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Primary prevention of drug addiction is closely related to the spiritual and moral education of children and youth. It sounds a little official, so in our article we will tell plain language about how teaching a child ethical relationships, the ability to see high goals in life will save him from harmful addictions in the future.

Why do we need drug prevention?

The problem of narcotization of the population of our country actively declared itself in the first years of this century, and so far it has not been resolved in our society. A few years ago, we could afford to turn a blind eye to it, being sure that it concerns only asocial, criminal personalities or, on the contrary, the “golden youth”, to which the bulk of the Russian population does not belong. Today, the problem has knocked on the door of many families, the availability of drugs has become simply amazing. To smoke spice, the money that parents give their child for school breakfast is enough. In order to get it, you only need a mobile phone with Internet access, now every schoolchild has one.

Obviously, in such a situation, it becomes impossible to turn a blind eye to the problem of drug use and its prevention. This is not only a medical problem affecting a narrow circle of specialists, but a socially significant disease that the whole society is called upon to fight. This is a question that concerns the entire world community and each person individually. And it looks like people really got into the idea. Prevention and treatment of drug addiction are discussed at the UN Assemblies, around the world, and in our country in particular, a a large number of social initiatives that deal with the prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, socialization of drug addicts.

The problem of combating drug addiction is solved by the entire society as a whole, pooling its resources: legislative, scientific, technical, and so on. Prevention is carried out by individual specialists of narcological clinics and centers as a voluntary public work.

Drug addiction as a political and social problem

If in the country, in Russia, almost ninety thousand people become drug addicts a year, of which up to 70% are children and adolescents, the problem of drug addiction can be safely called a national one. And as such, it must be decided on state level. This is the creation of an appropriate legislative framework relating to punishments for the distribution of drugs, this is the creation of uniform standards governing the activities of drug treatment clinics and rehabilitation centers, and finally, this is the organization of drug prevention on a national scale.

On the other hand, drug addiction is a social problem, which indicates that there are no real values ​​in society, people lack stable moral principles, and there are no harmonious and healthy relationships. It is also clear that propaganda is needed healthy lifestyle. Of course, we, the inhabitants of Russia, have reasons for social problems. Few people have gone through such a string of upheavals and crises over the past hundred years as Russian people. And this is another reason to be more attentive to ourselves, to each other, to seek, find and change those traumatic experiences that now prevent us from living happily and in abundance.

Drug addiction, like a litmus test, shows all the pains of society, but is itself a great pain. Thousands of children and teenagers, men and women in their prime, die from drugs. This should not leave others indifferent.

Types of prevention and treatment of drug addiction

Drug addiction is a problem that has existed for a long time, so the scientific medical community and social services working with drug addicts have developed a fairly extensive methodology for both prevention and treatment, rehabilitation of drug addiction.

There are three types of drug addiction prevention:

  1. Primary drug prevention refers to measures to prevent the use of drugs by children and adolescents, as well as by adults who have never used them.
  2. Secondary prevention is addressed to those who use drugs occasionally or who are at risk.
  3. Tertiary prevention of drug addiction is actually the prevention of relapse of the disease in those who have suffered from addiction, are undergoing treatment and rehabilitation.

secondary and tertiary prevention in this article we will not consider, but we will talk in more detail about the primary.

Primary prevention of drug addiction

Primary prevention of drug addiction is divided into several areas:

  • Radical primary prevention of drug addiction is aimed at changing the living conditions of the population. This is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, sports, educational activities about the consequences of the disease. In other words, in this case, the work is aimed at gradually changing the entire socio-cultural atmosphere.
  • Prohibitive primary prevention is a set of measures to control and prohibit drug use.
  • Early primary prevention is the identification of the very first cases of drug use, when dependence has not yet formed, and the adoption of measures to prevent the development of drug addiction.

In matters of prevention, everything is as old as the world, in fact, it offers a method of carrot and stick. The only question is how to make the appearance of the gingerbread really attractive, and the whip - effective. To summarize, preventive measures can be divided into a system of punishments and prohibitions, which is represented primarily by law enforcement agencies and legislation. This also includes measures of narcological accounting, although they have recently caused an ambivalent attitude of society. Prevention is the truth about drug addiction, about its features, about the deplorable results of drug use.

