With development modern technologies in the field of medicine and psychology is gaining immense popularity very interesting profession- speech therapist. Let's find out what kind of specialist he is, what tasks he solves and what are the advantages of working as a speech therapist.

Who are speech therapists?

These are specialists who correct speech defects by resorting to various corrective methods. They work with both children and adults. For example, very often elderly people who have had a stroke lose their speech abilities, in such cases one profession becomes indispensable - a speech therapist! It is he who makes individual plan treatment, according to which speech defects such as burr, stuttering or lisp are eliminated. Almost all young children have these problems, as they grow older, many of them go away on their own, but some need special help.

How did this profession come about?

Speech therapy is a relatively new specialty, it appeared about 50-60 years ago, when people stopped thinking that problems with pronunciation were associated with physical disabilities. Western doctors were the first to determine the nature of the manifestation of speech defects and from the middle twentieth century began to apply psychological methods to eliminate them. Modern techniques allow to achieve very impressive results in a short time.

The profession of a speech pathologist-defectologist: features and social significance

It is necessary to make out what type of professions this specialty belongs to. It is believed that a speech therapist is a person who combines a talented teacher and an experienced doctor. He must accurately determine the cause of the speech defect and competently compose effective exercises and techniques for troubleshooting. To do this, a professional speech therapist should know thoroughly how human physiology works, in particular the structure of the speech system and the pathologies associated with it. Besides, good specialist must have special skills, for example, the ability to do to relax the muscles of the larynx and other organs of the pharynx.

It can be said without exaggeration that a speech therapist is the profession of the future. After all, it is he who teaches people to speak correctly, and speech is the most important component of the communications of all mankind: thanks to it, we can communicate with others, share thoughts and transmit information.

Often a person who has speech disorders feels inferior, he may have serious complexes that negatively affect his whole life. That is why the profession of "speech therapist" is indispensable, these specialists eliminate many speech defects, teach how to pronounce sounds correctly and thereby practically change the fate of a person. In addition, they provide psychological help: help to integrate into society, adapt a person to social life and contribute to its development in terms of self-improvement.

What qualities should a speech therapist have?

In fact, a speech therapist is a kind of teacher who must show great patience and understanding to his students. The most important character traits are love for children, patience, emotional restraint, calmness, curiosity, perseverance, perseverance and endurance, because the results of the work done often make you wait a very long time. With some people, you have to work out for more than 2-3 years to achieve visible improvements.

If it is easier to work with children, because they learn quickly, then with adults the situation is different. Few are able to admit their shortcomings and go to a specialist. For this reason professional speech therapist should be able to find an individual approach to everyone, be able to tactfully clarify the problem and, without hurting the patient's feelings, provide primary consulting assistance. Therefore, it does not hurt for a specialist to know at least the basics of human psychology.

A speech therapist must be responsible, because he has no right to make a mistake in making a diagnosis. If he incorrectly identifies the problem and prescribes an ineffective treatment method, then this can turn out for patients. real tragedy: speech defects tend to lose their ability to correct over time, so it is very important to eliminate the shortcomings in time. Over time, they will be much more difficult to get rid of, which is why the speech therapist has such a big responsibility.

Where to study as a specialist?

There are many options where you can get a profession (speech therapist or defectologist) under various conditions. Usually, this specialty is taught in higher educational institutions: these can be universities or institutes with pedagogical or humanitarian direction. The education of a speech therapist must be special, i.e. having a diploma of higher education in the relevant or related profession - it is simply necessary.

Many students, after completing the first courses, begin to understand that they made a mistake with the choice of profession and want to change it. For such, another option for obtaining education in the specialty "speech therapy" is possible. Most easy way- is to pass intensive courses for the training of speech pathologists-defectologists. However, in order to get a job public service, a high school diploma is required.


Despite the fact that every year a huge number of speech therapists graduate from universities throughout the country, the need for these specialists is only increasing. This is primarily due to improvements in state social programs aimed at providing free assistance to children with disabilities.

