious Studies: textbook / Yu.F. Borunkov, I.N. Yablokov, M.P. Novikov and others; ed. I.N. Yablokov. - M.: Higher school, 1994.-386 p.

172. Deviant behavior of young people: a dictionary-reference book / ed. ed. V.A. Popov. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional - Vladimir: VSPU, 2007. - 251 p.

173. Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy. Russia. Spiritual rebirth. - M .: Foundation for the Promotion of Social and political science, 1999.-217 p.

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177. B.A. Slastenin and others. M .: School Press, 2002. - 4th ed. - 512 p.

178. Pedagogical encyclopedic Dictionary/ Ch. ed. B.M. Bim-Bad. M., 2003. - 610 p.

179. Petrakova T.I. Guidelines for the prevention of drug addiction among children and adolescents / T.I. Petrakov. - M.: Nauka, 2000. - 170 p.

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189. Pronin I.P. Study and neutralization of psychological mechanisms of personal involvement in destructive cult groups / I.P. Pronin // Bulletin of psychosocial and correctional and rehabilitation work. 2003. - No. 1. - S. 26 ^ 15.

190. Prevention // Social Encyclopedia / ed. coll.: A.P. Gorkin, G.N. Karelova, E.D. Katulsky. M.: BRE, 2000. - S. 281.

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197. Remshmidt X. Adolescence and youthful age: problems of personality development: per. with him. / X. Remshmidt. - M.: Mir, 1994. 320 p.

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199. Sadovnikova Zh.V. Preparation of future social teachers for the prevention of youth involvement in religious sects: dis. . cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.02 / Zh.V. Sadovnikov. Tambov, 2004. - 193 p.

200. Selevko G.K. Alternative pedagogical technologies / G.S. Selevko. - M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005. - 224 p.

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202. Sitarov V.A. Pedagogy and psychology of non-violence in the educational process / V.A. Sitarov; ed. V.A. Slastenin. M.: Academia, 2000.-212 p.

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222. Ugrinovich D.M. Introduction to Religious Studies / D.M. Ugrinovich. -M.: Thought, 1985. 2nd ed., add. - 270 s.

223. Ugrinovich D.M. Psychology of religion / D.M. Ugrinovich. M.: Politizdat, 1986. - 350 p.

224. Ugrinovich D.M. Religion and Society About some tendencies in modern bourgeois sociology of religion. / D.M. Ugrinovich. M.: Knowledge, 1971.-64 p.

225. Ugrinovich D.M. Philosophical problems of criticism of religion (On the specifics of religion and its place in the public mind) / D.M. Ugrinovich. - 2nd ed., add. and reworked. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow. un-ta, 1965. 349 p.

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228. Ulyanova I.V. Formation of meaningful life orientations of students of a general education school in pedagogical interaction, monograph / I.V. Ulyanov. Vladimir: VSPU, 2007. - 210 p.

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231. Fedorenko F.I. Sects, their faith and deeds / F.I. Fedorenko. M.: Politizdat, 1965. - 360 p.

232. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary / ch. ed. L.F. Ilyichev and others. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1983. - 840 p.

233. Firsov M.V. Theory of social work / M.V. Firsov, E.G. Stu-denova. M., 2001. - 247 p.

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238. Hassen S. Liberation from mental violence: Destructive cults, mind control, methods of assistance / S. Hassen. M.; St. Petersburg: Olma-Press: Prime - Eurosign: Neva, 2001. - 396 p.

239. Khvylya-Olinter A.I. Dangerous totalitarian forms of religious sects / A.I. Khvylya-Olinter, S.A. Lukyanov. M.: Publishing House of St. Vladimir. Brotherhood, 1996. - 83 p.

240. Chesnokova I.A. Influence of sects, cults and non-traditional religious organizations on a person and her life: dis. . cand. psi-hol. Sciences: 19.00.05 / I.A. Chesnokov. M., 2005. - 260 p.

241. Shakurova N.V. Methods and technology of work of a social teacher / N.V. Shakurova. 2nd ed., ster. - M.: Academia, 2004. - 272 p.

242. Shamova T.I. Management of educational systems / T.I. Shamov. M.: Academia, 2002. - 384 p.

243. Shapar V.B. The latest psychological dictionary / V.B. Shapar, V.E. Rossokha, O.V. Chapar; under total ed. V.B. Shapar. Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2005. - 808 p.

244. Shevandrin N.I. Psychodiagnostics, correction and personality development / N.I. Shevandrin. -M.: Vlados, 1999. 512 p.

245. Sheptenko P.A. Methods and technology of work of a social teacher / P.A. Sheptenko; ed. V.A. Slastenin. - M.: Academia, 2002. - 206 p.

246. Shirshov E.B. Pedagogical conditions design of electronic educational and methodological complexes: monograph / E.V. Shirshov, O.V. Churbanova. M.: Paleotype, 2006. - 2nd ed. - 308 p.

247. Shtoff V.A. On the role of models in cognition / V.A. Stoff. JL: Publishing House of Leningrad University, 1963. - 128 p.

248. Extremism among St. Petersburg youth: analysis and problems of prevention / ed. A.A. Kozlov. St. Petersburg: KHIMIZDAT, 2003. - 560 p.

249. Yablokov I.N. Religious studies / I.N. Yablokov. M.: Gardariki, 2004.-317 p.

250. Yarkina T.F. Man as an object of social pedagogy and social work: theoretical and methodological aspect / T.F. Yarkin. M., 1996.-81 p.

251. Yasvin V.A. Training of pedagogical interaction in a creative educational environment / V.A. Yasvin; ed. IN AND. Panov. M .: Young Guard, 1997. - 176 p.

