Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich - President of the Russian Federation since 2012. Also held this post from 2000 to 2008. From 2008 to 2012 was the Prime Minister and Chairman of the Famous Party " United Russia" Worked at the KGB of the USSR. He has a scientist degree in the economy.


Vladimir Putin, whose biography will be described in this article, was born in Leningrad in 1952. He recalled: "I am from a simple family and was an ordinary normal person. I still have this connection. " Now you must know how many years Vladimir Putin. We will tell about his parents.

Mother - Maria Ivanovna - was a friendly and very soft man. She did not approve of the classes of the Son Judo. And every time Vladimir gathered for training, Maria Ivanovna reproached him. Everything changed after the visit of the boy's coach. He told his parents about Vladimir's successes, and they changed their attitude towards this sport.

Father - Vladimir Spiridonovich - was a participant in the war. In the middle of the 20th century, he worked as a guard of the Carriage Plant, and then became a master of this institution.

Post-war years

In the post-war time, Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich, together with his family, lived in a conventional Leningrad communal, who was in the Basque alley. The president recalled: "Lived on the fifth floor, of course, without elevator. Yard - Well. Before the war, parents owned half a house in Peterhof. They then were proud of it very much, and they seemed to them the limit of dreams. "

School years

From 1960 to 1968, Vladimir Putin, whose biography became an example of imitation for many politicians, studied at 8-year school No. 193. After graduation, she entered the special school with a chemical bias, where he studied two more years.

Before the sixth grade, the future president did not show of particular interest. The teacher understood that the boy he was capable and could learn much better. She even went home to Putin and asked her father to influence Volodya. But it did not help. From the sixth grade, the boy himself decided to take care of his studies. Now he had no triple. At the same time, he entered the ranks of the pioneers, and after a time he became chairman of the squad. Everything is also actively engaged in sports.

Higher education

In 1970, Vladimir Putin, whose biography is already known to all Russians, entered LDGU to master the profession of a lawyer. In total, there were 100 seats. 10 people took immediately after school, and others after the army. For the rest, including Vladimir, the competition was pretty tough: about 40 people in place. But he almost everything (except for the writing) passed on the top five and passed. The next five years Putin actively engaged. Sports departed to second place. Although Vladimir did not miss training, regularly participating in the All-Union Competitions.


After graduating from the university, Vladimir Putin was marked by an important event - he was taken to serve in the state security bodies. At first he received a position in the Secretariat of Management, and then it was issued in a counterintelligent unit. After six months, Putin went to retraining courses. The next six months he worked in a counterintegration unit.

Talented young man noticed the management of foreign intelligence and sent to the annual special preparation to Moscow. Then Vladimir returned to Leningrad and worked in the first department of the main management of the whole five years. Then he again went to Moscow for study at the Red Banner Institute, where the future president was to prepare for a trip to Germany.

Germany and wedding

After the successful end of study in 1985, Putin went to the GDR and worked there for five years. But two years before departure in his life happened significant event - Wedding.

Vladimir Putin's future wife worked as a flight attendant and flew up with a friend to Leningrad just three days. At this time, the acquaintance of young people was acquainted - they had a common friend.

From the memoirs of the President: "Somehow a buddy called me and invited to the theater, saying that he had tickets. There were two girls with him. The next day, we all went to the theater again. I already got the tickets. And on the third day everything happened. After I began to meet with one of the girls - Lyudmila. And after three years our wedding took place. "

Children Vladimir Putin

In 1985, on the eve of the departure of the future president to Germany, Lyudmila gave him the daughter of Maria. Junior - Catherine - two years later in Dresden. Girls gave names in honor of their grandmothers - Catherine Tikhonovna and Maria Ivanovna.

It cannot be said that Vladimir Putin's children were spoiled. Of course, the Father loved them very much and periodically indulged, but mostly her mother was engaged in her mother's education. And she approached this case very seriously.


Until 1990, Vladimir worked in Germany (Dresden). Served Putin in territorial duty. For long service future politician He received the title of Lieutenant Colonel and the position of Assistant Head of the Department. At that time, it was considered normal if the employee on a business trip will increase at least once. Vladimir raised twice. In addition, in 1989 he was presented with a medal "For outstanding services to the People's Army GDR."

Return to Russia

After returning to Russia, Putin got an assistant to the rector in LHA, where he was engaged in international issues. And in 1991 he was taken by the adviser to the Chairman of the City Council. Immediately after that, Vladimir filed a report to the KGB to dismissal.

Political career

In 1996, Putin went along with his family to Moscow, where he began his political career, taking the post of deputy manager of the President. "It is impossible to say that I did not like Moscow at all. Just Peter liked me much more. It is clear that Moscow is the European city, "recalls Vladimir Vladimirovich.

The career of a young policy developed quite rapidly. In 1997, Vladimir Putin, whose biography was saturated with a variety of events, became the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration. Despite the strong workload, he managed to protect the candidate dissertation in the economy in the same year. In mid-1998, Vladimir appointed the first deputy head of the presidential administration, and in a month he became director of the FSB.