After graduating from institutes or universities, young professionals have the opportunity to get a job in various institutions. The most popular of them are kindergartens, polyclinics, children's development centers with logo groups, schools with a functioning logo point. Rehabilitation hospitals for the elderly and, of course, private treatment centers.

There are many advantages to working in kindergartens: it is the opportunity to contact children and get to know them better, a fixed schedule, as well as communication with colleagues and a pleasant environment.

The disadvantages of the profession of a speech therapist, if he works in public clinics, are associated with filling out various documentation. Sometimes it takes more time to process it than directly to work with patients. By standards, a specialist must work 18-20 hours a week, this is not so much compared to other specialties.

Profession speech therapist. Pros and cons of work

This is a very responsible job that requires great patience and love for your work. Let's take a closer look at the main advantages of this profession. So here are the main benefits:

  • a short working day - 4 hours, for many this is a great opportunity to combine work and a favorite thing;
  • - this means that the speech therapist will enjoy the work done;
  • long vacation - almost all summer;
  • self-improvement - this profession involves the constant self-development of a person, reading educational literature, attending various thematic conferences, where you can discuss with colleagues the latest techniques treatment speech disorders.

And of course, one cannot exclude from the list such an advantage of speech therapists as the opportunity to conduct a private practice. And what are the disadvantages?

Underwater rocks

Thanks to the free schedule, which is set by the specialist himself, this profession may seem attractive. However, it has a lot specific features, which for some may turn into disadvantages. Here are the most obvious disadvantages of this profession:

  • emotionally hard work because patients are mostly children with various disabilities and diseases (with Down's syndrome, etc.);
  • the need to fill out reporting documentation at odd hours, that is, speech therapists do not receive an increase in the main document management in public institutions;
  • there is no guarantee that the work done will bring any results, so many speech therapists face great disappointment, so they need perseverance and perseverance in order to continue their treatment sessions.

Who else needs speech therapists?

Very often, speech pathologists-defectologists begin to engage in private practice, helping a variety of people. In addition to children with speech disorders, elderly people who have had a stroke, and even professional actors, also seek help.

If you decide that this is your calling - the profession of "speech therapist", reviews about it should be carefully studied, and it is from the professionals themselves. Judging by the messages on various thematic forums, this is an extremely difficult job that requires full dedication. The main advantage is the opportunity to engage in private lessons with children or adults, for example, give lessons in oratory skills to novice actors or managers of trading companies.

As is known, ideal people does not happen, and each of us has, albeit a small, but a drawback. Of course, most external flaws can be, if not corrected, then masked with cosmetics or clothing. However, there are also such shortcomings that cannot be hidden, they can only be dealt with with the help of specialists. One of these shortcomings is speech defects, which speech therapists help to get rid of.

As you know, there are no ideal people, and each of us has a shortcoming, albeit a small one: someone has problematic skin, someone suffers from excess weight or excessive thinness, and for some the subject of dissatisfaction is the shape of the nose or the color of the hair. Of course, most external flaws can be, if not corrected, then masked with cosmetics or clothing. However, there are also such shortcomings that cannot be hidden, they can only be dealt with with the help of specialists. One of these shortcomings is speech defects, which speech therapists help to get rid of.

Note that in today's society profession of a speech therapist It has special meaning because its representatives help us to understand each other better. After all, if a person does not stutter or pronounce all the letters correctly, then he not only feels freer when communicating with other people, but it is also much easier to understand him. By the way, if you think that anyone can become a speech therapist, then you are deeply mistaken. And after reading this article, in which we will try to tell about all the features of this profession, you will understand why.

What is a speech pathologist?

A highly qualified specialist who studies the causes of speech defects (stuttering, lisping, burr, dysgraphia, dyslexia, etc.), and with the help of special techniques, methods and techniques help adults and children get rid of them.

The name of the profession comes from the Greek logos (speech) and paideia (education). That is, judging by the name, a speech therapist is engaged in the education of speech - in fact, he teaches you to speak correctly. This profession cannot boast of a "rich" past: the formation of speech therapy began only in the 17th century, when European teachers began to develop methods for teaching children with hearing problems. In our usual form, speech therapy began to take shape only in the middle of the 20th century. It was during this period that teachers increasingly began to think that speech defects, for the most part, are most likely the result of psychological problems that can and should be fought.