On the other hand, this is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the reorientation of social values, these are measures to form a negative attitude towards drug addiction.

Primary prevention activities are created mainly for children and young people. It is important that the prevention of drug addiction affects the family where the child is brought up. After all, many addictions have their roots precisely in family relationships, values ​​and traditions of this particular family.

Drug Prevention Programs

Preventive work is carried out in various forms. It can be whole educational programs, individual classes, periodic lectures prepared specifically for a particular team, class, group of students. In the normal case, these programs should take into account the age, cultural characteristics of the audience, the type of educational institution. Well, if the program is long-term.

Today, such programs are developed by specialists from scientific centers, clinical psychologists, independently or on the basis of specialized institutes, and specialists in social initiatives. A whole team of specialists usually works on large federal programs: psychiatrists, narcologists, psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, addictologists.

The modern concept of primary prevention of drug addiction

If we talk about the concept of drug addiction prevention, then it is based on the fact that it is at the center of the personality. This personality manifests itself in three main areas in the course of its life activity. The immediate sphere is the family, a little further there is an educational institution (we are talking about children and adolescents), and on the periphery - leisure, hobbies, entertainment.

Prevention specialists are based on the fact that every person has a natural inner need for health, in the absence of pain and suffering. And this need to be healthy must be developed from early childhood.

A person has natural needs:

  • Basic needs for water, food, protection (warmth, shelter, clothing).
  • Social needs in the form of communication, friendship, love, that is, relationships.
  • Spiritual needs, which are expressed in the desire to give to others.

If a person does not have psychological problems, he has a developed desire to be healthy and he knows how to satisfy these three needs in adequate ways, then he does not need drugs.

On the basic level drugs do not satisfy needs, on the contrary, their use is harmful to health and deprives a person of the resources to acquire what he needs. On a social level, we need family, friends, a hobby, a quality vacation to make us feel fulfilled. Drugs here also do not help matters, but only destroy relationships. At the soul level, a person has natural need to give, which drug addiction is fundamentally contrary to.

It turns out that drugs come into a person's life when he cannot or does not want to satisfy his needs in a natural way. In fact, addiction is a way to forget the suffering that brings unmet physical, socio-emotional and spiritual needs.

Drug addiction has a history that goes back centuries, but drugs have never been as widespread as they are today. What is it connected with? The consumer attitude to life and the spiritual emptiness of adolescents and young people lead to the fact that they do not know how to enjoy life in a natural way. Surprising indifference to one's own fate, to the feelings of others, the lack of meaning in life - these are the true reasons that lead to the path of drug addiction and other addictions.

Modern man (for the most part) does not want to waste time on others, to give, to take part in social life. Indifference to the problems of society, conviction in the futility of such activity cause the development of personal egoism, a dependent attitude to life. Society ceases to be humane, people become weak-willed and apathetic, soulless. From this state it is already half a step to crime and drug use.

Value orientation of children and adolescents

As you can see, the problem of drug prevention is much deeper than just saying that drugs are bad and harmful. This is a matter of real reorientation, restoration or education of a value system, where drugs simply will not have a place in a person's life.

Educational lectures and preventive measures have their place, they are an important part of the prevention system, but the most important thing is to create such an educational space for children and adolescents where they could nourish their inner world right values. It must be remembered that drug addiction is a disease not only of the body, but also of the soul. Therefore, it is simply impossible to bypass the issue of spiritual and moral education in a conversation about the prevention of drug addiction in children and adolescents.

Today, the system of education in kindergartens and schools is aimed at something completely different: intellectual, physical, partly emotional development children. At the same time, the issue of personal, moral, spiritual development, as a rule, is hardly touched upon. Love, rationality, responsibility, empathy for another, fidelity and many other concepts necessary for the harmonious development of a person are sometimes not even mentioned.

This is how an adult appears, physically and intellectually developed, less often emotionally developed, and having a large wormhole inside. Because the core of the personality, its spiritual and moral side has not been formed. Can such a person be kind, compassionate, have a meaningful attitude towards life and trials? Or, at the first difficulties, will he find a “crooked path” - will he decide to escape from the complexities of life into narcotic dreams?