In August 1999, Boris Yeltsin offered Putin to take the post of head of the Government of the Russian Federation. Vladimir happily agreed. According to the policies, he was interested in working in this position: "I thought, I will work a little - and that's good. And if Russia is also souza, then it will be possible to be proud and talk to the grandchildren. "

Acting President of the Russian Federation

On the eve of 2000, Yeltsin invited Putin to the office and spoke about his care, offering him to become the acting president. According to Vladimir Vladimirovich, it was very difficult to make a decision. "On the one hand were internal arguments, and on the other - logic. Fate has developed so that it was possible to work for the good of the country at the highest level. And it was stupid to refuse, and legal practice could be done and then. First, work here, and then there "- explained Putin's choice. On December 31, 1999, Vladimir Vladimirovich entered a new position.

President and Prime Minister

In March 2000, election of the President of the Russian Federation took place. Putin won them with a big margin. In May of the same year, he took office officially. Many are interested in the question: "How old was Vladimir Putin at that moment when he became president?" At the time of entry into position, politics was 48.

Here is a fragment of Putin's inaugural speech: "We all have common goals And desire. We want Russia to be a civilized, strong, rich, prosperous and free country, which is proud of its people. It is possible that I will make some mistakes, but I promise that I will work honestly and open. "

In March 2004, Russian President Vladimir Putin was elected for a second term. He stated to the Federal Assembly that the goals of the country's leadership are clear and understandable. This is a safe, free and comfortable life. This is a developed civil society and mature democracy. This is the strengthening of the position of the Russian Federation on international arena. And most importantly - the maximum growth of the well-being of the people.

The government is clearly aware of its own capabilities and resources. And understands what can prevent Russia in achieving the goals. The President promised that the state modernizes, achieving the impeccable execution of its functions to ensure a higher standard of living.

In 2008, the second term of Putin ended. Dmitry Medvedev became the new president of the Russian Federation. And Vladimir Vladimirovich was appointed head of government of the Russian Federation.

Candidate of president

At the second stage of the 7th Congress of United Russia, Vladimir Putin was approved by the presidential candidate. In March 2012, elections took place, according to the results of which he was elected head of the Russian Federation.

To begin with, let's figure out, for how long the president is elected and what does it mean this position. The president Russian Federation - Maximum high post In Russia, chosen by the people, he is the head of the country. And also performs the functions of government management and is supreme Commander Army of the Russian Federation. So, how much is the President of the Russian Federation elected?

For the first time, this position appeared in April 1991, according to the results of a referendum held throughout the country. Thus, approving the results of the referendum, the Supreme Council of Russia issued a law that regulates the powers of the Head of State also, a law was published concerning the election of the president. As a result, in accordance with the issued laws, elected president became the head of state and the leader of the executive power in Russia, which at that time was the republic Soviet Union.

The first elections for the post of leader of the Russian Federation were held in the summer, namely on June 12, 1991. In accordance with their results, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin was elected leader of the Russian Federation.

Who can take part in the elections

This right is only citizens aged from 35 years who lived in the territory of the Russian Federation at least ten years.

How many times in a row can become president of the Russian Federation? Such a question arises from many people, and now the answer to it: the same person cannot and has no right to election to the position of head of Russia no more than two times in a row. (But may again be elected, after a break in one time).

The procedure of elections as accuracy is described in the federal law at number 19 "On the election of the President of the Russian Federation". Under the terms of this law, each participant in the election at the head of state is obliged to present at least two million signatures in the CEC, which are citizens of Russia. Those who do not perform this condition, automatically drop out of participation in the elections.

To choose the head of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Constitution, all citizens of Russia who have reached the age of 18 can.

As far as president of the Russian Federation is elected

For how long is the President of the Russian Federation elected? Initially, the time of government in Russia was five years. But in the future, the time of government was reduced to four years. However, in 2012, there were changes in the Constitution again and now the presidency in Russia increased to six years.

  • As the election pass Throughout Russia, then in your city there will be a paragraph of the election commission. Contact the CEC to find out where you can vote.
  • Voting date appointNo later than three months, but usually the date is known much earlier. After appointing the date, you will begin to put forward candidates with whom you can read and choose the right one to you.
  • By choosing your candidate And waiting for the dates of the vote, come to the point of the election commission (be sure to take a passport with you) and vote.

What rights is president of the Russian Federation

In accordance with the fourth major constitution of the Russian Federation, the head of state has the following powers:

All the issuing decrees and bills are obliged to comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

From where the president leads its activities

In early 2009, the official residences of the leader of the Russian Federation were:

  • Kremlin in Moscow.
  • « Gorki 9." in the Moscow region.
  • « Bocharov Ruch" in Sochi.
  • « Long beard"Or" Valdai "in the Novgorod region.

During the stay of the head of state in the Kremlin office, the Presidential Standard is raised over a large Kremlin Palace.

Places for receiving foreign guests at the highest level are:

  • « Rus"In the Tver region.
  • maentendorf Castle in the Moscow region.

Unofficial residences of the head of state:

  • « Pines" in Krasnoyarsk.
  • « Volzhsky Utøs." in Samara region.
  • « Angarsian farm"Near Irkutsk.

President after resignation.