That is why modern speech therapists possess not only numerous methods and methods for correcting speech defects, but also study the basics of psychology, which help them to identify the root causes of the defect (if it is not congenital). Well, since speech defects can occur at any age, and the approach to treating children and adults is strikingly different from each other, speech therapists today are usually divided into specialists for adults and specialists for children.

Naturally, the "age" division of speech therapists mainly affects only the approach to "patients". The duties of all speech therapists are approximately the same. This is an examination of a person and the identification of the structure and severity of a speech defect, the correction of speech defects, the implementation of measures aimed at the formation of a culture of speech, the maintenance of reporting documentation, timely professional development, etc.

What personal qualities should a speech therapist have?

Speech defects often cause various complexes, which can sometimes manifest themselves in aggression or depressed state, so in its work for speech therapists you have to show miracles of patience and endurance. In addition, speech therapists will help to effectively fulfill their duties such personal qualities, How:

  • sociability;
  • goodwill;
  • stress resistance;
  • tolerance;
  • tact;
  • observation;
  • persistence;
  • the ability to be persuasive.

Of course, all these personal qualities will not help if the speech therapist does not have a huge amount of knowledge behind him. And not only in the field of speech therapy (including, own the most modern methods and methods of correcting one or another speech defect), but also pedagogy, anatomy, medicine and psychology. After all, the cause of speech problems can be both psychological and physiological disorders, and a speech therapist should not only identify this cause, but also recommend a specialist to a person, cooperation with which will completely get rid of the defect (for example, if a speech problem arose due to a congenital defect speech apparatus, then you can get rid of the problem only with the help of surgical intervention, followed by speech correction).

Benefits of being a speech pathologist

It is not difficult to guess that the main advantage of the speech pathologist profession is a sense of actually "usefulness" and the ability to help people. However, in addition to the "spiritual" advantages, this profession also has several "material" ones. The latter include:

  • the possibility of conducting private practice and forming your own pricing policy, which means obtaining high income and free work schedule;
  • a large "geography" of employment - speech therapists are in demand in many organizations: these are schools, and kindergartens, and clinics, and rehabilitation centers, etc .;
  • demand - the services of speech therapists will always be needed, so these specialists will never be left without work;
  • you can continue working as a speech therapist for exactly as long as the specialist is ready and able to work (that is, there is no such thing as a retirement age for speech therapists).

Disadvantages of the profession of a speech therapist

But do not think that speech therapists "roll like cheese in butter" and do not have any problems. There are also shortcomings in their work. Main disadvantage of the speech therapist profession can be called huge costs of emotional and physical strength. Quite often, a speech therapist has to act as a psychotherapist, ready not only to listen, but also to empathize.

Another obvious disadvantage of this profession, many speech therapists call the need for huge amount various documentation (especially if the specialist works in a state institution). At the same time, "paper" work, as a rule, is not included in the main working time, which is why specialists have to spend their free time to "scribble".

And most importantly, a speech therapist can never be completely sure of the success of his work, since a lot depends not only on the level of his professionalism, but also on the desire and efficiency of the "patient" himself.

Where can you get a speech pathologist?

Get a speech pathologist it is possible in almost any pedagogical university, on the basis of which the department of speech therapy or the faculty of defectology operates. However, it is important to understand that the choice of this profession means readiness for the process of continuous learning - constant professional development, monitoring and studying the latest methods and techniques for correcting speech defects, self-education in related areas (psychology, medicine, pedagogy, sociology, etc.).

Choice educational institution largely depends on what goals you are pursuing. If you chose the profession of a speech therapist only because you are guaranteed to be able to find a job, then it does not matter which university you choose. If you set yourself the task of achieving great success in the professional field, and the choice of profession is made at the behest of the soul and heart, it is best to give preference to leading universities that provide not only a diploma, but also high-quality knowledge.

TO the best universities Russia, which have proven themselves among employers, today include.