To summarize our short conversation about primary prevention of drug addiction, we can highlight a number of important points. Recall that such prevention is aimed at preventing the onset of drug use and mainly works with children and adolescents. What is needed to be effective:

  • Assistance on a national scale: legislative acts, state projects for the prevention of drug addiction.
  • Development methodological base, prevention programs and training of specialists who could professionally implement them in practice.
  • Creation and promotion of family values ​​and a healthy lifestyle.
  • Emphasis in educational programs on the development of spiritual and moral qualities of the personality of a child and adolescent.

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On the topic:Preventiondrug addiction among teenagers



1. Causes of addiction: social and biological

2. Drug addiction - a disease or vice?

3. Who uses drugs




Society is in dire danger these days. That danger is addiction. She lies in wait for us in every yard, in every entrance. Today, drugs are freely sold in schools and discos.

Today the children are leaving real world into the world of illusions. Tomorrow they will leave the real world forever. The body of a young person, on average, can withstand drug use for no more than 7 years. Children's body is much smaller. Average duration the life of a drug addict is 25 years... Already today there is a real danger of drug penetration into the army and other law enforcement agencies, which can pose a serious threat to the country's defense capability. Although, in my opinion, human life should be put at the forefront, and only then defense capability, trade turnover, and so on. The rapid growth of drug addiction, alcoholism among children and adolescents affects the health of the nation. The level of culture is falling - will drug addict children admire Bach and Mozart? Drug addiction and alcohol, which gradually kill not only nerve cells, liver and heart - killing a person, which is no less scary ... People who have encountered drug addicts, as a rule, consider them shameless egoists, geeks who are ready for anything for the sake of drugs. This is so and not so. The disease causes the addict to do terrible things, but it does not mean that he does not suffer from it.

1. Preasons for sleepingcompanies

The rapid growth of drug addiction over the past few years testifies not only to social ill-being, but also to the fact that society and the state were unable to resist this phenomenon. Currently, there is a clearly insufficient number of institutions that are closely involved in organizing leisure activities and solving problems specific to the youth environment. Teenagers are more often left to their own devices, there is no time to raise them either at school or at home, as a result of which the younger generation is looking for ways of self-realization in street companies, an indispensable attribute of which is alcohol and drugs. Biological causes of drug addiction.

To date, there are at least a dozen main theories about the causes of drug addiction.

The very first were degenerative theories: drug addiction is a vice inherent in degenerate personalities. In the late 19th and early 20th century, it was fashionable among psychiatrists and other physicians to associate various diseases with the deterioration of heredity in families from generation to generation. Dutch psychiatrists argue that a predisposition to drug addiction may arise as a result of mental stress. Akin to biological is the "psychiatric" theory, especially widespread in Russia, its essence lies in the fact that only people who already have some kind of mental illness, such as schizophrenia, get sick with drug addiction.

The next group of theories can be classified as socio-psychological. Epidemic theories say that addiction to drugs, spreading from person to person like an infectious process, easily arises in a socially unstable environment if a drug gets there, a typical example is heroin addiction among young people, here drugs are something of a fashion.

2. Drug addiction - a disease or a vice?

Addiction is not a disease in the usual sense of the word. But this is not just a vice from among those that are inherent in healthy people. Drug addiction is a total defeat of the personality, in most cases accompanied by complications from physical health.

A person who follows the path of a drug addict constantly destroys his best moral qualities, becomes mentally not quite normal, loses friends, family, cannot acquire a profession or forgets the one he used to have, remains without work, brings an abyss of misfortune to himself and others, and, finally , slowly destroys his body.

Another feature of drug addiction is that, as a pathological condition, it is largely irreversible, and the negative changes that have occurred in a person’s soul as a result of drug abuse remain with him forever.

Drug addiction is like mutilation. The worst thing about it is that drug addicts realize too late that they are not just “indulging in drugs”, but can no longer live without them. Sometimes addiction develops after six months or even a year, more often after 2-3 months, but often a person becomes addicted after the first injection.

The average life expectancy of a person who takes drugs is approximately 7-10 years of continuous abuse. But there are those who die because of them 6-8 months after the start of regular intake.

3. Who is taking drugs?

It is wrong to think that drugs are used only by members of the so-called "risk groups". Most parents are sure that their children will never use drugs, but it is such a subtle and complex thing that even many well-bred children fall into a strong circle of drug addiction.