252. Pedagogical model for preventing the involvement of youth in religious sects

253. Theoretical and methodological block

254. Psychological and pedagogical block

255. Approximate scheme preventive measures to prevent the involvement of young people in religious sects

257. Promoting the successful adaptation of students in an educational institution and society, the comprehensive development and self-realization of the child's personality

258. Socio-pedagogical work with children with deviant behavior. Psychological and pedagogical consultation. Socio-psychological assistance to the teacher. Psychological and pedagogical general education of parents. Conducting training sessions.

259. Individual advisory work with students, their parents and teachers on interpersonal relationships, family situation, learning.

260. Consultative work with parents and teachers to enhance their educational potential

261. Directions, methods and forms of preventing the involvement of youth in religious sects. Direction Methods Forms

262. Diagnostics questionnaire tests interviews survey self-report document analysis method Individual and group

263. Enlightenment lectures conversations consultations visual agitation meetings with competent people Individual and group

264. Preventive and psycho-corrective trainings elements of training during the lesson business and role-playing game modeling of problem situations group discussion training Individual and group

265. Measures to prevent the introduction of destructive religious sects into educational institutions and educational authorities

266. Ways to introduce destructive religious sects into the education system. Prevention measures1 2


268. The special course is designed for 30 hours: lectures 20 hours, seminars - 10 hours.

269. Curriculum and thematic plan of the course

270. Concept and essence of religion. Religious consciousness in the spiritual culture of modern society 2

271. Sect as a form of religious organization. Religious Law and Human Rights 2

272. Reasons for the revitalization of the activities of religious sects in the territory of the Russian Federation and the factors that determine their social danger 2

273. Prerequisites for involving youth in religious sects 2

274. Features of social control and psychological impact on a person in a religious sect 2

275. The consequences of being in a sect and the socio-pedagogical and psychological characteristics of a person exposed to specific methods of manipulating consciousness 2

276. Deviant behavior of adherents of religious sects as a legal, socio-pedagogical and psychological problem 2

277. Prevention of youth involvement in destructive religious organizations as a direction of activity of a social pedagogue 4

278. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of the readiness of future social teachers for preventive anti-sectarian work with youth 2

279. New religious organizations in the spiritual life in modern Russia 2

280. Freedom of religion and religious sects 2

281. Techniques and methods of involving youth in religious sects 2

282. Prevention of involvement of youth in destructive religious organizations in foreign science and practice 2

283. Deviant behavior of adherents of religious sects as a legal, socio-pedagogical and psychological problem 21. QUESTIONNAIRE

284. Are you familiar with the term "religious sect"? Give a definition.

285. What religious sects do you know? Name them.

286. How do you feel about their activities?

287. What are the motives for youth leaving for religious sects?

288. What are the consequences of a young man's being in a religious sect?

289. If a stranger comes up to you on the street and tries to start a conversation, you: continue the conversation, silently ignore, say something unpleasant.

290. If a stranger comes to your house and starts talking about something, you: keep up the conversation and give tea, let you into the apartment and talk, talk through the threshold, immediately close the door.

291. What do you like to do in your free time?

292. What is the scope of your interests, hobbies? Y. Do you go in for sports, in sports sections, dancing? 11. How do you rate your lifestyle in general? Quite healthy, not quite healthy, unhealthy)

293. What would you like to do in your free time, at your leisure?

294. What is your usual state of health?

295. What is your relationship with your parents?

296. Are you confident in your future?

297. Analysis of the results of the experimental part of the study

298. Are you familiar with the term "religious sect"? Give a definition.

299. What religious sects do you know? Name them.

Please note that the scientific texts presented above are posted for review and obtained through original dissertation text recognition (OCR). In this connection, they may contain errors related to the imperfection of recognition algorithms. There are no such errors in the PDF files of dissertations and abstracts that we deliver.

Based on the degree of involvement in religious sectarianism, pedagogical work with students is divided into: 1) general educational work with children; 2) for educational and correctional work with students at risk; 3) for rehabilitation work with students under the influence of religious sects.

In relation to young people who have already become adherents of any NRO, a social pedagogue, together with a psychologist, should organize rehabilitation work with a cultist, one of the main forms of which is counseling on leaving the sect with the involvement of family members.

Exit advice is the provision of information to a person about the principles and practices of restoring his social identity. The consultation involves respectful dialogue in an open environment, complemented by educational materials in the form of suitable literary, authentic source materials (primary sources), media reports and personal testimonies.

The main help can be provided by the well-planned work of the relatives and relatives of the adept and a specialist who helps both the family and the cultist himself. As a group, family, acquaintances, former members of the cult are used. Group mechanisms of influence on a person in a cult are quite appropriate to neutralize with similar group mechanisms of "non-destructive action." It must be taken into account that during the acquaintance with the cult, the recruit receives only one-sided information from the cult, and does not at all explore both points of view. The group is a kind of "pressure chamber" during the transition of a person from a cult to reality.

The features of exit counseling are:

significant role of preliminary information gathering;

active involvement of family and loved ones (but not family therapy!);

· "team" work of consultants;

duration and intensity;

· Emphasis on the provision of information as the sole purpose of counseling, i.e. on informing instead of psychotechnics;

participation of former cultists.

A correct understanding of the mind of the cultist and prioritization in his mind is the basis of success in removing a person from the cult.

To ensure the spiritual security of society and, above all, of young people, serious measures are needed to eliminate religious illiteracy of both administrative workers, teachers, psychologists, and the population (and, first of all, young people). A special role in solving this problem is assigned to pedagogical prevention.