After the end of the presidential period, former head States have the right to monthly cash payments in size of 75% of wages of the current president Russia. And these payments are lifetimes.

If a person who is in the presidential period is dying, his relatives have the right to the manual equal to the six-time minimum pension for old age on the day of death of the head of state.

Even when the presidential term comes to an end, the president will continue to have inviolability (will not be prosecuted in criminal matters, will not be subject to detention or interrogation by law enforcement).

List of presidents of the Russian Federation

  • Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin - He was the head of state from 1991 to 1999, his term of its rule amounted to 3096 days.
  • Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin - He was president from 2000 to 2008, in 2012 he again headed the country. (In accordance with the Constitution).
  • Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev - was in the position of the head of state from 2008 to 2012, his term of its rule amounted to 1461 days.

Interesting Facts.

  • As you already knowPreviously, the head of state in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation was chosen for 4 years, but Putin became the first leader of the state ruling over the past six years.
  • At the head of the Russian Federation There is your website on the Internet, on which he personally accepts the appeals of citizens of the country.

Didn't get the answer to your question? Offer authors the topic.

Simple family

Vladimir Putin was born on October 7, 1952 in Leningrad. "I'm from a simple family, and I lived for a very long time of this life, almost all my conscious life. I lived like ordinary normal personAnd I always keep this connection, "Putin recalls.

Mother Maria Ivanovna

Vladimir Putin's mother - Maria Ivanovna Sheomova - was a very soft benevolent person.

"We lived modestly. Therefore, soup, cutlets, and here are pancakes. And on Sundays and holidays, Mom baked patties with cabbage, with meat, with rice and cheesecakes, very tasty, "Putin says.

Mom did not approve his decision to engage judo. "Every time I went to the training session, she said:" Again to the fight on my own "". The situation corrected his coach who came home and told him his parents than he was doing what he had achieved success, after which the attitude towards this sport was changed in the family.

Mom baked patties with cabbage, with meat, with rice and cheesecakes, very tasty.

V. Putin

Father Vladimir Spiridonovich

Vladimir Putin's father - Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin - a participant in the war, in the 50s he served in the protection of the Carriage Plant, later was a master at the factory.

"Father was born in St. Petersburg in 1911. When the first began world WarIn St. Petersburg, it became difficult to live, hungry, and the whole family went to the village of Rasinovo in the Tver region, to the homeland of my grandmother. The house where they lived is, by the way, still, relatives go there to relax. In the same place, in remember, his father met my mom. They got married when they were 17 years old, "says Putin.

Post-war years

After the war, Putin's family settled in the room in a communal room, in the ordinary St. Petersburg house in the Basque alley. Vladimir Putin remembers: "The yard-well, the fifth floor without elevator. Before the war, the parents had half a day in Peterhof. They were very proud of the level of living, which was then reached. Although that it was per level! But it seemed to them that this was almost the limit of dreams. "


School years

Was a hooligan, not a pioneer

From 1960 to 1968, Vladimir Putin studied at an eight-year school №193 in Leningrad. After the eighth grade entered high School №281 (SpecialCola with a chemical bias on the basis of the Institute of Technology), which he graduated in 1970.

I have always been late for the first lesson, so I did not even have time to get dressed in winter.

V. Putin
Teacher Vera Dmitrievna Gurevich

From the first to the eighth class, Vladimir Putin studied in the 193th school. He recalls that he was a hooligan, not a pioneer.

His teacher Vera Dmitrievna Gurevich told: "In the 5th grade, he still did not show himself very much, but I felt that there was potential, energy, character. I saw a great interest in my language, it was easily grasp. He had a very good memory, a flexible mind.

I thought: from this boy will be exhausted. I decided to give him more attention, not to give opportunities with the courtyard boys to communicate. "

Search priorities

Before the sixth grade Putin did not experience much interest in study. His teacher of Vera Dmitrievna Gurevich understood that the boy could learn better, without trinkets.

She even met his father so that he somehow influence the son. But it did not particularly help. Vladimir Putin himself dramatically changed his attitude towards classes in the sixth grade.

Putin says: "Other priorities have already begun to appear, it was necessary to asserted in sports, other goals appeared. This, of course, has worked very much. "

Potential, energy, character

In the sixth grade Putin put himself a goal that in life you need to achieve something. He began to learn without triple, which was easy to him. Then he was taken to the pioneers, and immediately after that he became Chairman of the Council of the Council.

"It became clear that the yard skills are not enough - and began to play sports. But this resource for maintaining your own, so to speak, the status was enough for a short time. It was necessary to learn well, "says Putin.


Higher education

Leningrad State University and Higher School of the KGB

In 1970, Vladimir Putin entered the Law Faculty of LSU, which graduated in 1975. In the late 70s - the beginning of the 80s, Putin graduated from Moscow Higher school KGB №1.

Even before graduated from school, I had a desire to work in intelligence. True, soon wanted to become a sailor. But then again the intelligence. And at the very beginning I really wanted to be a pilot.

V. Putin
Sailor? Pilot? Scout.

Even before Vladimir Putin graduated from school, he had a desire to work in intelligence. To find out how they become scouts, he went to the KGB reception. There he was told that for a start, it was necessary to either serve in the army, or finish the university, preferably the Faculty of Law.