Statistics show that 90% of drug users are under the age of 25. And this means that the monster destroys mainly the power of youth, the most creative, creative, productive period of life.

Young people who are most likely to use drugs are stressed or lonely.

4. Anti-drug practice

The main tasks in the field of prevention of drug and alcohol addiction are:

Formation of adequate self-esteem in adolescents and young people;

Development of communication skills and assertive behavior, including resistance to peer pressure;

Adapting to changing conditions and developing social flexibility.

Often, guys start using them in a group of peers or older guys. Precisely because adolescents tend to deny the authority of adults, and communication with peers takes place in a more trusting environment and information is perceived with less resistance, the idea of ​​involving adolescents in preventive work should be implemented in the form of a volunteer service.

Evidence of the spread of ideas of a healthy lifestyle and responsible behavior, which results in abstinence from alcohol and drug use, is that the number of children who want to do volunteer work is constantly increasing.

The main sections of the activity of the teenage volunteer service can be the following:

1) anti-alcohol and anti-drug propaganda

Development of visual materials;

Preparation of audio and video materials;

Mass processions, actions;

Theatrical performances;

2) work with groups of teenagers in educational institutions.

3) Coverage of their activities in the media mass media, Public Relations.

4) Attraction of new volunteers, their selection and training.


drug addiction youth prevention addiction

“Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you. Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case, they can betray you. Fear the indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but only with their tacit consent there is betrayal and murder on earth, ”Bruno Jasensky wrote in the pre-war years.

These words are worth thinking about. Why the fight against drug addiction does not produce effective results?

Because it is necessary to fight not only with drug dealers, but also with the reasons that give rise to the desire to use drugs.

The society must turn its face to the problem of drug addiction, develop not only the tactics of struggle, but also determine the strategic line. The following parable fits this situation: "A traveler walking along the river heard desperate children's cries. Running to the shore, he saw drowning children in the river and rushed to save them. Noticing a passing person, he called him for help. He began to help those who still kept afloat. Seeing the third traveler, they called him for help, but he, ignoring the calls, quickened his steps. "Do you care about the fate of the children?" - asked the rescuers. The third traveler answered them: "I see that you two are still cope. I will run to the turnoff, find out why the children fall into the river, and try to prevent it"

This parable illustrates possible approaches to solving the problem of drug addiction. You can save "drowning" children by building hospitals and rehabilitation centers, fight against drug dealers, etc. However, the current growth rate of child-adolescent drug addiction, the high cost of treatment and low efficiency existing methods treatments make such work less effective. The task of parents, teachers, specialists is to "run to the turn of the river and prevent children from falling into the river."

In a word, it is necessary as soon as possible to establish a comprehensive study of the problem of access to practical use obtained results for the fight against drug addiction and substance abuse. A serious socio-psychological service is required, aimed at preventing the disease in school groups, informal associations at the place of residence.

We are talking about the health not of individual citizens, but of a society that cannot consider itself safe until this new and really difficult problem is solved for us.

So, let's sum up the reflections on drug addiction. The information enriched my knowledge and I began to better understand the danger of the "white poison" and imagine what the true origins of vicious addiction are rooted in. There was confidence that humanity is not helpless before drug addiction.


1) T.G. Kobyakova, O.A. Smerdov “Theory and practice of organizing teenage volunteer service for the primary prevention of drug and alcohol addiction.”

2) S.B. Belogurov "Popular about drug addiction and drugs."

3) V.V. Dunaevsky V.D. Styazhkin “Drug Addiction and Substance Abuse.”

4) Timothy Dimoff Steve Carper "How to keep kids off drugs"

5) INTERNET articles.

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Prevention of the development of drug addiction among minors cannot be ensured by the efforts of the medical service alone. Required Team work doctors, teachers, law enforcement, the general public. It should be recognized that so far no single strategy has been developed on this issue. For example, we can compare existing points of view on the promotion of life without drugs.

Thus, according to some authors, 93% of secondary school teachers consider medical propaganda at school to be the main means of preventing drug addiction. Other researchers argue that this propaganda generates an unhealthy interest in drugs among adolescents and, if it does not contribute to the growth of drug addiction, then, in any case, is ineffective.