Pedagogical prevention- this is a way of organizing the child's social environment, preventing involvement in its negative phenomena (drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, prostitution, religious sects, etc.), preventing the formation of dependent behavior and a negative impact on the harmonious development of the individual.

Pedagogical prevention of youth involvement in destructive religious sects is a set of social, educational and psychological measures aimed at identifying and eliminating the causes and factors of youth involvement in religious sects, at preventing the development and neutralizing the negative personal, pedagogical and social consequences of involvement in destructive religious sects.

The system for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects includes the following types of preventive work:

· primary prevention, the purpose of which is to prevent the involvement of young people in sects;

· secondary prevention, which prevents the development of negative consequences of psychological methods of influencing the personality of young people who have experience of dealing with sectarians;

· tertiary prevention, which is the socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of adherents with formed dependence on the sectarian environment.

Pedagogical prevention is a purposeful activity of a teacher, psychologist and social pedagogue in an educational institution, including a stable set of complementary activities: health and legal education; educational and explanatory activities; psychological-diagnostic activity and psycho-correction; organizational and methodological measures that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle for students; designing a personal development map. It is aimed at the formation of meaningful value orientations, positive self-esteem and a culture of behavior that enhances the autonomy of the individual, the development of critical thinking and the provision of psychological protection in situations of risk, as well as the development of skills to resist group pressure, constructive conflict resolution and healthy lifestyle skills in young people. of people.

The tasks of pedagogical prevention the involvement of young people in destructive religious sects are: the formation of a culture of behavior that contributes to the provision of psychological protection in risk situations; formation of meaningful life guidelines and positive self-esteem; activation of critical thinking; development of skills to resist group pressure, constructively resolve conflict situations; formation of healthy lifestyle skills; non-admission to the walls of educational institutions of missionaries preaching any religious ideas; identification of young people at risk, most susceptible to involvement in religious sects.

Pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the process of preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects are:

– identification of young people at risk of involvement in religious sects;

- carrying out systematic targeted anti-sectarian activities with young people and their parents;

- increasing the level of professional competence of teachers and scientific and methodological support for preventive activities;

- raising the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents in order to involve them in anti-sectarian education;

– implementation of a pedagogical model for preventing the involvement of young people in religious sects.

The effectiveness of preventive measures can be ensured only if the following components of the institution are mandatory included civil society: social institution of the state, mass media, family.

During its many-thousand-year history, in the field of social and legal regulation of social relations, namely the regulation of relations between the state and various religious and public organizations (associations, groups), humanity has gone from total control over them to the establishment of the principle of reasonable (up to certain limits) non-interference in the process of their emergence and development, thereby guaranteeing each person the observance of the right to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion.

The main stages in the development of state-confessional relations can be considered four periods:

Until the 1st century AD - ideological diversity, with the almost complete merging of secular power with religious institutions, or their active and significant joint impact on all processes taking place in society;

Starting from the 1st century AD. to the second half of XIX century - the suppression of any dissent that could compete with the dominant religious or secular ideology (most often the state, whose status was enshrined in law);

During the XX century - there was a transition from a mono-ideologized to a poly-ideologized system;

Currently, in most countries of the world, there is a legislative approval of ideological diversity.

The first two periods are characterized by cruel repressions, which were subjected to representatives of religious and secular organizations that did not share the ideas prevailing in society, or openly opposed themselves to society and the state, including representatives of science and art.

In 1951, the British Parliament was the last of the civilized states to repeal the laws against witchcraft adopted in the past centuries. Thus, the 500-year history of persecution of witches ended, with skill, and sectarians of all stripes took advantage with impunity for active anti-social, and often criminal activities.

As a result, the European Parliament, in its resolutions and decisions, had to admit that sects and "sect-like associations" have become an ever-expanding phenomenon "which can be observed in various forms all over the world" (p. C. European Parliament decision of February 12, 1996 ). The Decree of the European Parliament "On Sects in Europe" indicates that in sects "violate human rights and commit criminal acts, such as: cruel treatment of people, sexual harassment, incitement to violence ... arms and drug trafficking, illegal medical activities" and others .

In order to strengthen control over the observance of human rights in sects, the Resolution of the European Parliament "On sects in Europe" contains recommendations to member states, including:

1. courts and law enforcement agencies to effectively use the existing “at the national level legal acts and tools”, “to confront violations of fundamental rights for which sects are responsible”;

2. "strengthen the mutual exchange of information ... about the phenomenon of sectarianism";

3. Member States should check whether "their existing tax, criminal and judicial laws are sufficient to prevent such groups from committing illegal acts";

4. prevent "the possibility of sects obtaining state registration";

5. identify and use " best practices to limit the undesirable activities of sects.

The death in France of "16 people, including 3 children, on December 23, 1995 ... in Vercors" as a result of the activities of one of the sects, forced French legislators to take measures to restrict the freedom "to profess religion or belief ... for the protection public safety order, health and morality, as well as the fundamental rights and freedoms of others” - as recommended by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Article 18), and adopt an anti-sectarian law in 2001.

The French Interior Ministry has a special police unit to detect and suppress crimes committed in connection with the activities of sects.

Even in the United States, famous for its tolerance towards any sects (including Satanists), a department for cult-ritual crimes has been created in the National Department of Justice, and the manual developed by this department “Control of crimes based on cult-ritual soil: Legislative basis for investigation, Analysis and Prevention is used as a textbook by the US National Association of Police Inspectors.