"From now on, I began to prepare for the Julfak of the University of Leningrad," Putin says.

Other incentives, other values

In 1970, Vladimir Putin entered the Law Faculty of Leningrad state University. "The course consisted of 100 people, and only 10 of them took immediately after school. The rest - after the army. Therefore, for us, schoolchildren, the contest was somewhere 40 people in place. I received the fourth of the fourth, but everyone else passed on the top five - and passed, "says Putin.

"When I started studying at the university, other incentives appeared, other values, I basically focused on study, and it was already treated as a secondary business. But he trained, of course, regularly, and in all-union competitions participated, although somehow in the inertia, or something, "he recalls.

Organs state security

After Putin graduated from LSU, he was recruited on the distribution to work in state security bodies. "My ideas about the KGB arose on the basis of romantic Story About the work of the intelligence, "says Putin.

It was first issued to the Secretariat of Management, then in a counterintelligent division where he worked for about five months. Six months later, he was sent to retraining courses of operational composition.

About six months, Putin worked in a counterintegration unit.

It was then that foreign intelligence officers drew attention to him. "I quickly went to special preparation to Moscow, where he stayed the year. Then he returned again to Leningrad, worked there, as they previously spoke, in the first department. The first major control is intelligence. In this control there were divisions in major cities Union, including in Leningrad. There I worked somewhere four and a half years, "he recalls.

Then Putin again went to Moscow to study at the Red Banner Institute of Andropov, where he was prepared for a trip to Germany.


Wedding and Germany

Something in it was such ...

Having finished learning in the Red Banner Institute named Andropov, where Vladimir Putin was prepared for a trip to Germany, in 1985 he went to the GDR and worked there until 1990. But before leaving in his life, there was no one important event ...

Wife Lyudmila

Vladimir Putin and Lyudmila Shkrebneu introduced a common friend. Lyudmila worked as a stewardess on the inner lines and flew with a friend of Leningrad for three days.

"Somehow, when I already worked in the first division in St. Petersburg, a friend called me and said that he invites me to the theater for Arkady Rykin. He has tickets, girls will. Went down. The girls were really. The next day, again went to the theater. Already I took the tickets. And on the third same thing. I started meeting with one of them. We became friends. With huma, my future wife"," Says Putin. "Something apparently, in Volodya, it was that attracted me. After three or four months later, I already decided that he was exactly the person I needed, "recalls Lyudmila. Three years after the acquaintance, Vladimir made Lyudmila offer. "I realized that if I did not get married for another two or three, never marrying. Although, of course, the habit of bachelor's life has developed. Lyudmila eradicated her, "Putin confesses.
July 28, 1983 they got married.

Vladimir and Lyudmila Putin were married until 2013.

Daughters Maria and Katerina

In 1985, before leaving to Germany, Vladimir and Lyudmila Putin had a daughter Mary. The younger Katerina was born in 1986 - already in Dresden.

Both girls were named after grandmothers: Mary Ivanovna Putin and Catherine Tikhonovna Shkrebneva.

According to their mother, Lyudmila, Putin loves daughters very much. "Not all men are touchingly treating their children as he. And he always pampered them, but I had to educate me, "she says.


In 1985-1990, Vladimir Putin worked in the GDR. He served in the territorial duty officer in Dresden. After the length of the years, he was raised to the rank to Lieutenant Colonel and in his position to the senior assistant chief of department. And in 1989 he was awarded a bronze medal "For outstanding services to the National People's Army of the GDR".

"I had a good job. It was considered normal if there was one increase in the post office during the commissioning. I was raised twice, "Putin says.


From the Assistant Rector LSU to the Acting President of the Russian Federation

Leningrad - Moscow

After returning from Germany to Leningrad Vladimir Putin since 1990 held the post of Assistant Rector of the Leningrad State University international issues. In 1996, he moved to Moscow with his family, where he began political career.

Leningrad - St. Petersburg

In 1990, after returning from Dresden to Leningrad, Vladimir Putin settled as an assistant recruit of the Leningrad State University on international issues. "I would love to" under the roof "of the Leningrad State University in the settlement of writing candidates, see how there and what, and maybe stay to work in LSU. So, in the 90th I became an assistant to the University of International Relations, "Putin recalls.

Soon he became an adviser to the chairman of the Leningrad City Council.

From June 1991, Putin began to work as chairman of the Committee on external relations St. Petersburg City Hall and at the same time since 1994 - First Deputy Chairman of the Government of St. Petersburg.

After going to work in the mayor of Leningrad, Putin filed a report on dismissal from the KGB of the USSR.

Probably helped by the fact that I did not want to be any president.

V. Putin
Moscow. Premier with perspective

In 1996, Vladimir Putin moved from his family to Moscow, as he was offered the post of deputy managing the affairs of the President of the Russian Federation. "I can not say that I did not love Moscow. I just loved Peter more. But Moscow, quite obviously - the European city, "- remembers Putin.