Irina Schepetinnikova
An example of an approximate characteristic of a speech therapist of a preschool educational institution


Surname, name, patronymic, position

(in the genitive case,

full name of the preschool educational institution in accordance with the Charter,

Date of Birth,

education: name of the educational institution,

year of graduation, specialty,

diploma qualification,


teaching experience,

job experience,

course retraining, name DPP,

Certificate number, date of passage,

departmental award

(if it has

year of award.

Galina Vasilievna is an experienced, responsible teacher with a fundamental knowledge of the organization speech therapy work. Has high professional qualities, always achieves stable positive results in its activities. Achieves the intended goals, in tandem with the participants educational relations , creates a rich developing speech environment for children with disabilities. During the determination "zones of proximal development"- always complete pedagogical forecasting. teacher A speech therapist is characterized by a competent definition of a strategy for the individual speech development of a child, which ensures the implementation of a comprehensive speech therapy impact at a high quality level.

Carrying out differentiated and individual approaches to children, the teacher builds his work on the basis of programs: “The program of correctional and developmental work in the junior speech therapy group of the kindergarten” N. V. Nishcheva, 2007, “The program of correctional and developmental work in the speech therapy group of the kindergarten for children with general underdevelopment speeches (from 4 to 7 years old)» N. V. Nishcheva, 2009 Also uses technology in a variety of ways authors: G. V. Chirkina, T. B. Filicheva, T. V. Tumanova and others.

When determining the causes and mechanisms of disorders in children teacher-speech therapist uses various methods, results of diagnostic examination, informational material. Carries out the recruitment of subgroups according to the results of diagnostics, taking into account the structure of the disorder, psychophysical characteristics and abilities of pupils. It develops the compensatory abilities of each child, performs oriented correction, monitors the dynamics and progress. To develop optimal ways of correction, he interacts with a teacher-psychologist, educator.

Collaborates with parents, for which he speaks at group parent meetings, holds open screenings remedial classes, collective and individual conversations, consultations, places the necessary information material in parental corners, can always provide prompt, competent speech therapy and pedagogical assistance.

The planning of remedial education is based on priorities in working with a special contingent of pupils, different kinds planning correspond modern requirements. Outlines the paths of group and individual work, correlates his planning with the plan of the preschool educational institution. Clearly defines the goals and objectives of speech therapy influence, as well as the goals of a particular lesson in accordance with the structure of the violation and the degree of its severity. Implements didactic principles of special (correctional) learning, adhering to the dominant complex - thematic, thereby enhancing the developing function of the educational process. Strives to activate all pupils, aiming at interaction during the study lexical topic, the formation of the propeudic side of speech.

Selects the necessary means of training and development to ensure the most effective correction of speech disorders in children with disabilities. Actively applies methods and techniques for preventing and correcting deviations, each of them is distinguished by professional development based on theoretical and practical approaches. In preparation for classes, he uses elements of ICT. Has the richest didactic material and file cabinets for all age groups, constantly updates and replenishes them, monitors innovations in the field of speech therapy.

During individual, subgroup and frontal exercises controls the psychological atmosphere of the children's team. Analyzes the level of assimilation of correctional and developmental material and the development of pupils based on the results of a diagnostic examination with a frequency of 2 times a year. The effectiveness of speech therapy influence can be traced by the results analytical references submitted over the last 3 of the year: 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015 academic years.

Summarized teaching experience topic: "Correctional speech therapy work with non-speaking children of the younger preschool age", For what selected necessary programs and technologies on the problem ( authors: E. N. Krause, M. G. Borisenko, N. A. Lukina, N. I. Kuzmina, V. I. Rozhdestvenskaya and others). She substantiated the relevance, novelty, determined the goals, objectives, content, effectiveness of the experience, presented analytical data, numerous applications, drew conclusions, outlined prospects. Presented her experience at the meetings of the Pedagogical Council of the preschool educational institution (2012-2014) and meeting of the RMO KRO at the city level in March 2013.

In order to achieve positive dynamics in the correction of existing speech disorders in children, adapts diagnostic materials according to the contingent of the group. Criteria - diagnostic base selected taking into account age features and complies with the principles of remedial education.