Sanitary and educational work among children and adolescents is of great importance for the prevention of drug addiction. However, before today there is no single position on this. In some works, the opinion is expressed that medical propaganda at school should be carried out during the entire period of study. Many educators find it useful to include in curriculum drug prevention course. Representatives of the narcological service should conduct seminars and lectures on anti-drug topics among teachers of secondary schools and higher institutions. They teach the teaching staff the simplest techniques for identifying various types of intoxication, form the appropriate alertness, and talk about the serious social and medical consequences of drug addiction. This propaganda must be carried out skillfully, in a differentiated manner, without formalism; in no case should it stimulate an unhealthy interest of adolescents in the subject under discussion.

In cases where doctors conduct interviews directly in a teenage audience, it must be remembered that adolescents are a very difficult audience, as a rule, they do not forgive falsehood, an amateurish approach, while adolescents seek to convict the lecturer of unprofessionalism and, once having done this, in the future lose confidence in all information coming from him. It is especially difficult to work with those groups of adolescents who are more or less familiar with the effects of drugs. It must be assumed that drug prevention is most effective among schoolchildren. lower grades because they don't have own experience drug addiction and the reaction of the opposition is weakly expressed.

During conversations and lectures, it is advisable to use specific examples that testify to the serious consequences of drug use. Reports of severe poisoning look convincing, deaths from drug overdoses, etc. Usually people do not remain indifferent to reports about sending drug addicts to LTP, about other administrative measures of influence. It is necessary to focus the attention of listeners on the harmful effects of drugs on physical development, intelligence, offspring. Practice shows that reports about the pathological effects of drugs on the moral sphere of a person and the development of desocialization do not cause a deep emotional resonance in the teenage audience.

Important preventive measures include the creation of a clear system of interaction between the juvenile narcological service and the relevant departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and commissions on juvenile affairs. In cases where it is possible to carry out all medical measures in full, the involvement of law enforcement agencies can be minimized. If a teenager, under various pretexts, avoids visiting a narcological dispensary, violates the regimen during treatment, is a leader in a group of drug addicts, and is completely unresponsive to psychotherapeutic influence, then administrative measures should be strictly taken against such teenagers.

Currently, drug addiction has reached epidemic proportions. Its spread is proceeding at a rapid pace, so it is very important to take timely measures that will help in the fight against it. terrible phenomenon. This kind of problem causes serious harm to all members modern society. Drug addiction is a real disaster for all those families who have already managed to face it. There is a list of measures by which you can prevent the occurrence of this disease.

What is addiction

Drug addiction refers to a disease that is caused by the use of narcotic substances - it comes from the Greek words "numbness" and "madness, enthusiasm." In other words, drug addiction refers to the state of a person when he constantly thinks about narcotic drugs and seeks to fill them in any way in order to get rid of mental discomfort and get sensations that seem pleasant to him. As a result, he easily crosses the boundaries of morality - this leads to the destruction of the family, communication with friends.

The traditional biomedical model of drug addiction is based on an epidemiology that is characteristic of infectious diseases. Carriers in accordance with the theory are considered to be specific individuals. To summarize, this model defines disease as a consequence of human infection. Modern reality forces us to reconsider its principles, because often pathological conditions will not arise due to the penetration of infection into the body. The current model is based on the assertion that a person's illness largely depends on his behavior.

Harm of addiction

Measures to prevent drug addiction are a necessity, because it causes significant harm to both the addict and his loved ones. Drugs are a poison that slowly destroys a person's brain, his psyche. Due to brain damage and dysfunction nervous system start to break down internal organs. People who use cocaine and some other drugs live no more than 4 years - they often die from a broken heart. Those who use morphine, after 2-3 months, lose the ability to mental activity.

All drug addicts experience serious health problems (due to low immunity) and therefore do not live long. Some individuals, even during the first years after being introduced to drugs, make attempts to commit suicide. A drug addict easily crosses all permitted lines, often becoming a criminal. The personality of the patient becomes egocentric, and the body is depleted, as a result of which he is heading towards his death with great speed.

Due to the fact that the interests of the drug addict are focused exclusively on the extraction and use of narcotic substances, the circle of his contacts narrows, mainly consists of antisocial personalities. The addict gradually loses everything: workplace, friends, family. For society, it becomes absolutely useless, so society seeks to reduce the growth of drug addiction and return to the full life of dependent people. A drug addict is often recognized by the following signs:

  • insomnia, pallor;
  • a frozen, expressionless face;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • frequent yawning, sneezing;
  • constantly stuffy nose;
  • trembling hands with inflamed and punctured veins;
  • unusually wide or narrow pupils;
  • unresponsive to changes in illumination.