His career developed rapidly. In March 1997, Putin becomes Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, the head of the Main Control Department of the President of the Russian Federation. Despite the workload, he in 1997 defends the PhD dissertation in the St. Petersburg State Mountain Institute. In May 1998, Putin - Already the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, in July 1998 appointed director Federal Service Safety of the Russian Federation, at the same time - from March 1999 - Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

And in August 1999, Vladimir Putin became chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. This post was offered to take the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin.

Putin recalls this as: "Boris Nikolayevich invited me to himself and said he had an idea to offer me the post of Prime Minister.<...> By the way, in a conversation with me, he did not utter the words "successor". Yeltsin spoke of "premiere with the prospect" that if everything goes fine, he would consider it possible. "

According to Putin, he was interested in this position and honorable: "I thought, well, I will work for a year, and that's good. If you can save Russia from the collapse, then this can be proud of it. "

Acting President of the Russian Federation

Before the new year 2000, President of Russia Boris Yeltsin offered Vladimir Putin to become the acting president.

"Weeks for two or three to the New Year, Boris Nikolayevich invited me to his office and said that he decided to leave. Thus, I will have to be the acting president, "Putin recalls.

According to him, he was difficult for him to make a decision, since it is "pretty heavy fate."

"On the one hand, there are its own internal arguments. But there is another logic. Fate develops so that you can work at the highest level in the country and for the country. And it's stupid to say: no, I will trade seeds, or not, I will do private legal practice. Well, then you can go, in the end. First you work here, then there, "explains Putin his choice.


President and Premier of the Russian Federation

Think you always need about the future, always look forward

On March 26, 2000, Vladimir Putin was elected president of the Russian Federation, on March 14, 2004 he was elected President of the Russian Federation for a second term. On May 8, 2008, the Presidential Decree was appointed chairman of the Russian government.

President of Russian Federation

Vladimir Putin was elected president of the Russian Federation on March 26, 2000. On May 7, 2000, he joined the position.

In his inaugural speech, Vladimir Putin said: "We have common goals, we want our Russia to be a free, prosperous, rich, strong, civilized country, the country that its citizens are proud of and which is respected in the world." He added that in its activities will be guided exclusively government interests. "It may not be possible to avoid mistakes, but what I can promise and promise, this is what I will work openly and honestly," Putin said.

I consider it my holy duty to rally the people of Russia, collect citizens around clear goals and tasks, and every day and every minute remember that we have one homeland, one people, we have one common future with you.

V. Putin
Elected president of the Russian Federation for the second term

March 14, 2004 elected president of the Russian Federation for a second term. In Messages to the Federal Assembly, on May 26, 2004, Putin, in particular, said: "Our goals are absolutely clear. It - high level Life in the country, life - safe, free and comfortable. This is a mature democracy and a developed civil society. This is the strengthening of Russia's position in the world, and most importantly, I repeat, is a significant increase in the well-being of citizens.

Today we better know our own opportunities. We know what our resources we have. We understand that in achieving these goals can prevent us. And actively modernize the state, seeking to comply with its functions modern stage Development of Russia, a stage that provides a significantly higher standard of living. "

Appointed Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

On May 8, 2008, President Vladimir Putin was appointed Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

"Per last years Russia has grown substantially. We have sufficient resource potential to solve even more complex tasks. The fact is to ensure that the potential accumulated by us has been used competently, efficiently, properly. For my part, I am ready to make every effort to achieve your goals. For new and significant results, in the name of the prosperity of the country and the decent life of Russian citizens, "Putin said at a meeting of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.


As Prime Minister

The spotlight should be a person

The focus of the prime minister is a man. According to Putin, the authorities should rely only on russian people, And if there is no such support, there is nothing to do in power. In November 2011, Vladimir Putin was nominated by the presidential candidate.

Under personal control

Vladimir Putin took a personal control of the situation to support citizens who suffered from forest fires in the summer of 2010.

Thus, there was a round-the-clock observation of the construction of houses for the faults. On each significant site, video surveillance cameras operating around the clock installed. Three monitors were bred: one - the Government House, the second - to Vladimir Putin home, and the third to the site of the government. The relatives of those killed in the fires were paid 1 million rubles of compensation, and each member of the victims of the family was paid for 100 thousand rubles. All the chapters, before the winter, received new homes and apartments or, if desired, monetary compensation. 2.2 thousand families built new homes.

If I take for something, I try to bring the case either to a logical completion, or at least to bring this thing to the maximum effect.

V. Putin
Social measures

Vladimir Putin actively advocated the implementation of measures for the development of the agro-industrial complex. "We are stepdown by increasing the owners on our food, agricultural market. And all this is the result of the development of the domestic agro-industrial complex, the visible embodiment of the labor of Russian chopores, livestock breeders, recycling, "he says.

Priority for Putin is also support for military personnel and teachers.

As president 2012-2018

In November 2011, the participants of the XII Congress of United Russia approved Prime Minister Vladimir Putin as a presidential candidate.

"The coming years will be decisive for the fate of Russia for decades ahead. And we must all understand that the life of future generations, the historical perspective of the state and our nation depend today from us, "said Vladimir Putin in his inaugural speech on May 7, 2012.