In 2012 she was a member creative team experimental base site for the implementation of plans joint activities with IPK and PPRO TO, in particular when compiling thematic planning and selection of material for scheduling speech therapy work. She spoke to colleagues with a message at a meeting of the RMO KRO on the plan of KO (2013) . Participated in a seminar on "Development of graphomotor skills in children of senior preschool age". Posted articles for teachers on the problems of speech development of children in the conditions speech therapy group and advice for parents on the DOW website.

Highly competent in the field of creating conditions for remedial education. Creates a favorable psychological environment on speech therapy classes, during the organization various events in the age group. He perfectly owns the children's team, creates a positive, emotionally positive attitude when communicating with pupils, accepts the child as he is. In accordance with the age-related psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children, he uses a change in activities in order to correctly perceive the educational material. The speech therapy room is equipped in accordance with the requirements, norms and rules of health, safety, SanPiN. The subject - developing environment ensures the implementation of the tasks of remedial education, the existing passport of the speech therapy room reflects the functionality of the speech therapy impact. Designs pedagogical activity, always uses its capabilities to the fullest. He knows how to analyze his work, highlight the rational, accurately determines the future strategy. Rating teachers-speech therapist is determined by the achievements of the teacher in the work on planning, high assessment of individual, subgroup, frontal classes, close relationship with specialists.

It has certificate of honor ministries education and science(year of awarding, certificates of the Committee for education MO(year, Department education(year).

Head of educational institution: (signature) decoding

WITH characteristic- representation familiarized: signature (Surname, initials)

Many people simply underestimate the profession of a speech therapist. But this is a very important and necessary craft for society. Everything about the profession of a speech therapist will be described in our article.

Speech therapist: who is this?

A speech therapist is a highly qualified specialist whose main working function is to study various speech defects. The speech therapist is obliged to qualitatively study the causes of these defects, as well as prescribe an effective course of treatment. Treatment may include various techniques, techniques and training. Contrary to popular belief, a speech therapist is by no means a children's specialist. Despite the fact that most of the patients with whom this professional works are children, adults are also not averse to seeking qualified help.

A competent speech therapist must master the basics of psychology, pedagogy and medicine. Particularly important in this profession is the ability to qualitatively classify groups of people who need help. The approach to children and adults is very different. Yes, in Lately speech therapists began to be divided into children's and adult specialists.

Speech therapist is a very important, developing and demanded profession. What else can be said about her?

Why are speech therapists needed?

As mentioned above, many people greatly underestimate the profession of a speech therapist. Moreover, individuals do not understand at all why this profession is needed. Citizens refer to the specialty in question as "another useless occupation" and "useless craft".

They name until they themselves encounter obvious problems. It's about about those cases when, for example, a child of four is in principle unable to speak articulately. Some immediately blame this problem on their parents: they say, they did not work well enough with children. However, not all so simple. A child can manifest extremely serious forms of diseases, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia and other extremely unpleasant defects. It's not that easy to fix them. This is where the qualified help of a competent specialist is needed. A speech pathologist is just such a person.

Qualities required for work

Before proceeding to the analysis of the main professional duties and functions of an employee, it is worth talking a little about what important qualities and character traits must have a speech therapist. And this is really important: children, when communicating with this specialist, very often worry and feel embarrassed. A competent professional must possess certain skills and character traits in order to be able to win over children.

A speech therapist for children must possess such qualities as sociability, openness and goodwill, tact and observation. Not every person is able to work in such a specialty. Nervous, stressed, tactless people should not even think about the profession of a speech therapist. By itself, a speech therapist is an excellent psychologist who can recognize the temperament and character of a child in a matter of minutes, as well as find the source of speech problems.

Getting a profession

Where can I get training to master the profession of a speech therapist? Today, almost every major city Russia or other CIS countries, there are many higher educational institutions ready to provide their services for quality education citizens. Work as a speech therapist can be obtained after training in institutions such as:

  • MSPU - Moscow State Pedagogical University. Today, this university remains one of the best pedagogical institutions in the world. Here you can qualitatively master the profession of a speech therapist, and then work in leading clinics, schools and other institutions of the country.
  • Sholokhov Moscow State University is the country's leading humanitarian university.
  • RGPU named after Herzen is another elite pedagogical university.
  • Wallenberg Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology.