In Russia, since the late 1980s, the proclaimed ideological diversity has led to sectarian orgy, in which sects banned in many countries of the world have received state registration and freely carry out their activities. Some researchers undertook to argue that the use of the concepts of "sect" and "sectarians" is incorrect, although in the legislation of Russia these concepts do not exist, reflecting their negative meaning. At the same time, publicists who dare to write on the topic of sectarian expansion in Russia began to be directly and unambiguously warned about the negative consequences of a negative review of the activities of sects.

Moreover, such threats are heard against the background of the continuing growth of crimes committed by adherents of sects (especially ritual crimes), the desire of sects to influence the socio-political life and economy of Russia, recruiting new members in state bodies and public organizations, which may lead to destabilization public life aggravation of the situation in the country. This situation requires the soonest clear legal regulation of the state's relations with religious, pseudo-religious and secular sects.

This process was initiated by the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” (1997), as well as by the Decree of the Government of Russia, which approved the target program “Formation of Attitudes of Tolerant Consciousness and Prevention of Extremism in Russian Society (2001-2005)”.

However, the problem of legal regulation of the activities of asocial sects remains unresolved in due measure. A retrospective analysis of the history of the Russian state's opposition to sectarianism shows that in Russia since ancient times, crimes in the religious sphere (in particular, against the church) were considered the most serious, the guilty in almost all cases were put to death (burning): this was already the case under Ivan III, under Ivan the Terrible , and in the era of Peter the Great.

Subsequently, the government also fought hard against crimes against faith, which not only encroached on the state religion and were expressed in the form of blasphemy, heresy and sacrilege, but also encroached on the rights and health of citizens. When committing a number of crimes against faith and religion in sects, they directly harmed the health of the adherents themselves, as, for example, during the “castration” in the sect of eunuchs (375 people were convicted and exiled to Siberia for this crime from 1822 to 1833).

In the Code of Criminal and Correctional Punishments of August 15, 1845 - Chapter 6 was called “On secret societies oh and forbidden gatherings. In accordance with Article 351, the responsibility of persons for providing a place for the meeting of "malicious societies" was singled out as an independent norm; property of secret societies according to Article 352 was subject to confiscation or destruction.

At the end of the 19th century in Russia, in the field of law enforcement theory and practice, the concept of “ritual crime” was formed: in 1844, an official at large of the Ministry of Internal Affairs V.I. Dahlem (authored " explanatory dictionary Russian language") was prepared and published "Search on the murder of Christian babies by Jews and the use of their blood" (13224 such facts were registered), in which he noted that "this savage rite not only does not belong to all Jews in general, but even, without no doubt known to very few. It exists only in the Hasidic or Hasidim sect."

It should be noted that the trials, during which cases of ritual crimes were considered, in most cases were of a political nature and ended in acquittals. For example, in 1892-1896, the case of the ritual murder of citizen Matyunin by eleven "votyaks" - the Udmurts of the Vyatka province was investigated, as a result of which the accused were acquitted after the intervention of "prominent liberal democratic figures and human rights activists". In 1903, in the case of the murder of a teenager Mikhail Rybalchenko, after examining the scene and medical examination of the corpse, a conclusion was made "about the staging of a ritual crime"; later it was found out that the killer (a relative of the victim) staged a ritual crime "in order to accuse the local Jewish community" .

In the Soviet period, trials also took place, during which cases of ritual crimes were considered: in 1935, the case of the ritual murders of about 60 adherents (by drowning in a river, a swamp and burning at the stake) in the Zyryanov sect under the leadership of their leader, Khristoforov, was investigated (Zyryanova).

The historical experience of Russia in the legal counteraction to sectarian extremism and manifestations of crime involving members of sects must be taken into account when developing a system of preventive measures aimed at preventing and suppressing such negative phenomena in modern public life. At present, many members of the public, who are aware of the danger posed by the activities of various destructive organizations, directly declare the need to strengthen legal opposition development of sectarian extremism in any of its manifestations.

In particular, the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District G.S. Poltavchenko, speaking at the scientific-practical conference “The State and Religious Associations” on January 25, 2002, expressed the following opinion: “The activities of a number of new religious movements ... cannot be qualified otherwise than extremist ... it is necessary to limit the spread of destructive pseudo-religious organizations .... To counter religious extremism, it is necessary to develop the legislative framework…”.

Supported by the representative of the executive power MP State Duma, Chairman of the Committee for Public Associations and Religious Organizations of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation V.I. Zorkaltsev: “The country has been flooded with all sorts of pseudo-religious organizations, occult-mystical groups… the time has come to create a number of additional regulations that would make it possible to enrich the legislation in this area.”

It seems to us that this system of normative acts, which counteracts the spread of sects, should establish a clear procedure for their registration based on a preliminary study of their ideology and type of orientation, systematic public and state control over the activities of sects, and submission of relevant documentation on sources of funding and the number of adherents. Legal regulation also requires the activities of sects using various covers, including in the form of pseudo-scientific institutions. Similar institutions have been established and are operating in a number of foreign countries. For example, “the Maharishi University arose in the USA, the activity of which bears very little resemblance to science” .

Similar trends are also observed in Russia, which undoubtedly worries the scientific community: in 2002, “... Academicians E. Aleksandrov, V. Ginzburg, E. Kruglyakov sent a letter to the President of Russia V.V. Putin. This letter draws the attention of the President to the dangerous growth of the influence of pseudoscience in the country. Pseudo-scientific ideas form the basis or are part of the teachings of most modern sects, which causes concern not only among individual representatives of Russian science, but also among the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which, by resolution No. 58-A, adopted the appeal “Do not pass by!”. In particular, it says: “At present, pseudoscience is widely ... promoted in our country: astrology, shamanism, occultism, etc. ... Pseudoscience seeks to penetrate into all sectors of society ... These irrational and basically immoral tendencies undoubtedly pose a serious threat for the normal spiritual development of the nation ... ".

The Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation, in its information materials, directly points to the danger of sects in society: “Many sects use methods to influence the human psyche”, the use of large doses of “psychotropic drugs against their members allows ... leaders to achieve irreversible zombieization of the personality of adherents, turn them into blind fanatical executors" of someone else's will.

Life itself forces us to resolve the issue of strengthening the legal prevention of anti-social activities of sects. In this regard, it is necessary to recall the historical experience of Russia, when back in 1876 a special normative act was issued - the "Code of Charters on the Prevention and Suppression of Crimes", which, in particular, contained chapters aimed at combating obscene, seductive gatherings. 320 articles of this code contained a system of measures and norms of substantive, procedural, executive law, interaction of law enforcement services with local secular authorities, religious hierarchs, cultural and educational centers, zemstvo associations of citizens.

Of exceptional importance from this point of view is the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of November 23, 1999 No. 16-P “On the case of checking the constitutionality of paragraphs three and four of paragraph 3 of Article 27 of the Federal Law of September 26, 1997 “On freedom of conscience and on religious associations ” in connection with the complaints of the Religious Society of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Yaroslavl and the religious association “Christian Church of Glorification”. This resolution put an end to the debate about the appropriateness and possibility of using the term "sect", directly indicating that it is necessary "to prevent the legalization of sects." The resolution also emphasizes that "The legislator has the right to establish ... certain restrictions affecting constitutional rights, but justified and proportionate to constitutionally significant goals ...".

Based on the said Resolution of the Constitutional Court, it is necessary to develop a systemic set of legal provisions regulating the activities of sects - this dangerous phenomenon of modern social life.

First of all, in modern Russian legislation it is necessary to formulate and evaluate such concepts as "sect", "anti-social ideology", "anti-social religion", "ritual crime", "methods of suppressing the personality and manipulating the personality", "control and deformation of consciousness" , despite the fact that in the legislation of most countries of the world these concepts are absent. But as rightly called A.F. Koni: “We will not imitate the West in everything and, where possible, we will go our own, better way.”

The identification of crimes committed in connection with the creation and activities of religious, pseudo-religious, secular sects and the consolidation of the relevant provisions in the legislative acts of the Russian Federation will be carried out not only law enforcement function, but also informational, because if you are warned, then you are armed.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation should point to the special state role of the main religions, primarily the Russian Orthodox Church.

The Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation should explicitly state that the development of sectarianism, along with other socially dangerous phenomena, poses a real threat to the national security of our country.

There is already a precedent for introducing such a provision into federal legislation: the Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation notes (Article 6, Chapter 2) that: “The following threats to the information security of the Russian Federation pose the greatest danger in the sphere of spiritual life: ... health and life of citizens as a result of the activities of ... totalitarian religious sects. The same document emphasizes that “The main directions of ensuring the information security of the Russian Federation in the sphere of spiritual life are: ... the development of special legal and organizational mechanisms to prevent illegal information and psychological influences on the mass consciousness of society ...; counteracting the negative influence of foreign religious organizations and missionaries". These provisions, of course, must also be supplemented with an indication of the danger emanating from the actions of pseudo-religious and secular sects, as well as the propaganda of pseudo-religious and secular teachings by various foreign preachers.

Undoubtedly, the criminal legislation of Russia also requires changes and additions, which at the moment do not qualify as a special type of crime - crimes related to cult and ritual actions, and therefore do not provide for liability for their commission or preparation for them - “there is no crime without specifying about that in the law. The application of criminal law by analogy in Russian criminal law is not allowed, which allows sectarians in many cases to harm the physical, mental and spiritual health of citizens with impunity.

In order to improve criminal legislation and prevent the development of social dangerous forms sectarianism in Russia, the following additions should be made to certain articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Ritual crimes are a special type of crimes, the motive for committing which is the performance of a religious, pseudo-religious or secular cult, a certain rite, ritual, most often associated with the activities of a religious, pseudo-religious, secular sect, that is, an organization that has a secret teaching in which methods of control and deformation of consciousness in order to manipulate the personality.

In paragraph "e" of Article 63 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Circumstances aggravating punishment" should be added after the words "commission of a crime" - "by members of a religious, pseudo-religious, secular sect."

Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Murder” can be supplemented with the concept: “ritual murder”.

Ritual murder of a person is an act that entailed death, committed through physical and mental influences during the administration or for the administration of a religious or secular cult, rite, ritual.

A separate article should provide for liability “for inducing and refusing to provide medical care for religious reasons, as well as receiving medical care in connection with the fulfillment of the requirements of religious or secular teachings, the performance of cult and ritual actions. Responsibility for such acts is partially already provided for by the legislators of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic: paragraphs 1, 2 of Article 9 of Chapter 3 of the Law of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic "On the prohibition of extremist religious activities and administrative liability for offenses related to the implementation of religious activities" dated June 1, 2001.

From the same law, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation should borrow an article for “physical or mental coercion, inducement of followers of religious or secular teachings to alienate property belonging to them or their families in favor of a religious or secular organization”, as well as responsibility for “preventing the exit from a religious or secular organization”. or secular organization.

In a separate article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, it is advisable to provide for liability for advertising anti-social teachings, in particular, advertising of Satanism, fascism, occultism, black magic and witchcraft.