May decrees

On the day of entry into office, President signed 11 decrees designed to solve the most significant and sensitive problems for citizens, namely: an increase in wages of state employees while improving the quality of medical, educational and social services; Improving housing conditions, including large families and those who live in emergency houses; Improving the work of the authorities and organizations providing municipal and public services.

Permanent control over the execution of orders formulated under the May decrees is carried out by the Commission on the monitoring of achieving the target indicators of the socio-economic development of Russia led by the president.

Olympiad 2014 in Sochi

On February 7, 2014, Vladimir Putin gave the start of the XXII winter Olympic Games in Sochi. For their holding in the city, 11 sports facilities were built with a total capacity of 200 thousand spectator sites. In total, 380 structures were erected during the preparation: objects of coastal and mountain clusters, transport, energy and hotel infrastructure.

2,876 athletes from 88 countries took part in the games in Sochi. It was the first winter Olympiad in the history of Russia.

The entry of the Crimea in Russia

On March 16, 2014, a referendum was held in Crimea, at which 96 percent of voters spoke for reunification with Russia. March 18 In the George Hall of the Kremlin, the President appealed to both chambers Federal Assembly With a request to consider the Constitutional Law on the adoption of two new subjects, the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The agreement on the entry of the Crimea was signed immediately after saying speech.

"In the consciousness of people, Crimea has always been and remains an integral part of Russia. This conviction, based on truth and justice, was unshakable, was transmitted from generation to generation, it was powerless and time, and circumstances, all the dramatic changes that experienced our country for the twentieth century, "Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with Deputies of the State Duma, members of the Federation Council, heads of the regions of Russia and representatives civil society.

December 6, 2017 while visiting the gas plant in Nizhny Novgorod The head of state announced plans to take part in the upcoming elections.

Name: Vladimir Putin (Vladimir Putin)

Age: 64 years

Place of Birth: Leningrad

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 77 kg

Activity: President of the Russian Federation

Family status: Divorced

Vladimir Putin - biography

He never told journalists, which of the New Year holidays I remember him most. But you can not doubt that one of the most important dates in his biography was January 1, 2000, when Russia met the year with the new chapter by name Vladimir Putin.

The future president was born and grew up in the city on the Neva, in the ordinary Leningrad communal service. Father Volodya, Vladimir Spiridonovich, Frontovik, worked as a master at the factory. Mother Maria Ivanovna worked in many places - was a janitor, guard, watch. But most of all she cared for the house and his only son.

Vladimir Putin - Children's biography

Volodya was the third child in the family. The first boy died in infancy, the second - died from diphtherite during the blockade. When Volodya appeared on the world, the father and mother were already eloctors - 41 years. However, even a hint of Sysyukny and Potakania for children's pockets in the family was not. As one of the boys who lived in the neighborhood, his acquaintance with the future president occurred quite everyday: "We were 6-7 years old, when Aunt Marusya, Putin's mother, led to us Lyubovka:" Guys, this is my son Vova. Take it In your company and do not hurt "." However, no one rushes her request.

Post-war guys Leningrad ... It was a special caste. Empolute authority used the elders - those who survived in blockade. Their word was the law. If someone from the younger decided to disobey, he was punished. It was even worse to complain to the beatings to parents or teachers: the boy forever became an outcast.

Due to the proximity of the Nekrasovsky market in the courtyard of the house where Putin lived, pockets, criminals and just hooligans were constantly spinning. And the reason why the house in the Basque alley, which the Putin family lived was a magnet for Swam, was quite ordinary. If someone cut a wallet or cradle a piece of meat, then from the police left here. Diving into the basement window, and then went to the next spermnaya alley. On the way, the evidence threw out or hid something valuable ...

Putin lived a bad salaries before salary, but Volodya never felt deprived. On the New Year Mom collected festive table, the father put on the festive shirt, and everyone together listened on the Radio Kremlin Chorants Fight. Then they went to congratulate the neighbors, communicate and discuss the plans for the next year.

One of the neighboring, with which Putin was friends, was Anna Osipovna Sharapova. God did not give her children, so the neighboring Volodya in some sense replaced her son. She called him - her son. And it was not an exaggeration, after all, Aunt Anya became also a godfather for him. Mom Volodyamensed on the persuasion of a devout neighbor, and two of them, secretly from the Communist's principal father, baptized the boy in a month and a half after birth - in the Savior-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, which was near the house. President and today, coming to native city, tries to visit the temple on the Preobrazhenskaya Square.

Vladimir Putin - School Biography

Today it is difficult to imagine that this exist and correct person in childhood was not at all an exemplary boy. Vladimir Vladimirovich himself in one of the interviews frankly admitted: "I was hooligan, a not a pioneer!" Surprisingly journalist: "Cake?!", Putin clarified: "offend. I actually had a sword. "

Since Volodya was born in October, he went to school for almost eight years. It was the most common school-eight-year school. The future president studied at first no matter. "I have always been late for the first lesson, so even in winter did not have time to dressed," he recalled. Putin's behavior was also far from the ideal. And Volodya's pioneers took not in the third grade, as excellent students, but only in the sixth.