Prevention of drug addiction

By holding preventive measures aimed at preventing the spread of drug addiction, several social institutions. All of them are subordinated to one main goal - to create a base (information, legal, power), with the help of which it is possible to disseminate information about the dangers of drugs as widely as possible and to alleviate or avoid the problems associated with their use:

  • drug addiction prevention among young people, first of all, should be carried out by medical institutions, because this is not just a bad habit, but a real disease;
  • from the side legislatures documented ways to combat the sale and distribution narcotic drugs;
  • enforcement systems ensure that legislative measures are implemented with specific operations aimed at stopping the spread of substances;
  • scientific institutions are creating means by which a person can be cured of dependence on chemical substances and identify individuals who are predisposed to such addiction.

Prevention of drug addiction among adolescents is an issue that directly concerns everyone who is directly related to drugs, i.e. belongs to the target group. It includes:

  • Teenagers. They very often fall under the influence of persons who offer drugs for testing. Their unstable psyche is easily exposed to external influences. The absence of their own and clear point of view makes them highly vulnerable to this kind of influence.
  • Persons who once tried drugs and periodically experimented with them.
  • Codependents. That is, people who are social environment drug addicts.
  • Persons who regularly use psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription.
  • Prostitutes who use drugs in their activities.
  • People who have drug addiction for some time.

One of the most common effective ways prevention of the use of illicit drugs is the use of measures aimed at limiting their distribution, carrying out anti-campaign measures. Their main task is to inform people who are at risk, and those who come into contact with them, about the negative impact of all types of drugs on the moral, psychological and physical condition of a person. This also includes the promotion of healthy lifestyles (healthy lifestyles).

In the course of preventive measures in educational institutions, relevant lectures and classes are held, art and documentaries. Good work done among adolescents produces tangible results, so it should be carried out in on a large scale and constantly. Prevention information must meet several requirements:

  • not have a shade of hopelessness, be positive;
  • The media should not show scenes of drug use;
  • any publication should contain information in an understandable form and recommendations for the prevention of the use of illicit drugs;
  • preparation of materials should be carried out only by specialists, that is, narcologists, psychologists, law enforcement officers, social workers.

To ensure active work, an appropriate the legislative framework. In this regard, first of all, administrative responsibility is required for the use of prohibited substances and the possibility of examining persons suspected of drug addiction. Today there are special communities of anonymous narcotics, whose members help each other to get rid of this addiction.

Young people, who quickly become maladaptive in society, are drawn into criminal cases, lose family and friends, becoming potentially dangerous to others. The objects of preventive measures are considered to be all those groups of people who are at risk of becoming dependent on narcotic substances. The subjects in this case include organizations and individuals involved in preventive work and putting them into practice. The subjects are:

  • federal Service, which is engaged in the control of drug trafficking in the country. It controls and monitors all anti-drug measures, participates in the development of special programs and implements them on the ground.
  • State Committee of the Russian Federation for anti-drug work and its territorial subdivisions. The responsibilities of these entities include monitoring the implementation of preventive measures and their effectiveness, including coordination with the participation of the media (mass media) and other organizations.
  • Self-government bodies of local importance. They help to organize events aimed at ensuring the leisure of young people, the development of physical education, and mass sports.
  • Authorities related to the health system. Thanks to them, work is carried out related to the treatment, prevention, rehabilitation of people who are affected by drugs.
  • Governing bodies in educational system. They specialize in organizing and controlling the extracurricular time of youth and children, carry out educational work and behavior correction with the help of social centers.
  • Internal affairs bodies. They control the situation on the drug market, carry out operations to prevent their illicit trafficking.
  • Profile institutions and bodies specializing in management in the system of social protection of the population. Their assistance is aimed at protecting children in case they find themselves in a difficult situation.