Naturally, there are many other universities in the country that are ready to provide a course of study in the specialty "speech therapy".

Professional responsibilities

It is especially important to list the main professional functions and duties of an employee. This is exactly what a speech pathologist does. in the best way characterizes the profession.

What are the main responsibilities here? Here are the most basic ones:

  • qualitative examination of patients, during which the main features of speech development should be identified;
  • diagnosis, definition of the main problem;
  • a set of methods and methods of treatment;
  • carrying out the main groups of work - the so-called classes with a speech therapist (this includes conducting exercises, issuing "homework", assistance in the development of basic speech abilities);
  • evaluation of the results based on the results of the classes, comparison of the results with the initial data.

Thus, such a specialist as a speech therapist has a fairly large and structured number of responsibilities. Feedback on the work of these professionals, as a rule, is entirely positive. And it cannot be otherwise: a person has been studying and practicing methods for developing human speech characteristics for at least five years. Certainly, this is bearing fruit.

Features of the profession

The profession of a speech therapist has many interesting and amazing features. Some of them are worth talking about separately.

A speech therapist must have incredible patience. It is probably no longer a joke to say that the best speech therapist would be some kind of soulless robot. After all, you need to love your job very much in order to give the same recommendations to not the most assiduous children (and some adults) from time to time, in a calm manner. Excellent speech therapists are people who can convince even a child of how important it is to be able to speak beautifully and clearly. And, unfortunately, not everyone can create the necessary motivation in a patient.

A speech therapist must be an excellent psychologist. Each patient should have an individual approach. If this is a child, you need to remember the basics of developmental psychology, critical and lytic periods; if this is an adult, mature person, it is worth remembering that he may have various kinds of complexes and mental disorders.


Another important topic worth mentioning is wage speech therapists. IN Russian Federation, as you can already guess, this is not the best way. So, the average salary of a speech therapist in the country is a little more than 20 thousand rubles. Certainly, we are talking about public sector- schools, kindergartens, hospitals, etc. In private clinics, salaries can be slightly higher.

It becomes somewhat sad if we start comparing the incomes of Russian speech therapists with foreign ones. So, in Europe, as well as in the USA, a speech therapist is a very important and necessary specialist for society. Accordingly, the income there is many times higher. And this despite the fact that in Russia this moment there is an acute shortage of such specialists: in many schools and kindergartens there are simply no speech therapists, as a result of which individual speech work with children is not carried out at all.

History of the profession

Logos - speech, Paideia - education. This is how the name of the craft in question can be translated from Greek. Speech education is a short but capacious description of the profession of a speech therapist.

The profession of a speech therapist was born not so long ago - in the 17th century. The best teachers in Europe tried to deal with hearing impairment in children. Apparatuses of varying degrees of quirkiness were developed, special methods and methods of treatment appeared. However, over time, the speech therapy direction only grew, absorbing more and more different problems and violations. As the 20th century progressed, speech therapy became relatively similar to what it is today: the work of correcting speech defects.

By the 21st century, speech therapy incorporates a great many different theories, methods and treatments. Any speech therapist in a kindergarten for children, at school or in a simple clinic has a rich range of knowledge and skills.

The first group of benefits

Like any other labor activity, the profession of a speech therapist has a number of "spiritual" and "material" advantages. If we talk about the intangible component, then it is worth highlighting, perhaps, utility. The point is that, despite not the smartest judgments, the profession of a speech therapist is still very useful and necessary for society.

Everyone wants to speak clearly, competently and clearly. There are probably no people in the world who enjoy their own speech impediments. A speech therapist comes to the rescue here.