In order to suppress the socially dangerous activities of sects in society, Article 239 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Organizing an association that infringes on the personality and rights of citizens” should expressly prohibit “the creation of a religious, pseudo-religious, secular sect, that is, an organization whose secret teaching is opposite to that officially propagated, to members methods of suppressing and manipulating a person (control and deformation of consciousness) are used” and provide for responsibility “for the creation and leadership of a religious, pseudo-religious, secular sect.”

Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Inciting hatred or enmity, as well as the humiliation of human dignity” should be supplemented, after the words “Actions aimed at inciting hatred or enmity ...” with the following provision - “propaganda of anti-social secular and religious teachings, ideologies, in particular, fascism, Satanism, the occult and magic.

Hidden from society, the secret life of sects, the criminal manifestations of sextants require increased attention from the subjects of operational-search activity. Identification, prevention, suppression and disclosure of crimes committed by members of these sects should become important direction official activities of operational apparatuses, which should be reflected in departmental regulations, educational and methodical and other documentation. In the prevention and suppression of criminal manifestations on the part of sect members, it is necessary to use the capabilities of the operational apparatus of special services, including internal affairs bodies, and correctional institutions. Preventive work in the line of counteracting the anti-social activities of sects should include the study of the personality of sectarians under operational and preventive supervision, taking measures to disunite sect adherents prone to commit crimes, using emerging conflict situations among sectarians, initiating such situations, undermining the sources of funding at their disposal. these associations.

The intensification of work along this line requires the widespread use of the entire complex of operational-search measures provided for in Art. 6 of the Federal Law "On operational-search activity". Here especially importance acquires the implementation of such operational-search measures as operational implementation, which allows "from the inside" to identify the criminal intentions of sectarians, to take comprehensive measures to prevent them. In this category of cases, it is also important to rely on the assistance of citizens to the bodies carrying out operational-search activities.

Documenting the criminal activities of sectarians is, as practice has shown, an increased complexity. The use of the possibility of an arsenal of operational equipment, information retrieval systems makes it possible to increase the level of use in the fight against adherents of sects who commit crimes, forces, means and methods of ORD. The new Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation should be supplemented with norms that determine the possibility of using the results of operational-search activities in criminal proceedings, including in cases of crimes committed by members of sects.

Due to the fact that the environment of convicts (that is, persons with a deviant-destructive, delinquent orientation) is favorable for the promotion of anti-social teachings and the activities of sects, the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, in particular, Article 14 “Ensuring freedom of conscience and freedom of religion for convicts should be supplemented in part 1 after the words “They have the right to profess any” to indicate “social (socially approved)” before the words “religion or not to profess any ...”.

It should be especially noted in the legislation that the leaders of religious, pseudo-religious, secular sects, despite the proclaimed official goals, in most cases seek to obtain the maximum material benefit from their activities, resorting to any means and methods. Many sects try to prove through the courts (and in many cases prove, as, for example, "Scientologists") that their teaching is new religion demanding benefits from the state in the implementation of their activities. In Russia, not only groups and associations, but also individual citizens are engaged in the creation of new religions (for example, a certain doctor Yuri Negribetsky since 1994 has been reviving the so-called ancient religion “The Matrix, which people of previous civilizations professed”).

These facts prove the need to create an “Interdepartmental Expert Council for State Religious Expertise” instead of an “Expert Council for State Religious Expertise under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation”. The current council under the Ministry of Justice includes representatives of even non-state institutions, but there is not a single representative of departmental science - the Prosecutor's Office, the Federal Security Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and, most surprisingly, the Ministry of Justice itself. The creation of the Interdepartmental Council would make it possible to avoid the mistakes that the existing council makes, recognizing the right of sects banned in many countries (in particular, the Unification Church in Germany), to legally operate on the territory of Russia.

Additions are also needed in the tax legislation, which will allow to some extent deprive (which is very important) of the economic base of religious, pseudo-religious and secular sects.

The legal framework is the basis for preventing the emergence and activities of religious, pseudo-religious, secular sects in society. But prevention itself should be a set of measures aimed at creating conditions in society under which the development of the phenomenon of sectarianism could not proceed unhindered without the control of state bodies and the public.

Society should develop an objective attitude towards adherents of asocial sects as people whose physical, mental and spiritual health has been harmed, and therefore they require increased attention, legal and other assistance. It is impossible to ignore these persons, because communication with them, as well as "communication with the insane" in some cases leads to the fact that "many people lose their minds or become seriously mentally ill on religious grounds" .

A legislative act is also needed that would prohibit civil servants from membership in non-traditional religious organizations (new religious movements), which are often various kinds of sects. In the case of their participation in the activities of such an organization (sect), the citizen must be deprived of the powers that the state has endowed him with.

Many human rights defenders in this case may point to the infringement of the right to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, but it should be borne in mind that a citizen endowed with additional rights (such as law enforcement officers who, among other things, have the right to carry and use firearms and special funds), must have and additional responsibilities, since the health, and sometimes the life of Russian citizens, depends on their daily activities.

It is advisable to adopt the State Program for the Scientific Study of Problems Related to the Activities of Sects, and, in particular, the study of methods of deprogramming and psychological rehabilitation of persons subjected to mental violence, against whom methods of control and deformation of consciousness were applied. This problem is relevant not only in connection with the danger of the spread of religious, pseudo-religious, secular sects, but also because these methods are used in their activities that threaten the national security of Russia, special services of foreign states.

At the moment, the study of the phenomenon of sectarianism is mainly carried out by representatives of traditional religious denominations for Russia, in particular, the Russian Orthodox Church: the Orthodox St. Tikhon Theological Institute has a department of "Sectology", which conducts very successful research. But, as practice shows, in Russia, as in a secular state, only developments created by secular scientists are used and applied.