And once he barely did a political provocation. In 1961, after the divorce of the cult of the personality of Stalin, portraits of the "Father of Peoples" began to throw away from government agencies. Putin found one of them and together with his friend hung on the wall at home. In the morning, the tenants of the coat: only yesterday they heard about the criminal mode of Stalin, and today his portrait decorates the wall! Fortunately, the precinct quickly realized that this is someone's prank, and, removing the portrait, told everyone: "You have not seen anything."

Decisive role in choosing future profession For Volodya played watching the film "Shield and Sword". Before that he dreamed of becoming a pilot civil aviationBut the adventure tape has changed everything. The teenager firmly decided that he would become an intelligence. "Vovka had an idea-fix, he constantly regrets us: to become a real intelligence, it was necessary to tempt," Vladimir Bogdanov recalled his childhood friend. - forced us to jump naked in a snowdrift in winter.

After that, everyone was lying with an angina, and Putin received a catch from his father. And once dragged us with a brother to swim on the ice. The game was called - Racing for survival. It was the beginning of spring. The first ice went through the Neva. We undressed for panties and were sigul on the ice. It was necessary to show the power of character - they checked, which of us would last on the flooding ice. "

For the sake of his dream, Vladimir began to study without a triple, engaged in sports. He fell to a good judo coach - Anatoly Rakhlin, who made a real professional from him.

Vladimir Putin - Biography of personal life, Career in the KGB

In his desire to become an intelligence, Vladimir Vladimirovich came to the reception kit KGB - find out how to get into the special services. "Do not take initiatives, they sorrified him. - We choose ". To the question "How?" A spare answer was received: "Go to the legal. Do not make a mistake. " Putin did it. But time went, and no one offered him to become an intelligence. He even began to look for alternative career options. Already in the fifth year, an employee of the KGB approached Vladimir Vladimirovich and offered to talk about further employment.

Then there was a study on the KGB and the service for the benefit of the Motherland. The future president did not forget about his personal life. Young officer for a long time Meeting with a girl whose name remained mystery. Medic on education, intelligent, read, but ... something did not work out. The couple has already applied to the registry office, when Vladimir Vladimirovich decided to part with the bride. "Parents on both sides have purchased everything - rings, costume, dress ... - President recalled - it was one of the most difficult solutions in life. It was very hard. I looked like the last scoundrel. But I decided that it was better now, than to suffer to her, and me. "

And at 29, Putin met Stewardess, they introduced the general acquaintance. She flew to Vladimir Vladimirovich to Leningrad on dates from Kaliningrad. So it lasted for almost three years. After the wedding, the young moved to the modest "two-room" groom's parents in the car. Later, after another, their daughters were born - Maria and Catherine. Girls were named after grandmothers.

Vladimir Putin - President of Russia

Service in Germany, work at the University of Leningrad, St. Petersburg City Hall, and then in the Office of the President of Russia ... Everywhere, the colleagues marked the honesty and decency of Putin. Finally, the December 1999 President Yeltsin summoned the prime minister. "Weeks for two or three to the New Year, Boris Nikolayevich invited me to his office and said that he decided to leave. Thus, I will have to be the acting president, "recalls Vladimir Vladimirovich.

For those years that Putin is at the steering wheel of Russia, the collapsed semi-showing state began to acquire the former strength, turning into a modern and strong power. And, despite the current economic difficulties, the people still trust him. Therefore, this new year millions of Russians, as usual, will include their televisions to hear a familiar muffled voice on the background of the Kremlin wall, blue firings and chimes.

Biography: Boris Glisov 12574

Political career of Russian President Vladimir Putin began from May 1990, with his appointment to the post of advisor to the chairman of the Leningrad City Council people's Deputies Under the start of Anatoly Sobchak. On June 12 of the same year, he becomes the chairman of the Committee on External Relations of the Leningrad City Hall. Under his responsibility attraction of investments in St. Petersburg, cooperation with foreign companies and the organization of joint ventures, as well as the development of tourism. Putin's presidential term will begin only after 10 years, but a little later.

Since 1993, the Head of St. Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak, began to leave Putin during his foreign trips to the deputy in the leadership of the affairs of the city. Already by 1994, the future president had shown himself as well that it was decided to appoint him to the post of First Deputy Chairman of the Government of St. Petersburg with the preservation of the post of head of the Committee on External Relations. The circle of responsibilities and responsibilities was rapidly expanding.

From August 1996, Putin moves to Moscow at the invitation of Pavel Borodin to the position of managing the affairs of the President of the Russian Federation and after two years already receives an increase in the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, and also becomes the head of the Main Control Department, shifting Alexei Kudrin from his post.

By 1998, Putin is already responsible for working with the regions. In the same year, his effective work leads to the fact that he is held by the Director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. In the spring of 1999, he receives the post of Security Council Secretary. Less than a year remains until the moment Putin starts the term of the President of Russia.

According to sources, the first conversations that Putin will become president began in early May 1999. In August 1999, Vladimir Vladimirovich is becoming the first deputy and acting chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. On August 9, Boris Yeltsin for the first time officially announces his successor. Talking about the transfer of power was twice -14 December and December 29th. At first, Putin answered that he was not ready for such a decision, but later I was forced to agree and on December 31, Boris Yeltsin announced his care and complete transmission of powers to his successor.