The second group of benefits

It was not difficult to understand the "spiritual" component of the profession. And if you pay attention to something material? The more "mundane" advantages of the profession include:

  • Opportunity to constantly develop. If you establish yourself as a high-quality and competent specialist, which many people know about, you can try to increase your status (and, accordingly, your income) by moving to private institutions.
  • High "geography" of employment. Today, the profession of a speech therapist is considered very important and necessary for society. speech pathologist at school kindergarten- not a frequent occurrence. It simply isn't there. There should definitely not be any problems with employment for a speech therapist.
  • Speech therapists have no concept of "retirement age". You can work as much as your health allows.

Disadvantages of the profession

Like any other professional sphere, the work of a speech therapist contains a number of certain disadvantages. It is worth noting:

  • Huge power costs. A speech therapist spends a lot of energy working with only one patient. It is good if a professional has a significant experience, and therefore, experience. In this case, a certain habit and some skills of working with "problem" patients should develop (certain tasks of a speech therapist, suitable for age, character, etc.). But it will really be hard for young and inexperienced workers.

  • Lots of documentation. Almost every worker has this problem today. What can we say about doctors: recently, all the burden of maintaining various kinds of papers falls on them. And this, as a result of cuts, is a completely abnormal phenomenon.
  • Little wages. About the income of a specialist has already been described above. A speech therapist in a kindergarten, school or other budgetary institution really receives very little money.

Thus, a speech therapist is a very original, special specialist. His work cannot be confused with anything.


results of professional pedagogical activity

in accordance with the educational program
educational institution
speech pathologist

municipal educational budget institution"Basic comprehensive school№5"

Minusinsk Krasnoyarsk Territory

Larkina Oksana Alexandrovna

Correction and development activities

As a teacher-speech therapist, I build my work in accordance with the goals and objectives educational program schools. The educational activities of the school are aimed at achieving by school students the target settings, knowledge, skills and competencies determined by the personal, family, social, state needs and capabilities of a child of primary school age, individual characteristics of his development and state of health.

Targetmy pedagogical activity: improving the quality of education of students lower grades having problems in speech development through the organization of targeted and timely speech therapy assistance.

Main tasksthat I put before me are the following:

Identify students with oral and writing;

Form correction groups;

Organize a system of interaction with parents and teaching staff;

Develop and implement a set of exercises and games to work with younger students to prevent and correct shortcomings in reading and writing.

To solve my problems, I use the following:

I select and carry out diagnostics, use its results in individual and group correctional and developmental classes; I take part in parent meetings, conduct interviews, and individual counseling.

Corrective and speech therapy work is organized taking into account the educational needs, individual and age characteristics of students, which are determined as a result of a comprehensive survey conducted in the first half of September. I enter the results into a speech chart of the established sample, which allows me to build a route for individual speech therapy work, divide it into subgroups depending on the structure and complexity of the speech defect, and follow the dynamics of the speech process.

Since September 2014, I have been purposefully working on a methodological topic"Formation phonemic perception at junior schoolchildren with general underdevelopment of speech III level", because I think that sound culture speech develops on the basis of a well-developed phonemic perception. It is phonemic perception that largely provides a clear, clear and correct pronunciation phrases, words and sounds. Thanks to phonemic awareness not only the lexical, but also the grammatical meaning of words is assimilated, which contributes to the formation of the system of the native language.

Underdevelopment of phonemic perception leads to defects in sound pronunciation. More often, there is a violation of differentiation by ear of one or several phonetic groups, with a relatively intact ability to distinguish other sounds.

In the future, deviations in the development of phonemic operations can lead to difficulties in mastering writing and reading (to dysgraphia, dyslexia).

overcoming phonemic underdevelopment is one of the main areas of my work in the process of correcting various speech disorders, both oral and written forms of speech.

Determining the degree of phonemic underdevelopment is very important for the correct diagnosis of a speech defect, and therefore - for determining the direction corrective work, proper planning, its intensity. The analysis of the survey results showed that, on average, 50% of children have a low level of development of phonetic- phonemic processes.