The state represented by its bodies (mainly law enforcement) and public and religious organizations can and should actively cooperate in the prevention of socially dangerous forms of sectarianism.

Law enforcement officials for effective work in the field of prevention and investigation of cult and ritual crimes, appropriate methodological developments and recommendations.

In higher educational institutions, especially those who train personnel for law enforcement agencies, it is advisable to teach at least a special course on the history of the development of sectarianism and the activities of the most dangerous religious, pseudo-religious, secular sects.

Anti-sectarian committees, rehabilitation centers, created mainly on the initiative of representatives of relatives of adherents of sects and representatives of traditional religious organizations (the Center of St.

For more successful prevention of sectarianism (and, therefore, crime in general), both in the penitentiary system and in the whole society, it would be necessary to carry out:

Making additions and changes to the existing international legal norms and legislative acts of the Russian Federation; creation of new criminal law norms, development of drafts of new laws;

Creation of "new bodies ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state" (in particular, such a body as the Interdepartmental Committee or commissions to counter the socially dangerous activities of religious, pseudo-religious, secular sects);

Delimitation of powers and organization of coordinated actions (as in coordinating the fight against crime) of state bodies and the public (it is very important that “each prevention subject ... does not replace other bodies, avoids parallelism and duplication”).

The activities of religious, pseudo-religious, secular sects mainly affect the spiritual sphere, both world and Russian society (affecting negatively the processes in this area). Prevention of antisocial (criminal) forms of sectarianism is part of the state system for the general prevention of crime and includes measures to improve not only the economic, social, political, but also the spiritual sphere of society.

In order to combat sectarianism at the international level, Russia could take the initiative to create an "International Center for the Study and Prevention of Socially Dangerous Forms of Sectarianism." The international center would cooperate in the field of:

Exchange of information between relevant organizations on the prevention of religious, pseudo-religious, secular sectarianism;

Conducting a comparative analysis and collecting information on the development of the international sectarian movement, the reasons for its emergence, the connection of this process with the development of organized crime and instability in the socio-economic sphere;

Strengthening scientific and technical cooperation (exchange of scientific developments in the field of deprogramming of adherents of sects; creation of a single database containing information on the activities of religious, pseudo-religious, secular sects and socio-legal methods of preventing the development of sectarianism, organizing the work of law enforcement agencies in this area);

Assistance in the training of specialists in cult-ritual crimes; creation of Interdepartmental centers of interaction on the study and prevention of religious, pseudo-religious, secular sectarianism in each country.

The efforts of states to counteract the spread of sectarianism must be of a joint and planned nature. This is also relevant because in recent years there has been active cooperation and even unification of religious, pseudo-religious, secular sects with criminal organizations, including terrorist ones, all over the world.

Collection output:


Mukhina Tatyana Konstantinovna

cand. ped. Sci., Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Pedagogy and Psychology, Institute for the Humanities, Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs, Russian Federation, Vladimir


Tatyana Muhina

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of Social Pedagogy and Psychology Chair, Humanities Institute of Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Russia, Vladimir


The reasons for the involvement of children and youth in destructive religious sects are divided into social, socio-psychological, pedagogical and personal. The root cause is the desocializing influence of the family and the loss of parental authority. A prerequisite for anti-sectarian education is to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in matters of preventing the involvement of children in sects. The use of various forms of work allows you to deepen the knowledge of parents about religious sectarianism and form the skills of constructive interaction in the family.


The reasons of the children and youth’s involvement into the destructive religious sects are divided into social, socio-psychological, pedagogical and personal. The prime cause is decentralizing influence of the family and the loss of parental authority. The compulsory condition of anti-sectarian education is to improve the psycho-pedagogical competence of parents in preventing the involvement of children into the sects. The use of various forms of work allows deepening knowledge of parents about the religious sectarianism and developing skills of constructive interaction in the family.

Keywords: reasons for the involvement of children and youth in religious sects; family education; family at risk; forms of anti-sectarian education.

keywords: reasons of the children and youth "s involvement into sects; family education; at-risk family; forms of anti-sectarian education.

A distinctive feature of modern non-traditional religious organizations is not so much their qualitative (the specifics of the dogma) and quantitative indicators (the number of followers), but their destructive content and orientation.

Researchers of various aspects of religious sectarianism (D.K. Ross, M.D. Langon, D.M. Ugrinovich, V. Bataev, A.M. Antonyan, A.A. Skorodumov and others) do not agree on the reasons for hitting into sects.

Our attempt to explain this phenomenon made it possible to single out three blocks of causes. The first block consists of such social causes as socio-economic and political instability, social inequality, devaluation of moral values ​​and norms of behavior. The second block is the causes of a socio-psychological and pedagogical nature (the crisis of state institutions of education, disharmony of intra-family relations, the negative influence of society). The third block includes personal causes (pathocharacterological features of the personality, deformation of value and meaning-of-life guidelines, non-critical thinking).

The popularity of destructive religious organizations among the younger generation is associated with socio-economic instability and lack of prospects, worldview crisis and insolvency. family education which is expressed, first of all, in the loss of authority by parents.

One of the most effective institutions in the system of social control of the destructive activity of new religious organizations is the family. According to the UN Declaration (1981) on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion and Faith, states: “Every child shall enjoy the right to have access to education in the field of religion or faith in accordance with the wishes of his parents.” The role of the family is due to the fact that it is the first agent of socialization, the environment in which the worldview attitudes of a young person are formed. Not only the further participation of children and youth in religious life, but also various destructive religious organizations depend on religious education in the family.