So, Vladimir Putin's unofficial period begins on December 31, 1999 - he holds the position of acting president of the Russian Federation. Officially, the first presidential period of Putin begins on March 26, 2000 - on that day he won in the first round of elections, gaining 52.49% of the votes.

First and second presidential dates of Putin

The first term of Putin as president was stretched from 2000 until 2008. As mentioned above, in the first presidential elections, in which he participated, he scored 52.49% of the votes. The elections held in 2004 were able to demonstrate that over the past four years, voters were convinced: the choice in favor of Putin was made true. Thus, self-promoted Putin began his second term as president with a victory in 71.31% of Russian votes.

The following presidential elections have passed in 2008, but Vladimir Putin did not participate in them, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, he did not have the right to run for the post of head of state the third time in a row. Instead, the guarantor of the Constitution together with the party "United Russia" proposed the candidacy of Dmitry Medvedev, who won the results of the vote with an indicator of 70.28%. Putin also took the post of Prime Minister of Russia, at which he stayed until 2012. Since 2012, the third term as the head of the Russian Federation began.

The third presidential term of Putin

As noted above, the third term Vladimir Putin as a president began in 2012. Shortly before the elections to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, amended was amended, according to which the presidential term was increased from four to six years. That year Putin won the elections due to the fact that 71.31% of Russians voted for his candidacy. For the nomination of Putin for the presidency, the party "United Russia" was answered, which today is perhaps the most powerful parties in modern Russia Thanks to most places in the Government of the Russian Federation.

Three years after the elections, political scientists of Russia and other countries of the world decided to sum up a result of what success reached Putin during his board. Despite the fact that Putin's presidential dates lasted only 12 years, in general, Vladimir Vladimirovich was in power, including four years in the position of Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. A peculiar anniversary took place on May 7, 2015 - this particular day was half the third term of Putin as president of the Russian Federation, in addition, it was on May 7, 2000, the first inauguration of Putin's president took place.

Already then, on May 7, 2015, political scientists predicted that the head of state will be running again in 2018. But, as we know, at the beginning of December 2017, Vladimir Putin never announced his intention to participate in the elections.

Some political scientists, speaking of how long the term of Putin as at the president and what results during this time Vladimir Vladimirovich was achieved as head of state, noted that the world appeared such a thing as the "Putin Phenomenon", which became an personalized response to the expectations of the people from authorities. As then the first deputy head of the United Russia faction, and now the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Defense and Security of the Council of Federation FEDERSWARD FRANTS Krintsevich, in early XXI century "Putin's phenomenon" meant the fight against oligarchic capitalism and the return of the state in social sphere. These same factors led to Putin's victory in the presidential election in the following years. At the same time, the leading trend of the current period of Putin Klintsevich called the reformatting of relations between the authorities and society.

As noted in 2015, Professor Russian Academy national economy And the civil service under President Vladimir Slatinov, Putin, despite the fact that his term in power has already stepped over the frontier of 15 years, is in excellent physical and intellectual form, which cannot be said about the rules of Soviet Generals who have stayed at the helm. The events are annoying at that time ago - the aggravation of relations with Ukraine, the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation, the anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the countries of the West - all this led to the fact that Putin on its third presidential term demonstrated a colossal college and greater activity. After all, all of the above could shake the country, but as a result, thanks to the competent policy of Putin, led to the fact that the Russian economy was only increased, and the provision of Russia in the international political arena was the agenda of many Western politicians.

The opponent of the President of the Russian Federation politically, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov, summing up the 15th anniversary of Putin's presidential term noted that the head of state "deployed the state ship in favor national Interests"And also began to conduct a more suspended patriotic policy, which is supported by the country's population. High support for Russians and their approval of the Presidential activity for the presidential and premiere term of Putin also demonstrate the loyalty of the chosen course.

Approve Do not approve No answer
2017 august 83 15 1
july 83 15 2
june 81 18 1
may 81 18 1
april 82 18 1
march 82 17 1
february 84 15 1
january 85 14 1
2016 82 18 1
2015 83 17 1
2014 84 15 1
2013 63 36 1
2012 63 35 2
2011 68 30 2
2010 78 20 2
2009 82 16 2
2008 83 15 2
2007 82 16 1
2006 78 21 1
2005 70 27 3
2004 68 30 3
2003 74 23 3
2002 76 20 5
2001 74 19 7
2000 65 26 10

These public opinion polls on the activities of the President of the Russian Federation "Levada Center"

Despite the fact that today's day Vladimir Vladimirovich is 17 years old at the helm of the board of the country, do not everyone know what the presidential term of Putin is now. In fact, the third one. Some Russians are missed by the period when the head of state was the head by the government as the Prime Minister from 2008 to 2012.

The end of Putin's presidential term: what's next

As the Central Election Commission informs, the election of the President of Russia is scheduled for March 18, 2018. The same date will be the day when Putin's third term ends. Will he be running again - it is not yet known. This question is currently one of the most burning among Russian and Western political scientists.