A realistic assessment of the drug situation needs to be made, taking into account the percentage of those who are already familiar with drug use. Police officers should encourage young people to be tested for illegal drugs. If a teenager does not want to attend Drug Dispensary and even is the leader of a group of drug addicts, then in this case it is required to take administrative measures. In addition, you need to organize a telephone consultation. The following services become a kind of information bridge for people:

  • Helpline for drug addicts available 24/7. Specialists in the field of chemical dependence work on the line.
  • "Hot line". The purpose of this service is to inform the population about drug addiction and alcoholism, to provide information about rehabilitation and medical institutions.
  • "Helpline". This service differs from the support phone in that professional psychologists answer questions and give recommendations.

Directions of prevention

Without a set of preventive measures among young (especially minors) people, the number of drug addicts will only grow - this will affect the growth of the crime rate. It is especially important to identify people who are already addicted to drugs so that the disease does not aggravate their situation. Drug addicts often become completely lost to society. There are several types preventive work conducted mainly with the younger generation:

  • General. This variety is considered the most massive, and with its help several problems of preventing the use of narcotic drugs are solved at once. For this purpose, information propaganda is used, which includes informing the population of the methods that the legislature uses in the fight against drug addiction and drugs, information about the risks of their use, and encouraging young people to contact special help services. In addition, a method is used to develop skills in adolescents that they will need in later life and when overcoming difficult situations.
  • Selective. This type of work is aimed at those young people who are considered "difficult" children. They are already showing their behavioral skills and often found themselves in difficult situations. The reason for the increased attention to this category is due to the fact that initiation to drug use is common among these young people.
  • Symptomatic. Preventive measures of this type are aimed at people with a history of drug use, but who have not yet acquired the status of drug addicts. In social behavior, they are distinguished by indifference to their parents, narrowing the range of their interests and the fact that they were seen in drug or alcohol excesses.
  • Regarding injection drug addicts (using injections). People who inject drugs rarely come to the attention of health authorities. Their danger lies in the fact that they often become carriers of various diseases, such as hepatitis C, AIDS, HIV infection, and sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Rehabilitation. In relation to persons who have undergone a course of special treatment, rehabilitation methods are applied based on motivation for healthy life and assistance in relapse prevention.


Prevention of drug use is a serious undertaking that should be carried out on a large scale in schools and other educational institutions. Educators, social workers, and psychologists can use all sorts of methods that are designed to discourage young people from the interest and craving for drugs. Special meaning have parents who must give a proper upbringing to their children, i.e. steer them in the right direction. In WHO terminology ( World Organization health) there are several types of prevention:

  • primary;
  • secondary;
  • tertiary.


The goal of primary prevention is to prevent drug use. Young people with the available information and the right approach can form their own opinion about drug addiction. There are four areas of focus:

  • sanitary and hygienic education of the population;
  • active educational work held among teenagers, youth;
  • administrative and legislative measures;
  • public struggle aimed at eradicating the spread and use of drugs.


This type of prevention is aimed at early identification of all those individuals who have used psychoactive drugs. In addition, this also includes their treatment, prevention of relapses, maintenance therapy. At the same time, the predisposition to drug addiction can be determined using a number of pathocharacterological features of the personality. Adolescents with a hysterical, unstable character, tolerant of any deviations from mental, social norms, have a special propensity for this.


The task of the tertiary complex of preventive measures consists of social, labor and medical rehabilitation of drug addicts. That is, it is necessary to restore the health of people who have suffered from this disease, and then help them to join society and work again. The support of relatives and friends is important, especially in personal contact with them.

Measures for the prevention of drug addiction in educational institutions

Representatives of the narcological service should conduct seminars in schools and universities to train teachers in simple methods of identifying different types intoxication, the formation of young people's alertness to this problem. We need stories about real medical and social cases of drug addiction that led to serious consequences. Very convincing reports of deaths, severe poisoning, wounds from the use of large doses of drugs. It is necessary to focus students' attention on the harmful effects of drugs on intelligence, physical development, and offspring.


Prevention of drug use at school will provide an opportunity to protect the child from the negative influence of peers who already suffer from drug addiction. Lectures should include detailed information about what drug addiction is, its dangers, negative consequences, etc. Teachers should educate their students in such a way that they can, on their own, get rid of psychological problems and difficulties in life without the use of drugs. Relevant lectures and lessons will help:

  • to form in youth the values ​​of a universal type;
  • to instill healthy pastime habits in teenagers;
  • to form the skills of protecting a psychological nature from possible involvement in antisocial pastime.