The modern family, as an institution of socialization, is undergoing significant changes, but even today the upbringing of a child depends on family relations, moral atmosphere, influences from parents, which form a complex of conditions for the formation of a child's personality. A system of education should be created in the family that ensures the preservation and strengthening of physical, mental and moral health, while in their activities parents should be guided by the norms and values ​​accepted in society.

In general, each functionally insolvent family that cannot cope with the tasks of upbringing can be characterized by several risk factors at once, which negatively affect the upbringing of children. Therefore, according to the nature of the prevailing, dominant adverse effects exerted by the family as an institution of socialization on the personality of the child, families with the so-called direct and indirect desocializing influence can be distinguished. In families with direct desocializing influence, patterns of asocial behavior and antisocial orientation are directly demonstrated. Families with an indirect desocializing influence lead a healthy lifestyle and are positively socially oriented, but due to various socio-psychological and psychological-pedagogical difficulties of an internal nature, they have lost their influence on children, are not able to perform the socializing functions of transferring social experience and raising children.

In our opinion, it is precisely the unhealthy family environment, moral neglect and the low level of general culture in the family that are the root cause of young people leaving for religious sects.

The central mental neoplasm of adolescence and youthful age is the "sense of adulthood", which is expressed in the desire to assert one's independence and individuality, independently choose a reference group, in the maximalism of judgments. The complex process of the formation of self-awareness is accompanied, on the one hand, by protest against the didact of adults, disregard for the advice of elders, and, on the other hand, by increased suggestibility and conformism. As a result of this, a confrontation arises between parents and children, the way out of which can be the creation of their own micro-society by young people, where connections with peers are updated, or the search for another significant adult. Often, parents do not perceive their grown-up child in all the variety of his needs and opportunities as an independent person capable of social activity, thereby alienating him from socially significant and approved activities. Unsatisfied desire to solve specific social problems leads the young person to search for alternative options that can resist socially approved activities. The protest can be expressed in various external forms (shocking hairstyles and clothes, slang and others), as well as in the form of belonging to a certain group (informal, fascist, religious organizations). Modern religious sects are attractive to young people, as they create the illusion of understanding, accepting a person as he is, a family with a strong patron. Social inertia and apathy, disorganization of free time, the influence of older followers of religious sects, deindividualization of the personality of a young person, leading to conformism, also contribute to the involvement of young people in destructive religious sects.

Our study among high school students and first-year students showed that only 58% of respondents are brought up in complete families. Answering the question “Are your parents authorities for you”, 30% indicated “mother”, 3% - “father”, 58% - “both parents”, and 9% noted that none of the parents is an authority for them. Only 40% of respondents turn to their parents for advice (among them 76% consult their mother and 24% their father), 45% turn to a friend (girlfriend), 9% to another adult, and 6% do not consult with anyone. For 21% of students, none of the parents is a role model.

The data obtained allow us to conclude that in the context of dynamic social changes, the traditions of Russian family education are constantly weakening. The high level of family breakdown, the loss of meaningful life values, the shifting of educational functions to other agents of socialization (kindergarten and school) leads to the fact that family education, including religious education, is carried out unconsciously, spontaneously and irresponsibly. It is no coincidence that the majority of adherents of religious sects are young people from dysfunctional families.

The widespread and destructive influence of religious sects on children and youth necessitates the development and implementation of preventive programs aimed at preventing the younger generation from being involved in sects.

One of the principles for the implementation of preventive programs is the recognition of the family as the leading institution for the socialization of children and adolescents, the implementation of special measures of socio-legal, socio-pedagogical and medical and psychological assistance to the family and, first of all, to families that cannot cope with the tasks of education on their own.

In order to implement anti-sectarian education, the psychological object of which is the orientation of the individual, the system of its value relations to natural and social reality, to man, to himself and his place in the world, his need-motivational sphere, assessments, feelings, behavior, it is necessary to improve the psychological - pedagogical competence of parents.

Coordination of the efforts of teachers and parents is aimed at solving the following tasks: to promote the involvement of parents in the problem of involving children and youth in religious sects; identify the features of the relationship between parents and children; to promote the creation in families of favorable conditions for the development of the personality of the child.

Educational events should highlight the essence of religious sectarianism, the detrimental effect of religious sects on the development of young people, focus on the social and psycho-physiological consequences of involving young people in such organizations; help acquire skills effective behavior in the family, to realize their own family and social resources to overcome family problems. In the course of these activities, parents who need pedagogical, medical-psychological, socio-psychological, psychotherapeutic, narcological and other types of assistance are identified.

The following forms of work are most successfully used in practice:

· forms of coordination of educational efforts in preventive care (parent associations on family education, lectures, round tables, workshops, parent universities, conferences, school for parents);

forms of individual cooperation in the field of prevention (conversations, meetings, home visits, testing, questioning, consultations);

forms of mass cooperation in prevention (school, classroom and extracurricular activities, "lights", concerts, meetings, actions, projects, trips, trips);

· forms of assistance and support to families in need of anti-sectarian prevention (mutual aid societies, parent teams, operational teams of specialists, raids, visits and patronage of students' families);

forms of ensuring parental control over the implementation of preventive activities (parental committees, meetings, councils, commissions);

Interactive preventive forms of interaction (Sunday parent clubs, social and psychological trainings, business and role-playing games, joint creative activities);

· Correspondence forms of communication on the problems of anti-sectarian prevention (recommendations, advice, memos).

The family, in close interaction with educational institutions, the public, government and law enforcement agencies, has a unique opportunity to form in the future generation a culture of behavior adequate to social norms, healthy lifestyle skills, learning to perceive competently and adequately respond to various, including negative, social phenomena.


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