Thus, the following areas have been identified:

1. Improvement of the system of correctional work on the development of the phonemic side of speech.

2. Involvement of specialists, teachers, parents in the correctional process.

In this regard, she developed a system of corrective work on the development of phonemic processes. In my work I use a block system of corrective work based on the most frequently mixed oppositional sounds.


affricates and sounds included in their composition (ts-s, ch-t, ch-sch);

2) voiced and deaf, especially occlusive (d-t, b-p, g-k)

3) whistling (s-s)

4) hissing (w-w)

5) hard and soft

6) whistling and hissing (s-sh, z-zh, ts-h)

The work on the formation of sound-producing differentiation of specific pairs of mixed sounds includes two stages:

a preliminary stage of work on each of the mixed sounds;

the stage of auditory and pronunciation differentiation of mixed sounds.

At the first stage, the pronunciation and auditory image of each of the mixed sounds is successively specified. The work is carried out according to the following plan:

1. Clarification of sound articulation based on visual, auditory, tactile perception of kinesthetic sensations.

2. Isolation of sound against the background of a syllable.

3. Formation of the ability to determine the presence of sound in a word.

4. Determining the place of sound in a word: at the beginning, middle, end.

5. Selecting a word with a given sound from a sentence.

According to the specified plan, each of the mixed sounds is worked out.

At the second stage, a comparison of specific mixed sounds is carried out in pronunciation and auditory terms.

Differentiation of sounds is carried out in the same sequence. As well as work on clarifying the auditory and pronunciation characteristics of each sound, but due to the fact that the main goal of this stage is to distinguish sounds, the speech material should include words with mixed sounds.

The most optimal for achieving positive results, in my opinion, are didactic games that allow you to visualize abstract concepts - sounds in a visual and accessible form. To designate sounds I use sound coding.

Developed a complex of didactic games "Kosinka".

"Kerchief 1". Task: train in determining the position of sound in a word.

"Kerchief 2". Task: to train in the differentiation of sounds according to hardness-softness.

"Kerchief 3". Task: to train in the differentiation of sounds according to sonority-deafness.

The benefits of using these games include:


Multifunctionality (in addition to the main task, spatial orientation, attention, motor skills, visual-motor coordination develop, mental operations are included in the subject-practical activity);

The presence of several analyzers at once (auditory, visual and motor), which allow better assimilation of educational material;

The ability to quickly evaluate the result of the task by each child;

Teaching children the skills of self-control and self-esteem;

The inclusion of the game in both group and individual sessions when working with different sounds.

When studying the level of formation of phonemic perception, I use the method of T.A. Fotekova to assess the state of phonemic perception.

As a result of the correctional work, the following levels of development of phonemic perception in children with ONR were determinedIIIlevel.

Low level. It included children who inaccurately reproduced both members of the pair with a rearrangement of syllables, their replacement and omissions, did not distinguish between words that were close in sound composition. Children do not have the skills of elementary sound analysis.

Average level. It includes those children who reproduced most of the syllable pairs, correctly, minor errors were made when distinguishing words that are similar in sound composition.

High level. It includes children who coped with tasks.

2014-2015 academic year (grade 1), number of children 9-100%

2015-2016 academic year (grade 2),number of children 9-100%

2015-2016 academic year (grade 1), number of children 16-100%


PV development levels

2014-2015 academic year (1 class)

2015-2016 academic year (grade 2)

2015-2016 academic year (1 class)

of the year

of the year

Beginning of the year

of the year

of the year

of the year

Low level of EF development






The average level of development of PV





High level of PV development


By the end of 2015-2016 school year the state of sound pronunciation of children improved. Most of the sounds were staged and introduced into speech, some sounds were at the stage of automation. Completing the tasks, the children stopped experiencing difficulties in distinguishing, differentiating similar sounds by ear and in pronunciation, they began to reproduce syllabic chains just as well.

The results so far indicate, in general, the effectiveness of the corrective impact of the development of phonemic perception in primary school students with OHPIIIlevel. The use of modern correctional and developmental technologies helped me to achieve these results. The main ones are the technology of organization of speech therapy examination, computer technologies, gaming technology and technology of manual influence.

Teacher activities in the field of professional development

In 2009 she graduated from the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University them. V.P. Astafyeva" with a degree in "Speech therapy" with an additional specialty "Oligophrenopedagogy", qualification teacher-speech therapist, teacher of oligophrenopedagogue.