Lectures are a popular and beneficial preventive technique in which students listen to interesting stories about drugs and their dangers. Educators describe the state that a drug addict experiences at the next dose. Students can focus on this, which will lead to negative consequences. In this regard, it is recommended to build a conversation in a discussion form. Additionally, they conduct open classes, organize creative projects on this topic.

Conducting a classroom

It is up to the teacher to organize class hours every week. Police officers and doctors can be invited to the event. Experts tell students competent opinion on the topic of addiction. One class hour will bring a significant effect, despite the fact that this measure will take a little time. When conducting class hours visual aids are used: posters, layouts. In order for the material to be better fixed, the guys should make these manuals on their own. Additionally, documentaries about the dangers of drug addiction are shown.

Working with parents

To maximize the effect of working with schoolchildren, teachers conduct conversations with parents. Many fathers and mothers view drug addiction as a problem that will not affect their student. Some parents consider the school a hotbed of drug infection - this opinion is not unreasonable. However, not all adults have necessary knowledge on this specific topic, which is why they do not conduct educational conversations with the child.

It is important for teachers to have conversations with students' parents, explaining to them how to communicate with children and what values ​​​​should be instilled in them. The directions of this activity are the following:

  • creating a safe environment where there is intolerance to bad habits;
  • formation of an active family attitude to the promotion of narcotic drugs;
  • preventive measures to prevent student addiction to these substances.

Teachers and school psychologists, when working with parents, should tell them about the features of psychology that are present in young people, and also explain how to act during family quarrels. Often conflicts in the family become the reason for the use of drugs by a child. Interaction with parents is organized by specialists in educational work, class teachers, psychologists - each employee has his own tasks. School leadership coordinates and controls such anti-drug propaganda.


It hurts to talk about it, but drug addiction among young people in our time has acquired colossal proportions. Moreover, it is spreading much faster than society has time to take any measures to combat this terrible phenomenon. Concerningdrug addiction preventionis of paramount importance, because any problem is easier to prevent than to try to get rid of its consequences.

Rules for the implementation of drug prevention

Carrying out any preventive measures aimed at preventing drug addiction among children and young people must be carried out following certain rules.

1. The information presented should not be overtly negative.

2. Lectures, articles, documentaries, television programs should reveal as much as possible the terrible consequences of drug use.

3. Showing scenes of drug use (of any kind) in the media is prohibited.

4. Any publication should end with a logical, understandable conclusion and have recommendations for drug prevention.

5. Any information should be of a motivational nature, aimed at a youth audience.

6. Any informational materials should be prepared only by specialized specialists - narcologists, psychologists, social workers, law enforcement officers.

7.All information on drug prevention must be approved by the staff of a special expert council.

In addition, as part of a set of large-scale preventive measures, a round-the-clock telephone consultation should be carried out, the purpose of which is to ensure communication with the population in order to track the locations of drug stations, as well as provide assistance to drug addicts and their families.

First of all, " hot line". This telephone service is designed to inform all interested people about drug addiction and provide information on treatment and rehabilitation drug treatment facilities. Secondly, an anonymous support phone for drug addicts. This service employs narcologists who can help people with chemical addiction. Thirdly, the "hotline". The purpose of this service is professional psychological assistance to the population.

Types of prevention

Currently drug addiction prevention carried out in three main ways. These are primary, secondary and tertiary preventive measures. The objectives of primary prevention are to prevent the occurrence of drug addiction. At this stage, work is being carried out in four areas:

- purposeful large-scale educational work among adolescents and youth;

- sanitary and hygienic education;

- involvement of the public in the fight against the spread of drugs;

- adoption of administrative and legislative measures against drug addiction.

The tasks of secondary prevention include the early detection of drug addicts, their treatment and maintenance treatment aimed at preventing relapse to the use of psychoactive chemicals.

Finally, tertiary drug prevention is a special program for drug addicts, consisting of medical and social and labor rehabilitation.

Not only the health and life of potential drug addicts, but also the quality of life of their family members, as well as society as a whole, depends on the quality of preventive measures. It is criminal to do such work “for show”, especially when it comes to educating children and adolescents. should be comprehensive, deployed, large-scale. Moreover, it should become an integral part of the educational process in order to become a kind of deterrent and initially minimize the desire of a teenager to try the drug.